V has come to - Battlefield V


I fits I sits
Wirral, England, UK

On May 23, join comedian Trevor Noah and members of the DICE team as they present the Battlefield V Live Reveal. As the live stream draws near, we've compiled the top ten things to look forward to.

1. A New Battlefield…

It's a brand-new experience and still everything you love about Battlefield – where every fight is different and brought to life across unexpected theatres of war. Discover the new challenges that will change war forever.

2. …in a New Setting

Battlefield 1 gave players the definitive World War 1 experience that brought the dawn of all-out war to life. But the next Battlefield happens on another frontline. The live reveal will give players the first look at DICE's immersive portrayal of the new setting.

3. Info Straight from the Developers Behind Battlefield V

Come for Trevor Noah, stay for the developers. Hear from DICE team members Oskar Gabrielson, the head of DICE Stockholm, Andreas Morell, senior producer, Lars Gustavsson, creative director, and Daniel Berlin, design director, as they fill you in on their Battlefield V vision.

4. Unseen Multiplayer Moments

You can of course expect large-scale multiplayer in the next Battlefield – but Battlefield V takes it to the next level. Prepare for multiplayer that spans multiple maps and modes, meaning you'll experience more varied and exciting Battlefield moments.

5. Unmatched Sights and Sounds

Battlefield has always been about high-fidelity immersion, and Battlefield V isn't any different. Tune in, and you'll be among the first to hear and see the stunning environments that you'll soon be playing within.

6. New Modes and Experiences

A player-favorite from Battlefield 1, Operations have given you the chance to take epic journeys across several maps. Will this teamplay-focused experience be in the next Battlefield? You'll know if you watch the live reveal!

7. Gameplay Changes

While we don't want to scoop our own reveal, you can bet your favorite Battlefield 1 weapon that exciting gameplay changes are coming. Because of this, we suggest not even blinking during the Battlefield V Live Reveal.

8. Trevor Noah

The comedian and host of the The Daily Show is not only a gamer, but a defender of video gaming. Funny, smart, and loves video games? We couldn't think of a better person to host our live reveal then this South African legend.

9. The Return of War Stories

DICE believes in both all-out multiplayer and single player, and the live reveal will have more info on the returning fan-favorite War Stories. Prepare for untold, compelling narratives in a new setting.

10. Answers to All the Speculation

The recent Battlefield Easter Egg chase has turned much of the community into sleepless sleuths. Is your whiteboard covered in Morse code? Is your search history full of white horses? How close were you to the truth of Battlefield V? It's time to find out.

Watch the Reveal live on stream, May 23 at 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET / 10 PM CET
Today, the trailer for the newest installment of EA/DICE's Battlefield franchise has dropped. The setting has been confirmed as being WWII— most definitely not what the rumors said, insisting that we would get Bad Company 3 instead.

The trailer can be summed up as "beautifully chaotic". It's absolutely gorgeous, but with pretty much no substinance whatsoever. I have no clue if it's for a single-player mission or for multiplayer, though the presence of an unknown woman who repeatedly speaks to the player suggests the former. But it's pretty much standard Hollywood fare— with just a maddened charge that has zero support and an effort to appear exciting above all else. Initial reactions on the Discords I'm on are less-than-stellar.

And this makes me wonder if EA/DICE are jumping the shark, here. Other reactions I'm seeing are rather angry ones, and not because of "muh wimmins" or "historical accuracy" (read: some sort of Nazi campaign) (yet), but rather because of exhaustion over an oversaturation of World War 2 games. So, SV, what are your thoughts on the new game and its setting?
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"oversaturation of World War 2 "

There haven't been that many (recently) yet. Call me when MoH is on a yearly schedule again.

But for Battlefield, I want 2143. :oops:
That trailer was trash. DICE made an awesome reveal trailer for BF1, but this was terrible. Felt more like CoD x Fortnite.

Really very disappointed.
"Women didn't serve in the frontlines waaaaa"

One of the dudes threw back a grenade, the player shot it, causing a passing plane to explode ugh sexism ruins fucking everything.

Anyway, not as cool a trailer as BF 1 but it was alright.
*People complaining about Women on the Battlefield*

She has a prosthetic arm for fuck's sake. Either she's suppose to be a Resistance fighter (One of the Campaigns is Norwegian Resistance apparently.) or they don't give a fuck about historical accuracy. Either way, it's cool with me.
JackFrags says this BF title gameplay wise is more like pre-BC2 Battlefield (no more Doritos 3D spotting):

Trailer gives me like "lol need that Fortnite money" but talk pre-BC2 gameplay and maybe map-design would make me happy. Though in terms of Goofiness BF3 jumped the Shark with Operation Metro.
It is weird because like, reading post-reveal articles about the game, it seems like the trailer was focused on their not really explained in the livestream co-op mode, Combined Arms, which consists of:
  • 4 players
  • Uses MP progression (unlock it in CA, you can use it in normal MP)
  • focuses around procedurally generated missions
  • designed to basically be a "safe zone" of sorts for people who may not be confident in normal MP but still want to play with others

Like so much of the weird pacing of it makes way more sense in that context.
It is weird because like, reading post-reveal articles about the game, it seems like the trailer was focused on their not really explained in the livestream co-op mode, Combined Arms, which consists of:
  • 4 players
  • Uses MP progression (unlock it in CA, you can use it in normal MP)
  • focuses around procedurally generated missions
  • designed to basically be a "safe zone" of sorts for people who may not be confident in normal MP but still want to play with others
Like so much of the weird pacing of it makes way more sense in that context.
Honestly they haven't showed the game off well, just feels weird. JackFrags, AngryJoe say one thing and I would trust those two than some people but I just don't kn

One other concern, no Season Pass will probably mean not many maps post-launch if BattleFront 2 & TitanFall 2 are anything to go by...
The trailer is god awful. They need to go find they guy who was doing it last time and offer him all the money in the world.

Though from what people who have apprently been shown real gameplay say, some interesting things are being added. The enhancments to the movment system especially, are something i've thought would be the natural progression since BF3. The idea that every every player action will be mirrored by an appropriate character action is also very appealing.
However if doing constant slides along the ground whilst firing an LMG becomes the new meta that could become problematic.
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I really have no idea what is going on.
Umm, yeah. Ditto.

Something is wrong with your trailer if I'm not exactly sure of which allegiance the protagonists belongs to: I swore that for the first few seconds that they were turncoats for the Germans, and then the guys started mowing down Germans and I was basically this:

I'm still parsing what I actually saw.
Eh, I like it.

When they said they where going back to world war 2 I was sort of unsure as to how they would differentiate it from the past and this seems like a pretty cool way to do it regarding the aesthetics. Though given the split reaction from just the trailer I do have a feeling the game is going to get overshadowed by its own controversy which is always unfortunate.
This was apparently exciting news, because there were three threads on it. As such, I have combined them all to create a SUPERTHREAD with all of the strengths of the previous threads, and none of the weaknesses.
I'll fess up to being the one who made the internet tag, because like

I'm really flabbergasted that the internet's decided on the response of "why isn't this as realistic and authentic as Battlefield 1" in a non-ironic sense


I can still remember the points of the @100thlurker rants about BF1, and the general sense that it was about as realistic as a FATE game run in the time period

I know it's because WW1 didn't have an era of video games dedicated to it to cement what a WW1 game should feel like to pop culture :V