A Statement from the Confederacy of Southern America
The Confederacy strongly urges the United States of America to refrain from any action against the states of Virginia, North Carolina, or Kentucky. These matters are domestic affairs of said states and any violation of their sovereignty will be seen as a violation of the Confederacy's sovereignty.
The Confederacy strongly urges the United States of America to refrain from any action against the states of Virginia, North Carolina, or Kentucky. These matters are domestic affairs of said states and any violation of their sovereignty will be seen as a violation of the Confederacy's sovereignty.
The Commonwealth of Kentucky categorically states that the former Confederacy has absolutely no legitimacy in Kentucky. The Confederate States of America annexed the state of Kentucky against its will and held its people in bondage by force. During which time it plundered Kentucky's resources, forcibly conscripted Kentuckian men to fight and die in foreign wars, and imposed a hateful, divisive ideology that continues to plague the people of Kentucky to this day.
The Confederacy also has no claim to a state which it willingly abandoned. The Confederates fled Kentucky, much like a robber fleeing a bank with his ill-gotten spoils. To imagine that the Confederacy has any authority to determine the fate of the people of the Kentucky is utter folly.
Then congressman for the Liberal Party, businessman Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, poses for a photo amongst members of a youth soccer organization that Escobar sponsored in 1986 (note several are attempting to imitate his trademark moustache). One of the richest men in Colombia, ostensibly owing his rags-to-riches success story to his taxi business and his current occupation as a "merchant", Escobar is an extremely popular figure in the country, particularly among the nation's poor. His businesses and personal estate fund and sponsor many philanthropic endeavors across Colombia.
Colombia is a land of many competing interests. The interests of the city-dwellers against the rural farmers, the Liberals against the Conservatives, and the interior against the coasts are just three of the most obvious and resilient of divides that have plagued Colombia since its inception, but there are many more, with many seemingly being added with each passing year. The 80s were a particularly unstable period for the Republic of Colombia, the lumbering, bureaucratic nightmare that was the national Colombian government (el gobierno nacional) was wracked by scandals and political impasses: The rural countryside held on to significant political domination despite urban Colombia being the highest source of national GDP growth for nearly three decades, yet the criminality and violence plaguing the cities was always a contention between the landowning families (which dominated Colombian politics) and the newer money from the cities, typically represented by the Conservatives and the Liberals respectively.
Although everyone was sick of it, the Liberal-Conservative rivalry which had inspired a civil war, countless outbreaks of violence and many a Gabriel Garcia Marquez novel dragged on. Despite the growing support for the supposed Union Patriotica (the Patriotic Union), a reformist, anti-corruption center-left party popular among urban intellectuals and the bourgeoise, as well as labor unionists and poor rural campesinos (that is, landless peasant farmers), and the failure of right wing paramilitaries to snuff out the political movement's ascent to political power, even they couldn't break into a majority in the National Congress. Entrenched bipartisanism and a political system that was only built to support the de facto aristocracy (some might say the nobility, even) represented by the manorial landowning class. This has led to a large underclass being formed, one in a country in which social mobility is sorely lacking, has driven many of its poverty stricken residents to either turn to crime or flee to the cities (and then turn to crime) as they flee the poverty and repression of the countryside.
The sitting Liberal president, Oscar Manuel Caraballo, is revealed to have been siphoning off large amounts of funds from his election campaign in 1986 and the inability of Colombian politicians and the judicial system to handle the crises adequately (or really any crisis involving corruption in the government) leads to an explosion of mass protests, from many sectors of Colombian society. Rich, middle class and poor Colombians stream out into the streets and countryside in order to protest what they see an illegitimate government. Conservative political figures attempt to do what they always do when a Liberal president is met with a scandal (and vice versa): Capitalize it and take maximum advantage of the crisis.
Unfortunately for the Conservative Party (the Party of Bolivar, supposedly), the poor and elements of the middle class say, "enough is enough", "Ya Basta!"; for them the problems aren't with the Conservatives or the Liberals, it's the "rigged system" that has perpetuated itself across Colombian history since independence. The protestors don't seek jailtime for any one politician but rather structural changes to the very fabric of the Colombian government and political culture. Once this realization sets in, the Colombian ruling class decides to fall back on a tried and true method to end what they feel are illegal protests: violent repression. As the Confederacy and Russia face mass dissent and internal instability, fears rise amongst the government in Bogota and the provincial capitals in Caracas, Guayaquil and Panama City (all whom have their own local flavor of aristocrats dominating the provincial government) and the army is ordered to end the protests.
The military does what it can, short of firing upon the agitators. Much of the officer class is divided amongst the conservative stooges put in place by the government (Liberal or otherwise) however a not-insignificant minority lean far more to the left, given that they are mostly foreign-educated, having attended school in New York or London or Berlin, and correctly fear that the conscripted and enlisted classes would not fire upon the protestors, most of whom would be their family and friends as their recruitment pool draws from the very same demographics insisting on reforms.
In 1988, President Caraballo would resign, from both office and politics, and left to go spend the remainder of his life in self-imposed exile in the Republic of Cisplatine. Many hoped this would lead to a break in protests, it doesn't. Many are angered that the President would not even see the inside of a courtroom, no genuine investigation had even been attempted and it was very clear to many what this was: An attempt to distract in order to buy time. The protests double in intensity, this time becoming violent. The military repression doesn't seem to be enough, however the officer class isn't interested in escalating, no matter what the Minister of War demands. When orders are brought forward to fire upon a crowd of indigent campesinos, driven from their lands by a Canadian corporation who had been given rights to their lands outside of the city of Pasto, the military refuses and the officers order their troops to disregard Bogota's orders, instead instructing them to return to their barracks and remain "neutral" in the coming days. The nation teeters on the abyss.
With Russia and the Confederacy in flames, the British government demanding some kind of resolution and the economy beginning to take a turn for the worse, the caretaker government held together by the Vice President, Humberto Gonzalez, collapses as the Minister of War's resignation begins a steady stream of Cabinet resignations. The streets of major Colombian cities are inundated with protestors and rioters, who have successfully cowed the National Police and feel they can act with impunity as the military is, for the most part, is sympathetic. The Interim Government, selected by Congress on a compromise, brings about the birth of a "United Front", comprised of a Conservative president and a Liberal vice president to lead the country until the 1990 general elections.
An Emergency Constitutional Assembly (something with no precedence in Colombian politics) is called in Guayaquil (as a bone to the Ecuadorian merchant class, often forgotten about along with the rest of the Ecuadorian province). While universal suffrage has existed since 1970 when woman received the right to vote, poll tax restrictions, gerrymandering, ID laws and many other loopholes were still incredibly common and a means by the local elite to keep the underclasses from exerting their democratic power.
The resulting Colombian Constitution of 1987 (Or the Guayaquil Constitution) expands the franchise significantly, does away with many local and departmental restrictions on voting, establishes a clause for the possibility of future land reform, makes it significantly harder for foreign corporations to own Colombian land, restricts the power of "entrenched factionalism" by moving Colombia to a more parliamentarian system based upon a proportional vote counting system, abolishing the Senate and massively expanding the remaining National Assembly. It is, overall, one of the most progressive legal documents in the world at its time. It even has a section for "rights of nature", a move by Colombian environmentalists to protect the country's biodiversity.
The landowners immediately begin to do what they can to undermine the authority of the new constitution. They set their political allies to stop any land reform measure from passing the newly inaugurated National Assembly, those very same measures being incredibly by popular with the landless peasants. This instantly touches off protests in the countryside, but as the outrage in the cities gives way to normalcy, few notice and the government cracks down hard on the peasants. Despite the new constitution with many beautiful sounding concepts, the truth is that things have only changed for a certain percentage of the population: The poor remain oppressed, those on the coasts and the interior remain ignored and Ecuador has very little to show for their trouble of hosting the Constitutional Assembly.
Tensions simmer for a year and a half until 1990, where Colombia sees the first set of general elections under the new constitution. As the Liberals and Conservative break off from the National Front and re-draw their historical battle lines, a figure appears from nowhere. His name is Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, a wealthy and influential merchant from the department of Antioquia and from the city of Medellin. Despite being elected under the Liberal banner, Escobar is known as a polarizing figure: To the poor, he's literally Robin Hood in flesh and blood. He's funded many charity organizations, personally built roofs for those living in slums and is basically King of Medellin, wielding more respect and influence than the city's mayor and the department's governor. Deriding the "repression of the working class", Escobar announces his rupture with the Liberal Party and the formation of his own political movement, "La nueva politica", or the "New Politics" era begins. Running on as a dark horse on a populist platform, Escobar terrifies the landowners and the government, recycling old Marxist slogans and electioneering, Escobar paints himself as a populist "man of the people" fighting against a "rigged system" despite the fact that he had made his fortune exactly upon that "rigged system".
Caracol TV and RCN, the liberal and conservative broadcasting news networks in Colombia which dominate the political landscape, at the behest of their rich owners, attempt to stop Escobar by digging into his past where upon they find... absolutely nothing they can use. In a sense, it should have been incredibly suspicious that this businessman and merchant with over a decade of business experience doesn't have a single employee looking to smear him or a scandalous affair or some kind of involvement with government corruption, but at the time it's simply dismissed as him being a boy scout. The networks instead attempt to smear him with very dubious "scandals" mostly cooked up behind the scenes. It paints the image that the political establishment really is against Escobar's run for the presidency which in turn only seems to prove his point, "listen folks," he says at a campaign stop in a poor slum in Caracas, "the vast array of the elite's power is now currently concentrated upon me, what does that tell you? When else have you seen the Liberals and the Conservatives, who supposedly hate one another, so united in the face of an independent challenge? Have they invited you to come join them? No of course not. It's because it's all one big club and, hermanos, you're not invited".
The elites' gamble, that is to extend the franchise and change the window dressing to placate the poor, fails miserably and Pablo Escobar uses it to rise from the legislature to the Presidency, winning the 1990 election in a landslide something never before done in Colombian history. His critics say that he's corrupt and a criminal, that he doesn't have enough experience in politics and that his populism is all a front; the common folk don't seem to mind, if that's the case. Time will tell if this mysterious figure can unite the Colombian people and allow the country to regain its pride. Escobar declares he will lead as an independent and set upon an anti-corruption campaign, positioning himself further as an outsider. Surprisingly, upon his victory, many assemblymen from across the country and across the political divide renounce their membership in either the Liberal or Conservative party and align themselves with President-Elect Escobar, even though politically and ideologically they have very little overlap...
Canberra 24th April 1991 - Today a crowd of over 500,000 Australians have gathered in the streets of our Capital to protest the recent intervention by the British in Mesopotamia. Nominally supported by leaders of the Australian Labour Party, the protest has gathered immense international coverage by the local media and also other Commonwealth media.
The Government has not commented on the situation, however Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Australian National Farmer's Party, Richard Pontescoglu has come out in support of the protest, a move that many feel could drive a wedge in the current Conservative lead-coalition government.
For an establishment of a proper date and to allow preparation would it be possible to have these exercises coincide with a visit from the crown prince and future Kaiser after his coronation in '92?
It was decided that Kentucky wasn't worth it. The steadfast refusal of the illegal government in Frankfort ought to have provoked immediate action, but the very fact of it took Virginia by surprise. The Curtis administration knew full-well that an invasion of Kentucky would invite US retribution -- which would end Greater Virginian independence -- and considered its ultimatum to be so generous that Virginia would not be forced to act on her threat. To be proven so drastically wrong was a deep embarrassment to President Curtis and his country, and poor Secretary of State Douglass paid the price: without familial prominence to protect him he was unceremoniously fired and blamed for a 'schizophrenic' execution of foreign policy,
The ultimatum was never again mentioned by the Commonwealths.
While the populace of Kentucky was still elated by the sudden fall of the Buxton government and with the US having forced the government of Virginia to back down, Caroline Arnett as Governor now had the formidable task of undoing the damage of a century of Confederate rule. And yet even the system she inherited as Governor was on poor footing: the legal system was in tatters, jails were overflowing with political prisoners, police and other state authorities had near-limitless discretion to arrest and detain anyone suspected of even minor offenses. The status of the government was even more challenging: many key positions were simply staffed with incompetent sycophants and political appointees. The lower levels of the state bureaucracy and civil service were less affected, but many state employees were simply going through the motions of a confused and arbitrary system. Kentucky was not nearly so gutted as other parts of the Confederacy, but the fact remained that in pursuit of vaguely-defined ideals of "tradition" and "Southron patriotism" that the Confederate States of America had ceased to actually follow its own laws for some time and that Kentucky had been aversely affected.
However, one key factor which did advantage Caroline Arnett's position greatly was the sheer level of power which had been concentrated in the office of Governor. Buxton had been an ineffectual, incompetent man who had little actual interest in governance, but Caroline Arnett was a strongly proactive official who immediately began the long process of moving away from Kentucky's Confederate past. As with most institutions of the erstwhile Confederacy, the office of Governor allowed its holder to effectively rule as an autocrat with only minimal oversight from the legislature. Moreover, as Caroline Arnett was wildly popular and seen as having a popular mandate to fix the Commonwealth, she had enormous amounts of goodwill and political capital to achieve her goals. She was famous statewide and beyond as a prisoner of conscience, and the support of the United States had now effectively guaranteed her government's stability. Most immediately, it resulted in the quiet withdrawal of the Virginian ultimatum, but it also had domestic political effects.
The Virginian ultimatum rallied many around Arnett in anticipation of resistance to an occupation, but the subsequent declaration from the US built further support. The simple fact was, most Kentuckians were tired of misrule, economic decline, and uncertainty. But the prospect of support from the US brought over many who were uncertain of her rule. It was not solely out of support for Caroline Arnett that this happened, quite the contrary, she won a considerable amount of approbation from people who were actually inclined to disapprove of her progressive ideals and democratisation. But by 1991, the institutions of the former Confederacy had patently failed to provide for the needs of Kentucky's people. Even conservative elites, many of whom were normally a bastion of strength for Confederate rule, had to acknowledge that some change was needed. And as Caroline Arnett was a white woman of upper class background, there was still a certain degree of inclination for rich Kentuckians to see her as one of their own. Lastly, while Caroline Arnett's ideology was certainly shocking compared to the staid, reactionary norms of Confederate politics, it was hardly revolutionary. Caroline Arnett's political views largely rejected the notions of mass expropriation of properties and class warfare that was advocated by groups such as the Confederate Communist Party. And if her governance could restore prosperity to Kentucky well... all the better it would be.
The state's pro-Confederate elements were in a state somewhere between despair and stupour. The simple fact was that Kentucky's recent history had been a poor one and even those who the system blatantly was intended to benefit had actually suffered terribly because of economic decline and the general oppression that was even felt by the upper class. Business elites had seen repeated seizures of their properties and assets under the conveniently vague pretext of "Patriotic Necessity" and had been routinely forced to provide "donations to the Confederate cause" to support the Confederate garrisons in Kentucky. After the Confederate withdrawal, those who didn't choose to leave were in little better position. The simple fact was that through its despotism and incompetence, the CSA and its successors had actually greatly damaged the interests of even rich Kentuckians, so while many of them had reservations about the governorship of Caroline Arnett, they were willing to tentatively accept an alternative that might be an improvement over the misrule of the past.
Politically, Caroline Arnett was also able to secure a comfortable majority to support her in the Kentucky General Assembly: many officials fled during the protests, and others still simply resigned rather than support Caroline Arnett's governorship. However, this only worsened the situation of any potential opposition in the General Assembly, as Caroline quickly used her power as Governor to appoint temporary representatives to fill the roles of those who had left office. Many other officials were under investigation for charges of corruption or other crimes associated with the Confederate era, and subsequently, there was very little chance of an effective resistance to Caroline Arnett forming within the Kentucky General Assembly. Many of the newly-appointed officials in the General Assembly were drawn from former officials who had been jailed or forced to resign under dubious circumstances. In terms of political organisations, there were no legal political parties save for Governor Buxton's now-banned Patriotic Party. Caroline Arnett and her supporters, for the time being, declared themselves to be independent. The formation of a unified political party was a desirable goal, but for the time being, that would have to wait.
Decrees and Actions of the First Hundred Days
Repeal of Kentucky's racist "Vagrancy Laws" and associated statutes and regulations forbidding Afro-Confederate employment in certain professions, eradicating caps on educational enrollment, and eliminating any remaining restrictions on interracial marriage
The establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate Confederate era crimes, prosecute the perpetrators, and bring a resolution to unsolved crimes
Release of all nonviolent political prisoners, those who were imprisoned for violent revolutionary activities were evaluated on a case-by-case basis
Abolition of convict labour and the lease system which kept poor Kentuckians effectively trapped as a cheap source of labour. This also ended the related practise of bonded labour: forcing indebted persons to serve as labourers in order to pay off their debts to private entities.
Abolition of the vague charge of "subversion" and other similar charges used mainly to repress anti-Confederate dissidents or provide further convict labourers
Dismissal of political appointees and the creation of a politically-independent Appointment Review Board to supervise and recommend new gubernatorial appointments in the civil service, and root out obvious products of nepotism and corruption
Dismissal of all but one justice from the Kentucky Supreme Court: new justices were appointed and ideologically almost all tended to have strong reformist views and opposition to the utter subversion of the legal system that had happened under Confederate rule. There were seven justices in total: including three women and two Afro-Confederate justices. They were also all below the age of 45, assuring that the court's justices would have long-lasting impact on the Kentucky judicial system. The one remaining appointee from the Confederate period, the 75 year-old Justice Ronald Jones, had frequently authored dissents from the Court's more questionable decisions in support of Confederate rule and as a district judge had been one of the few Kentucky judges to actively prosecute crimes against Afro-Confederates.
The initiation of investigations against prominent state legislators, officials, and members of municipal governments accused of illegal activity during the Confederate era
The initiation of investigations against business figures who were thought to have inappropriately benefited from close relationships with politicians
The salaries of members of the Kentucky General Assembly were halved and the exorbitant salary raises passed during the Buxton administration were repealed
Repeal of various statutes and laws against female inheritance and property ownership
Institution of a universal franchise: all Kentucky residents at or above the age of 18 were made eligible to vote.
Establishment of a State Redistricting Commission comprised of independent political analysts to redraw Kentucky's electoral districts and reverse the political manipulation of electoral districts
In addition to the more practical necessities of dismantling the Confederate legacy in Kentucky and crafting a true democracy in the state, there was a considerable overhaul of Kentucky's various state symbols and other various ceremonies of state. The old Confederate state seal featuring the phrase "voce populi" was omitted from all state records. The old pre-Confederate state seal was reinstated on a provisional basis, though there was some discussion of creating an entirely new state seal to represent a new Kentucky. The other most notable change was the removal of the official state song "Forward to battle, Kentucky!" a lengthy pro-Confederate song extolling the virtues of brave Confederate soldiers and calling for all Kentuckians to serve in whatever way they could. Typically, only the first stanza of the song was performed at official functions, though the song did have an additional two stanzas which managed to be even more controversial than the first: with paternalistic references to women "sewing the flags of victory" and the third stanza containing frequent praise of the industriousness and humility of enslaved persons.
A contest was announced to write a new state song for Kentucky and already, both professional and amateur musicians throughout the state began to draft up new concepts and songs: some rooted in traditional Christian hymns, others being bold experiments with contemporary music... and one rather bizarre submission which was played exclusively with instruments derived from factory tools and farm equipment to represent the traditional industries of Kentucky.
Whatever shape the new Kentucky was, as of yet, unknown, but it was clear that this would be a new and untested era for the people of Kentucky.
From: Third Hellenic Civilization
To: Ukraine @KnightofTempest
We are looking to make allies in the region and we believe that we would make fine friends and allies. It would be useful in preventing Turkish aggression against either of us.
From: Third Hellenic Civilization
To: Armenia @ChaoticGenius
We are concerned about the recent Turkish moves in the region as well as the violence in Mesopotamia. We would like to work on cooperation between our two nations.
From: Third Hellenic Civilization
To: Ukraine @KnightofTempest
We are looking to make allies in the region and we believe that we would make fine friends and allies. It would be useful in preventing Turkish aggression against either of us.
From: Third Hellenic Civilization
To: Armenia @ChaoticGenius
We are concerned about the recent Turkish moves in the region as well as the violence in Mesopotamia. We would like to work on cooperation between our two nations.
The Ivano-Franiysk and Lviv Oilfields are being opened for Foreign Investment. We have up to 45 percent of shares in the Companies exploiting the fields for sale.
Honorable representatives of the World Congress. The situation in the Congo Administrative Zone has spiraled out of control. Multiple national interests have caused the instability of the region to increase drastically. Peace is not being brought by more intervention, it is instead causing more hardship for the people living in the Administrative Zone. We, the new World Congress of this planet, cannot allow such travesty to destroy the lives of so many living in the area. If we are to ensure the Administrative Zone can be brought into the civilized world, we, the World Congress need to set the example of civility for the people of the Administrative Zone to follow.
As such, Finland proposes a resolution to conglomerate the international forces in the Congo Administrative Zone into one joint peacekeeping force managed by the World Congress. Let us unite together to bring civilization and peace to such a troubled region. Let us show the people of the Congo that the true path to civility lies in working together with your fellow neighbor, not falling into the travesty of violence and chaos.
-Wilhelm Breitenstein, Finnish Permanent Representative to the World Congress
Virginian police line the storefront of a local Best Foods in Charlottesville in response to a gathering to witness the damage done by an armed robbery of the store by 'Bloods', one of two large gangs that have become acquainted with weaponry and funds that many are unsure were obtained through the normal channels of criminal activity.
"Archibald Cumberland, with the British Broadcasting Corporation. Today we will be discussing with experts Dr. James Horne and Dr. Kingsley Barrett on the American question, what with recent tensions regarding the Commonwealth of Virginia, as it appears from local news sources are covering what appears to be a precipitous rise in crime rates from a group of primarily Afro-Confederate ancestry, specifically due to the actions of a group calling themselves 'the Bloods', who ascribe to a leftist ideology and proclaim their intention to violently dismantle the institutions of oppression. They are joined by another gang, calling themselves 'the Freedom Riders', who wish to form an 'Afro republic' independent of administration by any white man.
"These groups, heavily armed and actively violent, have been responsible for the gunning down of multiple civilians and law enforcement officials using illegally obtained weaponry with what is likely illegally obtained funds. Where these funds are coming from is a major source of speculation, according to the Commonwealth of Virginia's head of law enforcement. Here is a picture of a member of the 'Bloods', for reference. Damien, can you pull that up, please?
"Outrage drawn from these recent acts of violence that have claimed so many lives have led to the revival of traditionalist movements, including the popular right-wing speaker John Ambrose Fauntroy, holding no relation to the prominent politician of the Commonwealth of Virginia, whose platform was largely built upon conservative 'old guard' politics, would proclaim that this was a conspiracy between the two squatting dragons - presumably the Third Republic of America and Imperial Mexico - to overthrow the freedom of the Confederacy and its allies. Fauntroy's rambling was further supported by similar incidents occurring between police and other civil servants and notorious 'Yankee' movements in Tennessee, somewhat bleeding over into Kentucky as well.
"All of this occurring on the border of the Third Republic of the U.S., the States of Kentucky and Tennessee, and the Commonwealth of Virginia, leaves many analysts, politicians, and citizens worried that the recent diplomatic exchanges between the upstart Virginians and the pragmatic Americans, coupled with this crime wave of well-funded and well-armed gangs wreaking havoc in the cities of the Commonwealth.
"Dr. Horne, you spent most of your time at Oxford writing a thesis on the state of race relations in the various American states, what is your view of the situation? Does this have the chance of escalating into a major war?"
"Well, Mr. Archibald, simply put: no. While the riots and such were almost guaranteed to happen, racialism being what it is in these former Confederate states, it is no different than the criminals dressing up as activist and pretending to be working for some greater social change when they actually are in it for the looting and the killing. Should the government of the Commonwealth of Virginia get its act together, which I fully expect it to, I have no doubt this will be but a 'blink-and-you'll-miss-it' occurrence."
"Dr. Barrett, your ta--"
"What a load of crock, Horne, and you know it. The existence of the Southron Social Republic directly disproves this: a conglomerate of Afro-Confederate liberation movements that took power with force. Who's to say we won't see the same in Virginia, or Kentucky and Tennessee for that matter?"
"Barrett, the problem with your analysis is that, true to form, you fail to see the larger picture, and quite frankly, that will be your academic downfall."
"Why, you damn--"
"I'm afraid that's enough, ladies and gentlemen. Join us after the break for what appears to be a developing situation in the Confederacy of Central America..."
"And welcome back, everyone, we have just received breaking news that a British battle fleet, joined by many smaller transport ships with what are presently identified as from the Empire of Mexico, the Republic of Chile and Argentina, and others, have made their way to the eastern end of the Nicaraguan Canal in Pacific, in what are claimed by the Confederacy of Southron America to be Confederate territorial waters.
"Mr. Knowles, you are in the helicopter circling the incident, what does it look like from there?"
"Well, Archy, it's shaping up to be quite a tense situation between the Confederates and this self-proclaimed 'peacekeeping' force.
"As they approach, we have the aerial footage here, the Nicaraguan Canal, we can pick up radio traffic being transmitted by the Confederates in the recently annexed state of Nicaragua, which surrounds the British-owned canal built as a bottleneck for trade that generates millions of pounds yearly and has been eyed hungrily by the C.S.A. from time to time. This radio traffic urges the approaching carrier group to turn back immediately and leave Confederate waters, but in vain.
"We reported earlier on the increasing militarization of the Central American region following the Confederate annexation of two principal states of the now-defunct Confederacy of Central America, with fortifications and camps being set up by occupying Confederate troops seeing an expansion, while transport ships arrived from the ports of Florida and Cuba to supply and reinforce the new Confederate states.
"It is, uh, extremely likely that this is in response to the declaration of independence of Guatemala as a 'Provisional Republic' which was strongly and quickly supported by the Empire of Mexico, leading to some to trudge up an older theory known as 'the Domino Theory' to explain this rationale: once one falls, thereby the next shall as well."
"It looks like the fleet has--well, like the fleet has stopped. Any reason why?
"Sorry, uh, sorry about that, Archy. It looks more and more like the, uh, the Confederates are being much more belligerent in their threats, and, uh...yes, the fleet is anchoring, it appears, with, potentially...fears of starting a conflict where there does not need to be one."
"Mr. Knowles, is everything working on your end, can you hear me?"
"They're saying--...that has to be a mistake. Radio interference? Quinn, stop the camera, get the phone, we need to get out of here no--"
"Mr. Knowles? It appears that our feed with them has been lost, unfortunately, but we assure our audience that we will return to our regularly scheduled reports following this break."
"We interrupt this broadcast with a special announcement that the Confederacy of Southron America has launched an attack on the Southron Social Republic. This news comes after tanks were seen crossing the border of the state of Florida from within the C.S.A. into the claimed territory of the S.S.R., and soon after, similar efforts were made from New Orleans.
"The Confederate embassies have refused contact, no matter how desperate, from other nations hoping to avert a last minute disaster, but there appears to be no hope in salvaging the situation, as fighting engulfs the Georgian coast, and Confederate troops are reported to be marching on their way to the city of Baton Rouge and Birmingham as fast as possible before the weight of the international community inevitably comes crashing down on them.
"Street fighting between local law enforcement and the pro-Confederate militias has taken many lives excluding the casualties from the war itself, and the already uncertain situation in the Southron Social Republic seems even chaotic as order on the front appears to collapse, with armored columns arching steadily up through the Georgian coast and infantry units of the Confederate Army desperately fight the defending S.S.R. military in a bid to reach the Southron Social Republic's capitol.
"However, despite this major effort by the Confederate military that has the international community on edge, perhaps even more so than the current war in Mesopotamia, as both combatants are armed with nuclear weapons, and more states look to be dragged into this conflict with the political landscape of the divided North American continent as strung together by rivalry and revanchism as it is.
"We can only watch and wai--hold on. T-this just in. We're receiving confirmation that the Confederate...yes, Confederate forces are using chemical weapons, yes, I say that with solemn certainty, chemical weapons against Southron Social Republic combatants in the Baton Rouge area in an attempt to break the stalemate in the bogs of Louisiana. It is yet unconfirmed as to what classification this chemical gas is, but a large area of effect is seen in this video we have obtained from the rooftops of Baton Rouge.
"Truly a frightening sight. We can only pray that the civilians are exiting the area as soon as possible. The numbers are only increasing as we receive word on the casualties, and at the moment, the figure can only be guessed.
"This is war, Britons, a final gamble to grasp victory from the jaws of defeat by the old Dixie guard lodged in Havana, and it is dangerously close to becoming something further. Stay tuned the rest of our time here for continuous updates on this new war between the two Southron governments, vying for the ultimate prize: survival."
A rare photograph of the V.D.I.'s leader, Ralf Hitler, waving an altered North German Federation flag in Berlin at a rally. Little did he know how far his group would come.
BERLIN, A.P. - An explosion occurred at a crowded morning market in Stuttgart, capital of the Kingdom of Württemberg within the South German Confederation. Twelve people were killed and 33 were injured, some in the subsequent stampede as shoppers fled the area. The incident would attract international attention and prompted hospital visits from both the Kaiser and from Württemberg's own King Karl. Although suspicion immediately fell upon Venetian nationalists none yet claimed responsibility and it seemed, perhaps, as if the perpetrators might elude the long arm of the law.
This was not so.
Following a tip provided by a helpful anonymous caller, the Generaldirektion für die öffentliche Sicherheit or, in English, the Directorate General for the Public Security, re-focused their efforts on a particularly violent little gang known as the Volksfront für die Großdeutsche Idee -- Popular Front for the Greater German Idea. A vulgar band of bank-robbers and petty thugs hiding under a veneer of ideology the Front had been on the government's radar for years without anyone taking action: they simply weren't deemed so high a risk that it was worth spending money. At the tipster's urging however the Directorate plumbed deep into what they could find of the V.D.I.'s money trail.
What they found was a trail leading back to none other than Berlin itself. With the help of investigators from the Ministry of Finance, evidence was found that the V.D.I. had benefited from a considerable amount of funds originally belonging to Schmidtt und Fraunk Solutions Inc., a shadowy jack-of-all-trades conglomerate that had long been known to be a front for the North German Federation government by the South German Confederation's intelligence community. Further investigation -- after they'd put the squeeze on the more law-abiding segments of the pan-German movement the pieces quickly came together -- eventually unveiled the entire sordid scheme: Berlin had paid to anonymously smuggle weapons and cash into the South German Confederation in a bid to strengthen the Greater German cause within the Confederation. The North German Federation had essentially murdered over a dozen South German citizens in their own country.
Announcing these findings in a televised press conference today on the steps of the Hofburg, the Confederal German government immediately opted for a show of strength as the entire Confederation bayed for Northern German blood. Orders from Vienna placed elements of the army on high alert and rushed troops to reinforce mobilised home armies in Baden, Bavaria, and Bohemia while the Kaiser summoned his cabinet and his fellow monarchs to an emergency meeting at the Schloss Schönbrunn.
The dark clouds of war gather over Europe as the international community reels over such astonishing acts of aggression by the North German government. The next few days, it seemed, will determine the fate of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of German lives.
Clips from a series of educational videos on usage of the 'Infonet', a system simultaneously described as 'a series of tubes', 'the informational autobahn', and 'the future'.
Diplomats meet with the leadership of the Confederation of the Equator and the Republic of Bahia to assess their interest in deepening economic and military ties between our fellow lusófonos nations.
North Germany Mobilizes
North Germany in response to South Germany military movements and mobilization North Germany mobilizes the reserves and begins there own troop movements to the South German border as the military high command prepares for the possibility of war.
Political Situation in the South German Confederation
The Hofburg
The South German Confederation was born in the aftermath of the disastrous 1937 Augsleich that saw the independence of the Kingdoms of Hungary and Croatia from the existing Austro-Hungarian Empire (and the collapse of said empire). Such a massive political realignment laid the foundation for the nascent state. At its core, it is a loose federal union between several states, the Empire of Austria, the Kingdom of Bohemia, the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia, the Kingdom of Bavaria, the Grand Duchy of Baden, and the Kingdom of Wurrtemburg. Each state has broad level regional autonomy, with their own individual constitutions and Landtags. Though the overarching Ministries of War, Finance, and Foreign Affairs are solely the providence of the Federal Government, and after the disaster of the Hungarian Secession, the Armed Forces are completely centralized (though many Brigades still maintain strong regional ties to their traditional recruitment posts).
The Central Government is headed by the Habsburg family, whose head both serves as the Emperor of Austria, but also the Hereditary President of the Confederation. Beneath him, is the Reichsrat a bicameral legislature split between the popularly-elected lower house and an upper House of Lords, which gives the multitude of noble families in the Confederation their main source of political power. The Reichsrat headed by the Chancellor, who serves as the Head of Government and is elected by the Reichsrat. The Kaiser maintains significant political leeway, with the power to unilaterally remove the Chancellor and Reichsrat and force a new election (though that power has only been exercised twice since the foundation of the Confederation).
Constitutionally, the Confederation's national constitution is largely an outgrowth of the now-defunct Austro-Hungarian Empire's constitution. It grants large amounts of regional autonomy to the various member states of the Confederation, though it does enshrine various political rights that the State Constitutions are mandated to also respect. The Constitution itself is something of a political chimera, owing mostly to its origins in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it is incredibly progressive in some senses (it recognizes both Islam and Judaism as official religions of the Confederation and women are afforded some level of voting rights) and political conservative in others (the large amounts of unilateral authority the Habsburg family possess as the foremost example).
Politically, the two main parties in the Reichsrat are large conglomerates of many regional parties, though they have roughly coalesced along two axis. The OPV and the PFO.
The OPV: The OPV is the principle right-wing political party in the South German Confederation, and is mostly carried by its constituent parties in the Kingdom of Bavaria and Empire of Austria. It tends to be socially conservative and fiscally tied to many of the largest business conglomerates in the Confederation. In terms of foreign policy it tends to be fairly pro-German, though the often anti-papist nature of the Pan-German movement often grinds against the strongly Catholic character of the OPV. In general, the OVP can be counted on to provide a strongly pro-business, pro-nobility and pro-military voice in the Government. However, it is often seen as the vessel by which Austria and Bavaria exercise their dominion over the rest of the Confederation.
The PFO:The PFO is the largest social democratic party in the Confederation and has its strongest foothold in the cities of the Confederation, and especially Bohemia. Which gives the PFO a strong Czech wing. Generally socially liberal and pro-labour, the PFO tends to be significantly more fractured than the OPV (which some would say would hamper its ability to contest the OPV in elections, which would be true, but PFO accusations of OPV malfeasance are not without merit either). Especially between the Centralization Wing of the PFO common in many of the German-speaking portions of the Confederation and the Czech Wing which opposes further centralization efforts and vigorously aims to enforce Czech dominance of the Kingdom of Bohemia (a source of considerable strife with the Kingdom's German-speaking minority). It is this split that led to the fall of the last PFO government, and one that shows no sign of healing.
The Venetian Question:
However, one of the biggest political crises (at least until the events of the past few weeks) in the Confederation is what to do about the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia. On paper, the Kingdom is in a prosperous state. They have their language rights, elected government, are probably one of the wealthiest parts of Europe, are protected from the designs of the Savoyards to impose their language and dysfunctional administration on them, and are rather notably the same religion as the rest of the Federation. Italians have long been one of the most favored cultural groups in Habsburg territory, and that has not changed.
However, underneath that picture lies a very ugly reality. There are numerous secessionist parties through Venetia (Lombardy and Milan meanwhile are far more unionist in temperament), though in reality there are little more than fronts for many of Sicily's most brutal crime families who are exploiting the deep and widespread corruption in the Venetian government to try and seize complete control. Efforts by the National Police to stymie these crime organizations has largely been met with several decades of failure, and even the deployment of military units has largely failed to stem the tide of political violence.
Europe's First Family:
Meanwhile, the Habsburg family continues to enjoy a distinguished aura amongst the various noble families of Europe. Kaiser Frederick von Habsburg has led the Confederation for decades, and even now in the twilight of his reign is seen as an almost untouchable political figure. However, he has largely attempted to keep the family viewed as largely non-political actors acting only in the Confederation's best interest. Such as the way he has largely abstained from exercising many of his constitutional granted powers to unilaterally steer the nation.
Now though many eyes turn to his only child and heiress the Archduchess Andrea von Habsburg. A former model and tabloid icon in her (rebellious) youth, the middle-aged woman has morphed into a formidable and controversial politician in her own right as she matured. The Archduchess has attracted many followers with her strong nationalist rhetoric, though her anti-North German, avowed feminist and soft Centralist viewpoints have riled their fair share of detractors as well. Though recent events have only strengthened her position, though only time will tell if she manages to capitalize off of the current political climate or not.
The Military:
Situated as it was on the very forefront of the Great Game, the South German Confederation maintained a large and professional standing army. Though the army was under absolute central control (avoid any repeat of the Honved assisting with the Secession of the Kingdom of Hungary) many of its combat brigades have long and storied histories dating back centuries and strong regional ties to their traditional recruiting regions. Also unique was the vast pool of potential conscripts that the Confederation kept as a potential reserve should the Great Game devolve into open warfare, kept semi-active where the contingents would receive several weeks of military training every three years on a rotating cycle.
The South German Confederation is also one of the nuclear-armed powers, though it maintains only tactical missile detachments, and lacks strategic deployment capabilities, and their threat is contained to only the local central european area.
The Škoda Works F1 Jaeger, the latest addition to the Bundesheer
However, with the conclusion of the Great Game there was initially many calls for a draw-down and reorganization of the Bundesheer. Since although there were existing tensions, they paled in comparison to the tensions of the Great Game, and the reprieve would allow the Reichsrat to free up valuable funds and reorient the Bundesheer to more modern concerns. However, with recent events that growing movement has been stopped in tracks before it could actually accomplishment much more than they a few potential budget cuts.
The terror attack in Stuttgart sent shockwaves through the Confederation. Surely, people knew that tensions were rising between the Two Germanies, but it was an issue removed from the average person on the street and largely seen as a secondary concern to those in the halls of power.
The murder of South German citizens on South German soil changed all the equations. The pro-military faction of the Reichsrat, floundering without the Terrifying Specter of the Tsar to rail against, found themselves a new Great Enemy. All throughout the country people were (justifiably) outraged. Even the normally dovish PFO contigent saying that something must be done.
A Statement by the Government of the South Germany Confederation @ChaoticGenius, All Other European Nations
The South German Confederation condemns in the strongest possible terms the hostile and completely unprovoked attack on the Confederation committed by the agents of the V.D.I. Their crimes against innocent Confederation citizens, some of whom were mere children, goes against the very foundational concept of what the Confederation stands for.
Worse yet, their heinous crimes were aided and abetted by the government of the North German Federation. We have clear and convincing evidence linking the weapons used by the V.D.I to enact their attack to the coffers of the North German state. Such a hostile and unprovoked attack on the Confederation will not, and cannot, go unanswered.
We ask that all other nations in Europe see this naked and senseless attack for what it is and condemn the regime currently ruling from Berlin. We wished for nothing but amicable and friendly relations with our North German brethren, but this attack shows that the North German Federation is a threat to the stability of the whole of Europe.
From: South German Confederation
To: North German Federation @Cybandeath
The South German Confederation demands the immediate and unconditional extradition of the governing leadership of Schmidtt und Fraunk Solutions Inc. to stand trial and answer for their cold-blooded murder of 12 Confederation citizens. This unprovoked act of aggression against the Confederation cannot be left unanswered.
(OOC: most of this was written before the update so might as well post it)
A Statement by the Government of the South Germany Confederation @ChaoticGenius, All Other European Nations
The South German Confederation condemns in the strongest possible terms the hostile and completely unprovoked attack on the Confederation committed by the agents of the V.D.I. Their crimes against innocent Confederation citizens, some of whom were mere children, goes against the very foundational concept of what the Confederation stands for.
Worse yet, their heinous crimes were aided and abetted by the government of the North German Federation. We have clear and convincing evidence linking the weapons used by the V.D.I to enact their attack to the coffers of the North German state. Such a hostile and unprovoked attack on the Confederation will not, and cannot, go unanswered.
We ask that all other nations in Europe see this naked and senseless attack for what it is and condemn the regime currently ruling from Berlin. We wished for nothing but amicable and friendly relations with our North German brethren, but this attack shows that the North German Federation is a threat to the stability of the whole of Europe.
From: South German Confederation
To: North German Federation @Cybandeath
The South German Confederation demands the immediate and unconditional extradition of the governing leadership of Schmidtt und Fraunk Solutions Inc. to stand trial and answer for their cold-blooded murder of 12 Confederation citizens. This unprovoked act of aggression against the Confederation cannot be left unanswered.
(OOC: most of this was written before the update so might as well post it)
North German Official Response Communique
This attack is not in any form condoned by the North German Government, however, we would ask for what crimes would the private citizens of Shmidtt und Fraunk Solutions stand accused of committing? This is by and large left unclear by the Confederations demand unless the South German government is accusing North German Citizens of having a direct part in murder.
North German Official Response Communique
This attack is not in any form condoned by the North German Government, however, we would ask for what crimes would the private citizens of Shmidtt und Fraunk Solutions stand accused of committing? This is by and large left unclear by the Confederations demand unless the South German government is accusing North German Citizens of having a direct part in murder.
South German Official Response Communique
We have direct and clear evidence showing that Shmidtt und Fraunk Solutions helped funnel arms and munitions to the terrorist organization V.D.I.. These munitions were then used to carry out the attack in Stuttgart. Furthermore, this evidence indicates that this transfer was undertaken with the full knowledge, and at the behest, of the North German government. Because of these actions, twelve Confederation citizens lie dead, and dozens injured.
South German Official Response Communique
We have direct and clear evidence showing that Shmidtt und Fraunk Solutions helped funnel arms and munitions to the terrorist organization V.D.I.. These munitions were then used to carry out the attack in Stuttgart. Furthermore, this evidence indicates that this transfer was undertaken with the full knowledge, and at the behest, of the North German government. Because of these actions, twelve Confederation citizens lie dead, and dozens injured.
Again the North German government had no hand in this incident, did not condone the actions taken, and the South German government statement does not clarify what exactly the crimes North German private citizens would be accused of murder? arson? tax fraud? jaywalking? please clarify exactly the crimes our private citizens would be accused of by the South German Government and tried for if extradited as requested. Furthermore, this commented evidence is vague at best and we would like clarification on this evidence.
Name: Kingdom of Portugal Head of State: Afonso VII Head of Government: Basílio Horta Type of Government: Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy Capital: Lisboa Population:
Metropolitan Portugal - 10,120,437 people
Guinea - 1,017,000 people
Cape Verde - 381,000 people
Angola - 10,335,000 people
Mozambique - 14,451,900 people
Portuguese India - 1,550,000 people
Timor - 750,000 people
Macao - 455,700 people
Currency: Portuguese Real
Economic Status:
- Thriving
- Portugal is one of Europe's richest states, boasting a high GDP, near total literacy (in Angola and Mozambique as well) and a fairly stable political system that has high confidence amongst its sprawling population. Its heavy ties with its formal colonial empire in South America further allow it to spread its influence and develop its economy with access to cheap manufactured goods and raw materials.
- The Portuguese Armed forces, by virtue of having to put down Eastern Bloc armed and instigated militant groups and uprisings in its far flung colonies, has become exceptionally experienced in counter-insurgency operations, with much of their forces specifically trained in dealing with it and a large portion of their lighter ships being adapted for brown-water navy work, sailing upriver to bombard rebels.
40,000 military, 2,500 civilians
Number of Reserves: 60,000 (Demobilized)
Number of Tanks
50 Leopard Tanks (Built mostly in North Germany)
150 M60 A3 TTS
60 Challenger Tanks
150 Chaimite II APC's
90 Chaimite I APC's
Decent size Artillery
4 Light/Helicopter Carriers (HMS Vasco da Game and HMS Pedro Alvares Cabral and 2 others)
5 Destroyers
20 Frigates (Mostly Vasco da Gama Class) - The far ranging, speedy workhorse of the Portuguese fleet
10 Corvettes - Escorts to the frigates or leader of patrol boats
25 Patrol Boats mostly used for River and Coastal Patrolling - Seeing use in the Congo zone
Various Support Ships
8 Albacora Submarines
Air Force:
30 Fighters Planes
36 Carrier Based
60 Fixed Wing Attack Aircraft
120 Transport Copters
150 Helicopters
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Alliance with the United Kingdom
Member of the European Concordant
Member of the World Congress
Member of the Global Investment Bank
Trade with the GESPs
Selling Weapons to Japan and the Philippines
It has been several decades since Margriet Francisca of the Benelux House Orange-Nassau married Dom Afonso VII, and their union has been largely harmonious and viewed positively by Portugal at large, Dona Margriet spending much of her time on various healthcare and humanitarian causes. However, her campaigning for women's rights and a greater female presence in the workforce has earned her some enemies among the conservative elements of the government.
High level talks between India and Portugal are revealed to have borne fruit earlier this week, with military forces along the Portuguese-Indian borders being drastically reduced in size and scale, and Portuguese businesses incentivized to trade with and invest into the subcontinent by the Portuguese government.
In an effort to strengthen burgeoning diplomatic ties, some sort of Portuguese royal visit seems to be in the works for later in the year.
A project that had been running quietly in the background for several years, the smooth launch of the Galileo Space Telescope early in 1992 sent tremors throughout the astronomic community.
A joint project between Britain and Portugal, the Galileo while not the first of its kind, is the premier device, and allows for images and fidelity never achieved before, advancing Earth's study of the stars by several strides. Time on the telescope is currently hotly contested within the scientific community.
It is hoped within the Portuguese government that this partnership will continue into more expensive proposals like a network of Global Positioning Satellites, which would have a wide range of uses, both civilian and military.
With the success of the Galileo Project, the Portuguese government feels more confident, and has greenlit the proposed internet satellite, a completely domestic space project, in light of the growing popularity of this "Infonet" phenomenon.
Elements within the space agency are also instructed to reach out to their French (@Gamelin) and British counterparts for a proposed network of weather satellites to cover the entire globe, for early warning of disasters like hurricanes and academic meteorology studies.
Name: The Empire of Mexico Head of State: Emperor Maximillian Iturbide Head of Government: Prime Minister Carlos Salinas de Gortari Type of Government: Habsburg Constitutionalism Population: 117,836,000
Capital: Mexico City
Internal Events:
-With the confirmed use of WMDs by the Confederacy and the sudden upswing in Nationalist activity the Emperor has decided he needed to eliminate one of the potential avenues of attack to his rule. Accordingly he has agreed to broad raft of reforms decreasing press censoring and increasing freedom of assembly. He has also confirmed talks are underway betweent he government the Conservatives and the Liberals aout possible removal of the weighted franchise.
Economic Status:
-Mexico, though possessing rich natural resources, has long suffered developmental problems due to its dependence on heavy taxes on the upper classes to maintain the military. These taxes are tolerated due to the extensive privileges given to the nation's elite. Given that the Emperor needs the support of both the Upper Classes and the Military to maintain his power and benefiting one will likely damage his relations with the other, many fear for the Mexico's long term future...
-The Mexican military, faced with the certain probability of a war in the underdeveloped lands of Northern Mexico, has long favored a strong airforce to harass enemy incursion and to wage strategic strikes against major enemy installations, such as the US Pacific Fleet at Vancouver or Confederate forts across Texas. The Navy and Army have been considered secondary defensive weapons to pin the enemy while logistical strikes wear them down. The sole exception is the Army of Rio Grande, which bears a formidable armored section for proposed rapid advanced into Texas aided by airborne cavalry.
Active Duty: 1,178,000
Reserves: 4,713,000 (Demobilized)
Tanks: 3,930
1 Aircraft Carrier
20 Attack Subs
8 Cruisers
25 Destroyers
Air Force:
40 Strategic Bombers
200 Air Superiority Fighters
300 Multirole Fighters
200 Ground Attack Fighters
500 Helicopters
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
To: All, especially American States and Great Britain @ByzantineCaesar@Arthur Frayn@ChaoticGenius@Maugan Ra@DonFitz@FightinFrenchman@Secretariat@Heavy W. Guy
The Empire of Mexico condemns Confederate annexations in Central America and its use of chemical weapons against the SSR. Accordingly we recognize the SSR as the legitimate Southern government as well as the governments of Texas, Kentucky, and Tennessee. We are withholding recognition of Virginia due to its hostile actions. We also formally announce mobilization is underway as a preventative measure against aggression.
Breaking News:
Emperor Akihito To United Kingdom Next
His Majesty The Emperor is going to London today as part of his grand tour of Europe.
The Emperor Commented while in mid flight that he is very excited to renew the long friendship between his nation and and the United Kingdom.
(Want to Write This @Maugan Ra ?)
Although somewhat overshadowed by more dramatic developments in foreign lands, the Japanese Emperor's visit to the United Kingdom was still a spectacle of historic magnitude. A full State Visit was arranged, with parades and public appearances and all manner of social events attended by the great and good of the Commonwealth and her allies, while the BBC ran a full program of educational documentaries on Japan's history, culture and present circumstances. At every turn the attitude was one of respect and cultural exchange; the United Kingdom, First Among Equals, treating with their peer from the far side of the world.
Behind the scenes, more pragmatic negotiations took place, mostly concerned with smoothing over certain regulatory hiccups between the Co-Prosperity Sphere and the more Western-dominated trade order that Britain had established. There was also talk of a shared space program, with British aid being provided to various Asian countries to help develop their satellite infrastructure for the new age.
(OoC: Apologies for the delay, there has been a lot of stuff going on and I entirely missed that this had been posted)
TO: The Domestic Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
FROM: The Domestic Office of the Dominion of the West Indies
On behalf of the Government of the Dominion of the West Indies, I express our appreciation of 10 Downing's awareness of the issues that are currently afflicting our homes. We would welcome any assistance to remedy this situation.
We will not be able to retain many of these refugees for long regardless of the assistance provided. I suggest an effort be made to resolve the problem at the root, otherwise this will continue for far longer than amenable to the Dominion or local nations friendly with the Commonwealth.
The Foreign Office pledges that they shall do all that they can to stabilise the situation in the Americas, so that the displaced populations can return home as swiftly as possible. Such assurances have grown somewhat more terse after recent actions by the Confederacy of Southron America.
"This is All India Radio with the morning headlines. Yesterday Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs Lakshman Samir announced the planned partial privatization of various state owned industries to the Lok Sabha. The plan, called Invest In India would see stakes up to forty nine percent in all state owned industries listed on the Kolkata Stock Exchange and various international stock exchanges. The only state owned corporation that would not be listed would be the National Defense Corporation since it is related to the nation's security. Minister Samir called upon all of India's citizens to invest in the nation's corporations which allow them to become more profitable and more efficient. International investors both large and small would also be allowed to purchase stock in Indian corporations.
A substantial number of investors from Britain's private sector have expressed an interest in this program, though the government itself is remaining officially uninvolved save for providing legal advice to Indian and British businesses alike on how to best arrange a solid and enduring partnership.
Very well then. We cordially invite a representative from the United Kingdom to observe our upcoming constitutional convention, and to renegotiate those relationships which her majesty's government wishes to retain.
We fully recognize the loss of status for Anglophone settlers of South Africa. However, given the losses suffered by our own at the hands of Rhodes, or even those suffered by the Kleurlinge Afrikaaners, have gone unanswered, we must continue.
We look forward to seeing you in the Congo, and perhaps your intervention there will truly advance the virtues you claim
Her Majesty's Government consents to send a representative to this convention. The diplomat chosen mostly opts to watch in private reservations, but does make a single fact abundantly clear - the British will not and cannot tolerate an effective stripping of rights from Commonwealth citizens, even (especially!) if their home nation intends to leave the Commonwealth itself.
If there are to be any kind of trade agreements or economic partnerships between South Africa and the rest of the Commonwealth, at a bare minimum this 'draft' must be extended to cover the English-speaking population as well. If this is not done, Britain will not recognise the new government as legitimate, with all attendant economic, military and legal consequences.
From: Third Hellenic Civilization
To: Great Britain @Maugan Ra
We have grown concerned by the Greek peoples living on the island of Cyprus. We would ask that your majesty consider allowing a referendum to take place among the people there to see if they would wish to return to Greece. British military bases would be more than acceptable on the island but the people of the island would be administered by the Greek government. We do not wish to challenge Great Britain but we want to ensure the best for our people.
The Ivano-Franiysk and Lviv Oilfields are being opened for Foreign Investment. We have up to 45 percent of shares in the Companies exploiting the fields for sale.
The British Government makes no secret of its interest in these oil fields and associated companies - if the Ukrainians are willing to sell, then Britain shall buy, and be likewise open to other investments in the future (as well as extending economic and military protection over its new partner as requested).
"We interrupt this broadcast with a special announcement that the Confederacy of Southron America has launched an attack on the Southron Social Republic. This news comes after tanks were seen crossing the border of the state of Florida from within the C.S.A. into the claimed territory of the S.S.R., and soon after, similar efforts were made from New Orleans.
"The Confederate embassies have refused contact, no matter how desperate, from other nations hoping to avert a last minute disaster, but there appears to be no hope in salvaging the situation, as fighting engulfs the Georgian coast, and Confederate troops are reported to be marching on their way to the city of Baton Rouge and Birmingham as fast as possible before the weight of the international community inevitably comes crashing down on them.
"Street fighting between local law enforcement and the pro-Confederate militias has taken many lives excluding the casualties from the war itself, and the already uncertain situation in the Southron Social Republic seems even chaotic as order on the front appears to collapse, with armored columns arching steadily up through the Georgian coast and infantry units of the Confederate Army desperately fight the defending S.S.R. military in a bid to reach the Southron Social Republic's capitol.
"However, despite this major effort by the Confederate military that has the international community on edge, perhaps even more so than the current war in Mesopotamia, as both combatants are armed with nuclear weapons, and more states look to be dragged into this conflict with the political landscape of the divided North American continent as strung together by rivalry and revanchism as it is.
"We can only watch and wai--hold on. T-this just in. We're receiving confirmation that the Confederate...yes, Confederate forces are using chemical weapons, yes, I say that with solemn certainty, chemical weapons against Southron Social Republic combatants in the Baton Rouge area in an attempt to break the stalemate in the bogs of Louisiana. It is yet unconfirmed as to what classification this chemical gas is, but a large area of effect is seen in this video we have obtained from the rooftops of Baton Rouge.
"Truly a frightening sight. We can only pray that the civilians are exiting the area as soon as possible. The numbers are only increasing as we receive word on the casualties, and at the moment, the figure can only be guessed.
"This is war, Britons, a final gamble to grasp victory from the jaws of defeat by the old Dixie guard lodged in Havana, and it is dangerously close to becoming something further. Stay tuned the rest of our time here for continuous updates on this new war between the two Southron governments, vying for the ultimate prize: survival."
Public Statement from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Her Majesty's government condemns the actions of the Confederacy of Southron Americans in the strongest possible terms. The use of chemical warfare agents in this circumstance is not to be tolerated by any civilised nation, and the utter disregard demonstrated by the Confederacy to the democratically expressed wishes of its former territories is intolerable. The United Kingdom will not stand by and let this atrocity continue unabated, and hereby issues a formal demand to the Confederacy; cease your aggressive campaign and withdraw from those territories which do not wish to be ruled from Havana, or suffer the consequences.
(@Arrow - Shortly thereafter, reports come in that the Third Carrier Battlegroup of the Royal Navy has begun advancing on the Nicarugan Canal. Demands radioed from local Confederate forces are responded to thusly; we do not recognise your claims to these waters. Withdraw, or be destroyed.
It becomes quite clear that Britain is determined not to fire the first shot... but that they are also presenting the Confederacy with the choice of actively engaging British forces in military conflict, or backing down entirely.)
The Third Hellenic Civilization strongly condemns the actions undertaken by terrorists in Europe and the aggressive actions taken in Central America. We call for a peaceful solution and offer Athens as a neutral ground from which to negotiate.
Announcement by the Third Hellenic Civilization
The Hellenic military will be launching drills in the Aegean and East Macedonia and Thrace. All sea and air traffic will be notified as to avoid potentially hazardous conditions.
Private Operations
Security operations will continue to ensure that suspect populations are deemed safe. @ChaoticGenius
From: Third Hellenic Civilization
To: Northern Germany @Cybandeath
We are greatly concerned about this escalating situation. We assume that this will put a delay on wargame exercises for the near future. We still offer officers to come and assist in the training and education in mountain warfare as a show of our intent of friendship.
From: Third Hellenic Civilization
To: Southern Germany @Crilltic
We are greatly concerned by the growing escalation between yourself and Northern Germany. We would like to ensure that trade does not become obstructed in the Adriatic Sea. We would like to express our condolences for the lives lost in the terrorist attack. We believe now more than ever is a good time to warm relations between our nations.