If we ever play with Benjen, we as Lyanna will note that the more you point someone toward easy mode the less likely they are to take it, while discouraging people from it and making things balanced gets masses of speculation as to the best exploits. :D I was inspired in large part by "A Conneticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court", so I wanted to see what people in the situation can reasonably logic their way to. (Instead of high-tech future knowledge)

The Targaryens are the ruling dynasty. Hearing rumours about the Stark daughter dominating the North and major changes in agriculture, communications, military, etc. will inevitably draw their curiosity if not scrutiny, most likely by the time we're 19 or so (so about Turn 60). After that, well, who knows what might happen?
C, I think the biggest thing is put those as tutorial tips instead of exploits.
So I think it's half terminology, half expectations/Quest design still.

Let me preface this by saying I apologize if I come off as a jerk at all, that is not my intent. I just want to try and get things laid out and clarified now as opposed to someone (players or the GM) being unhappy 10 turns in and throwing their hands up and walking away.

The problem as I perceive it still is that you seem to have a very strong idea in mind already of how the Quest 'should' be played and seemingly what you want to see. This is in-line with supposed easy-mode route, with pre-plotted Stations of Canon-esque complications, and how you already seem to have set Learning up as the god stat. (re: the second--why have you already made assumptions/given as fiat that the Targaryens will get to hear rumors about Lyanna doing stuff? What if we vote a heavy Intrigue build and our strategy is to work everything in the background under someone else's authority and keep out of the spotlight entirely?

Hmm...maybe an allegory will help illustrate this better.

Let us say that you are a SI inserted into a work you are familiar with. As far as you can tell everything is as you expect it to be given the work in question. The story has some trials and tribulations but in the end the Canon ending has pretty much everyone have a happy ending. So, reasonably, what should you do? There's a reasonable argument to make that the safest thing to do is simply play your part and let the Canon story play out, damn any idea of making changes, no matter how 'boring' it is from a meta-standpoint.

That, in some sense, is the dilemma you have already given us by roadmapping out 60 turns. So...why are we playing? (As I said, should this be a Quest? Are you sure you didn't just want to write that?) Now, there's also a lot of confusion with how you keep characterizing all of those as either loopholes or exploits, so I'm getting some serious mixed-messages with regard to what kind of actions we actually should be doing here.
(re: the second--why have you already made assumptions/given as fiat that the Targaryens will get to hear rumors about Lyanna doing stuff? What if we vote a heavy Intrigue build and our strategy is to work everything in the background under someone else's authority


That, in some sense, is the dilemma you have already given us by roadmapping out 60 turns. So...why are we playing? (As I said, should this be a Quest? Are you sure you didn't just want to write that?) Now, there's also a lot of confusion with how you keep characterizing all of those as either loopholes or exploits, so I'm getting some serious mixed-messages with regard to what kind of actions we actually should be doing here.

I pointed out one possible path (which is supposedly easy mode). You suggested trying another approach which is probably even easier. This is good. Intrigue does open doors... However it's kind of hard to permanently hide a bunch of semaphore towers, improving army doctrines, building a Navy, etc. So the bigger your improvements are, the shorter the MTTH (Mean Time To Happen) is for drawing notice to the North in general, if not you in particular.
For all I know of the audience's preferences, we could also go Martial+Intrigue and go Jianghu/Wuxia plot.

The real question is how to balance Learning stat (and therefore many of our stat gain rates) with making concrete, material advancements. After all, the (desired) objective is in the title: Become Empress of Westeros, if not more than Westeros. And the intro kind of sets the tone for advancement, and the many listed weaknesses of the North demand development in Stewardship and other stats.
Then there's the under-the-hood mechanics that I devised, which means raising Learning is easiest to do when very young, before becoming harder later. THAT is why I'm rather pushy about Learning.

I'm claiming spamming tech-ups is an exploit in the same sense that Svipjod (Sweden) in CK2 can cheese Raise Tribal Army in such a way (never be at peace so that the armies never disband) as to have more available troops than Charles AKA Charlemagne (even presuming Carloman dies of poor health and Middle Francia gets swallowed by West Francia) by year 785 or earlier (game start in 769) and not even go bankrupt.
As for how you actually play? You can do it any way you wish.
(Tutorial) Turn 2: Months 7-9, 267 AC, summer-winter
A/N: Remember, it's short-long for season notation. I will now go back and remove the over-detailed exploit strategies from earlier.


The Vote has spoken: Tutorial tips and such end after Turn 4, except when a completely new interface shows up for the first time (e.g. battle interface).
We have also voted on what new Projects are available in Turn 2. See below to see our options and vote on course of action from here on.

Tutorial Tip, Turn 2 Start: Improving stats changes differently in difficulty as time passes, but none of them get easier to learn as you get older. On the other hand, trait acquisition or evolution does get easier as you get older.

Turn 2: Months 7-9, 267 AC, summer-winter

Diplomacy: 1 + 1 + 3 = 5
Martial: 0 + 3 = 3
Stewardship: 1 + 3 + 3*1 = 7
Intrigue: 0 + 3 + 2*1 = 5
Learning: 3 + 3 + 1 = 7
Health: 5.064

Attractive (+1 DIP, +30 Attraction)
Quick (+3 all, can evolve to Genius—conditions unknown at present—or be lost)

Childhood Traits: (evolution conditions unknown at present, +/- show effects on rolls when trying to gain points, such as trying to gain Learning getting a +1 roll bonus from +LRN)
Idolizer (+1 LRN, +LRN/-MAR, will evolve to Erudite)
Curious (+1 STE, +DIP, will evolve to Shrewd)
Conscientious (+1 STE, +STE, will evolve to Diligent)
Willful (+1 INT, +MAR/-DIP, will evolve to Ambitious)
Brooding (+1 INT, +STE/-LRN, will evolve to Just)
Fussy (+1 STE, +INT/-DIP, will evolve to Patient)

Currently, you count as personally involved in ALL your projects due to how minor and local they are, so you affect (penalize for now) the success chance of all of them. However, their base success chances are quite high for the early projects.

Remember to pay attention to the order of selected projects, as they do affect one another.

Current Advisor Roster:
DIP: None
MAR: Rodrik Cassel (Spare-Time, Effective Martial 40% rounded up, 12 out of 28)
STE: Vayon Poole (Part-Time, Stewardship 70% rounded up, 14 out of 19)
INT: None
LRN: Maester Luwin (Spare-Time, Effective Learning 40% rounded up, 12 out of 29)

Parental Tolerance: 2 Turns

Project slots this turn: 3 (2.7 plus rolled 5)

  • Follow Father: observe how he interacts with his vassals and others in general.
  • Brandon and Eddard: Spend more time with your older brothers. Improves relations with Brandon and Eddard in the long run. The earlier you do this activity, the better the effect in the long run.
  • Benjen: Spend time with the baby, because negotiating with adult nobles is often like negotiating with (badly spoilt and entitled, though Benjen fails both of these) babies. Raises relations with Benjen and the rest of the family in general. May increase Parental Tolerance immediately (as opposed to by accumulated successes). The earlier you do this, the better the long-term effect (just like bonding with Brandon and Eddard).
Unfortunately, since the weather has warmed somewhat (it IS still Long Winter, but Short Summer means the temperature outside is at least well above freezing), the boys' sparring sessions and play-fighting has moved out into the courtyard. This is an immediate problem for you, since being spotted (a much greater risk outdoors) brawling with your brothers will not impress your parents, nor will it amuse Rodrik. So you sought a more indoor activity as a result, maybe learning how weapons are kept functional will help with your ambitions and any ideas you might have?

  • Exercise: Improves general health, has a (currently puny) chance of acquiring "Brawny" trait (+1 DIP, +2 MIL, +5 attraction, +5 vassal, +5 tribal, +1 personal combat skill)
  • Basic Weapons Maintenance: How are weapons taken care of? Details in Interlude.
  • Go Hunting: Further research possible. Details in Interlude
  • Follow Mother: observe how she administers the castle's affairs.
  • Study Numeracy: Further research possible. May increase Luwin and Poole's employment level
  • Study Textiles: Further research possible. May increase Luwin and Poole's employment level.
  • Aftermaths: Gives (limited) insight as to further research options that a given project can lead to.
  • Situation Reader: Discover estimated base success chance of projects (not very important at present due to usually high base chances).
  • Combo Reader: Discover possible bonus effects between projects conducted at the same time, or benefits to other tech branches in general.
You decided to approach your parents about how you got lots of information from Luwin, Cassel and Poole on the various topics you asked about last time, but failed to grasp most of it. You inform them that you'd like to study the art of learning things with Maester Luwin so that you can learn things better. Your parents agree to this prospect, probably since they hoped you wouldn't rope quite so much of the castle into your learning efforts compared to the general study you tried last season…

  • (Permanent option) File Trawling: Who knows what you might find there among the dust? (Currently locked due to lack of Forgotten Projects)
  • Learning to Learn: Improves base Learning, with elevated chance of gaining traits favouring Learning during this project. Luwin will be assigned as a part-time helper in this project, but his employment level is unlikely to be permanently increased.
  • Investigate Falling Objects: Further research possible. May increase Luwin's employment level.
  • Investigate Combustion: Further research possible. May increase Luwin's employment level.
Guardian54 threw 9 100-faced dice. Total: 435
91 91 2 2 40 40 92 92 62 62 32 32 13 13 11 11 92 92
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[X] Plan relations and learning
-[x] Learning to Learn: Improves base Learning, with elevated chance of gaining traits favouring Learning during this project. Luwin will be assigned as a part-time helper in this project, but his employment level is unlikely to be permanently increased
-[x] Exercise: Improves general health, has a (currently puny) chance of acquiring "Brawny" trait (+1 DIP, +2 MIL, +5 attraction, +5 vassal, +5 tribal, +1 personal combat skill)
-[x] Benjen: Spend time with the baby, because negotiating with adult nobles is often like negotiating with (badly spoilt and entitled, though Benjen fails both of these) babies. Raises relations with Benjen and the rest of the family in general. May increase Parental Tolerance immediately (as opposed to by accumulated successes). The earlier you do this, the better the long-term effect (just like bonding with Brandon and Eddard).

Luwin is part time so +11 bonus to learning roll this turn, benzene for possible parental approval and exercise since that boosts health
I don't think full Turn results are up yet? We seem to be waiting for the Interlude at least?
I don't think full Turn results are up yet? We seem to be waiting for the Interlude at least?

I hope the new brief tips are to your liking?

Because we didn't score a major success or better while spending time with Brandon and Eddard, there was no interlude there (btw the base fail chance for that was 10%, major success is being over by 25+). We spent some time hanging out with our brothers, but nothing really interesting happened...

Because of how average our time exercising was (no significant successes, also no crit fail), there was no interlude there either. We didn't have any major insights nor get sufficiently stronger to make a difference (e.g. +1 MAR), and we didn't end up setting our body on the path to being brawny.

For the learning, well, it was unspectacular but without any crit fails, and since we did in fact get something out of it (e.g. we didn't have to check for Illness, Depression or Stress), there was no separate interlude there either.

Interludes get written for major successes (and even that doesn't always get an interlude if it doesn't sound interesting enough), large projects, battles, etc.
Otherwise it's just a brief passage in the Results page of a section (as opposed to "See Interlude X-Y through X-Z" or similar).

Sorry if I didn't clarify. It was why I specifically was hoping for someone to choose a major project while the Tutorial was still in effect, so that I could get some tips in on the dynamics of the interlude action system.
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I hope the new brief tips are to your liking?
Honestly, no, because again you are still doing very weird things with mixing terminology and expanding/contracting the wrong things (how are results tips??). You've gone completely laconic with giving basically no info for how things actually turned out, so how are we supposed to actually make effective decisions? I shouldn't have to interrogate you to find out the results of an action selected.

So you sought a more indoor activity as a result, maybe learning how weapons are kept functional will help with your ambitions and any ideas you might have?
This tells us literally nothing about how the action resolved other than "we did a thing".

Because of how average our time exercising was (no significant successes, also no crit fail), there was no interlude there either.
And we didn't pick exercise this turn, either, so...
This tells us literally nothing about how the action resolved other than "we did a thing".

And we didn't pick exercise this turn, either, so...

I think we are talking past each other.

Look closely at the Threadmarks.
Threadmark "Turn 1 Results" had short passages that explain how things went (with the dice rolls we got) in each of the three projects we did in Turn 1.
Then, at the end of "Turn 1 Results" I asked the audience what the new projects should be for turn 2, and your proposal for two new projects (MAR and LRN) won.

Threadmark "Turn 2 Start", which had short passages explaining how each of the new options we now have popped up (e.g. "because it's summer and the boys' sparring is moved outdoors, we can't afford being seen with them. Therefore our new choice is to study basic weapons maintenance").

We HAVE NOT YET voted on what activities we will pursue in Turn 2.

The "Tips" I put in now are near the very top of each bookmark.
I think we are talking past each other.

Look closely at the Threadmarks.
Threadmark "Turn 1 Results" had short passages that explain how things went (with the dice rolls we got) in each of the three projects we did in Turn 1.
Then, at the end of "Turn 1 Results" I asked the audience what the new projects should be for turn 2, and your proposal for two new projects (MAR and LRN) won.

Threadmark "Turn 2 Start", which had short passages explaining how each of the new options we now have popped up (e.g. "because it's summer and the boys' sparring is moved outdoors, we can't afford being seen with them. Therefore our new choice is to study basic weapons maintenance").

We HAVE NOT YET voted on what activities we will pursue in Turn 2.

The "Tips" I put in now are near the very top of each bookmark.
...okay, yeah, there is a definite gulf in perception between us. I will not speak for everyone in the thread but I am pretty sure that everyone thought that we had already just voted for Turn 2. I don't know why there would be a separate vote solely to get write-in projects entered into the list or why it would need a majority, both seem remarkably clunky.

If the vote previously was solely to get new projects in, perhaps you should have clarified that when everyone was voting full turn action plans. =/

I guess I will actually vote for real or something?

[X] Plan Off Script
-[X] Diplomacy - Benjen
-[X] Martial - Basic Weapons Maintenance
-[X] Learning - Learning to Learn
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I don't know why there would be a separate vote solely to get write-in projects entered into the list or why it would need a majority, both seem remarkably clunky.

If the vote previously was solely to get new projects in, perhaps you should have clarified that when everyone was voting full turn action plans. =/

Mea culpa.

I'm still working out how to make a CK2 quest work properly. Thank you for your criticism (as none of it is rude, nor insists on completely compromising the premise of the fic)

I was thinking that there is a chance where, upon seeing which options actually made it to the table, a person will change their course of action vote (and in some cases must do so if one or more of their votes don't make it to the table).
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Mea culpa.

I'm still working out how to make a CK2 quest work properly. Thank you for your criticism (as none of it is rude, nor insists on completely compromising the premise of the fic)

I was thinking that there is a chance where, upon seeing which options actually made it to the table, a person will change their course of action vote (and in some cases must do so if one or more of their votes don't make it to the table).
So, generally, write-ins are handled either:
1) Plan author create write-in out of whole cloth, usually gets some form of approval from QM at some point and revises as necessary
2) Any thread participant submits custom option for QM approval, if granted gets edited into turn start

Forcing full votes between turns only for write-ins is kind of weird and restrictive in more than one sense.

People can and should be changing votes mid-turn in accordance to discussion and updates, that is the responsible thing to do.
I think going forward make clear at turn end you are accepting write in suggestions for the next turn and players can contribute new project ideas. At that point you can either discard the ideas, use them for the coming turn or put them in a to be unlocked pile.
@Spectrum: Good points, I should open up the write-ins better.

I think going forward make clear at turn end you are accepting write in suggestions for the next turn and players can contribute new project ideas. At that point you can either discard the ideas, use them for the coming turn or put them in a to be unlocked pile.

Duly noted. Do you think the now greatly edited notice at the end of "Turn 1 Results" is now clear enough for that purpose? If not then what do you suggest I note at the end of "Turn 2 Results" (once we actually settle on a course of action for Turn 2 and implement it)?
@Spectrum: Good points, I should open up the write-ins better.

Duly noted. Do you think the now greatly edited notice at the end of "Turn 1 Results" is now clear enough for that purpose? If not then what do you suggest I note at the end of "Turn 2 Results" (once we actually settle on a course of action for Turn 2 and implement it)?
I think:
Write in for new possible projects to pursue for XXX, XXX, XXX where XXX are the categories we undertook projects in.
Omake 1, Type "Children of Tomorrow", Title: "Interpretations"
A/N: My thanks, Spectrum. I was going to wait a day or two before reminding them, and was going to put the guys who voted for your ideas under the same votes as you if they didn't show up.

However, I suspect reminding them now to vote on an actual Turn 2 course of action after looking at the new options available should suffice.

This rabid plot bunny wouldn't go away, so I packaged it (a distant possibility given butterflies) in with the reminder.


"A prince is riding. I've heard the thunder of his hooves. Swift as the wind he rides. His enemies will cower before him... and their wives will weep tears of blood... the Stallion Who Mounts the World."
-Ser Jorah Mormont, translating a Dosh khaleen text-

Omake 1, Type "Children of Tomorrow", Title: "Interpretations"

Several decades after current turn, presuming the ever-paranoid Aerys notices the North rising and does something suitably stupid.

Drogo had expected many different things out of life.

After becoming a khal before even taking a wife, testament to his skill and vigor, he'd taken the exotic beauty Daenerys Targaryen as his wife, a woman with a claim to the Iron Throne of Westeros that their children might press. Those things had been within his ambitions and expectations.

Hearing that he and Daenerys were to birth the Stallion Who Mounts the World as their first child was not within his expectations. However, he was honored and excited by the declaration of the Doth khaleen nonetheless.

Staring down at his newborn daughter, who he'd agreed to name Rhea once his wife got over the surprise was a completely different matter. In fact it was so bad that he wondered for a moment if he was dead or in a vegetative coma somewhere and just imagining all this.

Daenerys was (perfectly reasonably) displeased when he consulted the holy women and learned, though they too were shocked, that his daughter was the prophesized one.




Drogo strongly suspected that he would be going grey before his time, and that if Daenerys's hair wasn't already white she'd be going there too.

"Rhea, I'm sure you've read the scientific papers of the past few decades on how inbreeding causes negative genetic traits to show up more often, with very few so lucky as my escape of most problems." Daenerys said after a while of silence. "I am disturbed as a result that you could notice your father's attractiveness."

Rhea happened to be acknowledged as a world leader in porn, both as artist and author. She was one of the few who succeeded in pitching to male and female audiences with her diverse works. She also seemed to be very blatantly pretending to not realize how awkward it was to approach her parents about casting them as the starring characters of her next publication.

"Mom, it's part of my destiny."

Drogo sighed, thinking as his eldest and wife bickered. Rhea seemed to enjoy showing sex in a variety of positions, but riding was unusually common in the eyes of her analysts (never say that Drogo didn't pay attention to his children's professions). She also liked to show plenty of heart-thumping sound effects in drawn scenes that reminded him once in a while of hooves. There were a good handful of really nicely portrayed scenes on moving settings such as ships or trains. The scenes also typically went until the male was spent, but in any scenes where the females wore out first she'd usually have the man or men involved give her or them proper rest and respect. He'd spotted Daenerys more than once "enjoying" some reading or watching on her own during her period when sex would be gross for both of them...

...Holy crap. "'A prince is riding. I've heard the thunder of his hooves. Swift as the wind he rides. His enemies will cower before him... and their wives will weep tears of blood... the Stallion Who Mounts the World.'" Drogo hissed in realization.

It all fit, the liking for riding, the rapid heart-thumping effects like a horse at a gallop, the not-so-rare depictions of sex on things that moved like the wind, the common scenes with the men being spent and limp by the end, their bodies "cowering", their wives weeping tears of blood when she occasionally used turns of phrase such as a woman's lubricants being "crying" (he preferred not to think of his eldest daughter also writing about men's lubricants as weeping). How she was bringing the visual, audio, or imaginary stimulus of sex to pretty much the known world made it almost painful to realize he hadn't realized before.

Rhea smiled broadly. "In a language where the default gender term is male, a khal's child riding, or a wild horse that mounts the world for that matter, doesn't actually specify too much..."

"And with the new research that shows life comes upon the world more or less to breed, and your works as she who founded the modern porn industry..." Drogo looked to his wife "Dany, I think we should listen to she who is clearly the Stallion Who Mounts the World. After all, she has seized the thing that drives us as living things, and has thus controlled and become the khal of khals, and all the people of the world are her herd."

Daenerys showed she'd been rifling through Drogo's collection of their daughter's works by asking "Rhea, is it because of all the pressure about the prophecy that you've written of hermaphroditic women?" Drogo suddenly had a bad feeling about Rhea's business proposal, because if Dany was going to be fitted with some extra hardware... he would refuse to participate.

Like almost all previous times though, this time his doubts about Rhea turned out for the best. Apparently mature men had a very significant following in the porn industry, which rather surprised him (he knew full well that mature, proven-fertile women were popular).


A/N: In case you only voted for new options after Turn 1 Results and not for Turn 2 Course of Action, please vote.

And remember the butterflies!
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[X] Benjen
[X] Follow Mother
[X] Learning to Learn

The reason I hadn't voted is that plan voting means my vote will have no impact no matter what, but I suppose I'll vote anyway since it was requested.
Interlude 2.2-1, Basic Weapons Maintenance Part 1
Interlude 2.2-1

Due to Aigloss and StellarMonarch previously aligning with Spectrum when voting for new Turn 2 options while thinking it was a next-turn action plan, and the need to demonstrate the interlude system, I decided the tie (should the above aligning count) between Spectrum and Void Stalker's plans shall go with Spectrum's.


Guide: Interludes
The interlude system guides us through minor sub-quests within a turn. At major choices within a sub-quest, the interlude will be split into sections. The numbering system begins with the Turn, then the project number within that turn (here, this was Project 2, the one after Diplomacy: Benjen), and then the phase number within that project. This is similar to the Battle Interface, but on a longer time scale for obvious reasons.


Rodrik had been sparring with his brother Martyn when you entered the courtyard looking for him. Being master-at-arms and head of house respectively didn't leave much time for family bonding events like this, so you kept quiet and carefully observed the two men fighting. It took over an hour for them to call it quits, perhaps they were testing your patience and commitment to watching?

Conscientious to Diligent: Roll 32, Needs 100+ at this time, FAILED
Fussy to Patient: Roll 13, Needs 100+ at this time, FAILED

After they'd finished, Rodrik waved you over "Hello there milady, what would you like me to help with today?" Last time you sought him out for a specific purpose, he'd helped give a few pointers on exercises suitable to your age, size, and build, which could be done without real supervision. He must have figured you were looking for him specifically due to how long you'd watched them.

"Good day to you, Lord Cassel, Ser Rodrick" The man rolled his eyes at your insistence on referring to him as such, since it wasn't as if he was knighted by any of the Southern lords.

Suddenly, all three of you heard a slight creaking sound from the weapons rack across from where you were sitting, reminiscent of a thin wooden wall being leaned on. Eh, it was probably due to the turn of the wind just now.

You continued after the three of you relaxed "I noticed a lot of people maintaining their tools and weapons because it's hunting season." True, a short summer in a long winter tended to occasionally have some light snowfall, but it was still warm enough that animals were out and about. "I was wondering about the different types of weapons and how they're kept working."

Martyn, your father's friend, spoke before his younger brother after the two shared a look that went over your head at the time. "Have you seen cooks sharpening knives milady? Well, that's the most basic maintenance for bladed weapons. Other things are to keep them dry, clean and oiled. Frequent polishing is only really necessary in combat conditions or where they could get wet." His brother snorted at that, and Martyn frowned and shot him a look "Rodrik!" You thought it must have been some inside joke between the two, though once you got older and looked back on your journals… "Unfortunately, I have a meeting with your lord father soon, so I suppose I will have to hand the task off to Rodrik, who will give you the rest of the information you desire, but remember that he didn't start the lesson, alright?" After a nod to his brother, Lord Cassel left.

Rodrik explained things to you the moment his brother turned his back. "He just made sure I might be able to honestly deny starting you on the path to even less ladylike things than your intensive exercise regimen in the springtime." Ah… that was quite true, and it wasn't like Mother could really be irritated much with Lord Cassel as opposed to Winterfell's Master-at-Arms who she'd probably instructed to try not to indulge your wildness too much. Father would probably sigh, palm his face, and then shrug it off.

Rodrik sighed at his brother's antics, then smiled at you "So, what weapon types would you like to learn about first? Swords, axes, bludgeons, polearms, bows? And light armour, versus heavy infantry or heavy cavalry armours? I don't think I'll have time to show you more than three or four weapon or armour types' basic care, so if you can bring me a list after our first lesson on a few basics of storing things, it would help me plan the lessons. We can start on organizing and storing gear today."

Roll for MAR +1: Roll 11 – 3 (LRN) + 3 (MAR) + 2 (Rodrik's Spare Time) = 13, requires 70, OVERMATCHED FAILURE

Unfortunately, while the very basic bits of storing gear away were intuitive enough to grasp, you managed to drop a shield on your foot while moving things. Thankfully you didn't drop it very far and it only badly bruised your foot through the boot you were wearing, but that brought you to thinking about how such potentially hobbling injuries could be avoided…

GAINED: Minor Foot Injury, -5 penalty for all subsequent MAR rolls in this turn of this Project, -1 for all subsequent rolls this turn.


Tutorial Tip: The order of activities is important, because while in this tutorial we only dropped a shield on our foot, as we get older and handle more dangerous things, bad failures will be worse…


OPTIONS (List your top 5 for Interlude 2.2-2)
A) Swords
B) Axes
C) Bludgeons (maces, hammers, etc.)
D) Polearms
E) Bows
F) Light Armour
G) Heavy Infantry Armour
H) Heavy Cavalry Armour


Safety Boots: Improves worker safety in armouries, mines, and other hazardous environs. For example, you will no longer be injured dropping things on your foot, within reason. Also slightly (degree will vary) improves melee soft attack, hard attack, and toughness of infantry and dismounted light cavalry. This project is easy compared to most Reserved Projects.
Guardian54 threw 6 100-faced dice. Total: 399
40 40 70 70 96 96 74 74 87 87 32 32
Erm, I think this is right?

1) Polearms
2) Light Armour
3) Swords
4) Bows
5) Axes
1) Polearms
2) Axe
3) Heavy Cavalry Armour
4) Bludgeons (maces, hammers, etc.)
5) Bows

Bows. Not the perfect weapon for woman. But it also says that bows need lot's of strenght and so they could help build it, for other weapons. I know we are only asking how to maintain them, but that's still knowledge to build upon.
Full plate! It's a great thing, as long as it's steel! Preferably hardened steel. Also, good reasons for blunt weapons and polearms in video. We also need daggers and gambeson, but a poleaxe is crazy good, great main weapon. Let's start learning about it.
Bows. Not the perfect weapon for woman. But it also says that bows need lot's of strenght and so they could help build it, for other weapons. I know we are only asking how to maintain them, but that's still knowledge to build upon.
We want bows to get to crossbows (fake edit after skimming video--ah, yes, he mentions it). Well, let me clarify... @Guardian54 Are crossbows a separate category from bows or all wrapped up in the same?

Full plate! It's a great thing, as long as it's steel! Preferably hardened steel. Also, good reasons for blunt weapons and polearms in video. We also need daggers and gambeson, but a poleaxe is crazy good, great main weapon. Let's start learning about it.
It's also generally considered uneconomically expensive...

1) Polearms
2) Bows
3) Light Armor
4) Swords
5) Bludgeons (maces, hammers, etc.)

Axes are a little questionable in mass combat and better suited the less armor the other guy has, so...

(Also, that roll, sheesh)