Tokyo Ghoul: Detroit Dogs

"Some may question whether a bloodthirsty hound can ever be truly trained into a dog. But a hound that only bites on your command and cannot turn its hand against its owner even when abused, what is that but a dog?" The man chuckles. You can't see his face, but his voice carries his smirk. "They'll put on collars of their own initiative and throw away what makes them a hound." he's taunting you. You tremble in your cage.

He wasn't looking back, and Calypso was grateful for that. She couldn't stop her arm shaking as her hand closed into a fist.

"I see." She said, her voice shaky. She didn't trust herself with words.

The tools to escape in the open like that...

...It had to be a trap. An excuse to have her punished, beaten, killed even. At best, it had to be a test, but there was always the possibility that this entire situation was just an excuse to break a Ghoul who had met the humans eye for a moment.

She couldn't give them an excuse. She had to live, survive, no matter what. Even if the human was openly inviting her, giving her a chance to kill them and unleash enough Ghouls that she might be able to get out...

...Well, the humans weren't idiots. They'd track down the escapees, and someone would eventually reveal who started the entire escape. She'd be targeted. She'd be hunted, for allowing such a large scale escape and killing a human. She couldn't allow that.

When she escaped, it had to be under circumstances where she wouldn't have everything hunting her down for retribution.

"Am I..." She took a breath, to steady her voice. "Do I have permission to exit my cell?"

She couldn't afford the human thinking she was taking the bait if she stepped out with permission. Even if it'd satisfy that smug bastard, to see her do as he said and put a collar on. Better a living dog then a dead hound, in the end.

Only one of those had the chance to become a free hound again.
Territorial fighting was to be expected, but Elena hadn't thought one would happen right off the bat. She watched the injured girl get lead back to the cells with conflicted feelings. Having a team member get replaced so soon was rather discouraging. And it wasn't like everyone would get along either. Fights were bound to happen whether one liked that fact or not. Ghouls liked to know who was strongest though, which usually meant posturing and small skirmishes, much the same as humans did. But ghouls did it with more blood.

All things considered, going off at someone while an armed dog watched the proceedings was a bad idea. Still. Elena didn't want to loose her partner so quickly! They hadn't even gone to drink coffee yet!

Elena glanced at the small crowd of people around her. No one seemed like they were about to explode. She went closer to Alice, happy that she looked unharmed.

"You're alright then?"
Kilmartin turns around. "Apologies Inspector Adams, we're going to have to pair you up with another ghoul. I'll have one ready for you before the day is up. Regarding your discretionary powers, in short, the DoGS is giving you permission to work with ghouls and ghoul organizations, as long as it's not against human lives or human interests and can be justified in your pursuit of Bonesmith. We value speed over thoroughness, we do not expect Bonesmith to be a human, and as a ghoul you are given explicit permission to put him down on sight so there's no real need for evidence."

He checks his watch. "Anyway, considering now we no longer have someone to watch over your ghouls for you, and the time is fast approaching noon, I think it is a good time for end this briefing. Go have lunch with your ghouls or otherwise get to get know them. If you have any questions, I will be here for about 20 more minutes to finish up some paperwork, and otherwise my office is on the sixth floor over the detention building, room 6317. Inspector Adams this is always where I expect you to file your reports."


@Kensai @shinaobi @Unlucky Bibliophile @Lilithium @Cat @Azrael @Khawy
Erin nodded her head at the dismissal, and filed out through the door. It would have been advantageous to stay behind and make small talks with her fellow investigators, getting to know them better per se. But, it would also be advantageous for her to get along with her ghoul partner. After all, it was her job to look after and make sure that Klara stay in line. The others probably were going to do the same and learn more about their ghoul partners anyhow. Because, clearly, that whole mess earlier was an indicator that some of the ghouls were rowdy, and it would be to everyone's advantage to not cause such a scene again.


"Klara, come, we will be going out and have some refreshment before we get to work." Erin called out to her young partner, standing in the hallway with the files neatly tucked in her arm. "I hope you were staying out of troubles while I was being briefed."

Hmmm... Maybe it would be better inviting her fellow investigators and their ghoul partners along. But then again, Jack had always said that she was more likely to drive people away rather than bringing them together. So, it would be better if someone else initiated the invitation, considering her abysmal 'social skill'.

Bah. Conversation skills, they were not a necessity in day-to-day living. Who need them.
Marty kept her peace at the commotion, but she did catch FitzGerald's eye. She directed her gaze pointedly at the ghoul he'd shot, then back at him. The corner of her mouth twitched.

Then she shot a glance at Naramsin. He was still leaning against the wall like this happened every Tuesday for him. Maybe it did.

"I'm hungry," she said. "I'm going to go murder a corned beef egg roll. And cause I'm feeling generous, I'll spring for a coffee for you too. We'll take my car."

"Yes ma'am," he drawls, not sparing a glance backward as he pushes off of the wall and follows after her. His feet tap a steady rhythm, and out of something that is either courtesy or caution he casually drifts as he walks until he settles into place well within Marty's peripheral vision.

After they've walked a fair distance from the greater group, he speaks up.

"We have an objective?"

"Klara, come, we will be going out and have some refreshment before we get to work." Erin called out to her young partner, standing in the hallway with the files neatly tucked in her arm. "I hope you were staying out of troubles while I was being briefed."

Hmmm... Maybe it would be better inviting her fellow investigators and their ghoul partners along. But then again, Jack had always said that she was more likely to drive people away rather than bringing them together. So, it would be better if someone else initiated the invitation, considering her abysmal 'social skill'.

Bah. Conversation skills, they were not a necessity in day-to-day living. Who need them.
From the looks of things, the meeting was over. How convenient, given the disturbance. Standing up, Klara stretched lightly and moved towards Doctor Graham.

"I was!" She replied, a hint of consternation in her tone, reaching the Investigator.

"Lyra was being needlessly aggressive, and tried to provoke Alice!" Glancing around, she lowered her voice and leaned in slightly to the older woman, "I'm kind of surprised she didn't try to rip her throat out. Alice doesn't seem like she's the most stable person, but Lyra ended up attacking first."

Moving away again, she frowned slightly and then visibly shook her head.

"Oh!" Suddenly looking around, she noticed Naramsin and the woman who was evidently his partner already moving away.

"Well, I guess I'll have to invite him some other time..." She sighed, then turned her attention back to Erin, "Lead the way!"

It's a question, a question. I smile at the girl, tilting my head. "Ah, yes, I'm fine. No need to worry."

I am too much of a monster to be slain by the likes of one such as that, who is taken away by the guards, who is caged, caged, caged for the attempt, who cannot even stay outside for more then a minute. I look at the girl.

"Do you know of a cafe nearby? I believe you mentioned coffee early."




I have not seen the sun in 2,568,021 seconds.
"Yes ma'am," he drawls, not sparing a glance backward as he pushes off of the wall and follows after her. His feet tap a steady rhythm, and out of something that is either courtesy or caution he casually drifts as he walks until he settles into place well within Marty's peripheral vision.

After they've walked a fair distance from the greater group, he speaks up.

"We have an objective?"

They walked down to the basement car park where Marty led the way to a battered Dodge Avenger.

"Yeah," she said as she popped the locks manually. "You hear about an asshole calls himself Bonesmith? Seems he's trying to put quinques in the hands of ghouls. That'd kind of put a crimp in what we like to call the 'monopoly on force' around here."

The engine started with a bronchitic cough, and the car peeled out and wheezed up the ramp into the watery sunlight.

Marty pulled out a crumpled pack of Marlboro Reds and shook one out. "You don't mind if I smoke, do you?"
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"Cigarette smoke's not a problem," Naramsin drawled from the passenger's seat. "Can't offer you a light though," he adds.

"Although," he says, once the car's made it a couple of minutes into traffic "I can get us to Bonesmith. I need to make calls, and if this ghoul is smart enough to have a good number of intermediaries we might have to spend a little to get their trust. Get them comfortable enough to show up personally somewhere nice, dark and quiet."

"You don't mind if I use your phone, do you?"
"Cigarette smoke's not a problem," Naramsin drawled from the passenger's seat. "Can't offer you a light though," he adds.

"Although," he says, once the car's made it a couple of minutes into traffic "I can get us to Bonesmith. I need to make calls, and if this ghoul is smart enough to have a good number of intermediaries we might have to spend a little to get their trust. Get them comfortable enough to show up personally somewhere nice, dark and quiet."

"You don't mind if I use your phone, do you?"

Marty grunted as she jammed her cig into her mouth, then lit it on a scarred zippo. She took a deep drag and dangled the cigarette out the window as she drove one-handed.

"I can do you one better," she said, reaching into the glove compartment and pulling out a Samsung III. "You need a burner. This one's yours. The office hands them out like they're candy corn and it's Halloween. And if you need to spend some money, buy whatever shit will float their boats, just save the receipts."

She gave him a side-eye marginally less toxic than the one she'd graced him with before. "That doesn't mean you get to make it rain. It does mean the federal government will spring for hookers and blow if it means killing ghouls."

She flicked the butt into traffic and pulled over in front of a decidedly dodgy-looking diner with a broken sign and posters in Vietnamese on the walls.

"Okay, corned beef egg roll for me and a ca phe for you. Hold on to your hat, these motherfuckers make the best coffee in the state."
Marty grunted as she jammed her cig into her mouth, then lit it on a scarred zippo. She took a deep drag and dangled the cigarette out the window as she drove one-handed.

"I can do you one better," she said, reaching into the glove compartment and pulling out a Samsung III. "You need a burner. This one's yours. The office hands them out like they're candy corn and it's Halloween. And if you need to spend some money, buy whatever shit will float their boats, just save the receipts."

She gave him a side-eye marginally less toxic than the one she'd graced him with before. "That doesn't mean you get to make it rain. It does mean the federal government will spring for hookers and blow if it means killing ghouls."

She flicked the butt into traffic and pulled over in front of a decidedly dodgy-looking diner with a broken sign and posters in Vietnamese on the walls.

"Okay, corned beef egg roll for me and a ca phe for you. Hold on to your hat, these motherfuckers make the best coffee in the state."

Once they're seated Naramsin starts tapping away on the phone, entering in a number he's memorized, and then staring at it for a moment before making the call. Once he gets a response he starts talking; Marty can recognize the odd phrasing of what is almost certainly a code, delivered with the smoothness of long practice. It seems nearly nonsensical, and from what she can hear appears to work by making the conversation sound so bland and unremarkable that anyone overhearing would feel almost physically compelled to ignore the speaker, lest they be bored to death.

But the person on the other end of the phone understands completely. 'It's me; I've got some work to get done, and I think you stand to profit by helping me out. First step is simple; I need you to set up a purchase of two quinque--bikaku and a rinkaku--from Bonesmith. As far as Bonesmith is gonna know, you know me and the two ghouls I'm bringing with me for security as some small-timers trying to gear up for a small-time war; good for the money. We bring the money, they bring the goods. You don't need to stick your neck out, just set up the deal. We'll cover your usual finder's fee.'

Once Ashatnaya's finished, he lapses into silence, waiting placidly for the response--and the ca phe.

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"Am I..." She took a breath, to steady her voice. "Do I have permission to exit my cell?"
The policeman looks kind of surprised at your response. He turns around and sighs. "You're.... well, I see that the DoGS will like you. Come on, then. Let's go to the medical wing to get you all fitted out."

The two of you slowly trot down out and down the hallway, into a medical facility, with a surgeon there, sitting slouched on one of those spinning chairs, drinking something from a can. You sniff. Is that... beer?

She looks up. "Yo. Is that the replacement?"

The policeman nods. "Yep."

"Alright then." She crunches the can in her hand, and throws it into a recycling bin. "We're going to implant a tracking chip into your back and snap a explosive collar onto your one of your legs. Got any preference for which leg?"

"Klara, come, we will be going out and have some refreshment before we get to work." Erin called out to her young partner, standing in the hallway with the files neatly tucked in her arm. "I hope you were staying out of troubles while I was being briefed."
"Well, I guess I'll have to invite him some other time..." She sighed, then turned her attention back to Erin, "Lead the way!"
You drop in at the closest coffee place across the way. It's a Starbucks, with a stifling sort of cozy atmosphere, and a barista who looks much way to happy to be working at a low wage high labor job. There are a few people writing their latest novels on their laptops, and a couple chatting in the corner.

The barista looks up. "Hi, welcome to Starbucks! What can I get you?"

((@Azrael: You smell the faint smell of ghouls around the place. There has been a ghoul in this Starbucks recently. Right next to DoS headquarters. That's... interesting.))

She flicked the butt into traffic and pulled over in front of a decidedly dodgy-looking diner with a broken sign and posters in Vietnamese on the walls.
Once Ashatnaya's finished, he lapses into silence, waiting placidly for the response--and the ca phe.
The code that comes back is lackidasical, cheerful, and not that much different from Tarataler's usual speech, except it doesn't have that aspect of coldness that always lies behind his friendly demeanor. 'It's going to be expensive,' is the base message he's telling you. Bonesmith has apparently refused to deal direct with a low of smallfries and for some strange reason Tarataler in particular- as if he wasn't the most trustworthy sort of man in the land. That means he's going to go through a lot of intermediaries of his own to get into contact with Bonesmith and he's going to have to burn some favors and money for doing so.

Fortunately Tarataler has something he needs doing that he'd be willing to wave the price for. See, he's going to be trying to get into a meeting with some out of town fellows, and he needs to impress. And that means muscle. In Detroit, his reputation as 'someone you don't fuck with' is built solid, but out of own he's just a rat with good prices. So he needs like four, five ghouls. Do that, and he'll start burning favors and wealth to get you your meeting with Bonesmith.

The Ca Phe arrives shortly thereafter, a rich dark coffee over chilled ice served in a flimsy plastic cup so cold you can feel the perspiration dripping off it. It comes with a small bag filled with crisp sharp egg rolls, filled with a mix of vegetables and corned beef, which add that umami to the sharp and light fried outer bread layering.
The code that comes back is lackidasical, cheerful, and not that much different from Tarataler's usual speech, except it doesn't have that aspect of coldness that always lies behind his friendly demeanor. 'It's going to be expensive,' is the base message he's telling you. Bonesmith has apparently refused to deal direct with a low of smallfries and for some strange reason Tarataler in particular- as if he wasn't the most trustworthy sort of man in the land. That means he's going to go through a lot of intermediaries of his own to get into contact with Bonesmith and he's going to have to burn some favors and money for doing so.

Fortunately Tarataler has something he needs doing that he'd be willing to wave the price for. See, he's going to be trying to get into a meeting with some out of town fellows, and he needs to impress. And that means muscle. In Detroit, his reputation as 'someone you don't fuck with' is built solid, but out of town he's just a rat with good prices. So he needs like four, five ghouls. Do that, and he'll start burning favors and wealth to get you your meeting with Bonesmith.

The Ca Phe arrives shortly thereafter, a rich dark coffee over chilled ice served in a flimsy plastic cup so cold you can feel the perspiration dripping off it. It comes with a small bag filled with crisp sharp egg rolls, filled with a mix of vegetables and corned beef, which add that umami to the sharp and light fried outer bread layering.

Naramsin shifts the cup closer so that he can let the smell of fresh coffee drift into his nostrils, but he doesn't interrupt the conversation. He promises Tarataler the muscle, as long as he's got a place and time.

He takes a quiet sip and glances at Marty with a thoughtful, assessing frown.
You drop in at the closest coffee place across the way. It's a Starbucks, with a stifling sort of cozy atmosphere, and a barista who looks much way to happy to be working at a low wage high labor job. There are a few people writing their latest novels on their laptops, and a couple chatting in the corner.

The barista looks up. "Hi, welcome to Starbucks! What can I get you?"

((@Azrael: You smell the faint smell of ghouls around the place. There has been a ghoul in this Starbucks recently. Right next to DoS headquarters. That's... interesting.))
"Iced mocha cappuccino and a blue blueberry muffin for me, please." Erin answered plainly. Starbucks, she hadn't been in one for a long while now. Not since the long bygone days of her previous job. Burnt, low-quality coffee were as good at keeping her awake as any coffee. Ah, good old all-nighters.

She briefly glanced at the side to Klara, something in the back of her mind nudging at her. Something really important she had forgotten to account for.
You drop in at the closest coffee place across the way. It's a Starbucks, with a stifling sort of cozy atmosphere, and a barista who looks much way to happy to be working at a low wage high labor job. There are a few people writing their latest novels on their laptops, and a couple chatting in the corner.

The barista looks up. "Hi, welcome to Starbucks! What can I get you?"

((@Azrael: You smell the faint smell of ghouls around the place. There has been a ghoul in this Starbucks recently. Right next to DoS headquarters. That's... interesting.))

"Iced mocha cappuccino and a blue blueberry muffin for me, please." Erin answered plainly. Starbucks, she hadn't been in one for a long while now. Not since the long bygone days of her previous job. Burnt, low-quality coffee were as good at keeping her awake as any coffee. Ah, good old all-nighters.

She briefly glanced at the side to Klara, something in the back of her mind nudging at her. Something really important she had forgotten to account for.
Klara followed obediently behind her handler the entire short walk, internally telling herself she was invisible, and no one could see her really-very-obvious jumpsuit.

Arriving in the 'cafe', she distracted herself by taking in her surroundings, and was surprised to note the scent of a ghoul. Keeping tabs on DoGS HQ? Maybe there were other chained monsters in the agency's employ?

Deciding it was probably best to at least make a slight effort at gathering information, she glanced around to see who seemed to have only ordered coffee. It wasn't strange to do so, and so ghouls wouldn't usually bother ordering food, but it might give her enough of a hint to see where they might have sat, or even were still sitting.

As Doctor Graham gave her order, Klara turned forward and squinted for a few moments.

"Uh, I'd like... black coffee, with two shots of espresso."

Her slightly random order placed, she looked to her handler.

"For all the emphasis put on it, I've very rarely ordered coffee at a place like this. Usually either I or one of the others would make it in a cheap coffee machine..."

And she mostly only drank it for the novel taste. Also because seeing her actually ingest something seemed to help them pretend she wouldn't later go out and eat human flesh.

It's a question, a question. I smile at the girl, tilting my head. "Ah, yes, I'm fine. No need to worry."

I am too much of a monster to be slain by the likes of one such as that, who is taken away by the guards, who is caged, caged, caged for the attempt, who cannot even stay outside for more then a minute. I look at the girl.

"Do you know of a cafe nearby? I believe you mentioned coffee early."




I have not seen the sun in 2,568,021 seconds.
Elena nodded. Right! Coffee would be wonderful right about now! Seems like all the others have the same idea too, she thought. It be more considerate to wait until the other human's new partner showed up though. Oh well. Everyone would have to socialize together as a team later! Alice should get to spend for first day of freedom in peace, and Elena knew just the place to have a celebratory cup of coffee.

The team was a little weird when Elena gave it some thought. It was a 50/50 ratio of human and ghoul, but it still seemed skewed.

"We only have one guy on our team," Elena realized. The hand not carrying Mercy stopped just half way of a fist pump, hovered in the air for a second, and then adjusted her collar. Nice save, so very smooth and not noticeable at all.

She turned to Alice and said, "I've been going to this coffeehouse for a few years now and it's fairly close by too. I'll just get you some new clothing while you shower, since we'd probably get turned away otherwise. That sound good?"

Ah, to leave, to leave. I can't leave. I can't leave yet, not yet, I must stay, stay, and wait. I'll wait. Patience, Alice, patience. Soon you'll feel the kiss of the sun on your skin, and the taint of light on your cheeks.

"Very well," I reply to the girl, staring at her. "I will shower, you will acquire clothes, and we will leave." I turn, to shower, to prepare, to move. I pause.

What to do? How do I convey this to this girl? How do I explain my desires? Ah, but I should not, should not. "I am going to the showers. I will meet you outside of them."

I walk away. It is not necessary for me to see what she wants, what she needs, because I know, I know, I know. She wants companionship, desirability, the things that I cannot give, must not give. Ah, but I am a ghoul. Ah, but she is a human. Ah, but two sides of the same incestuous coin intertwine like a knife in a sheathe, dancing, twisting, and combining into one.

I ignore the thoughts that I think, and go to shower. I cannot stop. The sky is within my reach. I have waited for 2,568,107 seconds, I am content to wait for a thousand more.
"Iced mocha cappuccino and a blue blueberry muffin for me, please." Erin answered plainly.
"Uh, I'd like... black coffee, with two shots of espresso."
"Understood!" The barista replies cheerfully. "We'll have your order right up."

She starts to turn to make your order, but stops for a second. "Sorry if this is a little personal, but are you folks shooting a movie?"

Her eyes pan over to Klara, and- oh yes, that's right. You forgot to take time for her to change out of her jumpsuit.

She turned to Alice and said, "I've been going to this coffeehouse for a few years now and it's fairly close by too. I'll just get you some new clothing while you shower, since we'd probably get turned away otherwise. That sound good?"
"Very well," I reply to the girl, staring at her. "I will shower, you will acquire clothes, and we will leave." I turn, to shower, to prepare, to move. I pause.
The only clothes you can find besides DoGS uniforms in the communal wardrobe are a a sweatshirt and pants combo two sizes too late, and an extraordinarily ornate goth Lolita dress, with a partially open back around the shoulderblades. While you're looking between the two another girl comes in and swipes the the sweatshirt combo and runs away with them before you can react.

...whelp. Goth Lolita it'll have to be, then.
The policeman looks kind of surprised at your response. He turns around and sighs. "You're.... well, I see that the DoGS will like you. Come on, then. Let's go to the medical wing to get you all fitted out."

The two of you slowly trot down out and down the hallway, into a medical facility, with a surgeon there, sitting slouched on one of those spinning chairs, drinking something from a can. You sniff. Is that... beer?

She looks up. "Yo. Is that the replacement?"

The policeman nods. "Yep."

"Alright then." She crunches the can in her hand, and throws it into a recycling bin. "We're going to implant a tracking chip into your back and snap a explosive collar onto your one of your legs. Got any preference for which leg?"

She should have expected that the DoGS would have something to track her, to find her after she escaped. Spare no expense keeping the Ghoul locked up.

No, this was no problem. When she made her escape, she'd just have to rip the chip out. It'd hurt, but she could heal, and people had suffered worse to survive.

Calypso did her best not to let any emotion show on her face as she answered the surgeon's question.

"The right leg." She replied. The explosive collar would also be an issue, but she could plan around it somehow. She didn't know how tight it would be, but Ghouls were strong. Worse come to worse, she didn't need her leg to survive.

...It wasn't going to be easy, trying to escape. None of it would be. She'd need to wait for the perfect opportunity, play along as an obedient little pet Ghoul until then, and don't let the humans suspect her for a second.

But she had to live a safe, peaceful life, and if she stayed under the thumb of humanity, she risked being killed the instant she stepped out of line. Or the moment a human felt like they needed to make an example, or just wanted to kill.

The girl did her best to banish that train of thought again. The humans were watching, if she started trembling or clenching her fists, they'd be able to make a guess as to her inner thoughts, and start suspecting her true motivations.

Remain calm. Don't let the humans know a thing. If she slips up, she loses. Bottle it in. Don't let the anger show. Don't let the hate show. Don't let anything show.
"For all the emphasis put on it, I've very rarely ordered coffee at a place like this. Usually either I or one of the others would make it in a cheap coffee machine..."
Erin nodded understandingly. Coffee were just coffee. Something to keep people up at night studying or finishing up last minute details over a report. She never really had a taste for such a thing.
"Understood!" The barista replies cheerfully. "We'll have your order right up."

She starts to turn to make your order, but stops for a second. "Sorry if this is a little personal, but are you folks shooting a movie?"

Her eyes pan over to Klara, and- oh yes, that's right. You forgot to take time for her to change out of her jumpsuit.

Realizing her mistake, Erin craned her neck back to Klara, and then back to the barista. She took the food items she ordered and handed Klara her coffee. All the while, her eyes stared blankly towards the barista.

"No." She said, with a finality to her voice. "Thank you for the food." A five dollar bill placed gently in the tip jar. Erin turned around, with coffee and muffin in hand to an available booth.
Naramsin shifts the cup closer so that he can let the smell of fresh coffee drift into his nostrils, but he doesn't interrupt the conversation. He promises Tarataler the muscle, as long as he's got a place and time.

He takes a quiet sip and glances at Marty with a thoughtful, assessing frown.

Marty caught Naramsin's glance. She popped the last bite of one egg roll into her mouth and chased it with a slug of 333 from a longneck.

"So you got the lead?" she asked. "What are we giving and what are we getting?"

As she waited for him to respond, she began tearing open the shrink-wrap on a devilled egg.
Marty caught Naramsin's glance. She popped the last bite of one egg roll into her mouth and chased it with a slug of 333 from a longneck.

"So you got the lead?" she asked. "What are we giving and what are we getting?"

As she waited for him to respond, she began tearing open the shrink-wrap on a devilled egg.

He drinks some of his ca phe as he waits for the call to finish--if Marty strains her ears she can barely pick up someone talking on the other end--slowly savoring the taste of Actually Decent Coffee. He doesn't say anything in response, and as soon as the voice goes silent he disconnects the call, and then taps a few buttons on the phone before sliding it into a pocket of his pants.

"All of the other ghouls, myelf, We're going to do a favor for a ghoul merchant to get our first transaction with Bonesmith set. Muscle on a transaction; even odds on if there'll be action. There'll likely still be more work to do after this; I need to get some kind of read on Bonesmith, so I can talk him into screwing himself over."

He tilts his head slightly to the side. "We need to get you a mask. Hide your scent well enough to keep any questions about you easy to deflect."
The only clothes you can find besides DoGS uniforms in the communal wardrobe are a a sweatshirt and pants combo two sizes too late, and an extraordinarily ornate goth Lolita dress, with a partially open back around the shoulderblades. While you're looking between the two another girl comes in and swipes the the sweatshirt combo and runs away with them before you can react.

...whelp. Goth Lolita it'll have to be, then.

Why is this kind of thing even here?! Elena cried mentally, though she knew no one would hear her or even bother answering if they had. No one in their right mind would ever pick this kind of dress as their replacement clothing. It stood out, which most investigators would try to avoid, and it looked like a real pain to wear either way. The excessive frills were just plain embarrassing. Where the hell had it even come from?

It didn't look cheaply made though. The fabric was rather soft and the dress wasn't ugly as a whole.

Also it was the only thing left.

Elena silently bundled the dress up, clutched it close to her chest, and did the walk of shame towards the showers.

Rachel leaned back into her chair, sighing as she took stock of her so-called "office". A ratty sofa, some lockers, a desk with its underside laden with chewed gum -- either DoGS didn't have the budget to take care of this office, or they simply didn't care for the creature comforts. She was leaning towards the latter, frankly. It was clearly meant to be a communal point for her team.

After scraping off the gum and tossing them into the garbage, Rachel decided to rummage through the desk. If she was expecting something spectacular or mildly interesting, she was severely disappointed. Aside from a few loose papers and yet more chewed gum (seriously, who would put this stuff inside their desk?), Rachel found nothing. Whoever the previous owner was, they cared enough to get everything else out but not enough to clean it. Jerk.

Sighing again, Rachel rested her head on the sole in the room. Was this what she amounted to? True, her office back in the Bureau was hardly luxurious, but it was functional. She was actually proud to be in it. Now...

...No matter, she could deal. She had to deal. Otherwise, this was going to be a long or perhaps even permanent reassignment.
"The right leg." She replied.
"Right then." The surgeon cracks a smile. "Right it is. How about you take a seat on that patient bed over there, and we'll get started."

She leans down to rummage about in her desk, and pulls out what looks like... a nail gun. There's certainly a lot of force behind that tiny little thing, as it proves by punching the air with heavy thuds.

"Try not to cripple this one," the policeman tells her. "I'd rather not have to go pick out yet another ghoul from the detention chambers."

"No problem." The surgeon grins. "I operate best while drunk. Now, hold still girl, I'm going to be operating very close to your spine and you don't want me to make any mistakes.

In a way that does not make you feel any less nervous at all, her cold hands touch the back of your neck to hold it in place, and pound pound, two seconds later there's a tiny trickle of blood down the back of your neck and her hands are off you. Your right leg lifts up, and then something snaps over your lower leg.

It's done.

The policeman makes you sign through some papers in a parody of what someone with actual rights would do, the fine print details the terms and conditions you're going to be working for the DoGS under, and watches you lazily while you go through them with a pen.

Then you're marched off one more time.
Rachel leaned back into her chair, sighing as she took stock of her so-called "office".
There's a knock on your door and someone opens it anyway, before you can respond. It's officer FitzGerald from the briefing. He's holding a girl- no, a ghoul by the shoulder, pushing her gently into the room. "Yo, I'm here to deliver your replacement ghoul."

He pushes her forward. "We don't have her files available at the moment, but this is Calypso Moody. She's got a dead siblings and a history with the Zerellis. Get to know each other."

"The files... are not available at the moment, but you'll get that soonish. For know, just get to know each other or whatever."