Well if this threads gonna be active I'm gonna ask something relevant-ish: will Tay-bringer have wings? After all, Serafina has wings even if they're in tattoo form, and it makes sense to continue the angel-demon theme they've got going.
Considering scale tattoos have started appearing on her it might not on theme, unless she gets to be a dragon of course
Well, for the sake of definitively answering: I don't mind other people writing things based on my stuff, I don't mind people creating offshoots of a story based on my stuff, the only thing I have a problem with is re-posting my work. So if somebody were to create a continuation/fanfic of my own stories, I would want them to just link to the prior chapters rather than posting my own work under their name (just like posting a fic that starts in the middle of a series wouldn't mean you repost the first few books in their entirety). Obviously with (the lack of/mess around) copyright surrounding fanfic this is both entirely unenforceable and indefensible, but from what I understand it's generally polite to follow a creator's wishes. Take it as you will.

Re: Busy-ness. Well, I kinda am. I just moved halfway across the country to New York City... which uh, well, I definitely wasn't planning for a pandemic being a thing when I applied for schools in January. Not that school ended up being a thing either this semester due to a bunch of issues, but I think I'm okay with that lmao. I've lived here before, albeit for a much shorter time (four months) and not when there was a pandemic keeping most people inside, and it's really nice to be back.

Re: Appearance and development. I'll put my scratch character notes from when I started the story down below, these are very much ACTUAL SPOILERS so seriously don't read if you'd rather this stuff be revealed to you as part of the story, which, yes I am still hoping to work on, especially now that I won't be in school for another few months. The issues is outlining and making an actual story out of all of the weird disparate ideas I've had.

# Characters

Name: Taylor Marie Hebert / Ophis (biblical)
Aliases: The Dragon, Bašmu, Aži Raoiδita, Typhon

### Appearance ###
#### Human-sized ####
5'9" and rail-thin, with pale skin, dark brown/black hair, hazel eyes, and sharp features. Winter palette. She has almost-invisible faint red outlines of scales and plates all over her body.

#### Full-sized ####
17' tall. Resembles a fantasy-like dragon knight colored firetruck-red, if dragoons took more after their monstrous namesakes, with their armor fused to their body and their bodies actually scaled. Humanoid, with a tail, (usually closed) wings, clawed hands and feet, gold slit eyes, and mess of needle-like teeth in her mouth (though the helmet-like head armor she grows once she passes 12' soon hides this). Designed by QA and Ziz to be the Simurgh's counterpart: attacker to her defender, destroyer to her builder, Warrior to her Thinker. Very much Entity-influenced.

### Abilities ###
- Power "sponging": gaining access to initially-limited versions of others' powers within an area, gradually increasing in strength until it matches, and then surpasses the original power's capabilities. Only really absorbs powers that have immediate, physical effects (not Thinker/Tinker/Master/Trump, etc.), though she can track anyone with powers. Gradually loses access to power once they leave her range. Designed as a spit-in-the-face to Eidolon, someone who truly does get more powerful and versatile the longer they fight against "worthy opponents".
- Combat precognition (essentially self-focused, immediate events)
- Perfect memory (see Alexandria, also applies to larger form)
- Mental link with Sera
- Extremely high durability and strength (even stronger than Sera due to their shared telekinesis being expressed as tactile telekinesis with her)

#### Full-sized ####
Same abilities, dialed up to 11


Name: Serafina Ashley Hebert (nee Roberts) / The Simurgh
Aliases: Ziz, Ulama, Israfel, Whore of Babylon

### Appearance ###
#### Full-size ####
A 15-foot tall nude waif of a woman with extremely pale skin, platinum-white hair as long as she is tall, and solid storm-gray eyes. She has a plethora of wings growing from her that have no logic or sense to their placement, size, or length. Some of the wings wrap around her, giving a false sense of modesty. Part of her body are described as "porous" or "hollow", a hand, a leg, a shoulder, and some of her hair all made up of feathers, intricately woven and sculpted into the proper shapes, with enough gaps that empty darkness beneath might be able to be seen.

#### Human-sized ####
5'3½", appearing 13 years old and just barely this side of uncomfortably thin. She shares her skin and hair color with her larger self, as well as her eye-color, though confined to her irises. She has nearly-imperceptible pearl-white outlines of wings and feathers all over her body, matching her larger self's own.

### Abilities ###
#### Full-sized ####
- Retrograde analysis (postcognition)
- Accurate long-term causal simulations (precognition)
- Which allows for: Localized omniscience
- Psychic Influence
- Telekinesis (and thus flight)
- Construction of technology using others' knowledge and shard-links
- Telepathy (see "I'm sorry" 28.6)

#### Human-sized ####
- Psychometry (postcognition via prolonged physical contact, limited to nonliving material)
- Faux-Tinker abilities (city-wide range)
- Telekinesis (half-block radius, < 500t, no item limit, nonliving objects)
- Perfect memory (see Alexandria, also applies to larger form)
- Mental link with Taylor
- Short, incapacitating psychic scream
- Extremely high durability and strength
Re: Busy-ness. Well, I kinda am. I just moved halfway across the country to New York City... which uh, well, I definitely wasn't planning for a pandemic being a thing when I applied for schools in January. Not that school ended up being a thing either this semester due to a bunch of issues, but I think I'm okay with that lmao. I've lived here before, albeit for a much shorter time (four months) and not when there was a pandemic keeping most people inside, and it's really nice to be back.
Ah, gotcha. Nice to hear you're doing well!

I might have another option to show off, if you drop by #nanoha sometime. AI-assisted writing is now a thing, and it's working pretty well. Don't take the stuff in GPT quest as the best quality it's possible to get. :p

@Twei: Yes, this pretty much means what you're hoping it means. I hope.
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I unfortunately am not sure what you hope I hope it means!!!!!
Heh, very well.

I've found that, while GPT-3 isn't good at writing, it isn't ever bad at writing either. It can write anything, to at least mediocre quality, assuming you know how to use it. The applications for working through writer's block are obvious, and I've written something on the order of three novels in the last month or so, just getting to know it.
Sure, there's no rule against it, but it's still hella annoying to get your hopes up to only be met with a level 1 necromancer practicing their wile acts where others may see.

SV has no rules against thread necromancy.

SV does have rules against thread disruption by complaining about thread necromancy.

While you can "In Theory" copyright fanfiction, I can assure you that 99.999% of fics posted for free on SB/SV are not copyrighted.
Yes, they are, because you cannot not copyright something you write. It's automatic. Even explicitly saying you're putting it in the public domain apparently doesn't work.
By that logic fanfic is copyright infringement so does the first writer really want to pick that battle.

That's because fanfiction is in fact copyright infringement. Most authors and publishers just don't go after fanfiction because 1) fans are useful, 2) a lot of authors honed their skills when they were young with fanfiction, 3) fanfiction generally doesn't negatively impact sales and 4) there's generally no way to make a net gain in income through enforcing copyright on fanfiction authors. If there was a net gain to be had those authors would get an offer to join the writing team or a licence to publish their fanfiction as an official component of the intellectual property.

You need to enforce that for it to be protected. Which people wont.
No. Copyright is not like trademarks; you do not lose it if you do not defend it.

That is only true if you can't be proven to know someone is writing a copyright infringing work of your material. This is much of the reason why generally speaking those holding those copyrights are studiously and actively not aware of the writing of their fan community.
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That's because fanfiction is in fact copyright infringement. Most authors and publishers just don't go after fanfiction because 1) fans are useful, 2) a lot of authors honed their skills when they were young with fanfiction, 3) fanfiction generally doesn't negatively impact sales and 4) there's generally no way to make a net gain in income through enforcing copyright on fanfiction authors. If there was a net gain to be had those authors would get an offer to join the writing team or a licence to publish their fanfiction as an official component of the intellectual property.
It's also worth noting that it's entirely impossible to go after every fanfic author, especially for the more popular series. Harry Potter fics number in the, probably, hundreds of thousands, for instance; attempting to charge every such author would cost more than most publishers are worth, and wouldn't earn enough back to make up the massive loss required. I'm sure there are some hidden gems with a rabid but vanishingly small fanbase who manage, maybe, a dozen fics a decade, which might be possible for the publisher to pursue litigation against without going bankrupt, but as mentioned above, why would they want to?
SV does have rules against thread disruption by complaining about thread necromancy.
More specifically it has rules against off topic posting, like everything in your post.
EDIT:And for that matter my post which is why I will not be responding to any comments on this. Just please drop the off topic discussions.
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SV does have rules against thread disruption by complaining about thread necromancy.
So those depraved bastard sons of bitches can go about their wile business and raise whole armies of the damned but we honest peasant folk can't even complain about them, in what kind of bass-ackwards world is that fair!?
That is only true if you can't be proven to know someone is writing a copyright infringing work of your material. This is much of the reason why generally speaking those holding those copyrights are studiously and actively not aware of the writing of their fan community.
No, even then you do not lose your copyright. You cannot lose your copyright, period, before the copyright period runs out.
So those depraved bastard sons of bitches can go about their wile business and raise whole armies of the damned but we honest peasant folk can't even complain about them, in what kind of bass-ackwards world is that fair!?
A world where we expect you to be able to read your alerts *fully* before reacting. it's also a world where you are expected to act with some dignity.
It's also worth noting that it's entirely impossible to go after every fanfic author, especially for the more popular series. Harry Potter fics number in the, probably, hundreds of thousands, for instance; attempting to charge every such author would cost more than most publishers are worth, and wouldn't earn enough back to make up the massive loss required. I'm sure there are some hidden gems with a rabid but vanishingly small fanbase who manage, maybe, a dozen fics a decade, which might be possible for the publisher to pursue litigation against without going bankrupt, but as mentioned above, why would they want to?
And that's not even mentioning that there are no better ways to completely and utterly alienate your fanbase, murdering your sales in the process.