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- United Kingdom
Considering Vardanis has just made something of a breakthrough w.r.t. his capacity to use the Winds I don't feel like it's too urgent to progress another one just yet? I'm actually inclined towards something like the below plan.You shall free their beasts. That, more than anything, will be your first goal. They have made slaves of those which you share the world with, and thrown all of reality out of balance and for that you cannot forgive them. More than your name, more than your pride, they sully the world itself, and all who live in the world you.
Yes, yes, that shall be the first thing you do.
Liberation of the beasts.
[] Plan Proper Preparation
-[] Bits and Bobs 1AP
-[] The Art of the Blade 1AP
-[] The Art of Two 1AP
-[] The Cure 1AP
-[] Hometown Pride 1AP
It sets us up to complete the Cure Turn 6 with 3AP, and complete both Arts of in Turn 7.
Hometown Pride is there to take advantage of our new materials. I was considering 2AP before, but considering we spent 1AP on that Bladelord's sword and 2AP on the Phoenix King (for a Tier 2 and Tier 3 respectively), 1AP plus better mats should be fine.
The latter is partly because I want to craft something else, but also because considering the news we got about this new political challenger, I don't think we should hole up the entire turn doing research. Hometown Pride keeps our name in the public eye, allows us to flex on those damn Ellyrions, and let's us see what we can do with our newfound knowledge of the Winds.