Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

Authored Act
[] Vault of Mammon

At the edge of the Debris Field and the Sandy Seas, floats a massive space station, it's form opulent and imperial in aesthetic. Within its depths lies vast treasures, mounds of gold, silver, platinum, and myriad gemstones that would be the envy of any wealth seeking adventurer. Armories filled with weapons and armor, finely crafted pristine works of art just as functional in their intended role of warfare. Fabricators filled with schematics and recipes for the finest luxury items and foods. All of the treasures within were guarded by synthetic horrors that would make even a gargonite congregation pause in caution and the most ambitious of pirates to doubt.

Swarms of robotic insects resembling horrid mixes of centipedes, ants, and bees that bit and sting to inject a hyper corrosive toxin that dissolves flesh and metal. Giant mechanical four armed Minotaurs with chainsaws for one pair of arms and hydraulic claws for the other. Spider like drones that latch onto corpses and reanimate them into zombies that act to defend the station with undying savagery.

Yet, if one can reach the control room for the station, hold out until they can hack it and take control, the riches could be seen as worth it.

Hmmm…What are we thinking? Let it through or no?

I think it's fine, honestly.
...I'm not sure, personally. It doesn't feel innately dangerous at least? But the bit about them having "personalities" makes me cautious, like they're gonna get up and start killing everything if we let them go too long.

...that might be the Whispers' endgame for this, actually.

Anyway, we might want to give the inch-drakes an upgrade so they don't feel left out and rebel out of sheer paranoia.
[] inch-drake dragonic meditation

A form of meditation all inch-drakes nows. Those that practice it slowy evolve into inch-dragons. They slowy gain dragonic power until it stops having a effect when they become inch-dragons. The inch-dragon offspring will always be inch-drakes. The kind of power and dragon they become dependent on the inch-drake.

They need help

Sandians are slender bird humanoids with flickering, wings that allow them to easily fly over the sandy sea. Their bodies are covered with beautiful, golden feathers that are easily combined with desert sands, which makes them almost invisible. The faces decorate their sharp, bird beaks and piercing eyes that can see a lot of miles through the vast landscape of the sandy sea.

The Sandians are able to control the winds, creating sand storms to disorient and confuse attackers who dare to approach the graves of treasures. They have experience in air battle, using their dexterity and speed to surpass any potential threats. Sandians can also perfectly hide themselves with the environment, which makes them almost impossible for detection until it becomes too late. Also, the priests of Sandians are available for psammokinesis, because of which to defeat them in the sandy sea will be a difficult task.

These creatures violently protect the tombs of treasures in which they live and the relics located there are the objects of worship for the Sandians. Only the priests that the heads of the tribes can interact with the relics of any violation that it dares to violate this rule awaits the fate of the victim for the sandy sea. Despite their territorial nature, the Sandians are not aggressive in nature and will only be attacking if their tombs are at risk. But if this happens, then the Sandians will fight until the last sigh.
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Not sure what to create next. I want to keep my theme in some way.

Edit: I could just make more chests with similiar crops. But normal - not golden. And look how people getting mad, trying to make golden versions of them, until they finally realise value of what they already have. :drevil:
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Authored Act
[] Greed Sirens
- 'A betrayal born from greed will birth a Siren'. Greed sirens are incorporeal creatures that the viewer will view as those they find attractive with an intelligence rivalling that of the smarter sapient creatures but only in tactical and manipulation skills with a unique ability to project songs into the minds of creatures. These creatures can understand how people work but are incapable of feeling love.

These creatures are pack ambushers who make their home on the most pricy floating treasure in the sand seas, they feed on the deaths caused by greed. These creatures have unique ambushing methods where a few of them will leave their home to travel far and will use their incorporeal nature to hide and observe those who wander the sand seas finding out how they act. Once they have figured these wanderers out they will go back to their home where they will hatch a plan.

These plans can include but are not limited to-
1. Singing songs about their treasure but leading wanderers to dangerous areas or creatures in the sand seas so that the wanderers get themselves killed.
2. The above but also singing songs to other wanderers so that the two wanderers will fight and kill each other over treasure
3. Bringing a part of their treasure far from their home and leading an possessive individual wanderer of a group to it but then immediately notifying their greedy crewmates about the treasure leading to the crew killing the possessive individual
4. Leading a crew by song towards gargoyle nests especially ones with girdlings (they have an immense hatred to girdlings due to the trust girdlings have with gargoyles, sometimes even leading crews towards gargoyle nests just to see them kill each other).

And many more plans. Greed sirens are physically hurt by selfless acts and will actively avoid people or creatures who commit such acts. They will also aim to kill those sirens who made the plan if their plan fails to kill any of the crew especially if it also loses them their treasure.

TLDR: Ghost Sirens born from greedy betrayals who tempt travellers to their doom by using the travellers reed against themselves. Cannot feel love even though they are very smart and can be hurt by selfless acts.

Supported Acts

Tried to make creatures that fit the theme of greed, betrayal and treasure that this region seems full of

Open to trade as always
How about this one? Some view into our past creations for nostalgia shot?

[] Odd Mirror

This is a nearly indestructible hand mirror made of pink gold. It doesn't actually reflect anything as normal mirrors do - just some cloudy, hard-to-put-together shapes. However, if one focuses on it enough, they will see an image of a bird's-eye view of a random island. The user of the mirror can slightly adjust the point of view, but within strict limitations. The user can make the mirror show how a place looked back in a different period of time in the past. It transmits only images, has a limited scale, but gives creatures the ability to see into the past and present of all previously created islands. If someone somehow shatters the mirror, it will displace everything around it with the point of view of one of the previous islands, essentially teleporting a part of space with its contents in a one-way ticket fashion.​

[] Totally Not Super Opium

This crop can be compared to the previous Golden Apples and Carrots in its type, but not entirely. Only the emerald seeds of this plant can be stacked. Otherwise, it grows in a similar fashion to the other two crops: with some soil, a bit of sun, and does so in ordered patterns. However, this one requires a lot of water to be nearby in some way. Not for consumption, but just to be nearby. Otherwise, it would stop blooming and growing until water is brought near, either in liquid form or as steam/fog around the plant.

The plant looks somewhat like bamboo, with sturdy stems. Different layers of the stems are a perfect material for making paper, ropes, and can be used as cheap construction material. Its flowers are a bright gold color and has numerous potential uses. But two of them are the most pronounced. The petals of these flowers can be dried and put into boiling water to make delicious calming tea, or smoked to induce vivid joyful hallucinations. This tea has specific bronze shade, and smoke looks silvery. The seeds of this plant can be consumed to obtain a minor permanent blessing, but it always comes with a curse attached. One may gain slight resistance to fire but lose a little bit of their sight, for example. This process can be repeated multiple times to stack permanent blessings, but who would risk taking on multiple random curses for uncertain benefits?

Let someone worthy from Alvin's bloodline find the chest of these emerald seeds.​

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[] inch-drake dragonic meditation
Ooh, I love that.

I, personally, will continue to evolve the Inchlings.

[] Heterochromic Eyes
Very rarely, when void Inchlings with differently colored eyes have children, a child will be born with heterochromia. These heterochromatic void Inchlings will have both a Yin and Yang eye meaning they can see through falsehoods and see hidden truths. The only downside is that even the most talented of the heterochromatic will be worse than a master of one eye type.

Random thought: I wonder honestly, if different Inchlings met and had children, what would be the result? For the original Inchlings (poor guys) it would probably just be like a human hybrid essentially.
A very bold Act but might as well try

[] The Sea and The Ship
For the Iron Skull Pirates two figures hold special importance: the Sand Sea (source of treasures and dangers alike) and the Lady Luck (their home and valiant protector of their rest). As these thoughts fill the land, what was once just natural phenomena and cold machinery is tainted by emotion and purpose. And just like that a new existence is born, a soul of belief and greed seperated in two opposing minds:

A mind of mechanical gears made of the Lady Luck and all machines connected to it.

A mind of shifting currents made of the Sand Seas and all things tied to it (Debris Whales, Treasure Tombs, etc).

Though filled with potential, the newborn minds will be weak and only capable of affecting things in the smallest ways possible. Ex: the Sand Sea might shift its currents to make a trip slightly more comfortable, the Lady Luck might use her systems to keep someone's house refrigerated.


[X] A link Pure a and True.
It is undeniable that the inchdrakes and the inchlings are linked. Their spicice have been bonded since the first age, but now as the inchlinhs gain a mastery of war and magic eyes the inchdrakes have begun to fear that they are no longer needed that their link with Tue inchlings is under threat. As they prepare bolt holds and hide supply for an eager they they all hope to.never come to pass one inchdrake listenes to their inchling friend one more assure them that they would never abandon them, and they make a wish. A deep heartfelt wish to understand how their friend felt about them. And their wish was answered. All inchdrakes gain the ability to see the link between them and inchlings. The link starts as thin as a thread for inch kings that they do not know but as they begin to befriend rhe m they threads grow thicker and thicker until they turn in unbreakable chains. The links allow the inchdrakes to see the condition of their friendships and connections between them and the inchlings with bad friend or People who seek to use them being shown as rotten threads and rusty corroded chains and the best of friends those with unshakeable bonds are displayed as beautiful thick threads or pristine chains.and as a inchdrakes and an.inchlings link grows stronger the pair becomes inherently more in tuned to the other able to better underestimate what the other is thinking to the point where is seem like they are reading the others mind.(they aren't)

Alright here's this. It should get the inchdrakes and inchlings to like each other again. If y'all think I should add or change anything tell me.
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I am considering a form of 'synthesis crafting' to add to the isles, possibly linked to the inch-drake species. Similar to the mechanics used in Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts. Please, tell me what you think.

[] Synthesis Craft
A new method of crafting is given unto the Inch-drakes. With careful manipulations and a low-intensity use of their breath weapons, they are able to merge two items on both a material and conceptual level. This can be used to fuse stone and plant stem into solid rods with the durability of stone and the suppleness of wood or merge two shovels into a single tool with the best strengths of both, to give an example. But where this form of crafting truly shines is when used with relics and other objects of power.

Fusing two relics together results in the powers of those relics merging into one greater effect equal to the sum of its parts. A needle that points towards the nearest living creature and a lens that can look through stone might produce a handheld lens that only shows living creatures when looked through, treating all nonliving matter as void. A perpetually frozen ice crystal and a blade-tail can result in a sword that freezes as it cuts.

Yet one cannot simply start mixing potent artifacts right from the start. Synthesis craft is a skill just like any other, requiring time and effort to be put in. Starting with mundane and common ingredients the Crafter must develop their ability to comprehend the materials, refine their fine motor control, and strengthen their patience in this slow and careful process. Attempting to merge items beyond a Crafter's skill level results the ingredients being ruined and the product a useless mismashed blob, at best. More potent and refined ingredients take larger degrees of skill to utilize but bring out greater effects upon success.
I completely forgot to open voting last night before I slept. I'm having a 24 hour moratorium then a 3 day scheduled voting period.
The issue is, I am uncertain if the Synthesis Craft will help the Inch-drakes and Voidlings reconnect. The Inch-drakes definitely need some skill or power to feel equal to the Voidlings as without at least a semblance of equal value, they do not seem capable of trust. Other ideas I had included giving the Inch-drakes the ability to seal pacts between two or more parties, thus allowing them to forge bonds backed by their own power, or some manner of empathy, thus allowing them to feel the sincerity of the Voidlings.

I am considering just editing my Synthesis Craft vote to explain that, technically speaking, any intelligent creature can learn to use it. The issue with non Inch-drake species is that they one, lack the intuitive awareness of the Craft that the ___ imbued into the drakes. And two, still require the breath weapon of the drakes as part of the process. The latter component simply can't be replaced. But it would be possible for a Voidling to learn Synthesis Craft and work alongside their Inch-drake partner to craft items together, possibly making things the two could not achieve separately based on their synergy.

The other thing to watch out for, at least in my opinion, is to not make the drakes too strong compared to the Voidlings. It seems as though both species need to be roughly equal (even if in totally different areas) to allow proper symbiosis.
The other thing to watch out for, at least in my opinion, is to not make the drakes too strong compared to the Voidlings. It seems as though both species need to be roughly equal (even if in totally different areas) to allow proper symbiosis.
I think it might be best just going with a flat-out "symbiotic power share" thing, i.e. whenever one grows stronger the partner does as well. Which may or may not include a side effect of the Drakes getting the Eyes too.
I think it might be best just going with a flat-out "symbiotic power share" thing, i.e. whenever one grows stronger the partner does as well. Which may or may not include a side effect of the Drakes getting the Eyes too.
Perhaps, but that feels just a touch too blunt. It also eliminates both sides having their own unique strengths that they use for each other's benefit.
The fear of becoming unneeded mostly comes from older inch-drakes, especially those that survived the inchling and inch-drake exterminations. The younger generations mostly think that the changes were incredibly cool.

The exterminations were deeply scarring to the older inch-drakes. They budding relationship between inchling and inch-drake was the catalyst for reigniting hope in the inch-drakes. That relationship between inchling and inch-drake is a symbol of hope, and the inch-drakes are afraid that the change in the balance of power between inchling and inch-drake would cause that relationship to erode.

There's a bit of paranoia and anxiety going on. If inchling are powerful enough to stand on their own, that meant they didn't need the inch-drakes, and if the inchlings didn't need the inch-drakes, that meant there will be despair. Or at least, what their flawed logic claims.
Hmm, sounds like a lot of demon cores, which will go critical at some point. And we don't have screwdriver to prevent it. 🤔​
We assure you that Essential Cores do not explode like a nuclear bomb. They're very bright flash bangs. They are also not unstable, about to blow up at any time.
Let someone worthy from Alvin's bloodline find the chest of these emerald
Alvin does not have a bloodline. None of the Iron Skull Pirates have bloodlines, because they are robots.
[ ] Bigger Inch-Drakes
Make Inch-Drakes large enough to carry Inchlings on their backs as they used to.

Anyone want to trade?
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