Unlicensed Driver (Hogwarts Headmaster Quest)

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by TimelessThing on Jan 7, 2022 at 9:57 PM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.
Prologue 5
{"I am sorry. In any other situation I wouldn't have been so rash, but finding what appeared to be the site of a dark ritual where I was expecting the headmaster was... upsetting."}

"I understand entirely -- or at least to the extent my extraordinarily limited experience allows. Just the same, you can't allow your temper to control your wand. While nothing too serious took place today, we cannot expect things to resolve themselves so happily for every such misstep."

She seems frustrated, but nods sharply when you finish.

{"No, unfortunately. Dark wizards and witches seldom leave a maker's mark with which to identify their work."}

"Even so, if there's anything at all you can glean by inspecting me further, you're free to do so," you say.

Filius frowns slightly. "Hm, I suppose there aren't any better options apparent."

"If nothing else, anyone reported to be missing in the coming days could be looked into. I'll need to notify the Aurors of what we've found here," Minerva interjects.

"Ah, before you do that, I'd like the chance to inspect the area a bit more closely. It's unlikely the Aurors will be so kind as to provide me the opportunity without a sea of regulations to wade through."

"...Alright, but please be quick about it. They must be kept informed of anything that could aid their investigation into the headmaster's death," she hesitantly acquiesces. "In the meanwhile, I must make myself available for their inquiries. Good night."

Minerva strides briskly from the room before either of you can respond, and with her departure's sharp report you and Filius are left alone, once again bereft of light beyond what the candles around you produce.

He sighs before turning to you, smiling softly. "We should move into the next room for this. Remnants of the ritual which created you may interfere with my analysis."

You do so, following Filius into a much better-furnished chamber. A chair sitting before a desk with many papers strewn upon it, two bookshelves, a few glowing sconces set on the walls, and several arcane stands with chunks of masonry set atop them are here. It's not exactly homely, but it's much more welcoming than the site of your birth.

With a quick wand-motion, Filius maneuvers the chair into the room's well-lit center. He beckons you to sit, and you do.

After about half a minute of muttering and waving about, Filius pauses his inspection of you.

"Er, do you have something in your hand by any chance?"

You realize you've yet to relinquish your grip on the wand you found. Showing it to Filius seems to excite him once again.

"Oh! Was that in the ritual chamber?"

"Yes, I found it shortly after waking, before Minerva's arrival. It had slipped my mind entirely until you brought it up. It felt natural in my grasp, enough to be ignored entirely."

"Well, it almost certainly belonged to your soul's donor, then! What little is known about souls and their relation to magic indicates that any inclinations a person has towards specific varieties or specialties of magical practice are expressions of their soul. Therefore, it stands to reason that you would inherit an affinity for their wand. Hmm..."

He begins to stroke his thin and scraggly beard, eyes closed.

"...I think it would be best to ask Mister Ollivander for information on the wand's bearer. He may refuse to help, or not remember to whom the wand was sold -- though that in particular would be a first. Just the same, I'll pop out and request his attendance, if that's alright with you."

"I have no objections. It seems likely Ollivander's insight would benefit us both."

He nods, smiling brightly, and vanishes in a snap. It's startling, as this is the first time you've seen one of your interlocutors depart, and the strange twist with which Filius's presence is annihilated briefly terrifies you. After a few minutes, during which you inspect the inert hunks of stone around you (at a distance, just in case), Filius returns.

"It shouldn't be more than a couple hours, as Mister Ollivander starts his work day early. In the meantime... would you like to learn how to use that wand?"

{Filius Flitwick attempts to teach you the wand-lighting charm, Lumos. Starting at 0/24 (Complexity 1.00 * 12), requirements increased to 0/28 due to time constraints and personal inexperience.
Filius rolls 3+14=17 (Reasoning modified by traits: Charms Expert, Didactic Expert), threshold at 14, your roll is doubled by his aid.
You roll 7+4=11 (Reasoning), 22 points banked. 22/28 to learn Lumos.}

When Ollivander arrives, he'll be able to identify the previous owner of your current wand. You have a few things to determine about them.

What was their blood status?
[X] (Blood) Muggleborn
[] (Blood) Halfblood
[] (Blood) Pureblood

What house were they in?
[] (House) Gryffindor
[X] (House) Hufflepuff
[] (House) Ravenclaw
[] (House) Slytherin

What was their gender?
[] (Gender) Male
[X] (Gender) Female

What was their name?
[X] (Name) Write-in: Sarah Sykes

What, if anything, do you want to retain of theirs? Vote for as many as you want. Only vote for "Nothing" if you don't vote for the others. Voting for some will count as voting against the others.
[] Their name.
[] Their gender.
[X] Their wand.
[] Nothing.

I was surprised nobody remembered the wand, but it works well diagetically. The Encyclopedia has been updated with information on Lumos and the rules for spells. Hogwarts Status has been updated with some information about Filius Flitwick.
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Vote Results and Runoff
Adhoc vote count started by TimelessThing on Jan 11, 2022 at 10:34 PM, finished with 24 posts and 11 votes.

I just realized that I misremembered the winner for the "forgiving McGonagall" vote and wrote the outcome for "accept her apology blithely" instead of "accept her apology, but chastise her". Oops.

[X] (Blood) Muggleborn 7
[] (Blood) Halfblood 4
[] (Blood) Pureblood 0

[] (House) Gryffindor 0
[X] (House) Hufflepuff 8
[] (House) Ravenclaw 0
[] (House) Slytherin 3

[] (Gender) Male 5
[X] (Gender) Female 6

[] Their name. 3
[X] Their gender. 6 {Deferred}
[X] Their wand. 9
[] Nothing. 0

Because the (Name) vote was split between masculine and feminine options and some votes to retain your creator's gender were accompanied by votes for it to be male, there are going to be two runoff categories.

What was the witch's name?
[X] (Name) Sarah Sykes
[] (Name) Write-in

Do you want to inherit her gender?
[] (Gender) Yes
[X] (Gender) No
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Prologue 6
"In practice, spells are exercises. Every time you cast one successfully, the paths your magic takes to accomplish its effects are made more familiar, engraved more deeply into your being, and this renders the spell progressively easier to cast. With enough experience, it is even possible to simplify the casting process while retaining the effect."

You swish your wand in a tight curlicue, and with a clear "Lumos!" it briefly flickers with anemic light, eliciting a frown from Flitwick.

"Unfortunately, it seems you lack any such channels. You'll need to develop them from scratch, as things are."

He smiles and claps his hands.

"Luckily, I'm quite experienced in teaching from first principles!"

Quite some time later, you've become able to produce a thin light reliably. It's dim and so quick to fade that you can hardly manage to cast the spell again before its glow vanishes entirely, but it's a start.

A loud yet sonorous CROAK startles you from your diligent practice and Flitwick from his examination of the room.

"Oh! We'd better be going, then. Wouldn't want to waste his time," Flitwick says, shuffling towards you.

"What -- that signaled Ollivander's arrival, then? Where will we be meeting the fellow?" you ask, off-kilter.

"Mm, in my experience it's better to leave the passenger thoroughly unprepared for their first side-along. Apologies in advance."

Before you can respond, he places his palm against your leg and the world becomes a blur of confusion and noise. It feels as though your inexistent stomach is distended, stretching infinitely along a narrow course for all of a few seconds before reality snaps back into place, forcing you to your knees.

By the time you tame your humors and rise, Flitwick has begun chattering rapidly to an older man in simple robes, who looks to you at your ascent.

He blinks slowly. "...It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Garrick Ollivander, owner of Ollivanders and purveyor of Britain's finest wands. If you have any need for a wand, or services regarding wands, I will be able to provide them -- whether myself or by referral."

"Ah! Yes! Our friend here has the wand I asked you to examine," Flitwick exclaims.

With vague reluctance, you hand Ollivander your wand. He receives it carefully before turning it slowly in his hand.

"Hmm... while I would normally be reluctant to inform you as to its former user, this wand has already chosen you to wield it. It is only right that you're appraised of its history."

Ollivander returns your wand to you and closes his eyes for a few, long, moments.

"...Vine and unicorn hair, an unusual combination. Eleven-and-three-quarters inches, rather springy....

"This wand belonged to a witch named Sarah Sykes," he states, eyes open and voice certain. "She purchased it from me in 1978."

Flitwick tilts his head pensively, a hand to his chin. "...I don't believe I recall teaching a Sarah Sykes, not on the spot. Still, thank you greatly for your help, Mr. Ollivander. I am sorry to have disrupted your morning, but it is critical that we secure as much information as possible regarding last night."

Ollivander shakes his head. "It was no trouble at all, Filius. If anything, I'm glad to have your trust."

Ollivander departs with little fanfare save a harsh POP. With that, Flitwick turns to you.

"As you seem to have recovered from our sudden arrival, I'd like to offer a belated welcome."

He spreads his arms, gesturing hither and thither with gusto. "This is my primary office at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am employed here as Head of both Ravenclaw House and the Charms Department... though as things stand, I constitute the entirety of the latter."

You smile and begin to speak when a sudden sense of vertigo strikes. Stumbling, you steady yourself on a nearby table. Flitwick watches with concern, arm half-raised to help.

"A-as much as I appreciate your welcome, and the aid you've provided me thus far, I'm afraid the rigors of the day are catching up with me," you say.

"Oh, right, this has doubtless been an exceedingly trying morning for you. I'll take you to the guest quarters, if you'll permit."

With an accepting nod on your part, the two of you set off. Your passage through the castle's halls is disorienting and its strange geometries would've baffled you even at your best, but Flitwick seems at home. In short order, he leads you to a well-furnished bedchamber, and you unceremoniously collapse into sleep.

What do you dream of?
[X] Guidance
[] Peace
[] Tension
[] Dust

Why is it called Ollivanders and not Ollivander's? Are Ollivanders for sale? Are they the star attraction?

The anti-apparition/disapparition enchantments normally present on the Hogwarts grounds were lifted for the summer so that faculty could go about their business more easily.

There are a few things I should probably update in the info pages, but writing this was rough and I'm tired, so it may be a bit. The current plan is to have one or two more sections to the prologue, then a sidestory post.
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Runoff vote
Scheduled vote count started by TimelessThing on Jan 22, 2022 at 8:07 AM, finished with 15 posts and 12 votes.

Three-way tie at the last minute. I'll roll to remove one... looks like Peace is out of the running.

[] Guidance
[] Dust

If you've voted for Guidance or Dust already, you don't have to cast another ballot now unless you're switching it up. If there's another tie, it'll be resolved by coinflip.

To elaborate on these options, Guidance would provide the most concrete outcome, but also the least informative. It'd help you contextualize things more easily, but not give much to contextualize. Dust is more abstract and concerns the greatest threats to Hogwarts's continued functionality, but those aren't really an immediate concern for you and it would be very challenging to do much about them any time soon. There won't be another dream vote until the end of the first school year at the absolute earliest, and your options will be different. The dream's not prophetic and won't have any mechanical effect, it's just a rare event that'll give you some idea of your circumstances.

Peace would've been about the more conventional problems you're going to have in the next couple of months, and Tension would've focused on the quiet conflicts currently plaguing British wizardry.

Also, the Encyclopedia now has a couple sentences each on Ollivander and Sykes. Nothing significant, but it'll be there as a reference if anyone needs it later.
Prologue 7
You are mired in a labyrinth of corridors. At first they seem similar to those Filius guided you through last morning, but they soon veer into more fanciful designs. A hall of empty portraits, with their occupants congregating in a mural at its end, fighting amongst themselves. A passageway of black stone which yields to the touch, forming new paths at every gesture. A wooden room, perfectly cubical with warmth emanating from its sides. On and on it goes, weaving between the macabre and saccharine without any indication of care, purpose or consistency.

Eventually, it comes to an end. You feel a strange sense of grudging resignation as one last chamber surrounds you. Rather than walls, you are within a dome of glass segmented into eclectic shapes. The floor is grey marble, warmed by sunlight. Each part of the dome shows a different view of the outside, comparable in variety to the maze you recently wandered. In this room's center stands its sole furnishing: a pedestal on which a book lies closed. You feel yourself waking as you approach, and the book's title blurs and shifts before finally resolving into legibility:

How to Bind Souls and Influence Castles

The start of your life's second day is radically different to that of the first. Rather than surging into consciousness you langorously wake in comfort and serenity, though your calm is soon broken by racing thoughts.

Just what are you, and why do you exist? Filius called you a "soul trap", and indicated that Sykes's soul is the one trapped within you. You were created through a "dark ritual", something Minerva found so upsetting that it led her to assault and detain you on sight. While Filius said you are not dark yourself, he also stated that you would've inherited Sykes's predilictions for whatever magics she was talented in. Does that include dark magic? What even is dark magic? More importantly, why would she be willing to sacrifice her own life in an apparently unpleasant manner to create you, yet fail to provide any guidance or specific information at all as to what you should be doing or how?

Well, you won't solve these mysteries just lying around! Rising from the swaddling sheets of your bed you hear a set of three prim knocks sound through the room, conveniently answering the question of what you'll do next.

Minerva is waiting outside your door, seeming more haggard than before yet no less determined. "Good morning," she greets you.

"Yes, good morning. Just how did you know I was up?"

"The house elves alerted me that you had awoken. There are a few things we need to discuss before you go anywhere, if you're prepared to."

"Um, certainly. It's not as though I had plans, Minerva."

Her face twitches at that, quickly enough you nearly missed it. Unsure why that happened and unwilling to ask when she clearly has an agenda, you lead her into your guest suite, finding the bed removed and several comfortable, well-cushioned chairs awaiting your occupancy. You are taken aback by the change, but Minerva is unflapped. The two of you sit, and Minerva resumes the conversation:

"As I've yet to introduce myself, that seems the best place to start. I am Professor Minerva McGonagall, the Head of the Transfiguration Department and Gryffindor House here at Hogwarts. I further serve as Deputy Headmistress, which provides me with a great deal of knowledge and experience regarding the particular workings of this school and the castle which houses it. As you are likely..." she pauses, considering you, "...unaware, Albus Dumbledore was, among many other things, this school's Headmaster at the time of his--" she falters briefly, "-- departure."

"My condolences, sincerely."

"Yes, well, the most critical part of what I've said, at least as far as you're concerned, is that I am still Deputy Headmistress."

She pauses here, watching you. You return her gaze, quizzical, and she continues a few moments later.

"In the event of a Headmaster's passing, custody of the school is to pass to their deputy. Officially, this is the primary function of my role."

"...Right, that's sensible. What's gone wrong, then? Who is Headmaster?"

"As of last night, you are."

This, naturally, leaves you gobsmacked.

"For whatever reason and by whatever means, you have inherited the Headmastership from Albus Dumbledore."

"Wait, how can I be the Headmaster? Isn't that just an administrative position, not something that could be passed from one person to someone completely unrelated? It's not as though anyone's hired me, at least to my knowledge."

She seems discomfited. "There are... esoteric components involved. It's a complex topic, but there are considerations on account of which I can't reasonably be considered Headmaster. Further, you cannot relinquish the role save in death, something I'd expect we both object to."

You collapse back into your seat's warm embrace. Yet another oddity has been thrust upon you unanticipated. Maybe you're just bad at this whole "existence" thing, given how little control you seem to have over it.

"...Exactly what does this mean for us?"

"You'll need to approve any official documents such as the school's budget, represent the school in public and in meetings with the Board of Governors, make hiring decisions, and generally be present at Hogwarts throughout the year. There are also certain emergency procedures you must be made aware of and prepared to enact. Technically, these are the only requirements, but you may wish to take more duties upon yourself in time."

"Why's that?"

"I believe Filius would be better suited to that particular discussion. In the meanwhile, I'd recommend that you get dressed. While I'm told you're incapable of eating, breakfast would be an excellent opportunity for you to meet the other members of staff staying at Hogwarts over the summer."

You numbly say your farewells and she departs. On the bright side, this provides you a clear purpose and direction. That's faint praise next to the sudden pressure and confusion you're experiencing, but it's something. For now, you'd best do as McGonagall suggested and get dressed.

...Wait, have you been nude this whole time?

There's a closet in this room conveniently stocked with a broad variety of clothes in your size. What will you wear to breakfast?

[] (Clothes) Simple silken robes, plain black with white trim. They are accompanied by an archetypal wizard's hat.
[] (Clothes) Dress clothes with an open robe. Its hem only reaches your knees, signalling its ornamental nature.
[X] (Clothes) Sweatpants, a garish hoodie and steel-toed boots. Perfect for making an impression.
[] (Clothes) Your birthday suit. It's worked out so far, right?

With what name will you introduce yourself?

[X] (Name) You have no name. You are the Headmaster. That is enough.
[] (Name) Write-in

How will you be referred to?

[] (Pronoun) It
[X] (Pronoun) They
[] (Pronoun) She
[] (Pronoun) He

With what manner will you present yourself?

[X] (Demeanor) Convivial. You want to get off on the right foot and get to know who your coworkers truly are.
[] (Demeanor) Subdued. They just lost their former boss and now you're here to take his place. It's best to start small.
[] (Demeanor) Authoritative. You're starting from a weak position and need to get a handle on things before they deteriorate further.

Relatively long update, yaaaaaay. Kinda need it after the break.

For the (Pronoun) vote, McGonagall will ask you how you prefer to be called and refer to you as such when first introducing you. To be clear, you don't have sexual characteristics of any kind. The other votes should be self-evident, I think.

Plan's still to get the prologue wrapped up with the next update, then having a sidestory post focusing on McGonagall and Flitwick meeting while you slept.

I'll need to update the Encyclopedia and Status sheets with some data, but that's not happening until I get some sleep.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by TimelessThing on Mar 4, 2022 at 5:20 AM, finished with 10 posts and 9 votes.

[] (Clothes) Simple silken robes, plain black with white trim. They are accompanied by an archetypal wizard's hat. 3
[] (Clothes) Dress clothes with an open robe. Its hem only reaches your knees, signalling its ornamental nature. 0
[X] (Clothes) Sweatpants, a garish hoodie and steel-toed boots. Perfect for making an impression. 6
[] (Clothes) Your birthday suit. It's worked out so far, right? 1

[X] (Name) You have no name. You are the Headmaster. That is enough. 4
[] (Name) Aurora 1
[] (Name) Athena 3
[] (Name) Jonathan 1
[] (Name) Talos 1

[] (Pronoun) It 1
[X] (Pronoun) They 7
[] (Pronoun) She 1
[] (Pronoun) He

[X] (Demeanor) Convivial. You want to get off on the right foot and get to know who your coworkers truly are. 5
[] (Demeanor) Subdued. They just lost their former boss and now you're here to take his place. It's best to start small. 4
[] (Demeanor) Authoritative. You're starting from a weak position and need to get a handle on things before they deteriorate further. 0

Well, I had kinda written off the casual, mismatched muggle option for clothing as something that wouldn't get picked, so this was a surprise.

I need 2d6 rolled five times for first impressions. It's pass/fail, and you'll need to roll at least 4, 10, 8, 10, and 5 respectively for good reactions.
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