
Then we shall limit it to just the insect. I would give it yes given some of the things MP3.14 has said. Taylor is intent on letting her make a nest as well. Along with making several other unholly abominations of nature.

I am still waiting on Taylor to go out in her drider form.
We need to find a Tick. Taylor can become THE TICK! The Tick has Superhuman Strength, Nigh-Invulnerability, and Drama Power! The Drama Power being the best part. He's super hammy.
I was wondering if someone would mention THE TICK! SSSPOOOONNNN!
She would have to mess with the color a bit to make it blue....

However, something else that would be fun. In her warehouse playground, she needs to set up a big 'nest' of blankets. Then fill the nest with those styrofoam balls (5-6") that they use in crafting. She could even paint them with something gooey or odd looking, perhaps spray foam and hair gel.
They would run for the hills! (Brown pants won't help!)
Kind of extreme, I know, but they did break in. Probably the Merchants looking for something to steal or use for the next tinker tank abomination.
The PRT would investigate until someone brings one out and says, 'These are styrofoam...' Dragon with a remote robot is likely.
Hope Taylor shows up on the PHO thread and enthusiastically describes the fusion jumping spider/scorpion/firefly form and is confused why all of the posts suddenly become ASCII art of raid cans.
So what even is her power? Or is it canon power, but she is ignoring the configuration and manually doing the corona work? We have master, striker, thinker, tinker, and changer.

Because I can see Vespa dying, and then bam! Vespa projection!

Then she can turn into the Tick and Vespa into Arthur/Mothman.
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As for Taylor "laying eggs", I somehow doubt that will be in the cards anytime soon, if ever. Unless Taysect thinks she needs to escalate in that particular direction.
Taylor and escalation? Pff, never heard anything like this before...

So what even is her power? Or is it canon power, but she is ignoring the configuration and manually doing the corona work?
Pretty sure it's her meddling with access to her partner's power and creatively side-stepping limitations placed there by Thinker.
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