Portugal shall send humanitarian aid to help the refugees from both the previous crises, and those fleeing the recent warfare.The Yankee ambassador notices the Portuguese delegation and uses this as their opening.
Ambassadors, we may debate proper procedure for the British intervention in Mesopotamia all the live long day, but there is a very real crisis happening right on our doorstep that requires immediate attention. The Confederacy is a failed state and we all know it; the only question now is how to deal with the fallout. Direct and speedy action must be taken to secure the safety of the region.
Portugal recognizes Texas and supports their application.The Second Republic of Texas has applied to join the World Congress as a full and sovereign state.
We are prepared to accept refugees from the rest of the Confederacy, provided that they are a good match for Texas culture.
"The United Kingdom remains steadfast in its support of our ally Portugal, and looks forwards to the day when the Congo can take its place among the brotherhood of nations, a free and sovereign state. We wish to register our appreciation for the humanitarian aid provided by numerous countries in this action."
Portugal thanks both France and Britain for their support, and certainly welcomes military as well as administrative advice in accomplishing our goal of restoring peace to the region. We acknowledge that there has been some mismanagement and mistakes made, especially in regards to napalm, and apologize for these.He managed to stumble seamlessly into the next point of action in the binder. Pausing, briefly, he wet his lips, looking somewhat stunned. Then, blinking those heavy eyes, he adjusted his tie and continued;
"France has already made clear to its Portguese colleagues that it fully intends to support their enterprise in the C.A.Z. The security of the borders of our own Dominions is a strategic priority for the Kingdom, and military measures are being taken to ensure it remains so."
Another sip of water.
"We denounce, however, the use of napalm and similar measures in the rooting out of warlords and insurgents. The Congress is no doubt aware of the shocking footage broadcast only recently. France - with due experience in the managing of similar colonial uprisings - can testify that brute force will only succeed in proliferating atrocities and unifying the Congolese opposition."
He turns a page.
"An embrace of limited self-government and a commitment to local democracy will make better friends of the natives than any amount of new roads or military power. The French Dominions operate on a similar system, and we propose Portugal adopt this model for bringing stability to the region. By functioning as guarantors of democracy, the Portguese government will gain more sympathy from people on the ground than feudal warlords raising levies by means of threats and force."
France proposes a resolution urging Portugal to adopt The Congo as a Dominion and guarantee local self-government
If the World Congress is agreeable, we are willing to adopt the Congo as a temporary, highly autonomous dominion, with the eventual goal of restoring sufficient order and stability to once more govern themselves as a sovereign state.
Portugal is of the opinion that measures should be taken to support moderate religious and community leaders within the Islam world to stem the rise of radicalism.
Portugal supports such an oversight committee."Her Majesty's Government recognizes that, possessed as we are of the largest quantity of such weapons, it is difficult to speak with true neutrality on this topic. We would wish to table for discussion - but no vote - the idea of a Congressional oversight committee dedicated to overseeing the safety of all such facilities around the globe. Accidents involving such a potent technology are in the best interests of no one."
Portugal opposes this resolution, as they believe that it will only exacerbate problems to withdraw military support at this time.France tables a resolution calling for the unilateral withdrawal of British forces in Mesopotamia
With their own term on the Council soon coming to an end, Portugal bids for Benelux to replace them, if they are willing. @SuperMissile"HEAR, HEAR! BIDS ARE OPEN FOR MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO NOMINATE THEMSELVES FOR ELECTION TO THE COUNCIL! ALL NOMINATIONS MUST BE SENT TO THE CHAIRMAN!"
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