Tokyo Ghoul: Detroit Dogs

"Hm." He turns back to his papers. "Then, Inspector Adams, I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that you've been selected as the lead element of provisional Ghoul Suppression Squad G7. As of now you are responsible for leading your squadmates in the field and maintaining discipline in Squad G7. Congratulations."

Rachel blinked. Then she blinked again. "T-Thank you, s-sir," she sputtered, utterly unprepared to having been promoted on the spot. "I'll do my best to live up to your expectations."

Thinking about it, the decision made sense. Rachel was a highly experienced field agent with a history of distinction, recent events aside. Her service record and training at Quantico makes her an ideal candidate for coordinating this ragtag bunch of misfits. Heck, a couple of them looked like a couple of civilians roped into this. No one else seemed to have the same bearing as she did, but she could be wrong. She hasn't had so much as an ordinary conversation with any of them.

"How much do you know about the ghoul underground weapons market?"

After taking a moment to regain her composure, Rachel tried to recall any information on the underground weapons market. She pulled out her notepad and ran down what she knew about it. "The US is a popular place for illegal weapons smuggling. With its lax control on gun laws, it's relatively easy to buy the firearms, shave off the serial numbers, modify the weapons, then smuggle them somewhere with much higher demand. "

And if she remembered correctly, the UK and Japan tended to be popular venues for weapons smuggling. Their strict gun laws made weapons smuggling a lucrative trade.

"As for how I know this, I have a few friends in the Bureau that loved to complain about the illegal arms trade." Rachel shrugged. Even federal agents loved the complain about their jobs around the water cooler. "It's best to assume that most of the major gangs here in Detroit are armed, though thankfully most of their guns lack the penetration to pierce through standard body armor. However, most agents generally rank the Assyrians and the Italians as the cartels with the most influence on the illicit weapons trade in Detroit."
Klara turned her attention to the dark-skinned man.

"I'm sure we'll not be strangers for long. While I doubt we'll have an opportunity to share a meal together like humans do, perhaps we could all go for coffee at some point?"

She smiled hopefully at him. So far no one had actually tried to attack her, so she considered this attempt at socialization to be a roaring success. Even the Eyrie had its shares of dominance fights.

Naramsin looks at her, wondering. He is a good actor, he knows that, has known that for years, but he has never been transcendentally so; by no means so good that he can mark a fellow at a glance, gauge talent and intent through the merest subtleties. She might be exactly what she appears to be. She might be trying to lull him into a false sense of security, to lower his guard so that she can ambush him later, to assert dominance or to mete out perceived justice for the explosives that were not placed on his person, for the punishment they had to bear but he did not. Would not.

Maybe she just wants to talk to somebody who hadn't been in prison all day, or who didn't wax...poetic(?) about their imprisonment and their kill count. Most every ghoul who survived past childhood had at least one in any case; the world is a brutal place, and sooner or later it's you or them. No point counting, no use. No significance in the kill.

Maybe she's just looking for a little more information. Naramsin needs that too, really; unless these ghouls all manage to get themselves killed immediately he could at least stand to know what they respond to. What to say to push them away, what to do to pull them in. And of all the ways to learn, "Coffee sounds fine to me," he says, smile pitched perfect for politeness.
"As for how I know this, I have a few friends in the Bureau that loved to complain about the illegal arms trade." Rachel shrugged. Even federal agents loved the complain about their jobs around the water cooler. "It's best to assume that most of the major gangs here in Detroit are armed, though thankfully most of their guns lack the penetration to pierce through standard body armor. However, most agents generally rank the Assyrians and the Italians as the cartels with the most influence on the illicit weapons trade in Detroit."
"You're well informed, it seems." The man nods. It seems that the new leader for G7 wasn't picked just for collecting bottle caps.

"In any case, if you know about the gun trade in Detroit, it seems we can skip covering the background." He clears his throat. "My name is Inspector First Class Theodore Kilmartin, your superior officer for this case, and possibly future cases as well depending on the performance of Squad G7. The case I am going to be briefing you has been tentatively nicknamed "Bonesmith". It involves an escalation in the ghouls arm trade that the Detroit head office has deemed unacceptable."

He pulls out a series of photograph and lays them out in a table in front of them, giving you all sufficient time to peer over them all. It appears to be a set of mutilated humanoid bodies, each with chunks carved out of them across their backs and torsos. "Around a year back, the Detroit PD started finding mutilated bodies missing large amounts of flesh, presumably sliced out by their murderers. Normally, this would be a more or less standard case, a 'picky eater' ghoul who only takes choice cuts. Except in the cases of these killings, the victims were all ghouls."

"At the time, the DOGS labeled these mutilations as a sign of rising tensions between ghoul factions, the mutilations were probably escalating brutality against rivals, and placed a department-wide notice to be on the lookout for increased tensions, and heightened levels of violence, before filing it away. But that wasn't the case. About two months ago, inspectors started seeing these."

Three more photographs join the pile. The new ones aren't of bodies, but of caught-in-motion shots of ghouls, with kagune extended. Of particular note is a flashing red blade in each one of their hands, carrying the characteristic glistening colors of RC Cells. "Three separate instances of ghouls with Quinques. We were caught flatfooted. No Quinques had been reported missing from the armory in the weeks ahead of these, and we had recovered or destroyed any which had been lost in the field. The administrative staff immediately started digging through the archives to discover what the reason for these were."

"Which brings us back to the mutilated body case." Kilmartin takes a step back and slams the whiteboard behind him, which links the two together. Bonesmith stands bold and stark in the center, linked to word bubbles like 'Quinque' 'Ghoul Proliferation' 'Artisan Weaponsmith'. "Those weren't just random cuts. Each of those cuts were targeting different Kakuhou. These Quinques were made by someone experimenting with working Q-Steel, someone who's been selling their products to ghouls."

"Obviously in the eyes of the DoGS this can't be allowed to stand. Quinques are the only advantage that humanity has over ghouls- if ghouls level the playing field in that regard, the DoGS has no other advantages. But at the same time finding and targeting a specific source is immensely difficult for investigators in the field. So, DIGGR is brought into play. With a ghoul partner, you are able to infiltrate and blend into ghoul society, essentially becoming one of the rare few undercover DoGS investigation teams."

He draws to his conclusion. "In short, Provisional Ghoul Suppression Team G7 is tasked with finding and eliminating the ghoul, nickednamed 'Bonesmith', behind the creation of these Quinque, or bringing him or her in if they are in fact human. You are granted any resources normally granted to line teams, and I will assign access to Level Two resources on request. You are authorized to take certain actions normally considered non-permissible at the team leader's discretion in order to aid your search- not without limit, you are discovered to have abused this discretionary privilege, both the offender and your team leader, in this case Miss Adams, will be subject to heavy administrative punishments and possibly even charged if you have committed a crime. I expect to see regular after action reports and documentation on your activities, but otherwise you are afforded a high amount of discretion in our activities."

"Any questions?"

"I'm sure we'll not be strangers for long. While I doubt we'll have an opportunity to share a meal together like humans do, perhaps we could all go for coffee at some point?"
What to say to push them away, what to do to pull them in. And of all the ways to learn, "Coffee sounds fine to me," he says, smile pitched perfect for politeness.
The policeman, who has since been watching Alice's boasting with a small degree of bemusement chuckles at this one. He takes a long slurp of his own mug of coffee. "Woah, going a bit fast now, aren't you two? Comparing and bragging how many of your own kind you've murdered is one thing, but going out for coffee? Why, that's positively forward."

He leans back along the wall, smirking.
The pager buzzing in Rachel's pocket put a kibosh on the idea of a hot shower, warm liquid sweeping away the accumulated filth and leaving her clean and refreshed, ready to put on cleanly laundered clothes.

The idea of a shower occupied Lyra's thoughts as she walked out of the gaol, taking up almost all of her attention. Not enough that she couldn't spare the time to run through her repertoire of offensive hand gestures, becoming amused at the varying shades that the Guard's face went through.

The walk through the DoGS building was an experience. Inspectors openly stopped and stared at the obvious ghoul walking through the building with an affected air of carelessness. Most of the Enforcers managed better, with only dark glances and muttered insults as Lyra passed by. The office staff, however, had the best reactions, backpedalling and hiding in nearby rooms. It was such great fun that she was considering to start whistling an airy tune and see what reactions that garnered, but they arrived at the briefing room before she had the opportunity to start. A pity, that.

Draping herself over one of the chairs in the room, Lyra looked at the occupants. Two hard arses sat at the table's head, one of which seemed to be a ... ghoul... odd, I thought we were the first of this scheme.

The other pairs got only a few glances - although the woman with sharpened fingernails got a second look - before the two people started talking.
"Right then." The policeman hops off his desk. "C'mon chickadees. You're all with me. Leave the adults to their adult talk. Off we go."
At that, anger flashes across Lyra's face. The handles of her chair audibly crack as her fists tighten. She gets up, slowly. Hitting him would do her no good. She'd be jailed, at least. Fucker. Thinks because he's a bigshot all the rest of us are just little shits barely worth his notice.

Obediently following the man she assumed was a ghoul, Klara cast a look over her shoulder at her 'partner' as she filed out with the others. In all likelihood, the briefing room was soundproofed to at least some degree. It was unlikely she'd be able to effectively eavesdrop, and so she'd have to rely on her handler's good will when it came time for information to be disseminated among the attack dogs.

Her eyes narrowed slightly for an instant, then she returned to her earlier nervous expression. It wouldn't do to get worked up about things beyond her control. It was always obvious that she- and the other ghouls- would be kept at arms length and not treated like equals.

Standing in the hallway, she moves a bit away from the others and looks them over. She had noticed as they had all reached the room, but the dark-skinned man was the only male. Strange for an agency dominated by men, as most combat roles were.

Well, she supposed equality was moving forward. What was worth more of her attention was the girl with the glasses.

That bomb collar was on her neck. She was considered high-risk, too dangerous for a merely crippling explosive device.

'She'd better not be one of those crazies. This will be hard enough to handle without a ticking timebomb in the group.'

Contrary to her inner thoughts, Klara swallowed nervously and stepped forward, naturally making herself the centre of attention for the moment. Good relations would need to be fostered with her kind as well as her handler, after all.

She could only hope they were reasonable people.

"Uh... I guess we're going to be working together, more or less. My name is Klara Alexeveya. It's... nice to meet you?" She said, giving a hopeful smile to the others in the hallway.
Looking at the black haired Russian, Lyra rolled her eyes. Polite, selfserving... Affable.

"Alice," I say, with a smile with too many teeth and all of them are knives. "Alice Taverner. Let us compare."

I hold up my hand, and lower a finger. "One." Then another, and another, and another, and another and ah! I am out of fingers on my hand. "Five."

I shrug my shoulders and laugh, a loud and lilting sound that tilts my head back before I lower it once more. "The ghouls I have slaughtered." I am what they want, yes? I am a killer, a deceiver, and have no cares for ghouls or humans. To care for them is to want, to wish, to desire - and to desire is to lose, to fall, to sink. I cannot hope. I am hopeless. I cannot love. I am loveless. To do these things is to deny, deny that I am what I am, to fall into a never-ending spiral that goes down, down, and drowns me in a black pool of desolation. I despair of this. I detest this.

A pause. I must think. I must consider. The humans, have I ever touched one? Grabbed one? Ripped them to shreds like I would before I was put away. Ah, it's a thought, a thought - and the answer is *****. I have ****** before, and I will again. There's static, static where there should be thought should be ideation should be what I know. Have I? I can't tell. I can't tell if I've slain a human before. I can't look through the fog in my mind to see if I've ******* a *****. I have to, yes? I was jailed, I was imprisoned, for being a monster with red eyes that adores blood and death.

I have killed ghouls.

I have ****** ******.

I don't know what I have done to humanity.

An interest, a thought, an idea - my companion, the girl, perhaps will understand what I do not. It's interesting, to think that there's a part of my mind that has been blockaded by me, that my time in these cells has eroded away at my sense of self. I giggle helplessly, tossing a stray strand of hair out of my eyes. "I am the ghoul with the girl they call fodder. And you? Who is your handler?"

The girl is not my handler, never my handler - no, this is a mission with one purpose, one goal, one reason - to kill me. If I die, it is a success, and I only die if I kill the girl. So I will not. It's simple, isn't it? To die is to kill and so I will kill to not die. I will slaughter ghouls by the hundreds to live, bathe in their blood and laugh all the while.

I look around at the ghouls that surround me - weak, and empty enter my thoughts.

"Who holds each of your reigns? Who looks at you and decides if you live or die? Is it the investigator? The man who smells of death in there? The innocent one, the betrayer, or the one who would be king? Who? Who? I hold my own reigns, and allow others to grasp them if they wish. And yourselves? Do you hold your own fate? Or have you given it to the dogs?"

I laugh at my own joke, a small and quiet thing as my hair falls in front of my eyes once more, and I drag another hand across my face, red eyes flaring. It's interesting, to think of these as my 'fellows'. For how can a ghoul be fellow to one such as I? I have eaten the likes of them before, in a haze of red and a flash of iron. Have they? Have they touched the fires of hell, and then dragged themselves out? Or are they simply content to be captured and offered a chance, accepting it only because they cannot imagine otherwise? It's curious, it's curious. I smile widely at the ghouls around me, and think of the future.
"Naramsin Ashatnaya. I prefer not to talk about myself with strangers." The white man knows this to be a lie at even the most casual perusal of the ghoul's file; Naramsin Ashatnaya is perhaps Naramsin Ashatnaya's favorite subject, on which he will gladly weave vast tapestries of elaborate falsehoods, sometimes for nothing but the apparent satisfaction of crafting a narrative.
"I've... killed a few scavengers." Klara eventually answers, "I never thought to count them. I try not to think about it."

Rather, she did not care to think about them. They meant nothing to her, then, or now. They were only obstacles or food, nothing more.

The same with everyone here.

At Alice's second question, Klara smiled and clapped her hands in front of herself.

"My partner is Doctor Erin Graham! She hasn't had time to really talk about herself, but she seems nice!"
Naramsin looks at her, wondering. He is a good actor, he knows that, has known that for years, but he has never been transcendentally so; by no means so good that he can mark a fellow at a glance, gauge talent and intent through the merest subtleties. She might be exactly what she appears to be. She might be trying to lull him into a false sense of security, to lower his guard so that she can ambush him later, to assert dominance or to mete out perceived justice for the explosives that were not placed on his person, for the punishment they had to bear but he did not. Would not.

Maybe she just wants to talk to somebody who hadn't been in prison all day, or who didn't wax...poetic(?) about their imprisonment and their kill count. Most every ghoul who survived past childhood had at least one in any case; the world is a brutal place, and sooner or later it's you or them. No point counting, no use. No significance in the kill.

Maybe she's just looking for a little more information. Naramsin needs that too, really; unless these ghouls all manage to get themselves killed immediately he could at least stand to know what they respond to. What to say to push them away, what to do to pull them in. And of all the ways to learn, "Coffee sounds fine to me," he says, smile pitched perfect for politeness.
The policeman, who has since been watching Alice's boasting with a small degree of bemusement chuckles at this one. He takes a long slurp of his own mug of coffee. "Woah, going a bit fast now, aren't you two? Comparing and bragging how many of your own kind you've murdered is one thing, but going out for coffee? Why, that's positively forward."

He leans back along the wall, smirking.
The chat washes over Lyra, even as she slouches against the wall. So, that is why each of them is here. A mad girl, a self-indulging man, and a affable bitch. Isn't this fun. Lyra grinned, curling her teeth over her lips. Lessee what they think of this.

"Well, look at us. One crazy bitch, one manipulative bitch, and one bitch. And someone who thinks crumpled uniforms look decent. I 'll class that as idiocy, and move on."

Lyra rolls forwards off the wall, and stood in her jumpsuit. Her jacket would have been nice, she could have properly slouched with her hands in her pocket. As it was, she stood as straight as she could, her birds next of hair just brushing the top of her eyelids.

"And I'll be the violent bitch, then, I guess. Fuckin' great, isn't it? Didja pick us all cause we were fuck ups, or does that just come naturally to us?"

The grin twisted, becoming something bitter, before flowing back into a lackadaisical state.

"Anyway, who's the ghoul in the room there?"
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And of all the ways to learn, "Coffee sounds fine to me," he says, smile pitched perfect for politeness.
Klara smiled back. The way things were going, she was pretty sure Ashatnaya was going to be the most tolerable of her 'coworkers'.

"Then, if we ever get the chance!" It was slightly annoying they couldn't set a date for their trip, but she would think they'd get an opportunity at some point.

Perhaps even during the operation the DoGS were being briefed on.
The policeman, who has since been watching Alice's boasting with a small degree of bemusement chuckles at this one. He takes a long slurp of his own mug of coffee. "Woah, going a bit fast now, aren't you two? Comparing and bragging how many of your own kind you've murdered is one thing, but going out for coffee? Why, that's positively forward."

He leans back along the wall, smirking.
Klara turned to the man and pouted slightly.

"Is it so wrong? We're going to be working together, it wouldn't hurt to try to get along. Would you prefer if we were always at each other's throats and jeopardizing our assignments?"

Besides, she didn't know about the others, but Klara wasn't the type to share her food. Even if they got their hands on non-slop meat, a discussion over dinner presented some problems.
The chat washes over Lyra, even as she slouches against the wall. So, that is why each of them is here. A mad girl, a self-indulging man, and a affable bitch. Isn't this fun. Lyra grinned, curling her teeth over her lips. Lessee what they think of this.

"Well, look at us. One crazy bitch, one manipulative bitch, and one bitch. And someone who thinks crumpled uniforms look decent. I 'll class that as idiocy, and move on."

Lyra rolls forwards off the wall, and stood in her jumpsuit. Her jacket would have been nice, she could have properly slouched with her hands in her pocket. As it was, she stood as straight as she could, her birds next of hair just brushing the top of her eyelids.

"And I'll be the violent bitch, then, I guess. Fuckin' great, isn't it? Didja pick us all cause we were fuck ups, or does that just come naturally to us?"

The grin twisted, becoming something bitter, before flowing back into a lackadaisical state.
As the girl who had stayed quiet finally speaks up, Klara almost wishes she hadn't. It would have let her continue to hope for a reasonable person to be dwelling in the corner, brooding.

Alas, no such luck.

"And does the cranky one have a name?" Klara frowned.

'Ashatnaya is my favorite.'

Taverner was crazy, this girl was seemingly filled up to her eyes in aggression. At least Naramsin was willing to be polite and wasn't obviously psychotic.

Still, at least they were character flaws that were easy to deal with. If they ever got too annoying, she could probably provoke them into attacking her. The DoGS probably wouldn't begrudge her defending herself, except perhaps the fact it meant she didn't die.
"Anyway, who's the ghoul in the room there?"
Somewhat amused someone finally asked the question, Klara looked to the police-uniformed man.

"I had thought the one who wanted to stay with us would be one of our kind."

Indeed, it didn't really make sense to her to have a ghoul giving the briefing to the Investigators.

Of course, that was only if the scent was fresh.

"Or it, you know. Could have been one of those things?" Klara adds, waving her finger in the air demonstratively.

"I never caught the name. They're... made out of kagunes, right? Maybe we smelled that."
Klara smiled back. The way things were going, she was pretty sure Ashatnaya was going to be the most tolerable of her 'coworkers'.

"Then, if we ever get the chance!" It was slightly annoying they couldn't set a date for their trip, but she would think they'd get an opportunity at some point.

Perhaps even during the operation the DoGS were being briefed on.

Klara turned to the man and pouted slightly.

"Is it so wrong? We're going to be working together, it wouldn't hurt to try to get along. Would you prefer if we were always at each other's throats and jeopardizing our assignments?"

Besides, she didn't know about the others, but Klara wasn't the type to share her food. Even if they got their hands on non-slop meat, a discussion over dinner presented some problems.

As the girl who had stayed quiet finally speaks up, Klara almost wishes she hadn't. It would have let her continue to hope for a reasonable person to be dwelling in the corner, brooding.

Alas, no such luck.

"And does the cranky one have a name?" Klara frowned.

'Ashatnaya is my favorite.'

Taverner was crazy, this girl was seemingly filled up to her eyes in aggression. At least Naramsin was willing to be polite and wasn't obviously psychotic.

Still, at least they were character flaws that were easy to deal with. If they ever got too annoying, she could probably provoke them into attacking her. The DoGS probably wouldn't begrudge her defending herself, except perhaps the fact it meant she didn't die.

Somewhat amused someone finally asked the question, Klara looked to the police-uniformed man.

"I had thought the one who wanted to stay with us would be one of our kind."

Indeed, it didn't really make sense to her to have a ghoul giving the briefing to the Investigators.

Of course, that was only if the scent was fresh.

"Or it, you know. Could have been one of those things?" Klara adds, waving her finger in the air demonstratively.

"I never caught the name. They're... made out of kagunes, right? Maybe we smelled that."
"Quinque. They're called Quinque. How the fuck have you managed not to die yet? Fuckin Christ."

Lyra disdainfully looked at the girl, Klara, even while smirking at her stupidity.

"Anyway, I'd be Lyra. I haven't killed any ghouls, but if miss crazy keeps it up that'll probably change."
A threat. It's a threat. It's a threat.

Ah, I'm angry, I'm angry, I'm angry. A threat to me? To me? Proportional, it's proportional in response. It has to be. An arm? A leg? No, to take is to risk, to risk, to risk. If I kill here I will be killed in return - not by the ghouls, but by the dogs, the dogs, the hounds of war. Dangerous, gently, walk gently, carefully, speak softly, don't attack, don't slaughter, don't maim, don't do it. It's hard, isn't it Alice? It's so hard to not do it, but you must take a step back, you must calm yourself. It's disconnection, disconnection. Look away Alice, smile politely, nod, and then unleash your kagune.

Feathers unsheathe themselves from metal wings, as sharp as knives, as swords, as Alice's wide eyes look around the room. "I'm sorry," she says with a smile, a disconnect, an emptiness, "Could you repeat that?"

Ah too far, too far, it's too far right now. Alice you must pull back, you can't do this, not here, not now, stop. Your kagune resheathes, and you smile with eyes that say nothing, and a mouth like an abyss opens. "Sanity? Amongst ghouls? We kill. We slaughter. And you accepted a trade - life for others deaths. And you say that I am the mad one?"

Alice, you're speaking words you don't understand, sweetness. Reconnect, replace them, repeat in a different way. You're too far gone, too far, too far. Reconnect to yourself.

"We kill to eat. And now we kill for the hounds. What did you kill to eat? Or did you allow yourself to be captured for 'humanity's sake."?"

I sneer.


To be captured, not because you desired to be, not because you tried to fight, but because you thought it would be better for the world, is truly the darkest shame amongst ghouls. We are predators and hunters, and to give up that option because of fear is the saddest thing I've heard all day. It's sad, yes? It's sad to imagine such a depraved idea - to give yourself up because you believe the government to be truly, honestly, better then what you are. I had hopes of camaraderie among fellows, but alas - there are no bonds amongst the weak. I look at the policeman with a flat stare, and gesture.

"I'm going inside. Please move."
A threat. It's a threat. It's a threat.

Ah, I'm angry, I'm angry, I'm angry. A threat to me? To me? Proportional, it's proportional in response. It has to be. An arm? A leg? No, to take is to risk, to risk, to risk. If I kill here I will be killed in return - not by the ghouls, but by the dogs, the dogs, the hounds of war. Dangerous, gently, walk gently, carefully, speak softly, don't attack, don't slaughter, don't maim, don't do it. It's hard, isn't it Alice? It's so hard to not do it, but you must take a step back, you must calm yourself. It's disconnection, disconnection. Look away Alice, smile politely, nod, and then unleash your kagune.

Feathers unsheathe themselves from metal wings, as sharp as knives, as swords, as Alice's wide eyes look around the room. "I'm sorry," she says with a smile, a disconnect, an emptiness, "Could you repeat that?"

Ah too far, too far, it's too far right now. Alice you must pull back, you can't do this, not here, not now, stop. Your kagune resheathes, and you smile with eyes that say nothing, and a mouth like an abyss opens. "Sanity? Amongst ghouls? We kill. We slaughter. And you accepted a trade - life for others deaths. And you say that I am the mad one?"

Alice, you're speaking words you don't understand, sweetness. Reconnect, replace them, repeat in a different way. You're too far gone, too far, too far. Reconnect to yourself.

"We kill to eat. And now we kill for the hounds. What did you kill to eat? Or did you allow yourself to be captured for 'humanity's sake."?"

I sneer.


To be captured, not because you desired to be, not because you tried to fight, but because you thought it would be better for the world, is truly the darkest shame amongst ghouls. We are predators and hunters, and to give up that option because of fear is the saddest thing I've heard all day. It's sad, yes? It's sad to imagine such a depraved idea - to give yourself up because you believe the government to be truly, honestly, better then what you are. I had hopes of camaraderie among fellows, but alas - there are no bonds amongst the weak. I look at the policeman with a flat stare, and gesture.

"I'm going inside. Please move."
Lyra steps back when the kagune is released, but starts grinning again.

"Again? To your face?"

The smile splits wider, as the blood starts pumping and everything starts whirling.

"It would be a great pleasure to kill you, girly."

"But I ain't gonna do it until I correct those assumptions you made. I think you made, at least. You ever tried making fuckin sense, you broken toy?"

Lyra cracks her left hands knuckles.

"I've killed girl. I've killed more than you. I've even killed one of them, " as Lyra gestures as the policeman, "but I ain't been half as mad to kill one of us. I didn't let meself be captured, girl. I got meself stabbed in the fuckin back, and then Enforcers dropped like a stone. And I ain't good enough to beat them. So I survived. I did what I must to survive, and don't tell me you don't know what that feels like. But I ain't let meself be broken by them, like you."

Lyras tone dropped from bloody to outright offensive, her other hand's knuckles cracking.

"What you let them do to you broke you like a twig. You are more broken then my neighbours dog. Your less than a dog, ain't cha. Your not even a pet. They broke you too far, and now your just a mad thing on a chain."

Lyra interposed herself between the police man and the mad girl, and spread her hands wide, a shit eating grin on her face.

"You know what? Fuckin punch me."
When Alice released her kagune, Klara was alert and ready, crimson eyes revealed and stance shifted.

When she seemingly calmed down, Klara allowed her eyes to revert to normal.

Then Lyra went and proved her idiocy.

Klara's eyes widened, and she allowed her lip to tremble slightly. Bringing her hands to her chest and hunching her shoulders in, she quickly backed away from the two.

The hallway was a bit lacking in cover, so she made due by shifting behind Naramsin's leaning form while continuing to back away.

She thought she did a pretty good job looking scared. Hmm. Maybe she should tone it down, she was being employed as an attack dog after all.

With that thought, she stopped backing away sooner than she had intended.

Alice had shown some of the cards in her hand, in the form of her kagune. Klara wasn't very learned in the ways of her people, but even she had received a brief description of the different types.

Creating distance with an Ukaku was a tactical mistake, if she had to actually step in.

But, well. She didn't want to step in. If she was ordered to, the increased distance would mean it would take her longer to get there, increasing the chance one of them had killed the other.

Then she'd be down a nuisance.

By this point, Klara had long since decided Lyra was the biggest liability in the group, which was impressive when Alice seemed to have difficulty stringing a coherent sentence together.

She didn't allow her mocking chuckle to reach her lips. What was this moron talking about? Not crazy enough to kill her own kind?

How dumb could you be?
"You're well informed, it seems." The man nods. It seems that the new leader for G7 wasn't picked just for collecting bottle caps.

"In any case, if you know about the gun trade in Detroit, it seems we can skip covering the background." He clears his throat. "My name is Inspector First Class Theodore Kilmartin, your superior officer for this case, and possibly future cases as well depending on the performance of Squad G7. The case I am going to be briefing you has been tentatively nicknamed "Bonesmith". It involves an escalation in the ghouls arm trade that the Detroit head office has deemed unacceptable."

He pulls out a series of photograph and lays them out in a table in front of them, giving you all sufficient time to peer over them all. It appears to be a set of mutilated humanoid bodies, each with chunks carved out of them across their backs and torsos. "Around a year back, the Detroit PD started finding mutilated bodies missing large amounts of flesh, presumably sliced out by their murderers. Normally, this would be a more or less standard case, a 'picky eater' ghoul who only takes choice cuts. Except in the cases of these killings, the victims were all ghouls."

"At the time, the DOGS labeled these mutilations as a sign of rising tensions between ghoul factions, the mutilations were probably escalating brutality against rivals, and placed a department-wide notice to be on the lookout for increased tensions, and heightened levels of violence, before filing it away. But that wasn't the case. About two months ago, inspectors started seeing these."

Three more photographs join the pile. The new ones aren't of bodies, but of caught-in-motion shots of ghouls, with kagune extended. Of particular note is a flashing red blade in each one of their hands, carrying the characteristic glistening colors of RC Cells. "Three separate instances of ghouls with Quinques. We were caught flatfooted. No Quinques had been reported missing from the armory in the weeks ahead of these, and we had recovered or destroyed any which had been lost in the field. The administrative staff immediately started digging through the archives to discover what the reason for these were."

"Which brings us back to the mutilated body case." Kilmartin takes a step back and slams the whiteboard behind him, which links the two together. Bonesmith stands bold and stark in the center, linked to word bubbles like 'Quinque' 'Ghoul Proliferation' 'Artisan Weaponsmith'. "Those weren't just random cuts. Each of those cuts were targeting different Kakuhou. These Quinques were made by someone experimenting with working Q-Steel, someone who's been selling their products to ghouls."

"Obviously in the eyes of the DoGS this can't be allowed to stand. Quinques are the only advantage that humanity has over ghouls- if ghouls level the playing field in that regard, the DoGS has no other advantages. But at the same time finding and targeting a specific source is immensely difficult for investigators in the field. So, DIGGR is brought into play. With a ghoul partner, you are able to infiltrate and blend into ghoul society, essentially becoming one of the rare few undercover DoGS investigation teams."

He draws to his conclusion. "In short, Provisional Ghoul Suppression Team G7 is tasked with finding and eliminating the ghoul, nickednamed 'Bonesmith', behind the creation of these Quinque, or bringing him or her in if they are in fact human. You are granted any resources normally granted to line teams, and I will assign access to Level Two resources on request. You are authorized to take certain actions normally considered non-permissible at the team leader's discretion in order to aid your search- not without limit, you are discovered to have abused this discretionary privilege, both the offender and your team leader, in this case Miss Adams, will be subject to heavy administrative punishments and possibly even charged if you have committed a crime. I expect to see regular after action reports and documentation on your activities, but otherwise you are afforded a high amount of discretion in our activities."

"Any questions?"
W-wow. Their team leader had been a Fed? A real life FBI agent! Adams was an obvious no brainer for team leader, informed and an ex federal agent to boot.

"I'm sure that we'll be looking at the case files soon, but are there any supposed links between the harvested ghouls and those who later showed up using Quinque?" Elena frowned. "And what infiltration would imply in this case. Most humans will have a hard time adapting to socializing with ghouls, even with another ghoul helping them figure it out."

Ghouls using the same weapons as dogs did made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. She had come to accept that quinque were just something that humans did, because they had to and didn't see ghouls as fellow people, but the fact that ghouls were going out of their way to make more? It wasn't like ghouls didn't fight or kill one another. Cannibalism being frowned upon was dependent on where you were but wasn't exactly encouraged.

Most of the people Elena had grown up know had despised the mutts that carried around the suit cases. It was only natural to detest such a thing, and even the humans learning how to become investigators seemed to find it a bit gross at first. That was quite solidly a good thing in Elena's opinion. She'd known plenty of people who hadn't liked to eat.
She's ****** a *****? Ahh, how quaint, how quaint. How despairing. To not kill ghouls out of some thing like honor, as if it has any meaning.

"A joke, yes?" I smile at her, with too many teeth and all of them are knives. "You say that they broke me. It is a joke, yes?"

To be broken by the hounds of war is a lie, a statement that is an impossibility. The hounds cannot break me, for that would imply that they did anything to me.

Let me paint a scene for you. There is a girl in a house, filled with family. Ah, but she is unloved. Ah, but she is alone. Ah, but they are all there. Her father looks down at her. Her mother ignores her. She is caged. She is empty. Her sister pities her - not for being caged, not for being hopeless - but because her sister believes the girl to be useless. She talks to the girl through the bars of the cage, pitying her. Her father comes in every now and then. He speaks at her. Decries her. Mocks her. Touches her. Demands respect, order, authority. Her mother enters the cage. She does not speak. She merely looks. Sad. It's sad, the look on her mother's face.

And one day, the door to the cage opens. Ah, weeks ago when it opened! How she cried, how she wept, fell to her knees tears running down her face as the cage doors opened. She exited carefully, gently, not sure if she could trust it -- and she saw the smiling face of her sister on the other side. "Hello Alice," her sister says, opening her arms wide. "You did it. You're better then the cage."

She falls asleep crying into her sister's arms.

She wakes up and her sister is on the floor. Her head is gone. It's gone. It's gone. She cries at the corpse, and pulls herself up. She walks up the stairs. She looks at her family, at the sneer of her father and at the emptiness in her mother. And then she ******* ****.


********* ******* ******** ********* ************! ****** ***** ********* *** * ** * * **********. * **** *********. ****..... ******.

When she next wakes up, she is alone. She does not remember anything. All she has is the quiet voice of her sister, whispering into her ears. And it told her to eat. To eat. But to **** a ******? The girl had never done it before, she'd never touched one before. She finds a corpse, a corpse, a corpse - and devours it. It looks vaguely like her father. She cries.

The girl walks, covered in blood, and knocks on a door. Someone opens it. It is a woman. The woman shrieks, and slams it shut. The girl is confused - and then she remembers something her sister told her.

"If you see a human, run. We're not like them, you and I."

She runs.

She's chased.

She runs.

She's followed.

She fights, feathers wildly slashing and dancing through the air, steel falling and rising with a roar as she tries to win, as she tries, and she succeeds. Someone falls on the floor, crying out. She yells an apology and runs away.

She's hungry.

She's so, so hungry. Her stomach aches, it begs for food, and there's nothing, there's nothing, and she just wants to eat. Her sister whispers into her ears, and she sobs at the words. She has to kill her own kind to eat. She can't **** a ******. So she finds a ghoul. The worst of the lot - a child-killer. She stalks him. She waits. She waits. And then she smashes feathers into his neck, watches him fall, and eats.

She gets a moniker. The hounds scream it at her as she runs away. She ignores them. She doesn't care, she can't **** a *******. Her sister tells her not to, so she does not. She's frightened, so frightened, and she runs.

She walks into a scene of blood and slaughter, a month later. She is good at rationing, she has only killed four ghouls. When she walks in, there is a man drenched in blood, surrounded by a slurry of flesh. He looks at her when she shrieks, and he says two words with a smile -

"For you."

She eats.

She eats.

She eats.

And there she is found by the hounds, eating and laughing and crying all to herself.

"Punch you?" I tilt my head with a smile. "Why? You're trash. You can't even kill a ghoul. The madness touches them more then humans, you know. Do you walk among child-killers and seductresses and think 'Yes, this is where I belong'? Arrogant. How arrogant, to attempt to provoke me. You're not even worth the time it takes to speak to you. How did you ever survive your prison, Miss 'I've never killed one of our own'? Did you sell yourself? Did you plead with your betters? Did you sit quietly, meekly, and watch as others fought and bled for you?"

It's all knives in my mouth as I flick a strand of hair out of my face. "Even the fodder is more then you are. How sad."
She's ****** a *****? Ahh, how quaint, how quaint. How despairing. To not kill ghouls out of some thing like honor, as if it has any meaning.

"A joke, yes?" I smile at her, with too many teeth and all of them are knives. "You say that they broke me. It is a joke, yes?"

To be broken by the hounds of war is a lie, a statement that is an impossibility. The hounds cannot break me, for that would imply that they did anything to me.

Let me paint a scene for you. There is a girl in a house, filled with family. Ah, but she is unloved. Ah, but she is alone. Ah, but they are all there. Her father looks down at her. Her mother ignores her. She is caged. She is empty. Her sister pities her - not for being caged, not for being hopeless - but because her sister believes the girl to be useless. She talks to the girl through the bars of the cage, pitying her. Her father comes in every now and then. He speaks at her. Decries her. Mocks her. Touches her. Demands respect, order, authority. Her mother enters the cage. She does not speak. She merely looks. Sad. It's sad, the look on her mother's face.

And one day, the door to the cage opens. Ah, weeks ago when it opened! How she cried, how she wept, fell to her knees tears running down her face as the cage doors opened. She exited carefully, gently, not sure if she could trust it -- and she saw the smiling face of her sister on the other side. "Hello Alice," her sister says, opening her arms wide. "You did it. You're better then the cage."

She falls asleep crying into her sister's arms.

She wakes up and her sister is on the floor. Her head is gone. It's gone. It's gone. She cries at the corpse, and pulls herself up. She walks up the stairs. She looks at her family, at the sneer of her father and at the emptiness in her mother. And then she ******* ****.


********* ******* ******** ********* ************! ****** ***** ********* *** * ** * * **********. * **** *********. ****..... ******.

When she next wakes up, she is alone. She does not remember anything. All she has is the quiet voice of her sister, whispering into her ears. And it told her to eat. To eat. But to **** a ******? The girl had never done it before, she'd never touched one before. She finds a corpse, a corpse, a corpse - and devours it. It looks vaguely like her father. She cries.

The girl walks, covered in blood, and knocks on a door. Someone opens it. It is a woman. The woman shrieks, and slams it shut. The girl is confused - and then she remembers something her sister told her.

"If you see a human, run. We're not like them, you and I."

She runs.

She's chased.

She runs.

She's followed.

She fights, feathers wildly slashing and dancing through the air, steel falling and rising with a roar as she tries to win, as she tries, and she succeeds. Someone falls on the floor, crying out. She yells an apology and runs away.

She's hungry.

She's so, so hungry. Her stomach aches, it begs for food, and there's nothing, there's nothing, and she just wants to eat. Her sister whispers into her ears, and she sobs at the words. She has to kill her own kind to eat. She can't **** a ******. So she finds a ghoul. The worst of the lot - a child-killer. She stalks him. She waits. She waits. And then she smashes feathers into his neck, watches him fall, and eats.

She gets a moniker. The hounds scream it at her as she runs away. She ignores them. She doesn't care, she can't **** a *******. Her sister tells her not to, so she does not. She's frightened, so frightened, and she runs.

She walks into a scene of blood and slaughter, a month later. She is good at rationing, she has only killed four ghouls. When she walks in, there is a man drenched in blood, surrounded by a slurry of flesh. He looks at her when she shrieks, and he says two words with a smile -

"For you."

She eats.

She eats.

She eats.

And there she is found by the hounds, eating and laughing and crying all to herself.

"Punch you?" I tilt my head with a smile. "Why? You're trash. You can't even kill a ghoul. The madness touches them more then humans, you know. Do you walk among child-killers and seductresses and think 'Yes, this is where I belong'? Arrogant. How arrogant, to attempt to provoke me. You're not even worth the time it takes to speak to you. How did you ever survive your prison, Miss 'I've never killed one of our own'? Did you sell yourself? Did you plead with your betters? Did you sit quietly, meekly, and watch as others fought and bled for you?"

It's all knives in my mouth as I flick a strand of hair out of my face. "Even the fodder is more then you are. How sad."
Lyra looked at her, the girl with blood flecking her mouth and face, and chuckled.

"You got quite a mouth on ya, ain't cha. A whole fuckin lot of mouth. It's cute. Real cute."

Lyra made as if to ruffle her hair, before aborting the movement with a half shrug of her shoulders. She turned around, and kept turning, shifing the movement into a spinning kick into the shorter girl's head.

"Of course, just cause your cute don't mean I can let all that shit slide."

"Now, which is ya dominant arm?"
Ah, a leg is coming at me. It's just like home again. I smile, grabbing at her leg, and she whirls with a spin, a spin, as I grab her. She's struggling, isn't she? Yes, just a bit, a bit - but she can't resist for long, I've already got her under control.

"We're all on the same team here you know," I drawl, holding her arms behind her. "And it's not like you ever had a chance against me."

After all...

I am a monster.
Ah, a leg is coming at me. It's just like home again. I smile, grabbing at her leg, and she whirls with a spin, a spin, as I grab her. She's struggling, isn't she? Yes, just a bit, a bit - but she can't resist for long, I've already got her under control.

"We're all on the same team here you know," I drawl, holding her arms behind her. "And it's not like you ever had a chance against me."

After all...

I am a monster.
"You fuckin little girl, why the fuck did you do that, you have not fuckin rights, you cunt, I'll fuckin rip your head off, you little bitch, give me a fuckin inch, you bitch, an inch, I'll stomp on your bitch arse face you cunt, fucking fucker fuck bitch, you utter shit head, I'll show you where you can fucking shove that attitude."

[Editors note: It continues in this vein for a while, I'll let your minds fill it in]
Naramsin blinks twice--a particularly adept eye sees the familiar red-and-black before his regular eye color reasserts itself--and then walks a slow and wide circle, taking in the confrontation; he idly revises his opinion of Alice--for all the inscrutability of her rambling, she hadn't swung first nor escalated the confrontation. If the overseers wanted a head to roll she wouldn't be first on the block.


He glances behind himself, and sees Klara keeping a steady buffer; no terrible surprise there, if nothing else it means she definitely isn't naive, and that's useful enough to know.
"I'm sure that we'll be looking at the case files soon, but are there any supposed links between the harvested ghouls and those who later showed up using Quinque?" Elena frowned. "And what infiltration would imply in this case. Most humans will have a hard time adapting to socializing with ghouls, even with another ghoul helping them figure it out."
"As far as we can tell, no, though the department does not know of any links between the harvested ghouls and the Quinque users. The harvested ghouls have been found to be from many different ghoul organizations, some not affiliated with any."

"As to infiltration, DIGGR trusts your ability to handle this matter on your own." Kilmartin smiles thinly. "After all, you're elite investigators for a re-"

Bang. A single gunshot reigns out in the hallway, loud enough that you can hear it. Kilmartin looks immediately to the door and swears. "Oh damn. FitzGerald couldn't you refrain from shooting someone for one goddamn second?" He turns to you all. "Please excuse me for a second."

He strides across the room and yanks open the door, before hollering into the hallway. "FitzGerald, did you shoot someone?"
Lyra made as if to ruffle her hair, before aborting the movement with a half shrug of her shoulders. She turned around, and kept turning, shifing the movement into a spinning kick into the shorter girl's head.
"We're all on the same team here you know," I drawl, holding her arms behind her. "And it's not like you ever had a chance against me."
The cop takes a slow sip of his own coffee and then slowly shifts it to his left hand. Then quick as a flash, his gun is out of his holster, in his right hand, and firing. The acrid smell of powder and the scent of Q-steel flashes twice as two bullets sink into Lyra's shin- with her being unable to dodge much, being pinned down. "Settle down, kids."

((Lyra takes 2 damage from Q-bullets and gains the Condition: Kneecapped))

As Lyra howls in pain, his gun strays upwards, hovering at Alice, finger on the trigger, before lowering again. "And since this one was such a good girl and didn't punch back, no bullet for you."

He slides the gun back into his holster and takes a sip of his coffee. "Now kids, I realize that it's fun and all to talk about who holds the reigns in your little party, and it's nice and all to talk smack, but the moment you raise hands against each other the DoGS going to have to get involved. Can't let these expensive organic assets kill each other. So to answer your question, who decides whether you live or die?"

He narrows his eyes, and an instinctual predatory fear falls over all the ghouls in the room. The fight or flight reflexes overwhelm your forebrain, a bigger badder predator in the room is in the room. This man has killed many, many ghouls.

"Right now, it's me since I'm holding the gun."
He strides across the room and yanks open the door, before hollering into the hallway. "FitzGerald, did you shoot someone?"
"One of the ghouls was acting up," the uniformed man explains, and the tensions immediately drains from the room as his killing intent falls away. "I had to administer nonlethal violence to prevent an escalation of the situation."

"Did you have to shoot them?"

"Well, what else could I do?" FitzGerald drawls. "Little ol' me against the big ol' ghoul? What did you want me to do?"

Kilmartin sighs and palms his forehead. "Are you-"


"Alright, but in the future you could please refrain from damaging them too much?" Kilmartin raises his head and glares at his partner. "We're going to deploy them soon."

FitzGerald smirks. "She can regenerate." He turns to Lyra. "Can't you?"

((@Estro roll Endurance + Physique for your regeneration roll))
Release is automatic, instinctual. I don't think about it, as a human raises his predator instincts. It's not seen, not seen, for a human to do that. Different, it's different. I blink owlishly at him, twirling a stray strand of hair.

"Thank you. For not shooting me."

It's important, it's important, to be polite. Rudeness is crass, lazy, and impotent. Such as the girl who attempted such a vulgar display of brutality on her compatriot. To fight amongst ourselves is to invite discord, discord, and ask to be killed.

Tension leaves my body, and I smile. It's polite, polite to react this way. I tilt my head towards the director, the superior, the person who requested my release.

"Is it time to go? I haven't seen the sky in..."

Seeing that hostilities have ended with no casualties, Klara frowns slightly in disappointment, then slowly edges back towards the group.

Subconsciously, she raises a hand to her ear and rubs it gently. Gunshots are loud, and this hallway left very few places for the sound to disperse.

Still, with luck Lyra would now move on to sulking quietly in the corner, and Klara could wait for the meeting to end in peace.

So she moved over to the wall close to the door, and squatted down, knees to her chest. To wait. And possibly hear the sound of voices travel through the cracks.
"At the time, the DOGS labeled these mutilations as a sign of rising tensions between ghoul factions, the mutilations were probably escalating brutality against rivals, and placed a department-wide notice to be on the lookout for increased tensions, and heightened levels of violence, before filing it away. But that wasn't the case. About two months ago, inspectors started seeing these."

Three more photographs join the pile. The new ones aren't of bodies, but of caught-in-motion shots of ghouls, with kagune extended. Of particular note is a flashing red blade in each one of their hands, carrying the characteristic glistening colors of RC Cells. "Three separate instances of ghouls with Quinques. We were caught flatfooted. No Quinques had been reported missing from the armory in the weeks ahead of these, and we had recovered or destroyed any which had been lost in the field. The administrative staff immediately started digging through the archives to discover what the reason for these were."

"Which brings us back to the mutilated body case." Kilmartin takes a step back and slams the whiteboard behind him, which links the two together. Bonesmith stands bold and stark in the center, linked to word bubbles like 'Quinque' 'Ghoul Proliferation' 'Artisan Weaponsmith'. "Those weren't just random cuts. Each of those cuts were targeting different Kakuhou. These Quinques were made by someone experimenting with working Q-Steel, someone who's been selling their products to ghouls."

"Obviously in the eyes of the DoGS this can't be allowed to stand. Quinques are the only advantage that humanity has over ghouls- if ghouls level the playing field in that regard, the DoGS has no other advantages. But at the same time finding and targeting a specific source is immensely difficult for investigators in the field. So, DIGGR is brought into play. With a ghoul partner, you are able to infiltrate and blend into ghoul society, essentially becoming one of the rare few undercover DoGS investigation teams."

He draws to his conclusion. "In short, Provisional Ghoul Suppression Team G7 is tasked with finding and eliminating the ghoul, nickednamed 'Bonesmith', behind the creation of these Quinque, or bringing him or her in if they are in fact human. You are granted any resources normally granted to line teams, and I will assign access to Level Two resources on request. You are authorized to take certain actions normally considered non-permissible at the team leader's discretion in order to aid your search- not without limit, you are discovered to have abused this discretionary privilege, both the offender and your team leader, in this case Miss Adams, will be subject to heavy administrative punishments and possibly even charged if you have committed a crime. I expect to see regular after action reports and documentation on your activities, but otherwise you are afforded a high amount of discretion in our activities."

"Any questions?"
Honestly, she would rather spend more time with Klara and help her adjust to this line of work. But alas, work called. This Bonesmith character really was an interesting character.

"I would assume that the information pertaining to the threat ratings of these harvested ghouls, the locations of where were they found, and the locations where the attacks are all in the files you will be giving to us, so I will hold my piece for now." Erin said, tapping a finger at her side. Nothing in the report really stood out, and the others have already asked the obvious questions.

So, right now, she was satisfied for the time being.

To think that there would be a bona fide FBI agent with them, and one so young at that too. She had no objection leaving the young woman to lead her. After all, she was rather inexperienced compare to some of the others. Although, it was rather strange all the members on her team were female. Wht was the chance for that?
"As far as we can tell, no, though the department does not know of any links between the harvested ghouls and the Quinque users. The harvested ghouls have been found to be from many different ghoul organizations, some not affiliated with any."

"As to infiltration, DIGGR trusts your ability to handle this matter on your own." Kilmartin smiles thinly. "After all, you're elite investigators for a re-"

Bang. A single gunshot reigns out in the hallway, loud enough that you can hear it. Kilmartin looks immediately to the door and swears. "Oh damn. FitzGerald couldn't you refrain from shooting someone for one goddamn second?" He turns to you all. "Please excuse me for a second."

He strides across the room and yanks open the door, before hollering into the hallway. "FitzGerald, did you shoot someone?"
Erin perked her eyebrow at the commotion.

Hopefully, Klara was alright.
Rachel grimaced slightly upon examining the photos. True, she was used to seeing scenes like these during her career as an FBI special agent, but it never became easy.

"A few, yes." Rachel frowned, looking back to the room with their so-called partners. She could've sworn she heard yelling. "What do you mean by 'non-permissible'? How much discretion is allowed, and which is more preferable: time or thoroughness?"

In Rachel's experience cases, especially Federal cases, tended to last months -- even years. But by the time it reached a grand jury, the evidence was tighter than a deep water submarine. Most suspects preferred to plead guilty in that case to avoid the more serious charges. Federal prosecutors loved getting all their ducks in a row before going to trial, and FBI agents tended to follow the same trend.

Now, time seemed like a more important factor. The longer Bonesmith was allowed to experiment, then the more refined his Quinques would be. There was no telling what would happen if the gangs acquired that level of firepower. It would allow the gangs to rule the streets with impunity. At worst, the city would be brought under martial law and the National Guard brought in to pacify the city. The Guard would win eventually, but at what cost? Odds were good that things would only go downhill from there. It was... humbling, in a way.

Already, she had a few ideas on how to find this guy. First, they would gather intelligence, survey the area, and track down anyone who had a connection to the Bonesmith. Rachel wasn't quite sure about sending in untrained personnel to engage in high-risk undercover operations, though. Even professional undercover agents take months to slowly build rapport with their targets. But if push came to shove --

As she was thinking about it, however, a single gunshot rang through the air. A chill ran down Rachel's spine.

Bang. A single gunshot reigns out in the hallway, loud enough that you can hear it. Kilmartin looks immediately to the door and swears. "Oh damn. FitzGerald couldn't you refrain from shooting someone for one goddamn second?" He turns to you all. "Please excuse me for a second."

Rachel quickly pulled out her pistol, disengaged the safety, and closely followed Kilmartin from behind.

She groaned upon seeing which ghoul was on the floor, bleeding. The investigator holstered her firearm, sighing. "I'm going to give you the benefit of a doubt and assume that this was not entirely your fault."
FitzGerald smirks. "She can regenerate." He turns to Lyra. "Can't you?"
Kilmartin frowns. "Even if she can regenerate, I'm hardly about to deploy her right after she was shot, especially for a scuffle with other investigation assets, if for nothing more than reasons for team cohesion. FitzGerald, escort her to the medical wing, and then after that, back to her cell."

FitzGerald raises an eyebrow. "What, you serious?"

"Extremely serious," Kilmartin doesn't blink. "I'll put in a procure asset for another ghoul, this one seems no good."

FitzGerald chuckles. "My, my. What a serious investigator you are today." He grabs a hold of Lyra's shoulder, pulling her out of Alice's arms. "Come on then, investigation asset. We might as well get you patched up and back in your cage."

He marches her off, down the hallway, where the two of them disappear around a corner.
She groaned upon seeing which ghoul was on the floor, bleeding. The investigator holstered her firearm, sighing. "I'm going to give you the benefit of a doubt and assume that this was not entirely your fault."
Kilmartin turns around. "Apologies Inspector Adams, we're going to have to pair you up with another ghoul. I'll have one ready for you before the day is up. Regarding your discretionary powers, in short, the DoGS is giving you permission to work with ghouls and ghoul organizations, as long as it's not against human lives or human interests and can be justified in your pursuit of Bonesmith. We value speed over thoroughness, we do not expect Bonesmith to be a human, and as a ghoul you are given explicit permission to put him down on sight so there's no real need for evidence."

He checks his watch. "Anyway, considering now we no longer have someone to watch over your ghouls for you, and the time is fast approaching noon, I think it is a good time for end this briefing. Go have lunch with your ghouls or otherwise get to get know them. If you have any questions, I will be here for about 20 more minutes to finish up some paperwork, and otherwise my office is on the sixth floor over the detention building, room 6317. Inspector Adams this is always where I expect you to file your reports."


@Kensai @shinaobi @Unlucky Bibliophile @Lilithium @Cat @Azrael @Khawy
Calypso Moody
Detroit DoGS Headquarters
The Cell Next Door


The ghoul in the cell across from you clutches his mouth, bleeding, bleeding. You're scared (and a little bit angry that you're scared). You saw what your neighbor did to him. Why? He was only trying to talk. You might not have cared as much the One Armed Lord as he did, but ghouls- ghouls needed to believe in something.

It was all that kept the humans from winning.

Is this what prison did to ghouls? Makes them more like the humans? To hurt, to punch, to bleed? Humans.... everything they touch is tainted by their acidic vileness. They hunt ghouls for no reason but that they are ghouls. They perpetuate their cruelty onto others- make others like themselves. They're like a disease that needs to be burned out root-

No. Brother wouldn't want you to think like that. Bury it. Bury it. You're a cooperative ghoul. You have to be, because you know where uncooperative ghouls go.

The door to the prison swings open, and there's a bit of light. That ghoul from before. She's back. She smells... cleaner. Less hungry. But she goes back in the cell all the same. Why? You thought she was going to be given freedom. Yet she's back. was just another lie of the humans, wasn't it?

The officer who came in with her is a scary looking man, the sort of man who has the eyes of a ghoul killer. He looks around the room, peering at all the ghouls in the cells across from yours. They flinch away from his gaze. They're broken. The humans broke them. He meets your eyes, and you stare defiantly into them a second too long before you follow their example.

He grins and sidles over. "Hey. Do you want freedom?"
The officer who came in with her is a scary looking man, the sort of man who has the eyes of a ghoul killer. He looks around the room, peering at all the ghouls in the cells across from yours. They flinch away from his gaze. They're broken. The humans broke them. He meets your eyes, and you stare defiantly into them a second too long before you follow their example.

He grins and sidles over. "Hey. Do you want freedom?"

Of course Calypso wanted freedom. What kind of person wouldn't? Trapped in a cell by the humans, in the custody of people who saw her as nothing but a monster to be tormented and eventually slaughtered...

But the options given wouldn't be true freedom. At best, she'd be allowed to go outside for a bit, while a human stood behind her ready to finish her the moment she looked like she was considering stepping out of line. At best. Assuming this wasn't a trick, a lie, giving her hope so they could strip it away and break her down.

She couldn't let that happen. Couldn't grow used to this prison. She needed to get out eventually, escape, live a peaceful life, be safe, just like her brother wante-

Calypso stopped that train of thought. The human was looking at her. She needed to stay calm.

The human had asked if she wanted freedom. She needed to be careful with her response. If she seemed too eager to be free, they might take the time to punish her for it. If she defied the human, she might make them angry and receive a punishment anyway. It was best to co-operate, and make it clear she was co-operating.

"What do you want me to do?" She asked. "I'll comply with what is needed of me."

Comply with the humans, don't give them a reason to punish her. A compliant Ghoul was more likely to survive, and Calypso had to live. Otherwise, everything her brother did to keep her safe would have been for nothing.
"What do you want me to do?" She asked. "I'll comply with what is needed of me."
He nods. "That's good, that's good. Keep your head down, don't make a fuss, stay obedient to the DoGS as a dog of the dogs. You'll do fine."

He steps forward, and your cell door clicks as it opens. Was it... that easy? All you had to do was say a few simple words and they'd open the gate?

You're suspicious.

The policeman steps away, and slides the keycards back onto his belt. Where you can clearly see them. They keycards that must surely open every cell here. Freedom for all the ghouls. And then he turns his back to you with the gate to your cell still open. this real life? This is too ludicrous. You can't imagine this being anything but feigned weakness. But his hands are away from his pistol and he's got his back to you. And you've been off RC suppressants for the last day. And the keys for every single ghoul in the complex are right there.

"Some may question whether a bloodthirsty hound can ever be truly trained into a dog. But a hound that only bites on your command and cannot turn its hand against its owner even when abused, what is that but a dog?" The man chuckles. You can't see his face, but his voice carries his smirk. "They'll put on collars of their own initiative and throw away what makes them a hound." he's taunting you. You tremble in your cage.