What would you call yourself if you were a magic user?

  • Witcher

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warlock

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Wizard

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Druid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Magus

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Shaman

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Magician

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
[X] Play it cool, and low-key. You're nobody important, just a pencil pusher here to put in check marks in boxes.
-[X] Drop the act when they figure it out, or reveal yourself when you're finished. Just a bit of harmless fun.

More fun if as soon as we finish we take our hat off and relax. Love to see the Commander's look.
[X] Play it cool, and low-key. You're nobody important, just a pencil pusher here to put in check marks in boxes.
-[X] Drop the act when they figure it out, or reveal yourself when you're about leave. Just a bit of harmless fun.
[X] Play it cool, and low-key. You're nobody important, just a pencil pusher here to put in check marks in boxes.
-[X] Drop the act when they figure it out, or reveal yourself when you're about leave. Just a bit of harmless fun.
I always wanted to see Bomber Witches. Eight Air Force, strategic bombing, Assyrians. You have essentially granted my wish, and I love you for that.
EDIT: Oh hey, new post.

*puts into saved playlist*

Congratulations, you are now the most dangerous thing on the battlefield. Just be glad they took your Map.

Two words: Scottie. Vest.


Oh, more GuP girls.

Ah, crew "are you sure you're not American". Fun times ahead with those four. They still have a shit tank, or is their spirit properly rewarded?

Oh god no, it's Anzu. Que GuPQ flashbacks.


[X] Play it cool, and low-key. You're nobody important, just a pencil pusher here to put in check marks in boxes.
-[X] Drop the act when they figure it out, or reveal yourself when you're about leave. Just a bit of harmless fun.
I think bomber witches are in the Strike WItches light novels. The main cast are fighters since they get fancier fight scenes though.

[X] Just call ourselves Arma, it's not like you actually used your full name around them much.
[X] Focus on the inspection of their stuff, and see how long it takes them to catch on. Respond normally to anyone who figured it out but keep up the act for those who didn't.
Bingo. I got the idea from a prank some Sergeants and officers my cousin's old unit pulled on a new transfer.
Better tell it to me now so I can figure out a way to include it.

Also anyone else have good prank ideas, go ahead the write them. They may not appear now, but who knows what the future has in store?
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[X] Play it cool, and low-key. You're nobody important, just a pencil pusher here to put in check marks in boxes.
-[X] Drop the act when they figure it out, or reveal yourself when you're about leave. Just a bit of harmless fun.
[X] Play it cool, and low-key. You're nobody important, just a pencil pusher here to put in check marks in boxes.
-[X] Drop the act when they figure it out, or reveal yourself when you're about leave. Just a bit of harmless fun.
Chapter 13.1
[X] Play it cool, and low-key. You're nobody important, just a pencil pusher here to put in check marks in boxes.
-[X] Drop the act when they figure it out, or reveal yourself when you're about leave. Just a bit of harmless fun.

You decide to humor yourself, Let's be casual. Let's do Sobel's voice, or close enough. "Commander Wilcke, your reputation precedes you." You proceed to shake her hand. "United States Army, Quartermaster Corp. I'm here to do a simple equipment check."

Minna, seems like she's doesn't know, smiles and nods. "Understood. I am told that you're here to check up on our Strikers and tanks, correct?"

"That is correct. Also, I am to make sure they're being correctly maintained, but given your company's victories, I believe that is unnecessary."

"It's thanks to our mechanics and pilots. I am indebted to them and those under my command. They do excellent work. Excuse me for a moment." She turns to Mio. "Major Sakamoto, can you go inform them that we'll be coming?"

"Yes." The Major nods and goes off without looking directly at you.

Minna then nods to Houshou and Maho, they go off to deal with the other girls, probably training or making sure they stay out of trouble. "This way, Lieutenant." She leads the way towards the hangar, moving along the familiar hallways. It almost makes you want to lead the way, mainly, because she's walking a bit too slow for your taste. Well, guess you can play stupid and watch her back, upper back, not the lower, that would be rude.

The hangar is brimming with activity, with guys, fairies and girls doing all sorts of things, oil change, Striker polish, track repair, stuff like that. And some are making minor mistakes, ones that could make them lose a hand. FNGs.

It isn't your job though, so you don't say a word about it. "Good to know that your people can work quickly."

"They do work fast, but..." She trails off and looks at the engineer over on the Tiger. He's pulling on the commanders hatch too hard, guess it was stuck, and falls over to the hidden side once the hatch gives. There's the corresponding sound of people crying out over there which causes Mio to go over and deal with the situation.

"Well, no time like the present." You absently say to no one in particular.



☑ Tanks
☑ Strikers
☑ Supplies
☑ The other stuff

Minna's been in distraught ever since you asked people to pilot the machines. She's not mad about the fact that you asked, it's the mechanics and the users that are causing her to problems, at least some of them are.

The least amount of issues to crawl up would be the ship girls, even though you're not suppose to make a checklist of them. You do make some notes so that their effort wouldn't be for nothing. If you were to gauge their abilities, they're either in the improved or are average categories.

The tanks took time to get everything to together, no joke, they ran into a lot of problems. Needless to say, there was a lot of complaints from the crewman, some of it was physical.


Itsumi viciously grabs a male and female technician that worked on her Panzer IV and starts to shake the hell outta them. "What did you do to my Panzer!? Why are the tracks not rolled onto the suspension correctly!?"

Maho stares at the state her Tiger, which is decent, and orders the the mechanics to not touch it any further. Any complaints are met with an icy glare. Once they leave, she gets her crew to check everything again.

Miho's Panzer IV must have been the luckiest since no one touched it and it performed flawlessly on its test.

The other Panzer III's worked, after about a half-hour of fixing.


The Strikers worked, for the most part. You made sure to decline any air performances, just in case. Those machinist really were too green for their own good, guess they're lacking on good instructors.

It took you, Sakamoto and Houshou to sorta cheer her up. You swear she would have burst into tears if she could, maybe she'll do it later.

After the hell of checking logs, and logs, and logs, and some more logs, it's lunch time, Japanese style.

You're sitting on the Witch's table, behind you is the Panzer crew.

What shall thou do?
[] I need a prank, a tease, and some angst. Who's the target(s)? (Up to 3 victims)
-[] Write-in on how
-[] Perrine
[] Chat with (Up to 3)
-[] Person - Topic

Omake, Shorts for this chapter:


Miyafuji is crestfallen the moment she saw the officer ride in. She manages to keep up a presentably face until he and Minna walk inside. Lynette notices her sighing and was a bit worried. "Yoshika, what's wrong?"

"Eh? Oh, Lynne um. I was hoping ni-chan would come. I mean Sergeant Brown. Guess I was being too hopeful for fate to work." Yoshika makes a sad smile to try and reassure her friend.


Tatsuta sees everything. Ara ara, they didn't notice? Well, let's not ruin the surprise just yet. "Miyafuji-chan, Bishop-chan. Come on now. We need to do some warm ups with everyone else. Shigure-chan, Yuudachi-chan, come on."


Saori, doing the stretches along with the other girls, is officially in charge of Mako, who's barely moving and off-key. "Mako, stop being so lazy! Tenryuu's coming!"

Reizei lifts her hands up with the strength of a wet noodle. "Mah, whatever."

Tenryuu comes over and stares and the little runt, which makes Mako sweat a little bit more. Tenryuu then walks away and claps her hands to get the attention of the others. "Okay, that's enough stretching. We have a new mission. Simply, we have to test out our equipment. That means everyone. So get your butts to the hangar! Move!"

The ship girls would learn firsthand that having fairies, as oppose to untrained mechanics, is a godsend.
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Minna, seems like she's doesn't know, smiles and nods. "Understood. I am told that you're here to check up on our Strikers and tanks, correct?"

"That is correct. Also, I am to make sure they're being correctly maintained, but given your company's victories, I believe that is unnecessary."

"It's thanks to our mechanics and pilots. I am indebted to them and those under my command. They do excellent work. Excuse me for a moment." She turns to Mio. "Major Sakamoto, can you go inform them that we'll be coming?"
OK, here we go...
"Yes." The Major nods and goes off without looking directly at you.
I get the feeling she knows and is trying not to laugh.
Minna then nods to Houshou and Maho, they go off to deal with the other girls, probably training or making sure they stay out of trouble. "This way, Lieutenant." She leads the way towards the hangar, moving along the familiar hallways. It almost makes you want to lead the way, mainly, because she's walking a bit too slow for your taste. Well, guess you can play stupid and watch her back, upper back, not the lower, that would be rude.
Good man John. Way to keep your mind focused.
The hangar is brimming with activity, with guys, fairies and girls doing all sorts of things, oil change, Striker polish, track repair, stuff like that. And some are making minor mistakes, ones that could make them lose a hand. FNGs.
You know, we can fix that.
"They do work fast, but..." She trails off and looks at the engineer over on the Tiger. He's pulling on the commanders hatch too hard, guess it was stuck, and falls over to the hidden side once the hatch gives. There's the corresponding sound of people crying out over there which causes Mio to go over and deal with the situation.

"Well, no time like the present." You absently say to no one in particular.
This is going to be ugly.
Minna's been in distraught ever since you asked people to pilot the machines. She's not mad about the fact that you asked, it's the mechanics and the users that are causing her to problems, at least some of them are.
Where did she get these mechanics? Civilian contractors? And what users are giving her problems?
The tanks took time to get everything to together, no joke, they ran into a lot of problems. Needless to say, there was a lot of complaints from the crewman, some of it was physical.
Ah. The tank girls.
Itsumi viciously grabs a male and female technician that worked on her Panzer IV and starts to shake the hell outta them. "What did you do to my Panzer!? Why are the tracks not rolled on-to the suspension correctly!?"
onto is one word, and Itsumi has a worthy machine now.
Maho stares at the state her Tiger, which is decent, and orders the the mechanics to not touch it any further. Any complaints are met with an icy glare. Once they leave, she gets her crew to check everything again.
Yeah, I'd do the same.
The Strikers worked, for the most part. You made sure to decline any air performances, just in case. Those machinist really were too green for their own good, guess they're lacking on good instructors.
They need someone knowledgeable to whip them into shape. Now where can we get someone familiar with aviation, nautical, and armored weapon systems?;)
It took you, Sakamoto and Houshou to sorta cheer her up. You swear she would have burst into tears if she could, maybe she'll do it later.
We should do something about this.

I gotta do RL stuff, will come back to vote later.
Who's in charge of the tanks? Because after that showing, I feel that Browning would patently refuse to let it continue. So there will be night classes for the maintenance crew. Sergeant Browning's Mechanic Hell Week. He won't stop until you can strip and repair a striker, tank, and rigging simultaneously in less than eight hours. If you are lucky, he'll let you use a team, but in that case you have to do it in two hours.
Who's in charge of the tanks? Because after that showing, I feel that Browning would patently refuse to let it continue. So there will be night classes for the maintenance crew. Sergeant Browning's Mechanic Hell Week. He won't stop until you can strip and repair a striker, tank, and rigging simultaneously in less than eight hours. If you are lucky, he'll let you use a team, but in that case you have to do it in two hours.
That gives me an idea...

[X] Chat with (Up to 3)
-[X] Minna - Mechanic training, recommending a trainer, name-dropping 'John Browning'
-[X] head mechanic - why the sloppy performance?
-[X] Houshou - Ask if there are any similar issues regarding the maintenance. Despite not technically being here for them, if any trouble can be headed off here and now it's a good idea to try.
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[X] Chat with (Up to 3)
-[X] Minna - Mechanic training, recommending a trainer, name-dropping 'John Browning'
-[X] head mechanic - why the sloppy performance?
-[X] Houshou - Ask if there are any similar issues regarding the maintenance. Despite not technically being here for them, if any trouble can be headed off here and now it's a good idea to try.

I can agree with the first two, but asking Miho about her sister is verging out of the professional approach. We can do that when we are on break. I do want to talk to Houshou though, because unless I missed it somewhere there hasn't been much discussion of how they maintain their rigging. I'm assuming that they have mechanics from the navy, which probably explains why they are so much better than the rest. If something fucks up with a turret, you risk the entire ship and not just the pilot/tank crew.
[X] Chat with (Up to 3)
-[X] Minna - Mechanic training, recommending a trainer, name-dropping 'John Browning'
-[X] head mechanic - why the sloppy performance?
-[X] Houshou - Ask if there are any similar issues regarding the maintenance. Despite not technically being here for them, if any trouble can be headed off here and now it's a good idea to try.
[X] Chat with (Up to 3)
-[X] Minna - Mechanic training, recommending a trainer, name-dropping 'John Browning'
-[X] head mechanic - why the sloppy performance?
-[X] Houshou - Ask if there are any similar issues regarding the maintenance. Despite not technically being here for them, if any trouble can be headed off here and now it's a good idea to try.

Work first, before ple... I mean, camaraderie.
[X] Chat with (Up to 3)
-[X] Minna - Mechanic training, recommending a trainer, name-dropping 'John Browning'
-[X] head mechanic - why the sloppy performance?
-[X] Houshou - Ask if there are any similar issues regarding the maintenance. Despite not technically being here for them, if any trouble can be headed off here and now it's a good idea to try.
[X] Chat with (Up to 3)
-[X] Minna - Mechanic training, recommending a trainer, name-dropping 'John Browning'
-[X] head mechanic - why the sloppy performance?
-[X] Miho - 'statements for the brass', questions on where the mechanics need to improve, branch off into how she's taking serving with her sister.
So magic fairies maintain shipgirl equipment? Does that mean Browning's striker will get the same treatment?

Also, when the hell do you sleep? I mean, I haven't exactly been tracking or anything, but you've updated anywhere from midnight, to four in the morning, sometimes closer to nine in the evening. Now you say you are writing at four thirty in the afternoon. You've also posted around eight or nine in the morning.

Regardless of the time zone, that means you've been active at nearly every conceivable time period someone could be sleeping at. Unless you only sleep a few hours a day, anyway. Is it weird that I actually noticed that? Or care? I think it's weird, but it bothers me for some reason.
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Miyafuji is crestfallen the moment she saw the officer ride in. She manages to keep up a presentably face until he and Minna walk inside. Lynette notices her sighing and was a bit worried. "Yoshika, what's wrong?"

"Eh? Oh, Lynne um. I was hoping ni-chan would come. I mean Sergeant Brown. Guess I was being too hopeful for fate to work." Yoshika makes a sad smile to try and reassure her friend.
Ni-chan? Miya views Browning as a big brother? I guess that works, they are kind of close in age.
Tatsuta sees everything. Ara ara, they didn't notice? Well, let's not ruin the surprise just yet. "Miyafuji-chan, Bishop-chan. Come on now. We need to do some warm ups with everyone else. Shigure-chan, Yuudachi-chan, come on."
Of course Tatsuta catches on.
Saori, doing the stretches along with the other girls, is officially in charge of Mako, who's barely moving and off-key.
Reizei lifts her hands up with the strength of a wet noodle. "Mah, whatever."

Tenryuu comes over and stares and the little runt, which makes Mako sweat a little bit more.
You sc-nah, too easy.
The ship girls would learn firsthand that having fairies, as oppose to untrained mechanics, is a godsend.
Darn right.
So magic fairies maintain shipgirl equipment? Does that mean Browning's striker will get the same treatment?
1. They are essentially the crew, so yeah.
2. A Catalina only has at most a 10-man crew, so not entirely the same.
Chapter 13.2
[X] Chat with (Up to 3)
-[X] Minna - Mechanic training, recommending a trainer, name-dropping 'John Browning' (Unneeded, she'll drop the name on her own.)
-[X] head mechanic - why the sloppy performance? (Answered/you already know)
-[X] Houshou - Ask if there are any similar issues regarding the maintenance. Despite not technically being here for them, if any trouble can be headed off here and now it's a good idea to try.

"Commander, permission to speak freely?" You ask in the nicest way possible.

"What is it, Lieutenant?" Minna asks back without any misgivings.

"Those mechanics working on the armored vehicles, where they new?" You decide to say it bluntly, no way to sugar coat it.

Wilcke slightly shakes the bowl of Miso in her hands. "Yes, we received them last week. They're suppose to supplement our own forces since it's grown tremendously with ships and tanks."

"But they're too green for their own clothes." You finish her unsaid statement and sip on your own soup. Minna doesn't respond and just downs her bowl. The others are sneak looks at you like you're a madman for bringing it up. "At least your own girls can fix their mistakes. That's good training there. But is there anyone else that can do the job, or train them?"

You see Tatsuta get up to place her empty tray on the counter, but before she does she stands nearby to say something."Ah, there was one. A Sergeant Brown, I recall. Shame that he left." She winks at you and leaves. She knows.

There are mumbling here and there when your name is mentioned but nothing worth noting. You have another question, just to keep things going. "I have to ask, does anyone else have this issue of untrained personnel. For example, do the mechanics work on ship rigs?"

"They do not." Houshou comes out from the kitchen and takes the empty seat next to Minna. "Lieutenant Houshou, we haven't been properly introduced. But the answer to that question is no. Our equipment is maintained by our girls and magical fairies."

"Yes, those invisible people that non-magicians can't see unless allowed to. I understand and judging from what I saw, your machines are in good hands." You grab a piece of those beans that names eludes you but...

It slips upward and arcs in a way that lands on Clostermann's hair. Everyone that saw it quiets down, leading others confused until they look at the Frenchie's head. Perrine reaches touches the thing, turns paler, gets up without saying a word and runs out the room. Then she screams incoherently through the hallway, the echoes reach your ears.

Laughter erupts from different people, out loud, trying to hold it in, or just smiling. There are some that don't and just ignore the commotion.

Hana turns around and sees there's still untouched food on Perrine's tray. "My, what a waste." She then grabs it and takes it over to her table.

... Didn't know she'd do that.



Lunchtime is over. What do now? (Tank crews are at the Hangar, Witches&ships are either relaxing or training)
[] Go back to the hangar, prank the fuck outta the FNGs
[] Go back to the hangar and watch the FNGs
[] Hang out in the playroom, some Witches and ships will be there
[] Hang out with the instructors, see what they do
Prank Powers
[] Write-in pranks that you think might be funny to do.