01.11.01 - Doctor Give Me A Sign
Arriving at a much less official looking clinic. More like a office building really, Rebecca can see people go in and out in a steady trickle every twenty or so minutes, looking much richer and less just the random street rif-raff she normally services.

"This is not therapy." Rebecca muttered to herself angrily, "She's going to try to fuck me." She slips behind a crowd into the office, getting past the front door easy enough shoulder surfing into the elevator and then quickly finding the right room without calling or talking to anyone. She hadn't told Lisa she was coming, either. It would be a fun surprise.

Lisa is in a dress, some sort of toga looking thing made of sheer...silk? There's a clinical table in the room, but most of the work she's doing seems to be a pile of pharmaceuticals and more social chemicals being handed out for credit chits with five zeroes in them. She doesn't initially notice Rebecca. Lisa is done up like some image of a blue fertility goddess, with face-paint and body paint in swirling arcs that end in sharp points, purple easily visible against blue, as well as painted lips and near-nude makeup to accentuate her eyes and face in general.

After the customer, a Salarian that talks at approximately a trillion words a minute and takes something that a casual omnitool search firmly places as a downer, leaves.

Rebecca slipped right past him into the office smirking as she realized Lisa's back was turned. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the heart-shaped couch, an inviting yet peculiar choice for a therapist's office. The clinical table nearby suggested a more hands-on approach to treatment, while the steel walls provided a modern, sleek backdrop that could withstand any potential outbursts. The room was adorned with an array of pharmaceutical and social chemicals, meticulously organized and readily available for those willing to pay a substantial fee. It seemed Lisa was more than just a Doctor, and a Therapist, but some kind head-shrink as well.

Lisyris notes Rebecca's presence with a smile, looks down, and then looks back up. "Hi! What brings you here? I thought you were working with Vro?"

"Oh do you work here?" Rebecca said, irritated for some reason and sidestepping the question entirely. Her tone is again childish, the same as it was with Camlos. "Vro said I had to come over. You think I'm broken."

An omnitool audio message hits Rebecca's omnitool, from Vro. She reads the transcript and nods.

She nods, pressing play, and turning the volume up to a setting she hadn't before, as the previous ones made her ears twinge a bit.

At a volume that could shatter windows, Vro's voice yelled out, "If you're reading this, turn it to audio. AHAHAHAHA, THIS IS FOR NOVERIA, AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH."

Lisa still smiles, but this time looks down at the floor for a solid three seconds before looking back up, radiant and happy by all exterior accounts.

"Okay, so you definitely think I'm broken. Sick." Rebecca says, still standing in the hallway. The karambit in her hand again, having appeared sometime after the elevator ride, but before the Krogan's message. She was pissed. They both were.

"I don't think anyone's broken—" Lisa tries to assuage concerns.

"Unfixable, doesn't want to be fixed." Rebecca cut her off.

"You know I don't think th—" Lisyris tries again, keeping her voice calm.

"Too weak to be fixed." Rebecca cut her off again, "Think if I try to do the work I'll go blow up another... What the fuck ever."

"I don't think that. You're perfectly healthy, and just need some he—" The Asari is now looking down, trying to calm herself. Rebecca had already started to speak over her.

"So why do I only feel comfortable around Vro?" Rebecca knew she was going to get slapped, stabbed, yelled at, or helped. It didn't matter anymore she was going to get something, and all of those options were acceptable.

"Maybe it's because of your shared experien—" The Asari offers a reason, and is cut off again.

"Maybe it's because I'm being fucking coddled during a cry for help." Rebecca snapped at her.

A chair made of steel crumples into a ball smaller than a tennis ball in a flash of blue light and dark energy.

That worked far better to make Rebecca be quiet, and she sat down to behave. Quickly crossing her legs.

"Very well." The smoky voice is back as Lisyris doffs the vestments of a doctor and starts acting personable. "You want help? That's amazing. I'll give it to you. You don't want to be coddled during? That's fine as well." She walks over to the ball of steel, picking it up with a grimace of effort, putting it in a trash can.

Why is it when you get exactly what you want, it's the worst thing ever? Rebecca thought, watching carefully, still not saying much. She really didn't want to find out if that was a show of force, or a lack of control.

"In fact, let's get some things on the table. You are a paranoid wreck, with violent tendencies and a severe inability to control yourself without the threat of violence or punishment." Lisa is carefully laying out the facts as she cleans up metal shards, bending down with a small cloth and picking them up.

Also, you dissociate for long periods of time. "If you knew that second part, why..? Err, third." Rebecca said with a shrug.

"Because everyone can change, if given time and help. It just changes how much time and how much help they need." Lisa puts the cloth into the trash as well, and moves to sit next to Rebecca, not taking the classical position of being across from her. "However, at this current instance, we need to think of triage, not treatment. Does that make sense?" She asks.

"I mean, triage is definitely what you do to broken things. Like bones and shit, so I feel a little lied, too." Rebecca said, annoyed.

"Mhmm, you don't call yourself broken again. If you do, I'll make you regret it." Lisa smiles, not looking down this time.

Her eyes narrowed at Lisa, bitch, "Well, this time you were the one who said it so tec—" A flicker of black and blue energy makes a small cup fly across the room, missing, or perhaps intentionally slipping past Rebecca and cracking into the wall, embedding chunks of ceramic in the steel. "You were saying?" Lisa offers with a nod.

Rebecca considered her words, but Lisa still hadn't really done anything. These were still very idle threats from a nice, if strong lady. Something about that bothered her, she couldn't be helped by someone who couldn't meet her where she was at. While very insightful. That's so fucking insane, you realise. "So technically I was just repeating what you thought."

A hum escapes Lisyris at the stubborn continuance of Rebecca's behaviour. And then a pressure settled on the human, like being in a diving plane except rougher, pushing her down into the couch. "I don't like doing this sort of thing, you know?" Lisa says as the force turns horizontal, dragging Becky along to the far side of the couch, impacting it with enough force to shake the soft and comfortable seat, shaped like a heart.

"Ow Ok. Okay! I'll behave! I'll behave." Rebecca groaned as it felt like her ribs were seconds away from becoming shrapnel in her chest. "I just... Wanted to see if you would." She coughed hard, trying to catch her breath, the pain making it hard to breathe.

"I will, lets not do this again, alright?" Lisa says as the pressure and barely visible blue-black energy fades, replaced by her hand resting on Rebecca's shoulder. "I much prefer talking and being kind."

The Asari clears her throat after the exertion, a thin sheen of sweat on her skin. "I'd like to discuss some more radical interventions in your daily life, is that fine?"

"Well, I don't like talking and being kind. I need to know..." What do you need to know? You're bullying an eight hundred old woman. Look at her. "I... Fuck it, yeah. Sure."

"Your self control issues." Lisyris, carefully, says. "I think we can institute some more active ways to control your behaviour. I-"

"Like a bomb collar?" Rebecca offered nodding, "I have some plastique at the house. I could rig it up I think." There was no mockery in her tone. It for all intents and purposes seemed to be a truly earnest suggestion.

"No." Lisa slowly says. "I wasn't going to jump to negative reinforcement immediately. I was thinking instead, we reward whenever you manage something well." She says.

"Do you have any ideas on what we could do?" Lisa asks, letting Rebecca speak.

Rebecca kept accidentally cutting her off, so this time she waited, which seemed to take an excruciating amount of time. The woman was a slow speaker. "Uh... Not really, ma'am. I didn't really start getting gifts until a month ago. There's not much I want or care about enough to be like 'Yay a treat,' I didn't realise humans responded to clicker training."

A laugh escapes Lisa at that, elegant and pleasant. "Clicker, no, I was thinking praise? Are you responsive to that?" She considers, looking at Rebecca curiously.

Rebecca grit her teeth again. Therapy sucked and seemed to mostly involve admitting really shitty stupid things. "I... Wouldn't know. Ma'am."

"You're doing amazing already, don't worry." Lisa assures Rebecca with another touch at her shoulder.

She leaned into the other woman instinctively. You didn't need to be a psychologist to tell that Becky was touch starved. "Right um... Thanks. Don't do that. I don't... You..." You needed to stop telling people to stop doing things you like them doing. "That... Whatever. Don't... Not do that."

"Would you like me to stop touching you?" Lisyris murmurs back, letting her hand rest where it's at.

Rebecca growled like a puppy with a broken leg, "Stop asking things. It's confusing. I don't like making decisions."

Lisa smiles, "You're doing fantastic," As she slowly tugs Rebecca into a hug by inches. "Just tell me when you want something to happen or not to happen." She whispers as the touch settles in with the hug.

"Why can't you all figure it out? I'm not an officer." Becky mumbled, her eyes getting heavy whilst the alien woman touches her cheek.

"I can, but I want you to say it more often." She murmurs gently, like a slow tide on a warm summer day, smelling of roses and sweetness. "So, tell me. I'll be proud of you if you can." Lisa offers in the embrace as she leans to the side of Rebecca.

Rebecca felt an innate urge to flee. It was something that had been getting harder to indulge lately. "I want…" She was trying hard to say something, but any words she'd use wouldn't mean what she was trying to say. "I need to be kept in check. I can't be trusted on my own anymore."

"Okay, I can do that. Is it fine if it's like this? Or do you need me to stop you?" She's still trying to get more admissions out of Rebecca. "More actively?" Lisa leaves the implication there as she's fully now laying besides Rebecca, sweet scent radiating off her, along with a steady warmth and adoringly soft touch.

When did we lie down? She wondered, unbothered. She curled around the Asari, but there was nothing romantic about the need for touch. There was intimacy, but her mind was miles away from that kind of contact. She needed something else more. "I need walls I can throw myself again … I need to know they won't break." It seemed giving even the smallest modicum of praise did wonders. The woman had gone from a street barbarian to a small puddle after a couple of compliments. Still, she needed more. She hadn't realised how much she just needed to hear she was doing well.

"That's excellent!" Lisyris is actually excited about the admission. "I can help there, keep you from going too far. Stop you gentler than Vro can at least." She promises with a murmur of a touch at Rebecca's hair, massaging her scalp with practiced ease.

"I don't really want gentler. I don't think you really could. I normally have to control myself because you get worn out in a few seconds." Rebecca's need for positive reinforcement had almost immediately caused her to melt. "There's not a ton of interpretation needed when someone hucks a chunk of steel at you."

"I won't be throwing anything with my arms. I'm a telekinetic." Lisa chuckles.

"You broke a sweat pushing me ten feet." Rebecca rolled her eyes. It was clear she didn't actually think the Asari could hurt her.

"I broke a sweat keeping you intact." Lisa corrects, patting Rebecca's head. "It's hard when I'm so out of practice, not pushing full force. Like … sprinting. You forget how to pace yourself, but you never forget how to do it." She's still murmuring the words, "anyways, this is about you, not me."

"I … Mean that's it?" Rebecca admitted, "I want to be violent, and kept on a leash without having to make decisions. That's … What I want, just a bunch of people telling me no and throwing things at me until I listen. Like Camlos does, where I can jam a knife in his shoulder, and know he won't be mad. That I couldn't really hurt him."

"You want people you can't push away? Because you don't think you can help yourself?" Lisa says mostly for her own benefit as she continues rubbing at the humans scalp, soothing her with precise pressure. "You're lucky, you've a man deeply in love with you, and two other people who you can't hurt." She chuckles lightly. "

Rebecca shakes her head. "I just … If things go wrong, I want it to be everyone's fault, not just mine."

That makes Lisa tilt her head, "I see!" She realises suddenly, "I'm so proud of you Rebecca! You're very strong!" Lisa leans into the hug after saying that, legitimately ecstatic at the progress.

She hadn't realised quite how much time she spent with Camlos until she did an eerie recreation of a Turian trill, without any of the requisite parts. The trill makes Lisa even happier somehow.

"You want a group of people who are … equal to you? In responsibility and in task? You want a sisterhood?" She considers Rebecca, "

Rebecca shakes her head, "I just want … Orders. A way forward that I don't have to decide. Betters, people need to be better, or they need to be way worse."

That clarifies even more, "I keep saying it, but you're doing amazing." Lisa continues to praise reliably and often. "Have you considered mercenary work?"

"No, because I'd have to leave on a ship. Hitman work sounded really cool, though." At some point Becky had closed her eyes, and now became a permanent clasp despite being a foot taller. She hadn't said but, if the Asari pulled away at any point she might go on a rampage now. She needed this. She realised she'd kill anyone or anything to keep these brief moments.

"Have you considered purchasing a ship?" The Asari asks, rubbing Becky's back now that the hug is reciprocated entirely. "A floating home to call your own. You could keep anyone on it. Might help with any worries of distance. A Corvette isn't expensive.

Rebecca let go, and snapped immediately, "Oh yeah, fuck it, I'll just buy a ship and fuck off then." She pushed off the couch angrily. "God forbid I have five fucking pleasant minutes. Fuck you." Before the woman could do anything, she was already trying to kick the door open and stomp out. The mass accelerator had found it's way to her hand. She was clearly going to do something stupid.

"A ship is not a ticket out. It's a home." Lisyris tries to explain as she watches Rebecca leave.

With a growl Rebecca was looking for something to hurt in the hallway. She wasn't listening anymore, regressing to two weeks ago in an instant. Oh yeah, just get on a fucking ship and leave. Fuck her, fuck them, they just want me better so I'm gone.

"Rebecca, listen to me," Lisyris says, one last warning almost self-evident in the words. She'll be heard today. That's not in question.

The woman had found someone. "Give me your money." She jammed the gun in some poor human's mouth, the barrel lodged between their teeth as the gun pointed upwards into the brain pan. She didn't care Lisyris was watching. "Fine, I'm getting a ship. This is what you want, right?!"

"Enough." Her voice warbles in the gravitational shift as she reaches out and wrenches at the air, the force translating into hundreds of newtons of force pulling Rebecca towards her. It's rough, it hurts, joints pulled at awkwardly until she's at the foot of the couch, being glared down at by glimmering blue eyes.

"Fuck you." Rebecca chews out immediately around the pain. "Couldn't even wait a day to tell me to fuck off? You plan this with Vro and Camlos? You all just waiting for me to … Just fucking kill me then. You have to see how this is worse.

"Change of plans, I think." Lisa murmurs, "I see your concerns, and I believe the issue is that you feel alienated. I'll solve this." The Asari pulls her up, even as sweat beads down her forehead.

It was ironic, the Asari was doing everything in her power to stop Rebecca's bones from breaking, as the newtons climbed towards the thousands. While it seemed all Rebecca wanted to do was struggle to a point where she could fire into the surrounding rooms. The gun going off occasionally into the floor and ceiling, punching holes in expensive tiles in both directions.

"I am going to help you." She grits her teeth at the violence. "Stop fighting me. Now." Lisa demands again, reaching out and trying to get the gun out.

There was a crunch as Rebecca's arm had a weird bump pushed up into the skin, and the gun crumpled in her hands, nearly taking her fingers with it. God that feels so much better. She realised it, and hated the truth of it. The minute her arm was broken, and the gun was destroyed she couldn't leave. That felt safer. It felt better.

Wait. No. It fucking hurt. It hurt so badly. Holy shit, did it hurt. She let out a sharp yelp, a nearly strangled scream.

There's a mild panic in the Asari's eyes as she realises the gravity of the injury, letting the biotic force fade with a gasp of release.

"No, no, it's fine." Rebecca said through tears, holding the limp limb. "It's … No it's fine. It's better that way." She hissed angrily at the pain while trying to explain something.

"No, it's not fine. I promise this is not fine." Lisa says with a grit to her voice.

Rebecca growled, "You asked me to say what I wanted. I said this is fine. It means I have to stay, or it won't heal right."

"You'll stay either way. I am not going to drive you away." Lisa grimaces after looking at the injury again.

With a violent sneer, Rebecca said, "If I would stay either way, you wouldn't have had to do that. Would you?" Now lashing out, the pain and anger mixing with the sense of rejection.
01.11.02 - Doctor Give me a sign
Hey if you're reading this at work listen up!
The entire thread is NSFW by default, but maybe your work is more progressive!
The following content may be more explicit than your average update!
The next slide has trigger warnings for those who need them.
Vanilla Sex Scene

A mix of emotions falls across the smaller woman's delicate features as she reaches out to stroke Rebecca's cheek with an intimacy and concern that no one's quite matched. "I hope you'd stay." Lisa admits something emotional that Rebecca can't name building at the words.

"Why do you keep fucking with me? Why do all these nice things, and then immediately suggest I leave?" She wanted to scream. "I was happy for a fucking minute and you immediately wanted me on a fucking merc ship out of here."

"You think I wouldn't join you on the ship? I'm your doctor." Lisa murmurs, looking at the injured arm again, leaning down to it, inspecting the break, clean and sharp as it is.

"Stop, when it's healed, I'm going to run." Rebecca made it sound like she didn't have a choice. The Asari had a realisation when the gun was going off, she was aiming for her own legs.

"You'll make me cry." Lisa admits again, truthfully saying it, and seeing if emotional bonds are sufficient as the limb is slowly moved with medigel applications to dull the pain.

"Stop." Rebecca whispered. "Stop it."

"Stay with me," Lisa whispers back, turning to meet the human's eyes, letting her own gaze turn magnetic, pulling Rebecca to sink into it like a whirlpool. "Let me care, let Camlos care, let Vro care. We can be happy all together. Okay?" She's applying medigel idly, letting the wet nanites seep through skin to repair soft tissue damage while the bone lies unset.

"I know you're trying to … You're trying something." Rebecca snapped as her arm returned to a more functional state. She was already getting up to storm out. "I don't know why the three of you can't kill me, but I know it doesn't matter. I can handle this."

"Can you do me one favour? Please?" Lisa asks, a pleasing look on her face as she pats the couch next to her. "Just the one, then. You can follow your heart, alright?"

"I … Don't say I'm following my heart. That's not what I— I just know when…" How did these things know the worst possible thing to say? How did everyone around her seem to know how to carve up her emotional insides? It wasn't fair she wasn't strong, or smart, or capable. She was a monster, and she realised now she was also a tyrant. "Just…"

"Just?" Lisa asks after the silence drags on, still patting the couch at her side in a languid motion. "Please, Rebecca." She begs, trying to present honesty.

Rebecca wanted to stay. She needed a reason, a physical, tangible one. Not an emotional that could be fake. She muttered fine as she grabbed the kuri and slash at her own Achilles tendons. Now definitely needing severe medical attention. A reason to stay. She nearly crumpled to the floor, unaware of how truly awful that idea was as she stumbled back towards the couch.

"Baby steps in the treatment plan." Lisa comforts herself as she catches Rebecca's stumbling form bringing her to lie down so she can treat the bleeding injuries. "Would you like to go to your apartment and heal there?" She immediately had to put a hand on Rebecca's throat to stop her from starting another tantrum. "You'll be supervised by me at all hours from now on. But I'm amenable to doing that anywhere." Lisa starts to rub in medigel and other, more expensive substances of healing. Feeling a little cold from all that exertion.

"I just wanted that moment to last…" Rebecca whispered with a heated, angry hiss. Clearly blaming the asari for having the audacity to suggest she get a ship.

"Then hug me. Hold me. Lean in and have my affections." Lisyris murmurs, offering a hug if she just leans up.

"You keep trying to get rid of me, but you act like this. Why?" Rebecca refuses to cry. She's angry, but she will not cry. Her mind tries to make it make sense. A reason why she should take the hug. She wants the hug, but that's not … Something else?

Lisa's hand moved to Rebecca's waist, "I'd never get rid of you. I want you happy. I want you pleased. You're a friend now, you are my friend."

She didn't know what that meant. Oh, you don't know what that means. Say that idiot. "I don't understand."

Lisa smiles, moving forwards herself and extraordinarily gently pulling Rebecca back into a hug. "It means you can smile with me. Hug me and touch me whenever you want. It means I want you to be happy, and I hope you want the same." The whisper is directly next to Rebecca's ear, warm breath, and rose-sweetness overpowering at this distance.

"Why do you all love so fast…" she whispered finally, so confused, "I couldn't get anyone to care before. What is your angle?"

Lisa's smile broadened. "My heart is very easy to get into. Please don't break it." She asks demurely, almost but not quite joking. "You've your own little slice of it now, all for yourself." The Asari continues her whispers, rubbing circles into Rebecca's sides and stomach.

The touch coaxed a pleasant warmth throughout her body that gave Rebecca a moment of panic before she realised. Oh … Wait, that … Wouldn't matter. It still scared her, but there were no consequences for feeling that way. There were no don't ask, don't tell laws on Omega. Still, it was a new thing, in a whirlwind of emotion and bone breaking.

"You're … You're um…" For fuck's sake Rebecca, you're nearly thirty. "I'm not saying stop, but um … I don't…"

"You're a very beautiful woman, Rebecca." The Asari says, running a finger overtop the aforementioned woman's waist, trailing up her sternum, past her collarbone and, in a slow touch of smooth skin that almost glides across her, settles on her bottom lip. "One of the most beautiful I've seen in … awhile."

"Ah … Uh." So… What's the next… With a guy you'd… I don't remember. What do you mean you don't remember. Rebecca ultimately decided to just … Follow her heart. Which was possibly the most awkward choice available to her. It was an impressive display of impulsivity without forethought.

She didn't quite push, just reached out and grabbed the other woman's chest. Nope, that's not how you do that. That was so fucking stupid. Now what did she do? She just stared at her hands and avoided staring at the woman's eyes.

Ctrl+F Porn to skip Cutscene

"Like this." Lisa chuckles, moving her own hand to unbutton the humans shirt, letting a hand slip into the shirt and cup at Rebecca's chest through her bra, "Gentle, you can feel them, touch them, play around." She instructs, seeing if the steps need to be this small.

Rebecca froze like a deer in headlights, though knew the importance of at least saying. "Yes um. Want." Why couldn't she just talk normal? Though she recovered quickly, her hands now actually doing something besides an awkward honking gesture.

Lisyris nods, "I want you too." Moving overtop Rebecca and leaning down. Her face so close too human, but with exotic differences that mark her as wholly inhuman. She let her lips hover just over Rebecca's, making her give the last movement.

The meme from earlier crept into Rebecca's mind and she giggled to herself. Truly, it felt like the human species would be extinct rather quickly, if every other person in the world was like this. She's hovering. She's doing a girl thing, do the … Do the…

"Kiss me, Rebecca." Lisyris whispers, her voice sinking into the human woman like a goddess's own commandment, like natural law spoken.

The command sent a shiver down Rebecca's spine. She very very much liked being ordered. Her arms wrapped around the woman's head and pulled her in close, touching their lips. She couldn't remember which one Asari were, but secretly she hoped there would be sweets here as well. She smelled like cloves and acrid matches. It reminded her of her first time with a man. Her first love, something special and pure that existed before the war really had got to her. This could take the place of that, be something special. It was a very pleasant thought.

The Asari were a part of whatever they were all making. Now, more than ever, Rebecca needed the woman. The kisses were rapid, shallow, and uncertain. While still greedy, dozens of hesitant pecks were delivered, each one creeping centimetres forward, as Rebecca herself tried to become more comfortable with the idea.

Lisa touches underneath Rebecca's shirt, letting fingers softer than velvet run across skin while a sensation builds at each kiss, each touch. Something warmly addictive, like a high, or maybe just a lust of a different, intense character. One shallow kiss is deepened by her, tasting like overly sweetened coffee and pumpkin spice as she fully presses into Rebecca, letting the larger woman feel every minute curve of her body as their tongues intermingle and dance.

A hand moves off Rebecca's skin, an empty feeling briefly spreading from the spot it was as she expertly unlaces a dress, letting it slip down, falling around her waist, revealing a lace purple bra and a belly button piercing with a shiny onyx gem on it as she separates to take a breath, smiling at the human woman gorgeously.

Rebecca gasped as she reached out to her hips, letting instinct rule. She was soft, soft, like satin maybe. Like silk. There was a buzz underneath her fingertips tips as she tried to correct herself. The fear of somehow doing it incorrectly, doing it all incorrectly, remembering other men's failures and her own judgements of them. Was she thinking about that now? And yet the moment needed to linger, raw aggression beaten back by a deep down urge she normally kept locked away.

It wasn't that she feared doing it wrong; she feared learning something about herself. Rebecca locked eyes with the Asari. The doctor seemed so small compared to everyone Rebecca knew. She crept up to gently suckle at the woman's neck. Medigel can probably handle a hickey, if she really hated it...

The contact is rewarded by a new hug, by a breathy sigh and by Lisa pressing into her, wanting the touch, the suckle, more still as her hips grind against Rebecca. Lisyris unhooks something, Rebecca realises after a second it was the clasp on her bra, and a second later, Lisa's own falls as they are now touching skin to skin, shocks of feeling emanating in waves from that.

She gulped again. Oh god, am I pretty to girls? She said I was right? With a small hitching breath, she threw her bra across the room, with too much strength, and then leaned back. She brought her arms down to her side, to prop her self up. Hoping to be admired, wanting to be admired, having worked very hard to create a physique that someone, anyone, might find desirable.

Lisyris stares, smiling as she says. "You're divine." Starting to lean forwards slowly.

While it was precisely what Rebecca had wanted, her cheeks turned bright red and she could feel the burning sting at her face. It meant so much to her to hear it out loud she realized, she wrapped her arms around the Asari, and pulled her into an embrace feeling her skin against hers, her chest, against hers, her warmth against hers. All of it combining into something both iron-clad and vulnerable simultaneously. Soft but strong. Like a down comforter wrapped in kevlar.

Tension and apprehension snapped when the Asari bit her, gently, on the ear. She wouldn't, couldn't wait any longer, and undid the buttons and zipper on her own pants. Before she knew it, she had already flung them across the room, and hoped she wouldn't have to ask.

Lisa moved downward, down the lips, cheeks, neck, and then Rebecca's chest, paying extra attention there with a predilection for the tiny bites without real pressure even as Rebecca squirmed. Lisa moved towards the peaks, and eventually landed on them. She was gentle, rubbing her teeth and soft, so soft lips against them for just a moment, before moving on again.

More gasping from Rebecca, her breath now rapid and her chest rising and falling like a piston. She felt Lisa on her abdomen, just against her iliac crest, downwards, closer. Every second now stretching into eons, entire millennia as anticipation took hold.

It was worth the wait. A warm pressure pushed against her entrance, and moved back and forth, gently teasing at the top. Always teasing, Rebecca let out a whispered moan. She didn't know when the Asari had gotten it, but a large toy, heated and slightly curved pushed inside, pressing against her walls. The human started to see stars at that point, the two combined coaxing far louder high pitched noises. It's an office building, shush!

She bit her tongue gently, and let the moans come out in choked hisses, instead resting her hand ontop of Lisa's head, pressing slightly. Wanting more. Needing more. If the teasing continued she felt like she might perish.

Her body was wracked as every nerve ending started to come alive, electric, vibratory pleasure bouncing across herself, crashing from the center outward. The tool so perfect, without a single word being said. It was hard for Rebecca to keep her legs still the movements coming out elsewhere as she had to let go of the asari and snatch a pillow of the floor. She finally let the moans out and didn't bother trying to be quiet. It felt great to squeeze something violently, to feel something soft restrict air, ever so slightly.

Her mind went blank as she crested far past her limits. She had been overloaded with sensation, feeling it rattle through her as Lisyris's hand reaches up, touching the side of her head and whispering something quietly. Suddenly, the world blooms from two perspectives, the feeling flows between both, doubling, intensifying as Lisa gives her own choked gasp and moan at suddenly being shoved past lust and into release, which cycles back to Rebecca and then circles around.

On the wheel, they both spin ever round for what feels like eternity, holding each other, connected, seeing from one another's eyes while still having their own. Bonded deeply. Every lust, desire, thought and feeling hazily shared under the wall, the titanic wave of constant sensation, until it stops. Lisa nearly collapsing, holding herself up by pure will.

She chuckles, recovering. And then her words send a shock up Rebecca's spine. "Again?"
01.11.03 - Doctor Give me a sign
Lisa learned Rebecca might go on for days, far past her own limits, as she gasps for air. Rebecca didn't seem to need air. Food. Rest. An insatiable stamina that seemed only capable of more. The asari had been forced to finally tap out as the sun set. Many appointments were missed that day.

As Rebecca felt literal taps on her shoulder, she pulled away and stared glassy eyed with a dopey smile at the asari. That meant something. What did tapping mean again? She sat there for a moment, blinking, trying to remember what the gesture meant. It couldn't mean more, or maybe it did. Rebecca could definitely go for longer. Fuck it, just ask, "Do ... You want to switch or me go again or?"

"Aha, Rebecca, you're incredible," Lisa exhales, finally being allowed to breathe, "But I have a limit." She's grinning, still imperceptibly writhing with aftershocks of ... some number of orgasms as she speaks.

"Oh, OH!" Rebecca blushed with a small smile, "Right um ... Normally a guy just like ... Right. That makes sense. Someone needs to stop, eventually."

"Come." Lisa points to the couch next to her, looking to hug, to hold.

Rebecca shot from her knees on the floor to standing with no signs of exhaustion. Quickly coming in for a hug with a huge grin. Despite her chafed and red knees, she moved effortlessly even after kneeling for hours. The hug was energetic, with rubbing on the arms, and a clear persistent energy shooting through the lanky woman.

Lisyris doesn't mind the energy. In fact, she seems to adore it, murmuring, "I'm very proud of you." At the open displays of affection, without the rage behind it. "Would you like to stay with me, Rebecca?" She asks, velvet touch wrapping around Rebecca as the words leave her, so soft, so gorgeous. Even now, Lisa's touch is like the first time it brushed against her skin.

It took her seconds to comprehend why she would even ask, and her mood threatened to turn dour as she remembered she had been upset. She had been dismissed, which came in direct conflict with her, slicing her own foot with a knife to stay, and then a three-hour marathon of the best sex she had ever had. Those two things can't fit in the same situation. One was a thing that happened, the other is an interpretation. "I don't ever want to leave. I don't want to be sent away either."

"Rebecca," Lisa murmurs again, considering something, a curious appellation to her voice, to her touch. "Would you be mine, then?" The request is sudden, certain and without a hint of joke, jest, or humour in it.

"Like..." She wondered if the translator was on the fritz, or if 'mine' just didn't have a great cultural mirror. "Sorry, translation error I think."

"I'm speaking English, Rebecca." Lisa chuckles, showing her disabled omnitool off.

She's speaking English Rebecca. Hers. The fuck does that even mean. "What um. Like... Wear a collar? Like... Be owned?"

The Asari smiles, finding this entertaining, "Be loved, rather." Lisyris explains in a soft, breathy voice.

"I wasn't against the collar to be clear." Her tone was quizzical, clearly thinking that Lisa was walking something back, taking a much odder position for some reason. Why was she asking to be loved? Or ... Wait.

"We can discuss collars, whips, crops, and everything else later. For now..." Lisa watches, letting the words percolate.

Rebecca was still clearly deep in thought trying to interpret both 'be mine' and 'be loved.' She couldn't imagine being able to get away with looking it up at the moment. Camlos hadn't even said I love you yet. Just like that, he did. Once. When they were violently screaming at each other on the floor. There was no violence here. What the fuck is she trying to communicate?

The Asari waits, and then waits a moment longer, raising a hand to rest on Rebecca's cheek, asking, interrupting thoughts for just a moment, "Would you like to see what that's like?" She whispers, rubbing at Becky's jawline in slow, constant and repetitive motions.

Rebecca let out a sigh of relief. "I didn't want to ask, but I'm drawing a blank here, yeah."

Lisa nods, and with precious little warning, says "Embrace Eternity", making the world slip into black, and then everything comes into a new view. Tumbling through memories, gunshots, and kisses, wounds and ecstasies. Loved ones and enemies vile and hated. It's an ocean here, deep and wide, expanding in every direction even as her eyes, in reality, only see Lisa's face. Her skin feels rough? No, Rebecca's skin is rough, Lisa is feeling it.

"I love you." Lisa whispers, a bloom of warmth and kind endearment spreading from her and into the other half of this wheel, teaching, showing and feeling all the same. Allowing Rebecca to adapt, to understand, giving her whatever time she needs.

Fear, paranoia, and unfamiliarity tumble out of her. Rusty nails, razor blades, and syringes being dumped out in a never ending trash pile beneath them. Rebecca doesn't recognize the warmth at all. Parts of her don't trust it, other parts hate it for being scary. Her first instinct was trying to find a way to kill it. Finding the source and angry that she couldn't.

A barrage of memories as she tries to search for something that matched. Finding nothing, literally nothing. Not a failure to match, but a feeling she felt for not being there. Old dreams, new dreams, the real way she had learned to sit and endure everything for hours, laid bare as the woman simply untethered and imagined better things when things got hard. The asari could tell that Rebecca couldn't recognize that the feeling was the same.

The pieces matched, but the things they slotted into were so different that she had to sit there and internally study each. Rebecca took a shuddering breath, and surface level thoughts came through. They were discordant, constantly at odds, each one insulted shut down and torn apart by the following. A cycle of ideas that got macerated turned into a paste. Those formed into new ideas that were immediately destroyed until something simple and easy to digest, regardless of its validity or reality, remained.

As Rebecca continued to grapple with understanding, the Asari became aware that Rebecca's skin wasn't rough. Rebecca just hated it. Goosebumps ever present and miniscule muscle spasms happening at every sound, some the asari had never noticed, as the larger woman constantly grappled with an innate need to run away and break.

Each noise, no matter how small, would bring up a small but violently horrific memory. The memory itself having long since been thrown away, but the remnants of it coming back to haunt every step, twitch, and movement.

Eventually, Rebecca concluded it was a new, probably alien thing. Just one of those things she could enjoy without needing to understand. She knew she felt the same way and could piece together the language from novels and things. She could look up what it meant later. The feeling was good Rebecca had decided, and seemed to come just as much from her as from Lisa. So, it would need to be kept and protected.

With a smile, Rebecca says "I love you too."

The smile broadens on Lisyris, as she lets her hand cup at Rebecca's cheek, still bonded, still in the wheel of emotions. "'Till death do us part, then." She says without worry, just a certainty on the matter, more than willing, more than happy to give Rebecca her time.

This seemed to line up with Rebecca's views on marriage. Long lists of eighteen-year-old marines, with one and two-year-old children, quickly married before shipping off to win their family a future were recalled. It must be this fast, Rebecca thought. That must be how they get families so quickly.

"I can agree with that, yeah." Rebecca whispers back, leaning inwards.
01.12.01 - Clinician
Lisa's condo was a rare oasis of luxury amid the gritty industrialized expanse of Omega. Floor-to-ceiling windows offered a breathtaking panorama of the asteroid's jagged skyline, with neon signs and blinking lights glimmering against the star-speckled void of space. The condo's open floor plan created an airy, spacious atmosphere - a single great room large enough to accommodate a dining table fit for a dozen guests.

Sleek, modern furnishings spoke to the Asari's refined tastes. Plush couches and chairs were upholstered in rich fabrics, while art pieces from across the galaxy adorned the walls. In the kitchen, Thessian granite countertops gleamed under the recessed lighting. Top-of-the-line appliances, all stainless steel and touchscreens, awaited a chef's culinary creativity.

Here, enclosed in floor-to-ceiling glass and ensconced in the comforts of Lisa's small slice of luxury, it was easy to forget they were in the heart of a notorious hive of mercenaries, pirates and opportunists. The condo was a lavish sanctuary amid the controlled chaos of Omega.

Its a week, maybe more, of being told to lounge around in this condo that was the size of approximately sixteen of Camlos's apartments. Of being fed cooked food that's a tad spicy and ... blue, but otherwise tasty, of being bought nicer clothes because none of Rebecca's were here and of being cared for in a wholly new way.

"Rebecca," Lisa starts up again, sitting on a couch with pants and a bra on, letting herself live free in her own home.

The other woman, is sitting upside down, her back on the floor, with her legs on the couch. She was wearing a loose pair of boxers, and doom scrolling on her omnitool. Very much in her own world. The motions were entirely mechanical, a way to seem present. Camlos had never mentioned it, and it was unclear if that was because he didn't notice, didn't care, or didn't think it was odd.

"Would you like Camlos to live here?" She asks, filing a nail down into shape.

Rebecca seems annoyed at first, that she was snatched out of wherever she was, but the words immediately demolished any negative feelings. "Is that too much? Would he choose to? Would it be weird? I want him safe. And close."

The Asari doesn't find any of the questions odd, nodding to show attention as they come, "In order, lover." The casual affection is odd to Rebecca, "No, likely yes, no, we can do both of those." She switches to another nail. "I'm very convincing, you're very beautiful, he doesn't stand a chance." Lisa jokes with a small chuckle.

"If not, he fell in love with me when I shot him in the leg. We could try that again?" Rebecca nodded at the very clear, consistent logic. One that makes Lisa sigh affectionately as Rebecca continued her hypothesis, "Worked on Vro too. Maybe that's how it works?"

"That's not how it works, I can assure you." Lisa smiles broadly at the turn of the conversation, trying to get it back on track, "And how would you like me to treat him?" She asks, trying to find out what Rebecca wants, how she wants this to go. "Friend? Roommate? Lover, like you?"

"Yeah, like family." Rebecca responded.

Lisa smoothly answers back, "We'll have to figure out what that means to him then." She moved next to Rebecca and sat upside down with her.

It clicked that there was something more there as Rebecca's attention moved away from her omnitool. "What 'what' means? That answer doesn't make sense with what I said or the question." She starts to be fully in the space now, her attention broken and rebuilt in the real and now.

"For some." Lisyris says, starting to play with the ringlets of Rebecca's hair, idly tugging without pressure. "Family means platonic love, an enjoyment of their company without all the other things you do with a partner." She describes idly, "For others, it extends further than that. For me it does." Lisa smiles as she starts to lean back into Rebecca, putting her head next to the other woman's.

Rebecca was still trying to piece together the difference, "Err... Is this a translation thing? I know what family is. Like a brotherhood, people you'd die or do anything for. Kill, fuck, fight, feed. People you care about."

"I'm still speaking English." She giggles cutely, "All you're getting is my accent cleaned up."

It was a lie Rebecca used to try and seem less stupid. It wouldn't work with Lisa, because Lisa spoke English. This was the third time she had tried to side-step a misunderstanding like that. It kept failing for some reason, but the information why wouldn't click.

"Family is different for everyone. Its like what food you like. Subjective." Lisa explains, not needling or teasing Rebecca for the lie, just moving past it. "You're family to me." She murmurs with the smile from the previous giggle staying strong.

"Err, you said platonic means no fucking, and then you believe that it extends beyond that. So the first is... Less right?" Rebecca didn't have the necessary life experience. The word platonic didn't come up, ever in her life. She was in group homes, then juvie. It didn't super connect with her what any of that meant.

Lisa shakes her head, "Its all equally right. Confusing, I know." She kissed Rebecca on the cheek in a chaste, loving way that's never ever happened. "I'm going to make some food again, thirty-eight hundred calories a day for an Asari, if you were curious."

Did we go backwards? No, wait that shit happens in books and movies all the time. You're just rattled. Rebecca kissed at the woman as she stood. "Okay, I don't really need much. I eat maybe once a day, once every other day." Camlos hated it but there were other hills to die on in their shared home.

"Really? Aww." Lisa sounds legitimately sad at that, pulling ingredients free, starting to cut at them, getting ready to make something. "I love cooking." She admits happily, bouncing from ingredient to ingredient.

The last meal was amazing, and it was clear Rebecca had made a mistake. Lisa wasn't Camlos. She didn't shout or fight, she would just let Rebecca hurt her. That meant being more aware even if she had to piece a lot of things together as she went. "Actually, sorry, yeah I could eat."

"You're sweet, but you don't have too, love! Just eat when you're hungry, I'll...uhm........meal prep!" Lisa has to think for the word as vegetables are thrown into the pot, too much for one person.

"I mean, if you're cooking now, I can eat. It's just more work later, and you sent me that nutrition plan." You made her sad, and more work for yourself, fix it. Rebecca walked over to see what was being made, "I should probably follow that, especially while the gene mod stuff is going on." Wait, shit, you just admitted the gene-mods are still wearing on you. Maybe if she just left it, Lisa wouldn't notice.

"Luckily for you, I already know what I told you to eat, Rebecca." She chuckles lightly, airily. "So I can follow the list and make great food. Do you like it spicy? I do, but often go overboard for others."

"Yeah, it was the only way to make a lot of food edible sometimes. My favorite was this atomic hot sauce that was made from like, very specific peppers that were bred over and over and over, even modified I think? To be as hot as science would allow." Rebecca glanced at the vegetables, wondering if she'd recognize a space pepper, "I actually used to like this expensive as hell chips that killed a kid. It apparently burned a hole in his stomach."

"That's amazing!" Lisa laughs, "Not, the uh, death, the tolerance." The quick clarification is still with a laugh behind it, finding the whole thing humorous.

"Meh, kids kind of just die like that. Fall in pools, hang themselves, or fall down stairs . It happens. Or I guess it used to happen." Rebecca said with a nod, and uses a knife to pluck a vegetable out of the pot. Not sure what it was, but deciding to try it. God, it was good.

"Thankfully less often," She dumps spice into the boiling pot of ingredients, starting to cut up a cut of meat that Rebecca can't recognize into cubes, placing them into the burgeoning soup. It was already starting to smell like a divine potion.

"Yeah, curtain rods aren't really a thing here are they?" Rebecca had noticed, looking around Omega, and thinking of the other places, "All sliding doors in the walls, or door frames."

Focusing for a moment on dicing a plant of some kind, looking almost like an onion, Lisa doesn't respond immediately as the knife picks up speed and precision. Pulling the thing apart in under ten seconds, chunking and then dicing it soon after, then smoothly picking it up and putting it in the pot.

"Mhmm, its also just cheaper and easier. Cloth breaks and tears over a few decades, properly maintained metal can last forever." She cleans off the knife and puts it back into its block, the honed edge making a swishing sound as it passes through the air.

Watching the blade, Rebeca commented, "Oh, you're as good with knives as I am. You must practice a lot."

"I cook four times a day when I can. And use a scalpel often enough otherwise." Lisa nods, finally putting a spoon into the pot, wooden or a close equivalent, and swirling it around to mix the ingredients.

She'd love to eat four times a day. No, that's not true, but she'd love to eat with Lisa four times a day. Still she started to get antsy, she'd need to find work soon, it'd been about a day off, which was the most she could take normally. There wasn't much more than sex Rebecca could do right now to make Lisa happy really, so she'd need to find a way to spend her time. The arena was good, and the pirate job was coming up, and both would definitely take up time.

That meant walking away from Lisa, and she didn't want Lisa to quit being a doctor to come with her. Lisa wouldn't really be the same then. Rebecca rubbed her chin thinking carefully.

Lisa found something for Rebecca to do immediately. "Rebecca, can you come help?" She said, "I want to accompany this with a side. I was thinking a salad? Maybe a bread? What do you think?"

Rebecca looked at the knife block, and the various vegetables. "Oh, huh, you have a tourné knife." She said plucking a knife that had a slight hook in it. It looked rather like a dagger, "I don't know what all these are, but I know how to tourne potatoes? We could glaze them?"

"That'd be a good replica, it's starchy." Lisa points to a vegetable that looks like a four inch long tube covered in light green skin. "Do you want to learn how to cook with me?" Lisa asks as the pot boils.

Rebecca quickly said, "Oh, I know how to cook actually. I picked it up in Juvie, and they stopped letting me off base after a while. When they locked me up, they gave me plenty of food to practice with at home."

She very quickly, expertly even, carved the unfamiliar root vegetable into almost perfect round footballs. Each one the same exact size, with little to no waste. "I did end up throwing most of it away, because you can only eat once, but I wanted to keep practicing." It wasn't clear whether she was trauma dumping or making conversation. It seemed she saw little difference between the two.
01.12.02 - Clinician
"Cooking is fun! You're making something tasty, delectable and memorable. And best of all, if you're lucky." Lisa smiles as the last cut is applied, bumping her hip into Rebecca's, "We can do it together." A second container is pulled out of a cupboard by Lisa, opening up to reveal spices galore. "Experiment with them, I'm curious."

Many of the new spices didn't have information era earth analogues. Just entirely new flavours and a tripling of what her normal palette could handle. She quickly tasted things, and identified almost intuitively what would be improved with being toasted. Pairings, at the most base level still worked, sweet contrasting with spicy, sour, salty, and umami.

She didn't want to over complicate the dish, taking out very few. The spices were either high quality, or simply everything in the future was a higher quality than what she was used too. Instead of the desiccated bland powders, everything had been preserved in a way that was intense, and were clearly fresh for lack of a better word. Rebecca glanced into the pot with meat and waited a few minutes.

Then she got started, with spices from three different planets, all close, but not quite like those on Earth. Extremely savoury mixed with sour as something that was like brown sugar, but darker, and fluffier, mixed with butter. The spices became aromatic, and bloomed underneath the heat. The potatoes went in a moment later, and she recognized the smell of cooking and browning sugars.

Almost simultaneously with Lisa's dish being finished, Rebecca plated. Starches were carefully piled, positioned for height, and adorned with a rosemary-like sprig. Small drops of glaze were placed in a half circle, the last one smeared with a back of the spoon to complete it.

A hum escapes Lisyris as she puts bowls down and fills them with hearty servings of stew, before looking at Rebecca up and down, murmuring, "That was amazingly sexy, Rebecca." With a smirk that's bordering on a lascivious smile as she sits down at the table.

Rebecca blushed, compliments kept flowing, and each one washed warmth over her. She beamed as she said, "Oh, uh yeah. I... This is my favorite thing. This and whittling." Also murder, but now it felt distant. Far off.

"I love it." Lisa still smiles as she starts digging into the food, obviously placing taste well over anything like elegance while eating, finding the tourne'd potato-equivalent delicious, starting to see if she can snatch chunks of the others that were prepared while still eating her soup, a thick and very meaty taste in the broth, well spiced and, to anyone normal, painfully hot.

Rebecca barely noticed the food, more pleased that someone besides her like the things she made. Camlos seemed to enjoy the wood carving as well. Maybe they liked having her around because... She did things. She was useful, and that made her likable. There wasn't really anything to take from her, so exploitation was probably off the table until new information came in.

"Would you like to sleep in the same bed?" Lisa asks over the table of food.

Rebecca's lip twitched, just for a second "I..." It was the things she did, that made her likable, "Yeah, sure it sounds awesome." Rebecca smiled wide, with so many teeth.

Lisa sighs lovingly, "You don't have too."

"No, no, it's not that." Rebecca quickly added, "Some people just get... Grabby, in their sleep."

"Extremely, yes. I'd be latched on like a limpet all night." Lisyris admits with a small, purple blush. "If that's the only issue, I can put a pillow there."

"No, no err..." Wait she speaks english. You're speaking english. "The kind of grabby that needs blades and a gun to fix."

"You have post-traumatic stress disorder, yes." Lisa nods, looking suddenly concerned again.

Rebecca took a deep breath and nodded. "Night terrors. Kicking. Screaming sometimes. I sleep on the floor, I can break... Well a lot of shit when it's bad."

Lisa offers a solution, "Would...you like to have my dreams instead?" She's concerned, but the offer seems earnest.

Rebecca said, "Its not that easy. You're leaving something out."

"They're usually pleasant, love. But I can't assure you of that." Lisa answers the suspicion, "I waged war as well, and its not gotten much better since the first spear stabbed the first lifeform."

"I was actually doing research about this already." Rebecca said. She was pretty sure there was more to it than what Lisa was saying, but she didn't really care. "I can take a paralytic; I'll basically stiffen up. Might mean more like, sleep paralysis demons, but in the grand scheme of things it's not that bad."

"Ah, but," Lisa chuckles, "I'd like you to hold me at night, if that's possible." She admits with another blush, "It's, uhm, how to say? A love of mine."

Maybe it's just that she uses love a lot. Paralysis was out then, and she wanted to do what Lisa wanted. Maybe she was being paranoid. "So there's nothing else bad that happens to either of us. Or maybe not something bad, but maybe uncomfortable or different on your end?"

"Oh nothing severe, I'll just be mildly affected by your memories. It won't be overly intense, we'll both be in my dream." Lisa shrugs at the idea, not fearing a mind with only two-and-a-half decades to call upon.

"Ah..." Rebecca said, "Like... You'd see my nightmares?" As she looked at the two cleared plates, it became clear that Rebecca was still at least a little hungry. "Are you still hungry? I could cook more."

"Hmm? Oh no, I will!" Lisa grins as she hops back up to her feet, "I can...hmm." The Asari bounces around the kitchen, reaching towards ingredients, thinking of what to make.

She probably can still focus on the conversation. Rebecca watched her as she moved, waiting to see if the topic changed. She got up and collected plates to start the process of cleaning the dishes. It always felt good to clean, if only because Camlos appreciated it.

Lisa hadn't been distracted from the conversation as she said, "And yes, I'll be seeing them until they clear. After that, well, I'll let you and I sink into much nicer dreams." Lisa pulls out several eggs and some more meat, very carnivorous as it turns out, putting a pan on the heat and letting it warm. "If you're comfortable with it, we could also dream lucidly together."

"Ah... I was..." Rebecca tried to find a way to soften the blow, "A... Cruel? Marine. I was... I was asked to do things other people weren't willing, or couldn't do."

Lisa shrugs as the frying pan starts sizzling, "So? What did you do, cut a few fingers off and wear them?" She doesn't sound overly horrified, if at all.

"I think... Maybe I should keep our dreams separate." Her tone very clearly said no, that was not all. She tried to hide it, but she knew she couldn't.

Lisyris allows a mote of seriousness to enter her after the beautiful last day, "Until death do us part, Rebecca. There's nothing you can do to drive me away. Nothing you could think, nor feel." She turns, letting the sizzle of a pan enter the background as the Asari's voice becomes the centre of attention. "Let me help in every way I can. At least once."

"Ok, sorry, dinner was one thing, but we weren't frying things. Are you seriously frying bacon topless?" Rebecca asked confused, "There's no way."

"You're complaining?" Lisa chuckles, letting the food sizzle and still not land anywhere near her.

"I just. You're going to get—" She was a whole grown ass woman. Rebecca needed to chill, even though she clearly thought the idea shouldn't happen for reasons that escaped her. She decided to go back to the other topic. If she didn't she'd start trying to control Lisa, and that didn't feel right. "I'm not sure about the... About the dream thing."

"Please?" Lisa asks, letting the concern freely show itself in the way she frowns slightly, the way her lip purses and her eyes soften.

"Look at the pan at least!" Rebecca's heart broke, and she clearly was panicked. No way she'll stay, but you need to make the dream thing work. She's too smart to lie too... Think. "I just—" If Lisa was trying to split her focus, it was working. "I should warn you about... Stuff. I have pretty consistent vivid dreams."

"Lets not have you prime yourself to have intense dreams, love." She turns back to the food, flipping the eggs over, turning the meat cutlets that start to smell like bacon and cook much like it too. "For now, we can go back to normal, and perhaps go and ambush Camlos."

"Wait, I liked the idea of sharing dreams. I just..." Rebecca took a deep breath, "People have limits, and I'm not good at knowing what they are."

"Lucky you~." Lisa sings as she plates one half of the pan, "You'll never find mine." She jokes as the plate's put down on a counter, the next half dumped into a second plate and beginning to eat it herself, more than happy to enjoy more of her own cooking as she watches Rebecca. "I'll accompany you to Camlos's home afterwards, when he comes here, I'll be heading to work."

Lisa continued, "Behave." She jokingly raises a finger to point at Rebecca threateningly. "Or else."

Rebecca stared at Lisa confused, she was home. No holy shit, "Oh, right. Fuck. Right."

The Asari chuckles again, "You are cute." Her chuckle turns to a giggle, head shaking at the reaction as she takes another bite of egg and bacon, thinking on what to wear today.

"I was court martialled for ... It was a life-time achievement award." Rebecca tried to make it nonchalant. She failed miserably, only really creating intrigue.

"Come here Rebecca." The Asari points to her side. Rebecca walked around the table with the plate, continuing to eat. She had messed up. Why had she said anything?

"I don't mind anything you did." Lisa starts, putting her plate down, putting a hand on Rebecca's hip, hooking a thumb into the boxer for the sake of it.

"Can you just look up Fallujah? Then like, Africa, at the time?" Rebecca pushed a little harder.

"Do you want me too?" Lisa murmurs, looking concerned.

"I want to do the dream sharing thing." Rebecca said with a deep breath, "But I also know that like. The two times I talked about it with people. Even mercenaries, like, blooded mercenaries. They all immediately got quiet, distant, and weird."

"Can I ask you something instead, lover?" Lisa tilts her head, a cute, small gesture as she looks up at Rebecca.

"Anything, I guess." Rebecca said with a deep breath. She tried not to over think the question, or the moment. Leaning in.

"Can you trust me on this?" She asks, quietly and carefully, hope in her eyes.

Another deep breath, trying to settle her nerves, "... Okay."

Lisa pulls Rebecca in, almost into a kiss, standing up on the tips of her toes to make up, somewhat, the difference in height. "I love you." She whispers, just at the edge of the human woman's lips, letting her decide to lean down if she wants, adoring the display of trust and rewarding it immediately.

She's so like... warm. Rebecca didn't lean down, choosing to lift Lisa instead connecting with her, much to the smaller woman's endearment, nuzzling in to her taller lover excitedly. "Would you like to dream before, or after we meet with Camlos?" Lisa asks, considering whether it'll be better one way or the other.

Rebecca assumed she meant the dreams, but she wasn't sure. It was all that was on her mind, it felt like the biggest threat to their relationship. "He ... Knows. Or he's got an idea, I've crept out of bed every time, but a few times I've woken up with him with a bloody nose hugging me. I have to assume it's the night terrors." For some reason, Rebecca wanted to be more honest.

"That's good! That means he's fine with it," Lisa assured Rebecca from in her arms. "It means he loves you so much, a broken nose every now and then isn't meaningful." She sounds very happy at that, finding it a fantastic piece of information.

"Well, no, he's okay with the physical actions but like. Not." Rebecca finally decided she'd need to just let it go. She couldn't force it, she wouldn't turn down the dream thing and hurt Lisa. So if her service damaged her relationship, well ...

It wouldn't be the first thing the US Government had taken from her.

"Okay, we'll talk to him about it, then." Lisyria again reassures Rebecca, "We can solve anything, just the matter of solving it stands in the way." She leans into Rebecca again, putting her head on the taller woman's shoulder and humming. "'Till then, I might stay in your arms though. You're very warm, and very strong." Lisa giggles at the complete lack of effort in picking her up.

"Sorry, um... I don't mean this in a self like... Insulting way." Rebecca said, still holding her, "I just want to know the best side to show. All I've done is thrown tantrums, why would either of you be interested at all."

"I think you're a unique woman. And people hurt you over and over again." Lisa answers. "I think under the pain, there's someone who loves deeply, truly and without the doubts of so-called 'normal' individuals." She says, smiling and continuing to nuzzle at the side of Rebecca's neck. "I can't tell you why Camlos loves you, he can."

"I think he might just be really attracted to being bullied." Rebecca admitted, "Like, that's just our default setting, I can't imagine choosing that if you didn't enjoy it on some level."

"Maybe? You should ask him." Lisa suggests wryly, a smirk forming on her face, "Honesty always makes everything better." The smirk finally settles, "And if you know for sure he likes it, then you don't need to worry as much about doing it, no?" She's wrapped her legs around Rebecca at this point.

Rebecca kissed Lisa again, the both good and bad part of Omega, was that time was impossible to track. The lighting never changed, the day never changed, even most of the channels never changed. She nearly had to peel herself off of Lisa, and whisper in a defeated morose tone, "You need to stop, you'll miss work, it's like fifteen 'till."

There weren't any clocks in the room Rebecca could see, nor did she check her omnitool. She just knew the time, because she always had to know the time.

"You work with me Rebecca. Come along." She makes a gesture to be followed as she goes to her bedroom.

"The... It's a clinic." Rebecca said, trying to explain why she didn't want to be late. "It's not just like... Work."

"Walk-in injuries are most common in four hours." The Asari is picking out clothes, looking between two very tight uniforms, considering the best one. Blue and white, or white and gold.

"Yeah, but you only helped me, because you were open when I walked in." Rebecca was geared up and ready to go in a minute, grabbing clothes she set out the night before. She waited patiently by the door, but it was clear she was getting a bit nervous. It wasn't irritation, but fear and anxiety.
01.12.03 - Clinician
Much to Rebecca's chagrin, Lisa took her time to leave that morning, and she started to grow fidgety as time etched on. After they departed, both boots and heeled boots could be heard moving across the steel flooring as they made their way to the clinic. Despite this, their pace remained slow, as Lisa's stride was approximately half the length of Rebecca's.

"Uh... Sorry, but like people die when you're late." Rebecca said before, without asking, scooping up Lisa and then moving into a brisk jog. The clipped pace makes short work of the distance, arriving through the doors of the clinic in a minute.

As Lisa laughs she says, "I try not to think about that Rebecca. People also die while I sleep or eat." Its mostly a joke, shrugging at the reality as she looks around the clinic, seeing if everything's in the right spot.

"Oh yeah, you're right." Rebecca hadn't really considered that, and her eyebrows furrowed as she began to do her duties. She narrowed her eyes at one of the many hypos in the glass cabinet. She opened the storage container, and then turned the hypo slightly so that it wasn't out of place, before closing the cabinet again.

"Mhmm! Oh! Make sure I've got some immunizations pre-printed. I have a newborn being brought in." Lisa reminds Rebecca, though is doubtful she needed it.

"Already did, yeah, I checked the schedule." Rebecca said quickly gesturing. "You also have someone with shitty knees coming in, there's that guy whose hacking up like... God, tapioca or something, and that married couple who wants to know if their babies going to come out all fucked up and mutated."

"The one with the Eezo accident nearby, yes." Lisyris recalls, preparing a box of pills personally, one she's not described the purpose of to Rebecca. They glow blue.

"The schedule is all sent to you, with timers, I've also confirmed with each patient this morning on my omnitool." Rebecca said quickly, looking at the texts and her own notes. When she worked, she needed to be perfect. Her first day was the hardest on her, Lisa was very nice, but Rebecca knew now she had done most of the things wrong. "We had free time two cycles ago, so I finally went through and sorted things according to the paperwork you gave me. Everything should be easier to find. Which means we finally have a database of stuff, because I put it all in a spreadsheet."

Lisa's refrain is getting familiar at this point, "You're amazing!" But the earnest joy at not having to do mountains of paperwork to keep track of every little dosage is obvious in Lisa's voice. She stands up on the tips of her toes and kisses Rebecca on the cheek again.

"The oldest stuff is up front, and the expired stuff is on the left normally. So we're not using new stuff, and letting old stuff get—" Rebecca stopped herself, quickly correcting, "So you're not using new stuff."

"We're in a relationship. You can say we." Lisa smiles as she finds everything in order and then sits down, waiting for people to come. "Everything we do is together so far, no?"

"Yeah... But." Rebecca had to let these things go. It had been months. "Sorry, there's like... Roles. You don't have a sniper breaching doors, right?"

Lisyris nods in agreement, "Of course, but we are a team. A very intimate team. We each do our parts, but the equipment is the teams, not either one of ours." She explains in terms and logic Rebecca can understand. "I apply the needles, you hold down the rowdy ones. You do this management, I treat the patients. We've divided it up cleanly haven't we?"

"I hope so, I never feel like I'm doing enough. I have too much free time." Rebecca was actively going through something on her omnitool, making another improvement, or trying to make future work easier. She tried not to think about how the more she improved things, the more free time she'd have. It might motivate her to slow down. "Oh, I know like, there's a lot we let slide payment wise, but we should still keep a black book. I wanted to talk to you about it."

"A black book? I'm unfamiliar with the phrase." Lisyris has a tinge of confusion to her tone as she turns a computer on, holographic display shimmering to life, displaying nothing of importance yet. Just future diagrams and readouts of patients.

"It's a list of favors, numbers and things. With a cipher. Anyone can pick it up and try to take it, but it won't matter because they don't have the cipher. You just remember the cipher." Rebecca said looking at the spreadsheet she was making then to Lisyris.

"Why do we need it encoded? I doubt we will be robbed of our favour booklet." Lisa looks vaguely amused at the paranoia, finding it cute.

Rebecca frowned, "It's just bad opsec? Why wouldn't you if you could?"

"Because, lover. We are in a space station of pirates. An encoded file is rotting meat to maggots for pirate hackers. Its safer to be in the open often." Lisa has a logic behind her thoughts it seems, "Ultimately though, I don't mind not being exactly in perfect records monetarily, I'm not struggling."

"I was more worried about like..." Rebecca wiped the spreadsheet, then took a chip out of the Omnitool, and snapped it with her fingers. "I guess it doesn't matter, I can remember most of that stuff anyways. I'm pretty bad at like, figuring stuff out, but I notice and remember stuff great. It's not about money."

The woman wasn't talking clearly, trying to apologize, retreat, and explain simultaneously, doing none of them successfully because of it. "There's factions. I have something worth caring about now. I want to know when things are getting worse. I want to know, like, if one set of people just stop showing up for some reason. If someone died. If someone thinks they owe us too much and won't come in, so we can send a text or something, and just waive it, or whatever so they get their shots."

"That's true." Lisa admits, acquiescing to the point. "But I don't think we should encode it still. However, the book is a good idea. Would you like to write it though?" She tries to ask, but in her tone its clear she'd die trying to collate the full information she'd have too.

"Oh, yeah if I'm the only one who has to read it, I barely need to write anything down." Rebecca swept the bits of chip into a recycler that vaporized it. She typed into her omni tool, and it printed out something odd, the tiniest piece of what looked to be an almost microscopic piece of paper, or picture. Then a jewelers loupe, and a note book that she put the transparent film in.

Lisyris watches the process with an incredibly amused expression, finding the odd mix of paranoia, extreme skill and everything else impressive and fun about Rebecca, idly murmuring, whispering beneath any sort of hearing, "Beautiful."
01.13.01 - Pirate Job
"You motherfucker!" Rebecca yelled, as the assault mass accelerator chirped dozens of small flechettes across the hall of the merchant ship. Punching pinprick holes in waist high barriers, getting caught in cover, and blooming off kinetic barriers alike.

"What the fuck did I do this time?!" Camlos shouts, blindfiring his Brawler, a heavy handgun in one-point-eight milimetre, sending slugs downrange that shake the barriers of anyone they hit, a rare thing at this range and with the shooting form he's forced to adopt owing to extremely effective suppression.

Rebecca and Camlos found themselves cut off from the rest of their boarding party. The pirates they were supposed to be working with had locked the two out, taking advantage of the pair's cooperative nature, as they laid down suppressing fire to cover the pirates' entrance. The once-pristine hallways had become a battleground, the sleek metal walls now pockmarked with bullet holes and scorch marks. The dim emergency lighting flickered erratically, casting eerie shadows that danced across the grated floor panels, while oxygen vents spilled out chilly air that made their breath visible in the frigid atmosphere.

They now stood in a connecting hallway, with sparse cover and a locked loading door behind them. To their right and left, longer corridors stretched out, the muzzle flashes of the enemy's weapons dancing in the gloom, while directly ahead, at the end of a shorter hallway, a reinforced blast door stood firmly shut, impeding their progress as a squad of three took firing positions between waist high walls.

Rebecca was going to explain precisely how this was Camlos's fault, but her thoughts were broken as a stray pellet made her barrier bloom, "Why the fuck are we just standing in suppressive fire like sitting ducks? We have shields!"

Rebecca dropped her assault rifle and charged forward, her shield bubbling and then popping just as she reached the trio. Rounds struck Rebecca's hard-suit, which was reinforced with a carbon-metal composite. The suit's kinetic dispersal gel absorbed the impacts, making each hit feel like a hammer blow rather than a penetrating strike.

Sliding low past the panicked Turian, Salarian, and Batarian, Rebecca unsheathed her blade from the mid-back scabbard. With a swift slash, she hamstrung the Turian's leg, sending her crumpling to the ground.

In a fluid motion, Rebecca rose behind the fallen Turian, grabbing her by the collar and hoisting her up as a living shield. The Salarian and Batarian, momentarily stunned by the speed of the attack, hesitated before opening fire.

Rebecca's barrier, still recharging from the initial assault, left her vulnerable. She deftly maneuvered the Turian's body between herself and the incoming rounds, the flechettes pinging harmlessly off the alien's armor.

Keeping the Turian's corpse in front of her, Rebecca charged forward, closing the distance to the Batarian. Just before impact she released the body, and slammed into the Batarian with her free hand, pinning him against the wall.

The Salarian, recovering from the shock of seeing his comrade so easily dispatched, raised his gun to fire. Rebecca anticipated the move, and lashed out with a lightning-quick strike, smacking the weapon from the Salarian's grasp and sent it clattering to the floor.

As he scrambled to reclaim the firearm, Rebecca buried her knife deep in the Batarian's throat, painting the bulkhead with a spray of blood.

Just as the Salarian retrieved his gun, Rebecca's boot crashed down on his head three times. The first, accompanied by a scream. The second, with a sickening crack. The Third, with a squelch and a burst of gore, leaving the Salarian motionless in a expanding pool of viscera.

"Yeah, No. Barriers makes this way easier." She said, as she scraped her shoe on the deck of the ship getting blood off of it. Camlos snaps his pistol up and sends three shots downrange at someone that tries rushing from the right of them, the first two slamming through their barrier, the third punching through the visor of his hard-suit.

"Yeah, its why I bought one." Camlos grimaces at the medi-gel filled in puncture wound in his neck plates. A flechette had punched a hole through somehow.

Rebecca growled at him, "Will you stop getting shot. I thought you were fucking good at this." She picked up a sonic grenade off the Salarian, pulled the pin. She held it counting in her head, and then lobbed it down a hallway. Someone, who Camlos hadn't seen, screamed for a half second before it went off. "Jesus christ, it's not even dark."

"I am good at this, they had barrier penetrating rounds!" He complains, taking another shot down the hallway, slamming the rifle out of someone's hand and making them stumble, fall over and bash their head into a wall. "Its annoying! They just came out!"

"Yeah they fucking do that when you're there to kill them." Rebecca growled as she was forced to react to a clicking noise behind her. Pure reflex took over as she opened fire. Her bullets immediately gunned down a Batarian striking him through the opening doors, before they had fully split apart.

"I meant Barrier penetrating rounds! You humans made them! Hit the market six months ago!" The Batarian receives four more rounds into the chest to relieve stress.

"So, what, I'm the only combatant here who knows how to fight without a barrier?" Rebecca laughed at the thought, there was no way. Then she looked at the Turian's face, her Turian's sheepish face. "How the fuck did any of you win a war?" There was a click again at the same door, and this time she used the knife reaching through the opening and feeling it hit something thick, and moist.

They couldn't get bogged down, and returned the way they came, using the small outcroppings to push up in aggressive blitzes. Each victory gave them a few more feet of space, a few more steps closer to safety.

Camlos gets tackled by a Batarian that appears around a corner, and then responds by promptly throwing him into a wall with a crunch of bone. "We had functioning barriers!" He shouts, shooting the man thrice. "Unlike this!"

"Fine. Stop walking into hallways." She shouted immediately, pushing him backwards. "Watch the corners. Wait half a second before any crossway. Open fire even if you don't think someone is there. We have almost unlimited ammunition. Just use it." Camlos starts to respond, but the firefight waits for no one.

She growled as she started to move down the hallway. Stopping for a second when she heard the clatter of guns being gripped, and people moving. Once again she grabbed a grenade, this time off the bandolier of the Batarian. After a three second count, she gave it a lob, before blind firing as she turned the corner. "Stop getting bogged down moron. You don't have a shield."

At least these people sucked at this, Rebecca thought as she almost laughed when a gun barrel peaked out in front of her. She grasped the weapon and ripped it forward, pulling a tiny Salarian with it, her blade finding his throat, aiming away so his screams and blood painted the cross way. She took another of his grenades Why do the Salarian's all have grenades? Timed it, tossed it, and another few were dead.

"Stay mobile." She said, as they reached the end of the hallway, now in a long featureless three way intersection.

"Yeah yeah, fucking ships. I do great in a field!" Camlos complains again, seeming to love doing that in a firefight whilst breathing out, and taking a shot down the length of a hundred metre hallway. He hit something that detonates into a spray of fire and shrapnel, clearing the five men that were around it.

Rebecca heard something above her, and she looked up. The vent was wiggling. She reached back with her kukri and threw it at the vent causing something inside to let out a ragged scream, and blood dripped out a moment later, running down the blade and dripping on the floor. The blade was clearly lodged in someone, as it moved rapidly causing more blood to run down it.

Rebecca yelled, "Hey, if you're going to fight like a rat, you're going to die like one!" before lighting it up until there was a light misting shower of blood out of the numerous pepper shaped holes. She jumped, grabbed the knife, and pulled it out.

"We need to make it to the bridge, that's left, left, right, right, left, turbolift, right." Camlos rattles off the directions as he takes the left turn, firing his heavy pistol down the hallways.

"I remember," She growled, "Stop talking!"

"Talking helps me focus! Just ignore me!" He shouts back.

"They can hear you, moron!" Rebecca was very different in a fire fight.

"They have turians! They can hear our heartbeats! I can hear their heartbeats! We know where each other are! Four around the corner, six seconds!" Camlos snaps back to the fight.

"They don't know it's your — Oh that's very useful." She stopped immediately at the corner and waited, counting down. One... Two... Three..

Like clockwork machinery, they come around the corner and get shredded by pistols firing heavy slugs and an assault rifle flicked to automatic.

"Good lord, trained soldiers and mercenaries who don't check their fucking angles." She laughed, scavenging credits off the bodies.

"To be fair, its a merchant crew. If this were like, Blue Sun, we'd be fuckin' dead." Camlos starts looking over them and makes a loud trill as he pulls a scoped rifle off of one of a human's corpse. "Wow! This is expensive. It shoots a six milimetre slug at nineteen times the speed of sound!"

"Why do they have a sniper rifle in a fucking urban breach?" Rebecca laughed.

"Cause it can do this." He points the rifle at a wall, fires, putting a pinprick hole in the wall, and the sound of someone getting an organ torn free is audibly heard a dozen feet away.

If her eyes could turn into stars they would. That was the sickest thing she'd seen in years. "I'm still fucking pissed at you." She said immediately.

"Can I buy you one of these? This one's mine." He wiggles the rifle.

"No. The gifts are getting too expensive." Rebecca moaned loudly, "If you really want to give me shit, pick up fucking... Drawing or something I don't know." Wait, god no, that'd be so... Intimate. "Never mind!"

"I actually know how to draw." Camlos nods, pulling the rifle to his shoulder and breathing out as he takes another shot, the recoil lifting dust all across the hallway into the air and giving it a haze. "Little bit out of practice, oil painting mostly."

"I..." Rebecca blushed, "Shut up we're fighting." Though it was clear she had been snapped completely out of the idea of continuing the argument. She grabbed the Turian's arm. "Fucker. It's left. We just took one left. After this it's right, right, left, turbolift, right. Stop trying to die. The enemy will entertain the notion."

"You're so hot." Camlos chuckles as he's pulled along to the new direction, keeping up and listening out for anything else. Rebecca yanked him back stopping him from entering the new crossway. He shouts just as a mechanical walking mech stomps around the corner, rotary mass accelerators spinning up to tear the crossway he was about to enter into pieces. "Oh shit! A drone!"

"Oh, you mean fucking sonar bird man almost walked into a hallway, because he relied on his stupid fucking bird powers, instead of basic combat discipline? What a fucking alpha predator. What a real genetic marvel." She growled. Fucking drones, she was down to her worst gear, and was quickly trying to see if she had anything. There weren't supposed to be drones, she took more breaching charges instead of EMPs fuck. The enemy didn't even lock most the doors as they moved. She slipped as the bullets struck the armor in the featureless hallway. Rebecca felt a rib crack.

"Yeah! It wasn't moving! I couldn't hear it till it did!" He dives behind cover, pulling Rebecca with him whilst the rotary guns start whining a buzzing death up and down the hall, tearing up the metal bulkheads and polymer doors alike.

"Yeah! I know! That's why you check the fucking corners." She was going to kill him if they survived this. The drone's bullets were breaking bones. Barriers were being penetrated. The armor was too thick for a knife. She looked at the Turian running, "Hey, dickhead shoot it through the wall. You wanna die getting shot in the back?!"

"I'm figuring it out! Spirits damnit!" He shouts back, staring at the angles of fire, deciding to throw his pistol across the space and watching the walkers guns track it perfectly, ripping the object apart as he rockets out of cover to take one shot, putting the heavy slug downrange straight through the centre of the mech. The pellet tears the drone's electronics up as its barrier does not stand up to the shot, which had planted Camlos firmly on his back from recoil.

From the ground, he grins, mandibles fully relaxing, "Figured it out."

Rebecca raised an eye brow. Took out her pistol, and pointed to her ear. She fired at the wall a few times, moving her gun, at the floor, then at the drone. It made a loud hissing crack, made of different density of material and electronics. She then stood where he was, putting her back to the wall. Gesturing how he could have fired from there, in cover. Before standing up with a roll of her eyes.

"I can't shoot through walls accurately! It has armour!" Camlos stands up, following along with Rebecca.

"Just light it up we have universal ammo and fucking hundreds of clips around us. Why even bother aiming." Rebecca proved her point, by firing before she even turned the corner, causing her to spray the next hallway down, killing more people before they had a chance to realize she was even there. "It's called pre-firing. It's how you deal with the corner of death."

"Did I tell you I hate urban combat? Worst thing ever, you know, in the Turian army, we have ships for things like this. Tell the civvies they have a week to get the hell out, then turn it into a radioactive crater." He starts complaining, but keeping an ear out nevertheless.

"I crawled through fifty different apartment buildings, office buildings, and hospitals, marking off what needed to be hit by phosphorous or missiles with no fucking backup besides my squad, and having to handle ambushes on a three dimensional plane. You sound like a pussy." Rebecca once again pre-fired as she killed another hallway of stupid assholes who seemed to be allergic to defensive positions.

"That sounds stupid, your command was stupid, just shell it!" He follows the example, but instead of pre-firing around the corner, he fires through it with a bark of semi-automatic fire, letting the heatsink hiss out superheated air.

"That's a war crime. You can't kill civilians. Or hospitals."

"Who the fuck made the place your enemy heals not an available target!?" The Turian fires another shot as he arrives near to the turbolift, finding it turreted and taking cover around a corner.

She rubbed her eyes, suddenly tired once again. She stopped and paused before stepping out, only to see the Turian dive back to where she was standing. "There were just... Shit you didn't do, because then the enemy would do it, and it'd escalate into a world war with nukes, and we had enough to genocide the planet."

"When you got one biosphere, things get complicated I suppose. They've got four turrets, a Krogan and what looks like an Asari waiting. Both of those are people who know how to fight, and one of them is a biotic."

Rebecca yawned, she was feeling a little sleepy now. "Yeah, shoot the turbo-lift. Just drop the whole thing, and then we climb up."

"Or. Cool idea-Have you been shot?" Camlos asks, starting to inspect Rebecca closely.

"What? No, why?" Rebecca looked down at herself, she wasn't bleeding at all. Her barrier had even started to return, for what good it did her.

"You..." Camlos starts to look around her, "What?"

"I'm just a bit bored, don't worry." She admitted before yelling out, "You're all fucking dead, if you kill the Krogan, I might let one of you go."

"Or, or, let us through and you can avoid the firefight! Ignore her, she's crazy!" Camlos tries to assuage the worries of the trio.

"No, fuck that, let me fight the whelp one on one." Rebecca yelled again, "Or is he a pussy who needs an asari to back him up."
01.13.02 - The Pirate Job
"Stop listening to her!" Camlos shouts out before looking back to Rebecca. "Stop antagonizing them!"

"Why?" Rebecca asked with a laugh.

"So we can not have a fight maybe?" The Turian tries to explain.

"If the Krogan rushes us, then it's just two turrets and an asari, then we've proven that maybe it's a better idea to let us pass." Rebecca said with a second laugh.

"If the Asari and Krogan just... let us through, we don't have to risk the Krogan being some nine hundred year old Battlemaster that eats merc platoons for breakfast!" Camlos fires back.

"Why would that be a thing, how would the pirates afford a guy that good. These are fucking chumps." Rebecca continued, cracking her neck.

"Do you two want to just fuck already?" The Asari calls out, amused by the exchange and obviously insanely bored as well, "Or can one of us die soon?"

"Rope yourself bitch." Rebecca said, gesturing to the Turian to point at the wall.

"I'll pin you to a wall if you don't shoot at me, human!" The Asari fires back as Camlos starts to sight her in through the wall, obviously not liking someone else hitting on what's his. "shut the fuck up," he murmurs as the target gets in his sights.

"Should have killed the Krogan." Rebecca said with a shrug, as the rifle cracked over her head. The taunt was to make sure she was dead.

"Fuck you!" The Asari gurgles, making Camlos rumble, "I aimed for her head! Fucking biotic barriers."

The Krogan charged around the corner. A seven foot tall hulk of muscle and bone.

"Hey welp." Rebecca said with a smile, firing into him and falling backwards, "is this really how you want to die? To a tiny human who talks too much?" The slugs punch down his barrier before dozens of holes are similarly pierced into him. The assault rifle in Rebecca's hands hisses out its stored heat, stopping the automatic rattle.

She grinned wildly, and threw the gun at him, trying to slip under his legs in a distraction. There was no way he was expecting her to charge. That is entirely a guess. You've fought two of these things. This has only worked twice. She slid to her knees as he bent to grab her, and then rolled around and slammed the blade into his spine.

He falls for it barely, the impact of the blade resounds down his back. Terrifyingly, she still gets thrown off him, impacting a wall with a body rattling shock as he roars, remembering vaguely, Oh yeah, decentralized nervous system before Camlos puts a round through its head, taking it and his hump off.

Rebecca opened fire as well, before taking the knife, and working to get each heart and lung to be sure. She had only defeated them in the Arena, she had no idea what was needed here. The pieces were removed and tossed behind her in a few minutes. She looked at Camlos who seemed utterly disgusted with her. "I didn't need to do that, did I?"

"They only have one brain." He complains, having to smell the odour of internals now.

"Why didn't you stop me?" She asked, confused.

"It was really hot while you were doing it." He admits, turning the corner to shatter one of the turrets, ducking back behind the corner as his rifle cools from the shot.

She didn't like fully autonomous turrets. At some point, war in the universe just got unfair. The Krogan had plenty of grenades on him, and she almost threw one before remembering. "Fuck, there's no way the turbo lift'll take a grenade."

Fuck She swore in her mind, finally realizing what was bothering her, "I forgot to ask you if you wanted to move in with Lisa! She invited us! The sex is out of this world."

"What? You-what?" He peeks the corner as he's talking, taking another shot at the turret, receiving two shots to the barrier for it.

"Lisa? My boss? Do you want to move in with her. I want to move in with her. She offered." Rebecca shrugged, "Seriously man, she's like... The most amazing woman. I'd have a complete pair it'd be great."

Turning to look at Rebecca, "You fucked your boss!? What's her place like?" As the turret detonated, splaying shrapnel everywhere. They moved down towards the turbo lift.

"It's a huge condo, with two bedrooms, a multiperson tub, a balcony, and a full kitchen." God this was easy, her heart was pumping, but she still felt like she could take a nap. The Asari was on the ground annoyed. The rifle round having hit dead centre of mass and taken the fight out of the very lanky, reasonably tall woman with beautific features.

"If I give you medigel, will you behave? Or am I going to have to take your eyes, to remember them?" She had a knife in one hand, and medigel in the other. "Also I killed the Krogan. You could have done it and not gotten shot." Rebecca had her boot, covered in various amounts of blood, that soaked nearly up to her knee.

The asari huntress looks over, pursing purple lips, being a dark magenta compared to Lisyris's blue, stained by blood of a darker blue. "Can I go home with you if I let you do that?" She gurgles, a painful grin on her face.

"No, I go home with winners." Rebecca said, stabbing her with the medigel just as the turbo lift started to rise. Tossing another two packets as it cleared the open entry. Making the Asari gasp in the sudden pain of disinfection.

Camlos grumbles with annoyance at the asari, but doesn't kill her as he enters the lift with Rebecca. "Did you think she was cute?" He asks, sounding a little jealous.

"Camlos. I want to fuck a krogan. I think everything is cute. I only go home with winners." Rebecca gave him a peck on the cheek that sparks a trill.

The turbolift doors open and the grenade Rebecca had prepared is tossed out, detonating in explosive shrapnel. The ambush she predicted was torn apart by the bark of a heavy rifle and the whispering crackle of an assault rifle. "Huh, that was stupid of them." Camlos says as he hops over the bodies.

"That was you literally a half hour ago." Rebecca said with a roll of her eyes. Making sure each one was down, shooting them in the spine to make sure.

The Turian smiles again, "Exactly! Half an hour ago!" Before starting to listen out, "Livivea's probably not showing after we ripped through her guys. Shame, I'd like to shoot her in the head."

"Wait," she looked at the dead people around her, "Were these Livivea's men? Why would they ambush the elevator?"

"Prolly," He takes a shot down a hall that hits someone with an optical cloak on, "Cause they only recently stole the ship. Don't know the passwords yet. Fucking amateur didn't have sound dampening on." The cloak fades to reveal a human woman with a basketball torn out of her back, a pinprick on her front.

Rebecca took out her omnitool, calling Livivea, seeing if she'd pick up. When the call connected, Rebecca said, "Your men tried to ambush us. Are they stupid, or am I coming home with two ships today?"

"Well, no. I'd appreciate it if you just got off the ship." Livivea casually says, sharpening her claws on the call. "I've got more men than you've got awareness to stop, sooooo~" She obviously was enjoying the show of violence.

Rebecca walked over to the bridge, and looked around it for a second. It was a craft like anything else, but it definitely was complicated. "Oh, good." Rebecca said as she found a Salarian under the desk hiding. She ripped him out as he squeaked.

Rebecca said with a smile. "Overload the reactors, and you get to come to the escape pod with us."

"T-t-t-that doesn't imply u-usage of the pod. C-contract n-not viable." The Salarian rattles off, trembling in the grip, "C-c-can offer c-c-credits for l-life."

"Oh, right, uh, You get to go to the pod, you get on the pod, I give you some credits to go home. I never shoot you (unless you put me in direct immediate danger.) Hows that?" Rebecca offered with a smile.

"Can agree, reactor overload unnecessary, can simply start up the engine. Vessel will fuse in an hour." The Salarian engineer tries to explain.

"No. I want it to explode." She said, looking at the omnitool. "I want a show. I want Livivea to see in great, dramatic detail. What happens when you fuck me raw." Rebecca made a kissy face at the omnitool. "You have more men, they're all incompetent."

"I'm going to string you up on my ceiling." Livivea hisses out, "You'll die screaming, don't you dare."

"Does this thing have weapons?" She asked the engineer, looking around. Then to the omnitool, "What happens to a pirate captain who blows up a ship of her own crew? Like, reputation wise. I open fire at you, you shoot back maybe, the ship's rigged to blow. Your entire life and reputation, gone in seconds."

"No-nothing heavy, p-point defence array, civillian shipping!" He says, scared.

"Hey, bud, I promised to not hurt you. You're a civvie, and you're cooperating." She said with a smile.

"R-reactor safeties make that impossible, looking at other options, antimatter fuel tanks could be demagnetized. Detonation....large." He puts in the command, having a half hour timer.

"That'd be swell thank you." Rebecca smiled, "Hear that Livivea? Detonation large. You got thirty minutes."

"When I get done with you, you'll be begging me to kill you!" Livivea is rabid, a whining whistle building in the back of her throat.

"Imagine losing to a popsicle. It's embarrassing. I've only been on Omega a few months." Rebecca leaves the omni on as she moves with the Salarian engineer, and Camlos. "Oh, and I expect my pay."

"Fuck you!" The Turian woman growls as the escape pods come into sight, a small auxiliary pod is taken by the Salarian. While the main escape pod, more of a disgorgeable shuttle, awaits the two. "I'm going to rip you apart, I'm going to—"

"Captain." Rebecca says cutting her off, watching a timer, "You haven't given the order to fly away, or evacuate. The only reason this is on, is so we can watch you run."

"Fuck you!" She growls back as Camlos starts to trill, not able to hold back amusement any longer. "You'll die at my hands, I'll rip into you! I'll see your guts!"

"Hey, Captain? Do you hear that?" Rebecca says, the hallway quiet, the thrum of the shuttle the only remaining noise as fighting was far off. "This is the sound you'll hear when I come for you. Silence. I will come not loud, but in the dead of night, you won't hear me. There won't be torture. You will not even wake up. This silence is by design. It heralds my approach."

Livivea hangs up the call as Camlos trills, finding the whole thing very entertaining. "Wow." He mumbles. "Wow." The Turian repeats.

"Yeah, you only really yell when you lose." Rebecca giggled as she hopped into the shuttle, glad it seemed simple, like a Bradley or maybe a small aircraft. She stopped before ejecting, waiting, watching the pirate ship. Letting the moments tick on until she was sure it was leaving, not in range to fire on her.

And then the stolen one detonates, a blue-white sphere forming in the void silently, arcs of lightning spreading as the capacitors discharge and are annihilated in the void, propelling everything into space.

"Fuck, it was salarian minutes," She growled, punching the throttle. Letting the shuttle accelerate. Trying to launch before she died. "His fucking cheap translator—"

The shuttle is tossed aside by the detonation after its struts break, throwing free of the ship in incredible G's, tossing everyone inside around the space, breaking plates on Camlos and bloodying Rebecca until the internal gravity adjusts to the force and engines slow the thing down.

"Fucking Salarians!" Camlos hiss-roars from the ground, a language unlike the translated one audible in the background as whatever Turian language he speaks comes out in guttural hisses and vicious roars.

They were alive, and she couldn't help but giggle, "Camlos" She laughed. "Camlos listen."

"What!" He growls back.

"The explosion was silent in space." She laughed biting her knuckle. "I was right. About Livivea."

"Yeah, you were. Fucking...piece of shit, gah!" He throws a random bob across the room.

Rebecca took a recording of the destroyed pirate ship, both of them. Then did a quick omnitool search. She floated keeping the shuttle in place to see if any escape pods left. "She must have had a bounty or something right? I recorded all that."

"Probably, yeah, but no one pays out bounties without the corpse unless you got a license. Even pirates trust the government to say someone's who they say they are." Camlos growled, but seemed to calm down fast as they headed home.
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01.14.01 - A Bit Intense
The shuttle drifted silently through the vastness of space, its scorched hull bearing the scars of the pirate attack it had narrowly escaped. Inside, the dimly lit cabin gave them a brief respite as it made its way back to Omega. In this serene interlude, the only sounds were the soft hum of the engines and the occasional creak of the metal, reminders of the chaos left behind. Now, as the lights of Omega twinkled in the distance, Camlos and Rebecca had a moment of peace, reflecting on their journey and the quiet solitude of space.

"You know, we've never had sex without the translators on. I don't actually know what you sound like without....Turianization, I suppose. Did it even translate that?" Camlos says.

"Yeah, it basically invented an entire new word though. Like, I don't know what you hear if I said Humanization." Rebecca giggled, "So wait, what do I sound like when I'm screaming my head off?"

"You have a really loud trill, its like...window shaking." Camlos answers, chuckling.

"Oh, no that's accurate. Yeah. That's not the trill, that's me." Rebecca blushed a little, "There's not a lot of people around to listen when you're bunking in a tent in the middle of fucking Botswana."

"Huh, that's good to know. I thought humans like, said words the whole time. But there's not much amateur content on the Turian intranet to study." He admits while the shuttle scans for lifepods.

Rebecca rolled her eyes, "Fine, you can record it." She laughed. Holy shit... How many people was that? She had to send a text.

Group Chat with: Becky's Bals
Killed a Krogan in hand to hand combat. Blew up two spaceships. Didn't get paid, but I did have a bad ass spech. [Attached 1.3gb ]
I'll get the hubris out of you when you are back.
Doctor Girlfriend
Amazing work, are you okay lover?
She was with you for a week and you fucked her Lisyris?
Doctor Girlfriend
I don't need to explain myself to you.

"The group chat was an amazing idea, you were right." Rebecca giggled as she bit her finger.

"Its gonna explode. They might fuck. I think they have already to be honest." Camlos chuckles, reading the walls of text.

Rebecca nodded, "I think they met during the Krogan wars, but I can't prove it."

"That'd make both of 'em ancient, way ancient." Camlos considers.

"She's eight hundred, he's like... Nine?" Rebecca had spent a long time with both of them at this point.

"Add a couple hundred to both. It was... seven hundred on your calendar?" He says.

"Eight hundred, and nine hundred are bigger then seven hundred." Rebecca answered back confused.

"No no, the year seven hundred. The year is twenty one something right now." Camlos clarifies.

"What. No, I'm from the yea—" Rebecca rubbed her eyes, and realised how arrogant and self-centered she had just been. "Right, sorry, obviously time and space existed before humanity."

"That's weird to think about, they were both alive, and probably knew each other before you ended up here. Or your parents existed, or your grandparents, or mine." Camlos starts to think on the cosmic scale of the two species. "Huh. Immortality, wild."

Rebecca looked at Camlos, and she was curious about something. She never asked anyone, or even really thought about it before, "What uh. What are parents like?"

"Kinda like a sergeant, but usually a little nicer. Tell you what to do, how to succeed. Feed you and put a house over your head. Sometimes they're loving. Not often though, why?" Camlos explains, shrugging.

"I was left at the fire station." Rebecca shrugged, "Had some sort of defect that made a lot of families pass on the baby, nonverbal or something, and then I was in group homes until I was in Juvie."

"Huh, that'd be illegal in Palaven. But that's 'cause we've got actual places to put unwanted kids. The Navy takes them usually." The Turian answers, laying down on the shuttle floor.

"Yeah, I was a ward of the court. They put you in basically a uh..." Rebecca pulled up some pictures on her omni, "See? Like a prison kinda? There's basically a rating of how dangerous you are. The bigger the problem the worse facility." She scrolled through it quickly, "A lot like this example one on this history site."

The headline read Barbarism of the Information Era. It was a Turian museum.

Camlos moved over to look at the Omnitool, still refusing to stand up but moving terrifyingly well on all fours. "Huh, reminds me of the slums on Palaven, the ones where the, uh, what's a good way to say it. Naked faces? The ones without clan markings live."

"You put them in prisons?" Rebecca asked, more curious. She flicked through the pictures in the Turian exhibit, which somehow was kinder then what she remembered. "They got a few things wrong. Those slots are for leather cuffs to restrain you if you're a behavioral issue, or the staff get bored or uh... angry." She remembered the first time she was a problem, and getting the shit kicked out of her by a grown man when she was seven.

The pictures of the Juvenile hall, were somehow also not nearly as bad. The Turians weren't really able to imagine the squalor. "There was a plague, and a shit ton of kids died because they couldn't afford the doctor. The adult prisons were just as bad. They threw food in, then locked it up until most of them were dead."

"Huh, you humans really don't like taking care of people. Why didn't you just do it like the Krogans do if you didn't care about them?" Camlos idly asks, "And no, just a thing where they're ostracized, I never understood it, but, eh, never really cared about prejudices."

Rebecca scratched her neck, "There were like... A hundred or some odd people at the top. They controlled everything, so a bunch of people tried to change shit, but if things got too good it'd get slapped down. The nuclear wars, from my understanding, shook the power structure enough for people to rebel. I mean, the humans not at the top had rules for war. Found certain parts of war so detestable they wouldn't do it to their worst enemy."

"We never had that. Turian wars mostly stopped after the last great unification though. Before we invented the nuclear bomb, we'd had the planet under a government. Think right around the time we made the machinegun, the last Unification War started, and right around the time we developed guided missiles, it ended." Camlos thinks on the history of the Turians, "I didn't pay much attention in school to be honest though, so that might be wildly wrong."

"So was there anything you weren't allowed to do in war?" Rebecca was a little hopeful, but also worried. She snapped on the auto-pilot.

"The purpose of the Turian soldier is to break the enemies will and means to fight as rapidly as possible. There is no task the Turian soldier will not complete to this goal, and no feat he will not exceedingly perfect in the pursuit of this goal." Camlos rattles off with the practiced and confident tone of having to say this a thousand times.

Rebecca took a deep breath, "I meant to each other. Like... Oh I guess you were unified."

"Prior to the unification...not really? We gassed and shot and stabbed and burnt and pillaged and-well, you know how that goes. But that was over a thousand years ago." He describes.

"I meant... Like... Smuggling drugs in a Soldier's dead body to sell so your government could keep funding it's spy wing. Or whatever." Rebecca tried to make it sound casual.

Camlos looks a little perturbed, "Very specific. Uh, sounds more like a Salarian gig, but I wouldn't put it past Intel to do some shit like that. Salarians though, ends justify the means doesn't even cover it."

"What about the Asari, or like... What if... You had orders, your allies had orders, and then they conflicted. Like, ending in phosphorus." Rebecca realized she kept being very specific and winced. This was not casual.

"The Asari don't really have a military, they like ... have anarchist communes." Camlos looks a little worried. "You wanna talk about something Rebecca?"

"I think I did?" Rebecca said, suddenly retreating. There were definitely things they didn't do during war.

"You ... hey, past's the past, and war's hazy. I'm not one to judge someone, bullets are flying and you have your orders, everything but the orders is unclear." Camlos says.

"I'm..." Rebecca side, "Yeah let's go with that. Do you think if Lisa saw memories... Like that she'd freak?"

Camlos shakes his head, "If Lisa was a Commando in the Krogan Rebellions, she's seen things that'll make you puke your guts out. The Krogans would destroy entire cities by hand. You can find pics of people mounted on fences with their faces eaten off. I don't think there's a thing either of us have seen that'll make her gulp, much less freak."

Goddamnit, why doesn't he understand? Is he fucking dense? Yeah, definitely but she needed to do a dry run. "Let's... Talk about my service. Yeah?"

"Yeah." He nods, "Whatever you wanna talk about Rebecca. I'm here for you."

"Ok, I'm sixteen, a plane hits two buildings." Rebecca said with a deep breath then exhaling, "And starts a war that needs massive amounts of people. The government doesn't give a fuck, anyone can sign up. People walked into Juvenile detention centers signing up anyone, no questions asked really. Girls are late bloomers. I'm fifteen, sent off to boot."

She shows pictures of bunk beds, training facilities, old school cots and a log wall in mud with a rope on it. "I get decent, not great scores on the ASVAB. Good enough to get into FORECON. They need to wipe out a city of about... Ten million. There was three hundred and sixty thousand people living there when I left. It's a fucked up, nasty inch by inch crawl through urban hell. Every time you fucked up, you were fighting in tiny buildings, surrounded by enemy and fleeing for your life."

"Few months later, after burning people alive, poisoning people, cutting water and power, and inch by inch annihilating them in a way that's acceptable we 'win' technically. And we leave. I can't go back home, like... I had nothing. Guy walks up and says, 'Do you want to keep serving your country?' I say hell yeah."

"Now? I'm in Africa, flying opium back and forth. Sometimes my country needs me to watch a warlord. Sometimes my country needs me to shoot kids. Sometimes my country needs me to make sure fellow countrymen don't reveal what my country is doing." Rebecca watches the Turian for a second. "Sometimes my country needs people really upset at the enemy, like ... My countrymen need to be done up in a way that makes the war worse."

"Wetworker." He understands, "You were a wetworker, false flags, smuggling, whatever the government needed." The Turian doesn't sound insulted by the idea, nor has the subtly horrified voice of the average person at this point.

"Yeah." She takes a deep breath, "So ... A lot of it was bad. A journalist found out, so we had to basically uh 'get' them, but they were in a civilian area, so we kind of just..." This was the worst part, "Well, it'd look really bad if people found out. So we removed a village off the map. Kind of like Fallujah, an evershrinking circle that made sure no-one got out." She exhaled, "Apparently footage got out, and someone had to take the fall, I got a bad thrown over my head, and then thrown into a court house for a trial."

"Its not the worst thing." The Turian admits, bringing some relief, "Like, don't get me wrong, being an intelligence wetworker not what you lead a coffee date with, but, we're on Omega Rebecca. We've got murderers and slavers we brush shoulders with when going to a restaurant. Its ... just something to know I guess?"

"Ah, yeah. To be clear, were you saying human traffickers were worse or on par?" She asked, carefully.

"Well, not just humans, and not just trafficking. They have whole planets of them, billions of people in chains, despicable shit." He starts to move into a tiny rant, but stops, "They're worse, you just killed some people, like, innocent people sure, but there's worse."

"We ... I never like caught or sold anyone." Rebecca was already trying to justify it, "But we did have to defend them sometimes, cover for them. Broke a bunch out of a prison once."

"Don't, uh, lead with that." The Turian grimaces, "Asari are, targeted. Often."

"She wants to like, take my night terrors and do some dream shit." Rebecca takes a deep breath, and exhales again. "She's going to find out."

Camlos nods, still grimacing, "Okay, well, she's willing to live with you so, strong emotional tie there. She's ... I mean, if she can get along with a Krogan after fighting in the Rebellions? I think it should be fine?"

"I didn't really even know it was that bad." Rebecca moaned angry with herself, "It wasn't until hardened creeps got spooked and weird around me that I realized that maybe something might not have been okay. I was fifteen." She muttered quietly, "They locked me in my own place when I was on leave."

Camlos kept trying to be reassuring, "Yeah, okay, that actually makes it okay. You, uh, well, you were kinda indoctrinated into it. What's a kid gonna do when the authority figures in her life are all shit." Something about it was infuriating

"Well, now you're just making me sound like a victim. I'm an elite operative, with thousands of confirmed kills." Rebecca kept saying 'Elite Operative' and 'Confirmed Kills,' anytime she was questioned. Anytime she felt people were pitying her she reminded them she was a threat.

"I ... get that, you weren't an elite operator at fifteen. Rebecca, they used you. You were fucked with by someone who had your trust. Command shouldn't do that sort of shit, ever." The Turian sacred chain of command is evident in his speech.

"No, I was a patriot serving my country." Rebecca said now angry, she had just been trying to weasel out of responsibility for what she did, but no she wasn't a victim she wasn't weak or pathetic.

"Fuck off! You were manipulated to do things, stop trying to take responsibility for it!" Camlos growls at Rebecca.

"It's possible to not be responsible." She yelled back, "AND not be a victim. Victims are people who can't defend themselves, get left behind in the mud. I survived. That made me the best."

"That's-What?! The fuck are you saying? You got hurt and got used to fight wars against innocents! No shit you're a victim!" The Turian seems to be putting his foot down.

"And I got really good at cooking! And whittling!" She shouted back, angrily. "I got stuff out of it! Not like... Money or anything but I did well."

There's a baffled silence as Camlos tries to find a word to describe this thing he's being fed.

"Look, if god wanted those people to live, he wouldn't have allowed me around them." Rebecca said quickly, justifying it. The explanation sounding just as practiced, even though it was clearly stolen from somewhere.

"No! That's-! No! You're—What? No!" Camlos is trying to find words to begin to describe this new thing he's been given. "Rebecca, I love you, but WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you?"
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01.14.02 - A Bit Intense
Group Chat with: Becky's Bals
Tell Camlos child soldiers aren't victims.
I was a child soldier
Doctor Girlfriend
You should have this talk with me around.
No, he's calling me a victim! I'm going to shoot him.
Doctor Girlfriend
He's saying that everything I did was bad and manipulative. I got to learn to cook!
You killed people who weren't fighters because they were there! Your command was crazy!
I did that too, Command was pretty crazy though.
They were fighting our allies! The traffickers funded most of our operations!
Doctor Girlfriend
My love, please, I'll beg on my knees if I must, wait for me to be around, please!
Fine, but I saved Camlos so many times today. So fucking victimize that dickhead.

Whilst in the real world, Camlos looks over, "You didn't save me that many times!" Following the doctors advice as well.

"You're only counting the times I stopped you from walking into enemy fire, I'm sure. Not the times you just fucking... Were completely unaware of shit around you." Rebecca bit off angrily, "That Batarian didn't like, magically fall on that grenade."

"And what about the warnings of people around corners! I was listening FAR not NEAR!" Camlos shouts back, now stomping into Rebecca's personal space. Staring her down with a pointed talon.

"The ones that I was clearing, incredibly easily? Because I am actually good at this? Better even? Why am I asking that last one." Rebecca said back, so fucking smug after fighting with Camlos. "I definitely know I'm better at this."

"Yeah yeah, and if I weren't there, you'd have forgotten the way out! And missed the rifle!" Camlos bites back with a trill and a hiss all the same.

"You almost went down the wrong hallway. You kept the rifle!" Rebecca said shocked, trying to figure out what the fuck he was saying, "Are turians born with an unhealed soft spot? Did your mom use your skull as an ashtray? The fuck are you even saying?"

"What? No I didn't! You took an alternate route! It all meets in the middle! I know the ship design! I fought in these ships in anti-pirate ops!" Camlos is similarly shocked, "D'you think I was talking out of my ass!?"

"You said left, left, right, right, left, turbolift, right." She rattled off quickly, "We went left once, and then you tried to go right. How the fuck did you do anything if you can't count to two!?"

"Fuck you!" Camlos shouts, "I knew where we were going!" He defends himself.

Rebecca laughed, knowing she won, "So, I remembered the directions. I found the Salarian so we didn't get blasted out of the sky. I beat the krogan in hand to hand combat. I fucking stopped you from getting killed."

Camlos opens his arms wide, "So if I'm so useless, why don't I just leave!?"

She opened fire into his legs, immediately with the assault rifle, without thinking, nearly detaching them. "Oh god, oh god I'm so sorry!" As he screams in pain.

She quickly took a picture.

Group Chat With: Becky's Bals
WHAT DO I DO!??! [pic attached 20.7 mb]
Doctor Girlfriend is typing...
Quadzilla is typing ...
Make a nugget out of him so he's even
Doctor Girlfriend
Apply medigel to the wound, then bind and compress. Get him to me soon, so we can save the legs.
@Birdy(Camlos Mercaion) For later, im so sorry, you said you were going to leave. I love you don't be mad.

The real world contains a gasping Camlos, "Agh! Fucking! Agh!" He's screaming at the injury.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry." Rebecca said, grabbing medigel out of a medpack. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Please don't say that in a fight though. I'm really unstable."

"What!? Agh!" The only response Camlos has is continual screaming and vague words.

She knelt down to apply the medigel, and found what looked to be a leg cast for Turians. Smearing the medigel, and then clamping a large gel filled tube on it. Rebecca took out a pain hypo, and jammed that into the man's neck. "Don't say you're going to leave while we're yelling and I have a gun. You just learned I was a child soldier. I'm not socialized."

"So you admit you were victimized!" He still doesn't let it go, growling and rumbling past the pain.

She punched him in the throat, growling. Then she stopped immediately, backing up, "SHIT, sorry! Sorry. sorry." Getting away from him. Rebecca saw that the rifle was next to her, and she collapsed it and tossed it away, far away.

"Fuck-Grk," Camlos feels the impact, and starts to control his breathing, staring up at the ceiling with the pain, "Shit." He wheezes.

Oh god, he will leave you, now he's really going to leave you. Rebecca would need the gun. She stood up slowly, trying to sneak past him to where she threw it.

"G-get the f-fuck back here." The Turian demands, as a claw dug into her ankle, but not before she reached her weapon.

Rebecca pointed the discarded rifle at Camlos, "DON'T LEAVE AFTER THIS."


"IT WASN'T A REQUEST!" Rebecca said terrified. Now the closest she's ever been to crying.




"YES, WELL, I HAVE THE GUN. THAT MEANS I DECIDE." Rebecca felt her logic was unassailable, even as claws dug further into her leg.

The shuttle finally docks, clunking into the Omega shipyard as a knock on the door sounds out. The back of it opening slowly. Rebecca was completely unaware of what was happening besides the sheer panic of her current situation.


"DON'T FUCKING THREATEN ME INTO THE RELATIONSHIP YOU DUMB BITCH, I LOVE YOU!" The Turian hiss-rumbles out, the real language coming out behind the translation.

"I don't know what to do now. I'M PANICKING." Rebecca yelled, "I'm... WILL YOU BE LESS YELLY IF I SHOOT YOU AGAIN?"

"I'LL BE MORE YELLY IF YOU SHOOT ME!" Camlos yelled back.

"STOP YELLING AND I WON'T SHOOT!" Rebecca saw that Lisa had walked in and she pointed the gun at the doctor. "I defended slavers, the relationship doesn't change."

"Put the gun down lover." Lisa calmly states, in her white and blue doctors garb, a flicker of blue-black in the air around her.

Just behind Lisa, Vro is standing there with a look of menace at Rebecca that promises severe punishment. She dropped the gun immediately when Vro looked at her, collapsing it and tossing it aside. Before scuttling backwards quickly, to the opposite side of the cockpit.

"Thank you." Lisyris breathes out a tinge of anxiety as Vro walks forwards in heavy, solid steps, pushing Lisa aside much to her surprise. Standing before Rebecca with that same menacing expression.

"You're an idiot. You're acting weak. You are weak. None of that stands. Understood?" Vro doesn't give room to disagree, there's two answers here, Yes, and anything else, and only one of them is right.

"Yes! Sorry. Yes." Rebecca meeped.

A Krogan hand grabs Rebecca by the shoulder and lifts her up and into the air, pulling her over to Camlos, laying her next to him. An arm is made to be thrown over his body as Vro growls, "Make up."

Camlos looks baffled at what the fuck is happening.

Exactly like a small child having been caught with her hand in the candy jar, she says "I'm... Sorry I tried to blow your legs off so you couldn't run away. It was... Maybe an overreaction to the situation."

"It was a weakling reaction." Vro grumbles, flicking at Rebecca's ear.

Rebecca groans as an incredibly sharp pain hits her, "It was wholly the wrong reaction. Entirely. No maybes."

"You'll never do anything like it again. Or I will airlock you." Vro instructs further on what to say.

"I won't, I won't do anything like that again. To any of you. There were a few key choices that were incorrect." Rebecca said quickly, clearly more upset at disappointing the krogan, than almost anything else.

"You are grateful he still loves you, and feel privileged to have such a mate." Vro finishes, flicking at the Marine's ear again to get her to start repeating.

"Ow, he didn't say he still loved me." Rebecca groaned, "I lit him up like the fourth of July. I don't want to assume."

"Spirits, I feel like an idiot for still loving you." Camlos groans past the pain, finding some comfort in the cool floor, more in Rebecca's shoulder.

"I meeeeean you're not wr—" Before another flick could come down, she said, "Thank you for still loving me. Anyone you choose is incredibly lucky to have your attention. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

"There, now you're passably even." Vro grumbles again, giving one last flick for its own sake, this time at the back of Rebecca's head. "You'll be regretting this more later. Right now the Turian needs you." The Krogan ancient rumbles off as he stomps away, "Start shit and I'll break you." He warns going out the door.

Rebecca whispered curling up. "He's so nice."

Lisa is, as is rarely the case, left utterly speechless and standing there with a baffled surprise on her face. "I ... I'll get the hover-car ready." She murmured, not seeing how she can help without her clinic.

Camlos groans, getting up on his elbow.

Rebecca kneeled next to him, "Stop, I'll carry you, I mean if you want. I can't shoot you if my hands are full." She tries for a joke, but no-one seemed to find it very funny.

"The only positive of this." Camlos says as he vaguely waves a hand for him to be helped up.

She scooped him into a princess carry, and stood.

"Is that the kiss I'm about to get is gonna be wild." His joking tone, past the pain, is a balm to some anxiety.

She gives him a small peck on the head, whispering, "I'm so so so sorry. That wasn't right, I know that wasn't right. God, this is just like my first boyfriend. Oh, thank god you'll live."

Camlos breathes in, and then out, controlling the pain of mildly moving legs, "You're officially in the top three most dangerous women I've ever been with. For my health."

"I've only done this twice." She whispered, "I don't really know like ... I don't know. It felt like the right move. I think my social instincts are off."

"You think?" Camlos grimaces, trying not to laugh from the pain that'll cause while they come up to the door of a hovercar, driven by Vro.

Rebecca winced as she gently laid him in the car. "Maybe, I was doing really well until like, right now."

"We'll talk about this when my legs work." Camlos sighs, starting to close his eyes.

Rebecca hissed quietly "No, you can't go to sleep after an injury! That kills you!" She starts to vigorously shake him.

"Gah-FUCK-STOP! I'M AWAKE! SHIT!" Camlos sputters and shouts at the waves of agony. The hover-car starts moving, door closing automatically and shutting Rebecca in while Vro directs it to the clinic.

Rebecca let out a sigh of relief, and she hugged him the tightest she could, trying not to break him, but hold him like a steel trap.
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