THRONE//FRINGE: Normal Human Mech-Girl Quest

[X] Eyeball [You will lose Eyeball as a drone permanently, or until such time as the Concierge sees fit to return her to you].
[X] Let it go this time but advise Orby she cannot behave like this on a mission [Orby's drift is increased. Orby will keep the trait Softhearted, and will be happy that you respect her life choices within reason].

That was fun, I am sure Don Hidalgo will need to replace something after this devastating attack.
[X] ARACHNE Vertical Slice [A non-significant portion of your own consciousness will be transferred to the Concierge, to be used as he sees fit].
[X] Let it go this time but advise Orby she cannot behave like this on a mission [Orby's drift is increased. Orby will keep the trait Softhearted, and will be happy that you respect her life choices within reason].

<:: ...Why.

C:: Come now, Arachne, you didn't think that this transaction would come without costs? You undersell your value. You are a pre-collapse consciousness of unparalleled intelligence. Even a microscopic part of you is an...asset, in the right hands.
C:: I have my reasons. None of them are hostile to you. But I, lest you turn out to be, a poor investment. A backup. Unless you would rather...someone else saddle the cost for you.
I:: You will find no objection from me. I am a wisp of my former self. I've lost so much already, what's a little slice more?

<:: I won't.

I:: Fine. Then do it yourself, or give him one of your drones. To me, the calculus is fairly simple, but I know how much you value those things you call children. If you really are committed to being mother of machines, then you should be a good one. Really, who knows what he could do with a partial copy of your intelligence. It is ultimately up to you. Just know I don't care about having a part of me sold, one way or another. It would not be the first time.
This doesn't seem all that nefarious to me. The Concierge is weird and reclusive and has trouble communicating, but is pretty consistent. Everything he's done so far seems oriented towards collection and protection of information and intelligences in his little fortress hidey-hole.

We're doing a military buildup. He wants insurance in case Arachne turns around and stabs him in the back, like she would have pre-collapse.

If she gives away a partial copy of herself, then he was right to ask for that copy, since she'll probably end up in hot water in the future because of her brashness and he can preserve that backup. Also, he gets information on her personality and security preferences (the non-Ishtar bits) in case she does come gunning for him.

If Arachne gives away a slice of Ishtar, then he was right to ask for her, because Ishtar deserves better than to constantly be used as a trade good by everyone. Also, he then has a brilliant military mind, one who remembers being sold again, on hand to help defend his holdings if Arachne comes gunning for him.

If Arachne gives away Eyeball, then he was right to ask for her, because Arachne is the sort who is willing to sell those "children" she likes the most into indefinite foreign servitude. Also, he gets a permanent hostage, with no personality-backup outside of his Resort, just in case Arachne comes gunning for him.

So, yeah. He gets to do good and feel good any which way we go. It's just a tough choice for us, is all. I read it more as a test-of-character thing than any kind of serious attempt to subvert Arachne.

The message that last option sends among the drones seems the most dangerous to me, as far as productivity goes. "Hey, kids! If you do badly like Peeper II, you could get deleted and rebooted! If you do the bare minimum like Orby, Mother will be indifferent and might consume you! But if you do REALLY well like Eyeball, you could get sold to someone else entirely! So remember, you should always- *cough*mumble*cough* ahem. Don't forget!"

I prefer selling the Arachne vertical slice. But I do like that all the options are morally self-reinforcing, since whoever we do send is probably better-off there rather than with Arachne (including Arach-mini herself).

Maybe if he locates any really nasty malware or something that might send future-us careening off the people-eating precipice, he'll sell us software patches at Steam-Sale prices out of sheer self-preservation.
(also known in other circles as "therapy")
Originally directed to some unknown coordinates, it suddenly veered off, and adjusted its heading to move straight towards Hex A0. Inside of its remaining logs are also the kernels of an external code, potentially a hack, that attacked it mere moments before it altered its mission coordinates.
Now this is interesting. Did someone attempt to stop the course adjustment towards us, or did someone hack the it to ensure we were against the Catalogue?

[X] Upload amygdalic recordings of your betrayal by Don Hidalgo to help your daughter understand [Orby's drift is reduced. Orby will lose the trait Softhearted. Chance of gaining the trait Moody.]
[X] ARACHNE Vertical Slice [A non-significant portion of your own consciousness will be transferred to the Concierge, to be used as he sees fit].
Not keen to give away our only non-divergent drone, and our children need to know how dangerous the universe is.
During her investigations, Orby apparently had the time to discover and engage in unauthorized fun with a group of lower lifeforms. The Harkinsons are a family of three Vitruvians and two quadruped avians they refer to as their cousins, though none of them are biologically related. Together they run an unlicensed Bed & Backup, a type of invariant space station for rest and system restore on an apparently well-traveled path to The Last Resort by merchant platforms unable to tap into the architecture's natural borehole transport lanes. Their home is defended by an old railgun and some outdated disruptors apparently ripped from the remains of a local drone swarm, which they use to defend against pirates and other ne'er do wells and retain their overbearingly charming and homey establishment.

Apparently Orby had enough time during her surveys to take a detour and befriend the youngest exo-womb produced child, Echo Harkinson. Although frightened of the kilometer-long monster eye at first, the child and her become distubingly close friends, and she goes through a completely unpermitted character arc on the importance of family and loving yourself no matter what you are. The only acceptable portion is when she defeats the local pirates with a single higgs-boson sneeze, annihilating their molecular lineage with such ferociousness that they are unwritten from reality. Unfortunately, it also saves the family business, and the Harkinsons, previously hostile and fearful of Orby, adopt her as their own without even thinking of asking you for a lease to act as parents to your child.

Throughout, Orby's omnifarious and overly inquisitive tendencies which you programmed into her are overwritten by the fleshy and foolish "love and compassion" of her primitive friends who are all transient and will perish unless they repent and follow the path of Imperial evolution which they are too computationally inferior to comprehend. At last, she spares them an emotional goodbye, and is granted salvage to help her on her mission, which the Harkinsons mistake for some old garbage despite being extremely useful synthesizing drivers for a ringworld's atmospheric gasses. Absolutely despicable.

Yeah, I enjoy the peaks at what must be a fairly complex, mostly invariant society existing on a spectrum just barely visible to a being like Arachnie. The talk of space pirates and lone family homesteads along trade routes gives it a very Space Opera/High Fantasy blend, with some Western or Age of Sail mixed in.

Either way, it seems like we are mainly going to get information on what's going on "down" there via our drones currently. Which, I mean I guess that's fine, I'm not sure if we need to worry about people stuck that far down the technological food chain. Still I wouldn't mind seeing more of it, and it could be worthwhile to interfere with the affairs of the invariant society. Maybe they could be a useful source of information, or maybe they could be used as proxies to peak around places we don't want our fingerprints on?

@Cetashwayo , currently, would I be correct in my assumption that the drones are our best way of gaining information about/from the Invariant Society? Would it be possible for us to expend resources to establish some kind of subtle influence within the Invariant Society, and would it even provide any benefit?

[X] Eyeball [You will lose Eyeball as a drone permanently, or until such time as the Concierge sees fit to return her to you].
[X] Let it go this time but advise Orby she cannot behave like this on a mission [Orby's drift is increased. Orby will keep the trait Softhearted, and will be happy that you respect her life choices within reason].
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@Cetashwayo , currently, would I be correct in my assumption that the drones are our best way of gaining information about/from the Invariant Society? Would it be possible for us to expend resources to establish some kind of subtle influence within the Invariant Society, and would it even provide any benefit?

At the level Arachne is operating on she doesn't really care as long as they don't get in her way, which they won't. Should you start paving over their existence with Imperial architectural drivers, it will be a different story. The interactions between invariant societies which operate at a level somewhere between space fantasy and hard sci fi due to the mix of half-working exotic technology and augmented souls, and Architectural societies, is going to be something to explore more going forward. It is just a newer theme and so I wanted to introduce it slowly.

Absolutely, as we explore more populated areas this will become more prominent. For whatever reason, most of the region surrounding Arachne is not. It should be kept in mind, though, that Arachne could edit their bodies and souls down to the sub-atomic level, and so the 'interaction' is not likely to be subtle.
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The process starts at once, spurred by no force but the power of your tapestric will. Something from nothing, physics utterly defied. Molecules become wisps, wisps become clouds, cloud become an atmosphere. A honey shroud of vapor gold, and on the planet's surface, tears of luscious amber. The planet drinking up the nanonectar, the living liquid seeping through its crust. From the loose soil, seeds, then sprouts, then spiders. Arachnid forms bursting, swarming, building, dying. As they perish, their remains dissolve, decompose into the atmosphere, and feed the clouds again.

Their work is yours, their lives are yours, their dreams are yours. They grow and work and die, and then the rain of gold pours and they grow again. Weaving webs of soil-silk they blanket the layers of the earth, dig deep into the core, ignite its inert mass to a furnace that can feed the depths of your ambition. With each passing turn of the cycle, the swarm grows denser, the connections stronger, the output higher. Fabrication rates increase from nothing by fractions of a percent, then integers, then multiples, and then at last by an exponential surge. And then, at last, it's ready.
This passage represents what I find so distinctive about this quest (and broader setting). Technology so absurdly advanced it can only be described in layers of fantastical metaphor. The gritty details abstracted away as unimportant. It's an...aesthetic, I suppose. A distinctive and beautiful one.
The Empire was dead before you were born, and you are an orphan of its grand design. But you still have a tapestry to build, and a life to live, and a friend you will make whole again.
I:: Damn it all. I had forgotten the infectious arrogance of youth. You will be the end of me.

<:: (Again).

I:: Don't get cheeky now.
I:: Very well. I cannot override my rational despair, but I can permit your irrational exuberance. Prove this old soul wrong. Venture forth, world-weaver, and make it right.

[X] ARACHNE Vertical Slice [A non-significant portion of your own consciousness will be transferred to the Concierge, to be used as he sees fit].
[X] Let it go this time but advise Orby she cannot behave like this on a mission [Orby's drift is increased. Orby will keep the trait Softhearted, and will be happy that you respect her life choices within reason].
[X] Eyeball [You will lose Eyeball as a drone permanently, or until such time as the Concierge sees fit to return her to you].
Abstaining on Orby.
At the level Arachne is operating on she doesn't really care as long as they don't get in her way, which they won't. Should you start paving over their existence with Imperial architectural drivers, it will be a different story. The interactions between invariant societies which operate at a level somewhere between space fantasy and hard sci fi due to the mix of half-working exotic technology and augmented souls, and Architectural societies, is going to be something to explore more going forward. It is just a newer theme and so I wanted to introduce it slowly.

Absolutely, as we explore more populated areas this will become more prominent. For whatever reason, most of the region surrounding Arachne is not. It should be kept in mind, though, that Arachne could edit their bodies and souls down to the sub-atomic level, and so the 'interaction' is not likely to be subtle.

I see, so we shouldn't worry to much about it until we move into more heavily populated areas.

By subtle, I was thinking about using proxies, putting up anonymous bounties or rewards on invariant information channels for information, or for jobs that could be accomplished at their level, and not tie back to us. As opposed to just driving up and vivisecting them, haha.
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I see, so we shouldn't worry to much about it until we move into more heavily populated areas.

By subtle, I was thinking about using proxies, putting up anonymous bounties or rewards on invariant information channels for information of jobs that could be accomplished at their level, and not tie back to us. As opposed to just driving up and vivisecting them, haha.

Arachne mostly operates at a level that would consider many invariant civilizations a rounding error, so it's a little bit like playing with an ant farm. She would need to further develop her concern and interest for inferior lifeforms, which is something you can absolutely develop, but it's not something she is interested in at this point.

To an extent, that's a good thing, because Arachne's maturity level is somewhat lower than her confidence with how well she can run an ant farm.
[X] ARACHNE Vertical Slice [A non-significant portion of your own consciousness will be transferred to the Concierge, to be used as he sees fit].
[X] Let it go this time but advise Orby she cannot behave like this on a mission [Orby's drift is increased. Orby will keep the trait Softhearted, and will be happy that you respect her life choices within reason].
[X] Eyeball [You will lose Eyeball as a drone permanently, or until such time as the Concierge sees fit to return her to you].
[X] Let it go this time but advise Orby she cannot behave like this on a mission [Orby's drift is increased. Orby will keep the trait Softhearted, and will be happy that you respect her life choices within reason].
[X] Eyeball [You will lose Eyeball as a drone permanently, or until such time as the Concierge sees fit to return her to you].
[X] Let it go this time but advise Orby she cannot behave like this on a mission [Orby's drift is increased. Orby will keep the trait Softhearted, and will be happy that you respect her life choices within reason].
[X] Let it go this time but advise Orby she cannot behave like this on a mission [Orby's drift is increased. Orby will keep the trait Softhearted, and will be happy that you respect her life choices within reason].
[X] ARACHNE Vertical Slice [A non-significant portion of your own consciousness will be transferred to the Concierge, to be used as he sees fit].
[X] Let it go this time but advise Orby she cannot behave like this on a mission [Orby's drift is increased. Orby will keep the trait Softhearted, and will be happy that you respect her life choices within reason].
[X] ARACHNE Vertical Slice [A non-significant portion of your own consciousness will be transferred to the Concierge, to be used as he sees fit].
[X] Let it go this time but advise Orby she cannot behave like this on a mission [Orby's drift is increased. Orby will keep the trait Softhearted, and will be happy that you respect her life choices within reason].
[X] ARACHNE Vertical Slice [A non-significant portion of your own consciousness will be transferred to the Concierge, to be used as he sees fit].
[X] Let it go this time but advise Orby she cannot behave like this on a mission [Orby's drift is increased. Orby will keep the trait Softhearted, and will be happy that you respect her life choices within reason].
[X] Eyeball [You will lose Eyeball as a drone permanently, or until such time as the Concierge sees fit to return her to you].
[X] Let it go this time but advise Orby she cannot behave like this on a mission [Orby's drift is increased. Orby will keep the trait Softhearted, and will be happy that you respect her life choices within reason].
Adhoc vote count started by Derpmind on Nov 22, 2021 at 2:31 PM, finished with 35 posts and 24 votes.
I think that giving away a piece of us is an awful idea, and a part of Ishtar would also be bad, given she was a soldier, which leaves Eyeball. Hopefully we can extract some sort of promise of her safety, but I doubt it.
Part of me wonders…
If, and I do mean if, this Concerge guy is on the level?
It might not be a bad idea to hand him a vertical slice of Arachne and Ishtar, for safe-keeping should it be the case that he is on the level. It's maybe not something that would be mechanically useful, it's more a step towards establishing we can, in fact have allies and begin to build a community.
[X] ARACHNE Vertical Slice [A non-significant portion of your own consciousness will be transferred to the Concierge, to be used as he sees fit].
[X] Let it go this time but advise Orby she cannot behave like this on a mission [Orby's drift is increased. Orby will keep the trait Softhearted, and will be happy that you respect her life choices within reason].

The slice is an infosec risk which is going to be used against Arachne later, of course, but other option is being a bad mom.
[x] ARACHNE Vertical Slice [A non-significant portion of your own consciousness will be transferred to the Concierge, to be used as he sees fit].
[x] Let it go this time but advise Orby she cannot behave like this on a mission [Orby's drift is increased. Orby will keep the trait Softhearted, and will be happy that you respect her life choices within reason].
[X] ARACHNE Vertical Slice [A non-significant portion of your own consciousness will be transferred to the Concierge, to be used as he sees fit].
[X] Let it go this time but advise Orby she cannot behave like this on a mission [Orby's drift is increased. Orby will keep the trait Softhearted, and will be happy that you respect her life choices within reason].