They Came From The Iron Star: By Will Of Steel (PA/Multi)

October and December is normally the time where stories like these die down in progress because of fam events and such. Normally they will resume within 2 to 3 years. If not they are basically the same as dead.
Going to try to get an update up today.

Also, note: I will be scrapping resources, power, and food going forward. I'll repurpose them into surpluses (basically, you tie down your resource production doing certain things, you need free ones if you want to do something else).
Going to try to get an update up today.

Also, note: I will be scrapping resources, power, and food going forward. I'll repurpose them into surpluses (basically, you tie down your resource production doing certain things, you need free ones if you want to do something else).
Update delayed until sometime this week. Enjoying birthday stuff (1/15 was my birthday).
Turn 9 Part 1
Has it really been another month in this universe? It felt like three.

Oh well. Back to work.

Resources: 23800 Resources
Income: +8000 resources per turn
Food: Who cares right now?
Power: 75
Land Army Size: 100,000 infantry bots, 20,000 tanks, 10,000 assault bots, 10000 fightercraft, and 10,000 bombers
Orbital Army Size: 1100 space fighters and 550 laser satellites
Land Construction Options:

Suggested Actions:
[] Increase Resource Acquisition: Dedicated Resource Production Facilities (Mines, Oils Rigs, Metal Extractors, Refineries) will increase the amount of resources you can acquire at one time. Rewards: 1 resource surplus, Costs 1 resource surplus (this turn only)
[] It may look like paste, but it is edible:
While machines do not need to eat, your forces can produce a nutrient rich paste that is capable of sustaining sentient beings, though they will complain about the taste. Expanded production facilities for the algae and plankton needed to make the paste will allowed for increased paste production. Rewards: 1 Food Surplus. Cost: 1 resource surplus
[] For Science:
You have exactly one lab at your base for research into all fields. Adding a second one will likely increase your ability to make new discoveries. Rewards: -1 turn to all research projects. Costs 1 resource surplus
Improved Fortifications: The best defense is not always a good offense. Creating additional fortifications should help keep you protected from enemy forces. Reward: Increased base defenses. Cost: 1 resource surplus
Improved Sensors: Better sensors allow you to learn of in attack well in advance of it actualyl happening. Reward: Increased Sensor Range and Penetration (please stop smiling). Cost: 1 resource surplus
[] Drums in the Deep:
Digging into the soils and bedrock will allow you to produce subterranean structures and create special defenses against surface attacks. Rewards: Underground Consturction, Strategic Missile Shelter. Costs 1 resource surplus
[] Ice Harvesting Plant: You have an ice deposit. Let's see if you can get some water. Rewards: 1 water surplus. Costs 1 resource surplus

Orbital Construction Options:

Suggested Actions:
[] Increase Resource Acquisition: Dedicated Resource Production Facilities (Mines, Oils Rigs, Metal Extractors, Refineries) will increase the amount of resources you can acquire at one time. Rewards: +1 resource surplus, Costs 1 resource surplus this turn
[] It may look like paste, but it is edible:
While machines do not need to eat, your forces can produce a nutrient rich paste that is capable of sustaining sentient beings, though they will complain about the taste. Expanded production facilities for the algae and plankton needed to make the paste will allowed for increased paste production. Rewards: 1 food surplus, costs 1 resource surplus
[] For Science:
You have exactly one lab at your base for research into all fields. Adding a second one will likely increase your ability to make new discoveries. Rewards: Ability to research two projects at once.Cost: 1 resource surplus
Improved Fortifications: The best defense is not always a good offense. Creating additional fortifications should help keep you protected from enemy forces. Reward: Increased base defenses. Cost: 1 resource surplus
Improved Sensors: Better sensors allow you to learn of in attack well in advance of it actualyl happening. Reward: Increased Sensor Range and Penetration (please stop smiling). Costs 1 resource surplus

Surface Production Option:
Suggested Actions:
[] Produce Additional Scouts:
Scout units can be used to examine the topography of the area and potentially locate new resources, base sites, and locals. Rewards: More surface scouts. Costs 1 resource surplus
[] Produce Combat Units:
You need an army to kill things with and defend your stuff. Let's build one. Rewards: More combat units. Costs 1 resource surplus

Orbital Production Options:
Suggested Actions:
[] Produce Additional Scouts:
Scout units can be used to examine the topography of the area and potentially locate new resources, base sites, and locals. Rewards: More orbital scouts. Costs 1 resource surplus
[] Produce Combat Units:
You need an army to kill things with and defend your stuff. Let's build one. Rewards: More orbital combat units. Costs 1 resource surplus

Earth Production Options:
[X] Base Under Construction

Research Actions:
Suggested Actions:
[]Infantry Aerial Rig: You've seen androids pilot personal flying equipment, maybe you can build your own? Duration: 1 turn, Rewards: Android Flight Armor
[]Right In. Duration and Rewards variable.

Surface Force Deployment:
Suggested Actions:
[] Search for intelligence:
We may not be alone here. See if any other intelligences, biological or artificial, dwell here. Rewards: Possible Encounter, resources
[] Resource Hunt: Search for an area rich in resources, where new base facilities may be assembled.
[] Android Hunt (shared action with fleet, will consume deployment option for both): Attempt to acquire androids for research purposes. How will vary.
[] Machine Hunt (shared action with fleet, will consume deployment option for both): Attempt to acquire machines for research purposes. How will vary.

Orbital Force Deployment:
Suggested Actions:
[] Probe Earth: Orbital Scout Fleets can be sent to perform small-scale espionage on either the Machines or the Androids. Rewards: Intel, potential actions.

Diplomacy Actions:
Suggested Actions:
[] Trade Resources with the Androids (must specify what is being traded, can also be used to give gifts. No tech trading yet)
[] Trade Resources with the Machines (must specify what is being traded, can also be used to give gifts. No tech trading yet) Note: Solis' village does not yet allow for trading, but will accept gifts.

Espionage Actions:
Suggested Actions:
[]Spy on a faction. See if you can't get ears in your enemy's or your ally's forces. Rewards and penalties variable.
[]Investigate downed alien vessel. Maybe it has something interesting inside?


Woah. That took too long to get up.

Anyhow, I am back. Now a quick primer on new mechanics:

After much consideration, having resources in quanitfiable amounts feels stupid for this story. So now, I am going to have them instead made as surpluses. Think of it as having one set of resource production facilities devoted entirely to one task at a time. I hope that simplifies things.

Power is now gone. It gets made as you need it.

Anyhow, enjoy! And please vote!
[x] Ice Harvesting Plant: You have an ice deposit. Let's see if you can get some water. Rewards: 1 water surplus. Costs 1 resource surplus
[x] Produce Combat Units: You need an army to kill things with and defend your stuff. Let's build one. Rewards: More orbital combat units. Costs 1 resource surplus
[x]Infantry Aerial Rig: You've seen androids pilot personal flying equipment, maybe you can build your own? Duration: 1 turn, Rewards: Android Flight Armor
[x] Resource Hunt: Search for an area rich in resources, where new base facilities may be assembled.
[x] Probe Earth: Orbital Scout Fleets can be sent to perform small-scale espionage on either the Machines or the Androids. Rewards: Intel, potential actions.

Diplomacy Actions:
[x] Trade Resources with the Androids (must specify what is being traded, can also be used to give gifts. No tech trading yet)
[x] Ice Harvesting Plant: You have an ice deposit. Let's see if you can get some water.
[x] Produce Combat Units: You need an army to kill things with and defend your stuff. Let's build one.
[x]Infantry Aerial Rig: You've seen androids pilot personal flying equipment, maybe you can build your own?
[x] Resource Hunt: Search for an area rich in resources, where new base facilities may be assembled.
[x] Probe Earth: Orbital Scout Fleets can be sent to perform small-scale espionage on either the Machines or the Androids.
[x] Ice Harvesting Plant: You have an ice deposit. Let's see if you can get some water.
[x] Produce Combat Units: You need an army to kill things with and defend your stuff. Let's build one.
[x]Infantry Aerial Rig: You've seen androids pilot personal flying equipment, maybe you can build your own?
[x] Resource Hunt: Search for an area rich in resources, where new base facilities may be assembled.
[x] Probe Earth: Orbital Scout Fleets can be sent to perform small-scale espionage on either the Machines or the Androids.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Flameal15k on Jan 19, 2023 at 1:36 AM, finished with 3 posts and 3 votes.

  • [x] Resource Hunt: Search for an area rich in resources, where new base facilities may be assembled.
    [x] Ice Harvesting Plant: You have an ice deposit. Let's see if you can get some water.
    [x] Produce Combat Units: You need an army to kill things with and defend your stuff. Let's build one.
    [x]Infantry Aerial Rig: You've seen androids pilot personal flying equipment, maybe you can build your own?
    [x] Probe Earth: Orbital Scout Fleets can be sent to perform small-scale espionage on either the Machines or the Androids.
    [x] Ice Harvesting Plant: You have an ice deposit. Let's see if you can get some water. Rewards: 1 water surplus. Costs 1 resource surplus
    [x] Produce Combat Units: You need an army to kill things with and defend your stuff. Let's build one. Rewards: More orbital combat units. Costs 1 resource surplus
    [x]Infantry Aerial Rig: You've seen androids pilot personal flying equipment, maybe you can build your own? Duration: 1 turn, Rewards: Android Flight Armor
    [x] Probe Earth: Orbital Scout Fleets can be sent to perform small-scale espionage on either the Machines or the Androids. Rewards: Intel, potential actions.
    [x] Trade Resources with the Androids (must specify what is being traded, can also be used to give gifts. No tech trading yet)
Turn 9 Part 2
Note to self, always request plan voting.

Now for the actual meet of the post:

Ice Harvester: Done. You now have 1 Ice Surplus. You can do more stuff with it later on. Reward: 1 Ice Surplus.
Produce Combat Units: You now have one surface army and one fleet extra. Now to find something to use them for. This universe is turning out to be rather boring.... Reward: 1 Surface Army, 1 Orbital Fleet.
Research: Infantry Aerial Rig: It takes a few tries, but you eventually get the aerial rig working. Though with the lack of combat here, whether you will get to use it is a mystery. Reward: New unit - Ishim. A combat android with an aerial rig. New research unlocked: Aerial Rig Enhancements, Upgraded Aerial Rig.
Resource Hunt: You turn your attention to the asteroid belt and manage to find an area with multiple mineral rich asteroids that you could easily harvest. You ear mark it for setting up a harvesting space station. Rewards: Mining Starbase location unlocked.
Probe Earth: On account of giving your scouts and spies no specific targets to probe, they don't really give much usable info. You do learn that apparently, the downed vessel you found earlier seems to be really interesting to both sides. Maybe you should investigate further?

I have had a busy week. This is to tide you over.
Update Coming Soon
So, yeah - it's been three months since I last updated this. Time sure has flies. Work has been hectic. And I have been really focused on some other works.

This is just a notice that I will be updating soon. But first, so things to get out of the way:

1. I'm planning to wrap up my PA story and do a soft reboot of it in an arc of two. This story is set after the point of the reboot and won't be affected by it too much.

2. Going to try and wrap up the current arc in 5 or so turns, and then try to keep arcs more condensed so that these funks don't happen as often. So keep that in mind.

3. I'd highly recommend that you follow up on the "investigate the alien ship" plot line I've been working on - it's kinda important.
Turn 9 Part 3
News turn!
News from home:
Slow Month:
Not much is happening. I think there was a new sale at some mall somewhere. Maybe? Eh, whatever it was, it wasn't newsworthy.

News from Local Earth:
The Quiet War:
Machines and Androids have currently hit an impasse in their fighting, with the Machines in particular deciding to focus more o those who wish to desert fro mother main programming system. This, the current war has entered a slump. Will it last long?

Who the hell knows.

Yeah, nothing big now. Need to review stuff and make sure I remember my plan going forward.
Pre-Update Notice
*Looks at time since last post*

Whoops. Guess I lost track of time….

Okay, sorry, that was a bad excuse.

I actually spent the last month updating my other stories and handling the last few funeral things for my grandparents (including meeting a bunch of uncles, great uncles, and distant cousins I didn't know existed). And then help my sister pack up for a move to the coast. So yeah - I have been busy.

I will try to get an update out this week, but a few points I want clarified now:

1. I am removing resource production options excluding food and special resources from the building options - you have enough now, and I forgot the shift to surpluses anyway.
2. Non-specialist units will no longer be buildable from unit production options - you have enough forces now to conquer anyone in the system if you really want to.
3. A warning for going forward: once you leave a universe, everything you built that wasn't attached to a spacecraft of some sort will be lost. Have to keep some difficulty for you.
@Flameal15k is there a limit to the number/size of ships?.
one idea would to be to develop ships that quickly convert to ground infrastructure.
though ship-bourne infrastructure would always be handy.
@Flameal15k is there a limit to the number/size of ships?.
one idea would to be to develop ships that quickly convert to ground infrastructure.
though ship-bourne infrastructure would always be handy.
There is some limiting. Don't want to make you too OP (the Watsonian explanation is paranoia by your boss about you getting turned against him or willingly going rogue).
There is some limiting. Don't want to make you too OP (the Watsonian explanation is paranoia by your boss about you getting turned against him or willingly going rogue).
Say, do we have access to any techs that can fold space into stable pocket?

Cause a ship the size of the sun but only potruding an chopstick size part outside sound hilariously OP
Formal Notice of Abandonment, Plus What Could Have Been
Yeah, I know I said I wasn't going to abandon this, but after rebooting the story this was tied to and looking over my plans, I realized that this just wouldn't work going forward. So, as of now, this quest has been canceled.

Thank you for everyone who stood by this quest until it ended. As a consolation, I'll tell you what I had planned going forward - it's not much, which is another reason for the cancelation.

The original plan with the signal and crashed ship story plots would have involved discovery surviving humans and aliens and getting the option to either hand them over to their creations or negotiate to raise them (all of them are children) and try to avoid the mistakes of the past, with heavy incentives favoring the latter option. After that, you'd be free to grab whatever shinies you wanted and then head home.

Next few arcs are kinda fuzzy, and I'm not sure how I would have handled the Symphogear arc going forward. Not sure at all.

Stuff would really pick up during the Victoria/Vuctoria Falls arc, which would have introduced the overall antagonists of the story. The fight would be insane and see parts of Earth rendered uninhabitable- among others, dealing with the Russian Empire would be handled by having the antagonists drop a orbital weapon on them that creates new fault lines (ignore how such an impact would also probably generating an explosive shockwave that destroys all life on Earth). Also, they would have a special mechanic where they could roll to flat out ignore a dice roll (with the implication that they are aware this is a quest and are actively fighting the mechanics).

Everything else would be a spoiler for a later arc of the parent story, so it will remain unstated.

Sorry for not being able to finish this quest. Everyone have a nice day.