Undersiders R Us - Worm RP OOC

Microscopic wires should be straight out because physics.
You see the amount of force you can exert on something is limited by your strength and its weight.
With almost no weight no matter the length you could swing a wire that small very hard. The tip would break the sound barrier like a whip easily, but at that small it might start hitting Machs 3+

Thats a lot of equations I'm not doing at the moment. But nearly no weight means tons of speed, tons of speed and tiny surface area means massive massive cutting power. Assuming a Hard material you could slice apart cars and buildings (and heads) with a super sonic invisible wire.

As someone with an interest in cutting, I have to put in my two cents' worth here.

The key factor in cutting isn't velocity, it's momentum. We're being struck by particles travelling at hypersonic speed all the time - it doesn't matter because they're so tiny that they can't affect us at the macro level. An alpha particle travels at around 0.1c and it can't penetrate the epidermis.

The mass of an object has zero bearing on the amount of force you can exert on it. What it does affect is what that force does. To be precise, the familiar equation F=ma applies, where your force is constant and the acceleration varies inversely with mass. So yes, if the mass is smaller it will accelerate more rapidly.

This creates problems for a wire-fu wielder because a very thin wire has limits on its tensile and shear strength. Simply moving at high velocities may exert strong enough local forces within the wire itself to affect its structure catastrophically. At Sufficient Velocity™, the wire will simply break. On contact with a solid surface, it will disintegrate, causing some surface damage but not penetrating or delivering force deeply. Again, for delivering force or cutting, you need momentum.

Whips are actually terrible at cutting stuff, despite their tips travelling at supersonic velocities. That's why they're used for applications in which the point is not to cause serious damage. You whip a steer to get it moving, if you want to take its head off you use a kukri (yes, the Nepalese actually have a festival every year where they take the head off a cow with a kukri. The wonders of growing up where there's a Gurkha contingent).

Where a wire really shines in terms of cutting is when it's relatively thick so that it doesn't break, and it's fixed at both ends. That way it behaves like a blade, and that's why people string up piano wire across streets to try to decapitate tank commanders. You could also use it as a garrotte, or a cheese cutter. But then we're talking about applications that are very much available to RL users anyway.
Don't be; no harm done.

It is a bit too powerful, because it grants a massive advantage in strategic mobility. It's too useful for him to not have been picked up by one faction or the other.

Options for limitations include limiting the maximum range he can create portals inside, make it so that if he wants a faraway portal he needs to leave them behind, allow him "tag" places with a limit on how many he can hold, etc.


Alright, your biography is fine. Though you did mispell "rogue".

RE: your power, I don't think it's as powerful as @Zedalb is making it out to be. Considering the blasts are weaker and very much, you know, dodgeable, it's not even close to being automatic win. There's also the Godzilla factor to consider: Parahumans tend to have issues, and their most emotional moments are almost invariably their Trigger Event, and even the top ones are likely going to be pretty horrible moments. In order to get them properly down under you'd have to make them relive those. So even if you get Lung locked into a flashback, you still have to deal with the fact that he's going to go apocalyptic once he wakes up.

However, I will lay down a couple of stipulations: the target must be conscious, lucid and not already under another Flashback.

Finally, assuming I understood your explanation correctly this is already a thing, but just so we're clear, she doesn't get knowledge of how long the flashback will last.

I suppose a ten second time stop with a second of down time isn't too bad.

Alternatively, 30 seconds with a 3 second down time. Every time stop immediately in sequence adds another .3 seconds to the down time. With a needed wait of the Final Down Time x 3 to flush the extra time.

So something like 30 second time stop->3 second down time->30 second timestop->3.3 Down time.->30 seconds stop->3.6 seconds down time.

To flush extra time would be 10.8 second wait.

I think I may make a Case 53 Cape as well, I'm thinking wires for him.
I would honestly prefer the wire cape, the timestop is too open for abuse to my tastes.

Well, 'ere we go.

Cape Name: Malocchio
Civilian Name: Lucius Caito
Age: 24
Powers: Lucius's ability, well removed from the highly complex (and revered) time manipulating shards, is deceptively simplistic: At any point within six feet of his body, he can project a field that destabilizes solid, nonbiological matter via intense internal vibrations, reducing it to a fine powder at a cost relative to it's density - steel is easily disintegrated, while aluminium or stone may be two to three times as tiring. Still, Lucius remains capable of disintegrating a large quantity of stone and brick.

The hidden complexity of this ability lies in it's ability to seemingly break conservation of mass - the powder that results from the use of this ability is of significantly lesser mass then the original item it was reduced from. Protectorate researchers believe that this is achieved by the vibrations affecting matter on a molecular level. However, due to lack of first hand data, this hypothesis has never been substantiated.

Costume & Equipment: Lucius considers himself a professional, not a cape, and his attire reflects that. His costume comprises a plain, dark grey turtleneck and a similarly colored balaclava. As for equipment, his favored weapon is a dagger gifted to him by his patron capo, though he will also sometimes come barring a hatchet for practical or intimidation purposes.

Biography: Lucius is a mafioso. Or, at least, he was: Growing up in Chicago, the young boy and his older brother Alfonso quickly became steeped in the criminal life style: Running scams, picking pockets, and the like. They always paid their dues to the local soldier, of course - anyone who wanted to keep their bones intact did.

But three months after he turned sixteen, thing went wrong: One night, the pairs' mother, and sole caretaker, was shot dead during a mugging gone wrong.

Lucius triggered then, and what comes afterwards is something of a blur: He remembers swearing vengeance with Alfonso, a dozen different rooms his brother had dragged him to (all equally out of focus), and then suddenly he was standing over the broken body of the man his brother swore up and down had killed their mother.

As it turned out, Alfonso had been an 'associate' of the same local soldier they'd paid their dues to, and both had long considered bring Lucius into the 'secret'. But his triggering brought forward an opportunity - capes were in high demand, especially ones that filled out the mafia's racial requirements. Using him as leverage, Alfonso had secured them places as 'men of honor' - blood sworn foot soldiers of the mob. And as men of honor, the brotherhood could not stand by when someone killed the blood of one of their own.

Two days later, Lucius and Alfonso beat their mother's killer to death in a warehouse on the edge of town.

Lucius life after that was relatively simple: He became a specialist within the organization, using his talents to handle jobs no one else could - infiltration, assassinations, even high stakes burglaries.

Then, a year ago, his clan went to war with a rival syndicate headed by a trio of capes. The fighting was brutal, and the family was on the backfoot. They'd been pushed near the breaking point...

...then everything collapsed.

The federal government came down on the two criminal enterprises hard. Men of honor were dragged from their homes in handcuffs, safe house doors were busted down, and Lucius fled the city.

It wasn't until later he learned the immensity of the betrayal put against the family: His own brother, believing the end to be near, had sold out both parties in exchange for immunity to his past crimes and certain... monetary perks.

Those men who remained quickly cut contact with Lucius, following age old rules: The brother of a traitor was to dangerous an associate to keep.

He understood. Dejected, he fled to the East Coast, surviving off of freelance work. Eventually, he came to the attention to Coil, who decided that his skills were well suited for a team of thieves. His contacts gone and little left to his name, he accepted.

Luc is a 'traditionalist', following closely the 'Ten Commandments' - to not drink or gamble, to not steal from or cuckold fellow men of honor, to keep the peace between men of honor, and so on and so forth. This attitude makes him a loyal subordinate and a reliable partner, but can be difficult to integrate in the Bay's 'gang culture'.

Notoriety: Midling - while he is not well known outside of Chicago and it's immediate environment, those with sufficient resources (such as the PRT or large gangs) should be able to identify him once they're aware of his abilities.

What do you guys think? I cheated a bit and stole the power from somewhere else, but I figured that it fit for what this team was going for.
Seems good to me.

Though I suppose Faultline Triggered with another power in this AU. :V

Right then. Let's try this.

Cape Name: something something, poisonous plant. Nerium? Oleander? Nerium Oleander!

Civilian Name: Cheryl Mason

Age: 17


Powers: Nerium is a monster cape. Her body transformed into plant material during her trigger event. Because of this she has all of the same needs as all plants in exchange for more human needs. She has the ability to control plants, namely herself and those that grow from her own body.

Like all plants she needs sunlight, water, and a mixture of nutrients in order to thrive. However, while her body's chloroplasts are more than capable of absorbing enough sunlight for her to survive, she lacks roots needed to pull water and nutrients from the ground. As such she regularly drinks water and miracle-gro plant food.

In addition, the buds on her head and 'shoulders' will bloom once per month to disperse their seeds. The blossoming flowers will release a sweet smelling fragrance, vaguely similar to honey or vanilla (depending on the month and her current health). The seeds are capable of taking many forms, whether or not they are aided by Nerium. In their natural state, they take a form that is alien to planet earth, but perfectly suited to surviving in the environment. However she is able to manipulate them to an amazing degree, such as forcing them to grow instantly and in many different shapes and sizes. With time and effort, she is even capable of creating miniature versions of herself. These semi-autonomous beings lack powers of their own, but can be useful for carting things away, possessing strength on par with your average person.

As with all plants, they will die if they don't get enough sunlight, water, or nutrients.

Because of her physiology she has a crippling vulnerability to most everything that normal plants would have. If it gets too hot she might burn, too cold and she might freeze. Plant poisons are almost completely fatal if allowed to spread through her body. Deprive her of sunlight, water, or nutrients and she will slowly wilt away. She may or may not be edible.

Costume & Equipment: A costume wouldn't help her too much, but she does carry a few pieces of equipment on her. She wears a utility belt around her waist. Inside the utility belt she carries some seeds, some zip tie cuffs, pepper spray, and a multitool. In addition she wears a hydration pack for one water bottle.

Biography: One must always have perseverance in the face of adversity. At least, that's what Cheryl believed, or so she thought. She was the youngest of the family, with two older brothers already out of the house and living their lives. A relief, as her mother struggled to take care of everyone on her own.

Cheryl wasn't particularly close to either of her brothers. The oldest ran off years ago with a pregnant girlfriend hanging on his arm without so much as a goodbye. Her second brother was, in her opinion, an overachiever of the worst kind. One who would overblow every little thing he did. And she had realized a long time ago that she was the spoiled youngest, and that they all knew it. Her middling brother would hold it over her head every so often. She would make a mistake out of ignorance, and he would laud it over her.

Because of this, she became a loner. She preferred to stay inside, reading and listening to her own thoughts. If she wanted social activity, well there was the internet for that. It was a slow retreat into her own mind as she went about her day to day.

Still, she tried to improve herself. Cheryl knew what her faults were, and had chosen to at least attempt at improving herself. She might have put things off, but she would at least keep her promises. When things times suddenly got harder, she at least tried to get a work permit, even if it was repeatedly denied. But for her, that was alright. At least she was trying, and she would keep trying.

It was, funnily enough, an impulse buy that broke the camel's back. A scratch off lottery ticket that sparked the comment that set her off.

But even then, something had gone wrong. Her body twisted and mutated into something… else. The dead shard of a long deceased creature shaped her into something more than human.

She ran away, as far as she could. Old feelings faded as new ones took their place. The air tasted sweeter, sunlight felt warmer. Everything had changed overnight.

Cheryl went east, using her winning lottery ticket to keep herself at least somewhat afloat. Sometimes she used her appearance to garner enough sympathy to get some assistance, sometimes it caused her to run as fast as she possibly could.

Eventually the money ran out, and there was only one thing in her mind that would keep her on her feet. It started small, if somewhat unsuccessful at first. It's hard to be a very good shoplifter or pickpocket when you're a walking plant person, but they were good attempts. Honest.

Her misadventures eventually found her in a spot of trouble with the law on a particularly slow day. One account of petty larceny turned into resisting arrest, which turned into assault as she made mad dash away from a cape entangled by her vines.

Shortly thereafter, she found herself attending to her plants in Brockton Bay, squatting in some dump of a building. Not long after that, a nice blond haired girl approached her with an offer. The promise of room, board, and a paycheck was more than enough for her to sign on. A pretty good deal in her opinion.

  • Natural Eden trigger
  • Some practice with petty crime
  • Been about a year since her trigger.
  • Approached by TT, not Coil

Notoriety: Lowish. She probably has a file somewhere in the PRT under "Plant Case 53" with a few petty crimes attached to it along with an account by the cape she escaped from. Family filed a missing person's report, but it's missing the key detail of "is now a plant person". Spent enough time in Brockton Bay that there's maybe a few rumors running around about her.


I'd have to echo Zedalb here, getting refresh once a month leaves you open to being crippled for long periods of time.

But you already said you're working on changing things, so we'll leave this here for now.

Cape name: Claymore

Civilian name: Gabriel Monkswood

Age: Nineteen

Powers: Claymore has the ability to transform parts of his body and clothing into a substance that seems to work under different laws of physics. While he cannot transform his entire body at once he can have a quarter of his mass transformed at any one time. He can manipulate the shape of his transformed body parts. The substance that he can produce has the power to induce an effect on any target that comes into contact with it. While this is limited by the fact Claymore cannot change the effect on the fly and it is still limited by the Manton effect he utilises this to do things like engulfing transformed limbs in flame or removing friction around himself to move faster. The effect he can apply have limitations, for example he could not throw fire instead of coating his limbs. He can only shift his transformed body parts very slowly and cannot form complex shapes. Claymore cannot choose an effect that affects things like time or distance and the effects only occur within a maximum distance of five inches around the transformed body part. Claymore cannot create an effect that would directly effect a living being and substances or effects created by his transformed body parts cease to work after leaving the field his transformed body parts effects (a few inches). He can apply multiple effects if he is willing to reduce the power of each effect. The substance itself is a soft metal-like material.

Claymore wears a plain coat and shirt, with the only obviously parahuman owned piece of equipment he wears being his mask. A plain grey helmet that covers his entire head. He always carries a first aid kit and a set zip ties.

Biography: Gabriel was born in England and lived there for the first fifteen years of his life. His parents were the groundskeepers for the mansion of an old and wealthy family and Gabriel grew up learning gardening and etiquette. The old man who owned the property took a liking to Gabriel and often told him stories of knights in shining armour and how it was important to do the right, noble, and honourable thing. However the old man who owned the property died and his son decided they no longer need groundskeepers. His parents spent a few months trying to find work but were unsuccessful, they were eventually found supposed salvation when an offer of work came from his mother's cousin in Brockton Bay.

When they arrived things seemed to begin to brighten up, but Gabriel quickly learned that the job offer was actually membership in Empire 88. Gabriel attempted to convince his parents to leave the gang, however they told him it was impossible and that they were just doing what they had to to support the family. He continued to plead with his parents for the next two years and noticed their attitudes changing. What was once doing what they did because they had to slowly became the right thing to do, and that the filthy niggers and other subhumans were the reason they lost their work.

Disgusted Gabriel run away from home and spent the next month living on the streets. One day he saw a member of the Empire beating up an old homeless man in an alleyway and he stepped into try and help. While he saw of the Empire thug he realised the old man was a high on drugs and though he tried to help the man was completely senseless. He left the man where he was, realising there was little he could do for him. However when Gabriel passed by the alley a few hours later he saw a group of ABB members ruffling through the old man's pockets, one member held a bloody knife. Gabriel snapped, triggering he killed the ABB thugs and then went after his mother cousin, a fairly high ranking member of the Empire. He blamed them for his family's descent into what he saw as madness. He killed her and then disappeared. He lived on the streets for another two years, acting as a casual vigilante. Acting only if something occurred in front of him.

Then a man approached him, offering a job. Sick of the misery of the streets and feeling betrayed by everything he believed in Gabriel accepted.

Notoriety: Claymore has a mild reputation with pretty much every power in Brockton Bay. And usually they say not to bother. Powerful enough that killing him would cost more overall instead of leaving him be. he was never connected with the killing of his mother's cousin and has never taken any actions or taken enough actions to draw the attention of someone who could actually deal with him. While the PRT did attempt to recruit him he was so evasive it was decided not to bother.

"Effect" is a bit vague, but I'll allow it as long as you don't go crazy with it. I will make note, however, that your power does not deal in absolutes. So you cannot make things frictionless, but reduce friction. You cannot create an effect that removes kinetic energy, but you could dampen it. And so on.

If you're willig @Zedalb, would you go over my capes. Here's Oscar Wilde, and Wireframe is below with an edited backstory.

Cape Name: Wireframe
Civilian Name: As a Case 53 he has no civilian identity, though he's partial to the name Jack.
Appearance: A body made of many intertangled wires, in many different sizes. The wires vary from nearly invisible lines, to thick and woven cables. His form, while normally humanoid to be more natural seeming to the humans with which he interacts, changes and shifts constantly.

Age: 18
Powers: He can control and generate wires in a vast range of thickness. The wires he creates are seemingly natural carbon based fibers, non-magnetic and far stronger then their thickness would suggest. At their thinnest, they can become microscopic, storms of wires that shear through near any material to turn it to dust. To keep from powdering everything in the vicinity though, he keeps the vast majority of his wires at a thick gauge. For further strength or thickness he will weave together and braid his wires into cables, to tie off or hold down objects and materials.

Through his wires he can see, taste,smell, feel, and hear to some extent, and he can speak well enough to be understood by vibrating his wires, though it sounds more then a little inhuman.

Costume & Equipment: Merely his own body, due to his amorphous form carrying equipment or clothing is a pointless endeavor.

Biography:A case 53 discovered shortly after an Endbringer attack by a Protectorate Thinker by the name of Clue. The man taught Wireframe everything, practically adopted him as he made his way through the Wards. The two grew to be as close to inseparable as Capes came. Soon Clue began to look into the origin of Case 53s, as he investigated he became more and more paranoid about the Protectorate, a side effect of his Thinker power, and then one day he just died. He was found with a single bullet in his head, all his notes on his research into the Case 53s had disappeared without a trace. Wireframe went mad with grief, doing everything possible to find out what happened to his mentor, and who had done it. He knew of Clue's suspicions, and grew certain that it was the Protectorate or PRT that had killed him, so he defected. He eventually found his way to Brockton Bay in his search for Clue, where he was hired by Coil under the promise to help Wireframe find the murderer and get his revenge.

Notoriety: High/Middling, though his crimes are relatively minor and he usually tries to avoid anything major, due to him being a defector from the Wards the PRT and Protectorate likely have heavy notes on him. However, since he's not from Brockton Bay, and since he's kept a low profile while in the city, it may be a while before Protectorate ENE actually realizes his identity.
First of all, holy shit that is fucking creepy.

Secondly, like Zedalb suggested, add a core.

Thirdly, you lose fine control and multitasking the further you go out from the core. You can do storm of wires within a couple of meters, but as the distance increases, effectiveness drops sharply.

Additionally, keep in mind what Kensai mentioned.

Finally, Cauldron isn't that blunt. The scientist would disappear on a vacation or coincidentally get caught in the crossfire of a villain attack.

Hell, given some practice and prep time you might be able to cut an end bringer in twain
Last edited:
Electromagnetic Rhapsody - Magus
Cape Name: Magus
Civilian Name: Sara Arlington
Appearance: 5'6", thin, stick-like figure, blonde hair, green eyes, smooth face.
Age: 16
Powers: Magus has the power to use abilities that are similar to magic. That is to say, she has the ability to create zones in which she can create an event that happens, then release the zones, unleashing the effect onto the world. These zones can be 50 cm to 1 m in diameter, and spherical in shape. These events can be based off of the powers of people she has seen and been in the presence of, but not ones that affect their own body or directly affect alternate dimensions in manners such as Myrddin. However, it takes her 30 seconds to switch between powers, even though she can have multiple zones which take at the least 10 seconds to create, and she cannot have multiple powers active at once. For instance, were she to see Sundancer, she could create a powerful ball of nuclear fusion in a zone, and unleash it upon an enemy, or if she were to see Parian, she could create zones around cloth allowing her to control them, but if she wanted to go Sundancer then Parian, she would create a ball of nuclear fusion, then retreat and create a zone around certain threads after the ball of nuclear fusion has done its effect.

Costume & Equipment: Her costume is an embroidered cloak that extends around her entire body, with a hood that covers her eyes. She wears a mask underneath the hood that looks like a masquerade mask.

Biography: Sara was born in Boston, and raised to a fairly high-class family. She was brought up to be a normal person, and had a normal family. But in her teenage years, she got into an abusive relationship. After a particularly brutal night, where her loved one attacked her with more than just their fists - instead, powers, given they were a villain on the side of the time that they were a normal, albeit rich, person - and gave her her powers to get away. After several months of operating in Boston as a superhero to get away from her abusive relationship which she broke out of, the person noticed, and as an anonymous tip - with several million dollars backing it up - told the city she was a villain. She fled, and went to the city of Brockton Bay. Given that her face was already well-known as a villain - not her true face, but her costumed one - she stayed in the shadows, until she was approached by a shadowy person...

Notoriety: Magus was fairly well-known in Boston as a small-time vigilante, but recently was classified as a villain. Her powers have been documented by the PRT.
I would honestly prefer the wire cape, the timestop is too open for abuse to my tastes.
Shame, I suppose it was too hard to balance after all.

First of all, holy shit that is fucking creepy.
Well he is a Case 53. :V

It's from a project called as·phyx·i·a, detailing what a computer 'sees' when it watches a person dance. There's actually an entire video if you want to watch.

Secondly, like Zedalb suggested, add a core.
I'm thinking a Golfball sized nucleus made from a dense and durable carbon based material, similar but not exactly the same to the material that makes up the wires. The nucleus is smooth and flush, in a deep black color bar the white Cauldron Mark. It is the main source of wires, though he can also create offshoots and branches of his wires further away from him to increase their numbers.

This would basically make him a violent Nervous System, minus the body, his core acting as a brain with his Wires being weaponized nerves.
Thirdly, you lose fine control and multitasking the further you go out from the core. You can do storm of wires within a couple of meters, but as you gat farther away it drops sharply.
I'm fine with that. Having the ability to become a 30 meter sphere of annihilation isn't really the point of him, if he does do the disintegration thing it should be close to his Core.

Finally, Cauldron isn't that blunt. The scientist would disappear on a vacation or coincidentally get caught in the crossfire of a villain attack.
Fair enough, how about something like this? Here I'm intentionally keeping it vague as to if it's actually Cauldron, since it might just be him actually dieing or even him just vanishing to investigate things.

Biography: A case 53 discovered shortly after an Endbringer attack by a Protectorate Thinker named Clue. The man taught Wireframe everything, practically adopting him as he made his way through the Wards. The two grew to be as close to inseparable as Capes came, rarely separating from eachother's side when unless the Job called for it. Soon, at the behest of Wireframe, Clue began to look into the origin of Case 53s. And as he investigated he became more and more paranoid about the Protectorate, a side effect of his Thinker power, and then one day he just vanished. While out of town investigating an up and coming gang he disappeared without a trace, his notes on the origin of Case 53s vanishing with him. Wireframe went mad with grief, doing everything possible to find out what happened to his mentor, and who had done it. He first suspected the gang, but after they were captured and put to trial, nothing had come up on Clue's disappearance. Wireframe knew of Clue's suspicions, and he soon grew certain that it was the Protectorate or PRT that had gotten to him, so he defected. Wireframe eventually found his way to Brockton Bay in his search for Clue, where he was hired by Coil under the promise to help Wireframe find his beloved Mentor and, if need be, get revenge on his killers.
Ah, this is gonna be great. You're the best!

Though one wonders what such hybridization would do to anything that grows out of her. I kind of liked that part, even if it's just for show. Gonna go figure that out! Thanks a bunch. :lol
You are far to kind, I'm blushing.

I did think on that though, if you could take plant buds from yourself to grow normal plants that you attempt to breed better traits into with plain old botany. To then cycle to reabsorbing the improved traits.
As someone with an interest in cutting, I have to put in my two cents' worth here.

I was assuming he could manipulate the weight and size independently.

When I said force equals speed I was referring to say a pitcher throwing a ball.


Alright, your biography is fine. Though you did mispell "rogue".

RE: your power, I don't think it's as powerful as @Zedalb is making it out to be. Considering the blasts are weaker and very much, you know, dodgeable, it's not even close to being automatic win. There's also the Godzilla factor to consider: Parahumans tend to have issues, and their most emotional moments are almost invariably their Trigger Event, and even the top ones are likely going to be pretty horrible moments. In order to get them properly down under you'd have to make them relive those. So even if you get Lung locked into a flashback, you still have to deal with the fact that he's going to go apocalyptic once he wakes up.


You two have my apologies I blame booze I misread things. I read fire as in "I fire the gun" not as in "DODGE MY WAVES OF FLAMING FUCK YOU!"

With that in mind I like the power, I might edit it a bit to be more about "Inner demons" so the basic level is making people face there "Inner demons" then later on growing into manifesting them physically "Oh sorry bo, your a raging alcoholic, lets see how you do pitted against the worst aspects of yourself"

Its a different angle a bit, but that is just what I would do.
Anyway limited range physically dodgable blast are fine by me (Still have 0 authority).

I like it.

@Zedalb, could you do the review on my character's power?

I like where your going with it I think you need to smooth out the basic idea.

1% of mass minimum is kind of crazy, thats 1 pound , that means your the size of a large beef patty.

Your very very vulnerable, in fact your power seems to make your more vulnerable rather then less.
An arm sticking out of a wall to punch someone seems an arm that will be quickly cut off and it takes a few seconds to summon it elsewhere or dismiss, then it will only have slow movement, and lacks the capacity of having the whole body to act as one stronger combat unit.

Seems like in a team fight your limbs don't even need to be targets some AOE will hit them and cripple you quickly.

Your very similar to the portal girl that (IIRC was told no) wanted to punch people through portals.

I think what you want is teleportation inside of objects only, that you then phase through as you wish.

Fairly short cool down, damaging the object harms your body. Mobility and being inside of things lowers vulnerability.
I like where your going with it I think you need to smooth out the basic idea.

1% of mass minimum is kind of crazy, thats 1 pound , that means your the size of a large beef patty.

Your very very vulnerable, in fact your power seems to make your more vulnerable rather then less.
An arm sticking out of a wall to punch someone seems an arm that will be quickly cut off and it takes a few seconds to summon it elsewhere or dismiss, then it will only have slow movement, and lacks the capacity of having the whole body to act as one stronger combat unit.

Seems like in a team fight your limbs don't even need to be targets some AOE will hit them and cripple you quickly.

Your very similar to the portal girl that (IIRC was told no) wanted to punch people through portals.

I think what you want is teleportation inside of objects only, that you then phase through as you wish.

Fairly short cool down, damaging the object harms your body. Mobility and being inside of things lowers vulnerability.
The thing is that the arms dont have to stick out of anything. And given that it's 30 secs for an entire body part, it's only one or two for a hand or an foot. And most of the time the created objects will be eyes or smiles to act as a remote hub of information.

Her power isn't 'die under the weight of one million punches' but more 'etheral grin goads you, vanishes when you try to hit it, and re appears be hind you'. She isn't that combat useful, but neither tattletale, or coil, or most thinkers (Contessa and Number man excepted).
I've never gotten around to read Worms, but new depressing superheroes RP? I'm in.
I'll have something
I should, but don't know if I can catch up.

I think I may want to pull up the Chaos template.
Would a power that only have a chance to activate when called that give random ability of random magnitude be allowed?
It's only two and a half days of reading. 1.6 million words. You'll have it done in no time.

And I like the fact that if all the entrants were currently selected we would be about as powerful as the protectorate. heh.
erlking - Lovemachine
One more submission, because making Worm Characters is fun and I don't have often have reason to do it.
Cape Name: Love Machine
Civilian Name: Julius (Dorian Vassil)
Age: 19
Powers: He can sense and drain away emotions to create physical constructs that invoke the emotion used in their creation. The constructs are an odd almost crystalline material, akin to solidified light, they're fully solid, and depending on the strength of the emotion used for their creation, can be quite durable. Though the constructs can theoretically be wielded by people other then Julius, merely touching them will cause their effects to be felt, wounds are much more effective at transferring the emotion.

Though the constructs can take many forms, he finds himself drawn to some of the more poetic expressions of the emotions. A Dagger of Betrayal in the back is a favorite, as is an Arrow of Love or in lieu of an Arrow, as he really is such an awful archer, a bullet of love.

He can somewhat control how the emotions manifest, such as aiming the feelings of love or betrayal at a specific person or giving them a specific sort of fear.

Costume & Equipment: A full faced Bauta mask with gold inlay, a puffy white collared shirt with some very french ruffles, black slacks, white gloves, and some nice Wolf and Shepard black shoes. Beneath his puffy shirt is a lightweight kevlar vest, enough to at least slow a bullet and even stop a low caliber one.

He carries a pistol, a canister of mace, and several high strength zipties. With some other occasional implements depending on the expected situation.

Biography: A child of the Heartbreaker. His mother was a cape, one of the first to be sent for his father, back before they gave up on directly attacking him. Dorian spent several years acting under his fathers command as Cupid for several years, taking in difficult and dangerous work and committing atrocities at his fathers "request". Eventually things it reached a breaking point, where even Dorian's dulled conscience and sense of morality accepted things as being too much. He knew that if he stayed things would only grow worse, as Heartbreaker would force worse and worse onto him until there was nothing left. So he quit, having stabbed his father deeply with fear, Dorian managed to escape the complex. He soon took on a new name and identity and eventually found his way to Brockton Bay, where he was snatched up by Coil.

Notoriety: As Cupid, High, he spent several years working for Heartbreaker and though the specifics of his powers were never known he was. There are many rumors about him leaving his fathers employment, and it is all but confirmed within the Protectorate that he really did try to kill his father in his escape.
As Love Machine, middling, though there are some suspected connections between Love Machine and Cupid nothing concrete has surfaced and the Protectorate are fine with keeping him low priority as long as he doesn't do anything too big.
Since I like working in segments.

Cape Name: Berserk
Civilian Name: Joe Reed
-Moderate strength, endurance, and speed enhancements: Berserk is nowhere near superhuman level. His power only keep him at that of very strong baseline humans without the need to train or keep fit. His body seemed to be almost locked in this state and require dispoportionate amount of effort for any improvement.
-Enhanced healing factor: Joe regenerates relatively fast compares to other superhumans, capable of undoing cuts and bruises in a blink. More serious wounds like broken bones, large lacerations, deep stabs, gunshot, etc take several minutes up to several hours to get fixed. His body is capable of resetting everything, preventing the wound from healing wrong.
-Extreme pain tolerance: While he still experiences pain like normal humans, Joe's upper limit is unknown, allowing him to power through agonizing pain without blinking.​

When exposed to a high dose mixture of Dopamine, Adrenaline, and other similar biochemicals. His powers gain a snowball effect: As his body take damages from any source, friends or foes, he gets tougher and regenerates faster. Attacking and damaging anything, as long as he does it with his own body, enhance his strength further. Moving in combat seem to build up some kind of "momentum" that makes him move faster. This can be observed by putting him in prolonged combat and see how he grows more and more powerful as it drag on. So far, no upper limit has been documented.

Costume & Equipment: Don't go overboard: you're going to have to justify big, expensive stuff and Coil isn't willing to get you anything too outrageous until you've proven your worth.
Biography: Brief history and background. Topics you should think about are Trigger Event, family situation, current residence and life situation, reason for villainy and how/why you ended up with the Undersiders. For general information, be aware that this is taking place before canon, and the Undersiders are only just being formed.
Notoriety: What is known of you, and by whom. Higher means better rep, but brings attention on you and people will have an idea of what you are capable of. Don't go too overboard though, you are still small-time villains.

I'll get him fleshed out into a character later, but this is so that I can fix any problem with his power first.
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Since I like working in segments.

Cape Name: Berserk
Civilian Name: Joe Reed
-Moderate strength, endurance, and speed enhancements: Berserk is nowhere near superhuman level. His power only keep him at that of very strong baseline humans without the need to train or keep fit. His body seemed to be almost locked in this state and require dispoportionate amount of effort for any improvement.
-Enhanced healing factor: Joe regenerates relatively fast compares to other superhumans, capable of undoing cuts and bruises in a blink. More serious wounds like broken bones, large lacerations, deep stabs, gunshot, etc take several minutes up to several hours to get fixed. His body is capable of resetting everything, preventing the wound from healing wrong.
-Extreme pain tolerance: While he still experiences pain like normal humans, Joe's upper limit is unknown, allowing him to power through agonizing pain without blinking.​

When exposed to a high dose mixture of Dopamine, Adrenaline, and other similar biochemicals. His powers gain a snowball effect: As his body take damages from any source, friends or foes, he gets tougher and regenerates faster. Attacking and damaging anything, as long as he does it with his own body, enhance his strength further. Moving in combat seem to build up some kind of "momentum" that makes him move faster. This can be observed by putting him in prolonged combat and see how he grows more and more powerful as it drag on. So far, no upper limit has been documented.

Costume & Equipment: Don't go overboard: you're going to have to justify big, expensive stuff and Coil isn't willing to get you anything too outrageous until you've proven your worth.
Biography: Brief history and background. Topics you should think about are Trigger Event, family situation, current residence and life situation, reason for villainy and how/why you ended up with the Undersiders. For general information, be aware that this is taking place before canon, and the Undersiders are only just being formed.
Notoriety: What is known of you, and by whom. Higher means better rep, but brings attention on you and people will have an idea of what you are capable of. Don't go too overboard though, you are still small-time villains.

I'll get him fleshed out into a character later, but this is so that I can fix any problem with his power first.
Remind anyone else of lung?
One thing that I thought I'd make note of is that the default assumption is that you are bound by Manton Limit. Not being so needs to be separately mentioned.

Cape Name: Magus
Civilian Name: Sara Arlington
Appearance: 5'6", thin, stick-like figure, blonde hair, green eyes, smooth face.
Age: 16
Powers: Magus has the power to use abilities that are similar to magic. That is to say, she has the ability to create zones in which she can create an event that happens, then release the zones, unleashing the effect onto the world. These zones can be 50 cm to 1 m in diameter, and spherical in shape. These events can be based off of the powers of people she has seen and been in the presence of, but not ones that affect their own body or directly affect alternate dimensions in manners such as Myrddin. However, it takes her 30 seconds to switch between powers, even though she can have multiple zones which take at the least 10 seconds to create, and she cannot have multiple powers active at once. For instance, were she to see Sundancer, she could create a powerful ball of nuclear fusion in a zone, and unleash it upon an enemy, or if she were to see Parian, she could create zones around cloth allowing her to control them, but if she wanted to go Sundancer then Parian, she would create a ball of nuclear fusion, then retreat and create a zone around certain threads after the ball of nuclear fusion has done its effect.

Costume & Equipment: Her costume is an embroidered cloak that extends around her entire body, with a hood that covers her eyes. She wears a mask underneath the hood that looks like a masquerade mask.

Biography: Sara was born in Boston, and raised to a fairly high-class family. She was brought up to be a normal person, and had a normal family. But in her teenage years, she got into an abusive relationship. After a particularly brutal night, where her loved one attacked her with more than just their fists - instead, powers, given they were a villain on the side of the time that they were a normal, albeit rich, person - and gave her her powers to get away. After several months of operating in Boston as a superhero to get away from her abusive relationship which she broke out of, the person noticed, and as an anonymous tip - with several million dollars backing it up - told the city she was a villain. She fled, and went to the city of Brockton Bay. Given that her face was already well-known as a villain - not her true face, but her costumed one - she stayed in the shadows, until she was approached by a shadowy person...

Notoriety: Magus was fairly well-known in Boston as a small-time vigilante, but recently was classified as a villain. Her powers have been documented by the PRT.
The powers get weaker the longer it has been since you've seen them.

Shame, I suppose it was too hard to balance after all.

Well he is a Case 53. :V

It's from a project called as·phyx·i·a, detailing what a computer 'sees' when it watches a person dance. There's actually an entire video if you want to watch.

I'm thinking a Golfball sized nucleus made from a dense and durable carbon based material, similar but not exactly the same to the material that makes up the wires. The nucleus is smooth and flush, in a deep black color bar the white Cauldron Mark. It is the main source of wires, though he can also create offshoots and branches of his wires further away from him to increase their numbers.

This would basically make him a violent Nervous System, minus the body, his core acting as a brain with his Wires being weaponized nerves.

I'm fine with that. Having the ability to become a 30 meter sphere of annihilation isn't really the point of him, if he does do the disintegration thing it should be close to his Core.

Fair enough, how about something like this? Here I'm intentionally keeping it vague as to if it's actually Cauldron, since it might just be him actually dieing or even him just vanishing to investigate things.

Biography: A case 53 discovered shortly after an Endbringer attack by a Protectorate Thinker named Clue. The man taught Wireframe everything, practically adopting him as he made his way through the Wards. The two grew to be as close to inseparable as Capes came, rarely separating from eachother's side when unless the Job called for it. Soon, at the behest of Wireframe, Clue began to look into the origin of Case 53s. And as he investigated he became more and more paranoid about the Protectorate, a side effect of his Thinker power, and then one day he just vanished. While out of town investigating an up and coming gang he disappeared without a trace, his notes on the origin of Case 53s vanishing with him. Wireframe went mad with grief, doing everything possible to find out what happened to his mentor, and who had done it. He first suspected the gang, but after they were captured and put to trial, nothing had come up on Clue's disappearance. Wireframe knew of Clue's suspicions, and he soon grew certain that it was the Protectorate or PRT that had gotten to him, so he defected. Wireframe eventually found his way to Brockton Bay in his search for Clue, where he was hired by Coil under the promise to help Wireframe find his beloved Mentor and, if need be, get revenge on his killers.

It works, though Coil only promised to aid in finding out what happened. In regards to concrete help in exacting revenge, there was a lot of wordplay and dancing around the subject, and Coil didn't commit himself towards this or that. The best you'd get out of him was that favors could be extended towards employees that prove themselves valuable.

I think I may want to pull up the Chaos template.
Would a power that only have a chance to activate when called that give random ability of random magnitude be allowed?
It depends on where and how the random ability would be drawn from.

And I like the fact that if all the entrants were currently selected we would be about as powerful as the protectorate. heh.
Canon Protectorate. An important distinction to make.

Aside from that, no, the number of Undersiders I'm currently thinking of is seven.

One more submission, because making Worm Characters is fun and I don't have often have reason to do it.
Cape Name: Love Machine
Civilian Name: Julius (Dorian Vassil)
Age: 19
Powers: He can sense and drain away emotions to create physical constructs that invoke the emotion used in their creation. The constructs are an odd almost crystalline material, akin to solidified light, they're fully solid, and depending on the strength of the emotion used for their creation, can be quite durable. Though the constructs can theoretically be wielded by people other then Julius, merely touching them will cause their effects to be felt, wounds are much more effective at transferring the emotion.

Though the constructs can take many forms, he finds himself drawn to some of the more poetic expressions of the emotions. A Dagger of Betrayal in the back is a favorite, as is an Arrow of Love or in lieu of an Arrow, as he really is such an awful archer, a bullet of love.

He can somewhat control how the emotions manifest, such as aiming the feelings of love or betrayal at a specific person or giving them a specific sort of fear.

Costume & Equipment: A full faced Bauta mask with gold inlay, a puffy white collared shirt with some very french ruffles, black slacks, white gloves, and some nice Wolf and Shepard black shoes. Beneath his puffy shirt is a lightweight kevlar vest, enough to at least slow a bullet and even stop a low caliber one.

He carries a pistol, a canister of mace, and several high strength zipties. With some other occasional implements depending on the expected situation.

Biography: A child of the Heartbreaker. His mother was a cape, one of the first to be sent for his father, back before they gave up on directly attacking him. Dorian spent several years acting under his fathers command as Cupid for several years, taking in difficult and dangerous work and committing atrocities at his fathers "request". Eventually things it reached a breaking point, where even Dorian's dulled conscience and sense of morality accepted things as being too much. He knew that if he stayed things would only grow worse, as Heartbreaker would force worse and worse onto him until there was nothing left. So he quit, having stabbed his father deeply with fear, Dorian managed to escape the complex. He soon took on a new name and identity and eventually found his way to Brockton Bay, where he was snatched up by Coil.

Notoriety: As Cupid, High, he spent several years working for Heartbreaker and though the specifics of his powers were never known he was. There are many rumors about him leaving his fathers employment, and it is all but confirmed within the Protectorate that he really did try to kill his father in his escape.
As Love Machine, middling, though there are some suspected connections between Love Machine and Cupid nothing concrete has surfaced and the Protectorate are fine with keeping him low priority as long as he doesn't do anything too big.
Interesting. Not seeing anything out of order.

So far, no upper limit has been documented.
This does not mean it doesn't exist.

You aren't Lung.
How many undersiders are we getting :V?
The longer lung fights, the stronger, faster, tougher, and better able to control fire he gets.
Also turns into a dragon.
Ok, I see.

It depends on where and how the random ability would be drawn from.

I thought of using a system like this: When activated, it has a one in third chance of actually giving any kind of power. Even when it actually worked, it give from 0-5 powers. The power would be chosen by hititng random on the superpower wiki and given a random magnitude by dice. After drawing his power, there is another one in third chance that his powers decided to be an ass and releash all power gained in a spectacular melt down, what exactly happen depend on how much and what powers did he get.

Every time he use a power gained this way, I must roll a d10. On one, power immediate goes away and I don't even get to fire it off. On ten, power suddenly jumped several magnitude upward just because. (For example: If one of my comrade is wounded and I rolled into healing, I can try to heal them. On a one, power decided to not be around anymore. On a ten, power decided to be extra enthusiastic and turn the victim into an amorphous mass of cancers.)

It's very dice heavy, but I think I would enjoy that kind of power more than Berserk's
This does not mean it doesn't exist.

You aren't Lung.
Yeah, no problem. What I meant is that he was never pushed to the point of hitting limit.

I'm thinking of adding "completely lose his shit as the fight drag on"
Derp :V
Anyway, going to polish my sheet before posting it.

EDIT- I'm threadmarked~
Going to make a few additions and consult with @Blackout then. Uber and Leet Snitches (The Camera Drones) for example.
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I thought of using a system like this: When activated, it has a one in third chance of actually giving any kind of power. Even when it actually worked, it give from 0-5 powers. The power would be chosen by hititng random on the superpower wiki and given a random magnitude by dice. After drawing his power, there is another one in third chance that his powers decided to be an ass and releash all power gained in a spectacular melt down, what exactly happen depend on how much and what powers did he get.

Every time he use a power gained this way, I must roll a d10. On one, power immediate goes away and I don't even get to fire it off. On ten, power suddenly jumped several magnitude upward just because. (For example: If one of my comrade is wounded and I rolled into healing, I can try to heal them. On a one, power decided to not be around anymore. On a ten, power decided to be extra enthusiastic and turn the victim into an amorphous mass of cancers.)

It's very dice heavy, but I think I would enjoy that kind of power more than Berserk's
Dice heavy indeed. :V

It's a good way to simulate random superpower though: the failure chance means that you can't just keep rerolling until you get something good.

I'll allow it, under the condition that I will be the one to get each superpower from the wiki, and tell you what form it takes. Don't expect to get anything too crazy though.