Voting is open
[X] [PAST] A wizard asks an old friend for help.
[X] [PRESENT] Meanwhile, Lord Enma reviews his obligations.
New page means an ad-hoc vote count.

Currently it is literally any interlude's game, the voting has been really spread out here and there's no clear leader. (vote now on your phones)
[X] [PAST] A dragon, defeated, looking upon a carp with respect, and brand-new resentment.
[X] [PRESENT] Meanwhile, Lord Enma reviews his obligations.
Adhoc vote count started by R2Walker on Mar 23, 2022 at 9:03 PM, finished with 6 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] [PRESENT] Meanwhile, Lord Enma reviews his obligations.
    [X] [PAST] A princess put through the most unlikely and riskiest proving ground of all ascends the throne.
    [X] [PRESENT] Meanwhile, a long-neglected lab awakens.
    [X] [PAST] A young mother swept up in the tides of galactic politics.
    [X] [PAST] A wizard asks an old friend for help.
    [X] [PAST] A dragon, defeated, looking upon a carp with respect, and brand-new resentment.



[X] [PAST] A princess put through the most unlikely and riskiest proving ground of all ascends the throne.

Interlude: I'd Rather Hold The Devil's Hand
You study what both Morisawa and Yumeno had called a 'thought record', a small crystal which put you into the perspective of someone else. All it had with it was a cryptic, unsigned note-- "The child of a frog is a frog", written in careful English calligraphy-- and an engraved symbol that shone within the crystal: a large, spiked club.

The thought-record of "Kanabo" Hifumi said:
You looked into the shimmering eyes of your friend, Yumeno Chie, as she rehearsed her coronation ceremony with you.

You had never been in such a fancy fuckin' place before. The entire place was likely made of solid magical constructs, or perhaps some sort of alien science. Your bet was on the former, given that Chie called her power "Dream Magic". You hoped that it would all be sturdier than it looked, all crystal floors and mirrored altars.

"I'm still not sure why you picked me for your escort," you said with a shrug. "I just swing my bat at things."

Chie laughed, and patted you on the back. "That's exactly why. Of all the Earthlings I've met you're by far the most impressive from sheer force."

"Well, thanks for having confidence in my strength, at least," you huffed.


It's later. The coronation. You stood beside the Princess-- one, it turns out, of many, many such Princesses. Born of this Realm-- some of them quite literally-- they looked on as you and Chie ascended the steps to the throne.

You could feel the weight of their grudges.

Chie danced the first-- and last-- dance with the one who oversaw her ascension, the last act of the previous Queen before her crown at last fell away, and she herself faded into Light, not long after.

And the princesses had each brought escorts, from the far corners of the galaxy, each one personally strong, or a general, or some other position of power.

You felt out of place. You had no idea where any of these people were from, your grasp of stellography weak, at best.

"Still," one of them said. "Two Queens of Light in a century. When was the last time that happened?"

"A long, long time ago," another responded. "Longer than anyone here has any memory of. Wasn't it something like three thousand or more years?"

"I wouldn't know," you said. "Why's it matter?"

"Just small talk, just small talk," one of them said, as if to placate you. "The Realm of Light's one of the most stable places in the galaxy, so it's a little unusual, is all."

"If it regularly births people from light that are as strong as Chie, I can see why people are nervous."

"Haha, just so, just so! So you're Her Majesty's escort? I have to admit, I was expecting a man."

"Why?" you responded.

There was a long pause, which Chie used to pull you away from them and into a conversation with her. "Thank fuck," you said. "Another minute with them and I would have been chewing iron."

"Thank fuck no one was sharing memories with you. Another minute with that fool of a high prelate and I would have been chewing iron," Chie replied with a big grin.

You feel a moment of affection, but know it is fleeting, at best. "So does this… succession thing happen often?"

"Often enough. It's… Not important. I've been chosen to be Queen for a reason. Now is the time to remember the Queen, and for me to make my first proclamation."

"What's it going to be?"

"... I think…" Chie looked down at her hands. "I think I know what it is."

She tapped her throat. "While I will continue to uphold all the laws of my mother, I wish to proclaim one thing in particular. The Realm of Light now recognises the nation of Japan on Earth, and will guarantee its independence in the coming reign of Her Majesty."

You drop the thought-record like it's made of hot iron.

… At the time, you're sure the move made some sort of strategic sense to Chie, but your surprise mirrored Hifumi's. These were not the words of someone unwisely picking a proclamation out of a hat.

Chie had to have had her reasons to choose to 'guarantee' Japan. You pause, considering the situation.

On the face of it, it guarantees the independence of the Earth itself. People thinking on galactic scales like to think in terms of entire planets, if they can even be pressed to think that small. One small nation-state, especially if other nations aren't known, would be taken as the entire planet.

But the wording itself was quite peculiar. Why Japan in particular? There was nothing to recommend it over any other given nation. Indeed, given Japan's position, one might even call it a very weak choice…

And how is Hifumi related to you? She seemed so different from all of your relatives, but to use the phrase 'the child of a frog is a frog'...

You still have so many questions that you wish you could answer, and have a feeling this is all some giant red herring, even if it means you understand Yumeno Sakura a little better now.


That, or it's the key to everything, and you're not sure which would be worse.
Interlude: Even The Devil Can Be Consumed
The day was, so far as the king was concerned, done. The orders had been given out. Offers, made. The powers vested in him by being the first of all dead, used wisely.

"My lord." Enma's adjutant stepped forward to speak.

"Go ahead."

"We have news of several escapees from the Underworld."

Enma's hand traveled to the growing piles of paper marked "AWAY WITHOUT LEAVE". "Who is it, then?"

"Ah… Several people of importance. The goddess Niwatari--"

"Has escaped, as usual. Winter always comes. Next."

"Gumi, the Unrepentant Fox," Who comes and goes as she pleases. This is no surprise. You nod and put her paper on the docket, but hold no hope she'll be returning any time soon. You wave your hand for your adjutant to continue.

"We, uh, we have an update on 'Kanabo' Hifumi, as well, my lord."

This made Enma sit up and pay attention. Considering he'd only recently found even a hint of a thread leading to her, there were few other things this could be about. "What is it?"

"After a full and exhaustive search of the known underworld," the adjutant said, "we have found no evidence of 'Kanabo'. With all precincts reporting in. It's clear that, wherever she is, she is not in the land of the dead. So far as we can tell, she never set foot in it."

"And her husband?"

"... Missing as well, sir."

"... I see. Send a message to Torioi Mei. It seems I will have need of her services sooner than I thought."

"-- Are you sure that's wise, sir?"

"I'm well aware it's not wise. It's a stone-cold bit of bastardry, in fact. Currently, I have no interest in being wise. I need to confirm those deaths immediately."


The king of the dead put the papers of 'Kanabo' Hifumi Kaori into the 'Fate Unknown' pile, the slimmest of all the boxes on his desk. There were only a few papers in it compared to the stacks-full of all the others, beings who even he had to admit were more than ungovernable. Izanami, that Oda bastard, a fair share of other demon kings, and, now, her. "Understand. I may be inevitable, but I am not invincible. I will know Kanabo's whereabouts, no matter what realm she hides in."

An oni? has escaped from hell to help an alien space princess guarantee the independence of Japan as part of some unknown political move on the galactic? stage.

I just wish to point out that this quest started with Mei microwaving some miso.

Anime, everyone.
An oni? has escaped from hell to help an alien space princess guarantee the independence of Japan as part of some unknown political move on the galactic? stage.

I just wish to point out that this quest started with Mei microwaving some miso.

Anime, everyone.
Note that I have not stated how many years removed these two scenes were.

Just that the first is in the [PAST]

and the second is in the [PRESENT]
"Steam tunnels?" You asked, as you descended into the hot maintenance corridors underneath Osaka University. "I thought this would have been destroyed in the old days…"

"It wasn't," Haru said, "And you'll find out why as soon as you turn on a light."

You squinted, but turned to your smartphone and turned on the LED.

Instead of mere darkness, the entire thing was covered in iridescent mist. "... You want me to go through that?"

"Yep," Kisaragi said. "My favorite access point was near my old place."

"I didn't use them often," Morisawa said. "The one time I did, it was a disaster."

"Buck up. You're not going through it on a motorbike," Asamiya continued.

The image of Asamiya riding through this in leather on a motorbike without crashing hit you in the side of the head like a particularly well-aimed brick.

[SITE UNLOCKED: THE STEAM TUNNELS, an Infrastructure Feywild.]
When you need to get somewhere fast, and are willing to accept a serious risk to do so, accept no substitutes!

The old steam tunnels that run under Osaka are an Infrastructure Feywild, and in exchange for taking a delve through them, you can potentially arrive somewhere much faster than you would have otherwise, beating everything from the local trains to the shinkansen or jets!

Difficulty is based on both distance and familiarity with the target location, starting from Dangerous:

-1 rank for staying within Osaka City
+1 Rank for leaving Kyoto Prefecture
+1 Rank for leaving Honshu
+1 Rank for leaving Japan entirely
+2 Ranks for a vague destination (Example: "Someplace I can heal a critically wounded party member" vs. "Pinoko-sensei's Cabin")
+1 Rank for a location you haven't visited before, or haven't visited for at least a year. Yes this stacks with vague destination.
+1 Rank for a highly-observed or high-security location (like, say, a prison)
+3 Ranks, prima facie, for any attempts to change the past, in addition to all distance and familiarity considerations.
-1 Rank for a location you've visited often enough to memorize, or within the last few days, in addition to gaining the Delve Reset.
-1 Rank if you're given detailed instructions
-1 Rank if you take a Pathshaper with you, not including Mei (whose facility with Pathshaping will be reflected in rolls instead when she takes the Pathshaper Asset)
-1 rank if every member of your party has an appropriate conveyance.

Note these are generalities, not specifics; it's just as difficult to get back to Osaka from, say, Moscow, as it would be to get there!

This Delve, and only this Delve, has a special arrival rule: When you Reach Your Objective:
-- A Strong Hit indicates that you have arrived in no time and will alert no one by your arrival-- you have effectively teleported.
-- A Weak Hit indicates that you have arrived with a little more time than initially planned, but only enough to give you an edge.
-- A Miss indicates that you have arrived too late, or at the wrong destination. Pay the Price.

In short, this is a Delve that can get you to very far away places very very quickly if you're willing to take a devil's bargain to get there. Good luck~

[Swear an Iron Vow +Rapport: "I will seek the truth at Site 1." Rank: Troublesome. 1+3+2 10 vs. 8, 5 weak hit]

[We start at Dangerous.]

"So where the hell are we going?"

[We have more questions than answers, but are determined to get to the bottom of this. +1 Momentum. 3/10]

"The initial manufacturing facility of the Shirogane Nebuka. You know. The fertiliser factory."

"... Is that in Osaka?"

"It's on the outskirts."

You've already started in, and soon enough the entire group is behind you, with you taking point. Idly, you felt that surely one of these people was better off taking point, but you supposed that it was your mission, so it was your point to take.

[No member of the party has visited Shirogane Nebuka Manufacture 1. +1 ranks! Formidable.]
Looking at one fork in the steam tunnels already, you start to head down the right fork, until Raimoto stops you. "Wait. Before you go, you need to have instructions from me. You'd better do them all! Or there's no telling where you'll end up."

[We are not leaving Osaka Prefecture, and have detailed instructions. -1 Rank, Dangerous.]

Destination: Shirogane Nebuka Group Manufacture Facility 1
Rank: Dangerous

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

[Delve the Depths +Resolve: 4+2+1 vs 8, 10 MISS]
[Reveal a Danger: 86, "A resource is broken or lost."]

So, of course the very first thing that happened as the five of you started into the warren of steam tunnels was your cell phone completely fucking failing, losing you both GPS and written instructions.

Teach you to actually write things down on paper. Also not to rely on only the LED in your phone. You dug through your pack for a moment.

[⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [*] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

[Check your Gear +Supply: 4+5 vs 4, 6 STRONG HIT]

Ah, there was your flashlight. That clicked on easily enough and you opened it so that it became a lantern. "Well. This could have gone better."

[At least you're not completely lost. 4/10.]

Kisaragi snorted. "Asamiya, ideas?"

"Yeah, on it. Give the phone over a minute, would you?"

You handed over your phone.

Asamiya whistled. "Damn, this one's actually pretty dead, I was expecting it to be mazed or something."

"So what's our next move, Asamiya?"

[Delve the Depths +Thoughtful: 4+2+1 vs 6, 8 weak hit]
[81: Mark Progress and Find an Opportunity: 22, The terrain favors you, or you find a hidden path.]
[⁑] [⁑] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

"Hold on, don't take that way." She pointed at what became obvious 'gateway' markings. "We'll end up going where we don't want to go if we head there. Try that way for a bit."

"Mm." You clearly still had to fine tune your pathshaping. But then--

"What about this branch?"

"What branch?"

"This one--" you pulled open a door, to reveal more steam pipes and sunlight filtering in from above.

"... I'll take it."

[We take a +1 push to our next roll by leveraging the secret path:]
[Delve the Depths +Thoughtful: 1+2+1+1 vs 1, 1 MATCH]
[And take an extra +1 Momentum for a hit. 5/10]
[Find an Opportunity: An aspect or piece of history of this place is revealed.]
[MATCH: ???]

You continue walking in this fashion, slowly looking around. Your phone cuts in and out of service, gaining power in the sunlight, but failing quickly in the dark. You use the light to, with difficulty, read your directions.

… Seems you've gone off the path already, but at this point, there's not much point in trying to go back. And…

"What's with all the mushrooms?"

Even now, you could swear you heard giggling at the edge of your hearing. All the mushrooms were star-shaped in this patch, but other ones looked like red agaric and morels.

"The mushrooms took it over. I don't know why," Asamiya said. "Don't touch them."

Considering they were all faintly glowing, you nodded. You didn't need telling twice. "So bad news, we're already off the path. Good news, we're not dead."

[⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

That said, maybe best to take the mushrooms a bit more carefully. Especially if they're the source of this weird, iridescent mist…

[Once more taking +1 add…]
[Delve the Depths +Resolve: 3+2+1+1 vs 2, 6 STRONG HIT]
[Momentum 6/10]

The going got slower. This was because you were keeping an eye out for such patches of sunlight as existed, and trying to avoid patches of mushrooms, and because you were taking the time to consult with Asamiya and Kisaragi on your gut instincts.

At the very least, you wanted an exit, if not the exit you were after-- and if you ended up somewhere weird, at least you wouldn't be in the Tunnels anymore.

Still, this entire place, its ever-shifting fog, the hiss and the heat of the steam running through its bowels-- you couldn't help but feel a bit trapped.

Which is why you were entirely surprised to see someone ahead. Your recent excursions taught you better than to just run up to some random person you found in a Site. You held out an arm and waited.

The mists resolved into a large junction between the steam tunnels and your eyes narrowed. That might be a little more difficult.

As to the person… In a lot of ways, she resembled the popular estimation of a grudge-spirit, with the blood on her shirt-dress, the long, dead black hair, the sallow hands and covered eyes. But she seemed instead, to be breathing in the gloom, and picking mushrooms, instead of immediately identifying the people who had disturbed her. In fact her primary target seemed to be morels.

[Gather Information +Thoughtful: 3+2+1 vs 1, 9 weak hit]

The grudge was covered in the same ground-matter as the ground was- fresh and drying and rotting foliage.

Growing under the mushrooms were, it seemed, the remnants of some fight-- ancient bloodstains seemed to work themselves up into patches of mushrooms that glowed purple. Here and there, old knives were suffering the same fate as the blood. If there was cloth here, it wasn't around anymore. Ancient and fresh spring foliage seemed scattered throughout, in an odd change of pace.

Some old battlefield? Or one that was new, and the mushrooms simply… Moved in?

"One for power, two for calm, three for a peace…" the denizen muttered, making her way down a corridor.

"Not that one," you noted to the others. They nodded.

That still left you with a matter of luck.

[+2 Momentum. 8/10.]

You shone your light down both corridors and made a snap decision.

[Delve the Depths +Thoughtful: 3+2+1 vs 9, 9 MATCH]

And that's when you slipped, kicking up a cloud of the purple dust, and the grudge behind you screamed.

[⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

[Join the Fray +Thoughtful: 4+2+1 vs 9, 9 MATCH]

The knife you were thinking of using skittered away in the dark. More screams and hisses filled the corridors around you.

[⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [/] [] [] [] [] [] []

"I smell you…" came the voices around you. "I know who you are--"

"My, my, what. have. We. Here?" Her voice was like pouring syrup over a knife. The clicking sound of high heels on concrete fell on silence.

That voice.

Where had you heard that voice!?

Thankfully she'd either brought her own lighting, or else had bullied some spirit or other to do it for her. With a striking, motherly figure, long black hair, and a similarly long high school skirt, and wearing high heels… she was quite intimidating. She was taller than you, but not by much. Oddly for the rest of her fastidious appearance, she, too, had ground matter on her.

She reached under her skirt, and pulled out a weathered metal bat, which gleamed in the limited light.

Yumeno took a step back. "No way… It can't be! Mom said you retired!"

She laughed a polite, demure laugh, punctuated by aiming her bat at all of you. "Really~? My, my, I must have spent longer down here than I thought!"

"Yumeno!?" Kisaragi said, clearly nervous about anyone Yumeno would be afraid of.

"Hifumi Kaori," Yumeno said. The bat suddenly lit up with blue-white fire. "Known as 'Kanabo'."

"That's right, and if you don't want me to chase you to the ends of the earth, you'd better pay my tax."

EMERGENCY VOTE: Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck, come up with a plan, quick!

[] You're pretty sure you're stronger than them. Take the blows, beat them aside, and move on! (a HARD approach. Risks BODY.)
[] The Hell with this, run! (A QUICK approach. Risks STRESS and SUPPLY.)
[] Wait, something here doesn't add up… [Write-in.] (A THOUGHTFUL approach. Explain what doesn't add up, and what you want to do about it.)
[] Tell the others to hold off the Grudges. Hifumi is yours. (A RAPPORT-based approach. Risks COMPANION HARM.)
[] Wait, Yumeno's mom? … One of them is lying, and you know how to exploit it. [Write in.] (a RESOLVE based approach. Explain what the blind spot is, and how you'll use it to your advantage.)
[] Pay whatever Kanabo Hifumi wants. (Safe, but it will seriously dig into your SUPPLY.)

Ara ara, nani wo kore? (MENACINGLY)
"One for power, two for calm, three for a peace…"
Four is almost certainly "for a balm."

Hard to say what five or six are; and seven depends on what six is - though I might venture a guess that seven might, perhaps, be "for the Enma, his own self", in which case six has to be at least an approximate rhyme for 'self'.

The only other phrase I've heard in the seven-spot is "for a secret, never to be told" - rhyming with 'gold' for six - which I suppose is also reasonable.

Well maybe the Yumeno from the last interlude was Sakura's mother, Unless as with several other Characters Sakura is going by an alias. Because we're trying to beat out Gundam wing for Name confusion apparently.

My guess? You know how these steamworks can allow us to travel to the past (Also, THAT'S A THING HUH?!)? My guess is that Hifuumi ended up sending herself into the future, or something.

So if we went for thoughtful, My guess would be to ask when she came in or something.
Four is almost certainly "for a balm."

Hard to say what five or six are; and seven depends on what six is - though I might venture a guess that seven might, perhaps, be "for the Enma, his own self", in which case six has to be at least an approximate rhyme for 'self'.

The only other phrase I've heard in the seven-spot is "for a secret, never to be told" - rhyming with 'gold' for six - which I suppose is also reasonable.
Five for Solace*, Six for Wealth?

*iirc, if it's the same rhythm as the Magpie Method, the 5 doesn't have a matching rhyme, just metre (Where the 'For A' in secret counts as one beat, said quickly),
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if it's the same rhythm as the Magpie Method, the 5 doesn't have a matching rhyme, just metre (Where the 'For A' in secret counts as one beat, said quickly),
This is precisely why the five-spot is the hardest one to crack - since the rhyme schema is ABCBDEE (or ABCBDEFE if you want to count the seventh line as two lines), the fifth line is very difficult to extrapolate from what we have. It should have some sort of thematic connection to six - the two 5/6 pairs I know are "silver, gold" and "heaven, hell" - but that just means we would need to pin down six first.

And while in theory line six should rhyme with line seven, in practice, I am making wildly unsubstantiated guesses at the seven-position: who knows what sort of cultural context is going on with mushroom-collecting grudge spirits?
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If someone's willing to take two Epic delves through a fucking Feywild, sure, let 'em change the past.
Given Kanabo's personality, I think you'd probably be able to get her to try it by implying she couldn't :V

Anyway, Im now actually pretty damn convinced and want to ask her both what year she entered as well as how long she's been down here. Why?

Because of what we learned about in the Enma Interlude. She never actually entered Enma's domain, and whilst she's strong enough to just beat up anyone who threatened her, I think that'd fall under 'Know where she is, don't want to mess with 'em' as opposed to 'Where the fuck is she? Eh, get the Torioi to deal with it'.

If she got displaced somehow, it'd explain why they'd make that mistake (She was technically supposed to have died/enter Enma's realm, but missed her appointment and got ignored in the paperwork) as well as why Chie believed she retired (Too strong to be beaten, but just suddenly stopped).

I'm not entirely sure what to do with this though. Gonna maybe sleep on this before coming with a vote, unless anyone has a rebuttal or a better idea.

Edit: And yet another sidenote, Mei seems to know Hifuumi's voice for some reason. So maybe I'm totally wrong and that's actually what's up, i.e. how we know her.
That voice.

Where had you heard that voice!?
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Four is almost certainly "for a balm."

Hard to say what five or six are; and seven depends on what six is - though I might venture a guess that seven might, perhaps, be "for the Enma, his own self", in which case six has to be at least an approximate rhyme for 'self'.

The only other phrase I've heard in the seven-spot is "for a secret, never to be told" - rhyming with 'gold' for six - which I suppose is also reasonable.
Wait, what's the context and the other examples?
Oh, one for sorrow, got it.
I doubt that, having changed all the first four numbers, the end would be the same.
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[X] Wait, something here doesn't add up… [THOUGHTFUL]
- [X] ...These mushrooms feed on blood and iron. Why do they have so much food, here? What sort of killing field have we stumbled on?

On whose blood do they feast?
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[X] Wait, something here doesn't add up… [Write-in.]
-[X]How the hell do you know her voice? You've never met this person before in your life, and given how she isn't showing you any recognition, it probably isn't just some repressed memory on your end. Still ask her if she's met you or your parent's before: After Iwai, Enma, and potentially Yumeno's family, you're starting to notice something of a pattern.

Honestly, wish this could be better, but this is the best I've got. Sorry.
Results: 2.1
Adhoc vote count started by Fabricati on Apr 11, 2022 at 2:09 PM, finished with 10 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Wait, something here doesn't add up… [THOUGHTFUL]
    - [X] ...These mushrooms feed on blood and iron. Why do they have so much food, here? What sort of killing field have we stumbled on?
    [X] Wait, something here doesn't add up… [THOUGHTFUL]
    -[X]How the hell do you know her voice? You've never met this person before in your life, and given how she isn't showing you any recognition, it probably isn't just some repressed memory on your end. Still ask her if she's met you or your parent's before: After Iwai, Enma, and potentially Yumeno's family, you're starting to notice something of a pattern.

Closing the vote here.

Update shortly.
2.2 Oni-ni-kanabou
Loading… said:
When you Delve the Depths, a STRONG HIT allows you to both progress and Find an Opportunity! Leverage opportunities to gain bonuses to future rolls, or build momentum immediately.

After a moment that hung in the air, while everyone looked at you, you paused. And given that moment to think, you realized: It doesn't add up.

Mushrooms grown from blood and iron? Grudge spirits that don't act like grudges? And on top of everything else, just happening to run into something even Yumeno is afraid of? More than that, that voice! It was nostalgic… But it was also wrong, in a way you didn't know how to define.


"-- Who are you, really?" You asked, slowly walking forward.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Hifumi held the bat ready.

[Face Danger +Thoughtful+Detective: 2+2+1 vs 7, 1 weak hit]


She swung with all her might, and you raised your hand in an aggressive parry, feeling the clang of metal on metal as it hit your cursed shackle.

[That's gonna leave a bruise. 3/5 Body.]

[Clash +HARD: 1+2 9 vs. 5, 5 MATCH HIT]


You used the moment where she felt the vibrations through her hand and soul as you shifted your weight and slammed your shoulder into her chest, watching the bat tumble from her hands and lose all its flame. It bounced on the concrete floor and you picked it up, wielding it with a casual ease that belied its weight in your hands.

"— it's an illusion," Kisaragi said, quickly. "Asamiya—"

"On it." You weren't sure what she was pulling out and honestly you didn't care. Something about this whole thing made you unreasonably angry.

[Now you have a bat. +1 Momentum after reset. 3/10.]

[Compel +HARD: 5+2 vs 7, 7 MATCH]

You picked Hifumi up by the lapels of her blazer and slammed her into the concrete wall, knocking the last of the foliage free, and revealing that you were not, in fact, talking to the most terrifying sukeban of a generation, but a tanuki-gami. "You're going to tell me what you know."

[+1 Momentum and +1 to the following Gather Information check. 4/10.]

[Gather Information +Thoughtful: 6+2+1+1+1 vs 9, 8 STRONG HIT]

They sniff the air and the fear turns nearly apopleptic. "L-l-l-look I swear, I swear I didn't realize who you—"

"Torioi Haruto. Torioi Hifumi. How do you know them?"

"I DON'T KNOW THEM AT ALL! I swear! But everyone knows her, so—"

Suddenly it all falls into place. Where you knew that voice this tanuki-gami stole.

And you were angrier than ever— angry and entirely confused. "So you impersonated my mother!? What the shit!? She would have never done this!"

Silence, a very uncomfortable silence, followed.

"Torioi, I think that's enough," Morisawa said.

Slowly, your hands started to uncurl. "Shirogane site one. Do you know where it is from here?"

The tanuki-gami nodded. "Head down the encircled corridor."

You looked back at the clearing, where it was revealed that not only was there no bloodstains, no knives, no horrors, and the grudges themselves were, in fact, other tanuki-gami. "… I became… Too upset," you said, at last. "If you want, I can arrange some form of compensation."

"You leaving and not bothering us again is compensation enough—"

"Mm." You paused, guiding them slowly back down to the ground. "If you need a knife, I'll leave it with you in exchange for the bat."

"— That works just fine, actually."

[Well, at least you're not lost anymore. Momentum +2, 6/10.]

For a long moment, you proceeded in silence with the others.

[⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

You came upon a large lift station in the middle of the place. This must be heading up towards the industrial complex, or else something like it. There's only two ways through here, up and out, or onwards.

"… Yumeno. Earlier, you called 'Kanabo' Hifumi feared. But… I…" You paused. "The Torioi Hifumi I knew wasn't like that at all. She wasn't… Angry or threatening. You'd be hard-pressed to find someone as happy as she was. Was what we saw back there really the truth?"

[Gather Information +Thoguhtful: 5+2 vs 10, 10 TWIST OF FATE]

"… Back there, Torioi," Yumeno said, carefully, "you lost your composure and nearly slew a beast in the name of your memories of them. And I can't say whether they're true or not. But… That furious, boiling undercurrent. That dedication to what few friends and relationships you have. If you asked me, at that moment, if I could believe you are Torioi Hifumi's child, I would have told you 'yes'."

"I want to find out the legal situation surrounding my parents and any inheritance they may have left me, monetary or otherwise."
Difficulty: EXTREME
TRACK [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [] [] [] [] [] []
MENACE O O . . . . . . . .

"Yumeno?" You paused. You turned back, and only now noticed how far away they were.

"I think we've done enough," Asamiya said. "We can come back later."


Kisaragi approached, and put her hand on your shoulder. "I want to be clear. If we go to that place, there's no telling what you'll find. Are you really prepared for the possibility that your parents might not have been all they appeared to be?"

The question struck to your heart and your mouth moved, but no words came out.

"You're not ready," Kisaragi said.

[⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [X] [] [] [] [] [] []

You looked down. "But… I can't just leave it like this, can I? I was told they were dead! And those pictures, the ones I showed you— I— If they're there--"

"If they're there, then what?" Asamiya countered. "Then they'll be chained up in a damned fertilizer factory and you're going in with, what? A baseball bat and some hope!?"

"I just want to talk—" but then, your hand moved to your throat. To the scars on your neck. Even if you got there. Even if you were to see them, would that be possible? Would they even be able to tell you anything? "Wouldn't you? Wouldn't all of you? To talk to them, one last time!?"

Kisaragi in particular avoided your gaze. "Of course I would! But I wouldn't be here if— Look, if you go up there, expecting your parents to welcome you, all you're going to get is hurt."

You found you couldn't exactly argue with that. Site 1 felt so close, and yet, and yet…

[ ] You'll have to press on without them. (Test your Bonds with Yumeno and Morisawa. Regardless of the results of those rolls, you will continue to Site 1 alone.)
[ ] You can't deny the truth of it, as much as you hate to admit it. You're not ready. (Endure Stress, Escape the Depths immediately.)
[ ] There has to be something we can do! At least see where we are! (Reach Your Objective. Note that you have a serious chance to weak hit and a pretty large chance to Miss entirely...)

Vote opens 2PM pacific and will go until Thursday.
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That answers and raises a lot of questions!

So, Hifuumi is our mother.

...Our mother beat the shit out of assholes with a Kanabo. Damn she was a badass.
Voting is open