Titanic strength (Attack on Titan/ Worm SI)

I've never used a semicolon in my life.
Semicolons are something of an endangered species. If you read some works by Charles Dickens, Jules Verne or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1800s to early 1900s) they have (relatively) huge sentences with semicolons all over the place. Nowadays, people tend to have shorter sentences and when semicolons should be used commas are used instead.
Interlude 1
POV ????

She stood still, frozen wouldn't be the right word to describe her mental state, no, surprise would be a much better description, the little one had done something she had not predicted, she won.

That was not supposed to happen, the little one was not supposed to have won that fight, not with the powers she had granted her, but she had to admit, she had overlooked the potential of the mutational lighting, it was an... Interesting use for an ability she had only intended to work as a way to give the little one enough energy to grow.

'To reach its objective without caring about any obstacle, annihilating any and destroying anything it touches to reach her, she exploited something as simple as the way the rules were made to gain an unstoppable and unblockable attack.'

Still, that did not change the fact that her plan is now completely shattered the little one had gone in a dangerous direction, one that she had no control over it.

Seeing the future and planning accordingly to it was only a foreseeable strategy as long as her enemy couldn't detect the usage of simulated probabilities, something that quickly became obvious if her enemy operated in a heightened mental level that was near her own.

Unfortunately for her, her enemy does have the qualifications necessary to oppose her on that front, inevitably her meddling with the future would be noted and reported to it.

That Galaxy would not survive what would happen afterwards.

Even worse she could not simply go there and take care of the problem herself, she would only make things worse, she had made things worse before.

The being called Scion by humanity is not her enemy, no, it is her enemy but not a threat, at least not one on the same level as it.

All the power of the universe and her past self only thought about hitting it really hard with a beam.

"How pathetic."

It had been damaged yes, badly but if someone fought fire with another type of fire that could devour the previous fire all they would get was a stronger flame. Her power had been rendered useless afterward.

She attacked, It ate, It grew stronger.

Anywhere she touched it would know and it would come rushing towards her, worse yet even if she managed to stealthy arrive at a universe her mere presence would cause more abominations like it to be born.

So she hid herself like a coward, she had no other options, until some billion years ago that is, when she had the idea of indirectly giving parts of her powers to chosen 'champions' their mission was simple, to kill the thing, and of all the trillions of champions Every. Single. One. Failed.

She tried everything to control their actions, to guide them, to give them clues, all the power she could, nothing worked, and the thing's power only grew with each failed attempt, she had been fighting the thing for so much time she had forgotten what was her life before it.

She could destroy indirectly by forcing a multiversal annihilation reaction but the level of destruction it would cause was simply unacceptable, the number of deaths after unleashing such an attack would be so big it would be easier to count the number of the living, with luck she might just have to lift a single finger.

She had thought about it, doing it would be easy - So so easy - she just had to lift her arms and...


She stopped her train of thought, she would never do that, not even if she was about to be consumed, to destroy entire universes only because of her mistake? To abandon her beliefs only because she was about to be consumed?


She... Couldn't do it, it was ironic, looking back at her life she realized she had destroyed the lives of so many of her 'champions', the little one was not the first being she had brought from another multiversal crust, but as things had progressed she may as well be one of the last.

With every try her hiding spot personal dimension becomes easier and easier to find, her actions leave tracks for it to follow and it did follow if things continue the way they have been for the past 13 billion years then she would not live for much longer.

"To hell with this empathy." She cursed her own personality for caring so much about the bigger picture.

But she couldn't help it, it was simply who she was, kind and caring enough to refuse to kill so many, cruel enough not to care about a single life when googolplex of lives depended on her.

She tried everything she could, but this time was different, if she is not mistaken humans once said animals are most dangerous when cornered, this phrase could be said to apply to her.

In a stroke of ingenuity, she got an idea, one that maybe will help her escape her Doom, for it to work she first needed a soul with a mentality similar to that of herself, after acquiring it she would indirectly allow the soul to grow, not by giving it her power no, she had already done that with every other champion -and look where that took her- but not now.

She would break the soul's physical, mental and spiritual limits, alone of course it would never manage to survive for long but with her... subtle help and small manipulations it could grow stronger.

Of course, to grow stronger it first needed a reason for it, she felt bad for giving it hope, the little one would reach her dream if she had anything to say about it, yes but that was not her purpose.

Her purpose was to let the little one grow stronger and stronger without her holding her hand all through the entire process, the only speck of power she gave, not lend gave to the little one was the tree, even then she had made it almost impossible for anything other than a soul to even touch the land, the possibility of it to find the place was low, not because it was well hidden but because it was seeking her.

'Still, this... derivation is worrying.'

Having the little one survive the encounter was... Unexpected but at the same time it was an acceptable stepback, she was the first of her tries on a new strategy and sometimes plans fail.

She would let the little one be for now but still, she had to take back control, without a challenge, without a... Nemesis the little one would stagnate and that could not be allowed to happen.

Yes, yes numbers engulfed her vision, showing calculations and equations so precise they could predict the destination of a single speck of dust after being blown by the wind.

Briefly she wondered if she should fix the little one but decided against it, the obstacles she would face would not only make her stronger but it would also reinforce her conviction, and if the little one broke... Then she would meet a fate worse than inexistence, a weak-willed mind would never be able to fight against it after all.

POV N̷̨̰̦̤͖̣͔͙̺̻̱̰̓̎̍͛͐͑͌͂͗͝ͅҽ̷̻̪̟̝̥̻̥̯̬̟̥̀̽͛̾͌͠͠ʂ̸̛̗̠͍͈͖̘̝̠̖̞̤̪͎̒̍̎ͅʂ̴̙͇͉̟̞̻̺͓̦͈̐ͅα̷̮͕̣͓̯̰͍̥͖̮̹͍̤̉̓̍̋̾̃͗̉̎̃̑̕͘͝ ̴̡͕̫̣̼͎͍̹͍̯̝̩͆͂͝B̸̡͇̘͓̦̈̅͛̑́̑̐̔͂̚͠ι̴̨̛̭̤̭̤͉͚̹̇͊̋̓͂̑͝͝͝ͅҽ̶̡̨̦̳̭͍̠̮͎͎̰̱̭̿̒̎̔̃̈̌͌̈͛̅͘͜͝ɾ̵̼͈͔͠ɱ̴̧̨̰̠͖̦͖̺͕̇̀ᾀ̴̦̫̳̩̹͕̦̟̜̩̗̳̫͒͗̓̈́̋̀͆̆͒͛̈́͜͝ɳ̴̨̡͖͇̭̲̩͓͉̭̮̠̪͗̆͋̇͒͆̿̄͂̚ɳ̷̩̝͐̂͗́̌/̶̧͙͚͔̤̫̮̯͈͑̈́͋́͌̎̐̇̔̿̉͂͝͝J̵̗̣̱̯̙͕̣͙̣̙̼̲̦̉̃̆́̌͜͝ҽ̵̨̙͎̙̺̗̫̱̹͎̲̆ʂ̷̱̭̰̙͊̄̌̎̾̆̎͗̕ʂ̷̮̤͈͗̈́́͊̊͑̾͑̂̈́͗̕ι̷̧̛͙͉̘̇̉̉ƈ̸͔̱̉̓̿̔̉̔̆̌͆̃̈́̕͘ἀ̷͍̤͕̬̻͌̈́͆͌͝͠ ̴̢͎̤̼̖͎͚͚̳͍͐̾́͘B̵̹̆̆̾͐̔͐͂̈ι̴̠͔̻̖̱̯͙͙͈̼̲̂̚͝ҽ̴̢̗̩̲͙͖̠̞̭̭͓̺͈̏͊̌̽͑͊̂͐̿̿͆͠ɾ̴͖̦́̓̿̄̈́̃̏̔̽̋̕̕͠͝ɱ̵̥͎̜̳̃͆̎͑̽̈̈̓́̕̚̚ά̷̢̧̛̙͇̠̞̼̤̀̐̚͝ɳ̵̨̼̼͈̘͈̆̄͗͋̀͜ɳ̷̥̙͈͈̳̜͎͚͓͋̏͜͝

Sh- They could SEE the paths, see the futility of all actions, towards the all expanding omniverse, not even entire multiversal crusts mattered on the Grand scale of things.

But even the grand scale of things didn't matter to little lifeforms like them, the paths connected everything future past, life, afterlife everything met at least once on this place, and she? She could see everything by merely being in the presence of it.

The transformed man is not her enemy, at least not anymore.

His transformation made him something... More, bigger but... Not complete, he is above most of the living not a mortal but not a god either.

In between existence he came here to mold what should not have been molded with his 'sand'.


No, it is much more than that, the grains from which everything can be made possess no limit outside of those she decides.

Something pulled her, separating them, the sand started to form in a humanoid shape, and for a moment she understood what would become of her, with her memories fused she could not tell who she was but even so, she screamed, the sound of her cries did not reach her sister and even while fighting every step of the way she could not stop her descent towards the hellish world.

Her only conform came in the knowledge that even after not remembering what happened in this realm she would help the Empress kill the Golden God, and perhaps even the silver trickster.