Having read what @Samwise210 just linked, the primary conclusion I've come to is that Tezzeret really needs to die.
Hopefully by a giant mana laser mounted on a certain Blue Dragon's back.
Words are not enough to express the hate I hold for people like that.
"I have the biggest boner right now."
As long as it it is covered By the Armor, no one else should complain.
Trust me, when your in armor, that statement is a complaint. Especially if The Armor's designer/builder forgot to allow for the problem.
"Well?" I asked as we looked around the alley.

"Give me a moment." Alexis said and dug through her bag, "Were we followed?"

I shook my head, "I don't think so, not physically anyway." I answered as I looked down the alley towards the street, just in time to see what almost looked like a car in bronze roll by. More sports car than Volvo.

Also, the first one I'd seen. On the way here, I did see what looked like a bronze horse automaton though.

This Plane was… it was incredible. It didn't seem to be mechanics either, they all shone with magic when I checked and I could see that they were enchanted heavily.

Finding Ajani Goldmane was clearly the primary objective, I could clearly come back here later. But I wanted to explore this place.

Fuck, I wonder if Sheila would mind moving here!

"Okay." Alexis said, and pulled a pen and paper from her satchel before starting to scribble a quick note, "I have two ideas."

"Which is?" I said as I looked up at a… humming bird construct with four wings, catching the light as it flashed past and around the corner.

"I'm going to… Pay attention!"

"Huh?" I asked and looked back at her again.

Alexis sighed, "Oh for… Sheila must have the patience of a saint. I said, I'm going to summon a Raven."

"Raven?" I asked her with a frown.

"Yeah. Then I'll add the aura of a special kind of beetle from Tamriel to it. Tolest beetles have a special sense that allow them to feel magic auras. I'll then show the raven a copy of Ajani's aura and it will fly straight to him with the message."

I slowly nodded, "Okay. The obvious question is… why not put it on me instead?"

"Your brain is too complex," she said and closed her eyes in focus to summon as she continued to herself, "As hard to believe as it can seem at times."

Shaking my head, I wove a small spell of my own, letting me see magic again as I looked around. Something in the building next to us shone like… well, not as much as the Augur of Dunlain. It wasn't a spotlight, but it was like a neon sign.

Turning to look up, there was like a river of energy high in the air, sweeping across the sky, going east to west. Like… a piece of frozen blue northern light.

It shone like a second sun, I could only glance at it for a split-second before I had to look away. This world… It was amazing.

I have got to get my claws on some of this gear, I bet even getting hold of one of those little fliers would revolutionize everything I know of artificing.

They were part-mechanical, not something I usually did. Most of my things were pure enchanting work, but with the Manalasers I dabbled, even if they didn't have any moving parts other than the trigger.

"There. As soon as he knows I'm here, he will be able to track me down." Alexis said, holding up a raven on her arm, its body kind of… shimmering with a soft white energy as she fastened the paper to its leg with a rubber band.

Throwing it into the air, the raven circled once and then flew off towards the right, down the alley. I looked after it before I turned back to Alexis, "And the second way?"

"You better turn off that magic-seeing thing you did." She said and I could see her starting to weave her white mana.

I quickly did as she said before she spread her arms, tilting her head back and let loose a massive pulse of magic. It flashed past me, passing across me without feeling like anything, before I quickly rushed forward and grabbed her as she collapsed.


Checking on her, I turned her over and felt her pulse. Her heart was beating and her breathing steady.

"Alexis?" I asked and carefully set her down, shifting her bag to use as a pillow, "Wake up, we need to move. Somebody is bound to investigate that."

No luck. Not that I was surprised.

She used up all the rest of her mana to make that pulse of magic and I know by experience how utterly exhausting that was. Especially doing it in a single pulse like that, even if I had not tried it. I had not been stupid enough to try!

I glanced back towards the entrance of the alley.

Damn it, we really shouldn't stay here. If the locals had any kind of magitech sensors, they should have lit up like a fucking beacon at that pulse.

Someone would be here to investigate and soon. We couldn't stay here.

Screw it, we have to move.

Carefully taking her backpack, I adjusted the straps and put it on, making sure my satchel was still secure before I picked her up.

Let's see if we can't find somewhere else out of the way. Also, better to not be seen walking through the streets carrying a passed-out woman around.

Only way that would attract less attention was if I was naked.

By the time I reached the edge of the alley, I finished weaving the invisibility spell around us and we faded away from view.

AN// Big thanks to SkrmnMrgsm for betaing this part.
You're a Dragon, If somebody confronts you about carrying a passed out female, you ask where the local healer is, or where do you Return a captured princess...
"Should I even ask how you are paying for this?" Alexis asked and sipped on her sweet wine, leaning her elbows on the stone table. We were sitting in one of the corners of one of the inns.

She woke up some five minutes after she passed out from the drain on her magic and we continued from there to here.

If the raven didn't find Ajani, she was certain he would feel and be able to recognize her by the magic pulse and then track her down. As soon as I was certain we were not followed, we ducked into an inn and got something to drink.

I just shrugged one shoulder without answering, instead sniffing the wine in my own goblet. Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to.

In this case, Rogue was rather good at picking pockets.

It was not grape, that's for sure. Mango maybe? Mango wine? Is that even a thing? In any case, I think I may actually have found a kind of wine I like.

Alexis stared at me for a moment before she sighed, "…Whatever. My head hurts too bad for me to care."

"Maybe you shouldn't drink then," I said with a frown.

"Please, there is barely any alcohol in this. Besides, we both know it's not that kind of headache," she grumbled and took another sip.


"I do have a pain potion in my bag…"

"We shouldn't waste that on something like this. Not like we can resupply," She grumbled and let her head sink down onto her arms on the table, "Just… leave me alone for a while. Go look at something shiny or something."

I raised an eyebrow at her, "How about we get you a room? Better get some rest in there than out here."

"…I'll be fine, I'm not tired."

I kind of doubted that. From what I knew, she had not slept more than a couple of hours at a time since we left the Vampire den.

Though to be fair, I didn't exactly sleep well either. Last time I remember getting a full night's sleep was…

A week before we left Westeros. With Rengosa and Zrazta against my sides. It was snowing above. Peaceful.

I glanced down at my goblet and took a drink before getting up, giving Alexis's shoulder a pat as I moved past her and walked out onto the balcony overlooking the city. The inn was on the side of a hill so even the second floor that we were on had a fair view over much of the city.

Glass pipes, twisting brass.

"Hello there."

I looked to the side and saw a creature. He… she… it had grey skin, looked neither male nor female, was dressed in smooth silks, blue and purple with red accents. Jewellery was draped over it, necklaces and arm bands.


He/she tilted her head, "Never seen an Aetherborn before?"

"Sorry. Not from around here." I said and studied it for a moment. It seemed to be doing the same to me before it tilted its head.

"Well, let me be the first to welcome you to Ghirapur then," it said and moved up to look out over the view with slightly glowing eyes, "I can't help but notice your unusual hair color. Is it natural?"

"Accident when I was a kid," I answered with a shrug.

My normal excuse.

"Ah. I like it, quite fetching. I'm Tridon."

"Atreus." I answered with a nod, "Nice to meet you."

"You as well, Atreus." He? said and glanced over his shoulder into the inn, "Your friend is not feeling very well."

"Hmh." I answered noncommittedly and studied one of the airships that floated over the city. No balloon that I thought, it was fully metal. The envelope was actually more of a hull. It was driven by propellers though.

Tridon frowned at me and I sighed,

"I'm sorry, I'm being rude. I'm not in a company kind of mood." I said, "Things have been rather difficult lately."

"Not at all," he answered with a small bow, "I'm intruding. My apologies. But I couldn't help but feel it across the room and wondered if there was something I could do to help. To preserve my own evening enjoyment if nothing else."

I stared at him for a moment before it clicked for me, "You are an empath. You can read feelings."

"All Aetherborn can."

Useful. Also slightly scary.

I nodded, "My apologies for ruining your evening then. I'll try to… keep it down."

"I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm afraid it doesn't work like that. If there is nothing I can do, I think I will be on my way. I hope your evening improves, Atreus."

"Thank you."

AN// Big thanks to FPSCanarussia for betaing this section.
Alexis stared at me across the corner table and I looked up from my stew, "What?"

"…Are you purring?"

"Have you any idea how long it's been since I had a good curry?"

Alexis shook her head, "You know, I'm starting to think that dragons are just kind of big housecats."

I considered that for a moment before I shrugged and returned to my meal. That may not be an unfair assessment. I could live with that.

"While we wait for Ajani to show up, I'm going to head out," I said after a moment, "I bought us a room for the night earlier, I want to see if I can find something interesting for the rest of it."

Alexis frowned at me and then shook her head, "That's a bad idea, we need that money if we are to stay here for a couple of days."

"We can get more money," I protested quietly. "I still have some jewelry I can sell."

"Then do that if you want a toy."

"…Fair enough," I sighed and poked at my curry stew.

Not like she was in the wrong here, but that would take time I could spend poking on whatever it is I ended up buying. I was being whelpish, I knew that.

I'll do some quick enchanting of some necklaces or something and see if I can get them sold to any of the vendors on that market I saw back there.

But she was also right, even if I got them sold, we might need the money for other things while here. Like food or a place to sleep.

I better just get something small, I just needed… a sample. Something to get me started. Once I had that, I should be able to dig into it and figure the rest out.

Sighing, I reached into my satchel and slid what money we had left over to her. "Here, keep a hold of this. I'll figure something out. I'll be back later… if you need to reach me in a hurry, send one of those birds. I assume you have a reading on my… aura was it?"

"Of course, it's rather distinct."


"Fine. But you are asking for too much for these…. baubles," the dark skinned merchant asked with a scowl.

"Well, if I am, you don't need to buy them. I can go ask someone else if they want to buy these one of a kind ite-"

"No, no! That's fine," he sighed and started to count out the coin. I simply nodded and silently counted along.

Comparing to the price of food I seen so far, I was getting a better price here than I would have gotten in Azeroth for the necklaces. They were even barely enchanted, just a slight glamour on them that caused the eyes of the wearer to draw the attention of anyone that saw them. Took like five minutes.

But it did give me a rather nice little sum to start with.

Normally I would not be one for markets. For a merchant, I rather disliked them. People all around, rushing, pushing and being loud and unpleasant. They were usually hot and uncomfortable.

But this one…

I sniffed the air, the slight wind carrying the scent of spices, hot oil and something I couldn't identify.

What looked like some kind of official made his way through the crowd, flanked by a pair of golden automatons. They didn't move like golems, their movements smooth and natural looking.

It was hardly the only ones on display either. Small flying ones flashed through the air, carrying messages or even small goods. Ranging from the size of a swallow to a dog.

Quite frankly, even with the massive weight on my wings, it was amazing. The only thing that would have made it better would be to have Sheila here with me.

But even with that shadow in the back of my mind…


"Thank you," I said with a smile at the merchant, scooping up the money and putting it away in my bag before I continued through the market, just taking in the sights for now. We couldn't Walk yet and if Ajani was here, he had a better chance of finding us than the other way around.

I couldn't see him missing Alexis signal either unless he was on the other side of the planet or something which to be fair was not impossible.

But we did what we could.

In any case, I had time before we could start back to Azeroth and it wouldn't help anyone if I was holed up in the inn with Alexis. Maybe I can find something here that could be useful… if nothing else I bet I could find entirely new ways of enchanting items!

"Heer yee, heer yee!" a bronze automaton announced loudly from the other end of the market. "The Quicksmithing Competition is about to begin! This time the skill of the legendary Saheeli Rai will be tested by her opponent! An elf with unparalleled skill! Come all and see who the victor will be!"

What the hell was quicksmithing?

I started to make my way over.

AN// Big thanks to Interregnum for betaing this section.
"…Are you purring?"

"Have you any idea how long it's been since I had a good curry?"

Alexis shook her head, "You know, I'm starting to think that dragons are just kind of big housecats."

I considered that for a moment before I shrugged and returned to my meal. That may not be an unfair assessment. I could live with that.
Can someone tell us more about these Aetherborn?
They seem kinda interesting...
They're beings formed out of the aether (free-flowing mana) that flows throughout Kaladesh. They're genderless. They have a lifespan of around 4 years, though some have means of extending it by draining others of life. They are empaths and seek pleasurable experiences for others to enjoy the reflected experiences. M:tG story-wise, be on the lookout for aerherborn named Yehenni or Ghonti.

Let me guess, the quicksmithing contest is going to be something like the attached video. Enchantments and 'forging' using more magic and pure will than slow physical work;
Quicksmithing can be seen in action here, though it's not normally a battle to the death.

For reference, Saheeli is a planeswalker with the ability to extrude metal in whatever form she might need. This gives her quite the leg up in quicksmithing duels.
In less than five minutes, I watched as a pile if scrap was transformed into a magical automaton by its creator, Tamril. Metal shaped with magic, components remade and repurposed. The result was a man-sized automaton, armed with a mace and shield, trundling across the arena.

Seeing someone creating what was effectively a golem with a mix of enchantment and mechanics so quickly was amazing, but it was nothing compared to his opponent. Saheeli Rai made the metal flow in her hands, ignoring the use of tools as she literally grew razor bird after razor bird, components incorporated flawlessly into the metal to create constructs that looked almost alive.

Smiling, Saheeli shifted a bit to the side and flicked her hand.

Five birds took wing and flew at the other automaton, dodging beneath its clumsy blows. They converged on it, wiggling into its chassis and ripping vital components to pieces.

I mostly ignored the battle itself in favor of observing Saheeli Rai. The dark skinned woman dressed in flowing red and blue silk, wearing what seemed to be a twisting metal corset, her hair set up with similar metal strands. She was having fun, molding another bird between her fingers. Watching her work, I activated the spell that would let me see magic.

Energy coursed through her hands and into the metal. In response, the metal flowed, for lack of a better word, guided by the magical energy. The growth was almost crystalline in appearance.

What was even more amazing was that while Tamril made his automaton first, and installed the component and enchantments after, Saheeli was weaving her enchantments into the creation of her… creature. It wasn't even a automaton anymore, not really. It grew into its own creature, with mechanical components serving as its organs and enchantments for its neurosystem.

She was amazing.

Saheeli's victory was announced as Tamril's automaton collapsed. She smiled, raising her hand in victory before walking out of the arena.

Quickly getting up, I started to make my way through the crowd. I had to talk to her, learn to do what she does.

The crowd was all moving towards the exist and kept getting in my way. Fucking move, humans!

Fuck this.

Instead of moving towards the exist, I turned right and vaulted over the railing down into the arena, landing from the five meter drop.

Getting up from mu crouch, I saw a group of five people looking in my direction, pulling a cart along with them filled with shovels and brushes and such.

"Uhm… are you okay? I'm not sure you are supposed to be here." The first of the men said with a frown, a shovel resting against his shoulder.

"Sorry, got a bit crowded up there," I said, brushing some dust of my shoulder. "I'll let you get back to work. Which way to the exit?" He pointed over his shoulder and I nodded, "Thanks," before quickly heading in that direction. The exit was a lot more straight forward than I thought at first. A tunnel and then stairs up to a gate that lead onto the street.

Of course, as it turned out, I didn't need to rush so much after all.

Saheeli was standing surrounded by a group of kids, signing autographs. I… suppose some things may be universal when you are a rockstar of sorts.

I relaxed slightly as I joined the group, waiting for my turn.

She looked to be enjoying herself, joking and smiling. Hmm, she was good with whelps. As Saheeli handed one book back to a girl looking about ten years old, she glanced in my direction before doing a quick double take. Our eyes met for a second and she momentarily smiled before she returned to signing books.

Waiting until everything was finished, she extracted herself from the crowd and I walked over to her, "Miss Rai. My name is Atregos, I would like to talk to you if you have a moment."

"Atregos," she said as she regarded me, "an unusual name. Almost as unusual as your hair."

"I'm not local," I said with a smile. "I am most curious in your art, how do you do it? Can I learn how to?"

Saheeli frowned slightly up at me, "You are an artificer?"

Nodding, I sighed, "I am. Unfortunately, nowhere near as skilled as you are. I would love if you would be willing to at least point me in the right direction."

The woman regarded me for a moment in thought before she nodded, "I do happen to have the rest of the day free. Come on, let's find somewhere to talk. I know a place you can buy me a drink."

Nodding, I moved along with her, "How do you solve the metaconductivty problem when shifting the metal while layering the enchantments? I never got that to work, I had to work the metal and then layer the enchantments to retroshift the metal into a malleable state for a arcanoshiftable reformation after the main enchantments were already on the metal."

Saheeli blinked at me, "You found a way to induce permanent malleability shifting in metal without using an enchanting matrix to constantly regulate the material shift manually?"

I shrugged one shoulder, "Well, yeah. Honestly, it wasn't that complex, I used it in several objects. Mostly I found it most useful when you need an object to change mass and shape on the fly. I used to have a weapon like that, I could shift it from a dagger, to a spear and to a warhammer and anything in between."

She gaped at me, "How did you solve the metal fatigue caused by constant material shift? I never got it to work, I always have to work the metal directly and use hinges and joints for my craft."

"I didn't." I answered with a grin, "I bypassed it. The shift of the material constantly repairs the damage."

"…Of course! The metal fatigue would only set in if the metal ever fully solidified between!"

"Yeah. You need to keep it in a semi flux state, keeping it only mostly solid."

Saheeli slowly nodded and took my hand, shifting course and pulling me along, "Come on, forget the bar, we are going to the workshop. You are showing me how to do that."

AN// Big thanks to Interregnum for betaing this part.
Brilliant as usual

so the sport is a show of creativeness, talent and skill?
the ability to work quickly, without sacrificing efficiency and movement?
Nodding, I moved along with her, "How do you solve the metaconductivty problem when shifting the metal while layering the enchantments? I never got that to work, I had to work the metal and then layer the enchantments to retroshift the metal into a malleable state for a arcanoshiftable reformation after the main enchantments were already on the metal."

Saheeli blinked at me, "You found a way to induce permanent malleability shifting in metal without using an enchanting matrix to constantly regulate the material shift manually?"

I shrugged one shoulder, "Well, yeah. Honestly, it wasn't that complex, I used it in several objects. Mostly I found it most useful when you need an object to change mass and shape on the fly. I used to have a weapon like that, I could shift it from a dagger, to a spear and to a warhammer and anything in between."

She gaped at me, "How did you solve the metal fatigue caused by constant material shift? I never got it to work, I always have to work the metal directly and use hinges and joints for my craft."

"I didn't." I answered with a grin, "I bypassed it. The shift of the material constantly repairs the damage."

"…Of course! The metal fatigue would only set in if the metal ever fully solidified between!"

"Yeah. You need to keep it in a semi flux state, keeping it only mostly solid."

Saheeli slowly nodded and took my hand, shifting course and pulling me along, "Come on, forget the bar, we are going to the workshop. You are showing me how to do that."
and this Atregos made a friend he can invent stuff with.

..i wonder if its possible to use your opponents robots to make more of your own robots?
like, someone does that RoBird swarm thing, Atregos gestures and they flow together into a Robot Dragon that retaliates?
wonder if it can be made to eat other robots to grow stronger...
Finally caught up on this series, took some time but it was a fun read all the way through. Too much material to leave a detailed comment, but I'm lovin' it.

Hoping against any further harem expansion. It already feels a little too much like antics as-is.
Am I the only one here who hopes that Atreus doesn't get together with Saheeli, other than in a purely platonic manner?
I focused on the block of bronze sitting on the workbench before me, putting my fingers against it, my eyes half closed as I focused, my magic flowing into the metal.

"Careful, feel the shape the metal wants to take," Saheeli said next to me. "Let it take that shape. Don't force it, just suggest."

Come on…

I gently pulled on my magic and slowly strands of bronze started to lift from the block, flowing and shifting as I pulled my hand back. They moved and shifted as my hand moved before suddenly snapping off and falling onto the table.

"Damn it!"

"You'll get there. Anything more is a practice issue," Saheeli said with a grin as she walked over to a horse like work of art, the golem creature half finished. "Show me how you did it?"

I nodded and put my hand on the bronze again, letting my magic and the metal flow again, this time managing to get it a bit further this time and the strands was thicker. Getting up, I walked over to her, "Do you have anything else than bronze? The magical conductivity is enough but it's easier with some other materials, like mithril or gold."

"…What's a mithril?" Saheeli asked and then shook her head. "Let's stop beating around the bushes. You are a Planeswalker."

I stared at her for a moment, "How did you know?"

"Well, the hair and name kind of said that you were not a local, but what really convinced me is the way you work your magic," she explained. "On what plane can I find mithril?"

Oh. So, that's it.

"You are one too."

That got me a look of, 'well, what was your first clue.'

Fair enough I suppose.

"A couple of different ones. Tamriel for one," I said with a shrug as I studied her. She looked like she belonged here. Either she was a local or she had lived here for quite a while.

"Never heard of that Plane, but thanks," she said with a nod before she smiled. "Now show me?"

Grinning, I nodded and looked around, "Have something I can write on? This is easier to follow if I have something to write the diagrams down on?"

"…Can't you just show me how to do it? I don't do well with math…" she admitted with a frown.

An artificer that don't use enchantment matrix diagrams? This may end up harder than I originally thought.

"Not sure it works like that," I admitted and rubbed the bridge of my nose in thought, "but we can try. It should help you to see what I'm doing in any case."


"No, no, no!" Saheeli said and pointed her finger at me. "You can't just cause an aether flux in the power network! It will completely overload the power system and ruin it!"

"Only if you use glass!" I countered, rolling out from beneath the tiger like automaton we crafted together. "From what I have been able to figure out of this aether stuff, sapphire can handle a much higher flux rating and to boot, it has a magic capacitance of over ten times glass!"

"…And where do you expect us to find ten kilo sapphires!?"

Oh yeah, this isn't Azeroth. Gems are not as easy to find here. We can't use soulgems either, those are only from Tamriel.

Frowning in thought, I looked up at the automaton standing above me, "Uhm… Do you have any aluminum?"

"That's even more expensive not to mention basically impossible to find!"

I almost forgot, aluminum was crazy hard to find before someone of earth find a method to easily and cheaply extract it.

Sitting up, I frowned, "Any aluminum ore?"

"Not really, no," she admitted. "It's a tricky metal… can't even really transfigure other materials into it. I can do most, but never tried it. No real use for it anyway, it doesn't have any real magical properties. It's only expensive because it's rare and nobody mine for it."

"Well, no, but on a base level it's basically sapphire."

Saheeli frowned and crossed her arms, leaning against one of her workbenches, "…How? They are nothing alike."

"They are still made up of the same base materials."

"That don't make any sense!"

"Go to earth and take a chemistry class!" I exclaimed and got up. "Well, if we don't have sapphires, what do we have!?"

Saheeli drummed her fingers on her arm in though, "Nothing good to contain aether. Glass really is one of the better ones."

"So why use aether?"

She stared at me like I had turned into a dragon, "What do you mean 'why use aether?' Not only is it the most potent of magical storage, but it also the only real way to do this without personally powering it!"

"No it's not. You make a magic siphon enchantment, it draws background magic into the device to power the enchantments. Sure, on some places it can't draw enough, but on a Plane with this much magic literally in the air, it would last basically forever."

She gaped at me and looked at the automaton and then back to me, "…Where the fuck do you get off saying that you weren't as good as me at artificing!?"

"I can't make things in moments like you! It's… I can't make them seem alive!"

"I can't make half the stuff you do! I still have no clue how you manage to keep metal in a semi-permanent, flexible state!"

"I showed you how!"

"I don't know how to read those!" she said and stabbed her finger against my chest. "I told you, I don't do math like that!"

I growled down at her, "Then learn it! How can you possibly create new enchantment matrices witho-"

There was a knock on the door.

AN// Big thanks to Interregnum for betaing this section.
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Damn these accursed interruptions!

Ah well, any further and we would have had to fade to black anyway...
i'm guessing at a much later date he comes back with a chemistry book and some of those translator rings...