To live, live one's passions; to survive, abandon one's passions (Historical SI- Three Kingdoms Era)

Yeah, I also just got a alert that a new post had been made, not that it was a story post.

Ah well. Being China is suffering.
I'm not Zhuge Laing, I can't pull of victories like he can, now let me pull off Hannibal's second most famous and honestly more impressive feat.
I am not sure if you've read how Zhuge Liang strategises in RoTK, it goes like this - Officer 1, go to point A, and start fire, Officer 2 go to point B and make ruckus, officer 3 go to point C and wave flags... officer 22 go to point Z and swoop in for the victory and capture the leader after his units go pinball from all other officers. Hannibal's tactics seem so much easier.

What was his most famous feat then? Passing the mountains in the winter?

Yep definitely something strange about my alerts system and how it interacts with updates on this thread. I'm going to try unwatching and rewatching, maybe that'll fix the problem.
Yeah, I also just got a alert that a new post had been made, not that it was a story post.

Ah well. Being China is suffering.
I will talk with admins about the issue - maybe they will know something that could help...
What was his most famous feat then? Passing the mountains in the winter?
Organizing a multinational army of linguistically diverse tribes and mercenary units, organizing a supply chain from Spain, across southern France (while also diplomancing the local Gauls), Alps (and diplomancing the Helveti's), and Italy. Marching said army across the same path.
Then efficiently gauging which wing of the Roman cavalry was weaker at Cannae (though people still debate whether that was luck or skill).

Bluntly put, he was the self taught proto-Prussian logisticks officer that had all the qualities and knowledge you would expect from soldiers in the 19th century. While also having the subtlety of a master diplomat, and willingness to sit down an talk even with insignificant tribal's.
For a man of the ancient world, he was way ahead of everyone.
Interlude: When Yuan Shang's parent plans his future, the heavens tremble.
Family, is a foundation, source of strength and a pillar that supports you.

If you have a strong family, you can create many connections and forge strong alliances through marriages.

The Liu clan understood this – a third of the empire was governed by the Emperor's relatives.

My grandfather and his brother also understood it. With clever alliances they made with eunuchs, they made Yuan clan into a powerhouse it was today. For three generations, the Yuans held prominent positions in the Han court and became one of the most prominent noble families in the Empire.

I did not understand it when they married my sweet sister to some country nobleman. Yet now, I do. Gao Gan's clan, while not from capital, was from an influential family in the Yu county. My ambitious nephew quickly noticed the benefits of marrying into Yuan clan and became a pillar for our influence in that county, spreading the influence of Yuan clan.

But without a strong head of the family, the house would start falling apart – that was what was happening with the Han.

I would NOT make that mistake.

I would lead the Yuan clan through these chaotic times, ensuring our survival. Chaos posed danger to our survival, it disrupted the set order of things... but also, offered the opportunity, to grow to even greater heights I would seize that opportunity, and ensure Yuan clan's position, for generations to come!

* * *​

I smacked the sides of the horse with my heel. My ride neighed loudly as it galloped forward. The hoofbeat of the raiders following me resounded loudly around the area. We were raiding as if we were running from death itself, yet I could only think one thing:

To slow!

It had been a day since I received the message, and I was still too far behind!

Fear was gripping my heart, as realization slowly filled my mind. If I was late, if I failed, all my plans were for nought! And he would-!


I shook my head, crushing the panic bubbling in my mind. It was still not decided!

The trees became a blur of brown and green, as my horse galloped.

* * *​

My eldest son, Yuan Tan... my firstborn.

I was never prouder in my life, then the day I held him in my arms. I often heard from my elders of the feelings of pride and joy while holding your first child in arms, yet I did not understand it... not until I experienced it.

Yuan Tan grew up to be charismatic man, gathering many people of renown around himself. He showed himself as a charismatic leader and a skilled warrior. He made me proud... Yet I wasn't blind to his vices. He was quick to anger, vein, flippant, poor governor and his belief in his own superiority often overshadowed his judgment... What was worse, he was a poor judge of character, the man he employed, while were men of renown, were not skilled or corrupt.
There were many things our status as noble clan could forgive, but with that kind of character, he would die on the court pretty fast...

That made seriously doubt Yuan Tan's ability to lead the clan into the future. And, despite the teaching of Confucious, despite my love for my eldest, I started thinking of making someone else, my heir. After all, the Han Emperors were chosen from branch families all the time.

* * *​

I thwacked the reins. We left the forest and rode into the village.

"Out of the way!" I screamed at the villagers. The memory of rebellion was still alive in them. The Zhang brothers, despite their short-lived rebellion, shook the country... and people remembered. So when armed soldiers rode through the village, the people scattered.


Cause I cared not to give them another warning. I did not have time to deal with peons...

Not when my son's life was on the line.

* * *​

My second, Yuan Xi, child of one of my concubines, turned out to be a disappointment in comparison to my heir.

He was quiet, shy, passive, always staying in the shadow of his siblings content with what he had. He was intelligent but always avoided conflict, only from time to time, throwing a sarcastic comment. Truthfully, my feelings about him were ambivalent. I never thought he would make anything of himself. Too much of his mother was in him.

Until one day, he left.

My servants told me that he took a horse, some gold and silver, and rode off. I did not worry. For all things I considered him, Yuan Xi was not someone who would do something stupid. I suspected that he either went hunting or to meet with some woman. Still, leaving without informing me... the boy deserved a punishment.

Next thing I heard about him, he became an officer in the imperial army and gained renown fighting rebels, winning battles under general Huangfu Song. That left me shocked. Yuan Xi, escaped to join the army? My Yuan Xi? Without telling me anything?

As the schock passed, a different feeling started rampaging through my chest – a swelling pride!

I was never so happy to be wrong in my judgment of character. I was proud my second son decided to make something of himself – his accomplishments brought enough renown to Yuan clan, that I was even ready to forgive his escapade. I even accepted that little stray he adopted... maybe it was time to find him a wife? The daughter of Zhen clan was said to be virtuous and good looking. A beautiful wife from the influential clan for a gallant officer. That would be a good reward for Yuan Xi... and it would give Yuan clan a foothold in Wuji County. Two birds with one stone.

Then, I've met him again, when he returned to the capital... He seemed so different... so angry. He reminded me of Yuan Tan in that regard. Yes, I suppose that the war and atrocities of rebels would have changed him. It hardened him, that was for sure.

Yet, my son returned as an experienced and renowned officer. Not only that, the way he skillfully won the debate against his younger brother, showed that his studies were not only concentrated on martial arts.
I was happy with the growth he showed.

Then he started moving on the court, and I realised what a chance it presented for the Yuan clan. I quickly used the opening created by my son, to elevate the Yuan clan into an even higher position. Staying closely tied to He clan while appealing the Emperor's ego truly bought Yuan clan imperial favour with all factions, but Eunuchs.

Some of them were allies once, but the virtuous eunuchs were a thing of the past. Now they were a root, which needed to be cut. The time will come, when we will have to deal with them... and that time is quickly approaching.
For all of his actions, I was proud to have Yuan Xi as my son.

* * *​

"Faster! Faster!" I screamed as the horse galloped forward straight into the river.
I ignored the cold water hit my legs.
The horse panicked for a moment due to water's temperature, but I quickly regain control over him.

I had to hurry!

I left the capital as soon as one of my spies reported that someone, had sent assassins after Yuan Shang. I quickly send for him, but the boy had left a day earlier with his companions for hunting.

I grit my teeth as my veins pulsed on my temples, rage slowly filling my heart, fighting with fear and anxiety for dominance.
I had to get there fast!
I would save my son!
And then, someone was going to pay!

* * *​

While my firstborn had talent and reputation, my secondborn gained renown and connections, it was my thirdborn, in whom I saw the future of the clan. He was handsome, brave, charismatic and cunning... and a skilled warrior. Already he was giving his instructors troubles. In a few years, with some experience, his martial arts would be unparalleled in the lands of the Han.

Yuan Shang had all the marks of the true Hero of the era.

What's more, his mother was of the imperial clan – and that was an incredible boon. My marriage with Liu Shi, opened new gates for the Yuan clan to grow.

For I foresaw Yuan clan's raise.

On the north, Gao Gan with my sister would secure Yu county.
On the south of the capital, my brother, Yuan Shu in Nanyang.
On the east, the seat of Runan the Yuan clan's power steered by me, and then by my heir, Yuan Tan.
On the far south, Yuan Xi, ever-expanding and taming the wild Yang province, gaining prominence for the Empire and renown for the Yuan clan.
And in the centre, holding guard over the capital, Yuan Shang, the loyal cousin of the Emperor. Emperor's trusted guardian and advisor...

Under the guidance of the Yuan clan, the Han empire would recover and reach new aegis. The Yuans would be remembered as pillars of the Empire, as the ones who stabilised it and lead it into the third golden age!
The glorious future was already on my lips. I could feel it's taste.


That made me wonder... if each of my sons outgrew the previous one, how would my youngest, Yuan Mai, outgrow his elder brothers?

* * *​

I hastened my ride as I rode into a ravine. I was close.

Suddenly my horse fell, carving the ground with its head, throwing me off.

"Ugh" I slowly got up, my head ringing, something wet and warm flowing down my forehead. I shook my head and tried looking around, my vision swimming.

People were screaming... falling. Sharp sounds-

I made a step forward as something hit my back. A warm metallic taste filled my mouth.

I turned and looked around. Not seeing anything, I looked up. There – silhouettes on the cliffs.

"A tra-" I felt numerous impacts on my chest.

Everything went black as something sharp pierced my eye, and went dee-

* * *​

I took sight of carnage in front of me, with calmness. This was the age of war. Age of violence. And also, the age of opportunity.

"My lady."

I turned and looked at one of my soldiers. The man was kneeling while holding the head of Yuan Shao. I walked up to him and took the head. The left eye was missing, but there was no mistaking it. It was not a double.

Yuan Shao took a bait with such easiness, it was disappointing. The archers have all but massacred his reunite. He never even realised, the trap I set for him.

I smiled as I walked up to the cliff. I held the head up and caressed his cheek.

"Always such a wishful man. Planning for a glorious future, when it can come crushing in but a moment. You should know this. Besides-" I smiled. "Why divide something for an uncertain future, when you can have it united right now?"

I let go, dropping the head into a ravine.

"Worry not, my dear husband," I called behind the head. "our Yuan Shang, will lead the Yuan clan into greatness."

* * *​

"Quarrel like Yuan." – Chinese proverb.

"...the conflict between the Yuans ripped the central plains apart." A fragment of the 'Hundred Years of Turmoil' – historical work about the 'end of Han dynasty' and an era that followed.

* * *​

It took me some time to finally break through my block. But here it is!
There is so little we know about Yuan Xi from historic records. The only thing showing his character was a comment he made right before his execution. When he and his brother were left tied on the frozen ground in the cold, Yuan Shang asked for a mat. Yuan Xi remarked: "Your head is about to make a journey of 10,000 li, what do you want with a mat?" Yuan Xi seemed to realize that it was the execution that awaited them. But how he received it, was impressive. A sarcastic yet calm remark. It's a pity we don't know more about him, but since future emperor of Wei took his wife as his own, the Wei historians were not eager to write about him.
Yuan Mai was actually once mentioned in the sources, as one of three Yuans to seek refugee with Tadun chief. That's all I know about him.
Family, is a foundation, source of strength and a pillar that supports you.

If you have a strong family, you can create many connections and forge strong alliances through marriages.
I hate to say it, but when I read this the first thing that came to mind was "you gonna get killed by a family member".
People trusting family ;)
Organizing a multinational army of linguistically diverse tribes and mercenary units, organizing a supply chain from Spain, across southern France (while also diplomancing the local Gauls), Alps (and diplomancing the Helveti's), and Italy. Marching said army across the same path.
Then efficiently gauging which wing of the Roman cavalry was weaker at Cannae (though people still debate whether that was luck or skill).

Bluntly put, he was the self taught proto-Prussian logisticks officer that had all the qualities and knowledge you would expect from soldiers in the 19th century. While also having the subtlety of a master diplomat, and willingness to sit down an talk even with insignificant tribal's.
For a man of the ancient world, he was way ahead of everyone.

You are right, that is greater achievement.

I hate to say it, but when I read this the first thing that came to mind was "you gonna get killed by a family member".
People trusting family ;)

I... didn't think that it could be interpreted in such a way :o
Interlude: Eunuch Zhao Zhong
I walked up the stairs, my reunite obediently following me. One of the perks of being in power was to have subordinates that would do everything to please you, in hopes of gaining more power themselves. I would know – it's how I climbed the social ranks.

Breathing heavily, I stopped to rest for a moment. It was becoming harder for me to travel. I remember that a few years ago I could walk the entire distance without stopping. Was it the age? Or weight? Heh, they say that the fat belly is the best way to show off one's riches.

A tired sigh escaped my mouth.

It seemed like but a few years ago, I could sprint the up the stairs of the summer palace and then down them, few times a day… now… now I wasn't yet halfway and already had to stop for rest.

I took out an elaborate cloth and started wiping the sweat from my face. One could probably buy a month worth's of food with this piece of cloth – years ago I would kill to have something like this… come to think about it, I think I did. Now, it was yet another reminder of how far I have climbed in social status.

I turned and looked back, taking in the sight of the capital city before me. I remember, that when I saw it first time climbing these stairs as but a young attendant, I was in awe of this site. Now… now I was so used to it, I barely take notice anymore. The city looked as if there was no end to it, people, like ants, moving down the streets.

I have almost forgotten, how satisfying it was to look down on the city. How it is to remind myself, how far I have gone, how much above I am the common people.

They think eunuchs are nothing but greedy. Hah! As if only eunuchs were greedy and they weren't! Merchants haggle as much as they can, seeking saving wherever they can. Peasants still from their neighbours, kill unfortunate travellers or raid neighbouring villages. The less said about nobility the better.

But in my case, they are right. I am greedy. But more then greedy, I am jealous. Jealous of others, jealous of things I would never have. It's what defines me. I know what I want, and I do everything in my power to take it.

Most of my fellows were castrated in their youth. I was castrated, when I was already a grown-up man... And it wasn't my choice. I didn't even done anything to deserve that kind of fate. I was merely a young talented official but a few months into his service in imperial court... but, there was a need for a eunuch, so I was given a... 'choice' to become one. That, was not a choice at all.

Unlike my fellows, I know what I lost – and I never forgave my 'masters' for it.

My lip quirked as I turned and resumed my march.

'Masters' - Hah! They may call themselves rulers, but it is us, eunuchs, who rule. We reap the rewards and profits – leaving the Han a shell of their former selves. The way the Han are ruined now, their reputation in the mud, brings my cold satisfaction – puppets in our hands, dancing to our tune and thanking us for it.

Revenge is such a sweet fruit. Cold, refreshing and bringing soo much satisfaction.

The guards pushed open the door.

And now, I would tear a thorn from my side and add yet another sweet act of vengeance to my collection.

The Empress Dowager sat on the throne, wearing her regalia. She must have seen us coming because she had her maids arranged in a line in front of her – as if a pitiful wall like that could protect her.

The He clan had gone too far – they have managed to wrestle our control of Empire from us as swiftly taking control of both – army and the new Emperor himself. Blasted Yuan Xi and his suggestion about the Army of Western Garden. We thought he gave us means to counter the He clan, but instead, it gave Emperor Shao legitimacy. We saw it too late to counter it directly… well, there were other ways to wrestle the control of the Empire back – our adviser gave us a truly good strategy as to how to deal with this predicament.

The young would-be emperor was successfully poisoned. Without him, the He clan lost legitimacy and any claim for the throne. We kept the emperor's death under the warps to buy ourselves the time to deal with his family.

I quickly chided myself.

Easy, it was still not. He Jin still held control over the army – thankfully, Emperor Ling left few regiments under our control – and even know, our men were quietly subduing the commanders of others.

And while Zhang Rang went after He Jin, I got to deal with her majesty. A pity that a former ally had to die, but that's how it was in the court.

"Your highness..." I didn't bother with bowing – no sense to show a sign of respect to a dead woman.

"Attendant Zhao Zhong..." The Empress frowned. "What brings you here?"

"I am here to present you with last will of His Highness, Emperor Ling." I answered smoothly, making the woman frown.

"Last will?" She asked. "How was it not found earlier."

"It seems Emperor wrote it sometime during his illness, but as it progressed, he failed to tell anyone about it." I explained – not like there was anyone who could question that version.

I unrolled the decree and started reading.

"I, the Haven's chosen, Emperor Ling of Han, decree the following:
Prince Liu Bian is henceforth stripped away from his position of heir to the Empire – I have found him unfitting to the position and unworthy of it.
In his place, Prince Liu Xie is to be made heir to the Empire – for he possesses the wits, and the mannerism, that we find wanting in future Emperor and the head of the Liu clan.
For his crimes, intentions to rebel and conspiracies against the Han dynasty, Marshal He Jin is ordered to commit suicide.
For her crimes, the murder of Lady Wang, Empress He is ordered to commit suicide.
So decree I, Emperor Ling, the ruler of the Han Empire."

With a respect due to Emperor's decree, I rolled the document carefully and handed it to the attendant, who received it with his head bowed. Quickly another came, handing me a bottle with poison.

I paused as one of the maids ran from behind the pavilion and whispered something to Empress' ear. What an unsightly things the Empress has sounded herself with. They weren't bad – but truly, the empress might have chosen far better looking women as maids, than these… comely wenches.

"I hope you will fulfil your duty, without any protests, my lady." I said holding the poison and turning to her. It didn't matter, really. I brought few soldiers, in case she had objections. That would be less pleasant to her, but the end result would be the same.

Then, I froze.

I looked at the woman bewildered, as she boomed with a deep laugh, as if I told a joke. Has she broken? I heard that people could react strangely to imminent death, but this?

"Good one, attendant Zhao." She said with good humour as her laugh substituted. "But, attendant Zhao, we both know, that this is not Emperor Ling's decree." She said.

I sighted. It looked like it would be the hard way. It was a pity, Empress He was a good ally at a time.

"Be as it may, the Emperor and Marshal have already obeyed the Emperor's orders." I said with patience, hoping to convince her to take poison. I respected the woman, who climbed, like I, from the lowest poison in society to the top. I would hate to see her suffer strangling.

"Oh?" Empress dowager tilted her head. "Is that why there is a smoke raising from Emperor Shao's quarters?" She inquired, making me freeze.

I didn't saw – but her son's complex is on the other side, I couldn't see… was she telling truth? Have we miscalculated? Have others failed?

"I knew about the commotion, just as you started climbing, and decided to wait to see who was responsible. And here you are presenting me the answer – the ten attendants and prince Xie." She said, still smiling. Was I played? Was she giving me a way out? But… it didn't matter. The attack on Imperial blood, would not be forgiven. I could only go forward with the plot.

"Well played..." I nodded with respect. She had the courage to confront me just to ascertain the situation. "But it seems, it will not change your fate." I saw no soldiers guarding her and our spies reported no one else present but her maids. It would not change the outcome.

"On the contrary." Empress He said and tapped her throne.

Immediately, the maids kneeled, raising from under their robes crossbows.

The chaos ensured as bolts started flying.

"Agh! " I screamed as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I fell on the ground, howling in pain as something torn through my leg.

Through tears, I could see the ensuing chaos.

The maids using repeating crossbows rained death on my surprised retinue. They were falling like flies.

One of my guards charged and cut the throat of one of the maids, taking a swing at the other. The woman used a crossbow to block – it didn't save her. The sword went through crossbow and through her chest, like a butter.

Another guard took a swing at the maid – but she and her companion blocked and locked his sword with short spears. A third one stabbed his wide-open chest.

There was a certain beauty in their ruthlessness.

I hissed in pain as suddenly a sharp pain in my stomach has almost made me pass out.

When the pain passed and my breathing calmed down, I opened my eyes again.

Lady He was standing above me, observing me.

"Yo-u -Khu!" I started coughing as blood filled my mouth. It didn't look good for me, I realized. As the coughing stopped I put my head on the floor – why was it so cold? – and breathed deeply. "You will not win this."

"...We will see." She answered after a moment. Her voice serious, and full of conviction.

I couldn't help myself – I started laughing. I laughed hard, I don't remember when I was laughing that hard last time. I laughed until I started coughing again.

"Yes..." I said when the cought finally stopped. "I guess we will." I said as a smile started forming on my lips.

It didn't matter, I realized. Whether the Han was dominated by Eunuchs, or puppeteered by He clan, my vengeance would be fulfilled. In some points, the He clan provided an even better form of retribution, I realized.

"Good luck..." I said as I looked at the woman whom I worked with and came to respect. In the end, she outsmarted and outplayed me. Emperor Ling was never a ruler, always a puppet, but Empress He... she was more of a ruler than that old Emperor ever was… I could serve her with pride.

"Ahg!" I cried as the pain in my stomach almost overtook me again.

As I opened my eyes, I could see Empress kneeling next to me, holding an opened bottle with poison – the very one I brought to kill her. I would laugh at the irony, but I was in too much pain.

I nodded gratefully, as she purred the poison down my throat. The relief started coming almost immediately. The pain lessened, and my vision slowly darkened. I was suddenly very sleepy.

A smile slowly formed on my face as the pain was washed away. I looked at the Empress gratefully for that retrieve as my eyes started closing slowly.

Whatever happened…

Han would burn.


* * *​ the end of 186, Emperor Ling died. His eldest son, Liu Bian, became ruler of the Han dynasty and took the name, Emperor Shao. Shortly after taking over power, Ten attendants and their allies rebelled against the Emperor and supporting him He clan, under the pretence, that late Emperor Ling, changed the heir last moment. Whether the decree was real or not stays debatable, but it would fit the Emperor Ling's weak character and tendency to make bad, not thoroughly thought decisions.
The ensuring conflict, drawn the capital city Luoyang into chaos. It was first of serries of conflicts, called-

A fragment of the biography of Emperor Ling from 'Hundred Years of Turmoil' – historical work about the 'end of Han dynasty' and an era that followed.

AN: Not dead yet. We are only beginning!
Special thanks to NathanHale, who BETA'd the chapter, and who still is accompanying me in this journey, despite the long breaks. Thanks for your support!
Holy shit you're still alive, I had almost given up hope that the story was still being worked on.

Thanks for not abandoning one of my favourite stories on this site.
Welcome back!

So Emperor Ling and Emperor Shao is dead, so who rules? Empress He?
And I wonder if the Empress doesn't have a little Yuan bun in the oven, that she can be regent for?
Wasn't Liu bian poisoned last chapter so would this turn into a kingdom with no royal lineage beyond the extended family and whoever uses Liu Xie for their purposes? Dong zhou might come to power as a actual stabilizing ruler with regency of Liu Xie without those tyranny actions taken by Li Ru with Dowager He as a attached force most likely to marry the Dong clan to stay in power.
Interlude: Loyal Han Servant 1
I snugged my head deeper into Fu Shi's bosom, our naked bodies entangled tightly. I stopped crying some time ago. Her heat was my comfort - the comfort I very much needed. As I went to sleep, the strain of situation and grief became too much to bear. My maid embraced, and with that simple action, she brought me soo much needed relief and comfort. I could move forward.

For days I hid inside the capital, trying to gather information and assess the situation. The city was in Chaos. Soldiers of Western Garden Army clashed openly on the streets with each other and with He Jin's troops. No one knew anything. Then the message came.

My son was dead.

That message almost broke me. I did not believe it. It had to be a lie. My son assassinated? Who would dare to assassinate Emperor? In the middle of the capital, surrounded by guards? The eunuchs were the obvious answer. I have underestimated their desperation. Their need for control and hunger for power.

I thought they would realize that He clan is all that held the Empire together. I did not think them so blind and bitter to start a coup, burning the Empire, just so they could rule over its ashes.

It was my brother who just put a major rebellion down. That act gave him popularity and support of the military. There were still some minor rebellions, but the people mostly settled and the situation was stabilizing.
It was my son, who has shown his willingness to reform the Empire, by recruiting the scholars from Disasters of the Partisan Prohibitions incidents. It was he who showed the willingness to work for the people and bought so much needed time.
It was the reforms we were preparing that, while would be painful for treasury, were necessary to ease the strain on the Empire.
But it was not only our willingness to act, it was also the reputation of the Han that had, bought the loyalty of people.

Yet those damn fools would start coup now?! When the situation was barely stable? Have they not realized that they directly acted against the Han dynasty? Even if they won in the capital – the stain of rebellion would stay with them forever.

What were they counting on? That little false last decree of Emperor Ling? Even if it were real, with eunuch's reputation, no one would believe it's validity.

The cold comfort was there – the rebels plans were flimsy and execution, lacking.
The soldiers of the two regiments of the Western Garden Army serving as Liu Bian's private army were furious. When the news reached them about the Emperor's assassination, they stormed the Eunuch's controlled forces. In the ensuing battle, few prominent Eunuchs were slaughtered.

Then there was chaos in He Jin's army – while I failed to contact my brother, his troops were raging around the city.

As the denial stage passed, anger flooded every fibre of my being.

I have tolerated those wretches too long. I will find each and every of so-called Ten Attendants. I will make their lives an embodiment of pain. I will make them beg for death – and when I had my fill of their pain, I would deny them the release of death. The legend of their suffering will be told right next to the exploits of Da Ji and cruelty of Human Swine.

I fell asleep with tired, from grief and rage, the heat of Shi Fu keeping me warm.

"The heat of someone sharing does bring some relief, doesn't it?" I sighted as the hand caressed my side.
"...There is solace in that." I allowed.
"Especially in lonely night~" I cuddled feeling the heat of other body spread to mine. "Having a good dream?"
"The best one." I murmured. "You, my soldier?"
"Hmm…" He hummed as he put his cheek to mines. "Seeing you in arms of another woman? The best dream~ a pity you need to wake up." I chuckled hearing his comment.
"Beast. Always so needy~" I turned and took a look at him- "Mine." and captured his mouth. Familiar taste rolled over my tongue, but he backed off after a moment and put a finger on my lips.
"I would love to continue, but you have to wake up my love."
"I am awake, we can-"
"No." He shook his head. "Wake up." I looked at him, incomprehensibly. "Wake up He Shi."
He leaned forward.

"They found us!" I opened my eyes and darted up at Qiao Na's cry. Shi Fu hastily raised from her spot next to me and quickly handed me a robe, before putting her own on. I tied the cloth around my waist and cursed hearing the sounds of a fight.

There was no time.

I run outside following Qiao Na, Fu Shi right behind me. I stopped right after exiting the house as something warm splashed on my face. I whipped my face, only to find it covered with blood. I looked up.
Qiao Na slowly fell on her knees, a man with a sword standing right in front of her. As she fell on her side, her head slipped out of her neck and started rolling down the stairs. I couldn't stop but follow it's trail with my eyes – and the chaos that was ensuing.

My retinue was surprised by soldiers wearing heavy armour and wielding wide shields. In the short exchanges that still happened, my maids repeating crossbows and short spears were useless against clearly seasoned and more numerous opponents.
It was a massacre.
Those lucky of my maids were cut where they stood. Those unlucky ones-
I grimaced as I saw one young woman captured, her clothes torn open-

I turned my head to face the soldiers who ambushed me. I grit my teeth as I heard them drag Fu Shi away. I kept my visage impassive as the soldiers ripped off her clothes and started having their way with her. I kept calm as two mountain of the men grabbed me and dragged me to the commanding officer. I held my rage in check as I faced the very eunuch who ordered the death of my son.

Zhang Rang observed the battle but turned to look at me when I was dragged before him. He smiled smugly and walked up to me. I shivered as he untied the cord holding my robe together.

"Is that some pathetic attempt to take away my dignity?" I cocked my head. "Or did official made a mistake when he was castrating you and actually left something between your legs? Are you perhaps a quarter of man?" I smiled seeing his face taking dark shade – his rage and humiliation was the sweetest honey. "No? Fifth of man?"

"If I wanted to bed someone, I would certainly not choose someone as defiled as you." He grunted his answer, then smiled as he gave the cord to the soldier. The man took it and moved behind me. "No, it's just that I noticed that this rope is fashionable enough. I am sure that Empress Dowager Dong will reminiscence you fondly, every time she will tie it around her waist."

I froze as if struck by lightning. The old crone?

"Empress D- Ugh" I chocked as the soldier threw the cord around my neck and tightened it. I jerked forward, surprising one of the soldiers holding me and freeing my hand, but he quickly grabbed it and held even firmer.

"Gha!" My eyes almost bulged as the man behind me jerked the rope.

"Slowly!" The eunuch exclaim. "I want her death to be prolonged." He snarled as he looked at me. "I want you to know that no one will come to save you – your clan is decimated, your brother was slain, your son is dead, your allies are scattered. You will die here – and I will enjoy every moment of it." The eunuch mocked me as I arched trying to gasp for air.

Did he take control of the capital?
With help of Empress Dowager Dong and control of prince Xie, he would control the Empire.

He… won?

I gasped jerking, weaker. I looked at the man who killed my son… Liu Bian.

Never! I would never accept that outcome.
I jerked forward, with a new strange surprising the soldiers. It was a moment, but it was enough I smiled with satisfaction my spit landed on eunuch's face.

The rope tightened again as the soldier pulled me back. My eyes landed on the sky as my body weakened. My lungs burned and all strength was leaving me.
I looked at the sky - the sun was rising, like a fire phoenix ready to rise from its ashes…

No… It was a devil king spreading fires of hell that devoured everything.

A smile crept into my face.
Enjoy your victory traitors, for it is short-lived. You have already lost.
My lungs burned as dark spots started dominating my vision as the leaves started falling.

I… win…

"Do you think I will be good Emperor, mother?"
I looked at my son and smiled.

"Yes." I answered as I moved my hand through his hair.
"Hmm… Yuan Xi says that the path of kings is a heavy one." I smile at my son's comment.
"Indeed. It's a heavy and difficult path. But I believe you will manage it." We sat in silence, just enjoying the scenery. The leaves falling, in the background of the yellow sky made a magnificent sight.
"Do you think Yuan Xi would be a good king?" my son asked, making me laugh.
"No, Yuan Xi doesn't have what it takes to be a good king." I smile as I moved my hand through my son's hair and closed my eyes. "But… he would make a wonderful tyrant."

* * *​

My boot landed on the dead woman's face.

'It is so satisfying, to finally be done with that pest.' I thought with a smile as I twisted my heel.

Finally, He Shi was dead, and with her-
I stepped on her chest.
-the last remnant of He clan, fell.
I kicked the body. The corpse rolled down the stairs but didn't reach the end. It stopped about halfway, the robe rolled around the body, leaving it practically naked.

I scowled.

Damn peasant woman – even in death she held no dignity. How much more would she mock the position of the Empress of the Han?
No, she would not be treated as venerated Han. Her only purpose was to serve as a vessel for fresh Liu clan's blood – she has overstepped her responsibility. Her son… he was a Liu clan and would be buried in a ceremony befitting the imperial clan. But I'll be dammed if I bury that tart with the rest of royal ancestors.

I looked around, the soldier continued raping Empress's maids – those that were alive. I frowned at their focus on delights of the flesh. Such a weakness.

"When you are done with them, kill them all. Then strip their corpses and leave the bodies outside of the city's wall." I ordered the captain, then I threw one last at the dead 'Empress'. Calling that peasant an Empress of Han made me sick. "Including that carrion." I ordered pointing at the dead woman.

Worms need to eat as well, and at least in her death, the damn harlot would serve as compost for the fields. The thought made me smile. It would be the first time she would do something productive for the Empire.

I turned to the soldier who strangled the He woman.
"Take the cord to Empress Dong and give her my regards." The soldier bowed and left.

I started climbing the stairs, ignoring the sounds of debauchery, the pleads and wails of maids – after all, it was only right. The rebels deserved the cruel end.
My step was lighter as the heavy burden was lifted from my shoulders. I have finally done it. The usurpers were dead.

* * *​

There is very little information about Empress Lingsi's bodyguards, mostly because no one knew that they existed. While their origins, training and equipment are shrouded in mystery, we do know that they served as Empress's attendants and maids. We only know about them, because during the Purge of He clan, they defended their mistress numerous times, killing a large number of soldiers. Eventually, after days in enemy territory, the entire unit was surprised and cut down by numerically superior heavy infantry, along with their mistress.
'History of women in ancient warfare'

People call Yuan Xi one of the greatest villains of his times not without a reason. But during his time he was actually considered a Han loyalist. At the time he received news of events of capital, he was said to get up, pale and exclaim in shock "Dead! The Emp-" and faint. The shock of the news of the death of Emperor Shao made him collapse and lose consciousness for three days. Of course, we know that his later actions have all but shattered that image and that, his image of Han loyalists was but a role he played masterfully.
'The villains of Hundred Years of Turmoil - crimes, lies, deceptions and treacheries of Yuan Xi'

* * *

Thanks to NathanHale, who shot down the first version of the chapter, then helped refine it, then gave me advice that resulted in cutting thrid of the chapter out... There were many corrections and returns to the blackboard.
@Castage Gotta say, love your work, and glad to see it back in play again. It's actually convinced me to go and take another look at chinese history again.

One bit of curiosity that does strike me though: the various historical sources, they are purported to be from a wide source, but i am curious of when the general wider sentiment towards Yuan Xi is.
Well whats one more atrocity to add on the eunuchs bonfire can't see this going well for them they poisoned the older child for the divine mandate while massacres abound Luoyang He jin is dead by slain so implies murder via superior force he must have been startled among his property. The western garden troops seem to have fractured under the Yuan patriarch wonder how deep the corruption spread via yuan shu since his faction of the yuan killed Yuan Shao. The eunuchs are all lined up for a massive moment of dropping the soap wonder how Doug zhou managed to pull this absurd clean up of rivals?
Oh so Lady Dong lived in this timeline?
I guess its fitting she would be the one to order the death of Lady He
@Castage Gotta say, love your work, and glad to see it back in play again. It's actually convinced me to go and take another look at chinese history again.

One bit of curiosity that does strike me though: the various historical sources, they are purported to be from a wide source, but i am curious of when the general wider sentiment towards Yuan Xi is.

Thank you!
You are asking in history or in the story about Yuan Xi?

Well whats one more atrocity to add on the eunuchs bonfire can't see this going well for them they poisoned the older child for the divine mandate while massacres abound Luoyang He jin is dead by slain so implies murder via superior force he must have been startled among his property. The western garden troops seem to have fractured under the Yuan patriarch wonder how deep the corruption spread via yuan shu since his faction of the yuan killed Yuan Shao. The eunuchs are all lined up for a massive moment of dropping the soap wonder how Doug zhou managed to pull this absurd clean up of rivals?

Just to clear up -Empress Dong is not related to Dong Zhuo. They just have the same surname.

Oh so Lady Dong lived in this timeline?
I guess its fitting she would be the one to order the death of Lady He

We are in 186/187, she was killed in 189.
@Castage I was refering the "historical Sources" at the end of each chapter that you've been putting up.

That are my own creations for the story.

In history, there few information sources about Yuan Xi. His two brothers, Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang are thoroughly described. We know much about their actions in conflict to lead the Yuan clan after the death of their father and their conflicts against Cao Cao. Yuan Xi is always there in the background - the only thing we know showing his character, is his comment to his younger brother asked for a mat when they were about to be executed: "Your head is about to make a journey of 10,000 li, what do you want with a mat?"
Now, the reason as to why historicians didn't speak much about him, is because of his wife. Lady Zhen, was captured by the (future) Emperor Cao Pi, who promptly married her... while Yuan Xi was still alive. It was a rather large Faux pas. But, some Cao Pi was emperor, it was safer to stay silent in some matters.

In the story, well, the source of sentiment towards Yuan Xi will be shown in the next few chapters. Suffice to say, what he will do, will be hard to be seen in a positive light.
Love your story though i have to admit it's a bit annoying to get to know someone only to see you kill them off. I dropped Game of Thrones for a reason, you know...
Butcher of Luoyang 1
I breathed deeply, the smelling the sweet scent of peaches. I shivered, feeling the cold air and culled under the sheet, the cover and the body heat warming me up.

"Waking up?" The sweet voice asked.

"Mhmm..." Was my only answer as I hugged her body, seeking more warmth. Her laugh was like gentle bells, pleasant, calm something I could listen to for hours.

"You know, you cannot sleep the entire day, my soldier. It's time to get up." Her voice, was calm, shooting. Like waves in the sea.

No, it wasn't time to get up. And yes, I could sleep for the entire day. After all, why stop something, that was so pleasant.

She moved, lying on top of me, her chest pushing against mine, her face right above my.

"Mine." She whispered huskily, then leaned and kissed me. Her lips tasted of peaches and iron.

* * *​

I opened my eyes as the thunder cracked. The shadowed room was only lightened by a single candle. I slowly sat up, the thudding of raindrops deafening any sounds I made. I looked around until my eyes stopped at the scroll laying on the table.

Like a landslide, memories started hitting me. My breath hitched as the emptiness resurfaced. The shock was gone – only realization stayed.

She was dead.

Slowly, the emptiness grew inside my chest. Dull pain started filling me, as my breath hitched again. My hands started shaking. I leaned forward, hiding my face in my palms as the burning feeling spread over my cheeks, eyes-

A hiccup escaped my throat.

I could not think.
I could not act.
All I could do was sit and cry, as one thing repeated again and again in my mind.

She was gone.

I would never again hear her laugh.

I would never again feel her scent.

I would never again see her eyes.

I would never again feel her touch.

I would never again taste her lips.

The tears stopped flowing. The throat became silent as it hurt too much to make a sound. My hands fell, as I looked dully at the wall.

What was the point to all this?
What was I supposed to do now? All I've done was supposed to secure the peace, to prevent the collapse, with her-

Without her… what was the point?

* * *​

I slowly made my way to the entrance, my hair hanging loosely, my robe a mess. Normally, I would make an effort to put my clothes in order. Now – I couldn't care less.

I could hear voices arguing.

Yang Hong and Han Hao were loudly arguing with someone… I didn't know. A middle-aged man wearing rich robes. I stood, looking at them dumbly… not really caring what was said. Only observing them, as if they were a curiosity.

Slowly, the voices lowered, as people noticed me, all present turning to me.

Han Hao quickly walked up to me.

"Young Master, are you well?" His voice was filled with concern.

"Ah, governor Yuan! Just the man I was trying to meet! I am official Rei Meng and bring a decree from the Emperor." His voice was filled with self-importance. Confidence, power, superiority.

"Can't you see that Governor is ill? Look at him, he is barely standing!" Han Hao called angrily.

A number of voices raised again. The cacophony of voices filled the room.

"Emperor?" My voice was barely a whisper. Tired, hoarse. How come it was so weak? "Emperor?" I asked again, and slowly people around me became quiet. "Emperor's dead." I said shortly.

"No, his majesty is alive." The official said, somewhat surprised.

"Emperor Shao is alive?" I asked, my hands started shaking. If news of Shao's death were wrong, then so were the news of He Shi-

"No, Emperor Xian." The man said killing the hope he ignited in me.

"You were... unconscious for days, Governor." Yang Hong said with a wince and I looked at him dully.

"Recently crowned Emperor Xian, orders you to return to Yang province, and continue your loyal service there." The official said as he held document to me.

I took it numbly.

"What of killers of Emp- Emperor Shao." I asked weakly, my voice almost collapsing.

"Liu Bian" The man started with contempt. "Was self-styled Emperor, a traitor. Emperor Ling wrote with his own blood an edict declaring He Jin and his family traitors and ordering purge of He clan."

Eunuch, realization washed over me. He was an Eunuch.

I looked at him, my face blank. I was slow… numb. But, something started building inside me. Something hot… yet cold. Something filling the numbness.

"I was for some time in the court…" I started. My voice was quiet and hoarse. I needed to pause after every few moments, to swallow "At that time, I discovered something… something I found strange… I had to ask one of..." I paused. "Ministers… for explanation…" I walked to the table, my back to people as I reached for a knife. "You see..." I slowly walked up to the eunuch, my body waggling with each step. Weak. "I was told then… that Emperor Ling never wrote edicts with his hand… because he saw the act of writing... an edict... below his dignity..." I stopped in front of him.

The man's face twisted – but I could not get read on his emotions. He opened his mouth to answer- but instead of words, and a grunt escaped him. He looked down, then his head moved up and our eyes meet.

I saw fear and disbelief in his eyes. I could feel something rising in me. Growing. Thirsting. Then it was gone.

I took a step back, leaving the knife sticking from his chest. I turned and started walking. I heard a soft moan and a thud behind me. No one said anything as I stopped in front of the table. I picked up Emperor Xian's orders and looked over them again.

I could feel the tension in the room.

"Master Yuan?"

I stayed silent and walked up to the candle. I lowered Xian's... Emperor Xian's edict, observing as flames started slowly devouring the material.

"Han Hao... Kill the messenger's retinue... Make sure no one escapes... Yang Hong... Start organizing the troops... we will be marching out tomorrow... with the dawn."

I turned to look at the people present. None made a move. They looked at me. Scared. Confused. Uncertain.

I stayed silent, looking at each of them for a moment.

"We will execute Emperor's orders... We shall purge the Capital from traitors..." I said calmly. There was no emotion, in my voice.

Only emptiness.

Han Hao stayed silent for a moment, then as if coming to a decision, he saluted, and left, with a spring in the step, filled with determination. Yang Hong stayed longer, still looking uncertain, but finally, he too reached a decision. He saluted and left.

I looked at eunuch. The man was laying on the floor, moaning, as a pool of blood slowly spread under him.

I knew, what I was going to do.

* * *​

'A million deaths are not enough for Yuan Xi!' - Han loyalist

'If we are all going to die, what's the point?' - quote from the 'Stories of the Lost', 3rd-century book of unknown scholar

AN: As always, thanks for the support of Nathanhale.
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Love your story though i have to admit it's a bit annoying to get to know someone only to see you kill them off. I dropped Game of Thrones for a reason, you know...

And yes, the dying characters might be depressing in the story (it's especially depressing since I liked He Shi), but it's unfortunelty a necessary element of it. It's a sad reality of this age.
On the other hand, if you are upset by character dying, it means you came to like her - and that means I done a good job making her likeable.

Thanks for the Chapter! Glad to see this continue.

Yuan Xi is about to go on a rampage! Wonder what will happen to the country next.

You are welcome!
Stay tuned for the next chapters, to see the chaos unfold.