Another month goes by, with not much happening. Still, you have made gains.
You now have infiltrators to spy with. Maybe you should put them to good use?
Resources: 23800 Resources
Income: +8000 resources per turn
Food: Who cares right now?
Power: 75
Land Army Size: 100,000 infantry bots, 20,000 tanks, 10,000 assault bots, 10000 fightercraft, and 10,000 bombers
Orbital Army Size: 1100 space fighters and 550 laser satellites
Land Construction Options:
Suggested Actions:
[] Increase Resource Acquisition: Dedicated Resource Production Facilities (Mines, Oils Rigs, Metal Extractors, Refineries) will increase the amount of resources you can acquire at one time. Rewards: +1000 Resources per turn, Costs 1000 resources
[] Construct Additional Pylons: Expanding our energy generation facilities will increase the amount of power we can use for structures. Rewards: +10 power, costs 1000 resources
[] It may look like paste, but it is edible: While machines do not need to eat, your forces can produce a nutrient rich paste that is capable of sustaining sentient beings, though they will complain about the taste. Expanded production facilities for the algae and plankton needed to make the paste will allowed for increased paste production. Rewards: +100 Food. Cost: 4,000 Resources
[] For Science: You have exactly one lab at your base for research into all fields. Adding a second one will likely increase your ability to make new discoveries. Rewards: -1 turn to all research projects. Cost: 10,000 Resources
[] Improved Fortifications: The best defense is not always a good offense. Creating additional fortifications should help keep you protected from enemy forces. Reward: Increased base defenses. Cost: 10,000 Resources
[] Improved Sensors: Better sensors allow you to learn of in attack well in advance of it actualyl happening. Reward: Increased Sensor Range and Penetration (please stop smiling). Cost: 7,000 Resources
[] Drums in the Deep: Digging into the soils and bedrock will allow you to produce subterranean structures and create special defenses against surface attacks. Rewards: Underground Consturction, Strategic Missile Shelter. Cost: 5,000 Resources
[] Ice Harvesting Plant: You have an ice deposit. Let's see if you can get some water. Costs: 5,000 Resources.
Orbital Construction Options:
Suggested Actions:
[] Increase Resource Acquisition: Dedicated Resource Production Facilities (Mines, Oils Rigs, Metal Extractors, Refineries) will increase the amount of resources you can acquire at one time. Rewards: +1000 Resources per turn, Costs 1000 resources
[] Construct Additional Pylons: Expanding our energy generation facilities will increase the amount of power we can use for structures. Rewards: +10 power, costs 1000 resources
[] It may look like paste, but it is edible: While machines do not need to eat, your forces can produce a nutrient rich paste that is capable of sustaining sentient beings, though they will complain about the taste. Expanded production facilities for the algae and plankton needed to make the paste will allowed for increased paste production. Rewards: +100 Food. Cost: 4,000 Resources
[] For Science: You have exactly one lab at your base for research into all fields. Adding a second one will likely increase your ability to make new discoveries. Rewards: Ability to research two projects at once.Cost: 10,000 Resources
[] Improved Fortifications: The best defense is not always a good offense. Creating additional fortifications should help keep you protected from enemy forces. Reward: Increased base defenses. Cost: 10,000 Resources
[] Improved Sensors: Better sensors allow you to learn of in attack well in advance of it actualyl happening. Reward: Increased Sensor Range and Penetration (please stop smiling). Cost: 7,000 Resources
Surface Production Option:
Suggested Actions:
[] Produce Additional Scouts: Scout units can be used to examine the topography of the area and potentially locate new resources, base sites, and locals. Rewards: +10 Land Scouts, +10 Air Scouts, +20 Scout Bots. Costs 200 Resources
[] Produce Combat Units: You need an army to kill things with and defend your stuff. Let's build one. Rewards: +1000 infantry bots, +200 tanks, + 100 Assault bots, + 100 Fighters, +100 Bombers. Costs 500 resources
Orbital Production Options:
Suggested Actions:
[] Produce Additional Scouts: Scout units can be used to examine the topography of the area and potentially locate new resources, base sites, and locals. Rewards: +10 Orbital Scouts. Costs 200 Resources
[] Produce Combat Units: You need an army to kill things with and defend your stuff. Let's build one. Rewards: +100 Orbital Fighters, + 50 Laser Satellites. Costs 500 Resources
Earth Production Options:
[X] Base Under Construction
Research Actions:
Suggested Actions:
[]Infantry Aerial Rig: You've seen androids pilot personal flying equipment, maybe you can build your own? Duration: 1 turn, Rewards: Android Flight Armor
[]Right In. Duration and Rewards variable.
Surface Force Deployment:
Suggested Actions:
[] Search for intelligence: We may not be alone here. See if any other intelligences, biological or artificial, dwell here. Rewards: Possible Encounter, resources
[] Resource Hunt: Search for an area rich in resources, where new base facilities may be assembled.
[] Android Hunt (shared action with fleet, will consume deployment option for both): Attempt to acquire androids for research purposes. How will vary.
[] Machine Hunt (shared action with fleet, will consume deployment option for both): Attempt to acquire machines for research purposes. How will vary.
Orbital Force Deployment:
Suggested Actions:
[] Probe Earth: Orbital Scout Fleets can be sent to perform small-scale espionage on either the Machines or the Androids. Rewards: Intel, potential actions.
Diplomacy Actions:
Suggested Actions:
[] Trade Resources with the Androids (must specify what is being traded, can also be used to give gifts. No tech trading yet)
[] Trade Resources with the Machines (must specify what is being traded, can also be used to give gifts. No tech trading yet) Note: Solis' village does not yet allow for trading, but will accept gifts.
Espionage Actions:
Suggested Actions:
[]Spy on a faction. See if you can't get ears in your enemy's or your ally's forces. Rewards and penalties variable.
[]Investigate downed alien vessel. Maybe it has something interesting inside?