[x] Agree with Ivy -- keeping things simple and not getting on the flesh merchant's bad side is important.
'He's not stupid enough to try something on Ivies body. I'll teach you what Ivy knows on negotiating in her normal way and than you do the rest. Me and Brute will be the backup to leave.
Please for the Love of whatever God you worship don't start a fight.'
[x] Suggest you rent a meeting room at an unaffiliated guild hall -- you're pretty sure you have an in with the local Lightmaker's Guild if you drop your mother's name.
[X] Agree with Ivy -- keeping things simple and not getting on the flesh merchant's bad side is important.
Two reasons: first, Ivy's done this before, and she came out alright. Now that there's two of us (Mr. Merchant doesn't need to know that Star's not able to use magic), things should also go well. Second, we've taken Star's side a lot recently, let's try to stay balanced.
The question is quite simple: Are we important enough and bring enough potential profit that we are more useful to him unharmed and free than in chains or dead for parts even after considering the risk of losing out reputation?
[x] Suggest you rent a meeting room at an unaffiliated guild hall -- you're pretty sure you have an in with the local Lightmaker's Guild if you drop your mother's name.
I don't mind our parents finding out. I actually welcome extra security. It's great that things worked out well for Ivy last time, but it's no reason to push our luck.
There's nothing unreasonable about making deals on neutral territory. It's just good sense.
The question is quite simple: Are we important enough and bring enough potential profit that we are more useful to him unharmed and free than in chains or dead for parts even after considering the risk of losing out reputation?
Ivy's family name having a lot of clout is also a factor here -- he has no idea about Ivy's current situation, and therefore crossing her is a calculated risk as to whether it'll get back to her family and if they'll crush him. Which, of course, means that if he is going to double cross us, he's going to make sure as shit that no one's alive to rat him out.
Honestly, Star's idea is a sensible precaution. On the other hand, Ivy had no problem dealing with him before. On the third hand, if he's really of a mercenary bent, that might have been just because he hadn't had any offers worth betraying her for, something that could change at any time.
The greatest risk factor is the unique predicament Star and Ivy are in:
- it invites suspicion (because people may think Star's behavior odd, especially if they've met Ivy),
- it makes us more vulnerable (because we may lose the protection of Ivy's family name if they think we're an impostor or that Ivy is being controlled against her will, which is kinda true), and
- it makes us a more tempting target (either to turn us over to the Dunsals or keep us as a specimen, if they discover what actually happened).
We need Ivy's knowledge and contacts, but we don't necessarily need Star pretending to be Ivy. If nothing else, Ivy originally suggested keeping Star asleep and transporting her body to Salvograd, in which case we would have proceeded without Star's cooperation. It would be different if Star could do a convincing impression of Ivy, but given Star's revulsion to necromancy and general unfamiliarity with the time period she's apt to become a liability rather than an asset if people suspect that something is off, especially if the contact has previously met Ivy.
One option would be for Mina to handle the negotiations herself (which she should be able to handle as the daughter of a merchant family... as long as the flesh merchant isn't a cute boy or girl), presenting herself as an agent acting on Ivy's behalf (which is true) and with Ivy's guidance to smooth the way. As a bonus, if something does go wrong Star will be at a safe distance, to either attempt a rescue (if capable) or seek help (in which case we should tell her who to contact). Obviously, we would have to trust Star not to run away and Star would have to trust us not to betray her, but having come to this point I think that's reasonable.
(Incidentally, if Ivy or someone who looks like Ivy isn't present that would be a plausible excuse to ask for a neutral meeting ground, since we may not be comfortable or familiar with the usual procedure.)
Another option might be to disguise Star. @Gazetteer, would it be possible to change Star's appearance using Alteration magic and/or via other means so that she doesn't look like Ivy's twin? At least enough to pass for a different person? Since Blacktree Academy is an institution of higher learning for both witches and sorceresses, perhaps Star could pretend to be a student sorceress?
Then, if possible,
[x] Disguise Star using Alteration and/or other means. [x] Offer to meet the flesh merchant yourself while Star keeps her distance, or if Star isn't comfortable with that use your family connections to secure a neutral meeting place at the Lightmaker's guild.
[x] Agree with Ivy -- keeping things simple and not getting on the flesh merchant's bad side is important.
To be honest, I feel like this is the better option. Especially considering that Ivy has, in fact, done business with the man before, and that turned out well enough. This is especially the better option if we want to keep it more on the down low, since we're keeping to the dude's regular standard of business.
I mean, if I was a flesh merchant, I would want to have certain protections, certainly. But only use force if provoked, in which case, we should be diplomatic still and etc. etc. But also, it somehow, randomly, turns out to be a trap, we could probably come out of it alright, given present company.
[x] Agree with Ivy -- keeping things simple and not getting on the flesh merchant's bad side is important.
'He's not stupid enough to try something on Ivies body. I'll teach you what Ivy knows on negotiating in her normal way and than you do the rest. Me and Brute will be the backup to leave.
Please for the Love of whatever God you worship don't start a fight.'
[X] Agree with Ivy -- keeping things simple and not getting on the flesh merchant's bad side is important.
Two reasons: first, Ivy's done this before, and she came out alright. Now that there's two of us (Mr. Merchant doesn't need to know that Star's not able to use magic), things should also go well. Second, we've taken Star's side a lot recently, let's try to stay balanced.
Ivy of Dunsal has done business with flesh merchants before with no ill effects, but Star can't pretend to be Ivy for long without raising suspicion.
As for taking Star's side, Star does have a point, even if she's naturally prejudiced against necromancy. And from a purely pragmatic perspective, Ivy is more or less stuck with us while we must earn Star's trust and cooperation.
The question is quite simple: Are we important enough and bring enough potential profit that we are more useful to him unharmed and free than in chains or dead for parts even after considering the risk of losing out reputation?
Honestly, Star's idea is a sensible precaution. On the other hand, Ivy had no problem dealing with him before. On the third hand, if he's really of a mercenary bent, that might have been just because he hadn't had any offers worth betraying her for, something that could change at any time.
It may not be profitable to betray a customer just to procure another body, but If "Ivy" behaves strangely that could attract unwanted attention, and if they learn about our true situation that may change the calculus.
At a minimum, we'll have to tell the necromancer we hire at least some of the details, but the fewer people we tip our hand to the fewer threats we'll have to guard against.
Another option might be to disguise Star. @Gazetteer, would it be possible to change Star's appearance using Alteration magic and/or via other means so that she doesn't look like Ivy's twin? At least enough to pass for a different person? Since Blacktree Academy is an institution of higher learning for both witches and sorceresses, perhaps Star could pretend to be a student sorceress?
Both are definitely possible. Mundane disguises might be simpler, but if nothing goes wrong simple alteration could change enough about Ivy's face to disguise Star well enough to survive a lot more scrutiny.
[x] Disguise Star using Alteration and/or other means.
[x] Offer to meet the flesh merchant yourself while Star keeps her distance, or if Star isn't comfortable with that use your family connections to secure a neutral meeting place at the Lightmaker's guild.
I'm not sure about either of these being risks. Dunno why they'd do the former, and as for the latter I doubt they're likely to pick the furthering of science over a paying customer. Might be a good idea to just be upfront about our situation.
By the way, I listed the votes on disguise and course of action separately for a reason. Regardless of where we meet, I think we should consider limiting our information disclosure.
Also, we should probably discuss our cover story with Ivy and Star beforehand to get the details straight.
I'm not sure about either of these being risks. Dunno why they'd do the former, and as for the latter I doubt they're likely to pick the furthering of science over a paying customer. Might be a good idea to just be upfront about our situation.
Would the flesh merchant believe us? That not only has Ivy's body been possessed, but Ivy is trying to help the spirit that's possessed her body? If they don't believe our tale, they'd think us impostors at best and mind-controlling Ivy at worst. Ivy and the Dunsals are important customers, while Mina and Star would be interlopers.
And if we tell the flesh merchant about the magical amulet and the novel soul magic it uses, then that's definitely valuable knowledge. The flesh merchant may not be interested in the "furthering of science" but other people with coin are. Plus, we would still be relying on our word to convince them that we're not coercing Ivy.
Besides, why does the flesh merchant need to know? Easier to just tell him that Ivy instructed us to fetch material for a project of hers. The only person who may need to know more is the necromancer we hire.
Ivy of Dunsal, scion of a house of necromancers, may have been treated respectably, but even with Ivy's soul guiding us are we sure Mina and not!Ivy will garner the same reception?
I don't think the flesh merchant is in the habit of backstabbing clients, but we're not exactly regular customers.
Ivy of Dunsal, scion of a house of necromancers, may have been treated respectably, but even with Ivy's soul guiding us are we sure Mina and not!Ivy will garner the same reception?
I don't think the flesh merchant is in the habit of backstabbing clients, but we're not exactly regular customers.
Well...I was more thinking that he has cause to be afraid of us because even on his home turf we should be able to deal with most things he can throw at us, so going along with his demands let's him be a bit more comfortable, and therefore a bit easier to deal with
Well...I was more thinking that he has cause to be afraid of us because even on his home turf we should be able to deal with most things he can throw at us, so going along with his demands let's him be a bit more comfortable, and therefore a bit easier to deal with
We're two student witches. Or a witch and a sorceress, technically. We don't even have Brute with us. The group of bandits at the bridge could have hurt us, and I'm sure the flesh merchant won't be alone.
Clear winner, here. Since there was discussion about whether or not Star should come at all or if we want her to pose as Ivy, that will be covered in this post.
[x] Suggest you rent a meeting room at an unaffiliated guild hall -- you're pretty sure you have an in with the local Lightmaker's Guild if you drop your mother's name. No. of votes: 2 query, Muer'ci
[x] Offer to meet the flesh merchant yourself while Star keeps her distance, or if Star isn't comfortable with that use your family connections to secure a neutral meeting place at the Lightmaker's guild. No. of votes: 2 mistakenot, ChildishChimera
You shake your head slightly. "Star, I don't think either of us are exactly used to… dealing with this sort of person," you point out. "Ivy is. She's dealt with this man before and didn't have any problems. She--" you pause suddenly, backing up to ask: "... you didn't have any problems, did you?"
"Of course not," Ivy says, sounding a little annoyed that you didn't simply trust that this had been the case. "It was a very simple transaction. He was quite short with me, but I'm told that he's that way with all customers. As long as we don't try to cheat him and accept how he does business, everything should be fine."
Star's face tightens with anxiety at hearing all of this once you've had time to repeat it, but she nods slowly. "... alright," she says. "I'll trust you on this. It's… just a little difficult, thinking about being entirely in a necromancer's power again."
"He might not actually be a necromancer himself," Ivy offers. "But he probably has more than one of them on his payroll either way. I didn't get too close a look at his guards, so it's hard to say whether they were alive or undead."
"Well, that makes me feel better," Star says, her deadpan a little brittle to be entirely written off as a joke.
"Do you want to stay behind?" you suddenly offer.
"What?" Star asks, blinking in surprise, at almost the same time as Ivy demands: "What?"
"Well," you say, thinking as you speak, "I don't know how well Star will be able to pull of pretending to by you, Ivy. You can try to talk her through some things, but she's, uh… really obviously not you, for anyone who's spent enough time around you."
"He only met me the one time," Ivy points out, although she does sound a little doubtful. "We could just have Mina do most of the talking?" she says.
"I don't know if she… has to be there at all," you say, leaning forward in your seat a little. "We could just have this Valerie woman set the meeting up for me and him. I'll have you with me telling me what to do -- we can drop your name as a reference, right?"
"... maybe," Ivy allows. "I only bought something from him once, but I was above board with everything."
"As above board as you can be when buying black market body parts?" Star looks exceedingly dubious.
"Okay, okay," you say, raising a hand as if to cut off any argument that might rise from Ivy In the cramped confines of the carriage, considering that Ivy is not physically present, the gesture belatedly strikes you as a little absurd. "The point is, I could handle this, and you wouldn't need to pretend to be Ivy, and you wouldn't need to go be around a bunch of amoral necromancers and flesh traders when you find it upsetting."
"... I can handle it," Star murmurs, drawing herself closer in on herself. "It's not as though--"
All at once, the carriage suddenly lurches to a halt -- you've arrived, at least as far as the driver will take you. As you climb back out onto the street, you both hunch yourself against the rain once again, your cold, damp fingers fumbling awkwardly for the coin to pay the driver.
"Miss," he says suddenly, a gloved hand reaching out to catch your arm as you begin to turn away. You give a start of surprise, but turn to listen to him. "Miss," he says again, leaning down and glancing apprehensively from side to side. His lined face is drawn into an expression of worry as he stares at you. "The Black Lantern is a respectable inn, and you should be safe there, but… please be careful in this neighborhood at night. There have been… disappearances lately."
You blink in surprise. "... we will," you promise, almost automatically. Apparently satisfied at having passed on the warning, the driver flicks his reigns and rumbles off into the night.
Star gives you a questioning, concerned look. "Should we be worried about that? Ivy didn't mention anything about disappearances."
"That's because there weren't any last time I was here," Ivy replies. "We'll probably be fine. We'll be careful, and we're not exactly defenceless, and like he said -- the Black Lantern is a fairly safe place to be, as long as you pay your bills."
While you don't argue with that, you can't help but regard your surroundings with a certain degree of suspicion -- All around you, two and three story buildings rise up around narrow streets, creating a cramped, claustrophobic feeling. Through the rain and the gloom, beyond one narrow alleyway you can see the dark, brooding expanse of the Salvo. The bridge cuts across it, gas lamps lighting up its expanse in pinpricks of light along its edges. All in all, there are a lot of places to wait in ambush in this immediate area.
"It's this way," Ivy instructs you, and you immediately see why the driver dropped you off here rather than immediately in front of the inn. The fastest route involves cutting through a side street so narrow that the carriage likely wouldn't have even fit. There are no roadside gas lamps on this street -- the only immediate illumination spills out of the odd ground level window on the buildings to either side. Star follows along behind you, shoulders hunched against the cold and the new source of indecision you've introduced.
"You… might have had a point," Ivy concedes as you shuffle your way forward. The wind has shifted so that it is blowing off of the river, howling directly down the length of the side street to drive rain into your face. "It would be for the best if we could get her to pose as me, and she seems to be willing… but it would be a disaster if the merchant figured out we were lying to him. Maybe you should try to talk her out of it?"
You risk a glance back at Star, who is trudging determinedly along behind you. The side street is deserted, and you'll be in a crowded common room soon enough -- this will be your last chance to talk to Star about this before you're at the inn, being confronted by this Valerie person who's supposed to put you in touch with Ivy's merchant.
[x] Try to push Star a little more on letting you go it alone
[x] Suggest she still go, but present an alternative to her pretending to be Ivy
[x] Just drop it. Star said she can handle herself, and it will be easier if the flesh merchant thinks he's dealing with Ivy directly.