Learn how to make vats then make monster girls instead of Orcs, its the perfect plan and the mortal races will never expect it and world domination will be ours!
Don't know about the books, but it was in the movies. Orc's are litteraly pulled out of what I remember looking like semi-hardened mud cocoons from vats.
But that isn't Tolkien then, it's Jackson. In the books, it is never managed, in the Hobbit you've indicators pointing to female Goblins and I'm not sure about the Silmarillion.
Kind of a vat fan. I'm that Goblins be bad enough due to species and culture. But the Orcs being made from a Vat (I also heard of a method where an elf is taken and tortured 'till all the goodness is gone from them' method but don't remember the source.) indicates being purposefully made for evil. Not just better and stronger bodied. Which makes for a better story of a evil creature turning around on that and setting their own path.
But that isn't Tolkien then, it's Jackson. In the books, it is never managed, in the Hobbit you've indicators pointing to female Goblins and I'm not sure about the Silmarillion.
It's a little unclear. We know for a fact that the original orcs were tortured and corrupted elves, and that's one of the reasons they hate themselves. There are also references to them being 'born from heat and slime' and stuff like that. I like Jackson's portrayal of the Uruk-hai being mass-produced since it keeps with the fact that their society revolves around war and destruction.

It's a bit awkward since Tolkein has goblins, orcs, uruks, uruk-hai, hybrids, and black orcs/uruks. all of them are technically orcs, although different varieties, and depending on the book the lore is different.
It's a bit awkward since Tolkein has goblins, orcs, uruks, uruk-hai, hybrids, and black orcs/uruks. all of them are technically orcs, although different varieties, and depending on the book the lore is different.
I've only ever read The Hobbit.
Anyone wanna take a swing at describing what these all are and the differences therein?
I've only ever read The Hobbit.
Anyone wanna take a swing at describing what these all are and the differences therein?

Orcs: Primary foot soldiers of the Dark Lord. Orcs were once elves twisted by Melkor through dark rituals in ages past.
Goblins: Another name for orcs. (English translated)
Hobgoblin: Denoting a large orc.
Uruk: Individual orcs made through dark ritual, these are the ones made in vats. Larger, stronger, and smarter then traditional orcs.
Uruk-hai: Uruks made in Isengard. Symbols: White Hand.
Black Uruks: Uruks made in Mordor. Symbols: Red Eye. Also called Uruks of Mordor. Easily confused name wise with Black Orcs, which are orcs of Mordor.
Hybrids/Half-orcs/Goblin-men: Not offspring of an orc and a human. Hybrids are made similarly to Uruks, but while Uruks are made to be more powerful versions of orcs, hybrids are made for subterfuge and stealth, and superficially greatly resemble normal humans.

Does that help?
I've only ever read The Hobbit.
Anyone wanna take a swing at describing what these all are and the differences therein?
Whew... Okay, I can sum the basics I remember, but I couldn't cite sources properly.

The Hobbit was the first book and Tolkein shows us goblins, with a mention of the bigger, long-limbed variety being called 'orcs'. You might remember the mention of how they could travel quickly through small tunnels despite their height because of how they ran hunched over with their knuckles dragging. I think we got a reference to bigger 'hobgoblins' at least once in the Hobbit, but it wasn't too fleshed out.

Lord of the Rings changes it up, with the species' main name being orc. From then on, only the smaller orcs that live in the Misty Mountains are called goblins. Orcs tend to vary depending on where they come from, with ones from Moria being described as looking different from say, Mordor orcs.

Uruks are elite orcs. Specially bred, they are just orcs plus. This seems to be their own name for themselves.

Black uruks are specially bred orcs created by Sauron himself. Think of them as orcs plus plus. The orc that tries to kill Merry and Pippin before Treebeard squishes him in the LotR movies is a black uruk named Grishnakh in the books.

Uruk-hai are Saruman's super-orcs. They are a lot bigger, tougher, and nastier than even uruks, with a resistance to sunlight to boot. One of the nine walkers theorizes that Saruman bred orcs with men to create the uruk-hai, and calls it a 'black evil.' It's not out and out stated though. We get more evidence to support the theory with the arrival of the hybrids.

Hybrids are Saruman's infiltrators. They look like ugly men. It lets them get into human towns and villages without being spotted. They are what he uses to take over the Shire.
I'm thinking more about Frodo and Sam. After they had been the capture and are on their way to Mount Doom, they suddenly stumble over a pipe-smoking Uruk. He stares at the Hobbits and simply says. "About time."
*Frodo wakes up to see a orc wearing dark glasses standing over him, one of his arms covered in silver metal*
"Wake up Hobbit, we got a ring to burn."
*Que Mordorpunk 3021 theme music begin playing from a band of orcs to the side* hey, he paid in advance with some good meat, why not?