"This is New…Right?” (A fantasy adventure)

[X] Proceed to the town, and once there...
-[X] Walk around and observe the locals, their culture, customs and most important of all, their money.
-[X] Try to find a place to stay and get your bearings, search for a job that would pay for your meals and the roof over your head in the meantime.
-[X] Go see if you can drink from a clean well or buy something to drink. That lack of thirst is unnatural, and thus worrying.

What else are we supposed to do? Wander around aimlessly? :p
We are supposed to behave like a responsible adult who has found herself without memory, money or understanding of what is happening. First thing we can - and therefore need to - do is to acquire money or find some way to survive in lieu of it. Then, once our immediate livelihood is secure, we can devote time to figuring out what kind of situation we ended up in.

We clearly have no money on us, since there is no extra-weight. So what good would wishful thinking do? That's our sister's specialty. No connection with reality whatsoever in that one! I bet if she were to be put in a situation even half as bad as ours, she'd starve!
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We clearly have no money on us, since there is no extra-weight. So what good would wishful thinking do? That's our sister's specialty. No connection with reality whatsoever in that one! I bet if she were to be put in a situation even half as bad as ours, she'd starve!
Yeah! Poor Beatrice must be starving right now, longing for her sister's sweet embrace and completely devoid of strength. Oh, if only we could come to her rescue and show her up!

[X] Proceed to the town, and once there...
-[X] Walk around and observe the locals, their culture, customs and most important of all, their money.
-[X] Try to find a place to stay and get your bearings, search for a job that would pay for your meals and the roof over your head in the meantime.
-[X] Go see if you can drink from a clean well or buy something to drink. That lack of thirst is unnatural, and thus worrying.
...I have no words besides these ones Im using now to describe how funny this is to me. You are my Soap Opera's, and I'm fine with that.

Anyway, mind if I ask you guys what you think so far? Made any random or not so random theories or connections?

And yes, Neville , sleeping keeps the spiders and Old God Worshipping Elderly Woman away, but mysterious strangers clad in white keep Dragons/Wyverns away!
1.6 - A Raven goes to Town
"This is New, Right?"
1.6 – A Raven goes to town.

No, testing could wait. You had spent far, FAR too long wandering around the wilderness with no memories for your liking, with an even larger period of time you were outright terrified of being spent unconscious. There was the first odd dream, the one you could barely remember after you lost consciousness as a Raven- then there was another... someone mocking you, all while reciting a rhyme you could scarcely remember, that you had awoken aware of.

"So why do you live on/Your life is a con…" You murmur under your breath, worry setting in. That was the one line you could remember being spoken to you, and even then, just barely; it was... concerning to say the least, and horrifying at the most. But, you reminded yourself, not relevant. Whoever you were could wait until after you had reached safety, or found some kind of reliable help. Setting towards the village, you think.

Stopping at the ledge and walking alongside its sides to reach the most slope-like area, you let yourself fall at an unsteady gate, balancing yourself with one hand against the rock as you descend; your hand scruffs and is scratched, cut deeply at times, yet blue flames leap as you descend from it, purging your hand of the wounds as they occur. Interesting; they respond to any injury, not just dangerous ones. The flames which apparently worked to heal you also had no apparent limit; that would be easily abuse able in combat.

Reaching the bottom of your clearing, your muse declares that the fact your first thought of how to experiment upon and use mystical healing flames is a worrying one. What next, shall you carry a Healing Shiv obtained from a trickster god to help remove an axe from a hemorrhaging elven thieves' brain? No, that was a special level of stupid you resolved there and then to never involve yourself in. You cant help but think to yourself with no small degree of amusement what an oddly specific scenario you had just come up with was.

Puckering your lips, however, only caused your concern to return. Unless gorging yourself on corpses had somehow rehydrated you, the fact that you weren't thirsty was quite concerning. The same could be said for the fact that you weren't showing any true signs of not having drunk anything for a full day, even after dry heaving, for goddess's sake! Option one was that the Blue Flames had, for some reason, decided that going a full day without drinking was a danger to you and had mystically rehydrated you.

With fire.

Which, now that you thought about it, there was a startlingly possibility that was the case, drawing from conjuncture – your dress had stitched itself together and purged it of blood, the wound you had suffered was totally missing, and even a few light scrapes were enough to set it off.

Taking a detour around the healing rock – you weren't going to go near it when the wolves were out and about, provided whatever it was that had almost killed you hadn't killed off the remainder of the pack, but to be safe was safer than to be sorry. Not until you got your hand's on a bow…

…Yes, that had to be added to your list of priorities. A Bow. Your fixation on killing was perhaps a bit unnatural, but you could vividly remember the fact that you were essentially raised using a bow. You needed a bow; but first, you need to plan and plot. As you had brought up earlier, you had patted yourself down, finding absolutely nothing of value in a search for anything you might've had on you; you quite frankly didn't even know if you had pockets. It was a logical assumption that you had no money.

Therefore working off of the assumption that as you recognized this as being far,far away from… wherever you used to live, you might not even speak the language of whatever kingdom or nation you were in. You had relatively few goals, and relatively few means to an end right now, but it didn't stop you from mentally listing off your plan as the billowing smoke stacks grew larger, and the roar of a river audible at all.

So then, your first priority – figuring out what people were like here, and how they acted, the nations name, so on and so forth. Something had to jog your memory if random near-death experiences brought up images of your childhood. It would probably be an excellent idea to explore the town a bit, and familiarize yourself with it.

Second priority? Find someplace to rest for the night, or somewhere you could work, even temporarily, to get a bit of cash and therefore afford aforementioned place to rest. If nothing else, you could find a well to drink from, to see if and how you reacted to water considering you unnatural… lack of a thirst.

Stumbling over a bush and suppressing the urge to curse under your breath, looking down to glare at it for a moment, you turned back around and took a step forward, breaking through the foliage-

...and revealing a path. Wide and well trod, it was somewhat excellently maintained for someplace in the middle of nowhere near the base of a mountain. Well then. A single look ahead revealed, would you look at that, there's the village and a pair of grey-armored guards standing guard. Quite a surprise, I'm sure. As much a surprise as the walls made of thick, large logs sharped to have spiked tips, bound by metal, with half of their height met by thick stone.

Time to get started.
Groaning, you fell down into the bench that rested between the border of the two shops that had been joined together; a blacksmiths shop - one you were quite interested in, really - and what you could honestly say was the most confusing bakery you had ever encountered. The sign had labeled it as "Pumpkins Pastry and Pests Control."", which you were honestly confused about and almost willing to dismiss as a poor joke because of the honestly delicious looking bread displayed out in front of the large glass window at its front, but less willing when you saw the rows of blood-splattered weapons and blunt instruments laid out on another counter. And when you said "Blunt Instruments," You literally meant blunt instruments of the musical variety. Splattered in somewhat orange blood.

You had watched in amazement and terror as a man walked inside and was greeted by a plump woman in a dress you found extravagant even compared to your own and a hat you didn't even have words to describe tackle him and drag him behind the counter, you could only watch in some sort of shell-shocked state as she pulled out a flute with oddly pointed edges from the display case and once more dragging the man took off, this time taking him through a pair of swinging doors.

The fact that whatever now-dampened sense you possessed that still caused the pile of poisoned bodies to shine out like an oddly delicious beacon to you flared up from their rough location after he was dragged into that back room only further convinced you to never, ever go near that building again.

Yet here you were, sitting near it, because after a cursory tour given by yourself through the town, you had concluded this bench here was ridiculously comfortable. You had found a well during your short walk around as well - pulling up a barrel and borrowing a cup from a nearby woman who had been giving you odd looks had led you to conclude that nothing was out of the ordinary about your ability to drink water, if nothing else.

But now, you could plot and pull together an impression of this altogether nice town. A bit rough around the edges, the buildings and people both looked a bit worn - but not the terrible, 'oh no, an army came through!' kind of worn, simply the kind one developed through a few years of hardships and a few trials or tribulations. Not both, just one of the two. The people's general attitude towards you had been unexpected as well; you got a few odd looks, of course, but none of the suspicion or outright hatred one might expect from people in a small town-village near a mountain. You hadn't expected it, but had welcomed it. The guards dressed in dull armor hadn't paid her more than a single glance whenever they had passed her either.

Though perhaps that had been because of the few other oddly dressed, uniquely-armored and armed people she had seen walking around in large groups.

Anything that you could've said for the people could've also been said of the building, whether it was the somewhat wide and expansive yet uniform houses with tan brick and wooden buildings with their red roofs or the merchants district you were currently in; even the larger and much more unique buildings to the towns right fit the description, and you could say that without even going near them yet. The only building that didn't fit those descriptions were the newer, more unique ones you had caught site of - a tower, a tall spire off in the distance - which you would look further into later, but not now - and the Inn that was almost right next to you now.

But to be honest, you hadn't quite made that much progress in your goals. No, what you needed to try and figure out wa-


A man dressed in a cobalt blue armor and carrying a spear sat down next to her. He wore a grated mask that you couldn't quite see through.

"Need some help?" He quirked.​

-Consensus Actions Enabled-[Check rules]
How do you answer?
[X] "Now what gave you that idea?"
[X] "You would be able to offer it?"
[X] "Write in."
Goals for this conversation?
[X] Information Gathering
[X] ...Just let him go on, see what he give away.
[X] Write in


*Is playing DOTA, idly thinking he's forgetting something*
*Game freezes, cat hops onto desk*
*Takes out phone, starts to flip through SV*
*Cat walks over calmly and bats phone out of my hands*
*Phone flips to its side, revealing my post and my Signature*
Me: "Oh shit!"

In other news, you guys [And the SB thread, which is getting quite interesting] are getting a map of the town later today! And on a separate note, for any just rejoining, there's been two updates, one of them under 1k words. Mentiong the SB thread, there havent been enough votes for a sufficiently long enough time for me to update it as well.

Now, something else I wanted to bring up here… the two quest charecters all have the same baselines abilities. Unless explicitly and obviously inherent to the character themselves, the other will have it. Now, quickly Solstice, distract them with a rough outline of the map you're posting into the Rules and Related section later!
...Its not available? Fine then.
They're still hidden, spoilers suckah!
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[X] "You would be able to offer it?"
[X] Information Gathering

Don't want to give off the impression that we don't even realize how clueless we look. And Beatrice is the Raven, there should always be a purpose to everything she does. :V
[X] "You would be able to offer it?"
Goals for this conversation?
[X] HALP!!!

We need money, and a job, and a sage to take a look at us, and a clue about what is going on, and a local ornithologist for... reasons.

I guess that falls under 'information gathering' as well, but I am more interested in the information that could at least point us in a direction we need to pursue to solve our immediate problems.
[X] "You would be able to offer it?"

Goals for this conversation?
[X] Information Gathering
-[X] His Identity, and details about his "Help". What will it cost us and who are we gonna end up working for?
1.7 - A Raven discusses Matters of Importance
"This is New, Right?"
1.7 – A Raven discusses Matters of Importance

"You would be able to offer it?" You ask, attempting to peer through the visor of the man wearing cobalt armor; certainly different from the other guards you had seen so far, but you had seen two exchange patrol routes with each other earlier, so you were willing to accept some modicum of help from this man; but you wanted to know why, and what he wanted in exchange.

"Not exactly." He intoned, his voice just a tad bit cautious; what was that a sign of? Mistrust, fear, simple caution at approaching the strangely dressed woman? "I can't exactly offer you help if I don't know what you need help with."

Oh. Blinking your eyes in confusion for a moment, you manage to respond. "You would offer me help… without knowing that I need help, or what I would need help with?" So long as you kept him talking, you could discover more about wherever you were, and about the town itself, which was named Kelna.

"Well, if you want to make it sound stupid, yes." He shrugs. "The name is Robert; I can't help but notice it during my patrols when a young woman is aimlessly wandering around the town, looking for all the world like she's both lost yet plotting at the same time."

"Oh, I don't want to make it sound stupid, it just does." You respond, trying to figure him out, testing his response to different actions. "Mind me asking you a few questions, then?"

"Certainly! I didn't mind the one you just asked, after all." Oh, so he was witty, eh? You could do witty. Not very well, but certainly well enough.
"Well then, I suppose you won't mind me asking you why you have cobalt armor instead of grey armor like the most of the rest of the guard's?"

He blinked. You could physically feel him blink in shock at that question, even if you still couldn't see behind his helm. "...I'm one of Aghanim's guard.". A simple answer, one that meant he felt it as enough of an explanation as is. That mean you were dealing with common knowledge, then. Looking at your blank face, one that had brought up nothing resembling recognition, you made a gesture that translated to 'Go on.'

"No, seriously? I mean, I wouldn't mind explaining… but, really?"He asks. His body language alone tells you he's a bit surprised and defensive now, like there's a chance you're mocking him, yet at the same time resigned, like had had expected a similarly uninformed question from you.

"Indulge me." You dryly reply.

"…I'm one of Aghanims Guard, created at the dawn of the Unison, when he forced all the warring kingdoms and tribes together… to kill him." You blank face had now taken on one of shock, as you tried to sort around the information, wild assumptions flying too fast for you to truly keep track of them.

"…Wow, you really are foreign, aren't you?" He asks, a jovial yet solemn tone coming to his voice. So, you either sounded or looked foreign, huh? Time to dig deeper.

"Gee, what gave it away?" You sarcastically remark, getting a chuckle out of him.

"Let's see… besides the accent?" He asks, his voice playful and mocking. Okay, that was too far.

"I do NOT have an accent!" You scoff, hoping to discover exactly how you have an accent. Because frankly put, you hadn't even heard an hint of one, even comparing your voice to those of the din of the townsfolk's voices as they went about their day.

"You roll your r's a bit too long for you to be from here, and here and there I've caught you stressing certain vowels. Funny, same thing I said to that oddly flirty girl the other day… guess wherever the two of you are from, its further than just down south, huh?" Robert jovially spat out.

Well, that was an… information bomb. Now, if you needed to disguise your accent, you could, even if it was essentially imperceptible to you. But the other bit, about the girl who had come into town with an accent similar to yours just yesterday, the same day you had woken up in the forest? It could easily be important, and in all the vague visions and dreams you could recall, there was… something, that made you easily believe you had siblings.

..Brothers? No… sisters? Yes, you had sisters, now what did they…

"Now, other than that? Let's see-"

"Robert." Shaking your head to clear your mind and focus yourself after a miniature revelation, you cut him off, not willing to miss out on something so large as this. Especially not after the revelation you had just suffered. "Can you… tell me more about this other person that came through, with an accent similar to mine? I was… separated, from several of my traveling companions earlier." Concern was palpable in your voice.

"Separated, huh?" His voice softens, then hardens as he continues. "Did it have anything to do with that damn Wyvern? " Oh dear, that's what that had been. Kind of hard to tell when you had only seen injured wings and the inside of it's gaping maw. Stretching the truth, and then altering the lie so that you wouldn't be accused of disturbing it, was for the best.

"Yes… it came across I and my friends, attacking us. We scattered, and I spent the better part of the day lost in the woods, before sleeping in a small cave hollow to avoid freezing to death." You said, shivering a bit, to press in on the image you felt fear. Not that it wasn't genuine, mind you, you.

"I pity you…" Robert says, his voice softening to a more comforting tone "…And am sorry. I've lost a friend to it; fought it head on when it attacked the village when it first came to roost in the mountains, helped injure its wings. Sheer luck, honestly, that the entire village isn't a smoldering poisonous wreck…" He trails off, looking away. "Not that you look it." He added, a fake chuckle escaping both our lips.

"Magic Clothing; I hate them, and will change out of them first chance I get." You silently mention.

"Sound's convenient. I once talked to the local Sorceress, and…" Robert began, preparing to talk, before stopping himself.

"No, I'm getting a bit off topic here. You want to know about the person who came through yesterday?" At your silent nodding, he continued.

"Yesterday, sometime near noon and after the Beast's roaring died down, just after me and a 'coworker' had swapped shifts with guards at the River Gate, she came walking down the least traveled path, that leads far down south and frankly past the border, there's even a nifty little bar some way's down ther-"
Clearing your throat, he realizes he's nervously rambling yet again.

"Right, right… Anyway, she came on up to me and Barry, and greeted us in an… oddly flirtatious way, teasing and shyly playing up her everything all the while. Unintentional or no, she was... er... shoving her assets down and towards us, and would turn on occasion while lifting the back of her dress. It... it was really uncomfortable, to be frank.She asked us a few things, ones we were glad to answer because she was young and clearly from another nation, before asking for directions to a cheap place to stay for the night, because she planned on departing in the morning."

"Now, she was dressed a bit like you, honestly. White dress, white choker, white boots... white everything ,really, with blue edges and sidings, as well as plenty of lace. White hair, a single black streak in it, a bit like yours actually..."
Why were suddenly you filled with a silent, all-encompassing numb rage?


Halfway across the village-town and possibly through several directions that don't yet exist, a girl dressed in white sneezed as she walked through the streets. She had the oddest suspicion she had just made someone impossibly mad, and she was oddly satisfied and amused by it.


"…and we even had to explain that Gold Coins really are just called Gold on the records, but Copper is called the Lightwing and Silver is called the Glimmerwing,and even their value's - Five Copper's for a Silver coin, Three Silver Coin's for a Golden Coin, so on and so on."

"Yes, well… thank you. She certainly was one of my companions, and by the sound of it, she took all of our money when we ran… didn't even know how to use it." You sigh, lying out of your ass and managing to sound sincere. "Is she still in town? Where is she staying?"
Shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders in noncommitance – it was odd exactly how much you had to pick up on the body language to tell why he was doing what he was when you couldn't see his face - Robert gave the simplest answer he could to you.

"Frankly, I don't know. She said she was heading out of town by the morn, and I certainly haven't seen her yet. I told her to go to the rather aptly named Dancing Canvas."

Well, lead found. Maybe even a place to stay the night that wasn't rock. "Dancing Canvas? I haven't heard of it, nor seen it, since arriving."

Robert nodded sagely, yet in an oddly joking way. "If you haven't been to the west side of town, I wouldn't expect you to. It's a nice inn/tavern mix, and the fun part of the entire place – besides the fact that its rooms are air conditioned to keep it at a just right temperature and keep it from collapsing in on itself-" My odd expression clued him in, and he elaborated. "It's a giant series of colorful tents, canvases, and rooms, kept clean by magic, with a fairly nice pub for gathering on Friday nights. Its affordable, and always hiring. Especially for pretty ladies like you." He added as a forethought, and you could feel the twinkle in his eye as he flirted with you.

"Why, Robert!" You scoff, laughing him off. In all seriousness, excellent information – if nothing else, you had found a place to potentially find work, and therefore profit before you went on your way should you find any leads on the person you felt a vague rage yet …love? Towards, or any other signs of a memory-triggering event.

"Now, where was I?" He asked.

"The second thing that tipped it off that I'm not native." You said.

"Ah, yes… you have literally no idea who Aghanim is, to the point where you sounded utterly horrified by the fact I mentioned all the old kingdoms and tribes tried band together to fight him. They tried to do so because he was busy weaving a ridiculously complicated spell to do exactly what they had been forced to do – come together, and keep the peace."

"Now, I'm not going to pretend that I'll do this miniature history lesson any justice, so you may want to pick up an actual book later. He, by proving the existence of disproving the existence of several dozen pantheons, while simultaneously striking down tyrants and madmen alike, manage to make a single nation and standardize a coin. This is all, of course, after he made an enchantment covering the entire nation that instantly taught everyone that common tongue, established an entirely new governmental system beneficial for everyone…"

Okay, you were starting to believe Robert was telling you a fairy tale, what with how Aghanim immediately seemed to have fixed everything after he showed up.

"… and then, having realized that even he couldn't stop crime from happening or madmen from cropping up, that he couldn't be there to slay every mean beastie that came out of the woodworks and that however many guards that place had wouldn't either, he made The Guard, to be deployed and moved as needed to respond to threats or keep towns, villages, and city's safe. We're trained in basic magic theory and enchanting, have skills with spears, halberds, and most kinds of swords…"

No really, you were expecting him to tell you he was telling an elaborate and oddly thought out prank on you. The world sounded perfect, with nary a problem in it.

"…and that's why you can't get a look at my amazing, handsome face." He finished, having just told you a condensed version of the past two centuries of the world's history.

The problem was, none of it sounded even remotely familiar, save for the name Aghanim. The worst part of it all was that you couldn't even be sure that wasn't a common name!

"…Well then, Robert… that was a bit of a bomb." You said, beginning to chuckle. "I half expected it to be an elaborate joke on your part."

Standing up from the bench we had been sitting in for the better part of the last thirty minutes, Robert stretched, grunting a bit as he did so. "I wouldn't dare lie about Aghanim... and quit unfortunately, my clearly highly productive patrol's shift ends soon... it's been a pleasure, truly. Any more questions?"

"No Robert, I have none. May we meet again." You said, a smile on your face, and your contentment somewhat ruined as you could only contemplate things, and plan. Watching Robert walk away, his armor clinking all the while, you came to the realization you had forgotten something.

"Robert!" You called out, catching his attention. Turning his head to face you. " It's Beatrice, by the way.... my name. You never asked. And thank you."

Chuckling, Robert turned back around and slowly began to walk away before he called back. "Oh, don't thank me Beatrice... you looked like you needed it."

What do you do now?
[X] Well, you needed money, didn't you? Try to get a job at the Dancing Canvas, and see if the person you suspect is related to you is there.
[X] Act upon these leads Robert gave you; the Dancing Canvas for a start, and try to find the young girl you feel trigger something in you.... after all, if she's what you think she is...
[X] Think for a moment, on all the information you have just learned, and that you have already receive before coming up with a plan.
[X] Write in. [Recommended. Much more interesting.]

Achievement Unlocked! Raven's Tongue - The Raven is a Trickster, A manipulator, a master of turning conversations to her favor or extracting exactly what she wants and more from you; Grants you a +2 modifier on Interogation, Conversation ,and all related rolls.

Well then, once again I post this far, far too late for my liking... my sister once again booted by off (violently) to work on things, and just got off barely 40 minutes ago, time which I've spent finishing this chapter. She killed by muse, tempo, and a rather large area around my forehead... I wonder if the exact moment a rather large book hit my head and the flow I had died can be found...

That said, I want to ask you guys two things. The first? How do you think of Beatrice, I.E, what do you think her personality is? The Second is one I've asked before, but, what exactly do you guys bevel is going on in the story? Especially with all the role's I've had to hide for spoiler reasons? Not this one, though. This dice roll is visible.
Do you get any useful information from him? Roll: 12 Modifiers: None
0-2; Nope, in fact, you thing you got conned.
3-6; Barely got something workable
7-10; You have more than enough info to work off of
11-12; Absolutely!
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[X] Act upon these leads Robert gave you; the Dancing Canvas for a start, and try to find the young girl you feel trigger something in you.... after all, if she's what you think she is...
[X] Well, you needed money, didn't you? Try to get a job at the Dancing Canvas, and see if the person you suspect is related to you is there.

Let's not intentionally meet Lacqueta yet when we have no money. We'll get kicked out of the inn if we get angry and assualt her.

Beatrice is a lot less smooth than I first imagined, plenty normal and not at all delusional. That's fine of course. The best tricksters are the ones you never expect.

As for what's gonna happen, I imagine it'll be about us trying to regain our memories, and that is somehow tied to Aghanim's demise. Are we gonna collect his corpse for something?

[X] Act upon these leads Robert gave you; the Dancing Canvas for a start, and try to find the young girl you feel trigger something in you.... after all, if she's what you think she is...
[X] Well, you needed money, didn't you? Try to get a job at the Dancing Canvas, and see if the person you suspect is related to you is there.

Let's not intentionally meet Lacqueta yet when we have no money. We'll get kicked out of the inn if we get angry and assualt her.

Beatrice is a lot less smooth than I first imagined, plenty normal and not at all delusional. That's fine of course. The best tricksters are the ones you never expect.

As for what's gonna happen, I imagine it'll be about us trying to regain our memories, and that is somehow tied to Aghanim's demise. Are we gonna collect his corpse for something?

...Im looking more towards the fact Robert sent you towards an entirely opposite side of town that he sent Laqueta to.

Your opinion on beatrice is known and accepted, because honestly, I have issues with giving her a personality, or even just defining it... even more so compared to the bubbly yet oddly ruthless ball of charecterization that is Laqueta.

As for Aghanim... I honestly dont know what is or isnt going to be a spoiler for him, so Ill stay silent.

Jeez, I miss a lot of details in this quest for some reason.

For characterizing Beatrice, since the animosity between them is there, why not just make her Lacqueta's complete opposite?

Jeez, I miss a lot of details in this quest for some reason.

For characterizing Beatrice, since the animosity between them is there, why not just make her Lacqueta's complete opposite?
...Well, I actualy can answer this one, but I need to put it in spoilers just in case...
Beatrice is the Eldest sibling, with Laqueta being the youngest; before this quest even began, I made a chart defining the sisters relationships, and made pairs(save one.). That Beatrice and Laqueta were chosen as the PC's is a happy, not as angsty coincidence.

As they are eldest and youngest, they have a unique relationship. Beatrice is, of course, driven a bit insane by Laqueta, and to rage at the thought of her doing dangerous or sexual things, but her anger is an endearing anger, the kind only siblings know. When they arent together, and Beatrice doesnt act more motherly than their actual mother, theyre essentially parallels, yes.

As of now, Ive had two issues with Beatrice. The first is that I havent had many chances to define it in story, because this is her first real human interaction since waking. However, the second issue is the biggest.

I couldnt find a way to write Beatrice that didnt make her like Laquita. Because Ill admit, in base personaloty, they're similar

Also, nothing on the "Sending Beatrice away from Laquita" thing?
Halfway across the village-town and possibly through several directions that don't yet exist, a girl dressed in white sneezed as she walked through the streets. She had the oddest suspicion she had just made someone impossibly mad, and she was oddly satisfied and amused by it.
Oh, Laqueta. You never cease to deliver. :lol

Also, nothing on the "Sending Beatrice away from Laquita" thing?
They do not normally co-exist in a single dimension. But this second person is none other than Laqueta, can't be anyone but her. It could be an alternative version of our sister... or it could be that Robert is not, in fact, a simple guard, what with strange creepy strangers in white sneaking into our caves to sing us weird lullabies. Plenty of interdimensional folk around here.

Once we talk with the folk at the Inn, we'll know for sure who was there and when.

Since Beatrice thinks her sister has all the money, finding her takes priority. If we can't locate her, then search for a job and a place to crash, and continue trying to contact her in some way. Maybe go to that sorceress.

[X] Act upon these leads Robert gave you; the Dancing Canvas for a start, and try to find the young girl you feel trigger something in you.... after all, if she's what you think she is...
[X] Well, you needed money, didn't you? Try to get a job at the Dancing Canvas, and see if the person you suspect is related to you is there.
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How do you think of Beatrice, I.E, what do you think her personality is?
Fittingly dry. She is the straight-woman of the story, surprisingly direct and no-nonsense, leading the conversation where she needed it to go.

She is a poor manipulator/schemer, though, can't really hide much of the thoughts that are written on her face. Her accent outburst was pretty funny, too. Her inner Laqueta is showing just a tad.

Her constant worrying (about her sister, too) as opposed to Laqueta's casual belief that everything will turn out fiiiiine provides a funny contrast. She is certainly the more grounded of the two.

I find it an interesting detail that we and our mother both have black hair, yet there is a strand of white in our hair and Laqueta's is almost fully white. A gift from our father, perhaps? I wonder who he was.
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Fittingly dry. She is the straight-woman of the story, surprisingly direct and no-nonsense, leading the conversation where she needed it to go.

She is a poor manipulator/schemer, though, can't really hide much of the thoughts that are written on her face. Her accent outburst was pretty funny, too. Her inner Laqueta is showing just a tad.

Her constant worrying (about her sister, too) as opposed to Laqueta's casual belief that everything will turn out fiiiiine provides a funny contrast. She is certainly the more grounded of the two.

I find it an interesting detail that we and our mother both have black hair, yet there is a strand of white in our hair and Laqueta's is almost fully white. A gift from our father, perhaps? I wonder who he was.
Most of her emotions were intentional or exagerated, to provoke the responses she wanted. Some were genuine, like the accent reaction, and most were close to how she feels, but not quite. I mean, she got Robert to beleive her when blatantly lying on the spot.

Yes, this is spoilered. The sisters will, in fact, rarely share more than one trait with their mother.

As for their father? I was serious, I will make Hannz their canon father if it kills me.
Oh, Laqueta. You never cease to deliver. :lol

They do not normally co-exist in a single dimension. But this second person is none other than Laqueta, can't be anyone but her. It could be an alternative version of our sister... or it could be that Robert is not, in fact, a simple guard, what with strange creepy strangers in white sneaking into our caves to sing us weird lullabies. Plenty of interdimensional folk around here.

Once we talk with the folk at the Inn, we'll know for sure who was there and when.

Since Beatrice thinks her sister has all the money, finding her takes priority. If we can't locate her, then search for a job and a place to crash, and continue trying to contact her in some way. Maybe go to that sorceress.

[X] Act upon these leads Robert gave you; the Dancing Canvas for a start, and try to find the young girl you feel trigger something in you.... after all, if she's what you think she is...
[X] Well, you needed money, didn't you? Try to get a job at the Dancing Canvas, and see if the person you suspect is related to you is there.

*dingdingding*, we have...someone who Is almost correct!

The money thing is a blatent lie. As is the travel thing. I can now consider her a good trickster, fooling my audience! What she does know is she has sisters and that this person in white may be one, and is suspiciously close to her condition wise.