Veil of Realities (Worm/Altpower!Taylor)

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Taylor wakes up, seeing the many variations of world with her own perspective. Existing and living there are the same time.

With this power, she only decided to live peacefully along with her Dad. Though, can she really do that, when many threats around her city, and around the world surrounds her and are actively trying to provoke a conflict out of her?


Wielder of Destruction
Hello, welcome to my new story. I don't know what's going on with my mind.

Anyway, I will be writing this for a bit as I try to think what to do on my other quest. I will continue it, I just need to take my motivation back. I'm so sorry if you are waiting for it.

Anyway, this story. This is once again a worm fanfic, and it is an altpower about Taylor. the altpower is a cross to one of my original characters, so it will obviously be OP (in this setting anyway).

I hope this one is good and have fun reading.

"-at do you mean by that!?"

"Mr. Herbert-" 'Hebert!' "-Hebert... we really can't do anything about this. Your daughter has become like that, likely due to being confined for a long time."

"But to say she has become mentally disabled!?"

"We're sorry. We have done our best..."

I hear them screaming at each other. Dad looking at him with a face of despair, and a dark atmosphere seems to be looming over him as his shoulder slumps in defeat. The doctor looks to be calm, but he is frowning and his back is a bit down as he tries to explain something to my Dad.

I can understand what they are talking about. After what happened to that Locker, I just... felt calm.

Actually no. I'm not calm. I just can't express myself. I might also not be focused enough on this world too.

I am here sitting up on this bed that will be comfortable if not for the constant reminder that it is the hospital, due to the smell of medicine, the sound of electrical beeping, and the white walls surrounding me.

-I am also standing on a place brimming with magma, with the only ground being the rocky foothold I am using. The strong scent of sulfur and the extreme heat feels so uncomfortable to my skin.

-I am overlooking the roads below the roof of this building. Seeing the festival happening below me, and what seems to be some sort of symbol that is a mix of letter C and a diagonal cross.

-I am in a cave, looking at a creature that looks over me, and everything on my surroundings. It's eyes that is more comparable to red shining orbs gazing down at me.

-I am seeing the wonderful grasslands full of flowers and small beautiful insects like butterflies and birds like those colorful hummingbirds.

-I walk through a city of pipes, and iron-clad buildings full of steaming cogs and rolling gears. Looking down, I can see the humongous amount of humanoid metals that seems to be held by some sort of hydraulic pipes pumping out steams and making them move awkwardly like an imitation of people.

-I am on a bed, reading a book inside the tent. Through the slits of the entrance, a snowy storm of some sorts is raging around, and the temperature is barely bearable to my scrawny skin.

-I am walking through the forest.

-I am listening to a music.

-I am on a void of nothingness.

-I am inside a box.

-I am...

-I am...

-I am...

And so on.

I have been distracted by the many me walking around, and trying to talk to the others. Some notices me, some didn't. I might have been so distracted that I can't even express myself here.

It's not because I lack interest. I just can't. Whenever I tried to feel something, it is those other me who are feeling it. Anger at the three who did this to me. Despair at my helplessness. The other me are expressing them. They cried. They lashed out. They raged.

But I never was.

I am only here sitting like an idiot and gazing on the air because my sight are here, and not here at the same time.

As I was thinking like that, I felt someone holding my hands, so I turned to my father, seeing him like that stricken with grief makes me feel guilty. Just because of this, I look like a emotionally repressed person... well, I think that's how I look?

"Don't worry. I will take care of this." He seems to be close to crying as he said that, choking on his words it seems.

"Okay." I tried to sound sympathetic. Really, I am. Though it seems like my words only conveyed how flat and emotionless it is, as I see him bursting into tears and hugging me. I hug him while gazing on the above.

-As I tried to apologize to him despite being in a place hazardous to me.

-As I tried to say sorry despite the large scaly beings around me fighting each other.

-As the birds flies away at the scream of my inability to tell him my true feelings.

-As I...

-As I...

-As I...

I just let him hug me while feeling so calm. All my emotions repressed, and being dumped on my other me.

It's been a week since then, and within that week I have been pulled out of my school. Sitting on the couch and watching the TV with barely any interest left in me.

To my side is Lacey, the wife of one of Dad's co-worker, who is currently feeding me some of those congee. I heard she volunteered to take care of me while Dad is gone to do some work, and it also seems like he is going around and doing something else.

I turned to her, and received that spoon filled with a bit of congee into my mouth. "Good. It seems like you are getting better now." She said, before continuing to feed me.

I will admit that those words are warranted. At the first day of waking up on that hospital, I am what can be considered as mentally detached to this world. It's not because of some mental disability. More like, I can't properly react in time because I am more distracted at the other me's perspectives.

I mean, what can you do when a seemingly countless amount of You are existing on different types of environment, or Worlds as I call them. They also can express themselves perfectly fine while the original You can't.

I don't know about others, but for me, I am hella distracted. I am so distracted that I always forgot that these Worlds are not even mine. I don't live there at all. In short, I mostly forgot moving myself here.

So it looks like I just suddenly stop, or I am just gazing at somewhere they can't even see. Then they look at me as if become crazy or something. It's not even those jeering looks, but those of pity that they are directing me.

So to remedy this, I tried to control my visions, as I call them. It's really hard for the first and second day, though I managed it yesterday. I finally dismissed all those countless Worlds out of of perspective.

Well, I said dismissed, but the apt term would be ignoring. They are still there, still can be easily accessed by my metaphorical sidelong glance. I am not doing so as I am actively avoiding looking at those.

Though it seems like focusing on my Original World causes me to see other me standing on different parts of my house, seeing them in their perspective.

I can see Lacey on the couch on these other alternate me's vision, though I can't see my body anywhere. I am also in my room. In the basement. In the laundry room. And anywhere else in this house.

It's like I am everywhere, but without being able to see myself. Like I am in some sort of alternate dimension. Though these are still some imaginary vision, I think?

Because, unlike the Original World, these Alternate Worlds have a factor that is different other than being incapable of seeing the original me.

People are unaware of every other me.

As I said, yesterday I managed to ignore my other me on those other completely different worlds, but in exchange I am stuck seeing countless other perspectives of me in the Original World.

Whatever is happening on the Original World is also happening on these Alternate Worlds. They can't only see the other me or hear the other me.

Yesterday, I tried shouting at my Dad on those Alternate Worlds, but he didn't even react or anything. Same as the people around my neighborhood.

"Hm?" Lacey seems to perk up at my periphery before glancing at her back, before turning back to me. "Might be a bug or something." She said before patting the back of her shoulder.

I also found out something.

Even if they can't see or hear me. I can affect them. I can control what effects I can do to the Original World. Also, I can also ignore what is happening on the Original World as if they didn't exist on the Alternate Worlds.

For example. I just poked Lacey's shoulder with the other me. Of course she will feel it because I decided that it should. Though I can also pass through her. I can will whether what I did on the Alternate World will appear on the Original World or not.

It is a bit fun messing around with this. My power. I realized that from yesterday. This is my power.

It's a really weird power, but I think it is pretty strong.

Though do I want to use it to fight crime? Be a hero or something?

Of course not!

Dad has reconnected with me. It might because he is feeling guilty or something. Anyway, I want to help my Dad. Live peacefully with him. I can't bear to see him looking grief stricken like that time. I don't want that.

So I will try my best. With this power, I will make sure we can live happily ever after!

The original plan here is to use the OC who have this power and become Taylor's friend, though I decided why not just slam the power to Taylor. So I did just this.

The power is not shard-base so it didn't have the impose limit that most shard-base powers have. I won't say much about the power, so you can speculate.

Hope you like this.... this story is just done to stimulate my brain to write some more.

See you next time!~♪
Chapter 1: Trying to Help
Cleaning is very easy. Just grab a cleaning utensil, and then use those to clean each part of the house at the same time. I am not cleaning by myself. I am just using my other me to clean my house. It only a few seconds before everything is done.

This has been my routine for the whole week. The second week I am living in my house, along with Lacey who seems to be cleaning, and then gawking somewhat at the floor.

"Uh... no, it's really clean. What am I even doing?" She heard her saying that before she sighs and then stops with sweeping the broom. "Okay. This might be me tripping, or Danny is more proactive than I thought." She muttered.

Yes, it's fun messing around.

I make sure it's harmless pranking. I am not like those at the school, may they stumble their toes on some solid object.

Anyway, I am just sitting on my couch as my alternates are doing the work for me. I am technically moving around to help, but it's not like this world can see it. So I might look like I am lazing around.

Gazing at the air once more. I just noticed that it seems like I have a habit of looking up when I am distracted at something. Though I can't help but do my habits. It's pretty hard to change those habits if I am constantly distracted by others who are also me.

At the same time I am doing this, I am also at the office where my Dad is working, along with everyone at the Dockworker's Union.

I did swear that I will help my Dad be happy. Can't let him become sad again just because of me, or anyone else.

So I am here acting as bodyguards too. I just learned that this vision of alternate me have no range, or maybe have a really wide range that I haven't reached yet.

This day seems to be going peacefully. Nothing bad is happening just like last week when I decided to help. Anyone are working, or waiting for work to come. Dad is busy on paperwork, and reading some of it with some of my alternates makes me see something about settlements, complaints, and something about request for private detectives.

... So he is still doing this?

I am really feeling touched by how much he is trying. Though do we have any money for that?

Well, even if we don't have it, I think I'll try and find something to give him.

I just found out a day before yesterday that I can actually bring the other objects from my alternate selves into the Original World. I managed to do that by experimenting on my blanket, and then thinking of throwing the blanket that alternate me have to the Original World.

That is why I have two identical blankets on my room now. I can't seem to throw it back to my alternate self, which means I can only bring what I have on these other me.

As my Dad and the others usually have a shortage of tools, I decided to get the alternate versions of what they have and throw it all to the Original World. I make sure to throw it on some warehouse that they technically own despite not being stamped on the Union, so they can see and get it.

... I don't know if this is helping. Maybe I am doing something bad, or I might be causing my Dad some trouble. I really hope I am helping.

Other than that, I don't know what else I can do other than cleaning the whole area. I have a countless amount of me going around the Docks, so I am pretty much in every part of the Union.

That's what I am always doing on this past week. It's a bit fun, and I don't feel bored at all.

It's really fun hearing the many conversations around me. I can easily hear all of them without feeling confused or echoing around my mind. Might be because my alternates are technically alone, and only walks around alone, despite having a lot of alternates in different parts of the Union.

I can hear that the Gangs around are becoming violent once more. It seems like the Empire are pushing against the parts that the ABB owns.

There is also something about some minor Gang. Merchant, I think?

Well, I actually don't know what gang is that, so it doesn't matter. Maybe they are just small time?

Anyway, I think I heard that the Union is safe, so there is no need to worry. We can live peacefully, and leave all the conflicts to the others. There is no need to join at something unnecessary.

"Hey, what do you want to eat, Taylor?" I blink my eyes, before turning my head to my caretaker.

Oh, I almost forgot that she was still here. Why do I keep getting distracted by my other me?

"Pizza." I simply said, and my other me are wincing at the tone of my voice.

This is the only thing I hate about myself. I don't have any inflections or even intonations to my voice. I felt like a robot talking.

"So. What are you in the mood today?"

"Ham & Cheese."

What? Pepperoni is getting stale when I have that for two days straight!

Well, they don't know that. I just tried out some flavors on my alternates.

"You sure?"

I nodded to her, and then she smiles before walking to the table where I can see her taking her phone.

I waited for that, while immersing myself at the peacefulness of our day.

It seems like I just jinxed myself.

The next day, some members of some gang I can't remember seems to be trying to mess around with the Union.

Well, it seems like the warehouse where I am technically dropping off countless amounts of tools that are alternate versions of what they have, has been discovered by these druggies. Really don't know who are they. I just know drug addicts are somewhat common on this city.

I heard they are trying to takeover the warehouse as it is not even officially owned by the Dockworker's Union.

Of course, Dad's people fights back. I heard that if they let them just do that, so near to them too, these people will surely escalate and try to take more. So they are going to push them back.

They somewhat succeeded, though I heard that some tools have been stolen by them along the way.

There were police involved, and thankfully no Cape involvement. Though now this warehouse is off limits, so I need to find another place where I can drop off additional supplies for my Dad.

.... Maybe I should really put it on places they owned. My Dad might become suspicious and think there is someone smuggling items and shipping it to them secretly. I don't know how it really works.

Though, I hate it if those people from that no name gang decided to come back again.

.... Maybe I should take care of it?

.... Right. Can't just wait for them to mess with my Dad and cause him to be sad. Not again.

So I actually don't know what will be the normal reaction when an abundant amount of tools suddenly appeared besides a Union, or any equivalent organization. Will that be reported to the authorities, or will they accept it and take it?

I am really clueless about it, so I make it as vague as that.

Sorry, I am not really that good at writing....
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Chapter 2: Consecutive Crackdowns
It was supposed to be a normal night. Just them getting high with their own powdered drugs, sitting or smoking whatever. The people around them are sometimes whispering to each other, likely planning what to do next.

It was just a coincidence. One of their people stumbling upon that warehouse and seeing all those amounts of tools. He thinks it's not that special, but still reported it to the gang leader's trusted aide, which was later on passed by their Tinker.

Their Tinker seems to think that it will be a good haul, despite them not seeing how. There are many scraps they can take on the abandoned trainyard, or at the Boat Graveyard, or even on those abandoned buildings on the Docks.

But that Tinker is the second-in-command, and even if they really thought it's just nothing, they can't really refuse her demands. So they gathered up some men and tried to take that warehouse.

They didn't know it was very near at the Dockworker's Union. Despite not being considered a gang, they know that the people around there are no pushovers. They are a tight knit group of strong, well fit people who can take care of themselves, and they look out for each other.

This is the Bay, so it is natural most people are like that, but the Union is more so. They are held together like a community, their dealings are all legitimate, and they don't condone shady things like smuggling drugs or bribery.

So with the threat of a gang, even a small name gang like them, making what can be considered as another base near their territory, of course the Union guys will retaliate. Carrying their own brawn, with some having clubs and pipes, they were beaten and got repelled, with only some of the tools being carried away.

The police was involved, so they can't even get back there without being apprehended or worse, having a shootout.

It's still good though. Despite this apparent failure, the tools that they managed to deliver did give them some boon. Their leader, Skidmark, gave them a kilo of the stuff. So they are trying to get high, with a few of their smarter ones thinking of having selling some of it to the locals.

It's literally an everyday thing here.

Then it changes when one of them suddenly fell to the ground headfirst. His arms moving behind him as if someone is holding him down, and then ropes magically appear already binding his wrists, and his ankles that are also put together.

With his screams, the people around the warehouse are alerted, so they scrambled to whatever they can take as their weapons, and rush to the place where they heard his screams.

Though a few moments after they heard him, one by one they felt something holding on both of their wrists, their arms, their legs, and their ankles, and some sort of weight on their back. All at the same time they fall on the ground with their headfirst. Feeling as if many people are moving their limbs behind them, and then feeling the biting feeling of some sort of cord being wrapped around their wrists.

As quickly as the weird event has happened, it also quickly ended.

One of them even shuddered when a phone just suddenly appeared near his face. Ringing for a few moments, before it's been taken. Seeing that the number being called is apparently 911.

Along with that is a large thud, which some see and gawking as a lot of identical sacks that contains drugs appears almost simultaneously in the middle of the warehouse room, making a mountain of it that is as high as an average adult.

As the one near the phone hears the person behind the phone, likely an operator, asking what's the purpose of this call, a lot of the druggies flinches and with some gasping as they suddenly heard glasses shattering around them. The operator behind the call also sounding a bit more worried and calling out to whoever with a bit of a louder tone.

A few minutes later, police has come and they have confiscated the huge amount of drugs in the middle of the warehouse. All of these druggies were then asked, and sooner escorted to the cars so they can further interrogate them about what just happened.

Another hour later, five more silent calls were received on different parts of the city, with the police arriving with the sight of Merchant members tied up and curled on the ground, with the glasses of their building broken and a lot of identical bags or sacks of drugs bundled in the middle of their base.

You know what's really weird with my new condition?

I can take a rest, but I can't sleep. Yes! I can't sleep!

Technically I am sleeping by closing my eyes and staying put on my bed. Though I am still aware of my surroundings. It might be because even if I fall asleep on the Original World, I am still moving around on these Alternate Worlds.

Anyway, I took care of every members of those no name mobs from whatever gang it is. I don't know where their real base is, but just spreading around and looking for a place with a lot of drugs seems to do some trick.

I am still looking around with my other alternates to further cement that I really don't like this no name gangs to mess with the Union. I hope they stop after most of their members were gone.

So, thank you for reading. As for questions about my weird grammars and weird tenses, I'm sorry but I actually got used to it.

I know it is wrong, but for me I actually can't see what is wrong unless it was pointed out. Reading it by my lonesome, I thought it is satisfactory before publishing this.

So I'm so sorry for not being able to write it professionally. It's actually pretty difficult for me. I won't even blame that English is my second language, more on that I am just that bad at seeing the mistakes of my writings.

Sorry again....

P.S. As for what happened there, Taylor actually don't want to use her voice on the alternate versions of her, as that might point the people to her direction if they recognize her voice. As a way to circumvent that, she breaks the glass for the phone to pick those noises up so the police comes to the warehouses and buildings where the Merchant members are hiding.
Chapter 3: Ruining a Day
Some days later, and I am currently sitting on the couch once more and watching the TV. Since the day I attacked those no name gangs which I recently learned are called the Archer's Bridge Merchant, news about them kept popping up occasionally.

[-that the PRT are looking for the culprit, tentatively named Poltergeist. PRT Spokesperson Brent Clarkson said that this suspected Cape might have a vendetta against a minor criminal group known as the Archer's Bridge Merchants that they were always targeting areas that have a high concentration of drugs.]

The scene changes to that of an interview with some middle aged guy in a formal suit, standing behind the podium and speaking.

[PRT Spokesperson: "We highly suspect a Parahuman is responsible for the continuous attacks from this minor gang. This is a good sign to see that they are only attacking a gang, though we still don't know their motives. We plan to take care of any cases involving Poltergeist from now on, and try to discern their reason why they are doing this.]

I saw the scene changing to the female newscaster once more.

[Officers from BBPD are stating their displeasure about what they quote as the "Unnecessary involvement of PRT", stating that the person behind the attacks is specifically only calling their department. Police Sergeant Rockford claims that it is just turning a simple thing into a complicated one, though he didn't explain more abou--]

This is what's on the news lately. The results of my continuous actions against those druggies. Like, I would have thought that they will be cowed when I tied up and send them all to jail at the first day, but no, they actually wanted to mess with me more.

Other members of these Merchants popped up the next day to cause trouble once more. I heard their Tinker is demanding more of the tools that I put in there, even with the police barricading it.

It seems like some of them are very high on the mind to even consider the implications of trying to go around a taped area, so of course they were easily taken care of and put behind bars later on.

Still, it means they didn't get the message, so I tried going around and hunting more of them. It really didn't deter them even when I did this on consecutive days, but it's not like they have an unlimited amount of members. I'll get all of them, and after all of them are behind the bars, I think they will finally stop bothering my Dad.

Speaking of my Dad...

"Are you ready kiddo?" It took me a moment to respond, but after hearing his words I turned to him and then nodded. "Okay. Then let's go." He said, looking at me with that gentle and tired smile of his.

It took an effort for me to stand up, feeling it a bit hard. I just noticed, but it seems like trying to see more of my other me is making it harder for me to move. It's like each time I added another Alternate World for me to see, my body is getting more heavier and stiffer as if a clay slowly layering over my body.

I am currently seeing through what I estimate might be thousands of alternates, half of these visions going around the city to find the main base of these Merchants. I am hoping to take care of the Tinker, maybe because that Tinker seems to be the one who kept ordering these men to get to the tools. I think if that Tinker is taken out of the picture, then these idiots will finally stop messing around with that warehouse.

By the way, I really can't move the tools I put on the warehouse near the Union. Can't let anyone get suspicious when all of it suddenly vanishes and appear on the other side. What I am doing is making a new batch of tools into the warehouse that is owned by the Union. They already know about the tools, and it seems like they are using it without complaint.

I heard Dad saying that those tools are a boon, as the city won't really double checked some tools used for their work. Also, it makes the Dockworkers more productive thanks to having most of them a complete set.

.... Anyway, I am getting distracted...

Turning back my attention to him, I can feel him touching my hand and my waist, supporting me so I can move carefully. Taking a moment to get outside, I already know that waiting for us is Kurt, one of Dad's close friend from the Union, and Lacey who is Kurt's wife.

"Took you long enough."

"Hey, you know this takes time!"

Kurt smiled before turning to me, his gaze looking at me with a wry smile. "Long time no see! Can't believe you are grown-up now, and your height almost gets to me chin!" He said with that smile.

As to what we are going to do that Dad's close friend and his wife are in front of our home, well that's because we are going to w park.

I have already use some of my alternates to roam the park, and seeing that there is no problematic things there, so I think we will be safe there. Nothing could possibly mess my day there, right?

Apparently, I am wrong.

When we got to the park, it was for the reason that I should take some fresh air and sun instead of being cooped up on the house, looking like an idiot staring at the sky. It"s out of concern, and also I think my Dad just wanted to talk to me more and reconnect.

Which is good, because I am satisfied with Dad putting most of his attention to me. Sitting on the beautiful and smooth trimmed grassed below the clothed carpet that we are currently sitting on. Basket and ice box laid, and opened to real some turkey or ham and cheese sandwiches. Then some chilled juice, and soft drinks on the ice box.

We are actually having fun just sitting here, looking at the gentle sunlight illuminating the formation of the clouds, hearing the birds around, and the people surrounding me talking animatedly, including my Dad and his friends. They is even trying his best to always include me, which I tried my best but really can't speak that fast so it is an awkward conversation where I respond after a few seconds of delay.

Also, my voice is still flat on the Original World, so it really felt awkward. I am just happy that they are used to my weirdness.

My day is ruined because I see that fucking bitch!

On the outskirts of this park I saw that redheaded girl, that fit looking black girl, and that cutesy girl along with some girls walking there. I can also see some adults, might be their parents as I can see Alan's familiar face, also walking there and carrying their own sets of picnic kit.

Their path, as if the universe itself is there just to spite me, is going straight to us. I can see that those three are not at least doing it purposefully, though I am sure it won't be for long if they notice me.

I actually managed to tell my Dad about the bullying, and so his relationship with the Barnes are soured due to it. It might be the reason why I see him working full time with some papers unrelated to his work. All involving investigators and filing a case involving negligence and something from the school, and something about bullying against some students, mostly the three familiar names of my bullies.

I don't know if we have enough money with that, but it seems like Dad is managing. It might because of the Docks. I don't know, I am not really looking around much as I don't want to increase the numbers of my alternates.

If they saw us, and my Dad sees that traitorous bitch and her family, he might not be able to control himself. I know how he is when he is angry. It's a bit scary.

I can't let them ruin this day for my Dad. This day is one where he can relax together with me, and his true friends. If I let them ruin this day just because of their presence, then I might hate myself.

Let's see.... right.... I actually don't fucking care what happens to them. So I think I should just ruin their day so they leave.

Right! I should do it!

Emma Barnes is feeling irritable the day she learned about Taylor pulling out of the school. She thinks she will feel some sort of satisfaction, or maybe feeling smug that the girl has finally left the school.

Instead, what she felt is this mysterious feeling of hollowness. As if an important part of her just vanished. She doesn't even know why she felt like that. She always convinced herself that she is specifically targeting the girl to prove something.

She thinks she managed to prove that with Taylor finally being pulled out of the school, though she felt unsatisfied. She don't even know why she felt so unsatisfied at the thought of not seeing that girl. At the thought that the person she is so obsessed with have turned her back and gave up.

Even with this planned picnic that she herself has organized with her other friends doesn't remove the lingering hollowness within her heart. She felt so empty. Like the world is turning more colorless than the usual.

'No, forget about that loser. I am strong. I already managed to prove that!' She thought to herself with a grimace. Forcefully settling a gentle smile on her face as she notices some of her friends glancing at her. 'She is weak! Just forget about her!' She internally said to herself.


"Huh? What is it?"

"I said if your done being all silent and shit there?" She looks at her friend, her new best friend, talking to her with a frown on her face.

She snorted. "Nah, I'm just thinking what to do after this." She said with a shrug.

"Uhuh... I am wasting my time here because of this stupid thing. What do you even want to do here?" Sophia Hess, her new best friend, asks with a raised eyebrow.

"You know about it. Some change of pace, instead of doing shoppings just like the last weekend, and the other weekend before that."

Sophia rolled her eyes. "Nothing is impressive here. It's just grass and stupid people around here!" She responded in a growled whisper.

She can see that Sophia actually didn't like to be here. It might be because this place is just a waste of time for her, and she will admit it is a waste of time.

There is nothing to do here other than look at the sights, admire it, and then play around for a bit. Though they are all grownup teenagers now. Those stuff won't really look that appealing to them.

"Stop bitching about it. At least take some time to cool down and have fun from time to time." She answered with a growl of her own, glaring at her friend.

The two of them held their gaze together, before after a moment she grinned. "Heh, as expected of someone like me. That's good." She said.

"What do you mean?" She asks with a raised eyebrow as they continue walking together with their group.

"Thought your turning weaker just because of that loser." She froze at the words of Sophia.

Then immediately trembled before bristling in disgust. "Eww... that's just gross!" She stated while shuddering at the thought.

Though her heart feels a bit complicated. She don't know. Most of her thoughts are still swirling about what she should do with Taylor, despite the girl not even attending Winslow anymore.

The black teenager is going to speak more when her head perks up, and then turned around for a bit with an annoyed grunt. "What?" She growled out at the girl behind her, Julia she recalls, blinking at suddenly being regarded.

"Huh... what 'what'?"

"Don't fuck with me. Why are you poking me?" She asks.

"Me? I am not poking you!" Julia said with a snort.

While listening to them, she suddenly flinches when she felt a poke behind her shoulders. Looking behind her, she saw another of her friend, the cutesy one, also looking back and asking the person behind her why they are poking her.

"Hey.... did you poke me?" She asks in wonder, which causes Madison to turn to her with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh.... no. I think Larry here is poking me from behind."

"What!? I told you I'm not!" The large man who she recalls being a main member of the football club, defended with a confused look.

Then she felt another poke on the back of her other shoulder, quickly snapping her attention to that side and seeing Julia who is also looking behind her and asking one of their friend if they are poking her.

This makes them look at each other in confusion, though before they can ask about it, they felt another poke behind them. Then another poke, and poke, and poke. Always behind them, and sometimes on their side.

"Stop it!" She growled out, glaring and taking a sidelong glance around her, though only seeing them also looking around and trying to find whoever is messing with them.

"Kyaaaaaaaaa!" Then she heard Madison's scream behind her. Quickly looking behind her, she widened her eyes with a gasps when she see her arms trying to cover her lower body, while her skirt is on the ground just below her feet.

All of them has stopped now. Hearing their parents trying to go to them to see what is happening, when the male parents suddenly stumbled on their feet, some of them falling flat on their face, while other managing to regain their balance. She notices that one of those who stumbled have the ties of their sneakers loose.

Her eyes darting around, feeling more suspicious at the events around her, before her eyes widened when she felt a warm blow of air gently brushing against her ears. Jumping away, she frantically looks around with a gasps, her eyes widened.

"W-what is happening!?" She asks in wonder, thinking that someone from them are being a terrible prankster. Though she doesn't know who.

She have gathered a huge amount of her friends for this picnic, the reason being to have some novel way of fun time. Though the original reason is because she just want to have a breathe of fresh air. She didn't feel like going with just her usual friends anymore, so she invited more.

Who would have thought that because of this, it becomes a lot harder to pinpoint who is doing this.

She can feel the other crowds from the park gazing at their group with curiosity, making her feel ashamed as they gaze at them. With some of the kids laughing as some of the people she invited have their belts unbuckle or their skirt raise up, like someone just lifted it roughly.

"STOP!" Then she heard her father yelling at the top of his lungs, all of them stopping in their panic as they look at him. His face looks red, and he seems to be glaring around him. "Who is it? What is happening here!?" He asks, as he glared at the boys around him.

The whole atmosphere has turned tense, and then later on become awkward as no one is speaking. Some of them trying to fix their belts or skirts.

Though the only thing sure is that their day has been ruined. Their jolly atmosphere awhile ago vanishing and being replaced with a feeling of tiredness. They don't have the time to be having picnics now that the mood is ruined.

In the end, they decided to leave with their moods soured.

On the distance outside the view of this scene, a girl sitting together with her Dad and his friends smiles.

I hope this chapter is not that cringey... sorry if it's not good...
Chapter 4: A Trap?
It's been ten days since the continuous crackdowns of that mysterious attacker. The Merchant are all on hiding now, and are making sure that they hide their products on places difficult to be seen by the public.

They don't know how this mysterious attacker can find them. Some of their newer members even tried to leave their group and hide somewhere on the city, claiming that a ghost might have suddenly emerged and is trying to haunt their gang.

Adam Mustain doesn't believe those nonsensical claims. He thinks it's just some newbie Cape who have some sort of hatred to their gang, or maybe drugs in general. He reads the newspaper, and find out that some places that were crackdown were not even part of their gang.

He has been a leader of this gang for a long time now, so he is smart. He can at least surmise that the one attacking them doesn't really know where they are.

So while there is a higher chance that mysterious attacker is targeting his gang, it might also be possible that they are just targeting anyone who have drugs.

They might be looking for their base, which is a bit hard because while his gang is known for dealing drugs, he doesn't really stash his drugs on his base. They go to his warehouses and other condominiums that his trusted people owns. Some of them even being used as factories to create more of his products.

It will be stupid just putting all his products in one place after all. The authorities will easily find out about it.

He intends to stop that mysterious attacker from ruining more of his plants. He needs his Tinker's help with that.

"Come on Skids, I really need those tools!" Sherrel Bailey, also known as Squealer, pleaded at him.

He snorted. "The fuck you saying? I told you to stop talking nonsense!" He said with a bit of a growl. "The fucker kept busting our lairs, and shits been getting hectic. Can't let another to be lost!" He bellowed.


"Stop whining! If you need some scraps, just take those little trashes around the trainyard!"

"... I told you, didn't I? Those tools are a major upgrade than those crap!" She tried to reason.

"Shut up bitch!" He yelled, causing the tinker to whimper and curled their shoulders to themselves. "Those fucking piece of metals aren't making us money! We need drugs! Not those hammers and shits!" He told her with a glare.

".... W-we can get more of the stuff if I finished my baby..." She said once more, still feeling somewhat unsatisfied, though her voice is now a bit of a whisper.

"No!" He growled. "Can't afford shit for this! We're fucking losing our men because of that fucking mystery man, and our factories gone to shit!" He growled out, before his eyes shined with a sinister glint. "I want your lazy ass to continue that death trap! After that we'll go take your craps!"

Squealer widened her eyes, before giving out a toothy smile. "Leave it to me!" She said, before leaving.

He trusted his own conclusions about the person targeting them. They always go for places with a high concentration of drugs. With that alone, he can easily guide their mystery attacker to a place of their choosing.

He has been fed up by the presence of that mysterious attacker. He didn't have the habit of just hiding and laying low. He wanted to be rich, so just twiddling his fingers and waiting for a miracle to come will be counterproductive to him. He needs more money.

"Heh! Let's see how that shitstain will like this!" He muttered to himself while grinning at the thought of smacking whoever is making their group suffer.

It seems like the PRT are mostly focusing on the places that I raided. The police is still holding onto the warehouse where the alternate versions of the Dockworker's tools are located.

The PRT seems like they don't know I also have a hand in it. I don't actually care. No one could see my alternates even if I shout on their face.

Currently, in my original body, I am sitting on the couch with my Dad. He have ordered some takeouts, and currently he is gently feeding me that warm Mac & Cheese. It is delicious, though I don't know if I managed to convey that I like it.

Really, I hope I can at least express myself in my original body instead of my alternates. No one would even see me feeling happy!

-I raised my eyebrow when I found a place. It is somewhere on the abandoned trainyard. A really large building with a lot of open space. Within there is some of those people who stinks of whatever, and the stench of drug permeating this place.

This might be one of their factory then.

With my alternate seeing that, the other me goes to that place so they can quickly round up and take position to every people within it.

At the same time, I let my other alternates roam around this building. Looking around the room with the people inside none the wiser.

Let's see.... there are some people in that room, and also that room, and some seems to be hiding behind the pillars or behind doors of some room.

There is this huge room with a table and sacks. Looking through it, I can see that there are a lot of packets and powdered drugs. Some are pills. Others are liquids put in some containers.

.... Do they think I'm an idiot?

This essentially screams suspicious and they are not even trying!

Do they really think someone will get inside here without getting suspicious at that obvious setup?

.... Well, I will be that kind of stupid. Though it's not like I am alone. I have a lot of help!

But first, I should look around the place. This place is huge and I might miss some hidden parts of this building, so I added a few hundreds more of my Visions, so they can take care of any places that I might have missed.

As for my original body... well...

"-ur becoming stiff again... are you getting tired? Should I carry you to bed?"

My Dad always got like that whenever I add more visions of myself. It's actually a sort of training for me though. My body gets used to this many alternates roaming around after a few days. This will give me more perspectives, which will make me more prepared if someone is planning to mess with my Dad.

It still make me feel guilty though.

I just nodded to him. After doing so, he shuts the TV off, closes the takeoff boxes, and then slung my arm around his shoulder, before raising me up and guiding me back to my room.

While getting to my room, my concentration comes back to my different visions. My alternates squinting their eyes as they saw a vehicle of some sort parked there, and is facing the wall of that building. Quickly sneaking inside, I saw that there are three people within. All of them looks dirty, with the two having a mask and the only female one seems to be operating this weird monstrosity of a vehicle.

Hmm.... are they a part of this druggies?

"Heh! That fucker'll get fucked to Sunday!" The masked weirdo said. Some of his spittles flying off, which makes me quickly ignore that to my alternates. Even the smell.

One of my alternate just got a small whiff of them, and I don't want to anymore. Have to ignore the effects of their smell. It's just... eww...

Anyway, seems like they are part of this Merchant group. I also managed to round up the whole building, and my other alternates roamed the nearby areas to see if there is anyone hiding. Seeing that there no one anymore, it is time to finally enact a swift justice.

I really hope this stops them from going to the warehouse.

So I actually plan something else, but it turned out like this after I am done...

Anyway, her actions are actually planned to create a chain reaction that will try and shake her desired peaceful life. So the conflict here won't be the end.

I hope you have fun. See you later!~♪
Chapter 5: Invisible Assailant
Skidmark was confident that they could take care of the mysterious attacker. He had planned this all out in advance.

There were many hiding spots in the room, which he designated as the kill zone. Within the room, they had put most of their drugs from their remaining stashes as bait for the mysterious attacker. The attacker seemed to always hit places that had a lot of drugs in them, even if they were not Merchant areas. So he was sure that they would come.

He really don't know who they are fighting, though he thinks it might be a group of two or three. It is impossible for a single person, even if they are a Cape, to just arrest a lot of their members without being seen. He thinks they might have some sort of useful powers to pull it off. Might be a combination of Stranger, Thinker, and Mover if they can do it at a fast pace.

It is why they are inside a vehicle in a park that is hidden by the decrepit structures around it. Their vehicle is facing the wall at the side of this building, which is a bit near to the room where the kill zone is located if they ignore the wall as an obstacle.

This vehicle that Squealer made is one of her older version. The cruder one that is only for firepower. They don't use it that much because he didn't want the heat from the local heroes, so her stealth vehicle is a lot more preferable to their usual modus operandi.

This old vehicle was upgraded for a bit, giving it a new function. There is now a human radar for it, which can obviously detect people within two kilometers in diameter. She said that it can detect people and pinpoint their location through soundwaves, distortions within air flow and light particles, and changes in temperatures.

This has been done to specifically detect invisible beings. If they are fighting a Stranger, then they need to at least have something like that. She said it is only possible because of the new tools that she got. Scavenging most of the power tools they looted for the upgrade.

Other than that, she strengthened the security of this vehicle. It is impossible to get inside here due to the platings that she made, thanks once again to the tools that she scavenged for new parts. Then a door that needs voice recognition or a password to open first.

Because he thinks they are dealing with someone who can secretly sneak around them, he told Squealer to make something that will make it hard for their mysterious attacker. So she did that in case of the mysterious attacker sneaking inside their vehicle.

Along with that are the old functions that has been slightly upgraded. There is a giant nuzzle on the front of this car that is a mix of a van and a bus, with some spikes or chains that goes around it's frame. The giant nuzzle is the main weapon to punch through brutes. It uses a high caliber shell that will surely pierce through walls. There also two miniguns installed on the side of what can be considered as the car lights of this vehicle, which only uses the usual rounds for minigun.

Along with that, the front have a hull-like refit. It's use is for ramming on things. The only reason is to slam to the walls without any problem.

With all of that, he knew they are ready. It will be impossible to get inside here, and even if their mysterious attacker managed to get inside. He can easily repel them with his powers. So he is becoming a bit complacent with this.

It's all planned out. He thinks he just need to wait for their assailant to trigger their trap.

Who would have thought that their mystery attacker is already here?

Without any warning, he felt something grabbing onto his limbs, and his body. It felt like multiple arms and hands are trying to hold him and push him down. His eyes widened and then he looks up, seeing that Squealer and the other Cape he have named Mush, also being pressed on the ground. With Squealer trying to scream out some profanities with surprise evident on her face.

"The fuck!?" He screamed out. He can't believe it. It seems like their attacker is already here, and it wasn't even detected by the human radar installed on this vehicle.

All of that preparation, and then seeing it all be useless makes him snarl in anger.

"Bitch!" He growled out, activating his power to surround him. Creating a repelling force so they will be blown away. "Huh!?" His eyes widened once more as he notices that the multiple invisible beings holding him down weren't even affected by what he did.

He tried to struggle, squirming his body around and finding it difficult to even lift his arms or kick his legs. He can feel the digging sensation of some sort of rope being wrapped around his wrists and on his ankles.

"Motherfucking coward! I fucking swear I'll smash your stupid face when I get my hands on y---!?" He tried to scream out in anger, but was stopped as he felt his mouth was gagged by some sort of clothing.

His eyes frantically look around, and he saw Mush managing to free himself from the mysterious pressure surrounding him, only to come back groaning as he was slammed face first into the ground once more. Squealer wasn't faring better, already bounded and gagged on the floor.

He tried to think of a way to escape here. Activating some of his powers so he can push himself away from this place. Though as he is just managing to layer some of his attraction field so his hand can be pulled to it, along with his body, his vision suddenly turned black.

"Hmmmmrgfh!?" He screams, squirming around as he a clothe suddenly appeared on his head. Becoming an impromptu blindfold. This makes it impossible for him to activate his powers anymore. He needs his sight for his powers to stay in effect.

As the three Capes of this group are squirming around and trying to hurl swear words to those whose mouth weren't muffled yet, the silent whirr of the vehicle slowly comes to a standstill, and then finally was turned off after a simple click of a button.

"... Holy shit... how....!?" Squealer exclaims, noticing that the emergency shutdown button was pushed by someone they can't see. She doesn't even know how their hidden assailant learned about it, as there are many buttons along with it to cause this vehicle to self-destruct.

Regardless of her confusion, the fact is they have been defeated in less than a minute. The following moments were spent sitting here and hearing the muffled sounds of glasses breaking outside their vehicle, which seems to be the indicator that Poltergeist is the one who is doing it.

In the end, the familiar noise of a siren and vans was heard on the distance, and later on arrived here.

"Hm. Interesting." Armsmaster muttered to himself as he looks at the interior of the confiscated tinker vehicle.

It's been some time since the arrest of the minor gang called the Archer's Bridge Merchants. All of their Capes has been found on this very vehicle, and inside the building their members were also found tied up and squirming around with most of them looking fearful and some unconscious. The sacks and containers of drugs were put neatly in the middle of the large room, the windows were left shattered, and a phone was left on atop the mountain of drugs with the call to PRT still ongoing.

Now within the PRT HQ, on the garage, he is inspecting the vehicle of the criminal Cape known as Squealer. Nodding his head for a bit and then shaking his head on the other parts.

"What do you think?" The sound of a girl asked within the voice speakers installed within his helmet.

"I don't know. Poltergeist didn't leave any footprints, or even fingerprints on the scene. We don't know how they got to that place."

"... Do you think it's not just a single person?"

"Likely." He grunted before continuing. "Might be a group. They might have a Stranger, or a Shaker/Stranger who can replace traces of their presence there."

"Hmmm.... but based on the claims of those Merchant members, they felt like some invisible limbs are holding them down." Dragon said.

"Multiple people?" He shakes his head. "No, I read the report. They claimed that all of them were held down simultaneously. That will be weird due to the distance between themselves and their general positions." He said before continuing. "That might take approximately 1,000 people just to achieve something as holding all of them down without anyway to defend themselves." He said before continuing. "I think there might be a Master amongst the group. Likely someone who can create projections, and the hypothetical Stranger/Shaker uses their power to remove traces of their existence... though that kind of conclusion is nothing without any concrete evidence." He said.

"Yes." She said. "That additional installment there seems to be a human radar. Just by it's make, it seems like it is capable of detecting human presence through soundwaves and distortions from light waves and air flow." Dragon stated when he turned to look at the front of this monstrosity.

He is not that surprised that she easily managed to learn how it functions. The one he is currently talking to is known as the greatest Tinker of the world. Understanding Tinkertechs is just a cinch for her.

"I see." He said, now becoming a bit confused. "It seems like it is specifically made to detect invisible beings." He said, now frowning. "Then my earlier hypothesis are wrong." He finally said with a sigh.

"So it's back to square one then."

He frowned at that. He actually felt that he is wasting his time just investigating about this. He have a lot of projects he wanted to do, and this case is holding him out for that.

He really can't do anything though. Director Piggot has specifically asked for him to track the hypothetical Cape known as Poltergeist, due to how extremely effective they are, and also the worrying aspect of what they can do, and might do next after they are done with the low profile gang. They don't know their motives, and why they are even doing this. So they need to encounter whoever it is, and at least learn their motivations.

They don't leave any trace so most Protectorate heroes are useless. The Wards are not allowed to do anything, as the hypothetical Cape might be extremely aggressive.

Poltergeist might not be that violent. Only leaving some minor bruising on the face of their captives likely due to being held down on the ground, and just tying up the criminals. Though they also have a worrying habit of breaking the glasses of the building after calling the authorities.

He is the only one who might have a chance to track them. He can create a lot of devices that might be able to detect their mystery Cape. Though for his personal opinion, he might not be able to satisfy their expectations.

He even felt stumped as the one they are tracking felt like they don't exist. No esoteric energies or mundane traces left. Nothing. It just happened as if a ghost just came through.

He shakes his head, and decided to think up some ideas, despite nothing coming up.

I hope this chapter is fine. See you later~♪
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Chapter 6: Wonders & Curiosities
Ugh... I am really glad I have this power...

Just thinking about what I did tonight is nerve-wracking. I mean, what the hell is with those buttons!? Are those druggies suicidal!?

Good thing I tried pushing the buttons on my alternates first, and see it exploding on my face before dismissing those visions. It took me what? Twenty or so tries before I finally turned that vehicle off!

That vehicle is honestly amazing, it can track literally any person. Even me. Though it's a good thing only it's alternates managed to detect me, not the original one.

Currently I am fed some oatmeals by my Dad. It is a bit plain for my taste, but I can't chew that carefully because of the stiffness of my body. It seems like I am still unused to opening a few thousands of my alternates. This might take a few days once again.

-While the original me is busy being fed the oatmeal, I am standing outside the house. Perking my head up when I noticed the familiar sedan that Lacey and Kurt is riding in.

I don't even have to wait as I saw Lacey getting inside and greeting us along with Kurt, who greeted my Dad for a bit, before leaving to get to the Union.

"Okay." I heard Dad saying, before turning to me.."I'll be leaving now kiddo. Please tell Lacey if you are feeling anything."

It takes me awhile, but I finally grunted in response. Seeing him smile wryly for a bit, before he stood up and then look at Lacey. Nodding to her before leaving the house.

Okay, so I am alone with Lacey once more. What should I do?

.... Well, actually, I am doing a lot.

-I am busy reading some of the books in my room. I have a lot of books I am just reading for now, after realizing that I can actually do that.

--And reading on the couch.

--And sitting on the roof while reading.

-I am also riding on a car alone on the streets, on this alternate version of my city where there are no people.

--Also riding a bike.

--And riding a truck.

-It's also fun using the shooting range on some gun shops I found on the Docks. Using each of the guns and mostly fumbling on it.

--Wincing at the strong recoil of the shotgun.

--Not trying anymore after feeling my ears ringing at the sound of this semiautomatic rifle.

--Running away and thinking of dismissing this reality as I burned the building accidentally....

... Okay, that last one is not fun. But basically, I am doing a lot of things on this city. Mostly on the versions where no alternate versions of the people around here are existing.

It's a really fun way of messing around. It's not like I am hurting anyone, as I am limiting my activities on these empty alternates. It's also a really good way of passing my time.

Of course I didn't forget to use the majority of my visions to keep up with my Dad. I still need to know what is happening, and make sure that he is safe, along with every Dockworkers there.

Though... I really think I should try and finally start looking at those Parallel Worlds. Messing around with these Alternate Worlds is fun, but I am also feeling very curious about those entirely different worlds.

Right. I have some spare visions that are not doing anything, so I dismissed them and finally tried to glance to my metaphorical side.

-My eyes went over the trunk of the tree, before looking around. Seeing that I am deep within a forest. The leaves of the trees creating a shade that blocks out most of the sunlight, making it a bit dark here.

Oh... this place is interesting.

-I opened my eyes to gaze at a crowded bazaar of many people wearing some sort of gear that I can say is ancient. The ground is sandy, and if I think about it, I might be in some desert nation just looking at those structures that might be made of sand or something with an equivalent color.

This is a bit different...

-I am in some sort of a dark room. Looking at the large window to my side and seeing the blood red moon on the night sky, and some bats flying around in a circular formation. I also hear some disturbing noises outside this room.

.... Uh... okay. Nope. I'll just dismiss that vision.

It seems like with my free visions, I managed to look through twenty Parallel Worlds at least. I dismissed the worlds that looks a bit intimidating and scary, and replaced it with some worlds which I hope to get to some worlds that looks more interesting.

"-aylor... are you alright?"

I blinked when I finally noticed Lacey gently nudging my shoulders and waving her other hand in front of my face. I turned to her, before nodding. My alternates wincing at just noticing her for now.

I see her frowning. "That took some time..." She said before letting out a sigh.

I can only stare at her, while feeling a bit busy at my explorations on the Parallel Worlds, and also some of my fun activities at those empty Alternate Worlds.

Yes. I still need to take care of my original self. Ugh... I really wonder why is it more easy to be aware at my many alternates than my original self?

Well, I'm sure I can get used to this. I have a lot of time!

Lung, the leader of ABB, one of the major gangs on Brockton Bay, is currently simmering in rage as he hears the report of one of his lieutenant. It seems like one of their drug stash has been raided by the mysterious Cape that the PRT designated as Poltergeist.

ABB might be more known on their illegal human trafficking and their prostitutes, but they also need money, so they used some illicit trades to acquire it like black markets, underground casinos, or selling some imported drugs.

Hearing that someone dared to even take something from him. The one feared by many that even their rival gang who have a lot of Capes on their side doesn't dare to provoke him. It's also the case for the PRT. They mostly try to avoid encountering him if they can help it.

Anyone from this city knows that he is dangerous. His infamy known due to him managing to stand equally (they think) against those forces of brutal nature known as the Endbringers. Creatures that can easily destroy a whole city, and even sink an island, as evident to his hometown vanishing on the map.

Hearing that a newbie at the scene dares to even touch one of his hoard makes him a bit irritable. It felt like an insult. Like someone just doesn't care about his face.

"Lee." He growled out.

Suddenly, a person clad with a black bodysuit and wearing a mask of some Japanese demon appeared behind him. Kneeling in respect to his presence.

"Find out who is this Poltergeist!" He said, before dismissing him with a wave.

The Cape with the demon mask continues kneeling on his side, before quickly turning into ashes.

In a certain building somewhere on the city, a certain blonde girl is currently looking at her laptop. Her eyes roaming around a document detailing a case file for Poltergeist.

Lisa has been ordered by the backer of her team to find out anything she can on the individual known as Poltergeist. By the sound of it, it seems like her Boss is curious about this mystery Cape. Though as to his intention what he wanted to do, she actually don't know.

Her hypothesis is that he only felt curious, though within her mind, she thinks he might just be planning something for Poltergeist. It's just a thought, which her powers seems to take as a fact and is feeding her info. Info that she knows are biased and obviously false, just because she really hates her Boss.

"... I am also curious about Poltergeist." She muttered to herself, as she looks through the different reports about the Poltergeist Cases.

[Stranger. Heroic in nature. Capable of being unseen by anyone. No. Stranger/Master. Capable of creating invisible projections. Range is approximately one to two blocks. False. All criminals were apprehended at the same time. Managed to shutdown the Tinkertech Vehicle in one try. Two people. One is Thinker, and the other is a Stranger/Master. Thinker gives intel, Stranger/Master acts as the enforcer.]

She shakes her head at that, feeling a headache forming on her forehead.

She also felt that the hypothesis makes sense. It's impossible for a single Cape to do all of that without making a mistake. So they might have a partner at least for planning.

Though, there are also flaws within that conclusion. Returning her gaze back at the laptop, she nudges her power once more to get more info.

[Conclusion incorrect. No suspicious person sighted near the scene of conflict. Hypothetical Cape capable of hiding presence in camera. False. Report stated no distortions on air flow and light particles. Cape is intangible and invisible. Redundant. Themed like a ghost. Conclusion flawed.]

She gritted her teeth at the dead ends she is hitting.

It always comes back to whoever is this Cape. It's impossible for it to be a single Cape, though it's also impossible for it to be multiple Capes. A single Cape might be capable of creating invisible projections that also can't influence air flow and light, but can easily affect organic creatures. Though that still doesn't explain how they seemingly know where every members are located, and how they get inside the vehicle and deactivate in on a single try.

If they are themed like a ghost, then they shouldn't be capable of any Thinker aspect. Unless they have outside help. But whoever is that Thinker should be present on the scene, as no Cape have identical powers. There might be closely identical powers, but not truly a copy of the other.

They might be a Trump, a type of Cape that can grant or remove powers, or generally affect powers themselves. A Trump who can turn a lot of people invisible, and even the projections if they have that. Though that would mean that Poltergeist consists of at least three people within it.

A Master for projections due to reports of being held by a lot of limbs at the same time, a Thinker for planning and conveying battlefield support, and a Trump who can turn everyone invisible.

'But is that really it?' She thought, feeling dubious at that thought.

If they are a group, then that group might be really paranoid as to not even announce themselves. There is no news about a group of Parahumans arriving on this city, so these might be new triggers.

Though if they are new Capes, then they should already be fumbling their way and showing themselves, even if unintentionally. A lot of things doesn't add up if she thinks there are three people working in tandem to sell the image of a mystery Cape.

There is also the possibility that the group behind the Poltergeist persona actually have the same powers. Though that would mean these people might be close with each other, and all of them triggered at the same time, in a single place.

"Ugh.... I'll do this next time!" For now, she gave up. She really can't make sense of the data given to her.

So this chapter shows that some factions are getting curious at the mysterious Cape, and ABB being provoked as Taylor unknowingly strikes an ABB drug stash, thinking they might be a part of the Merchants.

I hope this chapter is fine.
EDIT: This chapter has been edited for a bit.
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Chapter 7: Amazing Discovery
I discovered something amazing!

I thought I am only limited to putting the alternate versions of the objects here to the real world. I didn't thought I can also throw anything I held from these Parallel Worlds to any place that I can see.

Yes, that includes everything in my Vision.

Along with that is another discovery. I can actually go to the Alternate Worlds of the Parallel Worlds that I am seeing. It's totally amazing!

I am just trying it out and thinking about what to do next. I don't really want to steal at the people from this Parallel World who acts and moves like a real person. It felt just wrong taking some of their items just because I am curious about what I can do with them.

So I tried adding some Visions on those Parallel Worlds, and to my surprise it actually adds their alternate versions. Now I am free to get these items and throw it back to my other alternates so I can test them.

It made me a lot more stiffer than the usual thought. I can't even move my legs anymore when I tried adding a lot more. I felt a bit reluctant dismissing some of my visions, because every worlds I am currently seeings are really interesting on their own. I don't want to close it as I might forget about it.

No, I'll be staying for a bit and also trying to test these things. They all look amazing. Like these bulky gun thingy that is more apt to be called a grenade launcher by just it's appearance. I got this one on a Parallel World where a lot of floating spaceships can be seen.

Adding some Visions from the empty alternate versions of my city, I felt my arms becoming numb while within my vision, I can see that the creation of the acquired items from the alternate versions of the parallel worlds have been perfectly copied along with my surroundings.

.... That sounds really confusing, but it is how it really is...

-"Okay. How to use this?" Muttering to myself, I grab what I think is the stock and the action of this bulky weapon, before touching the push trigger just near the action of this futuristic cannon gun thing.

-Aiming it on the derelict boats and that large broken oil tanker, I begin using it to shoot.

-"Woah!?" My vision lurches upwards, and then feeling the solid ground on my back. Grunting in pain at the rough landing as I heard the sound of something cutting through the air, and then of an explosion.

-My other alternates looks at what happened to that alternate version, and saw the large destruction it left on those broken boats and oil tanker. I can smell the strong metallic scent sizzling through those molten slags that are the broken ships awhile ago. The explosion easily breaking at least a fourth of the Boat Graveyard.

.... Yep, that's not a gun. That's a literal cannon!

Dismissing that vision, I decided to try the others while also thinking of banning that weapon for use..I don't actually need any lethal weapon. I don't have any plans fighting anything dangerous after all.

-While my alternate versions are busy testing the weapons and some other stuffs I acquired from those futuristic Parallel Worlds, I am here walking around this beautiful forest and seeing some weird creatures.

-There is this deer with it's hide smeared with red, or maybe it's just it's natural coloration?

-That deer also have some sort of crimson crystal embedded on it's head. A mysterious aura that seems oppressive emanating on it's figure.

-There are also some other weird creatures here. Like that red-furred monkey with that creepy grin on it and have red shining orbs as it's eyes. A flock of giant wasps with a drill-like tip and sharp claws, some giant purple toads, a freaking mixed of lion and snake and eagle, some sort of trees with those creepy jack-o'-lantern sneers, some white rabbits that have an unnaturally bulky legs, floating giant eels that swims on the air, etc.

-... Yes, this forest looks very dangerous for a human. I don't even want to look at that giant armadillo-like centipede that is curled on the ground, almost fooling my eyes as it perfectly blends to the coloration of the vegetation around this forest.

-Yes, this forest is freaking me out. Good thing this is just a Parallel Version, and not my own reality!

I look to my other version in another Parallel World.

-Currently tailing some sort of adventurer group. I heard they are the Hero party, which almost makes me snort at how cliche it is. They even have the outfit for it. Currently they are in a carriage and they seem to be going on some place they called as an Empire.

-The way they refer it almost makes me frown, before quickly shaking my head as I recall that this is a different world. The gangs in my city is truly making a bad impression to the real thing on this Parallel Worlds. I felt a bit ashamed that my city has influenced some of my perceptions.

-Anyway, as to why I am following them?

-It's because they call themselves the hero party, and I heard they are on a journey to fight the dark side, whatever that is. Maybe the equivalent of some supervillain in this world?

-By sticking to them, I can see some interesting sights, and also find out how these people fight. It will be like watching a movie on the setting itself personally.

That's what I am basically doing with my free time, while Lacey takes care of me. She generally doesn't move away from me if she is not going to do something. Always glancing at me whenever I twitch or move.

She sometimes asks if I need to relieve myself, or if I am getting hungry or thirsty. Though it takes an effort, I try my best to answer as fast as I can.

"Hmm... I really need to ask Danny how he is making this house stay clean." I heard her mutter.

.... Well, I am actually the one who is cleaning the house, but there is no need to tell her that.

By the way, I still haven't forgotten to take a look at my Dad. I am also looking around for any concentration of drugs within this city. Roaming around with my other alternates to track them. I am still not sure if I truly got all of the members from that Merchant group.

They haven't attacked today, but I need to make sure. If no one still comes to the warehouse for some days, then that is when I will stop doing this bothersome thing.

I am only doing this to deal with those druggies who doesn't stop messing around near the Union. If they are gone, then I will stop as I don't really have a reason to deal with the crime of this city. So long as my Dad is happy, I won't do anything that will trouble him.

The rest of the day is spent doing testing those futuristic weapons, exploring the interesting worlds, looking around the city, and looking out for the Union.

Sorry, I am actually thinking of adding something here, but I am feeling sleepy now, so I decided to just publish this now before doing so.

I will honestly admit, I actually don't have an endgame to this story yet. The idea just greatly interests me so I begin writing this. This is also my way of taking care of my writing slumps.

I hope this chapter is fine... sorry if nothing progresses on this chapter...
Chapter 8: Two Weeks Later
[-hat it has been a week since Poltergeist has become inactive. While no official statements has been said, PRT Representative have implied that the mysterious Cape might have left the city. It is sti--]

It's been two weeks since then. After continuing my drug busting operations and not seeing anyone getting interested by the warehouse near the Union, I finally felt satisfied and stop doing it a week ago.

I don't have a reason to continue, now that those people are gone. I don't know if I really got all their Capes, or their members. I haven't heard of Merchants until recently.

Within this week, my stiff condition is recovering. I can barely move my body once more. It only needs a great effort, but I am moving. Though within this week, I have added at least another hundreds of alternates and some parallels so I can further amuse myself. Also to help my Dad.

-I put the alternate version of the freshly baked cake on the desk of my Dad from his office, then throw it to the Original World so he can see. Just as I did that, I saw my Dad entering the room and then looking at the cake, his eyes blinking for a bit before looking around.

With my different alternate versions looking at my Dad and his surroundings, I always know what he is doing. Of course I don't follow him when he is going to do something private, but things like these are fine.

I heard through my alternates that Dad is asking around who put the cake in his office. She really can't just reveal that it is her. She is still hiding that she have powers like these.

After asking around for a bit, he finally just let it go and goes to take the cake I put there and shared it with the others.

This is my way of helping him out. I can't really mess with his paperwork as I can't understand it and even if I know, he will get suspicious. I also can't just pop out some items that he can use just because...

Anyway, the only thing I can think of, other than cleaning the house, giving the Dockworkers excess tools and materials, arranging stuffs, and now throwing some alternate versions of treats from this city. I think that's the least I can do with a power like mine to make my Dad happy.

At first, I tried ordering from the shop on the Original World through writing on a paper and leaving right amount of bills for it so they can deliver it to my Dad, though it only took two days before I heard some PRT got to snooping around the Downtown and the Boardwalk. So I changed to doing this. Just taking the alternate versions of those treats and then putting it on my Dad's office.

It also helps because I don't leave any trail, and no one will suspect other than my Dad. They will only think that someone from them is secretly gifting these things, might be a hidden admirer or something. I am sure they will chalk it up like that, right?

I have also tried refilling our refrigerator from the Original World with all the essential things every single day. Though three days since doing that I stopped, before Dad and Lacey got too suspicious. I already heard them talking about it, and getting confused when finding out that neither of them are refilling the refrigerator.

Good thing they don't suspect me. Though I hate seeing them being sad because of my condition, I think being like this make me not that suspicious to their eyes.

As for my escapades on those Parallel Worlds. I actually found out some things. Both good and bad.

So the good is that magic actually exists. Not just something that Capes can do. Actual magic are being done on this particular Parallel World.

As to how I said that. First thing to know is that Parahuman powers can't be learned by mundane means. Second, Parahuman powers only got it through something I read from the internet which I forgot. Maybe I should read about it next time?

Anyway, as I am saying. Parahuman powers are possible because of something in the head of those people.

As for the people of this particular Parallel World, they have magic. Anyone can learn it. They also don't have any mutations on their brain. They only have what is known as affinities, and innate abilities.

Second good thing I learned is that souls exists. An honest to goodness soul actually exists, and it is proven by some of the Parallel Worlds that I visited.

The final thing is that actual Gods exists. They descend on the mortal realm with this otherwordly atmosphere that even me, who is only looking through my alternates, can feel instinctively. Like I am already convinced that they are above the mortal comprehension.

Now, as for the bad things I found out, some Parallel Worlds are actually bad. They are so bad that even thinking about them makes me feel nauseous.

-Walking on a city razed by flames, with many people screaming around as they were chased by some tall and large humanoid being made out of pure flames. The sky is red, and above I can see those same infernal creatures falling on the sky meteor showers. Everything in the horizon dotted with only flames, screams, and the falling not-shooting stars.

-Standing on the ancient tower made of clay, looking below and seeing the expanse of flowers around the horizon and the flattened lands. With many blooming like lilies and other closed like a shy rose. On the roots and buds of these plants, I can see some suspiciously human-shaped wrappings hanging in the air, and are connected to some vines or buds of those flowers, while seeing some sort of yellowish energy being sapped by those hanging on the air. The flowers around these horizon varies in size, with some being as big as a house, and others easily reaching the tower and even beyond the skies.

-As I floated gently on the vacuum of space along with a broken spaceship of some sorts, gazing at the distant Earth. Seeing it wrapped around by some sort of humongous centipede with many nail-like teeth's surrounding every edges and openings of it's ridges. Glancing around and seeing each planets and even the Sun being wrapped the same by these creatures. While above the space and the stars, I can see many more floating around the space and swimming on it in a most peculiar manner.

-Seeing the mountain of corpses on some sort of futuristic city, decaying and rotting on the sides of the sleek and dirtied road. The white metallic sheen stained by many sorts of liquid, mostly of brownish and reddish stuff that has dried and stuck on it. Looking beyond the horizon, only the mountains upon mountain of corpses were bunched up like trashes, while a fog of some sinister sort floated around the skies and the whole city, making the whole scenery an eerie green in color.

-Everything is frozen. The cold is harsh, and if not for me ignoring the effects of this Parallel Dimension, I might have also freeze instantly. Ice sculptures of both animals, plants, and humans dotted the whole scenery. The trees, the ground, and even the mountain are purely made of ice.

-A world of orange and dusk, where only a wasteland remains. The air is hostile, and the dark clouds are ever present, only showing brief glances of the neverending afternoon. Plants and animals are absent, and not even a person can be seen anywhere.

Yes, I found Parallel Worlds that are post-apocalyptic, or are in the duration of their armageddon. I am not curious enough as to explore those of course, so after staying for a few minutes, I dismissed those visions.

Still, it gave me some insights about my powers. Like how I can easily go to some sort of dimension that is totally detached to my universe. It's unlike that Earth Aleph where it is just an Alternate Version of our world that have no Parahumans. I can actually go to worlds that doesn't work on our own logic. It's honestly amazing having my knowledge expanded because of this.

Speaking of expanding my knowledge, I am trying to translate the books some of the worlds have so I can give it all to my Dad. I think learning magic or some advance technology will help. Well, I hope it will help him.

It's pretty easy because somehow, I can actually understand every languages now. I don't even know how that happened!

Anyway, that's what I am doing these past two weeks.

-Some time later, while the Original Me is busily watching the TV along with Lacey, and my ten of thousands of alternates and parallels are doing their own thing, I have decided to go a bit farther on the warehouse to take a few patrols. It's my duty along with some hundreds more to see if someone is going to mess with the Union again.

-"Hm?" I perk up, and getting curious at the amount of footsteps approaching this place, I quickly made some alternates where I am already above the building, so I can quickly see who is it clearly.

-..... What? What is Lung doing here?

Sorry for the long delay. I finally managed to force this Chapter out of me.

Also, as for why Lung is there... there is a reason and it's not because of his perceived insult against Taylor.

Hope you have fun with this!~
Chapter 9: Azn Bad Boyz
One week. Poltergeist suddenly fell off the radar. There are no more trace of them working that day. Speculations around the mass and the internet are varied. Some saying that Poltergeist left the city, others saying they died by some gang member of some gang, few thinks they have joined a faction or a gang.

Lung doesn't think any of it is right. Maybe he can accept it if the elusive Poltergeist has joined someone, but no. There is no reports stating that they a new Cape joined the Empire, Coil's Group, or the PRT. The only thing possible is either they died somewhere, or they left the city.

And he can't accept that. Not when he already declared his stake on whoever they are.

He thinks they are hiding. They might be preparing for something. For what, he can surmise. If they somehow learned of him targeting them, then Poltergeist might be thinking of some plans to beat him.

He is confident of course. No one can beat Lung. He is well-known since he fought an Endbringer to a standstill. That alone makes everyone feel in awe, and also terrified of him.

If someone can't contend against Leviathan, then they might as well surrender against him. He is that confident!

Still, it's been a week, and he can't just let Oni Lee roam the street looking for someone who is clearly hiding. If an unseen person is hiding against him, then that might mean that they are cowered by his mere presence.

No, he need Oni Lee by his side. He still need to do something.

Like assessing what their new recruit can do.

Bakuda. A hopeful small time villain who thinks they are some future big shot. Though learning of her asian heritage, even if not full, makes her already a prospective candidate to join his gang.

Something he utterly takes regardless of her unwillingness.

He have shown her place at that time. Letting her use her available bombs at him, and utterly dismantling them through his sheer firepower. Acid bombs, flesh melting bombs, noise bomb, pain bombs, noxious bombs, freeze bombs, all of it were dismantled by his own power. Destroying it by his strength and his flames.

Now she is just a dog loyal to him. He utterly clamped down every thought of resistance she can do. Because that's what he is, a Dragon. As the one representing the strongest mythical creature, it is only right for him to take everything he wants.

With this, they have access to a Tinker. It's also a Tinker with a broad specialization that involves explosions. That will be useful for everyone of them, even his lieutenant Oni Lee.

And now, they are on this location. Going to an alleged warehouse near the Dockworker's Union, as they got some info about a clump of industrial tools left on it. He actually really don't see anything interesting with those, thought it seems like hearing of this info, Bakuda has requested to take a look and hope to use all of those tools to increase her productivity.

Normally he would have let Bakuda to go alone. Though he knows that she is still new, and none of the people around knows that she is a part of him. So he intends to go by himself, along with the majority of his troops. Not to fight, but to intimidate the local authority guarding that place.

This is the Docks. Known by the people of Brockton Bay as the territory of his gang, the Azn Bad Boyz. Even the police knows it, so after seeing his visage, they know when to scram.

This wouldn't happen if he is not here. If only Oni Lee is here, then the Protectorate might come and things will escalate. If only Bakuda came, then the police might fight back. No, he needs to come just for them to leave.

This area is technically not a part of the DWU, only near them. They won't dare contest against his group if they know what's better on them.

He is Lung. He can do whatever he wants on his territory!

What to do, what to do...

There are many people around Lung, and two others who have a masked. One is familiar as I always see him on the news, though the other one is.... well, she is weird. Why does she wear gasmask?

Doesn't matter. I just saw the police leaving the place without even making a token effort to protect this place, and some of the Dockworkers seems to have become alerted as I saw them running to the direction where my Dad's office is.

..... They are scaring the people around and throwing their weight like it's natural. Just by that gait alone, it makes me feel irritated.

This is the usual. This is considered ABB territory after all.

Though they haven't come to this place. I recall my Dad saying that the ABB won't mess with the Union so long as the Dockworkers does the same. Meaning it's a non-intervention pact. So why are they here.... hm?

-I gaze at the gasmask person, hearing their rather screechy laugh as they exclaimed excitedly, pointing at the warehouse where I put the alternate versions of the DWU's tools a few weeks ago.

.... Fuck. It's the warehouse again!

Well, technically it's not part of the DWU, but as it's relatively near the entrance, it can also technically be considered as part of the Union.

But what I am talking about? This is the ABB! They don't care about the technicalities! Gangs and criminals are like that!


-I waved my hands in front of this gasmask lady.

--Waved my hands in front of the people behind her.

--Waved my hands at Oni Lee.

--Waved my hands at Lung.

Oh. They can't notice me. I thought one of them might, as I heard Lung is supposed to be super strong.

Well, if they can't see me, then I should quickly incapacitate them!

-Taking position on their side.

--On their back.

--On their front.

Many of my alternates takes position. Dismissing some of my visions so I can recreate new Alternates by the thousands to deal with all of them in one fell swoop. Identical zip ties and some handkerchiefs at the ready to restrain them and gag them if the need comes.

First, I should start with this gasmask lady. Quickly restraining her, I heard her yelp in surprised as I push her to the ground. At the same time, I also used all my other alternates to follow up. Simultaneously holding on each part of their body and pinning them down on the ground.

Fast and quick. Just the usual thing I did to take care of those criminals.

To my surprise, that is the time that all hell breaks loose.

First indication is that another Oni Lee appeared besides the one that my alternates are pinning down. Some of my alternates gawking in surprised that we temporarily didn't managed to react in time when I heard the gasmask lady screech out and squirm around the hold of my many other alternates.

The second indication is the sound of something clicking at the pocket of the gasmask lady. I can feel it in one of my alternates, holding onto that pocket as a way to prevent her from taking something from within. Though I felt my alternate's finger slipping on something and undoing some sort of metallic cork hidden beneath their pocket.

The third indication is the sudden flash that occured around the area where we were holding onto the gasmask lady. Fortunately we managed to ignore the effect to encroach on the Alternate Versions, so I am not affected by the flash of light or the sudden cold that occured on this area.

Then I look at the one I am supposed to be holding with my alternates, and gasps in shock as I saw an ice sculpture of her, along with the ground that has been turned into ice too.

The final indication is the laugh, before the combined might of hundreds of us were not enough to pin down the leader of the ABB as he grunted in effort, standing up with his stature bulging for a bit. Bellowing a laugh that seems very elated despite the sudden situation, and the fact that I just killed one of his members.

"Hahahahahahaha! I finally found you, Poltergeist!"

Even if my Original Body can't express my emotions, my alternates are doing it just fine. Most of us gawks, before understanding dawns on me.

.... Fuck!

I don't know... but I think there are a lot of OOC stuffs happening here. I am very sorry if their personalities are not that accurate....

I hope you enjoy this chapter. I will be sleeping now.

See you later!~♪

EDIT: Also, yes. Bakuda just "Died".