[X] Peer Out (Roll Flat to see what you're dealing with)
Remember, on a Miss I get to be mean.

What do you know!
Texas Red threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Peek Out +3 Total: 13
8 8 5 5
0-7 Enemy Spotted
[X] Peak Out (Pop a hatch and look out, Roll +3)

You thought for a moment.

"Everyone seal up. I'm gonna pop a hatch." You loudly stated, looking back and tapping your filters. Everyone checked their seals, and you opened the left hatch with a dry creaking and hung out the side, holding onto the handles with both your hands as you tried to steady your vision enough to peer through the dense green fog and sparkling acid rain against your visor. You could see the shape of a car through the fog, shaped angularly with a tall back cupola. An armed street cruiser, probably with a machine gun. Not an huge threat to you but you wouldn't want to get in its way. Additionally, there were two soldiers next to an artillery piece smoking, not even currently manning it. The stocky barrel told you it was probably an infantry support cannon. If it was loaded with armor piercing rounds, it had a solid chance at penetrating your armor. It was completely unarmored though, being not a vehicle.

Speed: 2/2
RPM: 4/7
Fuel: 4/7
Integrity: 36/36
Hull Down/Up?: No

[ ] Fire on the artillery piece
[ ] Fire on the armored car
[ ] Draw a bead on either (requires you to stop)
[ ] Do something else, or before you do one above (write in)
[X] Wave off the gun crew, try to navigate through.
What do you mean by this? Like, just "All fine everything fine. How are you?" past them? Or trying to navigate around them? Just so you know, they're like, right where you need to go, like five meters from the city wall.
Try to intimidate them, is maybe the intent? Like, charging directly at an AT gun does not sound super smart tho. And these people are probably about as desperate as we are, I'm not sure why else we'd be fighting them.

Mud and blood, eh. They'll get the point if we start shooting, if they abandon the gun we don't need to KEEP shooting.

I noticed we never added one to the stats. I'll include it in the next vote.

Actually, it should have been -2 but the result is a partial either way.

Wait wait wait, that's wrong, I roll a d20. Doing this again!

Good heavens.
Texas Red threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Flat Field Cannon roll Total: 19
7 7 4 4 8 8
Texas Red threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: -2 Field Cannon Roll Total: 32
12 12 20 20
Texas Red threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: KYC Gunner Duo, -2 Total: 11
2 2 9 9
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0-8 Tank Battle!
[X] Fire on the artillery piece

You threw yourself back inside the tank and sealed the door, turning to Feuer who was still staring through the binoculars.


"Yeah?!" He looked down at you.

"Field cannon, eleven-thirty, hundred meters!" He grabbed the wheels of the turret mechanism and twisted them until he lined up the shot, adjusting slightly as you pressed your eyes against your own vision slit, the port for your machine gun.

"Lined up! I think! We're moving a lot!"

"We can't slow down. You good?"

"I'm good."



"No- FIRE THE GUN!" A deafening bang rang out from the cannon's breech, and the entire tank shook on its legs. You could see the moving projectile in the air a moment before it hit the cannon directly and threw it against the wall before actually exploding into scrap metal. The two shades standing next to it fell over in surprise, looking around before scampering off behind a wrecked car. Fuck YES. You were nearly home free, definitely so if that armored car wasn't actually manned. The car started to move. Alright. Shit. You weren't too worried about it, but they would absolutely be trying to get behind you if they wanted to penetrate your vehicle with their machine gun, where the armor is weakest. "Keller!"


"Armored car coming toward your side, keep eyes on it and tell us what's going on." She flashed you a thumbs up and kept looking out her slit.

Feuer means fire in German, so that's fun.

Quick info on Tank Warfare. Tanks are heavy as shit, and cause of that they're slow as shit. Designers don't want to make them heavier, and therefore slower, with more armor than they need. Therefore, your tank's rear has worse armor than the front and sides. Your armor on the tank info table I made in the first post is front/side/rear armor respectfully. They have a rotary machine gun on their armored car, which can't damage the tank unless they get 20 or over. But it gets 9 attacks. Be thankful They haven't mounted these on aircraft yet.

So, you'll most likely be rolling tank battle, unless you just wanna tank a hit, or if you want to retaliate. You can't use the Field Gun yet, Feuer still needs to reload, which takes a bit on their own. The machine guns on the left and right are fair game though. Since I really, really don't want to write out all of the Tank Battle options, just say what you want to do. You can have multiple goals, but each extra goal gives the roll a -1. I'll chime in as quick as I can to tell you what stat each of your options would use.

Speed: 2/2
RPM: 4/7
Fuel: 4/7
Integrity: 36/36
Hull Down/Up?: No

[ ] Just Try To Escape (+Keen)
[ ] Flank the side, then flank to the back (+Calm-1)
[ ] Attack first and escape (+Keen-1)
[ ] Something different

[ ] Write in which stat you want a +1 in.
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AT gun blorked, we're not in a hurry. Try to keep the armored car to the front while we reload, no rush.
Spinne could duck down to help with reloading, at the cost of losing eyes until the hull comes around.
Doesn't quite fly. Changing positions takes like, your turn, so you can't just be jumping around the tank manning everything. Plus, commanding is a full time job. And the loader position has no sight to the outside world at all.
Let's hope we're at least able to get away.

Well, that's a partial, which means you were able to escape, at the very least.
Texas Red threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Attack and escape first +2 Total: 9
4 4 5 5
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