I swear this was an extended joke in one story, with one guy in Toybox making a fortune charging for Brain Bleach. Learning to be Human maybe?
Memory manipulation was certainly a thing that one well-known Toybox Tinker did -- Cranial, I think it was.

They're a commercial venture, and Brain Bleach sounds like a viable product.

Leading competitor Fugget About It.
As lockers go - I mostly carried stuff for either my before-lunch or my after-lunch classes, and switched at lunch. Helps that I eat fast.
So Taylor is draining power from nearby shards. And the experience is addicting. Interesting.
I would kind of make sense for the power drain to be permanent this would allow for Taylor and QA to become entity level power as a Toho plus. Through I would not be surprised if QA appears to keeps the power either temporary or only lets Taylor use one at a time to promote challenge while keeping the full power secret until it is needed.
I would kind of make sense for the power drain to be permanent this would allow for Taylor and QA to become entity level power as a Toho plus. Through I would not be surprised if QA appears to keeps the power either temporary or only lets Taylor use one at a time to promote challenge while keeping the full power secret until it is needed.
*Tohu. I normally wouldn't be so anal-retentive, but the first time I read that sentence, I thought you meant 'Touhou', and was seriously wondering how a bullet-hell game factored into this.
Well, I mean...a fair chunk of the people here seem to read both. I know I do, and I recognize a lot of people from the other thread, so...
That's because you don't have to read too many Ensou fics before you realize that she pretty much shits gold. UnwelcomeStorm is the only other author I get as excited about when they post something new. It could be a crossover I've never heard of or even something I actively dislike; if one of those two is writing it, I assume I'll enjoy it.
That's because you don't have to read too many Ensou fics before you realize that she pretty much shits gold. UnwelcomeStorm is the only other author I get as excited about when they post something new. It could be a crossover I've never heard of or even something I actively dislike; if one of those two is writing it, I assume I'll enjoy it.
Aside from some of her darker stuff, yeah, I read most of her fics. And the former is more due to personal issues with handling dark stuff, over it not being good.
What if, and hear me out, they collabed?
Eh. Doesn't always work as well as you'd like. Collaboration can be tricky.
@LD1449 and @Zaru tend to colab frequently.
And so do some other authors, including ones who write published novels. Mercedes Lackey and Eric Flint both collaborate often, with numerous authors. That's ignoring husband-wife teams like Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, who rarely write solo.

That said, it's not as easy as just saying "hey, let's collaborate". It's often a lot more complicated. There's a lot of different methods for collaborating. Sometimes, the authors write specific characters or perspectives, or types of combat, each sticking to their own sections. Other times, they cooperate more, to varying degrees. One might write a section, and the other edits and makes suggestions. Or they might write nearly simultaneously. Or use a mix of these things. Or do something completely different. You get the point.

However, even for authors who collaborate often, there can be personality conflicts. Some people just aren't comfortable with collaboration, or able to collaborate well. And there's no one true method that will work for every collaboration. Each partnership is going to be it's own thing. And some just don't work.
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As for me and LD's Collabing, it is mainly because we have tossed ideas back and forth, and beta'ed for each other on solo projects. It was when I was reding Worm and playing DS2 that I got the idea and tossed it his way. He wanted in, and thus Outcry was born and our synergy was made apparent
As for me and LD's Collabing, it is mainly because we have tossed ideas back and forth, and beta'ed for each other on solo projects. It was when I was reding Worm and playing DS2 that I got the idea and tossed it his way. He wanted in, and thus Outcry was born and our synergy was made apparent
Yeah, that can be how people end up collaborating regularly. Eric Flint started out as an editor. Hell, he still does that sort of work. Particularly given what the 1632 series has turned into. Namely, one of the biggest published shared universes ever. Dozens of authors going in every direction you can think of. At this point, apparently no one can even track everything. Including the editing staff.
I'm actually hoping that this Taylor still gets to control bugs. After all, the only thing scarier than Ziz!Taylor would be Skitter!(Ziz!Taylor).

However, not even Ziz!Taylor with Skitter powers would make me feel anywhere near the nervousness felt when anticipating what little zizter is going to do to those that hurt her big zizter. Especially when Sera is one of those worst nightmares; a hormonal teenager!
I don't think anything can beat @Observed 's Virtue and Vice pair. I mean Taylor even got scale tattoos to match with Sera's wings.

Although having someone else have bug powers and Taylor copying them is a possibility. All plagues of Egypt thing would go superb with a demon theme.
This is SV, we don't have necro's.
edit. We do have people who complain about it though, and that's forbidden.