To go a Viking...(Asoiaf AU)

Nice to see Daenerys. Might name a lamb after her if my imbecilic sheep FINALLY give birth at this rate.

Also nice to see the Gods go "You want bad things, OK, have some more!"
HanEmpire said:
Maybe with Viking!North making Valyrians more familiar with Westeros (and therefore increasing trade), the Targaryans decided to go to Dragonstone to become middlemen in trade routes?
Well Dragonstone and it's port were a good place for a merchant family, but for one of the Forty Families, fifteenth fire or not it's very far away from The City (Valyria).
Kind of like being a Roman Senator of an ancient Roman Family in Rome Proper, then getting a "good posting" in Eboracum (York) in Northern England. so they were sent there as a Hardship Posting.

And i'm following the time-honoured rule of Magic, Valyrian or Greenseers = Longer life, we have a canon example of this being true in Melisandre, Bloodraven for instance at 124 isn't the oldest guy running about, the Mage who gave his life for the dragons was nearer to 170, but he was the eldest there was, most people with magical aptitude live to maybe 140.
I'll be watching this.

Since the Free Cities of Essos are Valyrian remnants, shouldn't the North have massive ties with them? Legions of mercenaries supplied by Northmen?
inawarminister said:
I'll be watching this.

Since the Free Cities of Essos are Valyrian remnants, shouldn't the North have massive ties with them? Legions of mercenaries supplied by Northmen?
The Valyrian Exclaves do not consider the Free Cities as legitimate remnants of the Freehold because none of the Free Cities ever swore loyalty to the remaining Dragonlords. Which of course has raised issues...
Eddard IV
The private offices of the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch were not small, but he felt right now, that they certainly weren't large enough judging by the way Selmy was clenching his fist on the hilt of his sword.

Barristan Selmy might have been older then He, himself was, but the man was barely deteriorated with age, at sixtyone years he still bulked more then enough to intimidate even a seasoned raider.

"How is Arthur Dayne alive, Did you not claim him dead by your own hand?" Ser Barristan asked. He nodded slowly and said "When we arrived at the Tower of Joy, Lord Commander Hightower, Ser Whent and Ser Dayne blocked our path standing, I swore to all Gods that I was not there for battle, simply to come for my sister and that she had a bethrothed to see in King's Landing, our new King Robert I" Ned took a deep draught of the wine available before he continued, "It came as a rather large surprise to me then to be presented with marriage documentation, for Lyanna and Rhaegar, witnessed by Princess Elia, no less." Ser Barristan started at that, Ned nodded and moved on "That would be the reason Doran did not, sail a fleet of Dornish warships up the White Knife when Rhaenys was set to Foster at Winterfell. Either way, it seems that legally I was not there to save Princess Lyanna of Winterfell from the dastardly rapist but to kidnap Princess Lyanna Targaryen. We all backed down from the Idea of combat after that, But Lyanna was in childbirth even as we spoke, and though the boy was successfully delivered, as you know, she bled to death in childbed after naming her son." Ned sat down on the desk before continuing, "Much of what followed you know at least with how it pertains to Robert, the letter from Lyanna and so on. But that's not why we are here is it? You want to know exactly why you had to find out today that Arthur Dayne is not dead by my hand, well Ser Barristan..."

Here Ned smiled, it wasn't nice smile "When Gerold, Oswell and Arthur heard about the events pertaining to Tywin Lannisters Sack of the City, and roberts subsequent words about young Aegon's fate, and that you now served men who would do such... well they disavowed you. Each man swore to the Seven to kill you should they ever see you again. They had intended to take Artos to Brandon as the news of his rather spectacular rescue of Rhaella had reached them, and raise him in Essos as Artos I. King of Westeros and so on...Aiming of course to press the boy's claim as soon as possible...I pointed out to them that this distance was, while good for Viserys and Daenerys, Rhaenys was to be fostered at Winterfell, and that Artos should be raised with his sister and any cousins he would later get." Ned paused taking another drink, Barristan meanwhile was looking every bit his age... "When I arrived in king's landing, I was honest and true with Robert, and I told him simply to read the letter and let Lyanna explain for herself, why she had done what she had done, I also told Robert exactly what would happen if Tywin Lannister, attempted a repeat performance." This smile was somewhat warmer, fonder...

"You see Ser Barristan, In the Rebellion, I had marched with some thirty thousand men, as a member of the Guard, you are well aware that the martial strength of the North is quite abit larger then that. Robert knew it too, I had also not utilised any of the alliances available to me." Barristan paled slightly seeing where this was going, Ned nodded slowly "Yes Robert, realised he could probably count on Tywin and the Storm Lords, but who else there? And they would certainly not have stood against Me, if I had called for the Exclaves to rise, nor if I had utilised the connections built by long centuries of trade. Pentos, Myr, Braavos, Tyrosh and Lys would most likely have aided me, or if not actively aided, then at least not sold to his side. Mace Tyrell, while he had been promised Stannis for one of his sisters, would most likely have sat back and watched if I had dangled the idea of Artos and Margaery." Ned shrugged, as Ser Barristan finally understood just why he was called the Quiet Wolf.
Eddard Stark would never howl before you felt his fangs. Robert may have been King and as such most people in the south thought he had planned the battles during the war, they were sadly mistaken Eddard Stark was just as Implacable on the field of battle as his great grandfather Artos and seemingly just as brazen. But Eddard had proved his loyalty utterly during the Greyjoy Rebellion and men still spoke of his actions then in hushed whispers, most men however, when they spoke of it did not mention the sack of Lannisport, they spoke of the field of blood eagles. Gentle Quiet Ned Stark, who was among southern lords considered since the rebellion as not hard enough, unwilling to dirty his hands in the Game of Thrones. A misconception Lord Tywin had been most eager to see spread...

That gentle quiet man who did not have the stomach for blood, had broken the Iron Fleet and had taken Pyke, and nailed Balon Greyjoy his elder sons and brothers to Tiwaz pillars, before proving that any rumour about him being to weak bellied to bloody his hands was unfounded and utterly mistaken. King Robert however had lost his belly that day as he realised that Eddard had not killed them beforehand.

Barristan shook himself and spoke softly "Had I been there that day in the Red Keep and not in a sickbed, and seen a smile on his lips, I would have killed King Robert myself after slaying Lord Tywin. However, that is near two decades past, are you intending rebellion, Prince of Winterfell?" Eddard looked at him for a long moment before speaking "Not against Robert, and not today..."

Barristan nodded once "There is information you need then but there is a price to it, I would have you write a letter to Arthur Dayne, telling him that Three of Seven remain in service to the Dragons not just two." Eddard looked at him sharply.

Barristan nodded slowly, "Robert had potential, but he has squandered the realm, it is in debt to Braavos for tens of millions in gold, and more still to Lord Tywin. The Queen as Regent if Robert perishes will never call the Realm to battle in the North, the best option is for Robert to live, he knows the threat but the alchemist tells us the wounds are too grave. The King has days maybe a week...and as your northern priests tell us, without the Realm in full we cannot bring battle beyond the wall and end the threat. Of course they also tell us, that we need dragons to finish it off..." Ned grinned wolfishly, and Barristan grimaced... "So, since we're being honest here does Artos have Eggs, and is he capable of producing anything" Ned nodded once briskly, and Barristan swallowed once "Then you should know, Prince Stark, None of the Queens Children belong to the King."

Eddard hadn't been expecting that one, of course their plans hinged on doubts about Joffrey but Steffon and Myrcella looked every inch the Baratheon... "But the younger two?" Barristan grimaced, "I thought so aswell but there is a distant cousin of the Queens, Tybolt Lannister, his mother was Robert's Aunt. The Queen was caught with him by a maid, who died quite suddenly afterward, but she did tell others...and they told me." Ned looked at him for a long moment, "Can we trust these rumours?" Barristan nodded "We can, Tybolt was quite forthcoming after afew hours."

Well, thought Eddard. wasn't this an interesting turn of events...
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Darksnider05 said:
Please no bullshitium Dragons save the day or magic to make them grow to relevant size to be useful. Their decades off being able to survive in the North let alone fight there.
The Dragons are, not decades away from being useful, but at least a decade away if they're going to be the flaming sword Ned and Barristan want. I base this off of the growth rate of Drogon in show and books, after 2 yearsish, he's rideable. That said, Artos and Dany here in this are in a vastly different situation then Dany in canon was, for one thing they have access to a Valyrian knowledgebase, which most likely includes a book or three on "The Care and Feeding of Dragons", alternatively "How to Train your Dragon". And finally they have unlimited access to the Dragonmont, a literal mountain of firebased magic and dragons as far as I can tell live on abit of a feedback loop with magic. They empower magic and are empowered by it.

So yea, your right but... on the other hand, different is different
HanEmpire said:
What's Varys and Petyr doing in all this?
Having great fun in Kings Landing presumably trying to outplot each other, or well Varys is wondering were the hell his plots went wrong, and cursing Brandon Stark since he's by now heard the rumours off of Dragonstone.

Petyr, Well Petyrs plots are in abit of a pickle, Lysa is very happily married to Denys Arryn and has mothered three legitimate sons who are all quite strong and healthy that said she also has an illegitimate daughter, who's existence was saved on the fact that Denys Arryn, who had an illegitimate son he acknowledged, didn't much care since he reasoned, it proves she can do the job. So Hoster Tully got a blot of "shame" on his family line. He also got laid out courtesy of Robert Baratheon, who having grown up together with Ned, and thus been influenced by the very novel northern idea of Children born out of Wedlock, as long as acknowledged by one or both of their parents are still as good as any other child. Bobby took offence for his daughters sake.

So Petyr is far deeper into the Queens pockets this time around since he has nowhere else to turn.

Also I quite enjoy my little experiment of Ruthless!Barristan who speaks in euphemism.
Trivia Freak said:
So... were there any Blackfyre Rebellions here? Or the Dance of the Dragons?
Yes, they pretty much occured as in OTL. The north dealing with wilding rebellions at the time stayed out of it all together, until the War of Ninepenny Kings where in Rickard Stark aided Royalist forces by decimating the Myrish Warfleet sailing for the Black Dragons.

Maelys however wasn't Monstrous for the same reasons as OTL, but because of his actions against Tyrosh. Tywin Lannisters Castamere campaign is known as Blackfyre's Tyrosh the merciful version.

As a side note, Tyrosh is part of the Lysene realm.
Trivia Freak said:
Okay. Bit of a nitpick; Dance of the Dragons happened before the first Blackfyre Rebellion.
Yes, I'm aware of that. seeing as Viserys II and Aegon III were both children during the dance. And while the Greens and Blacks were the "Colours of the Dance" when I wrote Black Dragons, I was referring to the Blackfyre CoA.

The North did not fight at all during the Dance, as by Northern laws Rhaenyra while clearly her fathers eldest was disqualified from succession due to lack of martial ability, Rhaenyra wouldn't have been able to physically take up the sword and beat challengers to her rule.

Aegon II on the other hand was by crowning himself a Traitor and later Kinslayer and as such no Northman would piss on him even if he was on fire.
Here it was less doped up on morphine more drunken commiseration, Brandon didn't fight Petyr this time around, Brandon faced Petyr's live steel with blunted training weaponry...

The humiliation stung. Lysa however thought he'd actually own up since they were both of sound body if drunken mind, when he didn't she rather got to hating him, then of course came the whole rebellion/marriage alliances thing, where in Denys Arryn, actually surviving the battle of the bells married her. In this TL he never married previously. Lysa's viewpoints about keeping the baby were backed up by her new goodbrother who pointed out that family was family and should Hoster press the issue, Winterfell's doors were open to Lysa.

the later confrontation with robert did make the first few years after the rebellion somewhat chilly, but relations have since warmed up considerably, especially as Catelyn been a major force in trying to reconcile her father and sister, aswell as the relationship between ned and hoster.
Just for giggles: drabble preview of priestly concerns

He was the High Priest and Lord Marshal of Thor's Temples, and none of those Lords were acting fast enough for his liking so he'd taken a horse and was moving with all speed towards Bilskrine Temple, he had arrived at Moletown in early midmorning. He quickly spotted the Moletown farrier. Calling out in his characteristically bombastic voice "Ah Chiswick! Fresh Horses! Quickly!" less then an hour later they were off again riding hard for Bilskirne Temple and the Trudvang martial academies. The Priesthood would be roused, the favours of Thor requested, and they would man a troop of priests or at least promising acolytes at each of the nineteen castles. The Might of the Thunderer would not be denied!
heavyneos said:
what kind of numbers are we talking for the north, 90 thousand a hundred if every man is mustered to arms? how many men could they bring south
If the exclaves marched aswell. Maybe Ned could bring sixty thousand to field. However the northern armies are marching north to try and if not destroy at least subdue the threats beyond the wall for awhile. If the other kingdoms in the Realm were to join the battle there might be enough of a force to end the threat of Rimthurs giants and the others for at least enough time to regain an effective dragon population. But as it stands Ned cannot field more then twenty thousand southward and thats counting at least, half being exclave soldiery. So in any southern contest of arms there would need to rely on Tully-Arryn forces to back any substantial moves made by Dragonstone. Happily however driftmark, dragonstone and claw isle are rather heavily populated.
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Croakerr said:
Several questions I have thought of the last few days here.
1.) If I knew what women thought, I'd write that down and be a billionaire. :p That said, Elia was playing a longer game trying to bind Winterfell more tightly to King's Landing and through her to Dorne, so she encouraged Rhaegars infatuation with the younger Stark and to be frank, Elia was not a passive bystander in the romance of this courtship. Had Elia lived, Artos would most likely be married to Tyene or Sarella, with Rhaenys either marrying Renly or one of cousins in the exclaves retying bonds with Maegors line, and Aegon most likely marrying either Daenerys or Margaery, or both.

2.) From Bhorash in the East to Volantis in the west, there are several colonisation projects going on around Tolos, Oros, Mantarys and Tyria sponsored chiefly by the gold, sword and sails of Brandon Stark. Several expeditions have been launched from Tyria into the Ruins of The City essentially trying to find anything still left of the Valyrian Libraries. In essence The Lands of the Long Summer. Hint: If Tywin Lannister ever got a good look at the sword Brandon is using, he'd foam. Though Brandon has had the hilt and pommel reworked. The gold of the original being put to better use.

3.) Gerold Stark, son of Ashara and Brandon is 17 years of age, so your first supposition is the more accurate one.
Trivia Freak said:
Ha! So what happened to Gerion, that old rogue? Did he fake his death and join Brandon for the LULZ?
He was turned back at Volantis, with the knowledge that he would need more gold to do what he sought, as his ship would need some serious yard time before traversing the Smoking Sea.

The only ships that can safely traverse the Smoking Sea, are clad in glass. To prevent the ships hulls being eaten away by the sulfuric acid that suffuses this particular stretch of water.
Right so it's all here, now.

though the formattings gone wonky.

That just raises more questions! With all their cultural differences and a decreased likelihood that Robert and Ned would be fostered together at the Eyrie, why are they even still friends?

I should point this out to you that yet again, this is just the first ten pages. There's alot of background i've written out on SB that's not been copied over, but the main reason and this i haven't detailed very much on SB either for the fostering is political on the part of Ned's Grandfather who saw it as a way to patch up the relations abit with the Vale, during the man's tenure as Master of Coin for Aegon V, where he met a much younger Arryn. Rickard Stark saw the sense in his old mans idea and amended the idea to send his Spare, not his Heir to the Eyrie, and given the family makeup that determined who Edwyle Stark was, Jon Arryn for all his "traditional misgivings" about Northmen couldn't refuse the the idea. Edwyle Stark, Master of Coin, was the maternal uncle of Aegon V, his sister having married Maekar I in part of a thawing of relations, after a conflict between Artos the Implacable/Bloody Hand and Baelor the Blessed/Befuddled as they were known and infamed.

Daeron, Son of Maekar, was killed by his brother Aerion.
Aerion, the Brightflame, the heretofore only prince ever put on public trial, was subsequently beheaded. and his body burned on a pyre of Wildfire.
Aemon, took the Maesters chain long before these events, so he's still a Maester, by the story time rolls around he's one of 24 maesters serving the Nights Watch. Though he's something of a Primus Inter Pares.

Aegon V ascends the Throne, first Targaryen King since the Dance to favour a house other then Targaryen, the last infamously being Aegon II who favoured his Hightower mother, Aegon V, however is the reason so many of the secret Targ loyalists are willing to hear out the idea of Artos(Jon).
Aegon V, took his colouring from his father and maternal grandmother, but his body was wrought on Northern Bone, as his chronicles like to tell it. In essence he looked like a Stark with Valyrian colouring.

The events of Summerhall plays out in essence similarly to canon, however here there is very little mystery, Aerion, who had been lord of summerhall, had hidden stashes of Wildfire around the place, and during the rites intended to wake the dragons, these went off taking most of the inner circle of the court with the to a fiery tomb.

Jaehaerys II, rules well, but he only rules for six years, and is obssessed with prophecy, leading to the Aerys/Rhaella marriage, and birth of Rhaegar.

Aerys II ascends in 264, events unfold as per canon in many respects.

And to answer your question, better, Robert being a Stormlander and thus not wholly averse to the north as the stormlands have a more Live and let Live approach going on, was thrilled to get to know his northern second cousin, this only got better when it turned out the boy had a puppy with him. Ned of course, was apprehensive about going to the Eyrie but when he found out he'd be fostered together with a boy of equal age, who also was a southern cousin. It got better. Friendships developed, unfortunately Robert was struck with love at first sight when he met Lyanna, and though Rickard saw the sense in a match, none of them thought very long to ask Lyanna what she thought as Robert had swiftly become known as more then a bit free with both the Mead and the Women of negotiable virtue.

Lyanna, ultimately did as she did, because she found out about Mya, and that Robert didn't intend to care for her. Showing that prospects with Robert as far as reliability were concerned, was not good. That Robert later did indeed take care of his bastard children, is in part due to the lessons learned after the rebellion.
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