[x] A Previous Friend
[X] Talented Alchemist
So does this edition of Exalted still roll with the state propaganda that Dragonblooded are the only legitimate exalts and the others are demon possessed monsters?
Lunars and Solars are always Anathema -- the popular conception of this is that they are mortals who have stolen some power from the moon or the sun and been possessed by a demon who is invested in pretending to be them until the atrocities start happening. That much is still pretty similar to what it's always been, although the Immaculate Order is entirely aware that they are Exalts Chosen by Luna and the Unconquered Sun. This is not quite a secret so much as it is advanced spiritual knowledge that is considered difficult for the laity to understand without the proper grounding. The Order's stance is nonetheless that a spiritually naïve mortal without the benefit of a Dragon-Blood's spiritual wisdom earned over many reincarnations is doomed to be overcome by bestial monstrosity or vainglorious madness when cursed with such power, and are a pitiable danger to themselves and others and to the Perfected Hierarchy itself. It's, uh... real easy to see why this position is not necessarily contradicted by the way such Anathema actually conduct themselves.
Other Exalts are not Anathema by default, which comes out of the fact that like... Ex3 just has more Exalt types:
It's extremely hard to remember what a Sidereal is, or to record their nature
directly, but a handful of obscure Immaculate Texts make allusions to the existence of Exalted servants of heaven who serve Destiny and whose job it is to advise and guide the Princes of the Earth, which is handy when it comes to actually managing to bring a high level Immaculate or Dynast in on the secret and make it stick.
Exigents are held in some suspicion, both because they are said to have served the Solar Anathema in the past, and also because they're the result of an immoral congress between a god and a human -- they're still subjected to a great deal of increased scrutiny compared to a Dragon-Blood, but they're not exactly hunted down and killed just for existing, and an Exigent who agrees to serve the Immaculate Order can achieve a great deal of respect and trust within the Realm. Liminals are also not Anathema by default; they're weird and spiritually unclean (since they come from corpses), but they're also mostly about fighting undead and warding the boundaries between life and death, which Immaculacy generally approves of. Any other miscellaneous weird Exalt who just shows up is more likely to be treated like this, on a case by case individual basis, than anything. An Exalt who works to undermine the Perfected Hierarchy or the Immaculate Order, who incites mortals to heresy, or who associates with and helps Lunar Anathema or whatever are the ones who may end up declared Anathema and hunted down -- this includes, rarely, individual Dragon-Blooded who go out of their way to piss the Order off in like, truly exceptional ways.
Getimians have been around for decades, but there aren't very many of them, and the Bureau of Destiny has been working to try and deal with them as an issue "in house". As such, apart from a few high level Immaculate monks that the Bronze Faction has informed of them, they're likely to be regarded on a case by case basis depending on what, like, they're doing. Unfortunately, Getimians have a very direct and obvious vested interest in corrupting mortals toward following their unknowable beliefs and agendas, and have some distinctly alarming powers, so it's probably pretty easy for your local Archimendrite or whatever to just go "yeah, that's probably an Anathema" pretty fast.
Grieve is not an Immaculate polity or a Realm satrapy, but they certainly have contact with the Realm and know things like "the largest and most powerful empire in the world expends massive amounts of resources to kill even a single Anathema". That leaves an impression!