Uruk-Hai Warband Quest (LOTR)

[x] Azkurghai, the Cunning One. The other Uruks of the pits began to call you this after you tricked a powerful warboss into thinking one of your enemies had pissed in his grog. Within hours, his head was a mutilated trophy on the warboss' steed, and other Uruks looked at you with a measure of respect.

Smart Uruk is most Terrifying Uruk.
[x] Nûrshúl, the Dreaded. You are of hulking size compared to most orcs, and you tower above even your Uruk brethren. Your size and power send weaker orcs fleeing for the hills, but it has made you a target for Uruks seeking to make a name of themselves. You have grown strong crushing those who try to kill you, but you must always watch your back.
[x] Nûrshúl, the Dreaded. You are of hulking size compared to most orcs, and you tower above even your Uruk brethren. Your size and power send weaker orcs fleeing for the hills, but it has made you a target for Uruks seeking to make a name of themselves. You have grown strong crushing those who try to kill you, but you must always watch your back.

Rachmaninoff had big hands! I don't know how that's related, but it was my first thought when reading the description. I'm frankly fine with any of these options. :)
CC: The Tools of War
[x] Nûrshúl, the Dreaded. You are of hulking size compared to most orcs, and you tower above even your Uruk brethren. Your size and power send weaker orcs fleeing for the hills, but it has made you a target for Uruks seeking to make a name of themselves. You have grown strong crushing those who try to kill you, but you mustalways watch your back.

You were bred for combat in Rohan against the Horse-Lords and their mighty steeds. On the open plains, their thundering hooves can bring down even the mightiest foe, unmounted. It is for this reason that the Uruks of the White Hand sent to invade the lands of the Eorlingas ride Wargs, fearsome wolf-beasts larger than most men. As one of Saruman's prized Uruk-hai, you choose your own Warg.

[x] A large, heavily-armoured, and cumbersome creature bred, like you, underneath Isengard. Built by the breeders for power and crushing strength, this creature can snap horses in half with it's massive jaws. Combined with your own impressive stature, it intimidates other orcs and Uruks, but is a liability on the field, where it's low stamina makes it slower than other Wargs.

[x] A White Warg, from the Misty Mountains far away. Powerfully built while still being agile and nimble, this Warg is several years old, a cunning and powerful creature in it's own right. It commands respect from other Wargs, a trait which, of itself, gains you respect from your own kin. It is quick and powerful enough, but most importantly, can react in the heat of battle where you might not. However, it's startling white fur is easily visible on the plains of Rohan.

[x] A quick, lightly-armored Shadowwarg from Moria. Bred in the darkness of the dwarven-halls, this is a beast that fears the light of the sun. It gives itself perfectly to stalking in the shadows of Rohan's forests, and has firm, lightly-plated armor that allows it to bleed into the darkness. This makes it optimal for quick, blitzkrieg strikes from the darkness or secretive hunting of an enemy force.

No Uruk, however, is complete without armor and weapons. The smiths of Isengard have fashioned several varieties of armor and weaponry, and some are available to you. (Pick one of each)


[x] A curved, jagged sword made for cutting enemies and leaving lasting wounds.

[x] A spiked, flexible whip capable of striking foes and disciplining your enemies.

[x] A powerful, long spear that can be stabbed with and thrown.


[x] Heavy, powerful armor that has multiple plates. This allows for greater defense and protection, but means less speed.

[x] Medium-weight, lightly-layered armor, that does not allow as much protection or speed as other types, but instead a mix of both.

[x] A light Moria-forged cuirass built to allow speed and flexible movement in combat. The symbol of the White Hand has been branded onto it, and demands respect from lesser orcs.
[x] A White Warg, from the Misty Mountains far away. Powerfully built while still being agile and nimble, this Warg is several years old, a cunning and powerful creature in it's own right. It commands respect from other Wargs, a trait which, of itself, gains you respect from your own kin. It is quick and powerful enough, but most importantly, can react in the heat of battle where you might not. However, it's startling white fur is easily visible on the plains of Rohan.

[x] A powerful, long spear that can be stabbed with and thrown.

[x] Medium-weight, lightly-layered armor, that does not allow as much protection or speed as other types, but instead a mix of both.
[x] A White Warg, from the Misty Mountains far away. Powerfully built while still being agile and nimble, this Warg is several years old, a cunning and powerful creature in it's own right. It commands respect from other Wargs, a trait which, of itself, gains you respect from your own kin. It is quick and powerful enough, but most importantly, can react in the heat of battle where you might not. However, it's startling white fur is easily visible on the plains of Rohan.

[x] A powerful, long spear that can be stabbed with and thrown.

[x] Medium-weight, lightly-layered armor, that does not allow as much protection or speed as other types, but instead a mix of both.

This way we're keeping with the theme of being a standout in the battlefield, as well as a leader because of our white warg. A spear I figure is very useful for us with mounted combat, and all, plus it complements our already long reach.

Medium armor means we won't be incredibly slow, and also fairly protected.
[x] A White Warg, from the Misty Mountains far away. Powerfully built while still being agile and nimble, this Warg is several years old, a cunning and powerful creature in it's own right. It commands respect from other Wargs, a trait which, of itself, gains you respect from your own kin. It is quick and powerful enough, but most importantly, can react in the heat of battle where you might not. However, it's startling white fur is easily visible on the plains of Rohan.

[x] A powerful, long spear that can be stabbed with and thrown.

[x] Medium-weight, lightly-layered armor, that does not allow as much protection or speed as other types, but instead a mix of both.

Seems fine. Would potentially like heavy plate but I can exist without it.
[x] the true tank plan

[x] A large, heavily-armoured, and cumbersome creature bred, like you, underneath Isengard. Built by the breeders for power and crushing strength, this creature can snap horses in half with it's massive jaws. Combined with your own impressive stature, it intimidates other orcs and Uruks, but is a liability on the field, where it's low stamina makes it slower than other Wargs.

[x] A powerful, long spear that can be stabbed with and thrown.

[x] Heavy, powerful armor that has multiple plates. This allows for greater defense and protection, but means less speed.
Yeah...we're going to get sniped. But the White Warg does seem like a great partner for our buddy cop comedy.

[x] A White Warg, from the Misty Mountains far away. Powerfully built while still being agile and nimble, this Warg is several years old, a cunning and powerful creature in it's own right. It commands respect from other Wargs, a trait which, of itself, gains you respect from your own kin. It is quick and powerful enough, but most importantly, can react in the heat of battle where you might not. However, it's startling white fur is easily visible on the plains of Rohan.
[x] A powerful, long spear that can be stabbed with and thrown.
[x] Medium-weight, lightly-layered armor, that does not allow as much protection or speed as other types, but instead a mix of both.

Could someone confirm how good these armor options will be at blocking arrows?
Well since we are going to be part of a marauding band and not participating in sieges and the what not I'm guessing the worst we'll encounter early on are hunting bows and horse bows from rohirimm so we should be fine with medium armor. When shit like longbows that can punch through plate and whatever bs elves pull are thrown into the mix then you should worry. The only way to stop that kind of stuff is to be as heavily armored as a troll could be
CC: Warbands
[x] A White Warg, from the Misty Mountains far away. Powerfully built while still being agile and nimble, this Warg is several years old, a cunning and powerful creature in it's own right. It commands respect from other Wargs, a trait which, of itself, gains you respect from your own kin. It is quick and powerful enough, but most importantly, can react in the heat of battle where you might not. However, it's startling white fur is easily visible on the plains of Rohan.
[x] A powerful, long spear that can be stabbed with and thrown.
[x] Medium-weight, lightly-layered armor, that does not allow as much protection or speed as other types, but instead a mix of both.

As an Uruk-hai, you have been bred not only for combat and strength, but leadership. As a result, you have been given the reins of an Uruk Warband, one of many prowling the plains of Rohan in the name of the White Hand.

Here you will determine your Warband's statistics, such as speed, size, and Uruk/Orc ratio. For ease of tallying, please go by Plan, not individual vote.


[] Your Warband is fairly large, capable of attacking greater targets than smaller or medium-sized Warbands. It also allows for a large mix of specializations. However, this makes it easier for you to be spotted, and increases the chance of infighting or betrayal.

[] Your Warband is of a medium size. It is big enough to raid greater villages and small towns, and can blend together a mix of Specializations well, but it is not large enough to raid large towns or holds.

[] Your Warband is small, tight, and closely-knitted. You focus on a single specialization to the exclusion of all else, but this means that the members of your Warband excel in that particular specialization. You sacrifice strength and numbers for speed and accuracy.

Specialization (Pick Two, One if Size is Small)

[] Mounted archers who strike from afar and retreat into the shadows. Your Warband is excellent at picking off enemies from far away and is lightly armored and defended, but weak in close combat. You rely on being able to pick off enemy forces from far away.

[] Mounted spearman who are built for battling the Rohirrim and their steeds, trained to combat horsemen and bring them down. Some are armed with nets or pikes to break a mounted charge's defense and attack with their Wargs.

[] Mounted swordsmen. Your Warband relies on close, face-to-face combat, and utilize long, running strikes which easily incapacitate unaware enemies. They are often weak against archers and pikemen, but can shatter common infantry, and when they get close, can devestate ranged enemies.

Warband Members:

[] Your Warband is composed primarily of fellow Uruk-hai. This gives more strength, power, and intelligence, but you gain less respect from those who see you as an equal, and uprisings and defiance are common. Every now and then, you will have to put down a powerful member of the Warband to remind them who the strongest is.

[] A mix of Uruks and Orcs. This allows for strength and intelligence, with the Uruks being the driving force behind the Orcs, who are the front line of the Warband, with their Uruk bretheren being the elites who command them. With someone to crush, the Uruks are sated, and their tendency to rebellion is quieted somewhat, but the Uruks tend not to ride forward into battle first, instead sending weaker Orcs to die in their place.

[] Your Warband is composed primarily of Orcs. The cannon fodder of every Dark Army since the inception of Middle-Earth, they are absolutely terrified of your intimidating presence, and will charge headfirst into the most deadly of battles for fear of incurring your wrath. You have to direct them more, and infighting is common, but they will never turn against you.
[X] Your Warband is of a medium size. It is big enough to raid greater villages and small towns, and can blend together a mix of Specializations well, but it is not large enough to raid large towns or holds.

[X] Mounted archers who strike from afar and retreat into the shadows. Your Warband is excellent at picking off enemies from far away and is lightly armored and defended, but weak in close combat. You rely on being able to pick off enemy forces from far away.
[X] Mounted swordsmen. Your Warband relies on close, face-to-face combat, and utilize long, running strikes which easily incapacitate unaware enemies. They are often weak against archers and pikemen, but can shatter common infantry, and when they get close, can devestate ranged enemies.

[X] A mix of Uruks and Orcs. This allows for strength and intelligence, with the Uruks being the driving force behind the Orcs, who are the front line of the Warband, with their Uruk bretheren being the elites who command them. With someone to crush, the Uruks are sated, and their tendency to rebellion is quieted somewhat, but the Uruks tend not to ride forward into battle first, instead sending weaker Orcs to die in their place.
[X] Your Warband is small, tight, and closely-knitted. You focus on a single specialization to the exclusion of all else, but this means that the members of your Warband excel in that particular specialization. You sacrifice strength and numbers for speed and accuracy.

[X] Mounted Spearmen

[X] Your Warband is composed primarily of fellow Uruk-hai. This gives more strength, power, and intelligence, but you gain less respect from those who see you as an equal, and uprisings and defiance are common. Every now and then, you will have to put down a powerful member of the Warband to remind them who the strongest is.

We are an elite unit created to defeat the Rohirrim at their own game. We are big and tough enough to beat the Uruks into line, and being close knit will make the unit more cohesive and reduce insurrection.
[X] Your Warband is small, tight, and closely-knitted. You focus on a single specialization to the exclusion of all else, but this means that the members of your Warband excel in that particular specialization. You sacrifice strength and numbers for speed and accuracy.

[X] Mounted Spearmen

[X] Your Warband is composed primarily of fellow Uruk-hai. This gives more strength, power, and intelligence, but you gain less respect from those who see you as an equal, and uprisings and defiance are common. Every now and then, you will have to put down a powerful member of the Warband to remind them who the strongest is.
[X] Your Warband is small, tight, and closely-knitted. You focus on a single specialization to the exclusion of all else, but this means that the members of your Warband excel in that particular specialization. You sacrifice strength and numbers for speed and accuracy.

[X] Mounted Spearmen

[X] Your Warband is composed primarily of fellow Uruk-hai. This gives more strength, power, and intelligence, but you gain less respect from those who see you as an equal, and uprisings and defiance are common. Every now and then, you will have to put down a powerful member of the Warband to remind them who the strongest is.
[X] Your Warband is of a medium size. It is big enough to raid greater villages and small towns, and can blend together a mix of Specializations well, but it is not large enough to raid large towns or holds.

[X] Mounted archers who strike from afar and retreat into the shadows. Your Warband is excellent at picking off enemies from far away and is lightly armored and defended, but weak in close combat. You rely on being able to pick off enemy forces from far away.
[X] Mounted spearman who are built for battling the Rohirrim and their steeds, trained to combat horsemen and bring them down. Some are armed with nets or pikes to break a mounted charge's defense and attack with their Wargs.

[X] A mix of Uruks and Orcs. This allows for strength and intelligence, with the Uruks being the driving force behind the Orcs, who are the front line of the Warband, with their Uruk bretheren being the elites who command them. With someone to crush, the Uruks are sated, and their tendency to rebellion is quieted somewhat, but the Uruks tend not to ride forward into battle first, instead sending weaker Orcs to die in their place.
[X] Your Warband is of a medium size. It is big enough to raid greater villages and small towns, and can blend together a mix of Specializations well, but it is not large enough to raid large towns or holds.

[X] Mounted archers who strike from afar and retreat into the shadows. Your Warband is excellent at picking off enemies from far away and is lightly armored and defended, but weak in close combat. You rely on being able to pick off enemy forces from far away.
[X] Mounted spearman who are built for battling the Rohirrim and their steeds, trained to combat horsemen and bring them down. Some are armed with nets or pikes to break a mounted charge's defense and attack with their Wargs.

[X] A mix of Uruks and Orcs. This allows for strength and intelligence, with the Uruks being the driving force behind the Orcs, who are the front line of the Warband, with their Uruk bretheren being the elites who command them. With someone to crush, the Uruks are sated, and their tendency to rebellion is quieted somewhat, but the Uruks tend not to ride forward into battle first, instead sending weaker Orcs to die in their place.
[X] Your Warband is small, tight, and closely-knitted. You focus on a single specialization to the exclusion of all else, but this means that the members of your Warband excel in that particular specialization. You sacrifice strength and numbers for speed and accuracy.

[X] Mounted Spearmen

[X] Your Warband is composed primarily of fellow Uruk-hai. This gives more strength, power, and intelligence, but you gain less respect from those who see you as an equal, and uprisings and defiance are common. Every now and then, you will have to put down a powerful member of the Warband to remind them who the strongest is.
[X] Your Warband is of a medium size. It is big enough to raid greater villages and small towns, and can blend together a mix of Specializations well, but it is not large enough to raid large towns or holds.

[X] Mounted archers who strike from afar and retreat into the shadows. Your Warband is excellent at picking off enemies from far away and is lightly armored and defended, but weak in close combat. You rely on being able to pick off enemy forces from far away.
[X] Mounted spearman who are built for battling the Rohirrim and their steeds, trained to combat horsemen and bring them down. Some are armed with nets or pikes to break a mounted charge's defense and attack with their Wargs.

[X] A mix of Uruks and Orcs. This allows for strength and intelligence, with the Uruks being the driving force behind the Orcs, who are the front line of the Warband, with their Uruk bretheren being the elites who command them. With someone to crush, the Uruks are sated, and their tendency to rebellion is quieted somewhat, but the Uruks tend not to ride forward into battle first, instead sending weaker Orcs to die in their place.