To go a Viking...(Asoiaf AU)

syed said:
What would the vikings turn the iron islands into? They produce iron, so I am thinking forges and other metal work shops.
They BARELY produce Iron.

Half the reason they became raiders is because it's that or die.
TheSandman said:
Or a practical enough one to not start a war that he's not guaranteed to win, especially while he's standing in the home of the man he'd be declaring war on.

Besides, this is Joffrey, otherwise known as Robert's life insurance policy against assassins and Guaranteed Target of the Year the moment Robert snuffs it. A legitimate excuse to have Joffrey killed would be doing Robert a huge favor.
Admittedly, only persons who would disagree with Joffrey snuffing it here are Cersei and MAYBE Tywin.

And I think Tywin'd only give a shit because he's family, barely.
HanEmpire said:
Tommen is still well and alive, so a grandson would still sit to inherit the Iron Throne. Tywin will plot against the North out of principle I'm sure, but unless he's never met Joffrey before he might believe Joffrey getting punished by the Northmen to be a blessing in disguise.
Yeah, but remember, Joffery's eldest, so by keeping him around, he's basically telling all the major players "Go ahead, assassinate me. Then HE takes over. And he makes me look NICE."
RazeByFire said:
Perhaps Jeoffery's punishment would be to be fostered somewhere hard and cold? Not Winterfell of course, but somewhere the ruler can essentially knock some sense of morality and humility into him without his mother interfering.
The Wall?
inirlan said:
Wash your face, maintain your beard, clean your ears and nose with special ustensils, frequently comb your hair...

Some Anglo-Saxon chronicles mention the fact that the Viking's obsession with cleanliness led many Anglo-Saxon women to infidelity ;p
......And why haven't we speak Norse by now?.
LONE WOLF 666 said:
......And why haven't we speak Norse by now?.
Because the Norse didn't stick to speaking norse and were in fact pretty good at adopting the language(you don't trade all the way to Byzantium and Persia without learning some other languages) and some of the customs of the lands they settled. See :
- The Normans(Kinda. Richard Lionheart didn't speak a word of English, for instance)
- The Rus
- The Varangians

Also, Anglo-Saxon was related to Norse anyway, so it's kinda hard to spot clear signs of English words borrowed from Norse.
TheLunarWolf said:
I can do it six days of the week. But not on Saturday. Saturday is Roman.
Yes, those names are Germanic, but the Anglo-Saxons did come from the North of Germany, and the German names for the days of the week(Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sontag) are pretty similar to the English equivalents in a lot of cases.

Do you happen to know what the Anglo-Saxons called the days of the week in the Late 7th and early 8th century? Would be interesting to check.
inirlan said:
Yes, those names are Germanic, but the Anglo-Saxons did come from the North of Germany, and the German names for the days of the week(Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sontag) are pretty similar to the English equivalents in a lot of cases.

Do you happen to know what the Anglo-Saxons called the days of the week in the Late 7th and early 8th century? Would be interesting to check.
Not a clue, however the english ones are more based on the Nordic era names considering that Tues/Tiwaz, Wednes/Odens, Thurs/Thors and Friday/ presumably Frigga or freyr, in the Northlands here, sweden et al. Fredag is definately Freyr's day. and the moon and sun are connecated to minor nordic/germanic gods aswell so...
Gruntjerka said:
The Swedish word for Saturday is Lördag, a day on which one washes. Don't know exactly how the word has evolved from old norse, but that's how it is.
Lördag comes from the old Laugrdag which then transformed into Lögardagen and then later to Lördag, because in sweden we are lazy about weekdays!
Eddard II
Watching his friend, his king, the raging fat fool who'd given over his kingdom to Lannister plots and Baelishs less then brilliant schemes, oh Petyr thought he was being subtle and sneaky, but like it or not he had weakness'. And the worst one of them was that he believed Catelyn had a very unhappy marriage. That said Catelyn had at first been displeased to be asked to "spy" on a man she considered a little brother, however it had become clear after the first few letters that Petyr did not have "Familial" feelings toward Catelyn, unless of course you were part of the more conservative Old Valyrian exclaves in the Hornwood and White Harbor.

That said for all the sour feelings he had, Robert was still his friend and he did not wish this sort of trial on any man. Now the laws in the North had due to the Compact not been integrated into the rest of the Seven Kingdoms laws, of course that was also the reason the Starks were known as Princes of Winterfell, similar to the Princes of Sunspear in the south, that Myriah Martell had managed to swing Daeron II Targaryen into granting her upon their marriage. However that was neither here nor there.

Robert looked at him and said "Why couldn't you have been King, the Starks have more Targaryen blood then the Baratheons do. Even with Grandmother reckoned into it. There's only one generation difference" Eddard looked at him for a long moment "Jon Arryn and the rest of your priest-ridden lordlings would have never stood for it. Jon was a good man but he was far too eager to listen to Septons, and you know aswell as I do that had I taken the throne, there would not have been peace, war would have continued unabated as most Lords in the south consider us here in the north, as dangerous heretics at best, at worst they consider us Ironborn." Ned took a long draught of his mead.
"Besides the north hasn't been trusted since Artos Stark married Elaena Targaryen" Robert snorted. "Married?...The Raid on the Maidenvault is one of the more famous plays in the South, Ned, Artos Stark and forty picked men stormed the Red Keep and stole his bethrothed away to the North." Ned smiled grimly, "Aye, it only worked because in Baelor's mind only gods were needed not guards. And Baelor paid for it as Elaena put her considerable talent for numbers and her status as a member of the forty families to work forcing the Valyrian mages to attempt a recreation of the Dragon roads.

When Grandfather took the seat, he could have bought most of Pentos, instead he used the riches on his mother's roads and much of went to shore up the unlikely's rule down south in his later years. He did after all sit as Master of Coin for some years" Robert looked pensive for a moment before gazing down to where the Bloodraven was interrogating Joffrey, "Is my son going to survive this Ned?" Ned looked at Joffrey for a moment, ice in his gaze "Do you want him to?" Robert sighed for a moment, "Yes.. he needs to be punished but I do want him to live." Ned looked down at the table for a moment "Alright, but there will be a severe cost for this, you need to know that." With that he stood up and called out "Halt the proceedings, the King has asked for a direct sentencing and fine. As representative for the aggrieved party I will need some time to confer with my son and nephew as Rhaenys though now a Stark is still his half-sister and so by the compact he does get to advice on demanding damages."

Robert looked at him for a moment then nodded stepping down into the arena and hauling Joffrey up none to gently by his arm before dragging him out of the hall towards their assigned quarters.

The newcomers as they were known in the north had brought many changes to laws of the first men, one such thing was that near no matter what a woman did, a man did never meet her with violence, only women may mete out violence to women. But southerners did not train their women in arms.
So it was that Catelyn Stark, formerly Tully meted out the greatest amount of violence a Southron lady can do without resorting to poisons or daggers. She wrote letters, a lengthy one which she had Rhaenys amend, went to Sunspear, a slightly shorter one went to Alannys Harlaw at Pyke, the Lady Regent getting her letter hand delievered by recently returned son, would see a great deal of improvement between Winterfell and Pyke, though there would still be no love lost. Theon would be arriving not as a stripling youth, but trained by the best armsmasters and educated by Njords priests on Bear Island, a hard man of the northern seas, who had led a ship of raiders against slavers of the Summer Isles.
That letter detailed that Winterfell would not be averse to warming relations with Pyke, but should Alannys so choose Asha who was still held as hostage, though now in Winterfell proper, could marry quite well among the sons of Winterfell, two of Ned's younger brothers were named, each well known for their part in the decimation of the Iron Fleet during the rebellion or should Alannys prefer there could be something worked out with Riverrun and her brother Edmure, who did indeed need a wife and heirs. Other letters were sent to many a Lordly and Noble House.

"You want what?!" Roberts face was turning an alarming shade of puce as he glared at Eddard. Ned returned the glare with a solemn serious gaze and said calmly again. "Robb, Artos and myself have discussed this Robert, in order to consider the matter settled and to not seek a price of blood and gold against your house, we will have the Domain of Dragonstone. It will be passed to Artos; he will be titled by royal decree as Prince of Dragonstone and Lord of the Eastern Isles. This will be so as not to conflict with the Greyjoy titles at Pyke. Furthermore House Baratheon of King's Landing will give up any claim whatsoever to the Islands beyond the suzerainty of the Throne."

"That is my price, Robert. Pay me this as weregild and Joffrey lives and goes free when you leave here to return south, otherwise the ting has affirmed that we will be empowered by them seek the full punishment, accorded us in the laws of the realm."

Robert sighed deeply, before picking up the quill and signing. As he put down the quill. There was a knock and the door opened letting Lord Brynden into the room he cleared his throat saying "Lord Eddard, King Robert, our scouts and rangers have sighted white walkers and great masses of wights near the skirling pass, it seems at war is upon us once more from beyond the wall."
Hmm, interesting, but it feels like Robert is giving in a bit too easily. Also that ending is really sudden and bland for whats being said. The pacing makes it sound like there's some new arrivals at the front gate instead of an army amassing nearby. There is no tension, in what should be a series of very tense scenes and a very tense ending.
Jonnoda said:
Hmm, interesting, but it feels like Robert is giving in a bit too easily. Also that ending is really sudden and bland for whats being said. The pacing makes it sound like there's some new arrivals at the front gate instead of an army amassing nearby. There is no tension, in what should be a series of very tense scenes and a very tense ending.
Robert has no choice. None whatsoever, if he doesn't give in to any reasonable demand Ned has for him, he's looking at rebellion and while Dragonstone is a prestige thing, unless you have valyrian mage types is just a barren rock, barely worth running. The targaryens were after all Exiled there.

Joffrey has after all just tried to murder the niece of a Lord Paramount, the Daughter in Law of another Lord Paramount and threatened to cut out her baby first... He's basically been turned into the new example of who not marry among the nobility of the kingdoms.

The skirling pass is far from the wall and even farther from winterfell, and it is by no means an emergency, otherwise Bloodraven himself wouldn't be there saying it, it's more of an "oh btw we need reinforcements snappishly"
Azrubêl said:
This actually bugged me in the books. If the Iron Islands don't have anything of much worth besides iron, shouldn't the Ironborn developed good ironworking skills?

By the way, does House Stark now have a Valyrian Steel axe instead of a greatsword? If I remember correctly, Ice was forged about 500 years before the Doom, and the Norsemen arrived 2.000 years BL.
Nope, they have a Runed Valyrian Steel Greatsword, Runes are use to name a weapon and to impart a truth upon the world, as to what that weapon does.

For instance, Blackfyre burns with Black Fire.

The knowledge of making these sword still remains however the lack of dragonfire has made the forging process prohibitively expensive.
Azrubêl said:
Well, you mentioned Eddard using an axe, and this was was why I asked. So, would that mean Ice is..Icy?
The Axe was used during the Greyjoy executions, the description and process of which you will find under Blood Eagle. And yes if Ice is still Ice, then it will cautherize wounds with frost. There are however insteresting consequences to using runes in this manner, a Sword of Forseti, a sword runed with Justice, can not strike down or harm an innocent man. Heartseeker would not be able to kill anyway other then stabbing a heart.

Brightroar would presumably turn everyone in it's vicinity blind and deaf, and Red Rain would I presume cause it to rain blood when drawn in battle. Lady Forlorn would only be able to kill married men. If these blades were runed, not certain after all that they were. Only one i've showcased so far is Blackfyre.
Azrubêl said:
This actually bugged me in the books. If the Iron Islands don't have anything of much worth besides iron, shouldn't the Ironborn developed good ironworking skills?

By the way, does House Stark now have a Valyrian Steel axe instead of a greatsword? If I remember correctly, Ice was forged about 500 years before the Doom, and the Norsemen arrived 2.000 years BL.
Vikings DID use swords, and thanks to trading with the middle-east some of them had crucible steel swords too! That being said, swords were bloody expensive, so only the veterans of multiple raids or already well-off warriors could afford them. Nearly everyone already had a handaxe since it's such an useful tool, and it's deadly to boot.
kenigsberg said:
So will we see some Varyags - vikings that rule over some southern part of Westeros? Also awesome story!
Varyags were historically a slavic name for the Vaeringa fleets/regiments who went down to serve as mercs in Konstantinople, so I've kind of covered that. however Brandon might be up to something, you never know.
Ah yes, Heartsbane not Heartseeker, Heartseeker is from elsewhere [.< ... ].> nothing to see here.

and i should probably specify that Ned was wielding a handaxe during the executions of the greyjoys.
o_O Whoa! giant wall of text off Captain Hunt. that is an extremly impressive amount of information, alot of it will come as we progress, some minor characters and major ones are quite dead at this point and some that were to die will live. However, in regards to the culture, there are are no "pure" First Men houses anymore, given that the legal and material benefits were quite huge for women, so over 2 millenia they've all changed. Religions well the Septons hold the Old/Norse Gods in slightly higher esteem then they did the OTL/Old Gods, easier to the draw parallels and so on. The Rowans are Sif specific, if there had been an insult to Thor it'd have been Oaks, Oden would require Ashtrees or Weirwoods so as to symbolise Yggdrasil.

Seidr and Galdr well it's runic spells and chants and well people do hold views don't they... some hold more stringent views then others. Blood Eagles are considered, by those who've witnessed their use, very freaking disturbing(and rightly so the person it's done to is after all alive...for abit.), the shield maidens are most held as home defence, no woman will go raiding, unless there are extenuating circumstances in the extreme. The Valkyrie cult well thats abit insteresting cause their abit like Septas and Maesters they are a missionary, healthcare and selfdefense group, aimed specifically as you might expect toward women, and being that they are by the Septs considered adherents of the mother, crone and warrior in some regard are given tacit support by the Septons and Septas. Berserkers are of course to be Feared. The Ting system is considered good and just in the extreme by smallfolk and merchants everywhere that hear about it, and disturbing in the extreme to Knights and Lords, after all 36 crofters putting a Tyrell on trial! Preposterous!.

The Valyrians aren't really fleshed out yet, but they have and will play/ed a fairly significant part as people might have guessed by last snippet. This being said I will not make a family map to cover the 8000 years since Bran the Builder, I might draw one up for the past 2-300 years. some questions answered, the rest will come in time, probably.:confused:.cause that was a hell of a list mate. :)
Azrubêl said:
This actually bugged me in the books. If the Iron Islands don't have anything of much worth besides iron, shouldn't the Ironborn developed good ironworking skills?
Considering it's a bitch and a half just to extract what iron and crops from the ground, I can't really see them being that good at ironworking, if only for lack of materials to use.

Plus, why do that when you can.... "convince" someone else to make them for you?

As for Robert surrendering the island a bit too easily....

Remember, Joffery's pretty much forced his hand, if he refuses, then odds are the North will blow a gasket or dozen, and when the South hears why they're busy dying, namely, that Joffery violated Hospitality, they'll be demanding that Joffery be handed over.

Plus, it's a tiny island of obsidian, a small fishing village, and a castle.

While Stannis might be upset, Robert can surely find him something more suitable to his role, namely, ANYTHING.
Jonarv Stark son of Cregan fathers three sons and four daughters by two wives, one a Lady Bolton, the other a Lady Blackwood.

Wilhelm Stark, dies with his father during the last evacuation of the wildings into the gift lands, this was undertaken due to the massive increase in wights, aswell as the severe drops in temperature north of the wall.

Artos II Stark, Prince of Winterfell, Marries Elaena Targaryen in 166AL, their bethrothal having been put "On hold" by Baelor I. Artos had been in contact with Elaena and had after she wrote to him of their imprisonment, sent a letter with a single line "I'm coming to get you." It was not a month after this letter arrived that two longships flying Artos' personal emblem of a black direwolf on a blue field, performed the only known Strandhugg (Beach Stab) on Kings Landing, and Artos' himself led forty picked men into the Red Keep, rescuing the three sisters in the vault.
Rhaena Targaryen though a devout woman, had not been so devout so as to enjoy being locked up for Baelors' weakness, and willingly joined the escape. Deana the Defiant, known later as the Mother of Blackfyre, had simply laughed and said that was perfectly comfortable where she was and did not need any rescuing.
Elaena Targaryen however was more then happy seeing her bethrothed once more and insisted that they marry as swiftly as was possible. Artos Stark sailed his ships home to the north, bypassing White Harbor and the wolfs den with a shouted conversation towards the dockside about being in a rush to get home. Porting near Castle Cerwyn, Artos and Elaena ride hard and true for Winterfell, where they are married within hours. Artos Stark marries only once in his life, fathering one son and two daughters.

Beron Stark, joins the Nightwatch, served as Lord of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea

Edwyle Stark; firstborn and only Son of Artos Stark and Elaena Targaryen, is born a carbon copy of Aegon the Dragon a fact witnessed to by many of the eldest greenseers, leading to the nickname of the Wolfdragon. his two sisters Alysanne and Valeana are aswell born with their mothers colouring however where their mother had mostly silverblond hair with a deep golden stripe, the twin girls are born one with Golden hair the other with silver, both with Stark Grey eyes. The twin girls swiftly became known as Lady Sun and Lady Moon.

Edwyle Stark marries Lady Arya Greystark, a woman of great scholarly prowess, though many fear that the bookish young lady will be of weak constitution, this is proven false as she provides Lord Edwyle with three healthy sons, Rickard, Torrhen and Beron. The lady Arya is also famed for having raven's black hair leading to a little poem circulating in the realms. "Edwyle Stark, a man raised with Sun and Moon, who married the blackest Night."

Valeana Stark marries Magister Jaehaerys, elected lord of the Valyrian Exclave in the Hornwood.

Alysanne Stark marries Maekar Targaryen.

Rickard Stark born fully with Stark colouring marries Alys Karstark and Jonella Bolton, siring eight children, with Alys Karstark, Brandon(1), Lyanna(4), Harlon(3) and finally Barbrey(7). with Jonella Bolton he sires Eddard(2), Beron(5), Sansa(6) and Wilhelm(8).

Rickard Stark dies in 282AL in the Red Keep.

that's a start anyway. I can't for the life of me make a geneological map on a computer so anyone who wants to do that feel free.