Condensing the Academy curriculum may be what we need to solve the problem in the longer term as well as the short term. Right now a big problem is that the Patricians are expected to be good at everything which is not a sustainable approach at all. I'd much rather have to rely on advisors and experts than continue heaping punishing amounts of responsibility on a select few elites.
And of course this might downgrade Life of Arete even further.
The underlying problem isn't really one of your values, it's a question of economics and social organization. You essentially have five people competing for one job; there's no way to slice that knot unless you can somehow either reduce the number of people competing or increase the number of jobs available. Getting rid of Life of Arete entirely doesn't solve that problem and indeed, tearing out one of the three most central social values of the Ymaryn Kingdom will have profound side-effects. (The other two big values being Personal Stewards of Nature and Principae Philosophae.) Given Die But Do It and PP, removing Life of Arete doesn't even remove the inbuilt incentives for suicidal overwork, it just devalues all non-intellectual forms of labour.
The Kingdom was basically maxed out on internal development and complexity and while the Great Khan's war has killed
a lot of Patricians, this is still a transitory state of affairs. Give it a generation and a half or so and the number of Patricians will recover and return to normal and all of the things Ydrys feared will return. The out-of-universe solution to this problem is obvious to us: industrial revolution. To the Ymaryn though who don't know about it, their options are much more limited. Condensing the curriculum is shuffling deck chairs. If you limit what subjects are on the exam, over time there will be an overcorrection and the standards for this reduced exam will simply get higher. It solves your problem
right now in that it gets people across the finish line, but it isn't durable into the future because all of the same underlying incentives still exist. Patricians work themselves to death in school because if they don't succeed, it means poverty. That can't be changed by altering the exam.
It also has draw backs: the biggest being cutting military training. Your entire martial system is predicated on the martial training that Patricians receive. Even the Mass Levy depends on Patricians serving as squad captains and shock troops for the numerous levies raised from the cities. All of your generals were Patricians and received their education in the Academies. Even most of the regular army soldiers themselves had their start as Patricians or the sons of Patricians (though many are also legacy army brats).
I'm a bit surprised that people are so quick to let the Spiritbonded go without comment. They were a major symbol of the Old Kingdom before the collapse and their skills are valuable and irreplaceable.
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