0-9 Multi Transmission Drifting
"It's fast! Really fucking fast! It's trying to get around the back!" You looked out your viewport again, spotting the half-crumbled wall of an estate's garden, perfect for cover. You hesitated, and realized your hesitation probably took too long.

"Schatz! Hard right! Behind that wall, two-thirty!" You yelled, feeling the tank shift forward as she yanked the gears into park, hearing a small burst of gunfire from outside, but hearing no bullet impacts, and then Schatz twisted both levers into maximum gear in opposite directions, before shifting both into max forward and accelerating over the rubble pile past where the car should be able to follow you. You heard the locking mechanism of the field cannon clang into place.

"AP SHELL LOADED!" Feuer yelled.

"Hey, uh, Spinne, there's another wall in front of us!" Schatz called to you, pointing her gloved finger against front of the tank. Peering through the vision slits, you could see a stone wall quickly approaching.

Speed: 2/2
RPM: 5/7
Fuel: 4/7
Integrity: 36/36
Hull Down/Up?: No

[ ] Bust Though (Cross Obstacle +Calm)
[ ] Blow it apart (Automatic Success but you have to reload again)
[ ] Brake and wait to see if the armored car will follow
[X] Bust Though (Cross Obstacle +Calm)

is it a good idea? idk. do we have torque of lol? you bet we do
Vote closed
Texas Red threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Cross Obstacle +8 Total: 16
9 9 7 7
0-10 Wrecking Ball
"Yeah, no, don't stop. Freedom is right behind those bricks, we're not stopping for anything." You responded, as Schatz nodded. She let out a little giggle as you accelerated further and slammed through the wall with a crash, not even feeling a moment where you slowed down. You were basically driving a wrecking ball. You could see now why the instruction manual told you slamming through walls to flank the enemy was preferable to soft ground. You made another turn to the left, and started to drive towards the crumbling stone wall of the city. You were grinding your teeth absentmindedly. You were so close. So fucking close.

Then the stones of the debris started to float off the ground. A buoyancy pocket, here, now. You could get carried away on it, hypothetically. You'd never really tested one. Schatz seemed to notice it too, you could hear her whimpering and saw her bouncing her leg.

"That car is coming back! I saw a blip of it!" Blick yelled.

[ ] Stand and Fight (Tank Battle, state your goals)
[ ] Keep Running (Cross obstacle at disadvantage)
[X] Stand and Fight (Try to get a mobility kill on this damned armored car)

A cross obstacle failure in a gravity pocket sounds like a good way to get the legs smashed up to me.
Removing the vehicle's ability to move (like wrecking the engine or blowing off a tire). That way it can't keep up the chase.
That is definitely something you can do with the damage system of Chariots! You allocate damage as you see fit! So I'll take that into consideration for the damage confirmation.
[X] Stand and Fight (Try to get a mobility kill on this damned armored car)

A cross obstacle failure in a gravity pocket sounds like a good way to get the legs smashed up to me.
Let's blow this motherfucker's wheels off.

Ok, so, an explanation. Feuer got an 18 to hit, which is a full penetration, you do 24 damage. given that you did 24 damage, I needed to roll damage confirmation for the Minor Injury you give for every 3 damage you do to a vehicle. I got two successes, meaning you did 2 damage to the crew. The Mobility Kill results both failed. I Then the Rotary gun fired, and one shot penned the hull with a nat 20. I rolled for if the enemy puts out their fire, and that's a no. I rolled Crew Shaken for you and you're fine.
Texas Red threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Feuer, Fuck Him Up Total: 18
18 18
Texas Red threw 7 10-faced dice. Reason: Minor Injury Results 6+ Total: 31
2 2 6 6 9 9 2 2 2 2 4 4 6 6
Texas Red threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: MK Allocation 6+ Total: 7
5 5 2 2
Texas Red threw 9 20-faced dice. Reason: Rotary Machine Gun Hits Total: 102
3 3 13 13 14 14 18 18 20 20 2 2 6 6 7 7 19 19
Texas Red threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Does The Enemy Survive? 6+ Total: 1
1 1
Texas Red threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Crew Shaken Confirmation 6+ Total: 4
4 4
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So we hit the armored car and killed two crew, they penned one round from the rotary gun into our front- Viewport or something probably?
0-11 Finally Alive
"BRAKE! BUOYANCY POCKET!" You yelled, and Schatz did just that, skidding to a stop. "Feuer, rotate the hull and hit that motherfucker, fire at will." He started rotating the hull with the cranks to do so, slowly spinning the hull toward the assumedly rapidly approaching enemy. You looked through the periscope, breathing heavily through your mask and waiting for the enemy to come into view as well. It came into view and continued angling it's face at you, accelerating towards you while unloading it's rotary gun into your tank. You could hear at least one bullet find purchase, hearing it bounce around in the cabin and cause Keller to squeal and start hyperventilating. Feuer kept positioning the barrel down farther, and just when you thought it would dodge under the vehicle he put his foot on the trigger.

"HERE IT COMES!" The foot pedal was slammed with a satisfying clang, and the armor-piercing round loudly flew from the barrel, slammed into the metal windshield of the car, and exploded, causing the car to swerve, flip over, and spray flames from every orifice.

The AP round leaves the barrel, direct impacting the center mass of the car, just below the driver's vision slit. The metal armor splits open, before bursting right next to the driver and pointing toward the gunner's exposed body. It at least disabled both crew members, and blew shrapnel directly into the engine block and fuel tank. With no crew to assist in fighting the fire resulting from the punctured fuel tank and combustion chamber, the fire immediately spread throughout the oxygen/luftane-filled vehicle.

You took a moment to breathe now that the danger seemed to be gone. Feuer spun the turret hull back around towards the exit. Schatz started accelerating toward the exit now that the rocks had stopped floating, easily ascending the rubble pile and cresting the hill towards an open seat of mud and petrified wood. The Panzerstampfer was a lot more difficult to operate on soft ground, but you managed. Within a few miles, the landscape opened up to sparing trees and rolling green hills. Not a sickly green like every bit of air of your home, but a green that just felt better. You didn't realize for a while that you could actually see the sun now. It was above, so you couldn't actually see it, but the sky was blue, just like you'd been told, and the air was clear. You hated that your vision was obstructed by fog once you started crying. Once you stopped you called to brake, and you finally turned toward the tiny cargo container to retrieve the equipment you had stored for the team.

[ ] Write in what you're spending your 10 other starting Thaler on.

As tankers, you can really only take compact and holstered weapons with you. Every 5 scrip spent is one thaler. Please list your choices out in a plan so people can easily replicate it.