TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

[X][Action] Raise the Shield

I would recommend we work on earth magic next as it's a useful tool and a pretty good weapon that the enemy doesn't have a good counter too yet
Hmm, a question;

Does Monster Energy count as Magical Biology, given how intrinsically tied into a Monster's body it is?
[X][Action] Ice/Fire and Fire Within
-[X] Destructive testing on enemy Vines on remaining portals. If they are highly resistant to the fire without, let's see what happens when you turn the Fire Within against them!
-[X] Move closer if necessary
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[X][Action] Analyze Mundane Movement (Biology Research) (Movement Research)
[X] [Focus] Light/Darkness Negacion (Magic Research)
[X] [Focus] Monster Energy
[X] [Focus] Ice/Fire and Fire Within
[X] [Focus] Flesh, Not of My Flesh
[X][Action] Analyze Mundane Movement (Biology Research) (Movement Research)
-[X][Action] Also analyse other trees' movement during combat if possible
[X][Focus] Grow Wise Tree
[X][Focus] Grow Clever Tree
[X][Focus] Finish Laser Computer
[X][Focus] Growth Incorporated

Huh, am I an ancient tree now? Neat. Can I upgrade my Movement again? :V
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[X][Action] "Rip & Tear (Until the Job is Done)" - Finish Cleaning Up Evil Vines to Make Sure the Problem Stays Gone

[X][Focus] Finish Cleaning Up Evil Vines to Make Sure the Problem Stays Gone
[X][Focus] Finish Cleaning Up Evil Vines to Make Sure the Problem Stays Gone*2
[X][Focus] Check on Lesser Wraith (Keep Friend Friend!)
[X][Focus] Check on Lesser Wraith (Keep Friend Friend!)*2

[X][AutoFocus] None

[X][Squirrel] Finish Cleaning Up Evil Vines to Make Sure the Problem Stays Gone
[X][Deer] Finish Cleaning Up Evil Vines to Make Sure the Problem Stays Gone
[X][Moles] Dig Tunnel from Forest to Newton Village
[X][Beavers] Finish Cleaning Up Evil Vines to Make Sure the Problem Stays Gone
[X][Bees] Scout for Lingering Vines to Make Sure We Don't Miss Anything
[X][Ants] Keep our Creatures Clean

[X][Wolves] Wolf action (Already Locked)

[X][Corvids] Finish Cleaning Up Evil Vines to Make Sure the Problem Stays Gone
[X][Bears] Finish Cleaning Up Evil Vines to Make Sure the Problem Stays Gone
[X][Lesser Fire Salamander] Make Friends with Marta Yarrow

[X][Dire Bat] Dire Bat action (Already Locked)
[X][Lesser Wraith] Lesser Wraith action (Already Locked)

[X][Speaker] Learn the Ins and Outs of Being Speakers
[X][Speaker] Learn the Ins and Outs of Being Speakers*2
[X][Action] Connect to Shadow Spinners (after finding some I suppose)

Look, if I'm having problems connecting to things that seem like a dream or illusion at times, obviously that just means I need to know more about Illusions. So let's find convenient test subjects/masters to learn about the subject from. Pay no attention to the grumbling from a certain tree about how if illusory reality is being a pain in the roots, it'll make sure to share the painful reality of illusions with whoever decides to annoy it. Nor the dark chuckles and muttering about 'just wait until we also get Portals, see if you are scared then!'

I'm sure it's not going to cause more problems than it solves.
Growing increasingly concerned about the Herbalist's motives, and starting to hope that we haven't accidentally unleashed a plant-based lich on the world. Too tired to figure out what to do right now though; off to bed.
hey try looking through the Forest's memories.
BAH! Bemusing bothersome brats betray moronic minds: missed mounting mushroom might.

The Forest, having spent its single Favor with Newton Village in exchange for two Speakers, has proceeded to Mine quite a bit more Linestone - enough for two additional Favors. An attempt to figure out better mining techniques via Fungi found a few more Linestone to mine, but wasn't a major improvement (yet). (Started with 1 Favor. Spent 1; mined enough Linestone for 2 Favors. Newton Village currently owes you 2 Favors.)
Further fungal filtration ensues expeditiously, ergo:

[X][Action] Mining Mushrooms Manifold: grow the mining portion of the fungal network and infrastructure for separating out samples of any interesting minerals that it might find for the researches to poke at.
[X][AutoFocus] Any

Spiteful Sporing: grow spores to combine into annoying pollen and encourage fungal growth. it won't help right away but victims invaders can "enjoy" a wild proliferation of fungal infections, fungal blooms, etc.
Mouldy Mining: use the fungal network to survey what sort of minerals and materials are available
Mining Mushrooms: grow the portion of the fungal network dedicated to extracting minerals from the ground
Spy Shrooms: fungi as a spy network. Did you know some can hear? They grow towards the sound of water
More Mycelium: grow more symbiotic fungi
Humans' Hyphae Highway: grow an underground system of roots and fungi to the human village to reduce the distance penalties for working there
Slime Servitors: grow mindless mobile molds that are powered and piloted by a fungal umbilical chord back to the trees
Magic Mushrooms Multiplication: hypertrophy heaps of hallucinogens
Magical Mushrooms: store spellpower in shrooms
Might Morphin' Mushrooms: Make Massive Mushroom Monsters
Mining Mushrooms Manifold: grow the mining portion of the fungal network and infrastructure for separating out samples of any interesting minerals that it might find for the researches to poke at.
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Growing increasingly concerned about the Herbalist's motives, and starting to hope that we haven't accidentally unleashed a plant-based lich on the world. Too tired to figure out what to do right now though; off to bed.
I mean we can see everything that happens in the forest, so if she starts being evil we can put a stop to it. Personally I think she is more insane rather than evil
(Of course, the Forest could probably hear her thoughts, she figured, which was a touch annoying to plan around. She would tentatively assume it was friendly - since it seemed to be so far. And anyway, while she might get a bit overenthusiastic, she definitely wanted to investigate this thing finally. …Which hopefully wasn't a terrible idea.)
Speaking of evil, is it okay to spy on her to find out what her plan is?
[X][Action] With acceptable range, now begin developing telekinetic strength. Mine limestone via telekinesis, focusing on quarrying and moving the heaviest possible blocks each time.
[X][Action] Finish Laser Computer
[X][Focus] Finish Laser Computer
[X][Focus] Finish Laser Computer x2
[X][Focus] Finish Laser Computer x3
[X][Focus] Finish Laser Computer x4
[X][AutoFocus] Computers for All. One focus action into Finish Laser Computer until complete.
[X][Corvids] Contribute to a project - Finish Laser Computer
As someone who really did not want us to connect to the wraith...

Wraith is friend-shaped and I hope we one day find a way to alliviate its hunger sensation.

Or at the least find a way to keep it safe from being magically damaged when our foe starts to adapt to it helping us.

Also, i've been thinking of making a whole bunch of slow-release fire magic infused nuts for the village to use in the winter, but instead they could make* some sort of simple piping system that links every house to a single tank of water that draws the river - a shared 'boiler' radiator system, and beside that tank is a nest that is just super comfortable for salamanders to nap in and just live their best lives.
*Metal magic or simple stoneshaping to make the labour costs down.

I'm doing "[ ][Action] Life Indeed" atm, but open question to the playerbase; would anyone be ok with/object to me instead sending a laser to the station above convering the following points:

1. Does us communicting with you/you with us cost you or put you at risk?
2.a. Unsure about "too good to true", does herbalist intend harm or is unknowingly some sort of 'plant'? Please elaborate.
2.b. It's not that rock, is it?
3. Thank you. For everything you have been doing When we are more, we will try to help.
Am requesting input/critque and to find out if fellow trees are broadly in favor or opposed to sending any sort of message.
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For the first time, the eighth sense of the Sensing Trees noticed… something. A slight murmur, distinct from the normal approximately-daily crashing surf-like sound.
...That's rather concerning.

the Forest had a moment of concern. Because that gleam in her eye, that was - no, it probably (conclusion not an illusion, triple-checking, not an illusion, no mind-affecting, things might or might not be fine but the Forest's Mind is its own) it probably wasn't the gleam of a triumphant foe. It was probably just the Forest being paranoid and seeing the gleam of "a person who wanted Immortality to study Herbalism Forever" finally finding a project worth spending years on. Probably.
...So are this, but obviously she is just an innocent person who is being sent as a distraction. The real spy is that rock.

(The Doe lets out a distinct outraged cry of "Food should stay food, not hurt friends!" She is too distraught to see any irony in her statement at the time, but is rather amused a week later.)

[X][Action] check on Lesser Wraith

[X][Focus] Grow Wise Tree
[X][Focus] Grow Clever Tree
[X][Focus] Finish Laser Computer
[X][Focus] Growth Incorporated

[X][Squirrel] Life Indeed
[X][Deer] Finish Cleaning Up Evil Vines to Make Sure the Problem Stays Gone
[X][Moles] Dig Tunnel from Forest to Newton Village
[X][Bees] Scout for Lingering Vines to Make Sure We Don't Miss Anything
[X][Ants] Keep our Creatures Clean
[X][Corvids] Invite immigrants
[X][Bears] Finish Cleaning Up Evil Vines to Make Sure the Problem Stays Gone
[X][Lesser Fire Salamander] Make Friends with Marta Yarrow

[X][Speaker] Learn the Ins and Outs of Being Speakers
[X][Speaker] Learn the Ins and Outs of Being Speakers*2
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Based on the initial report, my gut has me wondering if in the long term they'll come to regret getting what they wanted.
As phigment said:
We'll deal with that when we come to it.
If it gets too bad we can relieve one and add Materson instead.
Eh. If problems arise, we'll look for solutions.

Until the problems show up, no reason to spend lots of brain cycles worrying.

It's not like a human teenager would lack embarassing thoughts if mentally connected to Old Man Materson or some other adult. I teach high school; I can assure you that the majority of thoughts in the average teenager's brain are kind of embarassing
An adult would probably have a better chance to be... an adult about it. Or even have good advice.
With another teen there is a risk that they have akward teen thoughts that make it worse.

I can assure you that the majority of thoughts in the average teenager's brain are kind of embarassing.

And just think, when it's time for them to learn about the Birds and the Bees, they can get instruction from ACTUAL birds and bees!
Oh joy, a teenagers thoughts when they realize that pollen is tree sperm.
But, to everyone's relief (but not surprise), for all the changes, they're both very much still themselves: Ben and Betty Grimm, siblings, children of Ben (senior) and Beth Grimm, heirs of the Grimm name (family motto: Danger Runs From Us).
Cute Motto. And how true we will make it by the time our speakers are adults.

One requests, could the Spoilered actions be Brokern Up by main category? (I.e. the bolded headlines)
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