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1.5.2 -- The Library's Guardians
"Ugh, where does he keep getting all this convenience store food…? I don't buy it for him…" You grumbled. It was the most that the inevitable hour cleaning up the debris of Ichigo's apartment caused in your journal, that day, and only because you knew that you'd probably have to adjust the meals you made, if only for more leftovers.

Yet more hours out of your day, you supposed. Honestly, you were glad for the scant few hours you'd had, between maintaining your studies, cleaning up after Ichigo, laundry, taking care of Ichigo's wounds, washing the bandages-- those had to be hand washed and disinfected-- taking care of your own injuries, oh, and classes. And practice.

But blessedly, blessedly, this was Saturday, and that meant that after your cleaning was done, you were largely free to pursue your own--

What's this?

[Swear an Iron Vow: 7 vs 1, 1]

Among the papers Ichigo had, there was a letter, carefully addressed to you, in the way of paper folding so formal that even you had only learned it for fun.

They spelled your name wrong, too. You didn't spell your name Bird-Chaser Echo. You paused and checked the seal on it-- still intact, or perhaps replaced by Ichigo. Did he find this in the mail last night? Why did he take it?

Considering all these things, you pocketed it, finished your cleaning, and then returned to your apartment, where you slowly opened it. It was even written in the traditional order.

I knew your parents, once upon a time. There is much you do not know. About them. About yourself.

Meet me in the Library, Saturday, 1200.

Tell no one, and burn this letter after you are done reading it.

Come alone.

… You're not stupid. If Ichigo kept this from you, he had a good reason. Either he saw it, immediately thought it was a letter of challenge, and was trying to protect you, or he was under orders from his parents to take anything that spelled your name like this.

Neither one was particularly endearing to think about. On top of that… There were any of a dozen ways this could have been a trap.

But you had been planning on going to the Library anyway. Maybe you'd meet this mystery benefactor. Maybe you wouldn't.

But if they seemed to think that your parents had something valuable to give you, well, you might as well write that down in your journal, too.

Considering your luck, best to trust no one. Maybe Ichigo, if you were lucky today. You made sure to pack a kitchen knife, just in case. You weren't allowed anything else suitable for a weapon, and meeting or not, trap or not, you knew you'd probably have to fight off bookbirds again, at the very least.

Idly, you wondered who it could be. You supposed that on your family registry, it might be spelled the way it was written on the letter. If that was the case, then this was probably faculty, which also suited knowing your parents when they were younger.

Of course, it was all too likely this was just something to waste your time. That had happened plenty, too. Something to keep you and Ichigo separated.

But sure enough, arriving five minutes before noon, you were taken by the hand and led to an office by Iwai-sensei. "The bag. Dump it. Now."

You blinked, but obeyed. Iwai looked through the equipment, sighed, and put the knife in her desk drawer. "No."

"-- but--"

"You'll get it back when we're done, but that thing will fall apart after the first few good strikes. If you can get it to strike. No." She looked at your cell phone, took it, and set it to charge against the wall. "There. Now you have deniability. If anyone asks, you were here to study and asked me for help."

"-- What's this about?" You asked, finally, narrowing your eyes.

She waved her hand in front of her throat, and shook her head. "Later. We're going into the Understacks."

Without another word, she handed you one of her letter openers, which was closed in ash and marked with an ofuda.

"... isn't going in with souvenirs like this a little…"

"Sh." She motioned to a back door you hadn't noticed before and opened it. You re-packed your things, quickly, and scurried behind her. The door shut behind you and vanished into the stacks. "Let's get to a safe spot before we continue."

[Delve the Depths: 5+2+1 vs 7,1 STRONG HIT]

DELVE PROGRESS: [⁑] [⁑] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
[Opportunity: "Get the drop on a Denizen."]

You found the safe spot, according to Iwai, not long after you got in. It was a small balcony, with a table. The balcony and table themselves looked familiar-- you'd seen them plenty. The balcony was, of course, not the right place for the table-- the balcony a thing of steel at the high school you'd gone to, the table, a western-style table that Ichigo's parents took great pains to keep in good condition and re-varnish, an ornate heirloom from ages ago. Shelves that should have been lined with dishes or trophies were instead lined with books-- this was a library after all-- and it seemed as good a place as any to take a seat…

Until Iwai stopped you, and pointed.

The girl sitting at the table, looking out over the stacks, felt familiar. The bomber jacket, the chain necklace, the oddly butchered haircut, the way her tan seemed to head down only as far as her shirt's neck and sleeve lines. The callouses on her hands.

But you're sure you would have remembered a blonde like her. You're… Absolutely sure you would have.

What about this was so… comforting?

You walked up and sat down at the table, and she turned to look at you, before nearly jumping out of her skin. "Mei! Oh, wow. Thank heavens I found you!"

You were confused by this for a minute before she hopped across the table, skidding on denim pants in a way that makes you wince, since you'd have to fix the damage.

All of this was horribly, horribly familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it.

She hugged you, and you stiffened. "It's been ages! What happened?"

She laid her hands gently in yours, and you felt like for a moment that this person, these understacks, this could be your home. Your real home. If only you had met her sooner. If only you'd seen that bright smile before everything else happened to you. If only you'd seen those eyes.

If only, if only, if only.

You looked down at her hands in yours and rubbed them gently with your thumbs.

"Hey, hey hey hey. You're gonna be OK. I swear. We're gonna be OK."

"... Forgive me. I should never have forgotten you, but… I'm afraid that I have," you replied.

"What? Of course you know me." You looked up, and saw her bright smile, that pose.

You knew that pose. With the little head tilt, like she was trying to listen to you better. With that smile, that never felt like it could melt anything in you before, but sure was working now.


Oh, no.

Anything but this.

You would even let the bookbirds crap on you, just anything but this! You hid your face and you knew, you just knew that Iwai-sensei was trying not to cackle when she said:

"I'm Kaneko Kazue. We've known each other since we were kids, Mei!"

I have no Idea if they're trans or if their parents just force them to present as female but

Im gonna take a guess on this being Ichigo.

Edit: Reasoning for my conclusion:
The callouses on her hands.
'Ichi' also takes up Judo like us, hence Calousses.
But you're sure you would have remembered a blonde like her
'Ichi' is a natural blonde who just dyes their hair.
You were confused by this for a minute before she hopped across the table, skidding on denim pants in a way that makes you wince, since you'd have to fix the damage.
Our immediate reaction was that we'd be the ones to have to fix them up, which basically sums up our current relationship.
"I'm Kaneko Kazue. We've known each other since we were kids, Mei!"
Ichi is, of course, our childhood friend.

There is of course, also the running undercurrent of 'I know these mannerisms incredibly well, but not this person, which confuses me'

But the most significant reason, and something that's been making me suspect something like this for a while...

Ichi is on the list of 'Eligible Bachelorette's'.

So yeah, I'm thinking Kazue is Trans Ichigo. Might not be literally them, because the Archives are weird, but Still. It probably represents part of the real person.
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I'm pretty sure I can guess the answer, but Kazue is Ichigo's last name, right? Or Kaneko, if we're doing Japanese name order.
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The balcony and table themselves looked familiar-- you'd seen them plenty. The balcony was, of course, not the right place for the table-- the balcony a thing of steel at the high school you'd gone to, the table, a western-style table that Ichigo's parents took great pains to keep in good condition and re-varnish, an ornate heirloom from ages ago.
The table is also familiar and from Ichigo's home, another point in favor of this being Ichigo.

The update doesn't give a good idea of our relative heights, unfortunately. That would be a good way to tell if this was trans Ichigo (he's much taller than us iirc) or alternate universe/gender-bent/transformed/true-form Ichigo.

Wait, Kane-ko? If this is the last name, is Ichigo literally named "rich kid"?

Either that, or their supernatural something might have to do with cats (change-cat? A werecat?)
The table is also familiar and from Ichigo's home, another point in favor of this being Ichigo.

The update doesn't give a good idea of our relative heights, unfortunately. That would be a good way to tell if this was trans Ichigo (he's much taller than us iirc) or alternate universe/gender-bent/transformed/true-form Ichigo.

Wait, Kane-ko? If this is the last name, is Ichigo literally named "rich kid"?

Either that, or their supernatural something might have to do with cats (change-cat? A werecat?)
What I'm worried about, is something supernatural happened to Ichigo again, and we are possibly being deceived.
Oh this for sure isn't 'Our' ichigo. This is the result of us getting the 'Drop on a Denizen' after all.

However, the archives can allow someone to 'learn something they already knew from a new perspective, or learn something no one else knows'. Emphasis seems to be on everything seen in the library is at least based on truth, even if it's not always directly true.

Alternatively, the Understacks respond based on our mental state. We recently recognised the Tragic Destiny that 'We will be forced to Marry Ichigo and can afford no love'. Well, here's a version of Ichi that Mei is practically melting in the arms of.

Seriously, Mei's reaction is so cute. just so much fluff.
Well, here's a version of Ichi that Mei is practically melting in the arms of.

Which seems to indicate that part of why the expectation she should Marry Ichigo has been contributing to her depression and hopelessness. It's not just that she'll be stuck first aiding and cleaning after him forever—it's that he's a boy.

You know. Presumably. As far as Mei knows.
1.5.3 -- Kaneko Kazue, or, Welcome To The Understacks

Kaneko Kazue offered you a seat on her lap. You hesitated for a moment, given that you were with Iwai, but at this point, you figured you couldn't be any more humiliated. This… This was probably a mistake.

In her lap, you were eye to eye with her, and you didn't know quite what to think when she put her arm around you. You put an arm around her, with more instinct than sense of propriety. For a moment, you allowed yourself to lean into her.

When you saw Iwai's incredibly amused expression, you regretted it immediately, but not quite enough to sit up straight. "Well, this seems like the right time for the first lesson of the Understacks."

"What's that?" You asked, with a horrible, creeping suspicion what it was.

"The Understacks reflect your state of mind, which includes your desires. Usually, mind you, they're not so blatant about it, especially not so close to the surface," Iwai continued. "But I suppose you truly are your parents' child."

Confused, you looked back to Kazue, hesitated, then looked back at Iwai. The shame finally caught up, and you sat up ramrod straight. "Wait. What… What part of me wants my best friend to have been a girl?"

Iwai sighed the sigh of someone who knew when pain was going to come. "Torioi… I'm sure you'll figure it out. Sooner rather than later."

Kazue leaned her forehead against your cheek, and you tried to hide your smile.

And then Kazue spoke up. "We'll be OK. Hey, grandma, we're going deeper into the stacks, right?"

"Eventually," Iwai agreed, though you could see the irritation in her movement.

It seemed that no matter what, some things about your best friend never changed. Like in this instance, being completely unable to read a situation.

You groaned. "So you think this is relatively safe-- Aside from… this… What can we expect?"

[Gather Information: 4+2+5 vs 8,1 STRONG HIT]

"This isn't enough? Especially coming with me, you're going to bend the Understacks around you. It's in your nature. And it gets stronger, the deeper you go down. And not all desires are so... " Iwai waved a hand at the obvious. "Kind."

"How deep do the understacks go?" You asked, attempting to sit as properly as you could, considering the situation.

"As deep as you want," Kazue replied. You felt her breath on your ear, and decided that nope, nope nope nope, you were sitting back down in your own chair, that was enough cuddle time for you, thank you very much.

You still remember how much your ears burned, then. How much you felt like a child with two adults.

"Maybe not as deep as that," Iwai said, trying not to laugh, "but in the twenty-odd years I've been the library's Guardian, I've never seen the bottom, no matter how far I've explored."

"Did you go looking for it?" You asked.

"Of course not," Iwai waved off. "As soon as I did, I'd find a false one!"

… That's right. That's right, that's something important about the nature of the Understacks, something you forgot sometime between then and now. How well-hidden the Hearts of the Sites are, to anyone but you.

Anyone aware of that would have wanted to keep you close.

You mulled that over for a second. "Iwai-sensei. Kaneko-- no, Kazue-- are you willing to go deeper than this with me today? I… There's something I need to find out, I think."

"I can't guarantee you'll find it," Iwai said. "But I can go some of the way."

"You know me! I'm always up for an adventure!"

Of course Kazue was.

"Mm. OK. Iwai-sensei. How do I control this… magic site bending ability you were talking about? That should make everyone's life easier."

[Compel: 1+3 vs 9, 4 WEAK HIT]

"What, you think I can give you a crash course in a few minutes?" Iwai shook her head. "You'll have to come when you can for me to teach you that, and help me to keep the Understacks under a semblance of control. It's more than a flick of the wrist. It's a-- a whole discipline, a skill most people don't even realize is a skill. I can't condense it into a pithy speech."

[Iwai asks for your time on a regular basis, both so she can teach you, and so you may aid her in maintaining the Understacks. When she is satisfied with your time under her as a student, you may learn a new Asset by spending 3 XP: "Pathshaper", whose starting ability is "When you Delve the Depths, take +1 momentum on a strong hit. If you burn momentum to improve your result, also take +1 momentum when you reset."]

[This will take several Free Time slots, but does not require an Iron Vow.]

[Gaining Pathshaper will count as progress towards learning the full extent of your parents' legacy.]

[You have learned a piece of your destiny: "Potent Inheritance" (Heroic). Your parents were apparently very powerful in certain magics… and you have, for better or worse, carried on their talent.]

"... Then I think I've learned all I'm going to, here, unless there's something else you wanted to say, Iwai-sensei?"

"Not yet. Let's keep moving. The books remember everything here."

You weren't sure what would happen if the family got their hands on this conversation. Best to defer to the guardian in matters of guarding.

But you, personally, were in no rush, yet. Best to take it slow. Especially because you were new to this.

[Delve the Depths: 6+2 vs 2, 10 WEAK HIT on Wits. 42: Mark progress.]

DELVE PROGRESS [⁑][⁑][⁑][⁑][][][][][][]

Slowly, the stacks shifted, from the more familiar modern stacks to the older, wooden, dustier kind you remembered from movies about high class people. Then, there was a door, which you opened, which led to--

A lecture hall, filled to the brim with students whose faces blurred against the haze of memory, taking an exam, and a professor who looked up at you.

In the distance, you saw yourself, sitting on the opposite side of the hall from Ichigo.

You recalled the place. This was the university entrance exam. Relevant to college, certainly, but hardly useful-- and you were sure resting or talking here would be frowned upon. You brushed past the proctor and opened the door behind him.

[Delve the Depths: 6+2 vs 10, 7 WEAK HIT on thoughtful: 60, "mark progress or find opportunity."]

DELVE PROGRESS [⁑][⁑][⁑][⁑][⁑][⁑][][][][]

"So what are you looking for, anyway?" Kazue asked, as you walked.

"Something's wrong at this university, and I'm aiming to find out who, or what, is responsible." You sighed. "But as it stands, I don't even know how big the University is. At this rate…"

"See, this is why I told you not to look into it," Kazue said.

"I thought we were a team. What's going on?"

"It's-- hold on." Kazue gestured down. Words, surrounded by paper pulp, cover the floor.

Iwai grimaced. "Wordshit."


The three of you heard the distant flapping of bookbirds. There was a door next to you. Figuring that any port in a storm was better than nothing, you pulled the door open and then the both of them in.

In hindsight, you might have known that this would turn out to be a supply closet. This. This was a special hell, as you heard the flapping of bookbirds against the door like a particularly loud, fat rainstorm with extra leather-bound in. You were uncomfortably close to both Kazue and Iwai.

You tried to find some place to look, and defaulted to your feet. "I led us right to a bookery. Of course."

"No one has trained a bookbird. It's just a nest," Iwai said. "And they're unpredictable at the best of times."

"No one has trained a bookbird yet," Kazue replied, and you laughed.

"Please do not train a bookbird," Iwai continued. "They deposit bad words in books, eat toner and blank paper, and generally are a massive nuisance."

"So. Kazue. Why won't you tell me what's going on?"

She sighed. "Isn't it obvious? Why else wouldn't I tell you something so important?"

So this, too, was part of the Kaneko matriarch's plan? Or something that would jeopardize it?

But why would a Beast jeopardize Kaneko's plan?

"Knives out," Iwai said. "We're going to try and run through."


You took the bookery at a dead run, listening to the rustle of pages and the distant calls of a dying fax machine. Eventually, you reached a high clearing, one with a skylight to the world above, even though you had a sneaking suspicion that if you went upstairs, you would never find the place in question. The sounds of peaceful city life were distant, yet sharp in your ears. The oppressive, cursed air of the place had become stronger, and something smelled awful-- more awful than the wordshit did.

You noticed it first, taking a step back as the muck gathered, the cluttered mess of your thoughts regarding the identity of the beast matching the cluttered, squamous mess in front of you.

"Knives out, ladies," Iwai said, drawing her own. "I don't think it'll let us chat."

[Fray Entered on Bravery. 2+3 vs 8, 5 Weak Hit. We may choose to add momentum or take initiative. Given our Momentum right now is 10, I'm opting for Initiative.]

You threw the ash scabbard behind you. If you won, you would be able to find it easily enough in this open area. If you lost, well... you wouldn't need it again.


How do you fight it at first? Riot Vote: all of these options might get used, but the highest votes go first, and you may vote for as many as you like.
[ ] [APPROACH] You've got a knife, don't you?
[ ] [APPROACH] Use the environment to trap it!
[ ] [APPROACH] Help your allies get hits in!
[ ] [APPROACH] Look for a way out!

What things will you do to force this beast's form? Riot Vote, same as the first.
[ ] [FORM] Speak facts about the beast to refute its formlessness.
[ ] [FORM] Use your knowledge of Ichigo to refute its formlessness.
[ ] [FORM]Use Kazue as a conduit to solidify what Ichigo saw. This will Test your Bond immediately.
[ ] [FORM] Ask Iwai if she has any tricks.
[ ] [FORM] You've got a knife, don't you!? Carve its lies out!

[BONUS] +1 to any roll, used as the winning readers like, for the identity of our Beast or Beasts, and why. The correct answer, and the best wrong answer, will both get this bonus.

Vote opens at the top of the hour and closes Sunday.
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By the way, I'm really enjoying the quest, although I'm too afraid of the system to vote often.
[ ] [APPROACH] Help your allies get hits in!
[ ] [APPROACH] Help your allies get hits in!
[X] [APPROACH] You've got a knife, don't you?
[X] [APPROACH] Use the environment to trap it!
[X] [APPROACH] Help your allies get hits in!

I mean we might as well throw everything at it, right?

[X] [FORM] Speak facts about the beast to refute its formlessness.
[X] [FORM] Use your knowledge of Ichigo to refute its formlessness.

[BONUS] The Beast is Mei's own regrets and bitterness over her station in life, lashing out against Ichigo and attempting to derail the Kanekos' plan in the most direct way possible.
I deliberately set out to use a system where most often, you'd get weak hits, representing that Mei is... kind of a small fish in a very big ocean, at least to start.

and then the dice decided that they're going to be outliers.
How do you fight it at first?
[X] [APPROACH] Use the environment to trap it!
[X] [APPROACH] Help your allies get hits in!
I think we should start out by playing more of a support role here.

What things will you do to force this beast's form?
[X] [FORM] Speak facts about the beast to refute its formlessness.
[X] [FORM] Use your knowledge of Ichigo to refute its formlessness.
These seem like the most likely to be immediately effective.
You know, the best part of that is that it was Batman in disguise who was actually the one who said that.

Implying he also thought the Big Rock was pretty effective.

Alright so first question I need to ask

@Fabricati , what even IS a Beast. Torioi seems to know something about them, since she treats the existence of them as normal, but you've never really explained what they are, or at least what Mei knows about them.
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