TS Plays: The New Order, A Hearts of Iron Mod.

...Wait are you saying the Kaiserreich Subreddit or is their a Kaiserwaifu subreddit? I assume if there is, it's like 90% pictures of Song, Victoria Louise and that one Maoist lady from Cuba.
I mean there is the Kaiserreich Dating Sim that's in the works, with its own subreddit even.
...Wait are you saying the Kaiserreich Subreddit or is their a Kaiserwaifu subreddit? I assume if there is, it's like 90% pictures of Song, Victoria Louise and that one Maoist lady from Cuba.

The Kaiserreich subreddit. To my knowledge, there isn't a specific subreddit dedicated to waifuing various interwar heads of state.

I mean, there is the KR dating sim, but that's an entirely different beast.
[X] Local Democratic Government

No shit.

Hey we have nice allies, that's cool. The radsoc Indochinese Union is very neat.

I wonder if we can unfuck India.

I imagine there's nothing set up for further election events even if we pick that choice?
Republic of China Part 18

In Europe, German shells rain on Paris and the citizens can see the troops marching ever closer to the city. The Commune prepares for a brutal siege

In America, the exhausted PSA has taken advantage of the cease fire and is marching towards Chicago as Centroamerica falls to the Entente, forcing Mexico to defend it's Southern Border.

Then Russia changes the game, completely shifting the dynamic as they open a second front against Germany.

Germany thought they were prepared but there was only so much they could do. Kiev fell in a matter of months.

With national elections behind held we've finally decide to allow other parties to have a voice, naturally we're only allowing parties sympathetic to our revolution. Can't allow another Yuan Shikai or Jade Marshall to take control of the country after all.

It's not enough that we've liberated ourselves, we must ensure all of Asia is free from Colonial overlords.

Finally upgrading from Destroyers to Cruisers in preparation for the final phase of this Playthrough.

The unexpected entrance of Russia into the Second Weltkrieg has allowed France to push back against the Reichspakt. Though sheer exhaustion has limited their gains.

Serbia has somehow broken free from Austria and has allied with Russia, which considering they're at war with the Internationale....this might get messy quickly.

South Africa has reorganized itself into a Federation and has finally rejoined the Entente.
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Current Look at our armed forces. I should mention I'm literally using ever general I have right now save for one Field Marshall. Next general will have to be a generated one.

The time has come to end the tutelage and fulfill the promises we made so long ago. The people of China will at last choose their leader in a national election.

After 5 years of grueling warfare, Chicago has fallen. The CSA's fate is all but sealed. The fate of America now falls to either the PSA or Long.

So the election again falls to either the Minsheng or Minquan, either Wang Jingwei returns or Song holds onto her office. Curiously this event seems to act like the Minsheng and Minquan are separate parties, which they maybe from a mechanic point of view but in Lore they're not.

There are other things we need to do though. Hong Kong and Shanghai must be freed but to do so now risks fighting the whole world. We don't need to fight the whole world at once though. We can make or reclaimation of the Legation Cities far easier if we go after some of it's defenders first. Russia is one of those defenders, and they've been a threat to China for centuries now. How long until Boris's revanchism turns towards Manchuria? The Russian Menace must be defeated.

Next is a a lingering mark of the British. While their hold over China is gone, their legacy remains. Tawang rightfully belongs to both China and Tibet. But instead the Reactionary Indian Princes hold it. We must retake it.

Finally there is the issue of Germany's now massive holdings in East Asia. Using the region's resources and people to fuel their war machine. East Asia must be liberated.

[] Wang Jingwei (Radical Socialist)
[] Song Qingling (Social Democrat)

The next vote will be a priority vote. Basically vote 1-3 on how we should prioritize our targets.

[] The Russian State
[] Hyderabad
[] German East Asia
[X] Song Qingling (Social Democrat)

[1] German East Asia
[2] Hyderabad
[3] The Russian State
[X] Song Qingling (Social Democrat)

[1] German East Asia
[3] Hyderabad
[2] The Russian State
[1] German East Asia
[2] The Russian State
[3] Hyderabad

Though, TBH, I'd rather take out German East Asia, then look at the world situation to decide whether to hit Russia or Hyderabad next.
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[X] Wang Jingwei (Radical Socialist)

[3] The Russian State
[2] Hyderabad
[1] German East Asia

Germany is already in a 2-front war, beat them while they're down.
[X] Song Qingling (Social Democrat)

[1] German East Asia
[2] Hyderabad
[3] The Russian State
Seems like bad strategy to hit Russia while they're helping us and the Internationale against Germany. Maybe if it looks like they're going to grab the lion's share of the gains against the Germans.

[1] German East Asia
[2] Hyderabad
[3] The Russian State