Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

Random thought: When we go to a new platform, it's still the same world, right? Does that mean we can set up some kind of portal network to get our various civilizations to interact? Example: We open one end of a portal ravine here, and then on Island 2 we open the other end of that portal ravine to potentially import creatures we make here or have that island's dominant species invade the ducks?
[X] Though A Duck has now grown into a fine ruler (as it sees), it retains a sort of loneliness in being the only one of his make. He will scape a part of his white gold staff, and break off a chunk of the diamond cube. With the final piece being several of his own feathers, he will put them together, and the same blessed hands that created him and his predeccesor shall fuse this blend of materials together to form a new being. A being similar to A Duck, but greater in power. Overjoyed with his new companion, he christens her That Duck, Queen of all She Beholds.
Hmm. A strange act. This needs Small at minimum to make That Duck alive. At Basic, I could construe this act as A Duck making a statue.
[x] Create symbiotic relationships between the carnivorous plants and ants. Rather than immediately kill the ants they feast on, they cultivate spaces/hives in their roots and branches and produce sweet saps for the hive; in exchange, the ant population collects protein rich insects, including rival ants, and bring them to their plant for consumption.

[x] Place Inchlings on the mangroves. Tribal, elf-like peoples that are 1 inch in height. Their prefered diet is fruit and insects, and they build their homes on the branches of the forest canopy.

[x] Create mollusks. Some as small as a nail and some as big as a wolf. Some mundane as slugs and some more bizarre like, for example, frumious running snails. Some suited to crawl around (or run, as do some notable exceptions) on land and some made to live underwater.

[x] Create species of fungi for the ants to farm.

[x] Create Arachnids on the island, varied and numerous species.
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Era 1 - Turn 3 Acts
Adhoc vote count started by MangoFlan on Nov 18, 2022 at 7:46 AM, finished with 24 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Create mollusks. Some as small as a nail and some as big as a wolf. Some mundane as slugs and some more bizarre like, for example, frumious running snails. Some suited to crawl around (or run, as do some notable exceptions) on land and some made to live underwater.
    [x] Create Arachnids on the island, varied and numerous species.
    [X] A small nest is at the edge of the platform from where it can not be moved. Every year six eggs appear and if they survive they hatch into ducklings.
    [X] Though A Duck has now grown into a fine ruler (as it sees), it retains a sort of loneliness in being the only one of his make. He will scape a part of his white gold staff, and break off a chunk of the diamond cube. With the final piece being several of his own feathers, he will put them together, and the same blessed hands that created him and his predeccesor shall fuse this blend of materials together to form a new being. A being similar to A Duck, but greater in power. Overjoyed with his new companion, he christens her That Duck, Queen of all She Beholds.
    [X] Place an order of Duck Knights to serve and protect their liege, A Duck.
    [X] Place Inchlings on the mangroves. Tribal, elf-like peoples that are 1 inch in height. Their prefered diet is fruit and insects, and they build their homes on the branches of the forest canopy
    [X] Create species of fungi for the ants to farm.
    [x] Create symbiotic relationships between the carnivorous plants and ants. Rather than immediately kill the ants they feast on, they cultivate spaces/hives in their roots and branches and produce sweet saps for the hive; in exchange, the ant population collects protein rich insects, including rival ants, and bring them to their plant for consumption.
    [X] A small nest is at the edge of the platform from where it can not be moved. Every year six eggs appear and if they survive they hatch into ducklings.points?

Unless late votes are made, these are the results. I'll start working on the update tomorrow.

Big Act:
Create mollusks. Some as small as a nail and some as big as a wolf. Some mundane as slugs and some more bizarre like, for example, frumious running snails. Some suited to crawl around (or run, as do some notable exceptions) on land and some made to live underwater.

Create Arachnids on the island, varied and numerous species.

A small nest is at the edge of the platform from where it can not be moved. Every year six eggs appear and if they survive they hatch into ducklings.

Small Act:
Though A Duck has now grown into a fine ruler (as it sees), it retains a sort of loneliness in being the only one of his make. He will scape a part of his white gold staff, and break off a chunk of the diamond cube. With the final piece being several of his own feathers, he will put them together, and the same blessed hands that created him and his predeccesor shall fuse this blend of materials together to form a new being. A being similar to A Duck, but greater in power. Overjoyed with his new companion, he christens her That Duck, Queen of all She Beholds.

Place an order of Duck Knights to serve and protect their liege, A Duck.

Create species of fungi for the ants to farm.
I'll give one vote to Inchlings, as promised.
I wonder what will happen to the eggs and nest, considering that there's no particular protection offered to either of them. Maybe if A Duck discovers it…but he's at the bottom of the ocean, so I doubt it. Out of 300 eggs, I predict 30 will survive.
Era 1 - Turn 3
The platform has become less lonely as more living creatures began inhabiting it. Molluscs of all kinds have appeared on the island. Some as small as a nail, others as large as a wolf. Some are as mundane as slugs and some are bizarre like the frumious running snail. They crawl all over the platform, on the trees and on the pillars. They call home the watery deep home much like how they call the dry land theirs. Some trees have been made bare of leaves and some homes have been fully eradicated of inhabitants by their voracious appetites yet at the same time, the insects and fish have had the time of their lives as another source of food beyond vegetation and insects have graced the ecosystem.

At the same time, a number of arachnids have appeared and built fortresses made of silk upon the boughs of the trees. There were some that made no web and hunted. Their numbers are many, and many a insect had met their fate ensnared upon their sticky webs. Only the large molluscs do they have trouble ensnaring, but some of the hunting spiders find them a delicacy.

A nest has appeared on the edge of the platform. The straw and twig nest was made in such a way that the eggs that it may contain remains safe and heated even without a mother sitting on it. Six eggs appeared in the nest, and all hatched one after another a few days later. The ducklings that hatched from the eggs were welcomed into the world full of life, food, and greenery. Much of them grows into big healthy ducks, but some had fallen into a terrible fate, feasted upon by vicious insects and monstrous snails. The ducks that survived thrived, and made nests of their own. In the next year, six more eggs appeared in the first nest, a new generation of ███-given ducklings. A small popupation of ducks made the waters their home, sufficiently away from the monstrous molluscs and vicious insects, but they still return to dry land to nest.

A similar thing has happened in the kingdom of A Duck deep beneath the waves. A number of ducks loyal to their liege, A Duck, has spawned in amidst the kelp forests and sea grass plains by the shores of the syrupy seas. They bow before A Duck, swearing and showing their loyalty to the aged A Duck. With them, A Duck had a true kingdom with subjects. The Order of the Duck Knights was formed.

At this time, A Duck's age has begun to show. He had become weak after a couple decades of life. He would die sooner than later. He didn't want to leave life without leaving something beyond a skeleton and an empty crown, but none of the duck knights under his employ appealed to him. He sat atop his diamond throne languishing upon his legacy until a spark of inspiration came to him. From the diamond block and the golden staff, he carved out a statue made to look like himself when he was younger. Using mud and some feathers, the diamond sculpture had become indistinguishable from a living duck. A Duck proposed to it, christening it That Duck, the Queen of All That Which She Beholds, and was very surprised for it to move and reply. The once diamond statue had become flesh and blood. Together, they had a nest of fours, future princes and princesses of their kingdom. A Duck was happy.

The ant colonies of the island had received a blessing from the ███s. Sprouting from the ground, the ants have found a fungus covering the ground like manna, eating through plant matter and producing nutritious flesh. Many colonies discover this fungus and develop fungiculture. They harvest leaves and feed them to their fungus fields which produce more nutrition than if they directly ate the leaves directly. This leads to larger and more sophisticated colonies with dedicated chambers and facilities for the cultivation of these fungi. After years of cultivation, a number of strains have arisen: some for taste, some for efficiency, and others for medicinal purposes.

And that was all that was created this turn, but not all that has occurred.

More fish had found their way to the abundant forests on the sea floor, and now they compete with the ducks on grazing pastures and syrup pools. The ducks tried their best to shoo away the invasive fish, but alas, even with their best, they could not keep the fish away for long. For the first time in years, the levels of the syrup pools had ceased rising, countered by the constant consumption of plant and animal.

Not long after the creation of the divine nest, an unfortunate duck met their fate while wading in the water. The meat was gnawed from their bones, and their skeleton fell towards the dark depths. When it reached the bottom, the ducks of the deep were baffled by its duck-like structure. It wasn't the first. Year after year, a duck skeleton or two would fall from above, until A Duck could no longer take the insult and charged to the surface with a squad of duck knights to confront the source of this slight.

They rose to the above, following the great pillars that held up the sky, until light and more light came around them. Light! Up there, there was more light than they could imagine, and the waters around them glowed with its signature azure blue. It hurt their eyes. At the same time as the light, life came. Schools of fish, clouds of green, swam around them. Snails, slugs, and all sorts floated in the light water and the rough concrete. Farther and farther they went up until they came to the surface where they saw a dry world they've never seen before. Noisy and lively with minuscule life.

There, they also found the surface ducks who swam away from them strange deep-dwelling ducks. A Duck tried to get them to join his kingdom, but in the midst of the negotiation, a large wolf snail jumped from above, pouncing upon an inattentive A Duck. A duck knight jumped to the action to save their liege, but alas perished alongside him. Sadly, they returned from their trip with the corpse of their king in tow. That Duck was outraged that they had let this happen to A Duck, and so they were exiled to the edge of the kingdom where there was not as much food or syrup. The queen sent some knights to the surface to protect the ducks of the surface. There they find the divine nest that bears eggs laid by no mother. A new order was formed to protect this nest, the Order of the Nest Knights.

And so the world turns. Years pass, and things change. The forest grows grander and more crowded as time goes on. And the world once again yearns for your touch.
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[X] Tear open a ravine in the sea floor. Anything that enters this ravine will be expelled from a similar ravine. For now it is only this ravine, but perhaps in the future...?

[X] Place Lantern-Bee Hive somewhere near flowers.

These insects resemble ordinary honey bees, but they glow in the dark, and their wax is very durable and transmits light well. Their hives resemble paper lanterns that glow with a dull yellowish-green light at night when the bees sleep.
[X] Create the Ant Spire
The ant Spire is a woody plant about a meter tall with a small spiral up it's stem ringed with leaves. Along the spiral is several small tunnels the size of ants. The Ant Spire is more than just a plant well suited for ants to live in. It is an intelligent thing that can emit pheromones to control the ants that live inside it to use them as eyes and hands.
[X] Create a bamboo batch on the ocean floor which grows longer and higher as the years go by.
These bamboo feed on nutrition from the ocean floor and all the dead corpses that fall in it. It does not spread by roots instead it sends a batch of its seeds unto the current to carry it elsewhere. This bamboo has a very special constitution. When it dies, the bamboo doesnt just collapse on itself, but a new bamboo from spare seeds grow out of the dead bamboo cannibalizing and inhabiting the old body. Continuing the growth to the higher world.
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Alright, let me try again

[X] Place a male and female Inchling on the Mangroves. An elf-like couple that are only an inch tall. They have a diet of fruit and insects and make their homes in the branches of the forest canopy. They are a stealthy bunch, and move like ninjas throughout the island.

[X] Tear open a ravine in the sea floor. Anything that enters this ravine will be expelled from a similar ravine. For now it is only this ravine, but perhaps in the future...?

[X] Create Nautilus kings, giant cephalopodes with many tentacles. They are omnivores, but would rather eat fish than plants if given a choice. In order to catch fish and pluck seaweed, these animals use grasping appendages on the tips of their tentacles that resemble human hands covered in small spikes.
When they grow old and too big, they swim to shallows and die, leaving behind their shells, large enough to be considered a small island.

[X] Create a bamboo batch on the ocean floor which grows longer and higher as the years go by.
@Gold adorned man
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[X] Create Nautilus kings, giant cephalopodes with many tentacles. They are omnivores, but would rather eat fish than plants if given a choice. In order to catch fish and pluck seaweed, these animals use grasping appendages on the tips of their tentacles that resemble human hands covered in small spikes.
When they grow old and too big, they swim to shallows and die, leaving behind their shells, large enough to be considered a small island.

[X] Place a male and female Inchling on the Mangroves. An elf-like couple that are only an inch tall. They have a diet of fruit and insects and make their homes in the branches of the forest canopy. They are a stealthy bunch, and move like ninjas throughout the island.

[X] Place Lantern-Bee Hive somewhere near flowers.

These insects resemble ordinary honey bees, but they glow in the dark, and their wax is very durable and transmits light well. Their hives resemble paper lanterns that glow with a dull yellowish-green light at night when the bees sleep.

[X] Create a statue of a spider made of solid tungsten and place it in the center of the island. Spiders are drawn to this great statue and hear whispers in their minds, unintelligible yet feeling reassuring to them.

[X] Create the Ant Spire
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It sounds relaxing. I would like to take part.

[X] Place Lantern-Bee Hive somewhere near flowers.

These insects resemble ordinary honey bees, but they glow in the dark, and their wax is very durable and transmits light well. Their hives resemble paper lanterns that glow with a dull yellowish-green light at night when the bees sleep.​

[X] Create Nautilus kings, giant cephalopodes with many tentacles. They are omnivores, but would rather eat fish than plants if given a choice. In order to catch fish and pluck seaweed, these animals use grasping appendages on the tips of their tentacles that resemble human hands covered in small spikes.
When they grow old and too big, they swim to shallows and die, leaving behind their shells, large enough to be considered a small island.
By @Ralakesh

[X] Tear open a ravine in the sea floor. Anything that enters this ravine will be expelled from a similar ravine. For now it is only this ravine, but perhaps in the future...?
By @Sir Plusse

[X] Create a bamboo batch on the ocean floor which grows longer and higher as the years go by.
These bamboo feed on nutrition from the ocean floor and all the dead corpses that fall in it. It does not spread by roots instead it sends a batch of its seeds unto the current to carry it elsewhere. This bamboo has a very special constitution. When it dies, the bamboo doesnt just collapse on itself, but a new bamboo from spare seeds grow out of the dead bamboo cannibalizing and inhabiting the old body. Continuing the growth to the higher world.
By @Gold adorned man

[X] Create a species of insect that will act symbiotically with the ants. The new insect, called an eflint, will feed on the waste products of ant nests and produce a sweet syrup.
By @Murloc

These quests make me think about stories of dimensional travel between them or something similiar.
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[X] Create a bamboo batch on the ocean floor which grows longer and higher as the years go by.

These bamboo feed on nutrition from the ocean floor and all the dead corpses that fall in it. It does not spread by roots instead it sends a batch of its seeds unto the current to carry it elsewhere. This bamboo has a very special constitution. When it dies, the bamboo doesnt just collapse on itself, but a new bamboo from spare seeds grow out of the dead bamboo cannibalizing and inhabiting the old body. Continuing the growth to the higher world.



[X] Tear open a ravine in the sea floor. Anything that enters this ravine will be expelled from a similar ravine. For now it is only this ravine, but perhaps in the future...?
By @Sir Plusse

[X] Place a male and female Inchling on the Mangroves. An elf-like couple that are only an inch tall. They have a diet of fruit and insects and make their homes in the branches of the forest canopy. They are a stealthy bunch, and move like ninjas throughout the island. By Zakelga

[X] Within the sights of the deepest bottoms of the ocean floor, and below the heights of far skies, a third avian is created. One of the same monocular vision, acquaintanceship with water, and who grows into the remains of the former, ever empowered by its predecessor. Name it, "Some Duck", and with this duck, give to it the title of the first, the lack of hunger from the second, and it's own ability, the power of eternal youth and life. Give it a spiffing introduction to That Duck, and allow the Knights back from their exile.

[X] Create the Ant Spire
The ant Spire is a woody plant about a meter tall with a small spiral up it's stem ringed with leaves. Along the spiral is several small tunnels the size of ants. The Ant Spire is more than just a plant well suited for ants to live in. It is an intelligent thing that can emit pheromones to control the ants that live inside it to use them as eyes and hands.
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[X] Create the Ant Spire
The ant Spire is a woody plant about a meter tall with a small spiral up it's stem ringed with leaves. Along the spiral is several small tunnels the size of ants. The Ant Spire is more than just a plant well suited for ants to live in. It is an intelligent thing that can emit pheromones to control the ants that live inside it to use them as eyes and hands.

[X] Create Nautilus kings, giant cephalopodes with many tentacles. They are omnivores, but would rather eat fish than plants if given a choice. In order to catch fish and pluck seaweed, these animals use grasping appendages on the tips of their tentacles that resemble human hands covered in small spikes.
When they grow old and too big, they swim to shallows and die, leaving behind their shells, large enough to be considered a small island.

[X] Place Lantern-Bee Hive somewhere near flowers.

These insects resemble ordinary honey bees, but they glow in the dark, and their wax is very durable and transmits light well. Their hives resemble paper lanterns that glow with a dull yellowish-green light at night when the bees sleep.

[X] Within the sights of the deepest bottoms of the ocean floor, and below the heights of far skies, a third avian is created. One of the same monocular vision, acquaintanceship with water, and who grows into the remains of the former, ever empowered by its predecessor. Name it, "Some Duck", and with this duck, give to it the title of the first, the lack of hunger from the second, and it's own ability, the power of eternal youth and life. Give it a spiffing introduction to That Duck, and allow the Knights back from their exile.

[X] Create a bamboo batch on the ocean floor which grows longer and higher as the years go by.
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At least he had a better run than his predecessor, right? I mean, he has heirs, and he lasted more than one turn.
That is true. Though he was so wrongly mauled by that Wolf Snail, all in all he's had the best reign of any duck out there. I think I'll go with my classic move of Skeleton—>New Duck.

Authored Act
[X] Within the sights of the deepest bottoms of the ocean floor, and below the heights of far skies, a third avian is created. One of the same monocular vision, acquaintanceship with water, and who grows into the remains of the former, ever empowered by its predecessor. Name it, "Some Duck", and with this duck, give to it the title of the first, the lack of hunger from the second, and it's own ability, the power of extreme regeneration and life. Give it a spiffing introduction to That Duck, and allow the Knights back from their exile.

Supported Acts
[X] Place Lantern-Bee Hive somewhere near flowers.

[X] Create the Ant Spire

[X] Create a bamboo batch on the ocean floor which grows longer and higher as the years go by.

[X] Tear open a ravine in the sea floor. Anything that enters this ravine will be expelled from a similar ravine. For now it is only this ravine, but perhaps in the future...?
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Duck i humbly ask for you to accept my proposel. We are even acquaintances from that god quest im still waiting on(the one with centaurs).
In return i shall support your plan

Planetary tennis i implore for you to support my plan as well. It would be beneficial to us both to have this bamboo grow. I promise
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