Location: Snowden.
You decide to approach the Ice Wolf curious about why he's doing that.
Frisk: "Hey uh, excuse me?"
The Wolf merely glances your way before returning it to the Ice Machine.
Ice Wolf: "A Human? In Snowden? haven't seen something like that in awhile. I wonder, does that make you the the sixth or seventh one to fall down here?"
Frisk: "Human? what? no. no I'm not a human. I'm a..weird puppy."
Ice Wolf: "I know what a human smells like, and what they look like, you aren't fooling this old wolf, although I can see how you could get past the others." *sigh* "I knew I should've requested for them to get more training after seeing those books from the surface, I guess this is what happens when I keep my mouth shut."
Frisk: "You're a member of the guard?"
You place yourself in a defensive position before hearing a chuckle.
Ice Wolf: "Ex-Member of the Royal Guard, and don't worry I really don't have any will to fight you, though if you were passing through here while I was on duty, you wouldn't be so lucky."
Frisk: "Duly Noted. A-Anyways, what're you doing here?"
Ice Wolf: "I'm throwing ice into a river, but I doubt that's what you were asking."
Frisk: "Well yeah."
Ice Wolf: "....Alright, you probably won't get very far before dying and even if you do, i doubt a kid like you could do anything. This river here goes directly to something the core situated in the hottest place in the underground. if that thing overheats, best case scenario no magical-electrical conversion, worst case scenario, goodbye Hotland."
...you get the feeling that something like this is something that would need to be regulated so nothing goes wrong...maybe you can use this to your advantage somehow? A growl snaps you out of this train of thought.
Ice Wolf: "Oi! don't think for a second I can't see those gears turning. But fair warning, if you want to mess with the cooling system, you'll have to go through me first. Actually, you know what, that would be a welcome distraction from just throwing ice all day. but I warn you I don't play nice."
The Ice Wolf gives off a menacing smile as you gulp. If you're going to cause a panic, you're going to have to find a way to delay the Ice Cubes from reaching the Core on the time they were expected while they're in the water as you very much doubt that he's going to let you touch the Ice Machine to slow down the production rate.
Frisk: "Look, it was just a hypothetical, nothing for you to be worried about."
Ice Wolf: "Alright, I don't smell any dust on your hands so I suppose I'll let that be a warning for you, Don't fuck with me Human. now go away, I have Ice to throw. In peace."
You simply nod and walk away, now knowing someone you don't want to piss off.
Reward: You have unlocked a new option in Waterfall when you meet a certain someone. I mean a delayed delivery has never hurt anyone right?
Frisk: "So, Chara, who was that wolf?"
Chara: "Lupin. and he was while in the the royal guard anyways, the trainer of the new recruits, tough but fair he is very effective at what he did, and what he did is train others and kill humans. rumors have it that his parents died in the war and he was adopted by the King and Queen of the underground until his adult life. Personally I don't think so but I can't say for sure."
Frisk: "So in other words, don't piss him off right?"
Chara: "Right, now what was that I uh..felt about you wanting to cause a panic by messing with the ice blocks? Because I don't think you should do that, it seems...mean spirited."
Frisk: "Oh come on, they'll still be getting them it's just coming a bit later than expected."
Chara: "Yes well, it seems you still don't get why I don't want you to do it, look in the simplest terms your taking a big risk assuming that the worst case possible won't happen, secondly you have no idea what the CORE is except it's a powerful generator that needs a constant flow of Ice for it to function safely, and lastly but the most important thing is that this is exactly the type of thing that could escalate into something horrible for both humans and monsters if allowed to escalate. So if you actually do that Promise me, PROMISE me, that you will do your best to keep it from Escalating. at least from your end."
Frisk: "Alright I promise I won't let let that plan of action escalate past just delaying."
This seems to satisfy her that you won't do something stupid, at least concerning the Core anyways.
Location: Snowden shop
Frisk: "So, shopkeeper, show me your wares".
Shopkeep: "Alright what'd ya want to buy."
She pulls out a box containing what she has in stocks, and as you count your money you decide to spend frugally and take the bandanna, and put it on, paying 50G as specified.
Frisk: "That should be all, so uh..before I leave mind filling me in on a few things?"
Shopkeep: "Ask away."
Frisk: "Well uh, firstly let me introduce myself, I am a traveler. uh, hello there Shop Keep."
ShopKeep: "Hello and welcome to snowden. We don't have much here but it is home."
Frisk: "Really? Well ah, what would you suggest for a traveler?"
Shopkeep: "Well for tourists I would always recommend Grillby's and...well no, that's it really. Grillby's is the only place I can see wowing anyone from out of town, everywhere else is just the rather basic Small town stuff. But if you are interested in our history we do have a Library open, it's not the best but it is informative."
Frisk: "I'll be sure to check that out as soon as I can. Anyways uh...how's your life been in this part of the underground."
Shopkeep: "Well....life's life i suppose. I'm here manning this shop while I wait and hope that the last human will drop soon. While it is morbid It's also the only way for the barrier to go away. I hope it'll happen soon."
Reward: the Manly Bandanna.
With that you take your leave waving the shopkeeper goodbye as head out the door head over to Grillby's.
Location: Grillby's
You approach the Dog Squad. who seemed to be engrossed in a card game before Dogaressa notices you, and waves you over.
Dogaressa: "Oh hey, it's the weird puppy. over here."
Doggo: "Weird puppy? was that the one who moved earlier today?"
Greater Dog: "Arf!"
Lesser Dog: "Bark!"
Dogamy: "Ey! no leaving the table for a quick pet-down, you know the rules you two."
Greater/Lesser dogs: *collective whimpers as they return their attention back to the game.*
Dogaressa: "Anyways, what's up?"
Frisk: "not much just wanted to see how you were faring."
Doggo: "Well as you can see we're doing fine. Want me to deal you in? We could always use some new blood in the game."
Frisk: "Eh, no thanks, just here to take a look around the restaurant, maybe after that."
Dogamy: "Shame but I suppose it's just as well, I would've beat you in this game anyways."
Dogaressa: "It's just a game dear."
Dogamy: "A game I am very good at. Still I'll keep the bragging for later."
With a quick wave you leave them to their game and go to talk to the other monsters and make some small talk, most of it wasn't really all that memorable except for one which worries you when it comes to the nature of Monster food.
Frisk: "Wait you heard that humans have to digest their food."
Unfortunate Reptilian Monster (URM): "Yeah, isn't it weird? Unlike monster food which is directly turned into energy as it hits your stomach. Still I've always wondered what that would feel like."
Frisk: "So have I, but I imagine it would feel fulling."
URM: "I suppose it would. In that case I can't wait to find out what it feels like after we win the war."
Frisk: "So do I."
How you manage to lie about such things without being caught is something beyond you, but you manage to get away with it as you wondered what to do next.
[] Join the Dogs in the card game: You are curious about that. Besides you have the best Poker face in the family, you can win this easily..maybe. (Reward: dice rolls for luck, possibly monetary gain/loss. Also a chance to change the story.)
[] Head to the Inn/Library: You want to hit the hay asap and the faster you read those books the faster you can sleep.
The other monsters in the room make for some good small talk about the town but, none of them were really memorable, well no that's not true, the ones who weren't working hard on the newspaper were cool to talk to but that's because well he was the librarian.
Librarian: "Welcome to the Snowden Library. how may I help you?"
Frisk: "Do you know about any books that might interest a Traveler like me?"
Librarian: "Someone interested in books for a change?! Uh..I mean, check the back for books that'll tell you all about this place."
Frisk: "Alright I can do that."
What you read up on was something incredible, aside from the unfinished book you learned a lot about monster funerals, what monsters think of Humans and how they very dangerously overestimate the average man's Magic Endurance, How the King sucks at Naming things and the weird name debates that occured right after the king called this place Snowden/Snowdin which all came down on how it was pronounced, eventually a coin flip decided that it was Snowden. The Monsters are also aware of their own weakness and thinks that love, hope, and compassion aren't a part of a human soul.
Frisk: (huh, well this is good to know.)
Afterwards after doing some reading you head to the Inn to rest.
Location: SnowDen's Snow Den.
You pull out 80 G, reducing your savings to 190, and paying the Innkeeper who hands you a Key.
Innkeeper: "Thank you and Enjoy your stay at the Snow Den, the warmest place in the coldest area."
Frisk: "Alright, thanks."
With this key in hand you head up to the room number and crawl into bed, resting up for the fight tomorrow.
Location: Frisks Mindscape.
You once again awaken in a white area, this time however you can see the color and furnishings start to slowly fade into existance, a brown floor and basic bedroom stuff appaears looks like a recreation of your room. Chara is sitting on your desk looking out of the window.
Frisk: "So We're back here again. What do you want to do?"
Chara: "I'm not sure, got anything in mind? heh."
Actions Available: Choose three
[] Figure out the red trail thing: "Well I want to know how I did that red mist back when we first entered Snowden." (Reward: Well your SP increases and Frisk gets a better handle of his Soul, which will help immensely with Papyrus's/any fight in which your soul changes color .)
[] Get to Know Chara better: "So tell me about yourself." (Reward: Trust increases.)
[] Formulate a plan for when you wake up: we need a plan. (Allows for you to try and put ideas in Frisks head. and for the sidequest area to be filled.)
[] Enter the Vault of memories: Remember something from the past to empower yourself. (Boosts one stat until your next visit.)
[] Dream (let Random chance guide you and Frisk down whatever path his Subconscious chooses. will cause a random effect to happen here.)
OOC: As you can see, if Frisk buys something from the store and it can be equipped he will equip it. Anyways here we are with a dream sequence and a way to change the story later down the line.