To live, live one's passions; to survive, abandon one's passions (Historical SI- Three Kingdoms Era)

He's using them for plot knowledge rather than building Han dynasty iPhones.
So he's using the knowledge to act as a person from the three kingdoms would with that knowledge.......I'm talking mannerisms, motivations, planning and reactions. Like I said the story isn't an SI any longer. It's just a three kingdoms warlord with visions of the future
Zhongping 3
AN: I finally figured out what I want to do with this story... now, I just need to figure out the plot:)
Also, I changed the title. It might be a little mouthful... but I think it matches to the story.

* * *​
"... that's why the recruitment is taking longer than we predicted." Cao Xing explained.

"It seems that recruiting soldiers from frontline units can only get us that far." I stated a rather painful fact. "What about retired veterans who were released from service?"

"With the suppression of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, there are not many who want to take up the arms again... even in service of emperor's private guard." Xun Yu said. "We could start recruiting from among the nobility..."

"Very well, but only those who took part in combat." I shook my head. "The unit I'm creating has to be blooded. I have a feeling that the capital might become lively again... and we might not have enough time to prepare."

"What do you mean, Colonel Yuan?" Cao Xing looked rather startled by my statement.

"Might you be referring, to the conflict between He family and the Ten Attendants, colonel?" Han Hao asked.

"Indeed." I nodded. "With General-in-Chief's success in suppressing the rebellion, the He family gained much fame and support. On the other hands, the eunuchs have the ear of the Emperor. The things are stable now, but I believe that it will take but a small push for the conflict to erupt between them."

"...I take it, that you will not take the side of the Ten Attendants?" Xun Yu asked.

"Hah! Advisor Xun, have you ever heard of something prospering under the care of Ten Attendants?"

"... I understand. We'll make sure to prepare." Xun Yu nodded.

"Next subject, the equipment." I looked at Xun Yu.

Xun Yu nodded and motioned to Lang Dü, who gave me an appropriate scroll with the report.

"There are no problems here. The imperial armouries are well stocked and we already have swords, spears and armours for the entire unit, including some back-ups. There were some problems with crossbows, as many chords needed to be replaced, but the issue is taken care of now."

"Good, good." I smiled and put the scroll down. "Now, for the supplies."

Han Hao nodded and started speaking.

* * *​

"Master Han Hao was impressed with you. Both with your skill with numbers and your orderliness with reports." I praised my adopted daughter after we returned to my residence.

"I've done nothing much." She smiled softly and bowed her head.

"Hm... are you saying that Han Hao's praise is easily earned." I smiled as she started frantically denying my statement. "Relax, I was just joking. But that doesn't change the fact, that I'm proud of you."

The girl bowed her head shyly.

"Now for your lesson, I will tell you a story of a hero and you will analyze it for me. You will tell me of all of the mistakes, the hero has done right and wrong, of the things he could do better and explain why it would be better and what impact it would have on his situation... understand?"

Lang Dü nodded.

"Good. The person whose story I will tell you was called Kun and he was from the Exar clan. He created and mastered a very exotic weapon, called double balded sword-staff...

* * *​

"-thus, concludes my report on the state of the unit." I finished, as I knelt in front of Emperor.

"Very Good!" The Emperor clapped, delighted. I smiled and-

"Thank your grace. It brings joy to my heart, hearing your praise." I froze, cause these words weren't mines. "As a father, I couldn't be more proud of what my son managed to achieve in the service of Han dynasty... and be recognized for it." I looked up, as I felt a hand on my arm.

My father stepped forward and saluted the Emperor.

"Yet, I fear that I am offending you, your majesty." My father stated, kneeling and bowing his head deeply.

"What? Surely you are jesting Yuan Shao." The Emperor stated surprised, but father continued with his head, bowed deeply.

"The Yuan clan served the Han dynasty for four generations as loyal vassals. Yet, when the army responsible for protecting the Emperor is being created, the renowned Yuan clan could only give an inexperienced second son to protect his majesty. It's not appropriate! Allow me, Yuan Shao, the head of the Yuan clan, to personally take care of the duty of keeping your Highness safe!" My father ended his statement loudly while bowing deeper.

I could see that the Emperor was quite moved by my father's... 'dedication'.

"Of course, Yuan Shao, you are right. With you by my side, no one will defeat my army!" he ended with a laugh.

"Thank you, your majesty!" Father bowed with a smile.

I grinded my teeth with rage.

"If I could ask your Highness another thing." Yuan Shao continued. "My son is still inexperienced. Could you appoint him as an Inspector, so he could gain experience and become an... useful servant for the Han."

How dared he!

"I'm sure I can find something."

Both of the men turned to look at me. Shaking with rage, I slowly put my hands in a salute and bowed to the Emperor.

"I thank you for this opportunity!"

* * *​

I felt like exploding, as I walked down the stairs, leaving the palace.

How dared he! He stole away my soldiers than decided to remove me from the capital to some backwater province! Worse, a province far away from the power base of the Yuan clan!

And of all things, he made me an inspector of fucking Shouchun!

A land that will find itself in the centre of conflict involving the greatest of warlords - Lü Bu, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Yuan Shao and Sun Ce! Not to mention that it was a base of that damn fool Yuan Shu!

"You look upset young Yuan." I stopped hearing the voice.

I turned to the man and saluted him politely.

"Master Cao Cao." I greeted him.

"Are you upset with something?" he asked politely.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to rage... yet, he wasn't the target of my anger. I took a few calming breaths, before answering him.

"Nothing much Master Cao Cao. It's just- it's just that I walk down the stairs and you climb them up." I paused, but couldn't really bring myself to talk with the man. "If you excuse me."

I saluted him and walked away. I had many plans of how I would talk with the Cao Cao when I would've met him... but now? They were all gone from my mind. In my anger, my mind was focused only on one thing.

You want to play that way, Yuan Shao, eh? Fine. No more mister nice second son.

* * *​

"I heard many good things about you, Colonel." I said as I sat down next to the Imperial officer.

"Really?" the man looked at me "What do you want, boy?"

"Straight to business? I appreciate it." And I really did. It was refreshing after what happened in the Imperial Palace. "I am Yuan Xi, son of Yuan Shao. I was just appointed as Inspector of Shouchun and I am in need of talented officers to help me bring order to the land. You, good sir, are one of the men I intend to recruit to help me with this endeavour."

The man I was trying to recruit was talented... and terrifyingly competent officer – a colonel of the vanguard. At one time, he was but a step from killing Cao Cao and failed only by a stroke of luck... or was it the Will of Haven?

"Well, that's a pity. I hear that I am among those who are considered to be nominated to be one of the colonels in the Army of Western Garden."

"True you are and it's far more prestigious position than what I am offering. I would know, after all, I held the position, before losing it today."

"Oh?" Now his attention was on me.

"It's not a commision that you would want unless you want to be in the middle of a power struggle involving He clan, Emperor, eunuchs, Yuan clan and who knows who else. I count myself lucky, to only lose my position and be exiled from the capital."

The man seemed to be hesitating but looked unconvinced.

"It was my own father, Yuan Shao, who took over my position." That seemed to surprise him. I got up and saluted the man. "I will be leaving in a few days. I hope you will think over my proposition and become my subordinate. If not, I wish you luck in endeavours to come, Master Chunyu Qiong."

* * *​

"You're still upset." the Empress stated.

"Yes." I admitted, hugging her closer. It was nice to cuddle... it was... soothing.

"Why do you think that your father took your position and removed you from the capital?" She inquired.

I could feel the anger rising in me but quickly squashed it. With He Shi at my side, it was much easier to control myself. Why have Yuan Shao made that move? What is the logical reasoning behind it? I had come up with a single, rather simple and obvious answer.

"He was jealous... and afraid. A son – a second son - being closer to emperor than the head of the clan? Holding a position higher than him? No, that could not stand. So he took my post and made sure I would not interfere with his plans... that I will not overshadow him."

"Hmm... have you considered that he removed you from the capital to protect you? So you would not be involved in court conflicts..."

That... was surprisingly logical... and quite possible motive of Yuan Shao's action. I had to grudgingly admit that, much to my displeasure. But-

I remembered my interactions with father and brother after returning to the capital.

"No." I shook my head. "I'm a spare. Worse, a spare of the spare. Whatever the reason for removing me from the capital was, it certainly was not his concern for my safety."

"Hmm..." she didn't continue the subject.

We stayed silent for a long while, just enjoying each other's presence and the warmth of our bodies.

"It will be probably the last time we will be like that in years to come... or ever." I said, with a lump of sadness in my throat. "I have a gift for you-" I ceased talking when I felt her finger on my lips.

"Let's make this meeting a memorable one."

She was right. That night, that encounter - it became one of the most pleasant memories of my life.

* * *​

Recognizing his merits in the suppression of Yellow Scarves and creation of the Army of Western Garden, Emperor Ling personally rewarded colonel Yuan Xi with promotion to Inspector of Shouchun.
It is said that Yuan Xi accepted to promotion with tears of joy in his eyes.

A fragment of the biography of Yuan Xi from 'Hundred Years of Turmoil' – historical work about the 'end of Han dynasty' and an era that followed.
Interlude: The Maid
AN: After some time and reshaping it, again and again, I decided to post this. It was difficult to write.
It started as something different - completely different. It was supposed to be two perspective chapter, of both maid and Empress. But somehow, the maid took more and more. This is the result.

* * *​
She gently stroked Ren's hair, as the little brother slept.

It was that way as long as Shi Fu could remember. Her father often told them of times when the state was far more peaceful. When taxes were lower, officials were less corrupt, pigs were fatter… better times. But, year after year, the officials took more and more. Demanded more.

It was hard to appease their demands… but it was bearable.

Then, the famine came. The fields gave very low harvest – barely enough for her family to survive. Then the tax collector came and took the usual amount of tax and situation of her family became dire.

Then the rebellion started – the Yellow Scarves with their promises to end corruption. It was so tempting to join them, just like some of their neighbours. But in the end, father decided against it. To feed them, he joined the army, leaving his family under the care o grandfather.

Father was right, the rebellion was defeated… but he died while quelling it. Her family's situation didn't change. They were out of money, food was running out, they sold all of their valuables and were left with nothing to exchange for food. There was no food in the forest… The only alternative left, was human flesh.

She heard stories of villages were situation was so bad, that the villagers killed people from other villages and ate their flesh.

That was… disturbing perspective…


Her eyes fell on her brother. He was the most precious person she had on this world, yet looking at him, she couldn't help but feel downcast. He was thin and frail… practically skin on bones. He was withering in her eyes. And she was helpless.

She hugged her brother tightly.
She was so hungry.

* * *​

Shi Fu put the cup in front of the man and quickly backed away, respectfully.

She and her entire family were scared – it was not an everyday event when a noble comes with a visit. Especially to the house of starving peasants. It was strange to experience, for a noble to be a guest in their house… almost a terrifying one.

"What a poor reception." the noble said after taking a sip from the cup.

"Forgive me, honoured guest." Her grandfather lowered his head in shame. "The drought-"

"I know." The noble interrupted him. "And I don't blame you." the young noble put down a cup. "Rather than that, I would offer you a chance to change your fate."

Shi Fu suddenly had a lump in her throat. She dared not look up. Had that man really intended to help them?

"Your father," the man started, looking at her. "served under my command. He died, during the trap we set for the Yellow Turban Rebels. He fought bravely, killing many rebels before he fell. His service to the empire is undeniable."

Shi Fu felt her heart clench, hearing about her father's death. The hunger and constant work took all of her time, allowed her to forget about him...

"Thus, seeing your peril," the noble continued. "I can't help but feel sorrow for the state of a family of one of my comrades. Thus I decided to help you."

"Honored guest?" Her grandfather was lacking words to formulate his thoughts.

"I would like to hire your daughter." Shi Fu suddenly got weak. "The job will be dangerous, as well as the training she would be subjugated to. The chance of dying is quite high… but the rewards are also not that small. Should your daughter agree to take the job, she will probably be able to support your entire family."

"I..." her grandfather didn't know what to say. The noble looked at her.

"What say you, daughter of Shi clan?"

The decision was simple – if she agreed, her family would have food, and Ren would survive.

* * *​

"I don't want you to go!"

The small hands grabbed her robe. Shi Fu couldn't help but smile – the little food that master Yuan Xi left was enough to bring her brother back to life. He still looked miserable, but he was lively again.
Hearing him… she wanted to stay, to spend more time with him. To enjoy the days passing with his company, taking care of her little brother, seeing him grow.


Seeing him also affirmed her decision to take the job of master Yuan… and in a way, it broke her heart.

"Little Ren." She smiled. "I have to go."


"Master Yuan gave me a chance to help our family…" She cupped his cheek. "Dear little Ren, with that opportunity, we won't be hungry any more."

Shi Fu hugged her brother tightly. She would not see her Shi Ren starve again.

* * *​

"You will be but simple maids, serving your master… and you will be trained as such…"

* * *​

There were two dozens of them – all young women whom the noble gathered. All daughters, granddaughters, sisters, cousins and widows of the soldiers who died under command of Yuan Xi. Each one of them in desperate situations. Each one of them grateful for the help of young noble.

They were housed in his residence, they slept together, ate together, bathed together. Their days passed on lessons of etiquette and training.

Never before Shi Fu knew, that woman could use so many ways to care for her beauty. Dresses, hairstyles, jewellery – she was taught how to apply them correctly. All of the women enjoyed that new and how exciting side of their jobs.

Yet, that was but a small part of training – for they were trained to be servants, maids.

The protocol and etiquette took the third of their time. How to talk, when to talk, how to behave, how to stand in the background and not bring attention to yourself, how to walk, how to serve the food to the table… She never knew that maid had to possess so much knowledge.

After two weeks of training, the next part of their training has begun – all of them were surprised to learn that they would be taught how to fight. That day they learned that, while they would work as maids, their main job would be that of bodyguards.

The training was hard - physically exhausting. Days spent on exercises, training with knives, spears and crossbows – but never with swords.

"You are weaker than men, less experienced then soldiers. Spears and crossbows give you an advantage of range, while knives will be your weapons in a close fight. Swords and shields would only hinder you in face of experienced opponents." Is what Master Yuan said.

The days passed on constant training… Until one day Shi Fu had a practice match with a young girl.

* * *​

"But you will be more, you will be your master's bodyguards and if there is a need – assassins."

* * *​

The young girl was the most difficult opponent Shi Fu has faced so far – aside from the instructors. Still, she managed to win and knock the young girl on her back.

"You improved." Shi Fu turned at the sound of the voice – and immediately bowed her head and held hands in a salute.
"Master Yuan!" The young noble stood there, flanked by few soldiers.

"How does it taste – the defeat?" He asked, and only after a moment to realize that Master Yuan was spiking to the girl.

"Bitter." She said dejectedly.

"It's good that you taste it here and not in the live combat. It's true, that you improved – a fact you should be proud of. Skill wise, you were quite superior to your opponent – you lost due to the difference in your physical attributes. You are still but a small weak child." He paused and sighed. "I am not saying this as some form of scolding. A defeat is an important lesson on itself. Take Liu Bang as an example – he lost numerous battles, but in the end, he learned from his defeats and won the war… do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

The girl got up and nodded.

"Yes, father."

Father? Did she beat Yuan Xi's child?

Before Shi Fu could start panicking she felt the noble's hand on her arm.

"Good match. I can see the results of your training. Carry on." With that, he was gone.

Young Mistress looked after him then sighed and turned to Shi Fu.

"Thank you for a spar." She said with a salute, then turned and started walking out of training yard. "Come Niu Jin. I finished for today."

"It was a good match, young Mistress." The young soldier said as he started walking next to her.

"Not yet." She heard the young girl answered.

Shi Fu could only sigh with relief as they disappeared.

* * *​

"Make no mistake, you will not be warriors, you will wear no armour or shield."

* * *​

All of them were kneeling in the main plaza of the mansion… all but one. Shi Fu shivered as she saw her comrade's head roll on the ground. Woman with whom she spent countless hours training. Woman with whom she ate a breakfast today. A woman who begged for her help – anyone's help - but a minute ago... and she's done nothing.

She wanted to puke. Some did. Some openly cried.

She slowly raised her head and froze, when she noticed the bloody sword but a meter away from her. She couldn't move. She-

"Do you understand why I executed Xiong Bi?" The man holding the sword asked. "Think!" He all but yelled. She has never seen Master Yuan so angry. She was terrified. "I took you under my care, I teach you and prepare for the job that I have secured for you." He started speaking with fire and barely suppressed rage. "If one of you is too lazy to learn, I send them away and cut my support for their family. If one of you steals or bullies the others, I have her tied to the post and whipped. I have done so before, have I not? So I ask you," his voice became suddenly low – yet all of the still heard him. "Why have I killed Xiong Bi?"

Shi Fu didn't know – she didn't understand. Even if she did, she doubted that she would have the courage to speak to Master Yuan right now.

"It's because she betrayed… you." He pointed his weapon at them. "I don't care that she met a boy and started seeing him – I can accept that. But when she started telling him about what she was doing here, about what you did, who you were – that put all of you in danger… and that was an act of treason."

He sheathed his sword.

"I have been trying to teach you the fact, that you only have a chance to survive if you work together, but it seems that I was not tough enough in my actions."

That day, Master Yuan had removed a number of pallets from their Quarters. Three or four people had to share one pallet sharing one thin blanket. They were also ordered to sleep naked.

And in cold nights, the only source of heat was the body of the person sleeping next to you.

* * *​

"You will not fight – fight, suggest that there is prolonged conflict. If that came to be, you will lose. That's why you have to kill your opponents at first strike."

* * *​

"I don't understand father. Why did you make the maids sleeping arrangements the way you did."

Shi Fu put the cup in front of Master Yuan and backed off to the corner of her room, just as she was taught.

"They lacked unity. They lacked loyalty to each other. So I had to force those bonds to form." Master Yuan took a sip from his cup. "It's harder to betray a person- or act against someone, with whom you shared not only food and work but also a bed and body heat in cold nights…" His gaze landed on Shi Fu. "or with whom you were intimate with."

Shi Fu's face heated up.

'He knew? How?' Shi Fu paused. 'He said that he forced the outcome – was this also his intention?'

"Intimate?" Young mistress asked, making Master Yuan pause.

"I will tell you when you are older." Master Yuan chuckled to himself. "Now, some of the maids became so close that some of them went as far as declared themselves sworn siblings…" He paused " Come to think about it, didn't the three brothers also started by sleeping in one bed? I can't help but wonder..."

Young Mistress thought about something hard, before speaking again.

"…does that mean you will also share a bed with your sworn brother, Master Dong Zhuo, father?"

There was something satisfying in the way Master Yuan paled and choked on his drink.

* * *​

"This is your final test." Master Yuan said while pointing at the group of tied and gagged men. "These people are criminals. Each one of you will kill off of them. Those of you that will fail… I have no need of. Failure here means that I will stop supporting you and will send you away."

They stood, not daring to make a move. Hesitating. Doubting. Fearing. Finally one of them moved – the man screamed as her knife plunged into his chest. That one act was like a crack, making the dam break – one after another, the maids stepped forward and took their first kill.

When the initial shock passed, Shi Fu dropped on the ground exhausted. It wasn't tiring physically, but mentally she was drained.

"Well then." Master Yuan started. "It looks like I will have to send some of you away."

Shi Fu, surprised look back surprised to see a group-


Her eyes focused on Qiao Na. The woman was kneeling, white as paper, not able to move.

She wouldn't pass. The woman – a friend with whom she shared food, drink, meals, bed and -

"Since you failed, I cannot keep you here any longer. Gather your belongings-"


She got up and quickly walked up to Qiao Na, grabbed her hand and started dragging her to one of the prisoners. When they stopped in front of the convict, she forced a knife into her friend's hands. Then she grabbed her hands, making sure that Qiao Na would not let go of the blade, and pushed it forward, stabbing the man.

Again. And again.

When she was sure he was dead, she knelt, hugging her weeping friend. After some time, when Qiao Na calmed down, she stood up and looked around. The others followed her example, forcing the rest to kill. All of her fellow- no, all of her sisters, have passed.

She looked at Master Yuan, who was observing them silently.

"We all pass." She declared with a strength she didn't think she had.

Master Yuan Xi looked at her then nodded slightly.

"That... you do."

* * *​

Shi Fu and her sisters were kneeling in the garden. Today, they would meet the person they were trained to serve.

After some time, they heard the voice of Master Yuan as he approached.

"…before I depart, let me leave you with a gift," Master Yuan Xi said as he walked into the garden with another person.

Shi Fu's eyes widened at the sight of the person who was accompanying Master Yuan. She immediately lowered her head, touching the ground with her forehead.

She didn't need to hear the next words to know who she would be serving from this day onwards.

"...My Empress."
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Damn, that is one hell of a present to give someone. I really hope the MC and the empress can meet again. Also very cool to see him make an elite and really badass fighting force of the most unexpected people, maids. The rest of China's gonna have no idea what the hell is coming for them if they ever go after the Empress.
Just found this story and must say its awesome!

While its a little dissapointing the MC is not introducing some technological novelties that could be introduced earlier in history I think its because he is mostly focused on his own survival and creating a powerbase, that meens he don't have time to reinvent things whiele in a midle of potential clusterfuck, still the pace and flow of story is very good and the characters interesting. This is definetly going to my Watched.
So he's using the knowledge to act as a person from the three kingdoms would with that knowledge.......I'm talking mannerisms, motivations, planning and reactions. Like I said the story isn't an SI any longer. It's just a three kingdoms warlord with visions of the future
I think that 'trying to survive' is a good motivation. As well as planning to avert some of the disasters by means that does not include burning cities.

Tears of joy!
I laughed when I read this.
Glad you liked it.

Oh now you have his attention as well.
Me? I doubt it. Yuan Xi is only and young moody boy - not worth the attention of Hero of Times Chaos. Really, nothing to see here.

I'm really liking this story so far, though the way his father so easily stole everything was very infuriating.
Isn't it? Especially that's impossible to counter in any way.

Damn, that is one hell of a present to give someone. I really hope the MC and the empress can meet again. Also very cool to see him make an elite and really badass fighting force of the most unexpected people, maids. The rest of China's gonna have no idea what the hell is coming for them if they ever go after the Empress.
I wouldn't call them an elite - merely a trained bodyguards.

These should be "Stood" as in "standing". "stud" has completely different meaning when applied to people, specifically men.

should be "taught"

Glad to see an update to this

Thanks for pointing that out - it was a rather awkward mistake.

Just found this story and must say its awesome!

While its a little dissapointing the MC is not introducing some technological novelties that could be introduced earlier in history I think its because he is mostly focused on his own survival and creating a powerbase, that meens he don't have time to reinvent things whiele in a midle of potential clusterfuck, still the pace and flow of story is very good and the characters interesting. This is definetly going to my Watched.
Welcome aboard!
If/When the MC meets back up with the Empress after some time has passed it'll be interesting to see how the maids have developed. They should be fairly experienced and will provide an excellent source of information to improve upon the next generation of bodyguard maids (from a modern proof of idea to viable defense).
Zhongping 4
Honoured friend,

It's been too long since your last letter. I feared that your message would be lost due to all of the chaos taking place in the empire, but thankfully that was not the case. It's been some time since I received your last message and the situation that I found myself in is quite… interesting.

The first thing I should start with is that I lost my position in the court - I'm no longer a Colonel of The Western Garden Army. I became a victim of a power play performed by my own clan. I still do not understand why my father decided to take such an action against me… no, that is not correct. I somehow understand why he would want to punish me in some way, or rather to temper me. But the actions he took seem quite extreme. I suspect that the true motive of his action is that he wanted to be close to the centre of power, instead of being a mere adjunct. That he increased the power of the Yuan clan by giving me a power base of my own, was just a second bird with one stone. He played it brilliantly, he took my position by playing a loyal servant, while granting me a position of inspector of Yang province, far on the fringes of the empire.

You would think that being an inspector of the entire province is a good trade-off for the position of being a mere Colonel? That is actually not the case. As a Colonel of the Army of the Western Garden, I was in a position to influence the court and the imperial royal clan, and thus, imperial politics. My assignment, on the other hand, puts me on the fringes of the empire. Furthermore, it gives me no real executive power, it's basically an advisory position. To make the situation even more difficult, I'm not the only inspector of the province. Apparently, the position of inspector of Yang province was sold to three other people already. I might've been appointed by Emperor Ling himself, but I doubt that the other inspectors would step down because of it. Considering how far the province is from the capital, they are more than likely oppose me and try to kill me, then report my unfortunate demise. Considering that I have absolutely no support among the locals, I have my work cut.

Fortunately, an acquaintance of mine, helped me to come with a plan to deal with this situation.

* * *​

"You are going about it the wrong way."

I stopped pacing around the room and looked at Empress He. She was sprawled across the couch, resting her head on the arm. Nodding slowly, I calmed down and took a seat. For last hour I made one plan after the other, trying to come up with a solution to deal with this mess – I must admit, in my frustration, my ideas started to become more and more ridiculous. When I made myself comfortable, the Empress started talking.

"What you are doing, is trying to improve your situation, given the circumstances." I nodded. "What you should be doing, is consider your current position, then consider the position you would like to be in and the steps necessary to be taken for the that to come to pass."

I raised my eyebrows, making her sigh. Her hand travelled to her ear. She traced her finger from the top of her ear to her earlobe. and slid to her earring. She paused as if considering something. After a moment, her finger moved in a swiftly down, flicking her earring and making it sway and tinkle lightly.

"An example, then. You know of Lady Wang?"

I nodded slowly frowning.

"The deceased mother of Emperor's second son, who you had poisoned... according to rumours." She snorted.

"That's an overly simplified description of the situation." The Empress leaned back and narrowed her eyes as she took a moment to gather her thoughts. "Why do you think I had Beautiful Lady Wang killed and not her son?"

That was an interesting question. The most accepted rumour was that it was anger at her giving birth to a second potential heir. But anger… it didn't fit her character, well not entirely. But the case was, it was Lady Wang's son who was a threat to Empress's He's son ascendancy to the throne. Then why she went after mother and not the child itself?

"Because you didn't have it in your heart to kill a child? Your motherly instincts stopped you?" Even as I finished the sentence, it sounded rather stretched to my ears. The smile that I got from my host, told me enough about how naive she considered my answer to be.

"It could be possible. But I never held it, never meet it, so I would have no such qualms."

I stopped and tried to think, actually think of an answer instead of mindlessly jumping from one answer to another. I put my hands together and leaned forward. It was… difficult to concentrate. How was He Shi so calm, so collected?

No, that's not it.

Was my anger at the situation so great, that it influenced my thinking to such a degree? I realized that, yes, it was. For last hour I was like a wild animal bouncing around its cage. I was not thinking straight. I started massaging my temples, trying to collect myself and calm down. Mentally I had memories of two lifetimes, I was over five to six decades old and I allowed simple angst to dominate my judgment of the situation.

"Because she gave birth to a son. A possible contender to the throne." I answered now more sure of my answer.

"It might be a surprise to you, but a few other concubines also gave birth to sons. The children died soon after their birth, but I did not make any moves against their mothers while the babes were alive." That was a surprise, but considering the number of Emperor's concubines, it shouldn't be. "No, that is not the reason."

She paused gathering her thoughts, her face became blank, like a mask, devoid of serenity and calmness that she showed but a moment before. When she started speaking again, her voice was harsh… no, not harsh. It was hard to describe, but there was something… uncompromising in it.

"Many concubines gave birth to sons of the Emperor, yet none of the children did survive long enough to be considered an heir to the throne. When I gave birth to my son and the boy survived, I gained the Emperor's favour. Soon I was made an Empress. A second Empress of Emperor Ling. Emperor's first wife, Empress Song, was a woman of weak personality who soon fell to the plots of concubines and eunuchs. To avoid the same fate, I needed to ensure that no other concubine would pose a treat to me and my child. When Lady Wang became pregnant, she became a clear threat to my position."

"But didn't lady Wang tried to get rid of the child during her pregnancy?" I do remember rumours and what I read about her. She was said to be terrified of Empress He and tried to get rid of the pregnancy.

"Oh, she made quite a show of it. I did not mind her giving birth to a son, there were other concubines who birthed boys, who died soon after. Either by sickness or poison of their own mothers. But no, Lady Wang had no intention of killing her child... and the moment she said she dreamed of sun, implying the extraordinariness of her child, her intentions about putting her son on the throne became clear."

That… True, if she was truly afraid she wouldn't make such an indication… that or…

"Or she was to empty-headed to realize the danger of the comment she made." I mused.

"Stupidity is a danger on itself. Even if she did not have any ambitious intentions, people around her made their own assumptions due to her comment. And they might put her on the throne, just so they could eliminate my clan."

"That still doesn't explain why you went after mother and not child."

"Killing a concubine is not as much looked upon as killing a member of imperial clan and made any moves against He clan far harder to the emperor. It achieved several goals." She raised her hand and extended her index finger.
"First, even if I killed the babe, that would leave the mother who, even if she did not want revenge, could give birth to another son. Without his mother, Liu Xian was harmless in a grand scheme of things, and I could kill him anytime I wanted."
She straightened her middle finger.
"Secondly, he became a focal point for my opponents, the knowledge of who was against me in court, that was a reward on itself."
She held her little finger with her thumb while straightening her ring finger.
"Thirdly, it put the other concubines in their place - it made them realize that should they go against me, they would pay the price."
She extended her little finger.
"Fourthly, it showed the strength of my clan and further established it as a dominant force in court. After all, even if Emperor was mad at me, he has done nothing out of fear of He clan." She finished with quite a satisfied voice. There was quite a pride in her accomplishment, and I could understand that.

"Four birds with one stone." I whispered with awe. I haven't considered that with one move she achieved so much. So that are the politics of the Han court and it's prime. I licked my lips, looking at my companion with a renewed appreciation of her.

"So, what would you consider an acceptable situation as an inspector of Yang province?" the Empress asked.

"The acceptable situation... would be with me being uncontested inspector of Yang province. An ideal would be also having the support of local clans." I need a loyal power-base from which I could recruit armies, gather supplies and taxes. Support of local clans as necessary if I didn't want to finish like Sun Ce. If I wanted to survive, I needed to start building up before everyone else, yet at the same time, I needed to do avoid being labelled a traitor by the imperial court. But to do that… the Shanyue! Yes… I could do that!

A smile slowly spread on my face. I had a long term strategy. Now, dealing with a couple of contenders for Yang province seemed so much simpler…

"So you have two goals: First, get rid of other inspectors… or make them your subordinates. Second, you need to acquire the support of locals. Now, consider how to achieve these targets."

I nodded slowly, my mind racing with possibilities. I could work with it. Finally, I smiled nodding.

My eyes widened.

Of course! If couldn't promote my cause, I just needed to make their claim invalid. To birds with one stone, indeed.

Empress He… my Empress had achieved four targets with one move. I wondered how men like Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi compared to her… I could almost laugh at that. True, they all achieved similar positions, able to influence the court. But the two were men and scholars from distinguished clans, while He Shi was a woman from a family of butchers.

"I thank you for your advice, my dear." I got up and walked up to her. There was no comparison in my mind.

"Such a disrespect in addressing your Empress." she said scowling playfully, she stood up. "You know that I could kill you for such disrespect."

"And wouldn't that be a pleasant death." She shook her head.

"Only you…" she smiled lightly. "Every man would want to die at the hand of the powerful enemy is service of their lord. There is no honour in dying at the hands of a woman."

I caressed her cheek and put my thumb on her lower lip.

"Well, I prefer dying at the hands of a beautiful woman, rather than a man. Even better if this was a woman I loved." I said and my lips meet hers.

* * *​

After some initial planning, I think I will be able to not only secure future power base and loyalty of Yang province but also boost my reputation in the Empire – three birds with one stone. Of course, the first steps will be the most difficult, and if I am to gain all of my targets, I have to take quite a gamble. But that's how life goes, I think. To gain what you want, sometimes it's necessary to take a risk.

Due to my… promotion, I had to leave the majority of my troops in the capital, to protect the crown prince, the heir to the Han Empire and next wilder of the Mandate of Haven, Liu Bian.

Fortunately, a few of my most trusted companions and advisors decided to travel with me. They also managed to secure a small band of bodyguards…

* * *​

"There were few soldiers who decided to continue serving under your command, Inspector." Han Hao said as he handed me a bowl which I accepted with thanks. The scent of soup attacked my nostrils making my mouth water.

Han Hao was a great cook. All soldiers had to know how to cook their meals, but Han Hao was truly gifted in the art – he also genuinely enjoyed preparing the meals. The flavours that his dishes had were incredible. If he lived in modern times he would probably be a professional chef.

I took a sip of soup, allowing the taste of flavours wash over my mouth. I never knew that a pork soup with vegetables could be that good.

After giving bowls to Xun Yu and Cao Xing, he sat down with us. We enjoyed our meal, but unfortunately, we also had a business to conclude. But before that…

I put my bowl down on the table, then bowed deeply.

"Words cannot express how grateful I am, that you decided to stay with me." And I was. I was genuinely was grateful to these men for their continuous support. For they had no reason to stay with me in my exile. "I know that you could stay and find more worthy masters, the fact that you decided to travel with me to the fringes of empire, means much to me."

"Stop it, young master." Han Hao said. "We decided to throw our lots with you, what kind of retainers we would be if we left you on first sight of trouble."

"Mhm," Xun Yu nodded. "I agree with Master Han Hao. leaving your master in the time of turbulence would be dishonourable."

"Worry not Inspector. You have selected me from the troops and made me part of your retinue, not caring for my lowly birth." Cao Xing smiled. "I am not going to fail the trust that you put in me."

"Still, I thank you." I sat straight. "So, how does our situation look like?"

"There were quite a few soldiers who decided to follow you." Cao Xing started. "Majority of them are members of eight camp, which you commanded while under general Huangfu Song…" He paused. "That gives you about forty soldiers serving as your bodyguards."

Forty soldiers… that is not much. But for the inspector, it's more than enough band of bodyguards.

"It's a pity that master Chunyu Qiong hasn't decided to join us." Xun Yu remarked.

I had to wince at that comment. That particular meeting almost ended in a fight, when Chunyu Qiong not only refused my offer but also all but insulted me. Cao Xing and few present bodyguards were ready to kill the man were he stood. Even Han Hao had his hand on the sword's handle. Xun Yu could make that kind of comment because he was not present at the time.

"Yes, I hope that Chunyu Qiong survives the court life." I ignored the sound that Cao Xing made.

"We also managed to secure supplies for travel." Han Hao said while stroking his beard.

"Good. I don't fancy hunting rats for dinner, on my way to the Yang province." Cao Xing commented.

"If you don't like them, don't eat." Han Hao said, making all of us pause. Cao Xing gaped at him, while Xun Yu paled... I stopped chewing the meat.

This was, pork soup, wasn't it?

Han Hao's lip quirked a little, making Cao Xing burst laughing, while Xun Yu sight with relief – I on the other hand finally managed to swallow a piece of meat that was stuck in my mouth.

"We also managed to secure the equipment that you requested from the imperial armoury." Xun Yu said frowning. He was not entirely happy with basically stealing the equipment. But, it wasn't stealing, not really. I just bribed the person responsible for the armoury to misplace about two hundred pieces of self-repeating crossbows.

* * *​

Unfortunately, I didn't manage to gather all the people I wanted to. Master Chunyu Qiong decided to accept his commission as colonel of Army of Western Garden. Which is a pity, because I think that he will waste his talents on such a position. He is a brave and experienced vanguard officer, skilled in logistics – such competent people are a hard find.

I also decided to take my adopted daughter Lang Dü with me. But before we left, she has informed of a certain problem, that forced me to expand my retinue...

* * *​

I narrowed my eyes at the woman who entered the room. Despite her age, she was quite a good looking, looking rather healthy and had a certain allure, that was quite hard to describe… She was also quite confident in the presence of, for all she knew a young powerful noble who all but barged into the building and demanded the most seasoned and old whore the brothel could supply. She wasn't that old.

"Truly?" I raised my eyebrow, keeping my tone dismissive. "You are the most experienced and oldest among the prostitutes this… the place can supply."

"I assure you, my lord." She lowered her head but continued confidently. "You will not find a more skilled woman in giving pleasure in Luoyang." She answered making me pause. Maybe she was the one I was looking for.

"Strip." I command shortly.

The woman obediently unties her, a rather fancy robe, and allows it to slide on the floor. That simple action made by her was still quite entrancing. But I was not here for the pleasures of her flesh.

I slowly looked her body over, as I walked around her, looking for any imperfections.

"You seem quite healthy." I commented and grabbed her chin. "Open your mouth." I checked her throat and teeth and they seemed to be okay – at least for my limited medical knowledge. "Do you know how to prevent pregnancies?" I asked as I stepped back.

The woman nodded and gave me a satisfying answer.

"Intercourse at woman's monthly time can result in pregnancy, so at that time you should avoid being with a man. Also, there are certain animal guts that can be used for protection."

That… well, I knew that ancient Egyptians used that kind of protection about a one and a half millennium ago, still, finding out that the version of condom existed in this era was still kind of surprise.

"Are you skilled in satisfying men?"

"I am the be-"

"Spare me the answer you usually give and answer truthfully." I interrupted her.

"...My clients do tend to return to me, and ask for my company again." She answered truthfully. Her voice lacked the sultry undertone. She was begging to understand that my visit was not to have some fun with her. Smart woman.

I nodded.

"And your experience with women." She opened her mouth. "Answer truthfully." I commanded, my tone leaving no place for discussion.

"Same." She gave a curt answer.

I nodded slowly.

"Put on your clothes." I ordered her and sat down. After a moment the, now clothed woman sat in front of me.

"I wish to hire you."

"My lord, I-"

"Hear me out." I stopped her before she could object. "My daughter..." now, how to say it. "...had her first monthly period. I want to hire you as her attendant so that you could teach her how she should take care of her body." Because there is no way I will be teaching her that. To think that the decision to give away all of the female attendants to Empress has come back to haunt me so fast. "You are experienced, have years of work in a profession that leaves one's body destroyed, yet your body is healthy."

The woman blinked a few time surprised but didn't say anything, so I continued.

"I would also like you to teach my adopted daughter everything about seduction, pleasures of flesh and art of manipulation… as well as to recognize and resist seduction attempts on her." because having Lang Dü fall in love with some playboy and betraying me, was not something I wanted to happen. "Tell me, how many years can you continue your work here? You are still beautiful, but how long you will stay that way? I am offering you a place and a job, for the rest of your days. What do you say?"

She stayed still for some time, considering my offer. Finally, she put her hands together in a salute.

"Hou Tai offers her loyalty."

I put my hands together, my salute answering hers.

"Yuan Xi accepts."

* * *​

I had to hire a new attendant and teacher since my daughter started having… womanly problems.

Laugh it up, my friend. Not all of us have so much experience as you in bringing up children – especially a number of daughters. While we are talking about them, how are they? I do hope they stay in good health.

The story, that you told me, was... fascinating. I did get an impression that it touched you deeply, as you were very passionate about it, and I agree, it's an incredible story. But I disagree with your conclusions.

True, the effect of the ruler going after his feelings and what he perceived as the best choice for his ream, had… almost catastrophic consequences. But I think you are blind to a few things.

First, there is the woman whom he married. While in the end, she died, saying that the marriage was a mistake is untrue. Saying so is basically spitting on all what the ruler gave her - and even if the time sacrificed to her, was short, it allowed her… a life. To regret that is to spit on all the moments she, and ruler had together.

To live, live one's passions. To survive, abandon one's passions.

The ruler decided to both, live and do his duty to his realm. I feel… and think, that it's the right choice. For, if you don't live, what's the point?

The other point that you are missing, is that the war, was inevitable. The division was inevitable. The loyalty that the ruler could gain by the marriage, fragile. Sooner or later, the clan he would marry into would come into conflict with him. Because that is the nature of man. It happened before, it will happen again. Sometimes, you have to cut off the rotting flesh with a burinng knife.

His choice had tragic consequences, but it's a choice that he sought to escape the cycle, to break the pattern. He failed, but it's not something to be condemned. It's something to be admired. For failure, is a part of life. Liu Bang, the founder of the Han dynasty, has suffered countless failures and defeats before he managed to unify the Empire. But he didn't allow the failure, no matter how painful, to defeat him.

In my opinion, in your story, the failure of the ruler was not in the decisions he made. It was in that, that he allowed a failure to defeat him.

That, is my interpretation, of your story, My friend.

But, while I might… admire, what the first Emperor achieved, I despise how he achieved it. He was given his domain, the Han kingdom, by his friend, the great Hegemon-King Xiang Yu, the overlord of the Empire… and soon after, he betrayed and attacked him.

The Empire he established, stayed in peace for four hundred years – I will give him that. But the court he established, the way the empire is ruled – it's all falling apart, drowning in corruption. The eunuchs, nobles, priests and bureaucrats all enjoy the bounty of the starving peasants, singing about the glory long past… while millions die from hunger. Already a great rebellion took place – millions died, but the Imperial throne prevailed.

A kingdom, established on betrayal. An empire, ruled by corruption. It works, the Empire continues to keep peace in its borders... but tell me my friend, is the price worth the peace?

Liu Bang believed in unified Empire, Xiang Yu aimed for the federation of kingdoms.

How would you organize an ideal realm, taking into an account of the nature of men?


Forgive my rumblings. The current events are taking a toll on my mind and health.

I will be finishing this letter. I hope to hear from you soon.

I wish you luck in the wars to come,
Emperor Gemellus Aurelius, Emperor of the Roman Empire.

Yuan Xi styled Xianyi, inspector of Yang Province.

* * *​

I put down the brush after I finished my letter. The next one I planned on writing when I arrived at Shouchun. I took up the cup a drank the contents sighting with pleasure. I looked up as the doors opened and a familiar man entered. I carefully put down the cup, making sure, not to spill the precious liquid. I got up and walked up to greet the man.

He smiled at my sight – we grabbed our forearms and shook.

"Brother Dong Zhuo!" I smiled "I'm glad that you made it!"

* * *​

P.S. Once again, I thank you for the coffee beans. The brew made with it became my favourite.

* * *​

From "Letters of Emperor Gemellus Aurelius to Yuan Xianyi".
This was truly great read, the compozition, dialogues and especially the whole chapter as a letter and especially its ending are perfect in my opinion. The ending especially make me think about the MC as a unique historical figure that will be known, discussed and debated by generations and generations of future historians. After all not only is he shaping to be even more important figure in history of China but he also influences and contacts important and influential people from other countries such as even the Roman Empire, and he is trading letters wth the Emperor himself! What I'm now really curious is with whom is he trading letters in India and Japan, after all they are both very important countries both for China and the World as a whole and anything that happends in them can majorly affects China.

I am curoius tough if the MC will decide in his free time to write and publish books with knowlegde about things like medicine(sterylize your medical tools, alcohol kills bacteria), matematics, chemistry or even simple astronomy(the whole map of solar system). Not some major staff but things that could be explained as him being a man born to early, a Chinese Da Vinci of his time.
I am loving this story, I really am. I recently got very interested in the Three Kingdoms and I find all the lore about it (both the historically accurate and the more fantasy-like one) to be completely fascinating. The (hi)story is very very rich, full of life, and all around awesome.

That is why I found myself so happy at discovering this jewel of yours. Is really good and I am rooting for you to continue it. I'm loving the interactions between the SI and other characters, and I can't wait for that to include the like of Sun Jian, Cao Cao (who already had a small appearance), Lu Bu, Sun Quan, among others.

His idea of getting great talents like Xun Yu and Han Hao is definitely the correct approach. Who knows who else might serve under his banner?

And yeah Empress He didn't joke around. She was certainly a capable woman. And a very beautiful one too (Lucky SI :ogles:)

All in all I am loving this, this has 300% of my attention and interest :lol
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I know I'm quiet here, but this is one of my favorite stories. Thank you for continuing it.

There's some protagonist trope that Yuan Xi is really living up to, and is one of my favorites, something about understanding he is competent but not understanding just how big of an effect he is having on the world around him. Empress He wouldn't keep him around if he was just a competent officer after all, and even if he is cheating by having read the original script as it were, he is actually pretty good at this whole covert influence thing when he's not panicking or angry.
Oh my, I had some great comments on the last chapter - that is quite inspiring!

This was truly great read, the compozition, dialogues and especially the whole chapter as a letter and especially its ending are perfect in my opinion. The ending especially make me think about the MC as a unique historical figure that will be known, discussed and debated by generations and generations of future historians. After all not only is he shaping to be even more important figure in history of China but he also influences and contacts important and influential people from other countries such as even the Roman Empire, and he is trading letters wth the Emperor himself! What I'm now really curious is with whom is he trading letters in India and Japan, after all they are both very important countries both for China and the World as a whole and anything that happends in them can majorly affects China.

I am curoius tough if the MC will decide in his free time to write and publish books with knowlegde about things like medicine(sterylize your medical tools, alcohol kills bacteria), matematics, chemistry or even simple astronomy(the whole map of solar system). Not some major staff but things that could be explained as him being a man born to early, a Chinese Da Vinci of his time.

Thank you very much for your prise!
At the end of every chapter, I do try to give a modern reference to the chapter, showing the modern interpretation of history.
I did not consider other countries sans Japan. Historically, the Queen Himiko ruling the island contacted the Wei Kingdom and sent some gifts.
As for scientific works - that is a very good suggestion! I think that I will use it!

I am loving this story, I really am. I recently got very interested in the Three Kingdoms and I find all the lore about it (both the historically accurate and the more fantasy-like one) to be completely fascinating. The (hi)story is very very rich, full of life, and all around awesome.

That is why I found myself so happy at discovering this jewel of yours. Is really good and I am rooting for you to continue it. I'm loving the interactions between the SI and other characters, and I can't wait for that to include the like of Sun Jian, Cao Cao (who already had a small appearance), Lu Bu, Sun Quan, among others.

His idea of getting great talents like Xun Yu and Han Hao is definitely the correct approach. Who knows who else might serve under his banner?

And yeah Empress He didn't joke around. She was certainly a capable woman. And a very beautiful one too (Lucky SI :ogles:)

All in all I am loving this, this has 300% of my attention and interest :lol

Glad you like it! (and Thank You for positive review!)
I do like to interpret the characters little differently than they are presented in official history. For example, Empress He is quite poorly described, yet she is someone who made it to the top of the social ladder. It's hard not to respect that. Thus, my interpretation of her is as you've read - a woman of beauty, true, but also someone using her head and wits to get to the top.
The same could be told about other characters: He Jin, Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu... official history doesn't portray them in a positive light (Dong Zhuo is even presented as the incarnation of seven sins) yet they made it to the top, shaping the future history. So I have the intention of presenting them a little differently, then they usually are.

I know I'm quiet here, but this is one of my favorite stories. Thank you for continuing it.

There's some protagonist trope that Yuan Xi is really living up to, and is one of my favorites, something about understanding he is competent but not understanding just how big of an effect he is having on the world around him. Empress He wouldn't keep him around if he was just a competent officer after all, and even if he is cheating by having read the original script as it were, he is actually pretty good at this whole covert influence thing when he's not panicking or angry.

You are welcome and thank you for your review!
Yes, he does have a cheat sheet, but there is only so far it can take him. As for his emotions, well, he is only a human...
Do you have a specific trope on mind?

Your link here is to a Roman SI story. Does this mean that this story takes place in the same universe? Sort of like a double SI?
Something like that, yes. But with both SI on the other ends of the world, they can hardly interfere with each other.

Wow. Found this on a lark and that was a heck of a read I just did. I would love some more
Thank you - and I do intend to write some more!
Do you have a specific trope on mind?

It's definitely a trope, I'm just not sure what it's called or if it has a formal name. It's related to The Ace, I think, but an ace with a healthy dose of Heroic Self-Deprecation. He is relatively adeptly adapting to the shifting situation he is in, and works to prevent the end of the empire, but I get the feeling it hasn't really sunken in how big an impact he's had.
Zhongping 5
The place I choose to meet my sworn-brother was a small tavern near the pass, south-west of Luoyang. I had to actually take a rather roundabout road to Yang province to make the meeting possible. That was because there was a rebellion in Liang province and Dong Zhuo, as one of the generals assigned to put it down, couldn't leave his troops for long.

The innkeeper left us some food and drinks, then left us alone - as I specifically requested. I also made sure to post the guards so we wouldn't be disturbed.

Dong Zhuo insisted on two of his trusted companions taking part in the meeting - Li Ru and Hua Xiong. I didn't have anybody that I would trust with the subject I intended to touch, but I decided that I needed someone who could evaluate my plans. In the end, I decided on Han Hao, as Xun Yu was loyal to the imperial clan and I was still unsure about Cao Xing, yet.

"How are your wife and your daughter?" I asked, curious about the child who never existed in official history.

The man's lips spread in a smile at the mention of two members of his family.

"My wife is in good health – she sends her regards. She's actually with another child!"

I smile hearing that and raise my cup in a salute.

"Then the congratulations are in order. Just make sure that a physician is at hand - just in case."

"I know. Lessons learned... and thank you." He finished softly. Whether he was talking about my inquiry or the help I rendered him, I was unsure. And truthfully, I didn't care.

"As for my daughter, the little Dong Xi is healthy and growing fast – has a pair of strong lungs too!"

I actually blanked for a moment – did he name his daughter after me? That... felt good. Slowly a small smile spread on my face.

"Dong Xi... that's a splendid name." Dong Zhuo smiled and nodded, clearly pleased with my reaction. I shook my head "I hope it wasn't too much a problem leaving your troops to meet me."

"It was not a problem. I left my son in law, Niu Fu in command. He is a pretty talented officer – this is a chance for him to grow." Dong Zhuo said as he drank from his cup.

"And how are the affairs in Liang province?" I inquired, wondering just how much the history might be derailing at this point.

"The inspector of Liang province Zuo Chang, was recalled to the capital. The new inspector is supposed to be a relative of Empress Song, Song Nie." My guest answered with disgust. I paused at the clan name. A relative – and a living one – of the first Empress? Curious.

"I wouldn't hold much hope for his competence."

"I don't." Dong Zhuo said bluntly, then sighed. "The Rebellion in Liang province doesn't show any signs of ending soon. After the death of the Zhang brothers, we were in the position to finish the rebellion, but the government raised taxes. That pushed many peasants into rebelling. Now I don't see when that conflict will end… do you know, what are the taxes for?"

"The Emperor is building a new Palace, along with few other projects." I answered, and seeing this as a good opening to start the main purpose of this meeting, I continued "He raised taxes and ordered wood and patterned rocks to be transported to the capital. The eunuchs who were responsible for the materials saw this as an opportunity. They scolded the labourers for the poor quality of materials and paid them way below the market value. Then they tried to resell the materials to eunuchs responsible for building projects, but they refused to buy it. Last time I saw it, the wood was still unused and already started rotting."

Dong Zhuo only shook his head.

"Such a waste. The government's ways provoked the Yellow Scarves Rebellion, which was only recently put down. Instead of learning from that, the government raised taxes again, causing raise of other rebellions…"

"It's because the government managed to win, it continues its policies. They became sure of their position and that nothing could endanger their rule. They started feeling untouchable and are acting accordingly." I answered. It seemed, that our companions were satisfied with just listening to us talk and opted not to make any comments... yet.

"So, we are in for another great rebellion, sooner or later…" Dong Zhuo said tiredly as he leaned back.

"No, my brother." I stated decisively. "And that's why I wanted to talk to you."

"What do you mean?"

I took a sip from my cup enjoying the black liquid's taste, while I gathered my thoughts. First, I needed to explain the situation, so before I started my spiel.

"There are currently two main factions on the imperial court. The first, you know well - the eunuchs. The most powerful of them, the de facto leaders of their group, are called the Ten Attendants. The faction gathered the support of the majority of eunuchs and corrupt officials - that is a majority of central government officials. They have about two thousand armed supporters in the capital only. They also have the support of Empress Dowager Dong." At his nodding, I continued "The second being the He clan, with Empress He and her brother General-in-Chief He Jin as the main leaders. They have the support of many generals who serve under He Jin, as well as some of the noble clans - including Yuan clan."

"So, Master Yuan Xi, your clan supports the He clan?" Li Ru asked, no, stated.

"Yes." I nodded. "While the factions are not in open conflict yet, they do gather around the two Princes - the heirs of Emperor Ling. As soon as Emperor dies, they will clash with each other. And considering the way the Emperor lives, he has maybe a few years of life left."

Hua Xiong looked little confused.

"Isn't Liu Bian the crown prince?" he asked.

"That is true. And while the Emperor all but acknowledged him as his heir, he doesn't believe him to be pompous- ah, sorry, solemn enough." Considering Liu Bian was sent to be brought up by a Taoist, it shouldn't come as a surprise. Maybe I should seek out this Shi Zimiao later... "If presented with the opportunity to make Liu Xie a crown prince, he will consider it."

"Consider?" Dong Zhuo raised his brows.

"He is a very undecided man. He will think about it, he might talk about it, but it's doubtful he will do anything about it." Certainly not now, when Liu Bian has his own loyal soldiers in the capital. Action against him might just end in a bloodbath.

"So when the Emperor dies, a civil war will start."

"A fighting in the capital, certainly. An empire-wide war, no." I shook my head "The ten Attendants simply don't have support and reputation to pull that kind of conflict, off. Even with the support of Empress Dowager Dong, prince Liu Xie is the younger of siblings, a pretender at best." I pause to take a sip of coffee. "He Jin, on the other hand, has just put down a major rebellion, is well liked and respected by his subordinates - not to mention the support of Empress He and prince Bian are the official, if accidentally acknowledged, the position of heir."

"The only way for ten Attendants to continue their regime is to put prince Xie on the throne right after Emperor's death, is what you are saying." Li Ru concluded.

"Got it in one." I say pointing my fingers at him. Li Ru's sharp.

"You wish to recruit our support to the He faction." He continued.

I clap my hands in admiration. No wonder Li Ru was Dong Zhuo's advisor.

"Sharp!" I exclaimed. "Your support for He clan would be appreciated. The eunuchs are one of the main causes of the empire's calamities…" I sight, not liking the subject I was about to talk about. No, rather than the subject, the implications of it. "But, no, what I want to talk to you about is the situation in case the eunuchs succeeded." For if they succeeded, then my and Empress' He preparation were for nothing.

"Oh? You think they could succeed?" Han Hao was actually surprised by my statement.

"To win they only need to kill He Jin and capture both of the Princess, then declare Liu Xie the emperor while imprisoning Liu Bian and Empress He. With the support of Empress Dowager Dong and officials, they could continue their rule, unhindered."

"If that would happen the remnants of the He faction and soldiers that were under their command would quickly attack the eunuchs and try to avenge He Jin..." Li Ru concluded as he was stroking his chin. I nodded, agreeing with what he said.

"The capital will be in chaos due to fighting." I paused "That is when I believe you will have the best chance to take over."

That made all of the men look at me sharply. Dong Zhuo was surprised, just like Han Hao. Hua Xiong was looking at me with his eyes wide open, while Li Ru... continued looking contemplatively and stroking his beard.

"Take over?" Dong Zhuo asked.

"If, and that is a big if, the eunuchs win the conflict - the battle between two factions, it will leave the capital in chaos. At that time you can arrive with your forces to bring order, and-"

"And to finish the eunuch's faction ones and for all." Li Ru finished then looked at me sharply. "So that's why you wanted to meet. You are making sure that even if the He clan failed, the eunuchs' faction would be destroyed." His eyes narrowed "Master Yuan Xi, what you are talking about, might as well be treason."

I paused and looked at Li Ru, then at Dong Zhuo – have I misjudged my companions? Has the still leaving wife of Dong Zhuo, have such an impact on him?

"While I personally would have no qualms with what you are proposing," Li Ru continued. "I am surprised that you would try to influence the court politics. Haven't you said when you first met master Dong Zhuo, that you actually escaped the capital to get away from the politics?" I actually don't remember that – I really must've been drunk if I admitted to that. "You were recalled to capital, and now when you are finally leaving, you want to continue plotting? Has capital changed you that much? Have the taste of power, corrupted you so?"

How to answer that question? Why was I trying to save that decaying corpse of the government? Was it for my love of the Empress? Yes, certainly that was one of the reasons – but not the only one. Was it the loyalty to the Han? Certainly not. I had no feelings or sentiments to that dynasty. Was is power and influence? No, I had no use for such a fragile power. Was it my clan – Hah! Not in seven hells. The only person I consider a family from the Yuan clan is Yuan Xi's mother.

"Brother Xianyi, why do you want to involve yourself in court politics? You just escaped it - you could live the rest of your life in peace on the province. Why do you continue to involve yourself?" Dong Zhuo prompted me to answer.

I certainly couldn't tell them about my relationship with Empress. But there was another reason, the answer I could give - the one I tried to forget.

I closed my eyes.

"At one time, we fought a battle against Yellow Scarves." I started slowly, allowing images of the battle to resurface. "When we defeated them, the families of the rebels choose to try their chances through the river, rather than to be captured... hundreds of thousands, of women, children and elderly drowned, escaping in panic from the government's army." I paused as the scene, I hoped to forget, resurfaced in my mind.

"I remember that." I heard Han Hao whisper. "The river was so full of bodies, that you could walk on them to the other side, not wetting your feet."

"We spent a month, burring the bodies that were washed to the shore." I continued. "Do you know how does a body of a drowned person looks like after a few days in water?" I looked at Dong Zhuo as the pictures flashed in my mind, fresh as if I was there but a moment ago. "Women, children... babes. I have never, in my entire life, expected to be responsible for... massacring unarmed, children." I paused as my voice started trembling with forgotten emotions. "Yet, here I was," I smiled without humour. "Doing just that, cleaning the government's mess, slaughtering women and children – the peasant's who only rebelled, cause they had to pay taxes so high, that they could afford no food." I looked at the dark liquid in my cup. "I... dislike it." I said with the amount of hatred that surprised me... no, not really. I squeezed the cup... I should stop speaking, I really should, but once I started speaking, I could not let myself stop. So I continued with a voice filled with anger and hate. "I despise it. I hate the reason and the people that forced me to commit such an... horrid act." I looked at Li Ru. "So I will remove them, so I will not be ordered to slaughter defenceless babes again. So yes, Master Li Ru, my reasons are petty. Call them treason, if you want."

We sat in silence for a long moment. Han Hao slowly stroked his beard, deep in his thoughts, Hua Xiong looked at me with wide eyes, clearly shocked by what one could consider admission to treason. Li Ru kept a blank face, but Dong Zhuo...

"Killing rebels and executing entire clans is natural, yet you pity those who are weak. You are a good man, brother Xianyi." he slowly said, while looking into my eyes, as if he could read my soul.

Dong Zhuo was a man with incredible charisma, who, in the original timeline, managed to defeat – or at least keep at bay, a coalition of warlords holding off far larger army then he himself possessed. At this very moment, I could clearly see why his subordinates and soldiers were so loyal to him.

I shook my head.

"Do not misunderstand." I interrupted him. "If I was ordered to do that again, I would hate it, but I would do it. For if I have not followed the imperial order, I would very much found myself labelled a rebel."

Dong Zhuo stayed silent than nodded slowly.

"Yuan Xi, you are a villain." His words were calm, but the strength behind them was incredible. "That said, so am I, for - I would feel the same and would do the same, like you." Dong Zhuo said slowly, but strongly, with conviction. "Because if I disobeyed, I and those I consider my family would be executed. So if I had to choose between myself and those few I call a family, and thousands of innocents, I would always choose those that I know. I'm a greedy man like that." He sighed. "Heroes kill ten to save hundreds, kill hundreds to save thousand. Villains kill hundreds to save ten, kill thousand to save hundreds. To save those few dear to me, I would kill thousands. I could never sacrifice a friend or a lover to save thousands of faceless innocents. I am a villain, I have no delusions about that." When his eyes meet mines again, there was an acceptance in them, understanding and bond. "We are the villains of our times, brother Xianyi."

We sat in silence for a longer time. I could clearly feel a kinship to this man. His world view, his actions so far... I thought that becoming his sworn brother was only because of alcohol, but maybe in my drunken state, I saw something more in him... This man, was truly, my brother.

Dong Zhuo closed his eyes then nodded slowly.

"What do you want us to do?" he asked, drawing me from my musings. With that one statement, he both accepted my views and agreed to help me.

It was decided then, we were in this together. Either my and Empress He's plans to keep the He clan in power, worked and we would save the Empire... or I would have Dong Zhuo destroy and reshape the government.

"I want you to be ready for the possibility of chaos in capital and death of General-in-Chief He Jin… as well to be prepared to take over the regency for prince Bian, with support of Empress He. At the same time keep the prince Xie around, and see who approaches him - this will show you who has ambitions to become regent for the prince Xie." I took a sip from my cup. "While chaos reigns, it will be a good moment for you to clear political stage - have the important, rich and influential officials assassinated and put the blame on eunuchs for the deed. This will allow you to easier take control of the court while cleaning it at the same time." I paused in afterthought. "Start training officials, skilled in bureaucracy, so you can have loyal people ready to help you at hand."

"If we have officials ready to replace the administration, it will look like we planned to kill the government officials from the start." Li Ru said. I had a very strange feeling that he manipulated me somehow... but considering the outcome, I could let it slide.

"Not, if they were originally trained to look after the areas destroyed by rebels in Liang province. You can also try to recruit remnants of the Disasters of the Partisan Prohibitions - that should give you some positive reputation...
Once the capital is safe, you can start removing laws created by eunuchs and reaffirming your hold on individual areas of the empire. The thing you should be wary of will be the local generals and powerful officials with great armies at their command - some of them will stay loyal, some will seek independence and some will try to overthrow you, claiming you to be a tyrant. You will have to keep them busy and appeased - and that will not be an easy task.
First, order them to keep putting down Yellow Scarves and bandits, as well as rebuild areas under their jurisdictions. If you are seen as someone trying to restore the domain, the warlords will have more trouble creating a coalition against you and not look like rebels themselves...
Now, let us discuss important people…"
* * *​
Since being banished from capital, Yuan Xi sought to gain more power. He started his machinations before he even arrived at Yang province. He secretly has met with Dong Zhuo, one of the generals of the Liang subjugation armies, south of Luoyang, in the tavern, where he manipulated the general to-
'The villains of Hundred Years of Turmoil - crimes, lies, deceptions and treacheries of Yuan Xi'

Worried about the development of the situation in Liang province, and incompetence of inspectors send to take the command of Han subjugation forces, general Dong Zhuo decided to take a more active stance in the Empire's politics. Before making any move, he decided to gather more intelligence. To do that he has met his sworn brother Yuan Xi, a man who to escape court politics asked for a remote position in Yang province – a move that would be later repeated by Liu Yan. They meet in a tavern south of Luoyang. What Dong Zhuo learned, prompted him to prepare for the possibility of Emperor changing the capital, by training a number of officials and preparing the city of-
'Tyrant or last loyal Han general? Biography of Dong Zhuo.'
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I'm finding this very interesting, but am starting to feel that I am missing out of understanding things by knowing nothing of the three kingdoms era.
It certainly doesn't seem like he's destined to create a lasting and stable state. I guess the land long united must divide after all.