Titanic strength (Attack on Titan/ Worm SI)

Oh, yeah. Crystallized fists underway.
OP has Founder Titan powers, Ymir level Founder Titan powers.

Crystallized fists are only the beginning.

Like; the only thing stopping the protagonist from going full Rumbling over the entire planet is the fact that there aren't any Descendants of Ymir around to turn into Colossal Titans.
When is this going to be updated lol really looking forward to the nazi version of playboy bunnies get their asses kicked

So, the chapter is already big at 5k and I don't like to do long reviews so I'm going to do the review today and post it tomorrow, or today really, if it doesn't come before 17:00 it will be tomorrow.

Sorry no Titan fight for chapter 2 only 3.
So a reader asked me a question about the MC, Annie, they felt like she was sending mixed signals with her personality so I'm going to insert my answer to him/her in this chapter in case anyone else is confused with Annie's personality.

Ok, you don't understand the Mc at all, not that I blame you so I will explain for you (I already did in the first chapter but ok I'll do it again) she does not care if she dies because she had time to think about her mortality, in her eyes death is inevitable and as such she should not try to fight it.

After being on the brink of death she decided that although she does not fear death she doesn't want to die because In her eyes the world has so much to offer and all she has to do is to take those opportunities (Character progression the Mc will not forever have the same personality or views).

It's not like she doesn't care about herself it's just that she only cares about herself in the present, she got stabbed? Eliminate the threat first then take care of the wound later, she is falling to her death? panicking is useless, do it later now you have to find a way to survive.

Someone died and she couldn't do anything about it? not her problem, not her responsibility, someone is being attacked and she can do something about it? She will because she doesn't want to see someone suffering for the views or egoism of another.

The mc is egoist but not to the point where she doesn't care about anyone else, she normally priorities her own being but as I said earlier she is not heartless, she will help someone out of a tight situation even if it means putting her life at risk, she wouldn't sacrifice herself for an enemy for example.

Oh and if you're going to correct my grammar please quote the mistakes, that helps me tremendously.

I also noticed some people are having misconceptions about the mc's powers so I'll have to clarify this for you all, this is also an answer to a question so read attentively I don't like to reveal things outside of the history but since there is so much confusion around this I will.

Yes, she will have all their powers, in just one form, I already said that she is the Founding Titan because she is the first titan of this world, not because she has Ymir's powers, there are no past titan shifters because she is the only one that ever existed.

That makes her the Queen, the progenitor of all Titans, not a copy of Ymir and certainly Not her descendant, she doesn't have Ymir's blood but she is of the royal linage because (Once again) she is the first Titan to ever exist on that Universe.

If anything her powers are extremely similar to that of Ymir but also have some quirks of their own.

So! I hope this answered all of your questions, feel free to ask me anything in the comments and I will try to answer to the best of my ability as long as it is within acceptable limits.

"We wo-".

"Please don't". Annie interrupted Menja's rant before she could continue.

"Excuse me?".

"You are not excused, judging by your words I can already tell you both are, as the girl behind you kindly said, Nazis, and just by that fact I will ignore anything and everything you say under the pretext that a person who follows the words of a genocidal man like Hitler is either an idiot full of unreasonable hate".

Annie stopped for a moment and drew a big breath.

"A poor indoctrinated fool that can't get out of the brainwash inflicted upon them, a victim of the cycle of hatred or simply a greedy bastard that uses the hate of others to their own advantage, because honestly, I do not believe for a moment that anyone that hates someone for the shape of their faces or color of their skin is in any way sane or intelligent enough to actually form a point to their hatred that does not sound like an excuse".

"So no, I will not join you in your crusade against what you perceive as an enemy of your white supremacy mindset, you can say it is to get the illegal immigrants out of your country or not to let non-whites replace you, I don't care, what I care about is the fact that you both are about to kill a teenage girl because she has dark skin, and I can not allow you to do that".

'One would expect a world like Worm to not have something like Nazis due to Trigger events, most likely the number of hate crimes through the world decreased due to that but as always humanity adapts, how I still do not know but a search through a computer should help'.

The twins stopped for a moment to look at each other, they stayed that way for some seconds as if they were having a mental conversation, and then when they finally ended it they looked at Annie again.

"I see, we do not blame you for believing the black's propaganda".


"Kaiser once said to us that since the niggers can't win against us in a war of fists they try to win against us is a war of words, coming to our country, stealing what is not theirs, taking places that should belong to the real Americans and they have the gall to call themselves victims, tch, can you believe that?". Menja asked her while at the same time looking at her sister's face.

"Multiculturalism they call, equal rights they call, equal rights for who?! Ethan lost his job to an Asian whore and had to steal from the streets to keep his son fed because an idiot with a black suit thought it would be a good idea to let a meathead monkey work at the place an actual person should be!".

"Menja". Fenja said while at the same time putting her hands on her sister's shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I overreacted". Menja took a calming breath and turned to look at Annie once again.

"I understand, we lost many to them, now, what should we do with her?".

Annie stayed silent through their conversation, the only reaction she had from the conversation was the narrowing of her eyes, the Odinism nazi wannabes had made it clear to her what their opinions were, she did not need to reason with them anymore, it would be a waste of both of their times, the situation would escalate to a fight no matter what.

The problem was that she was not sure she could win without the powers of the attack titan, just like Mikasa had said a 15-meter tall human would not have been capable of lifting a rock that weighed 7000 tons but the attack Titan could.

'Fenja and Menja have the ability to become 13-meter tall humans that can shrink the damage of anything coming towards them so on their maximum size my punches and kicks would only be 1/5 or 1/6 as powerful as they should, from what I saw of the anime unless I have the armored titan's shell-like armor I won't be able to tank the hits from both of their weapons'.

'But that would only apply if my powers came from the same origin as the ones from the manga and anime, and I'm fairly sure they don't, not only that but I am the first Titan, The Founder, that not only means I'm the only person on this planet with Royal blood but also that my Titan form will possibly be more powerful'.

'Only that would already be enough to secure a fairly good place on this world but as indicated by my inhuman strength I'm also an Ackerman possibly meaning that my titan will be stronger than what it would already have been'.

'And finally, I don't know what will happen when I transform myself, will I go to the titan realm and make my own titan? Or will it be given to me?'

"So what should we do with her?". Fenja asked once again, Annie could only tell them apart because of their weapons, Fenja carried a sword and shield, Menja on the other hand only had a Spear.

"If it was anyone else I would say to break her legs and call the ambulance to send her to Panacea but she is a parahuman and one of the black sympathizers, we should just kill her and avoid future trouble".

"Are you sure we should attack though? She's new, we don't know what her power is".

"No problem, she probably doesn't either, just be sure not to let her touch your skin, you never know what those striker types can do after all".

"Alright let's end this". Saying that Fenja advanced towards Annie, Menja was not far behind.

'Slow'. Was the first thing she thought after seeing the Twins advancing towards her, the second was that she would need the reflexes her newly improved brain gave her, they were armed, she was not.

'If only I had my gear'.

Fenja came first, swinging her sword towards her, aiming for her neck.

'She wants to end this quickly, for all that bravado she does not want to fight against what she perceives as an unknown parahuman, smart, I wouldn't like to fight without info on my enemies either'.

Annie in response ducked her head slightly while pushing the top of her body towards the right side of Fenja, a place where she had no way of counter-attacking due to her forceful swing.

Taking advantage of her position Annie punched Fenja in the chin with her right fist, the results of this action were better than expected.

A crunching noise sounded through the night sky, followed shortly by a cry of pain.



Capitalizing on her enemy's weakness Annie advanced towards Menja who managed to see her approach and subsequently her attack.

Reacting fast she blocked Annie's kick towards her knee with the handle of her spear, which had the unfortunate effect of sinking her spear's blade on the ground.

"I was thinking about just killing you quickly, but now? Now I'll do it slowly".

Annie did not answer, she had no reason to, not only that but now she had the advantage, if the villain wanted to monologue and give her time she was not going to stop her.

Menja pushed Annie's feet out of her spear and quickly followed with an attack on her stomach with the weapon, unfortunately for her, she had to make more strength to retrieve her spear from the ground, giving Annie time to spin around, not content with only dodging the spear Annie followed her movement with a kick that connected with Menja's jaw.

The only reason the woman was still not down was because of her helmet, if not for it Annie would have already kicked her head and knocked her down already, she was not the type of person to do fancy moves or lose an opportunity when she saw one if she could end the fight she would, real life was not like an anime where the protagonist somehow survived a clear fatal wound or received a power boost out of nowhere, Right now she was fighting for her and the black teenager's life, she had neither the time nor the privilege of being fancy.

She could have used more force in her kick, but she did not for the simple fact that if she did Menja would Die and she simply couldn't afford retaliation from the Empire, not yet.

"Ah!". The woman shouted in pain before losing her grip on her spear and falling to the ground, not missing a beat Annie pressed her advantage.

Fenja and Menja's 'endurance' got higher the taller they got, with their maximum height being 13 meters, but due to an early comment Annie decided to play it safe, for what she remembered Fennir's Chosen had been created after Leviathan's attack, an attack where Fenja died, this was clearly not the case here.

Annie liked many things in the world but what she most liked without a doubt was efficiency, going from point A to B as fast as possible, hence the reason why she was not holding her skills back against the twins, she did not want them to transform and become an annoyance that she wasn't sure she could handle.

Sliding on the ground she arrived behind Menja and performed a naked choke by sliding her right arm through her lower jaw until she managed to hold her left arm, then she proceeded to hold her head with her left hand while at the same time tightening her grip and pushing her shoulder back, now she just had to wait for Menja to lose her air and faint, after that she would take the black girl away from the alley and ask for her phone or a number to call the Protectorate ENE.

That was her plan before being hit in the head with a circular shield and forced not only to lift her hold on Menja but also lift herself and jump backward to avoid a sword cutting her head, she'd have to tie her hair back later.

Putting her hand on her head she noticed that the place of impact barely hurt, if she had to describe the feeling it would be the same as hitting her head on a wall while being distracted.

No time to stay distracted, a spear came in her direction almost immediately after she regained her balance.


Not having any time to dodge Annie did the only thing she could and took the spear's handle with her left hand, what impressed her more was not the fact that the weapon immediately stopped in its tracks but the fact that the alloy of which was made didn't break, she didn't know how much strength was needed to break, not bend, Break steel was necessary but she knew it must've been on the ton category.

From what she remembers, on the manga, Mikasa managed to lift 1200 kilograms, 1.2 tons in the form of steel rails, and she was barely making an effort to lift the thing, this should give her an idea of how strong she is but as she thought earlier she doubted her powers came from the same entity that gave Ymir her powers.

Fenja advanced towards her, throwing her shield at her again this time with much more force while also thrusting her weapon forward.

The Ackerman can manifest titan powers while in human form, not only that but they also gain the accumulated experience gained by every past Ackerman, something she does not have, she has some suspicions about having Annie's memories but besides that nothing much.

Using the spear she blocked the shield coming at her, making the object bounce off her weapon and fly to the air in the same direction it came from, a reaction Menja was apparently expecting since she jumped into the air behind her sister, caching the circular shield and throwing at her again.

In Attack on Titan the Ackerman were created to guard royalty and because of that their powers only manifested after recognizing someone as their host or master, something that evidently didn't happen to her, her powers activated because of her will to live, a will she will carry on for as long as she breathes, not because she saw someone or something she wanted to protect or follow.

Too fast! the shield came back at her with even more speed, forcing her to sidestep to the left, that was apparently the wrong move.

Hence her dilemma, the handle of the knife she broke was not hollow, and although there are different types of steel she doubted she would be able to do something like that with only 1.2 tons of pressure, so the question was, where the Ackerman more powerful than she gave then credit for or it was something else?.

It was moments like this where Annie remembered there were people in the world just as cunning as her, just as intelligent as her, even with Fenja's sword ripping through her chest and stopping due to the lack of necessary power to damage her vertebrae.

The founding titan has the ability to change the body structure of subjects of Ymir or in her case Subjects of Annie.

That's why after having half of her stomach cut horizontally she didn't cry out in pain or made a painful face, she didn't even flinch after feeling her blood oozing through her leg, no, she smiled.

Seeing her face Fenja took her sister's weapon from Annie's hand without any resistance and jumped back, stopping by her sister's side and giving her spear towards its rightful owner.

"What's up with that freaky smile?". Menja asked her sister in a hushed voice.

"I don't know, but I don't think it's anything good, keep your guard".

"~I am glad~". Annie said with a dreamy voice, it was a beautiful voice too, contrary to her early serious tone her voice now gave a feeling of peace and calmness, a voice perfect for a singer.

Or at least It would be if steam wasn't being released from her wound, closing her stomach but leaving a gigantic amount of blood behind.

"~I am so, so glad that this world has such strong people like you, it is just perfect, a world where we humans didn't fall into relaxation, into the welcoming arms of peace, It is simply AMAZING!~".

YELLOW sparks danced around her body.

"~In a world where we are allowed to reach our full potential there is nothing to stop me from finally Being Free!~".

Menja and Fenja flinched for one moment, the woman's voice had gone from passionate to crazy relatively quickly.

"~After so much time of being denied my dream, my freedom I finally gain an opportunity to reach all of that I dreamed of, this shackles called Evolution WILL NOT HOLD ME BACK ANYMORE!".

The sparks around her body intensified, creating small noises and making her purple eyes glow with an unnatural light.

"FENJA!". "I KNOW DON'T RUSH ME". The two twins shouted while activating their powers at the same time, but by then it was too late.

Yellow lighting came down from the clouds, striking the blond woman dead on, not only blinding the twins but also lighting up the entirety of the city in Yellow light, the last thing they saw before their world was consumed by yellow was the smiling face of the woman looking upon their gigantic forms, and then, the sound of a thousand birds came.

//Titanic Strength//

Annie opened her eyes, the ground was... soft, the night was full of stars, beautiful northern lights decorated the sky, and... she was calm, unnaturally calm, even for her.

Getting up she looked down and saw the white sand beneath her feet, she was not in Brockton Bay anymore.

Looking around she noticed a yellow light on the edge of her vision, turning her head towards its source she saw something that immediately gave it away her location.

"So I am really here, for a moment I was worried my speculation was wrong and I was not the actual First Titan but a descendant of Ymir but this really does prove my theory".

"The coordinate, a place where all paths converge, where time has no meaning, where a God made its children, or perhaps a slave created her abominations".

Looking forward Annie did not blink for the tree of the founder was before her, a construct made out of the origin of all life, her tree, her power, her potential, for now, it was small, thin barely five meters tall and with no branches.

'Time has no meaning here'.

Squirting her eyes Annie looked attentively at her power and before her she saw it getting bigger, its light began to get stronger, branches started to appear and spread, dozens, hundreds? Thousands? Millions? She didn't know, for all her power her spirit couldn't comprehend the fact that now she was not seeing only the present, not the past and not the future but a combination of everything.

It was too much, she had to look away or she wouldn't be able to stop anymore.

Forcing herself to close her eyes and turn back she stayed in place for some seconds while taking deep breaths, whatever was keeping her calm almost failed on its task.

Opening her eyes again she froze, a wave of cold swept through her entire body, and whatever was keeping her calm finally gave in to her fear.




There were thousands of them, the calming white desert now was inhabited by what she could only describe as monsters, from 10 to 300 meters the giants varied from shape and appearance, the only common thing in them being their monstrous appearance, they looked human but were anything but.

But that was not what scared her, In the anime, most titans were monstrous and disgusting, in real life that was even worse, but once again their appearance did not scare her, no, she would even dare say they looked like finely sculptured statues, what scared her was the thing looking down on her at this moment.

She could not see it clearly, her eyes now, although being capable of seeing through all layers and points of time could not see the thing in front of her, but she could feel.

Her, the thing in front of her was herself, her Titan, her second skin, the sheer power emanating from it gave her only one thought, that she had done a good job, even now she could feel, through all that power, through all that terror, a much smaller but greater flame, dancing around the being's body, fixing past mistakes, adding more sand to it, evolving what should for all accounts be impossible to.

It was beautiful, this sculptor, this God managed to create something of a magnitude she had never seen before, she knew who the sculptor was, she knew what she was doing, why she was doing it, but even so, even with time itself showing it to her she had to wonder, would she, one day reach that level?.


And as if it was all a dream her vision returned to normal, the desert once again became empty, looking behind she saw that her tree had returned to normal, small and with no branches.

Why was she here again?.

Ah, yes she had to make her Titan.

Lifting her hand she lifted tons of sand from the soil, even with all that sand around her she felt like she only had a limited amount to work with, perhaps the only usable sand would be of a specific type? The founder was no common Titan after all.

No matter, she would have to work with what she had, now, first thing first the skeleton.

'Titan skeletons really don't make much sense, Reiner was able to cut the female titan's fingers without a problem with his sword with only physical force and nothing else, he simply spun around once and cut off her fingers, granted, the sword broke but that still didn't make any sense since Mikasa, an Ackerman couldn't completely cut his arms and neck with a single swing of her blade even after gaining speed'.

'So either Titan's bones are as weak as butter or... well the anime and manga represent nothing but a writer's imagination and in the actual universe of Attack on Titan, Titan's bones are actually almost indestructible to normal means and those swords only word on their flesh, by logic it would be the latter'.

'Trusting a fictional work in the form of a book to describe a realistic world is nothing but stupid, plot holes existing as well as faults in logic on the part of the author, hence the reason why I will only trust the fact that Parahuman powers come from Zion and Eden, nothing more, making assumptions with possible faulty information is nothing short of stupid'.

Getting out of her thoughts Annie started to build her Skeleton, first the feet, she wasted no time in removing unnecessary bones, as she learned before evolution was not about perfecting a being but increasing its chances of survival, humans evolved from monkeys, monkeys that regularly climbed of trees and as such needed those extra bones, but now she had no need for that, she needed speed, efficiency, endurance, and power not gripping strength.

'Wait, endurance?'. Annie stopped her work for one second and closed her eyes to try and feel the 'sand' around her.

Feeling something different within her reach she took it and brought it to her, opening her eyes she saw what she had taken, for anyone that wasn't her they would see nothing but a gigantic sphere of white sand floating in the air, but she knew better, that 'sand' felt more powerful... More energetic? She couldn't explain perfectly but she knew that using that 'sand' to make her skeleton would make it stronger.

Not questioning the feeling she dismissed the previous solid sculpture and replaced it with the new sand, she briefly changed the talus and calcaneus to allow her feet a 180-degree movement.

Next was the leg, it was there where Annie had to stop and think about what she would do now, she had two options, the first was to make her knee face backward just like that of an ostrich, which would increase her stamina and speed tremendously, but it would make impossible for her to attack with her feet, something that simply could not happen, her kicks and footwork were too important to simply trade for some more speed.

Walking around in circles Annie thought about her dilemma until, after some minutes, she came to a conclusion.

The founding Titan can alter the bodies of any Eldian, considering this and the fact that she is making her own Titan the only thing she would need to do to gain more speed was to manipulate her own body in the real world.

Making her decision Annie continued to work on her leg, she altered the tibia, not only making it thicker but also curving it in a way that it formed a type of protection on the front part of her leg, she knew how much it hurt to receive an attack in that specific body part but with her improvements her bones would be more resistant than a ballistic shield, even without considering the fact that her bone would be thicker than the body of an average man.

Continuing her work she did the same with her fibula but before moving on she added joints to her lower leg bones, these joints would greatly accelerate the speed of any kicks she performed to the point where she would be able to deliver a supersonic kick, this would undoubtedly be her strongest attack.

Reaching her patella she simply reinforced the bone with more joints to its sides while at the same time giving it more flexibility to not block her movements, moving to her femur she did the same thing as her tibia and added reinforced joints to it, breaking or cutting her legs now should be an incredibly difficult task.

Moving to the hips she removed the tailbone and proceeded to reinforce her spine, not much to do besides adding some bone plates to her clavicle, going to her arms she added joints to them, and slightly changed the positioning of the ulna, and radius.

She then proceeded to add joints to her hands and feet, making it impossible for them to be broken via the twisting of her bones.

Finally reaching the top of the body Annie saw that her sculpture would end up being a 17 meter tall Titan, resuming her work she started to mess with the cervical vertebrae, the most important part of her body.

Manipulating the bones she added more sand to them, making them thicker to the point where it was unlikely for her skull to collide with her Titan brain, if she ever lost her head while inside her Titan that would be very important.

Finishing the vertebrae Annie proceeded to make her skull, jaw, and teeth, the only thing she altered was her canines, making them sharper, and the base of her teeth, fusing them better with her bones and making them more firm in her jaw, she might not have the jaw titan's power yet but that did not mean her teeth were not a weapon.

Ending her work she looked at the rest of what was left of her sand, there wasn't much but there was enough to do something, but for now, she had no use for it.

Taking the 'lesser' sand again Annie started to make her body parts composed of flesh, she did not need to make any organs since her Titan moved due to the power of her tree and the energy of the sun but she still needed to be able to talk in her Titan form, she probably wouldn't get right the first time nor the fifth but she would, in time learn how to speak.

Speaking about organs she would need a stomach, she had no intention of becoming a cannibal but then she also didn't have the intention to teleport to another Universe.

Concentrating and gathering more of her sand all around her body Annie was able to harden and strengthen her tissues, she continued that process until she was able to complete the exterior part of her titan, looking It over she noticed that the Titan looked like an older version of Annie's own female Titan, that was to be expected she supposed, now she had to add skin and them, do something with the rest of her 'superior' sand.

Using her sand she covered the entirety of her arms, shoulders, and chest, including her breasts, the skin she was putting right now would serve as a 'prototype' to where she would put the armor of the armored titan, not everything but most of it.

Looking over her breasts Annie twisted and manipulated not only the fibers of her flesh but also her skin to create 5 individual threads going from below her breast to her shoulders, she did that because she wanted her Titan to only appear Human but at the same time clearly not be one to anyone seeing it, that was also the reason she simply didn't cover her entire body with skin.

Going through the hands Annie imitated the design of the original female titan, only altering her knuckles with her superior sand by giving them a rhombus shape, she also covered the fingers with the superior sand, it was getting annoying for her to refer to the second sand as superior in her head.

'I'll just call it second-grade sand from now on'.

Going towards the stomach she covered four of her packs with individual, non-connected skin, reaching the last two she covered them both and connected them with the skin on her crotch forming a V shape.

Standing in the air in front of her Titan body Annie stopped and started to think about what just happened.

'Is this how a biotinker thinks? I am already neutral and practically impervious to anything resembling shame but, is this how they think? Only about the efficiency and practicality of their twisted creations? Is this why they only create monsters and abominations? If it is then I will have to watch out for myself, I do not want to become like that, I'm already muted towards feelings as it is, there is no need to worsen my condition'.

Nodding with her head as a confirmation of her thoughts Annie continued to do her work, excluding her hips and the inner part of her thighs she covered her legs, from her waist down with skin.

Arriving at the feet Annie decided to simply copy the design of the female Titan once again, after all there was no reason for her to do anything else, going for the eyes she decided to keep them in her normal Asian-like shape, contrary to the Female titan she decided to cover her face completely with skin.

She, unfortunately, couldn't alter the purple glow her iris had even in titan form but she could alter the sclera to a black color, she did not care much about her appearance before being transformed into a woman but she knew how important it was hence the reason why she wanted her Titan to look inhuman and as a result intimidating.

Looking at the ears Annie had an idea and made them pointy much like that of Eren's Attack Titan.

"Now for the last touch". Saying that Annie proceed to the head and made an exact replica of her hair, stopping to look at her work she noticed something, her hair would get in her way.

In her fight with Fenja and Menja, her hair kept blocking her vision, that was the main reason why she was hit by Fenja's shield the first time if she wanted to fight without anything hindering her she would have to adjust her hair accordingly.

It was a pity but she would have to alter it, but what style should she choose, it couldn't be anything that allowed her enemies to grab her hair, it would have to be short.

"Perhaps a symmetrical bob with no hair on the front would be ideal, yes it should do the job".

Making her decision Annie grew the Titan's hair and adjusted it to her liking, finally ending her sculpture she snapped her fingers twice bringing color to the Titan's body.

Floating around her work Annie smiled proudly, it was clearly something done by a beginner, and in the future, she would probably smack herself in the head for making mistakes she couldn't see at this moment but for now... For now it was okay.

Going back to the ground Annie turned around and started walking towards her tree.

"In this place, years could go through and only a second would pass in Earth Bet, a pity I do not have the patience required to train with my titan form first and then fight the Twins".

Annie entered her tree, making her vision change from a desert to that of a still-forming Titan.

'~Realy, what a pity~'.
The chapter was getting a little bit too big for my tastes so I decided to end with 5400 words, Too big chapters leave more room for mistakes and I do not like that at all.
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Hoooo... that... I mean, I am not an afficianato or loremaster of Attack on Titan, and already I am getting goosebumps.

Annie is going to TERRIFY everyone and I love it!

The Twins are about to have a very... VERY Bad Day.

God, this is going to be GLORIOUS!
Funnily enough she doesnt even have to go full titan to kill half the capes in brockton, a crystal spyre impaling you from crotch to brain is probably even more lethal than a kick from a titan
Looking forward to seeing how other titan's abilities are incorporated

Like how the east titan is supposedly different for each shifter so she should be able to eventually give herself animal parts depending on the situation like gills or claws

Question: will she be able to stay in her titan form for months on end like the quadrupedal titan?
Thanks for the chapter and also....

You kept placing periods outside of the quotation marks when speaking and sometimes it is not really necessary.

Anyways here's the TYPO's and suggestions I found @Kryptonian Steel
would expect a world like Worm to not have something like Nazis due to Trigger Events, most likely the number
would be a good idea to let a meathead monkey work
I'm sorry, I overreacted." Menja said while
"I understand, we lost many to them, now, what should we do with her?"

Annie stayed silent through
shell-like armor I won't be able to tank the hits from their weapons.'

'But that would only apply if my
Royal blood but also that my Titan form will be stronger.'

'Only that would already be
that my titan will be stronger than what it should have.'

'And finally, I don't know what
we should just kill her and avoid future trouble."

"Are you sure we should attack though? She's new, we don't know her power."

"No problem, she probably doesn't either, just be sure not to let her touch your skin, you never know for sure what does Striker types can do after all."

"Alright let's end this." Saying that Fenja
'Slow.' Was the first thing she thought after
'If only I had my gear."
Not sure on this one cause I never got far in AoT but my gear? As in the 3d maneuver gear existed even in the founder's time?
fight without info on my enemies either.'

Annie in response ducked her

Capitalizing on her
Now I'll do it slowly."

Annie did not answer, she had no
she had to use more strength to retrieve her spear from the ground,
she did, Menja would die and she simply couldn't
"Ah!" The woman shouted
was needed to break, not bend, Break steel was necessary but she knew it must've been on the ton category.
Confused on this part so I just marked it orange
not only throwing her shield at her once again but this time with much more force while also thrusting her weapon forward.
In Attack on Titan, the Ackerman were created to guard royalty and because
that freaky smile?" Menja asked her sister in a hushed voice
don't think it's anything good, keep your guard up."

"~I am glad~." Annie said with
didn't fall into relaxation, into the welcoming arms of peace, It is simply AMAZING~!"

YELLOW sparks danced around her body.

"~In a world where we are allowed to reach our full potential there is nothing to stop me from finally being free~!"
dreamed of, this shackles called Evolution WILL NOT HOLD ME BACK ANYMORE!"

The sparks around her body intensified
I KNOW! DON'T RUSH ME!" The two twins shouted while activating
turning her gaze on it's source, she saw something that immediately
but a descendant of Ymir but this really proves everything."

"The coordinate, a place where all paths converge, where time has no meaning, where a God made its children, or perhaps a slave created her abominations."

Looking forward Annie
she knew who the sculptor was, she knew what she was doing, why she was doing it, but even so, even with time itself showing it to her she had to wonder, would she, one day reach that level?
that still didn't make any sense since Mikasa, an Ackerman couldn't completely
single swing of her blade even after gaining speed.'

'So either Titan's bones are as weak as
their flesh, by logic it is clearly the latter.'

'Trusting a fictional work in the
more, making assumptions with possible faulty information is nothing short of stupid.'

Getting out of her thoughts, Annie
climb trees and as such needed those extra bones
there is no need to worsen my condition further.'

Nodding with her head as a confirmation
she did not care much about her appearance before being transformed but she knew how important
the last touch, the hair." Saying that Annie proceed to the head
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Not sure on this one cause I never got far in AoT but my gear? As in the 3d maneuver gear existed even in the founder's time?

First, before anything, I would like to thank you for taking your time to help me correct my spelling errors.

Now for your question, I can't really answer it because it would be a spoiler, all I can say is that this is a hint.
First, before anything, I would like to thank you for taking your time to help me correct my spelling errors.

Now for your question, I can't really answer it because it would be a spoiler, all I can say is that this is a hint.
Ah ok, noted for the hint. Just watch out for those quotation, capitalization and punctuation marks it was a bit pretty jarring to read.

Aside from those I would await patiently for the update the premise of this story is really interesting and there's like too few good crossover AoT fics out there so I'm really interested on this one.
AN: So, I made a mistake in the last chapter saying that eren's Boulder weighted 724 tons, that was wrong it weighed 7000 tons, I already corrected that, I'm sorry.

WARNING: This chapter becomes very... Brutal near the end, I will already warn you that... Well this is somewhat an AoT related fanfic so people (Besides Annie) will get mangled, horribly injured and brutally beaten down, this fic is not going to be Dark but be warned.

Pov: Menja 3d

Yellow sparks danced around the blonde woman's body, surrounding her in a protective field that made it impossible for anyone to get near.

'Fulgurkinesis? no, she would already have attacked if it was, perhaps a side effect of her power?'.

The air started to become hot making her sweat inside her armor, every time she moved she could hear static sounds, with her peripheral vision she could see black clouds appearing in the sky and moving towards them, seeing this she could not stop the sense of dread that spread through her body.

It would be better if the woman in front of her only had the power to control electricity but she knew in her bones that she didn't, whatever was coming would be big, she knew it.

"~After so much time of being denied my dream, my freedom I finally gain an opportunity to reach all of that I dreamed of, this shackles called Evolution WILL NOT HOLD ME BACK ANYMORE!".

The sky cracked with a Thunderous roar and she knew they couldn't wait anymore, whatever was coming had the power to kill them both in a flash as they were right now, they had to transform or they would die.

"FENJA!". She shouted to her sister and without waiting she activated her power.

"I KNOW, DON'T RUSH ME". Her sister shouted back while also getting bigger.

2 meters, 4 meters, 6 meters, 7 meters.

The sky was consumed by a bright yellow light and even with the knowledge that it was midnight she couldn't help but think that dawn has arrived, in a way she wasn't completely wrong, a second sun, even if for just one brief moment had appeared in the sky and much like the other she had no doubt she would be blinded if she so much as looked directly at it.

9 meters.

Still growing to her maximum height Menja looked below her and saw the completely manic expression the woman was making while looking at her.

13 meters.

Then yellow lighting stuck the woman and for one second she saw, a black and white shadow hovering just above the woman's skin, looking at her with a serious yet emotionless expression, she couldn't help but think that was the true form of the thing that was in front of her.

She was sure of it, the alarming sense of danger, the shivering of her body, the unnatural fear she was feeling, and the thoughts coming from inside of her head pointed to only one thing, the being in front of her is dangerous, it is not human despite its appearance and specialty, she knew, somehow, she knew that the thing is not a Parahuman, something in her head was telling her this, a premonition, instinct or perhaps a sixth sense?.

She did not know, but it did not matter, at this moment, at this time the only thing that mattered was the here and now, and now, at this moment, if she wanted to live she would need every drop of strength her power could give her.

15 meters.

And then it came, the sound of a thousand birds followed shortly by a yellow explosion of energy that not only destroyed the buildings around them but also threw her and her sister back with the entire force of a bullet train.

Falling in the rubble of what once was a store she did not cry out in pain, her power made her more resistant but not immune to pain, she couldn't waste her time thinking about this when her sister could very well die today so instead, she got up from the remains of the building she had been, just in time to see a gigantic, skeletal hand extend towards the ground and gently took something, no, someone.

Using her memory she remembered the black girl she and her sister had found walking through the alley, she had honestly forgotten the girl even existed at this point.

She knew she should attack, it was the perfect moment for it, but she didn't, she was too enchanted by the growing fibers forming the skeletal arm, if she needed to describe the process it would be like seeing a humanoid being being formed piece by piece, like seeing in real-time a God creating life out of what once was nothing, it was enchanting, it was terrifying, It was... beautiful.

So much so that even, though all the fear she was feeling, she did not realize she was smiling.

The hand retreated and she followed it with her eyes, there she saw it, much like the arm, a skeleton that barely looked human was being covered with muscle fibers, even looking at it from afar she could tell that those muscles had unnatural strength, even for their size.

Then the skin came, white but at the same time slightly darker than the one of the woman before, it didn't stop, the gigantic being started to rise from its position, now with its body mostly formed.

The hair followed shortly, blond with a perfect cut of the edges, finally, its rise stopped and she was able to roughly tell its height, 2 perhaps 3 meters higher than her.

'17 or 18 meters'.

It brought its arms towards its face and finally formed its eyes to look upon the world for the first time, she shuddered when it took its eyes off from the girl on its hands and looked upon her.

Purple and blue eyes locked into each other and even with the Titan's emotionless expression she could feel the restricted anger directed towards her, the thing wanted her dead, but it would not let its emotions control its actions, at least not now.

Turning its head to the right the Titan looked at something, following its eyes she saw Fenja with her shield in her left hand and her sword on her right one, already in a fighting position, ready to pounce at a moment's notice.

Seeing that she had to ask herself, what was she doing? Her sister even after seeing all that was already on her legs, ready to fight for her life, and what was she doing? Being stuck in a fight or flight response.

Shaking her head she bent her knees and entered a fighting position with the tip of her spear at the same height as her eyes.

The Titan's eyes briefly wondered to her, this time she did not shudder but instead held her weapon more firmly and met the thing's eyes with a narrow of her own, looking closely at the thing's eyes she could see something resembling approval.

Lifting her hand the Female Titan put the black girl on her left shoulder, it could have been the lack of light in the night but she could swear she saw something crawling up the black girl's feet and lock her in place.

After that, the thing put both of its arms up, slid her right leg forward, and waited.

Without needing to communicate with each other both she and her sister started to walk in circles, she going to the thing's left side while her sister got to the right.

The tension was high while both of them calmly walked with their guards up to their positions, all three of them could die today, and yet... The thing seemed unworried as if what was about to come was nothing but another fight.

But it didn't matter she supposed, words were meaningless in this situation, the actions they took this day were what would decide who walked out of this place alive.

She breathed slowly, calmed her heart, and gripped her emotions, planting her feet on the ground she gave a war cry and dashed forward, her sister doing to same not a second later.

Her emotions were her own but try as she might she could never stop the hard beating of her heart.




She didn't think she ever would.
She moved at the last second, one moment she was standing still and the next she was not, an interesting thing about her Titan body was that it did not move unless she wanted to, meaning that unless she willed it, it would not mirror her expressions or even her body language, that combined with her already hard to read nature of not transferring her thoughts or emotions to her body made her much more unpredictable in a fight as a Titan.

No little moves to indicate the next attack and no movement of the eyes to hint at her next target, combined with her now improved Titanic body she could go from 'immobile as a statue' to 'as fast as a bullet' in just a second, and that was exactly what she did.

Using her legs she shot herself back sideways towards Menja, her lack of shield and use of a long-ranged melee weapon made her vulnerable to her closed quarter combat style.

Dodging the spear coming at her head with ease she tripped Menja with her right leg making Fenja stumble while trying to stop her dash as to not harm her sister, she briefly noted that reaction.

Taking advantage of her position Annie took Menja's legs and spun at a 360 angle, she briefly noted how light the body felt on her hands.

Using her back to give more strength to her arms she threw Menja towards her sister which reacted by lifting her shield and bracing herself for the impact, it did help her but not so much her sister.

Seeing Menja's body coming towards her Fenja lifted her shield and caught her sister's body, to lessen the impact she got with the flow and lifted her sister reducing her acceleration and letting her drop to the ground behind her, the attack did not leave a scratch on either of them but it sure gave a scare.

Resisting the urge of looking back Fenja kept her eyes forward and dashed once again, lifting her sword she made a vertical cut, resulting in Annie jumping backward towards the open Street.

'Wrong move'.

Now with her weapon down, Fenja thrust her sword forward, stabbing Annie deeply in the stomach and quickly taking her weapon out for another attack, without flinching Annie returned the attack with a right leg kick reacting quickly Fenja swiftly jumped back and evaded the attack

Following, Annie dashed towards her but was surprised by Menja's spear coming from above Fenja's left shoulder, pushing her head to her left she was able to dodge but still had her ear implanted by the spear.

Not wasting her chance Fenja lifted her sword to make a diagonal cut towards the Female Titan's trapezius.

Seeing the now small black girl's expression of fear at the incoming attack Fenja smiled, it was obvious that although the Titan in front of her was skilled in hand to hand she did not have any training to fight against opponents like her and her sister, opponents with weapons like swords and Spears.

Her regeneration was impressive, even without looking at her steaming stomach she knew that and that was exactly why if she wanted to kill her she would need to either decapitate or destroy her brain.

Still, the Titan in front of her did not panic but instead stared at her weapon with empty eyes as if she was not in tune with the world.

Her weapon hit, but not with flesh.

A crunching sound echoed through the night and her sword hit nothing more than bone, widening her eyes Fenja tried to push her weapon away but the bone of which her sword was stuck made sure to make that a difficult task.

Inside her Titan, Annie's lips moved slightly upwards, she was not sure she could do it but apparently, she really could, the founding Titan had the power to alter the body of any subject of Ymir so she reasoned that she could alter her own Titan body to some degree, and she was right.

Moving and altering the shapes of the bones inside her she was able to bring them outside her body and form a shield to protect the girl on her left shoulder.

She had already willed her flesh to move and lock the girl's feet in place as for her not to fall to her death but she was not sure she could do the same with her bones.

Gripping Fenja's face with her right hand she swept her leg under Fenja's own, making the Valkyrie fall to the ground, briefly Annie willed her bones to go back in place.

Unfortunately, she could not do much more than make short-lived bone-like armor centimeters above her skin.

Dropping on her right knee she slammed Fenja's head on the ground with all her force, a 'normal' giant would've already had her head broken by her grip strength but Fenja's power stopped her by making any attack she made 14% as powerful as it should have been.

She could make a drill-like weapon or even a shield but that would be completely unproductive.

Releasing Fenja's head Annie pushed her body to the left, but by then it was too late, Menja's spear pierced her back, centimeters away from her nape, fortunately for her, her spine had resisted the hit, being partially penetrated but not completely.

This power although allowed her to create anything out of bone only worked by using what it already had so if she made something big her bones would get thinner and weaker as a result.

Taking the spear with her left hand Annie pulled the weapon out of her body and released it, jumping back she took her hand out of Fenja's face, only for her to grip her arm and jump to the air passing her legs through the sides of her neck and locking her feet behind it.

But the ability was not useless, now locked in an armbar she changed the bones and the fibers on her elbow, more precisely she 'ejected' them, using her left hand she pushed Fenja's leg out of her, freeing herself while at the same time allowing Fenja to rip part of her right arm off.


An inhumane scream exploded from her mouth, the scream had such strength that it managed to displace the air around her, not only pushing away all the rubble and breaking the nearby glasses but also forcing Fenja and Menja to put their hands on their ears.


She stopped screaming, outside, her Titan appeared only to have screamed as to disorient both of her enemies, no emotion could be seen in her face, inside her Titan she started to breathe heavily.

'The nerves, I forgot to take the nerves out'.

Before that moment she had felt both Fenja and Menja's attacks but the pain was so small and brief she had barely noticed, but now that her arm had been ripped off? She felt everything.

She had a weird way of showing her emotions, she knew that, for her to show some kind of expression or truly be angry she had to build-up everything, restrained anger when released would have to become an uncontrollable rage, sadness would have to become misery or a soul-crushing regret and pain would have to become unholy agony for her to truly scream.

And her pain was such that she sent her scream to her Titan, trying to alleviate a little bit of her pain, no matter how little that was.

Suddenly realizing what she had done Annie quickly looked at her left shoulder and saw the girl there, holding her bleeding ears against her hands.

Without wasting any time she manipulated her skin and send two threads of her nerves inside the girl's ear, seeing her trying to push them away she held both of the girl's arms with more of her skin and forced her to look at her face by turning her head towards her with a fifth muscle fiber.

Looking at the girl's eyes she shook her head and released both of her arms and chin, not bothering with her response she looked forward once again, looking at her right arm she saw it had already healed.

'Three seconds'.

Lifting both of her arms she entered her combat stance and waited for Fenja and Menja to get up, normally she would immediately dash forward and attack but in her situation, it would be pointless, their powers prevented her from actually doing any meaningful damage to them, without the attack Titan or the hardening ability winning with brute force would be practically impossible.

Practically because she still has two aces in her sleeve, the first her sonic kick, the second... She would only use it as a last resort for even she did not know what would happen if she used it.

Paying attention to her fibers inside the girl's ear she started to heal her cochlea, it is true that she could not heal or alter the body of anyone who wasn't her subject, anyone who didn't have her blood, but that did not mean she couldn't heal people per see.

Cleverness, a characteristic she was proud to have since she was young, by controlling a small muscle fiber or perhaps even a nerve she could penetrate a person's body and implant her flesh on blood on it, doing that would allow her to control the healing process by manipulating the cells of 'her' body.

The cells of her blood would eventually evaporate giving the patient's own cells time to settle in and replace her own, which also meant she couldn't simply make someone drink her blood to transform them into an Eldian.

Given enough time she would be able to re-attach body parts and depending on her knowledge she could in theory transfer a brain or a head from a body to another without the person in question dying, she was sure that if her power was a shard, it would be very happy right now, fortunately for her, it wasn't.

Seeing Menja and Fenja get up from the ground and take their weapons again Annie quickly made up her mind about the plan she would use, considering Fenja's reaction early in the fight she deduced that the Twins might have a Trump reaction to their powers reacting to each other.

To test that theory she would to quite literally need to use either Menja or Fenja's as nunchakus and attack the other using her sister's body as a weapon brutal if it worked, useless if it didn't, Fenja could have after all only had a reflective reaction to seeing her sister coming towards her but that was the first of three plans she had.

The attack Titan had the power to lift 7000 tons, with that much strength she had no doubt she would be able to beat the twins in a straight fight but she did not have that power, not yet so she had to fight smart, and fight smart she would.

Ending with the girl's healing she took her nerves out of her ears and sank her more into her flesh, trapping her from the stomach down on her shoulder, briefly she made sure to make a hollow place for her body as to not crush the girl when she moved her shoulder muscles.

With her preparations complete Annie dashed forward, going directly for Fenja who in turn lifted her shield in preparation, people always said she was brutally honest before, but now? Now she would be brutally efficient.
Seeing the Titan getting close Fenja tried to slash her vertically, predicting the attack the Titan sidestepped to the left, dodging the sword and getting to her right side, making it impossible for her to use her sword effectively.

Instead of trying to use her weapon, she surprised the Titan by abandoning her sword and attacking her with her shoulder.


Using all her force she broke the solid ground beneath her feet and dashed forward while preparing herself to tackle the Titan in front of her when they reached the ground, but... after making contact with the body she paused, no, it was more accurate to say she was stopped, for no matter how much force she made by trying to push with her shoulders or move her legs she couldn't move the body in front of her.

Feeling something hit the back of her leg Fenja looked down and saw an endless black, black of what, she did not know.

'Since when did the ground became so far away? wait, no'.

Fenja moved her legs, she could not feel the ground but she could feel gravity trying to push them towards her head, it was not until a white hand gripped her ankle and her vision started to blurry that she understood what was happening, the Titan had caught her.


An impact, something had hit her head, judging by the sound it was something metallic.


'Menja?'. She asked mentally, she was having a horrible headache, her vision was blurry and her head was on fire but she was sure of it, that was her sister's voice.

The world stopped spinning, at least partially, for her everything was still moving like a drunk sailor but even with her confused view she could still feel a hand holding her wrist and keeping her above the ground.

It was at that moment that she realized that although she was infinitely more durable than the Titan who was holding of her, she was much, much weaker in comparison, after all, her body was being used as a nunchaku to attack her sister.

'Hmm'. She could not move her mouth, not even to say something but she was sure that if she survived this she would laugh about it one day.

The world started spinning again and she wondered if it was a too much big to hope that she would survive until dawn.
'A weakness'. Annie thought while swinging Fenja's body and hitting Menja with it, the woman in question could do nothing besides grip her spear while trying to dodge to the best of her ability, a furious but at the same time worrying expression adorned her face all the while.

Annie in contrast did not blink, her concentration was solely on the enemy in front of her and the body in her hands, gripping Fenja's ankles and wrists she swung the woman around, not only hitting Fenja multiple times but also slowly bringing Menja towards unconsciousness, or at least she hoped so, she did not want to accidentally kill the woman after all.

A normal human body has 4 kg of blood being constantly bumped around itself, and because of that the body has a difficult time moving all that blood around, so, when a body accelerates its weight changes, weight depends after all on mass and how quickly it's accelerating.

She gripped Fenja's ankle with all her force, if the giantess power really trumped her sister's own she would be able to tell by either Menja's wounds or the snap of Fenja's bones.

9.8 meters per second, the speed at which a body normally accelerates towards the earth, if one moves faster than that then they will be pulling more than one G, as a result, that person will become heavier the more G's she is subjected to, also meaning their blood also gets heavier, reaching a point where it cannot be bumped around the body anymore, going for the brain or feet, a reaction that can result in that person's death.

If Menja and Fenja only received damage on the parts where she had hit them then the trump effect would be partial, only working on contact, if she broke Fenja's writs or ankle then the trump effect would be complete, shutting off their powers of defense completely, if neither of those work then... Well, she would be being unnecessarily cruel.

A normal human can resist 3G's going down 45 going horizontally or vertically and 9 going up.

Arm, tights, shoulder, jaw, Annie did not stop with her attacks, gripping Fenja's ankles she hit her sister with her head, releasing the giantess's ankle she quickly took her wrist and swung her once again to hit Menja with her sister's metallic boots

Menja undoubtedly had more resistance to the G forces than a normal human but Annie knew every living being had limits, the question was if she would die or get knocked out first before reaching them.

Seconds later, after hitting Menja dozens of times without letting her have a single second of rest Annie felt something, but by then it was too late.

Swinging Fenja by her wrist she suddenly lost her grip, making the giantess body fly away towards her sister that in turn quickly reacted by putting her weapon on her back and opening her arms to take her sister's body.

Even if confused Annie did not freeze, instead she jumped back and lifted her arms, once again taking her fight stance, somewhat worried she moved her eyes to her shoulder, there she saw the black girl with an excited smile on her face, normal teens would probably be terrified at this point, not that the girl wasn't scared her rapid beating heart was enough proof of that.

If she had to describe the girl's emotional state it would be excited and scared, excited because of the fight, scared because if the giant woman that was protecting her lost or dodged incorrectly she would die.


Or perhaps she was more excited than scared, inside her Titan Annie couldn't help but smile a little, the girl remembered her a little bit about her younger sister, she was absolutely annoying and loved to meddle in other people's conversations but... Well, she got really excited when she was happy, happy enough to scream her heart out and deafen everyone else in the house.


That girl is not normal, but in hindsight growing up in a world where unstable super people who seek conflict exist would probably change the way a child would be raised, especially if the child in question is a black girl living in the United States in Brockton Bay where a gang of literal Nazis lives and druggies force you on their gang by shoving dubious substances down your throat or perhaps a dragon forces you on sex slavery.


Annie quickly covered the girl's mouth with her skin, stopping her before she could say anything else, it was then that she noticed something about the girl, she was trembling.

Quick heartbeat, irregular breathing, legs shaking, body shivering, the girl was terrified, and she was masking it by turning her excitement to 11, she would have to calm the girl down later.

Ignoring the trembling teen on her left shoulder Annie shifted her eyes towards the Valkyrie twins, Menja was crouched on the ground with Fenja in her arms, both of the sisters had already returned to their normal sizes, she could very well dash forward and kill both of them by simply stomping on their bodies, but she wouldn't.

She wanted to kill them both, she really did but she wouldn't for two reasons, one, the Empire would hunt her down for that, she has no plot armor, she could be killed, she could make mistakes.

The second reason was the visage in front of her, Fenja's skull was red blood was leaking all over the ground, both of her feet were twisted backwards, not only that but the skin of her ankle was completely red, exactly in the form of her hands, her metallic boots now had dents on them, Annie's grip had thoroughly crushed the metal.

Her hand was crushed, so much so that Annie doubted she would be able to use that hand without receiving the help of a healer, lastly the right side of her jaw was detached, the only thing holding it together was a thin layer of ripped flesh from her now destroyed cheek.

Even without counting the teeth she had lost, the broken nose she now had and the crushed bloody face Fenja's body was already in a bad situation, the faint heartbeat Annie could hear was proof enough of that, she had won, they were beaten, they were not a threat anymore, turning around she started to walk away.


Or at least that was what she thought before a gigantic blue light erupted from behind her together with the sound of an explosion, quickly turning around Annie shielded the eyes of the black girl on her shoulder.

Looking forward she saw the ground was being torn apart and in the center of the light? There was Menja, crying and screaming, her voice was that of two people speaking in perfect synchrony.


Apparently, the fight is not over.

Annie lifted her hands, spread her legs, and narrowed her eyes.

It had just begun.
So, took a while to get this out, as you have seen I have revealed more of Annie's personality in this chapter, I will of course continue to do this going forward, and talking about going forward I will have a test in August, I have to study so like this chapter the next ones will take more than a week to get out.

And before any of you ask me I have already decided if Annie will stay with someone or not, thing is I will not say anything about it.
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They second triggered, well thats a bitch and a half aint it.

Im still skeptical on Annie not using warhammer Crystal generation to make weapons, she should be able to do it, Heck it should be stronger than the normal warhammers.

Also shouldnt she encase herself in crystal INSIDE the titan so she becomes proper immortal...

All of these could happen but her Tree is too small right now to sustain these abilities isnt it.
God that foight was interesting and seeing how she just used Hulk staple on beating bad and rebelliously stupid people lol :V

Anyways I found TYPO's @Kryptonian Steel and I did not bother quoting out the majority of your errors again on punctuation marks on each dialogue cause I'm a bit too sleepy now I'll just say it's there, again.

Also quotation marks you kept using ' in dialogue when they are talking instead of ". It may be your own preference so I ain't gonna judge on it.
"I KNOW DON'T RUSH ME!" Her sister shouted back while also getting bigger.
midnight she couldn't help but think that dawn has arrived, in a way she wasn't
below her and saw the completely manic expression the
the being in front of her is dangerous, it is not human despite its appearance
she knew that the thing is not a Parahuman
ask herself, what was she doing? Her sister even after seeing
sword hit nothing more than bone, wielding her eyes Fenja tried to push her
I know this one is gramatically wrong in this sentence but I can't for the life of me know what to suggest on fixing the issue so I just merely marked it.
Inside her Titan, Annie's lips moved slightly upwards
hand she swept her legs under Fenja's own, making the valkyrie fall to
that it managed to displace the air around her, not only pushing
not yet so she have to fight smart
but Annie knew every living being has limits
once again taking her fighting stance,
inside her Titan, Annie couldn't help but smile
the girl reminded her a little bit about her younger sister,
two reasons, one, the Empire would hunt her down for that
she have no plot armor, she could be killed,
Apparently, the fight is not over.
You have a bit of a tendency towards run-on sentences. For example, this:

She moved at the last second, one moment she was standing still and the next she was not, an interesting thing about her Titan body was that it did not move unless she wanted to, meaning that unless she willed it, it would not mirror her expressions or even her body language, that combined with her already hard to read nature of not transferring her thoughts or emotions to her body made her much more unpredictable in a fight as a Titan.

That should be at LEAST three sentences.