Update 2
Akiha kept a brisk pace as she walked through the corridors of the Tohno Mansion, with Hisui only a small distance behind her. Her brothers had gone off to search her father's room, while Akiha herself searched Kohaku's room. Hisui herself would linger outside the room, and keep watch for Kohaku herself. It wouldn't do to be caught in her room without an explanation, and Hisui would be able to distract her sister long enough for Akiha to leave.

Shiki and SHIKI... Akiha hoped they were careful. If they were caught in father's room without permission, to look through his personal belongings... Well, he had always been a strict man. Akiha didn't want to think about the punishment they would incur if they failed to avoid detection.

Akiha pushed the thought out of her mind. She couldn't afford to worry. After all, Kohaku may need help. Between Hisui's statements, and SHIKI's revelation on what a Synchronizer is, it was highly likely that Kohaku's blood was being drained so that her father could control his Inversion Impulse.

If that was true, Akiha would have to do something about it. No matter how strong it was, to control your Impulse by taking it out on another was unacceptable. If the Tohno couldn't control their Impulse without preying on the innocent, then how did that make them better than the many monsters that stalked the world?

After a walk that felt much longer than it actually was, the Tohno girl arrived at the door to Kohaku's room. Slowly, Akiha reached for the door handle, and turned back to Hisui.

"Make some noise." She said. "Tap on the wall or something. That way, when you stop, I'll know Kohaku's coming."
Hisui nodded, doing her best to school her emotions. And she was doing a remarkable job at it. If Akiha didn't know that Hisui was as worried as she was, she wouldn't have been able to tell.

After Hisui's confirmation, Akiha stepped into the room, closing the door behind her.
Kohaku's room was rather tidy. For a girl who didn't clean the rest of the household due to her clumsiness, it was surprising how clean everything was. Which meant that, when Akiha saw the book thrown on Kohaku's bed, the sheer contrast of it caused the girl to make a beeline for it.

As she picked it up, Akiha observed the book. It was an old book, judging by how worn it was in places, and it lacked a title, or anything to identiy an author. Perhaps this was Kohaku's diary? Had Akiha found what she was looking for, already? To make sure, Akiha opened the book. And as she began to read, she felt her blood grow cold.

Help me.

Those two small words where all that were written on the page. Akiha stared at those words for a moment, rereading them several times. After some time, Akiha flipped over to the second page with a shaking hand. And then the third. And the fourth.

Help me. Help me. Help me.

Over and over, a silent prayer. A cry for help, heard by no-one. Akiha kept turning the page, hoping to find something else, something different. An explanation for what she was reading, a way to discover what had happened. Instead, all she found was the message, repeated endlessly.

Help me help me help me help me

The handwriting deteriorated as Akiha continued onwards. At first, it couldn't be noticed, but the penmanship of the later repetitions was growing more and more hurried, more and more desperate.Was that a reflection of the state of mind of the author?


Unable to stomach what she was reading, Akiha flipped over the pages, faster and faster, looking for any with more than those two words written on them. As she flipped through, her eyes scanned the pages, and saw nothing but the plea for all those pages. It wasn't until the final page that Akiha found anything.

I should just become a doll. My heart should stop beating, my blood vessels should become empty tubes, my blood should vanish like vapour. Everything should just be fake, as if crafted by human hands.

If I was a doll, I wouldn't feel a thing.

Just that short paragraph, to conclude the prayer that would never be answered. The handwriting, after deteriorating to the point where it was barely understandable, suddenly returned to the perfect form of the first repetition.

Handwriting that was, unmistakably, Kohaku's.

Akiha closed the diary, a sense of sorrow coming over her. Her fears were right. Kohaku had suffered, and no-one noticed. Whatever had happened, whatever her father had done...

With that thought, Akiha felt her sorrow turn to rage.

"Father." She whispered. She had to whisper. If she didn't restrain her voice, she wouldn't be able to restrain her anger. "You will answer for this."

Footsteps echoed through the halls as Akiha stormed through them. Indeed, she had no doubt that her father heard her approach far before she came into view of him. Not that it mattered to her. Let him hear her approach. She didn't care. As far as she was concerned, as long as she wringed answers out of him, how it happened didn't matter much.

Hisui had left, gone to find SHIKI and Shiki and tell them what Akiha found. That didn't matter either. The Tohno girl didn't have any patience. By the time they came, Akiha would have all the answers she needed.

Finding the Tohno head was easy enough. If he were in his room, Shiki and SHIKI would have abandoned their part of the plan and come to her to go over their plan again. From there, there was only so many places Tohno Makihisa could be.

As Akiha approached the combat training room, she didn't bother knocking. Instead, she threw the door open, not slowing her pace at all. Within the room, her father threw a knife at a training dummy, the blade embedding itself on the wooden figure several metres away. He held other knives, ready to throw, but he put them away as he turned to his daughter.

"Akiha." He said. "Is there a problem?"

"What have you done?" Demanded Akiha. "What did you do to Kohaku?"

Makihisa blinked in surprise, so brief that Akiha would have missed it, were she not watching him like a hawk. "My daughter, I have no idea what you me-"

Akiha held up Kohaku's diary, and threw it at her father. The man caught it, and opened it. As he read the contents, his face paled.

"I've spoken to Hisui and SHIKI." Akiha stated. "Kohaku's a Synchronizer. Her blood calms your Inversion Impulse. What did you do?"

Makihisa continued looking through the book for a moment, before closing it, and dropping it to his side.

"I see." He said simply. "There's no point in hiding it, then."

"You admit it, then?" Asked Akiha. "That you took Kohaku aside, and bled her like a pig to calm your blood?"

Makihisa shook his head. "Not likely, Akiha. Taking blood in large amounts has too many risks. I don't have enough precautions to ensure she would survive any complications if I overdo it."

"So you only took a little bit of blood?" Asked Akiha. "And did it in a way that traumatized her that bad?"

Akiha gestured to the book, and Makihisa shook his head.

"No, that wouldn't have been it." Makihisa replied, suddenly unable to look Akiha in the eye. A moment passed, before he continued. "Blood may be the most convenient method, but there are other bodily fluids that a Sycnhronizer's power works through."

Not knowing what her father was talking about, Akiha glared. "Get to the point. What. Did. You. Do?"

"There is a method much more effective than drinking blood." The man expanded. "One that, with the edition of tantric rituals, is on a completely different level to mere blood drinking."

The Tohno girl took a minute to process what was said. Her eyes widened, and she took a step back. "No..."

The man looked away from his daughter, back at the training dummy. "Does that satisfy your curiosity, Akiha? Are you better off now, knowing this? Knowing what I've done?"

Akiha's fists clenched, and her nails were driven into their skin. By the faintest amounts, her black her began to turn red.

"Defiling a girl just to keep your sanity?" She spat out, after a moment. "You're worse then what you hunt, fathe- No, Makihisa."

She spoke the name as if it was a curse, her disgust and denial evident in her words. Words that cut deep, as the recipient froze, dropping his knives before he did something he would regret.

"You think to judge me?" He whispered. "Fine. Go ahead. You wish to hate me, I care not. But reject me? Don't you dare."

"I do." Akiha replied. "You always said the Tohno were meant to be better than their blood. I'm rejecting those of my blood who fail to do so."

"Silence!" Makihisa commanded. "You were fortunate, Akiha. Weak blood, but enough lifeforce to more than compensate for it. Your Inversion Impulse is a pathetic thing. You only live with it when you use your power. Me? I live with it every waking second. That urge, to be sadistic, to be a monster? You have no idea what it's like to live with it."

Makihisa snarled as he looked at her. "And it's worse than that. If I Invert, that sends a message to the Demon Hunters and CCG and everyone else, that even the Tohno leader can fall. If I Inverted, then the entire clan suffers the consequences.

"And you call me a monster for that? For keeping everyone alive? With the lives of everyone in this building on the line, violating one girl is nothing. If you were in my shoes, and it was those brothers of yours at risk, you'd do the sa-"

A spear of blood red hair shot forward, and Makihisa only just dodged in time, the blow cutting open his cheek as he dodged just a moment too slow. The man's eyes were wide in shock, as he looked at his daughter

"Shut up." Akiha hissed, several more strains of her hair spearing forward to stab the man. To his credit, Makihisa was able to avoid most of them. One speared through his leg, however, and then burst into flame.

Makihisa's daggers were at the ready, cutting through the hair in an instant, and then rolling to the side, extinguishing the flame as he did so. He winced in pain, as the burns stung at him.

Good, thought Akiha. He can suffer, like he made Kohaku suffer.

Hair as red as blood circled the man, and he scanned around frantically, looking for an escape. He moved, and Akiha sliced yet again. His shirt tore, and his blood slowly dyed it a beautiful colour.

"Stop this!" Makihisa demanded, an anguished expression on his face. "Don't make me hurt you, daughter."

Ignoring the demand, Akiha speared at him again and again. Even as her hair was cut away, it regrew fast, forcing the experienced Demon Hunter on the defensive. The man's expression grew determined, as he realized that his plea meant nothing to his daughter.

A grin decorated Akiha's face, as another spear through the injured leg made the man grimace. After how he spoke earlier, watching him suffer was so fun.

A dagger was thrown and deflected, and Akiha countered, struck back, forcing Makihisa to dodge into the path of another spear. His right leg, already burnt, bled bright as Akiha pulled it back towards her, pulling the man off his feet. Another strain of hair wrapped around his arm and turned to flame, the flames almost as bright as his blood.

Experienced as he was, Makihisa could never overcome such an overwhelming opponent. Akiha disarmed him of the knife he still held, preventing him from freeing himself, and watching him fall to the ground. The flames grew as they burnt, as he burnt.

Three more strikes later, a spear of her hair for each of his untouched limbs, and Makihisa could do nothing but scream. His anger, sorrow, determinaton, anything he had felt in the fight, all of it was washed away as his pain forced it's way through his throat.

Music to her ears.

Another slice tore the man's stomach open and another spear impaled through it. Beautiful red blood covered the wound, and as Akiha's spear twisted and stirred, Maikihisa's screams grew faint.

"Aww." Akiha whined. "You're dying already? How disappointing. You didn't even last that long. How pitiful, Makihisa."

One cut, two cuts, five cuts, twelve cuts, Akiha's blows decorated his skin with wounds that bled, but not wounds that killed. A laugh escaped Akiha's throat, joining Makihisa's scream in the symphony of torment she had created. Slowly, the Demon Blooded approached the man, before placing a hand on his neck.

"Goodbye." She said, as she squeezed his throat. Her hair retracted, letting him bleed out as he choked. Within a minute, Tohno Makihisa was dead, and Akiha started laughing again.

She couldn't help it. She laughed and laughed. His futile stuggle in the end was so satisfying. It was a shame he died so soon, but it wasn't like Demon Hunters were a rarity around here. Finding an aunt or uncle and repeating this battle would be simple enoug-

"Akiha?" Asked a voice. The monster in human skin froze, and turned around.

On one side of the room, Akiha stared, covered in blood and standing over a corpse.

On the other side, her brothers looked on in shock.

A moment passed, as the siblings stared at each other. The room was utterly silent for a long time. Eventually, it was Akiha who broke the silence.

"You're a bit late." She said, even as she grinned. "But I suppose you'll do."

Her hair began twisting and forming, pointing at her brothers, prepared to thrust. The two boys looked at them warily, before turning back to their sister.

"Akiha." Said Shiki. "Please. I don't know what it's like to be Inverting, but you don't need to do this."

"But I want to, brother." Akiha replied. "Makihisa died too fast for my liking, but maybe if I fought two of you at once, it'd be better. Especially since SHIKI has his Eyes. Now, are you going to fight me? Or are you just going to stand there and die?"

A moment passed in silence, before SHIKI stepped forward. In a swift motion, he drew his knife, and Akiha felt her grin widen.

A grin that faded, as SHIKI then proceeded to throw his knife to the side, far beyond his reach.


"I won't fight you, Akiha." SHIKI said. "I can understand why you killed father. We found his journal in his room. We know what he did to Kohaku. If you discovered what he did, I can understand why you killed him."

"So?" Asked Akiha. "I'm still Inverted. I'm not sane, brother. Why wouldn't you fight me?"

"Because, if you were going to fight us, you would have already started."


What kind of thinking was that? Thinking that a bloodthirsty monster wouldn't attack because they hadn't yet? That was the pinnacle of foolishness. It'd take but a second to rend their flesh, and she looked forward to it.

...So why hadn't she attacked yet?

The thought struck Akiha like a bolt of lightning, and she was forced to address the thought. She had enjoyed killing her father. Seeing him suffer. So, why did she now wait to attack her brothers?

It was simple, she realized. She didn't want to.

She cared about her brothers. She'd been with them for years, and even if the two of them could be idiots at times, she didn't want to see them come to harm. Even with her blood changing her, making her love the violence, her love for them outweighed it.

She wanted to hurt them, but she didn't want to see them hurt. These contradictory thoughts tore at Akiha's mind, forcing her to parse her thoughts.

She didn't want to hurt her brothers... But what about everyone else? No, she couldn't do that, her brothers would stop her, and then she would have to hurt them.

No, more than that. The thought was hazy and slow but... Akiha objected to hurting anyone without reason. It wasn't her. She was better than that.

Didn't she just kill her father, for being as bad as the monsters he hunted?

...Her father. She had killed him. She had given into her blood, killed him, and enjoyed it. Even if he had deserved it, she... She had tortured him.

"Oh god." Akiha whimpered, bending over and just barely stopping herself from throwing up. Her red hair had faded back into black, and the extended lengths fell back to their usual shape. The only red on Akiha now was Makihisa's splattered blood.

In a flash, Shiki and SHIKI were by her side, holding her up before she collapsed on the floor.

"Are you alright, Akiha?" Asked the Nanaya, worry sketched all over his face.

"I..." The girl wheezed, before simply shaking her head. "I killed him... I enjoyed it..."

"That wasn't you." Shiki replied. "Blaming you for what you did while high on demon blood wouldn't be fair."

"I... almost killed you."

"That's normal." SHIKI said. "I've... Been close at times. Inversion Impulse messes you up bad, Akiha."

"But... You've never acted on it." Akiha replied. Her eyes drifted to the corpse behind her, and she suddenly felt sick again.

"He deserved it." Replied Shiki. "I don't know how much you found, but we read his Journal. He'd been raping Kohaku since before I even came here. And if Kohaku hadn't kept quiet, he would have done it to Hisui too."

Akiha took a deep breath, and moved to stand up without aid. Her brothers let her go once they were sure she wouldn't collapse, but still watched her closely.

She knew they were right, in a way. She was in the throes of Inversion Impulse. She wasn't sane. Rationally, she shouldn't be blaming herself.

Akiha wasn't feeling very rational at the moment.

But still, she had to push her guilt aside for the moment. She could hate herself later. For now, there was something she had to address.

"...The others." She spoke softly, as if afraid. "Aunt Kasumi. Uncle Daiki. Everyone else. They're not going to agree with you on this."

"What do you mean?" Asked a feminine voice. Akiha turned, and saw Hisui standing at the door. She was extremely pale, and was doing her best not to look at the corpse.

How long had she been here, without Akiha noticing? Since Shiki and SHIKI had arrived? No, that didn't matter.

"I underwent Inversion Impulse and killed the Tohno family head." Akiha replied, barely keeping her voice from cracking as she spoke. "Do you think everyone else is going to be as forgiving? No, they're going to want me dead. After all, I fell once. Who's to say I won't Invert again?"

"Don't say that." SHIKI said. Akiha turned to him.

"Am I wrong?" She asked. "Will I simply be allowed to live after this? Are they just going to accept 'Oh, he did a bad thing' as a reason? No. If I stay here, they'll kill me."

"I won't let them." Shiki said, an edge in his voice. "Even if I had to fight the entire clan, and all the branch families, I'll-"

"-Die." Interrupted Akiha. "You're good, but not that good. Maybe you could defeat Aunt Kasumi or Uncle Daiki, but both at once? And even if you could fight them, what of the branch families? I heard that the Touzaki family finally found Kishima Kouma in the mountains a while back What can one Nanaya do against the man who slaughtered them all?"

Shiki paled significantly at that remark, but didn't falter. "I can do what I can." He said. "As long as they don't touch you, I don't care."

"And you think I would be any happier with you dead?" Akiha asked. "The same to you, SHIKI. I know you're thinking the same."

"What would you have us do, then?" The heir asked. "Let them kill you?"

"You can do nothing." Akiha replied. "But I don't intend to die. I'm going to run."

"Where?" SHIKI asked. "There are Demon Hunters all over the place, and they have contacts even further. And if that's not enough, they'll ask the CCG for aid to find you. You can't run forever, Akiha."

"I won't have to." She replied. "I just need to last long enough for the two of you to make them back now."

"What can we do, sister?" Shiki queried.

"Brother is the heir now." Akiha replied. "And there's enough records of father's sins that proving my motive wouldn't be hard. It'll take a while, but I can hide until you tell me it's safe to return."

There was silence for a moment, before Akiha continued. "If I stay here, I will die." She said simply. "If I run, I could live."

"...I understand." SHIKI said. "I don't like it, but... You're not safe here. Running is all you can do, really."

"Hisui." Called Shiki, turning to the maid. "Get some money. If Akiha's going, she'll need something to buy food."

"...And some spare clothes." Akiha said, looking at her bloodstained dress. The memory of what had caused it was quickly thrown out before she could dwell on it. "I can't go out like this."

Hisui nodded, and left to fetch what was requested without a word. A moment passed in her absence, before the conversation began again.

"After this is over." Began SHIKI. "When we convince everyone that you're sane, that you don't need to be hunted... How do we find you?"

Akiha thought it over for a minute. If she was going to be able to be found, so she could be told when it was safe to return, she's need to stay in one place. A dangerous thing to do, when you're being hunted.

That limited her options significantly. The Tohno had a lot of contacts, between their branch families and people they could bribe, so simply hiding anywhere wouldn't do. She's be found quickly enough, and then she would need to fight whoever came after her. Which wouldn't help her brother's case about her sanity much.

So, staying hidden wasn't an option. In that case, Akiha would have to simply go somewhere that the Tohno couldn't follow.

"There are a few places where Father feared to go." She began, throwing herself into the memories of her lessons to push depressing thoughts out of her mind. "A lot of them were overseas, such as London, but there are several in Japan. The rest of the family would have heard his warning, and avoid those places unless neccesary.

"Luckily for us, there is one place nearby. Tokyo. There are a lot of the Ghouls in the city, and because of that, the CCG have a large presence there. If I kept hidden, me being hunted would cause more of a disturbance to the CCG, and the Tohno wouldn't risk that."

"Are you sure?" Shiki asked. "Maybe they wouldn't send everyone, but if you can get in without being stopped, maybe they'd be able to get people in too. And if they send Kouma..."

"They won't." Akiha replied. "The CCG would keep an eye on people going in or out. While a Tohno or two would be overlooked, they know who Kouma is, and know he's been living in the mountains for the last few years. It'd raise too many questions, same as sending in a whole team."

A moment passed, before Shiki spoke quietly. "Damn it..." He muttered. "What the hell happened? Yesterday, the worst we had to worry about was that I'd get in trouble by hitting on a Yakuza Princess or something. Now..."

"It's too late to think about yesterday." SHIKI replied. "Akiha... You'll have to go as soon as Hisui gets back, or someone will find us while we're still standing over Father's corpse. Just... Promise me you'll be safe, alright?"

"I'll be fine." Akiha replied. "Tokyo may be dangerous, but I can handle it."

The door opened, and everyone tensed, before Hisui stepped in. She passed a clean dress to Akiha, and a small wallet with it."

"Go." Akiha said. "I'll leave once I get dressed, but if I get caught, it's better you're not with me."

SHIKI smiled sadly. "I'll see you soon, sis."

"Wait." Shiki said, before pulling out his switchblade. "Take this. If you need to defend yourself, you'll need options."

Akiha take the knife, and read the inscription. "Wait, isn't this-"

"My fathers?" Shiki asked. "Yeah. Don't bother giving it back. No point keeping a relic of the Nanaya if you need it more."

"...Thank you." Akiha said.

"Just give it back next time we meet, and it'll be fine." Shiki replied.

Akiha knew what he was doing. Defending herself was only part of the reason he'd given her the knife. This blade... It had been wielded by Nanaya fighters for generations. It was all Shiki had left of his old family. By giving it to her, he was trying to give her more reason to be safe.

Not that she needed more. If she died out there, her brothers would be heartbroken, and she'd never be able to forgive herself for that.

"Goodbye." Akiha replied, her voice soft.

"See ya." Shiki replied. He turned to leave, before stopping. SHIKI hadn't moved.

"Brother?" Asked Akiha. Another moment passed, before SHIKI threw his arms around Akiha.

"Be safe." He whispered into her ear. The girl embraced him for a moment.

"I will." Akiha replied, untangling. "Even if it takes years, I'll be here with the two of you again."

SHIKI smiled, even as he wiped tears from his eyes. "Goodbye, then."

"Bye." Akiha replied, suddenly feeling her own tears roll down her face. Despite her best attempts, her sorrow was unrestrained as Shiki and SHIKI left the room.

Akiha turned to Hisui, who was still remaining. The maid looked down to her feet. "...I'm sorry." She said. "If it wasn't for me, this wouldn't be happening."

"If it wasn't for this, your sister would still be suffering without us knowing." Akiha replied, biting her lip. "It'll be over soon, Hisui, so it's better this way."

"I..." Hisui began, before thinking twice. "Thank you, Akiha."

"It's fine." Akiha replied, as she started to remove her bloodstained clothes. A moment passed, as Hisui left.

Akiha took a while to finish dressing, before moving to leave. As her hands reached the doorknob, she hesitated, and turned back to the corpse of her father.

...She had done that. In her madness, she had brutalized him. Without Shiki and SHIKI, she might not have come back down from that insanity. She'd need to control herself better, once she arrived in Tokyo.

Turning the doorknob with a trembling hand, Akiha walked out of the room, leaving her previous life behind her.

Getting to Tokyo wasn't cheap. Neither was finding a place to stay. Finding an apartment in the first few Wards, the ones said to be Ghoul-free and safe, was already a herculean effort. Finding one that Akiha could afford on her budget? Impossible.

And even going into the more dangerous Wards, finding a place to stay cost her a lot. Though she had managed it, by the time she had, she barely had enough money to buy a few day's worth of food.

Akiha hadn't been in the position to worry about money before. With the Tohno as rich as they were, Akiha hadn't needed to work for her meals. But she could hardly ask her family for money now. They'd put a knife in her throat before she got five words in.

And so, as soon as she had found an apartment, Akiha had gone job hunting. She'd made up her minds on how to pay for her meals quickly. She had to, lest she find herself going hungry.

[X] A Coffee Shop was seeking to replace an employee who had gone missing.
[X] A local book store had an opening.
[X] Akiha hadn't been able to find a job before her funds grew low. With no other options, she decided to risk hunting Ghouls.

Of course, during this time, Akiha had kept an ear out for gossip, in case she had been followed by her pursuers. While she heard nothing of the Tohno, she did hear quite a bit about...

[X] A 'Binge Eater' Ghoul who preyed on young men.
[X] A 'Rabbit' Ghoul who had killed an Investigator.
[X] A battle between the CCG and Aogiri Ghouls in the Eleventh Ward.
[X] A local book store had an opening.
[X] A 'Binge Eater' Ghoul who preyed on young men.
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[X] A local book store had an opening.
[X] A 'Rabbit' Ghoul who had killed an Investigator.

I have no idea what a Rabbit Ghoul is. Guess I'll find out.
[X] A local book store had an opening.
[X] A 'Rabbit' Ghoul who had killed an Investigator.

I have no idea what a Rabbit Ghoul is. Guess I'll find out.
There are two rabbit ghouls Touka(White Rabbit) and Ayato(Black Rabbit). The "Rabbit" part comes from the masks they use to hid they identitys from the CCG, to keep them from being pursued on their normal lifes.

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[X] A local book store had an opening.
[X] A 'Binge Eater' Ghoul who preyed on young men.
[X] A local book store had an opening.
[X] A 'Binge Eater' Ghoul who preyed on young men.
[X] A local book store had an opening.
[X] A battle between the CCG and Aogiri Ghouls in the Eleventh Ward.

Just cause XD
[X] A Coffee Shop was seeking to replace an employee who had gone missing.

[X] A 'Binge Eater' Ghoul who preyed on young men.
[X] A local book store had an opening.
[X] A 'Binge Eater' Ghoul who preyed on young men.
[X] A local book store had an opening.
[X] A 'Binge Eater' Ghoul who preyed on young men.

the coffee shop option seems weird as i thought all the active workers were ghouls, if i'm remembering correctly.
So book shop seems like a good alternative choice, as it's a notable place for the both the good and bad guys to appear at.

Earlier seems better for TG if we want to influence things, the rabbit and fight are so far in there's pretty much no way to help the situation.
[X] A local book store had an opening.
[X] A 'Binge Eater' Ghoul who preyed on young men.

Now, now I can romance the Kaneki because everyone is of age and in university! Cuddle with the Kaneki. Or the Hide, a Hide is fine too and we never get enough Hide. Unless Akiha isn't 18 yet, then it's time to be sad.
[X] A local book store had an opening.
[X] A battle between the CCG and Aogiri Ghouls in the Eleventh Ward.

I don't think Anteiku would hire us, since we're not a ghoul, so bookstore it is. I wonder if we're hearing about the raid on the 11th ward before it happens, or in its aftermath.
[X] A local book store had an opening.
[X] A battle between the CCG and Aogiri Ghouls in the Eleventh Ward.

I don't think Anteiku would hire us, since we're not a ghoul, so bookstore it is. I wonder if we're hearing about the raid on the 11th ward before it happens, or in its aftermath.
Assuming we smell human. Also why are you voting for a Shironeki

By Shironeki it's far too late to save the Kaneki ;=;
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