(Tutorial) Turn 1: Months 4-6, 267 AC, spring-winter

Tutorial Tip: While it's important to learn, there are other things that are also better done earlier than later. The better your relationship with your siblings for example, the more likely they are to submit to your will later on.

Playing as: Lyanna Stark, born 1st day, 4th month, 262 AC

Current season: short spring, long winter

Diplomacy: 1 + 1 + 3 = 5
Martial: 0 + 3 = 3
Stewardship: 1 + 3 + 3*1 = 7
Intrigue: 0 + 3 + 2*1 = 5
Learning: 2 + 3 + 1 = 6
Health: 5.00

Attractive (+1 DIP, +30 Attraction)
Quick (+3 all, can evolve to Genius or be lost)

Childhood Traits: (evolution conditions unknown at present, +/- show effects on rolls when trying to gain points, such as trying to gain Learning getting a +1 roll bonus from +LRN)
Idolizer (+1 LRN, +LRN/-MAR, will evolve to Erudite)
Curious (+1 STE, +DIP, will evolve to Shrewd)
Conscientious (+1 STE, +STE, will evolve to Diligent)
Willful (+1 INT, +MAR/-DIP, will evolve to Ambitious)
Brooding (+1 INT, +STE/-LRN, will evolve to Just)
Fussy (+1 STE, +INT/-DIP, will evolve to Patient)

Currently, you count as personally involved in ALL your projects due to how minor and local they are, so you affect (penalize for now) the success chance of all of them. However, their base success chances are quite high for the early projects.

Please note that any successful project may increase that category's base trait number.

Parental Tolerance: 2 Turns*
*Can be increased by improving relations with family members.

Project slots this turn: 3 (2.6 plus rolled 4). If multiple projects are taken in any category, please note which one will receive your advisor's focus (if applicable).

  • Follow Father: observe how he interacts with his vassals and others in general. Improves relations with Father.
  • Brandon and Eddard: Spend more time with your older brothers. Improves relations with Brandon and Eddard in the long run. The earlier you do this activity, the better the effect in the long run.
  • Benjen: Spend time with the baby, because negotiating with adults is like negotiating with babies. Raises relations with Benjen, and the family in general (to a lesser extent).
MARTIAL: (Rodrick Cassel can spare a little time to help out, effective Martial is 12 out of his actual 28)
  • Exercise: Improves general health, has a (currently very low because you're FIVE) chance of acquiring "Brawny" trait (+1 DIP, +2 MIL, +1.00 Health, +5 attraction, +5 vassal, +5 tribal, +1 personal combat skill)
  • Spar with your brothers: Improves general health, improves relations with Brandon and Eddard, has a (currently very low) chance of acquiring Duelist trait (+3 Martial, +5 Personal Combat Skill). High chance of getting thine ass kicked because young boys don't know how to hold back (as in, easier +1 Martial than exercising, but not being allowed to spend time with them next turn).
  • Go Hunting: Further research possible.
STEWARDSHIP: (Vayon Poole is working part-time for you, effective 14 out of 19)
  • Follow Mother: observe how she administers the castle's affairs. Improves relations with Mother.
  • Study Numeracy: Further research possible.
  • Study Textiles: Further research possible.
  • Aftermaths: Gives limited insight as to further research options.
  • Situation Reader: Discover estimated base success chance of projects (not very important at present due to high base chances).
  • Combo Reader: Discover possible bonuses between projects conducted at the same time (for example, spending time with and sparring with thine brothers clearly dovetail well).
LEARNING: (Maester Luwin's spare time gives learning 12 out of 29 as his helpfulness level--remember that 10 is neutral)
  • (Permanent option) File Trawling: Who knows what you might find there among the dust? (Currently locked due to lack of Forgotten Projects)
  • Study General Subjects: Possible raises of personal base stats (unlike the other projects this turn, this doesn't have a very high base chance unless you have high Learning or Luwin is on board)
  • Investigate Falling Objects: Further research possible.
  • Investigate Combustion: Further research possible.

EDIT: Overly detailed possible strategy removed, replaced with one tip at the start of this section.
Guardian54 threw 12 100-faced dice. Total: 419
25 25 11 11 36 36 31 31 19 19 66 66 27 27 37 37 71 71 11 11 18 18 67 67
Guardian54 threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 85
52 52 33 33
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  • Brandon and Eddard: Spend more time with your older brothers. Improves relations with Brandon and Eddard in the long run. The earlier you do this activity, the better the effect in the long run.
  • Study General Subjects: Possible raises of personal base stats (unlike the other projects this turn, this doesn't have a very high base chance unless you have high Learning or Luwin is on board)
  • Brandon and Eddard: Spend more time with your older brothers. Improves relations with Brandon and Eddard in the long run. The earlier you do this activity, the better the effect in the long run.
  • Study General Subjects: Possible raises of personal base stats (unlike the other projects this turn, this doesn't have a very high base chance unless you have high Learning or Luwin is on board
  • Exercise: Improves general health, has a chance of acquiring "Brawny" trait (+1 DIP, +2 MIL, +5 attraction, +5 vassal, +5 tribal, +1 personal combat skill)
Boost our relationship with our older brothers, also exercise to build up our stats including martial which is our weakest and learning to try and get a score to 10 or over it
We're five years old right now. Martial 10 is a reasonably trained man-at-arms. Think about how the chances of success in actually boosting Martial (though it will help Health) are compared to every other stat (hint: boosting Learning lets you learn easier).

At 4 turns a year and using the books' 283 AC for Rhaegar going full retard and kidnapping us if we pretend to be helpless and let him (e.g. not leave a note for Brandon and Dad, then "accident" Rhaegar and his entire escort somewhere in the Crownlands as soon as we get there), it'll be 64 turns before that happens and gets the Targaryen Downfall started. It won't go that way, but in about 50-60 turns things are going to get very interesting with the Targaryens regardless.

We could potentially have basic germ theory, an understanding of gravity and thus acceptable ballistics (e.g. the idea of air as a material and air resistance), Lyanna's Physical Laws (we call them Newton's over here), light-based binary flash code towers, standardized weights and measures, massed pike and crossbow supported by cast-iron (this requires blast furnaces) cannons transitioning to muskets (rifles if we're lucky and figure out the Minie Ball early) by then.

I put the "how to cheese" in as a spoiler at the end of Turn 1.

We have three projects we can pursue this month, unless you want to fold one or more in to improve the chances of another one (hint: not worth it at this point due to all success-per-turn chances being very high)?

@Void Stalker
Spending time with our brothers is a decent choice. However, for max roflstomp purposes... see above
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[X] Plan Foundations
-[X] Brandon and Eddard: Spend more time with your older brothers. Improves relations with Brandon and Eddard in the long run. The earlier you do this activity, the better the effect in the long run.
-[X] Study General Subjects: Possible raises of personal base stats (unlike the other projects this turn, this doesn't have a very high base chance unless you have high Learning or Luwin is on board
-[X] Exercise: Improves general health, has a chance of acquiring "Brawny" trait (+1 DIP, +2 MIL, +5 attraction, +5 vassal, +5 tribal, +1 personal combat skill)

That puts 1 learning, 1 martial and 1 diplomacy. Martial, Learning and Stewardship we are getting a small boost from advisers (+2,+2 and +4). The idea is spending time with our brothers is better the earlier we start and can raise our diplomatic stat (which along with intrigue we have no adviser). Exercise is something we can start at our age, and provides a starting point and also gives us a shot a trait that boosts martial (our worst stat) and diplomacy. The trait would also leave us one stat point short of hitting 3 actions without needing to roll for it so as long we gain a stat point from one of the actions and the trait we will be there. Finally studying helps with our learning score and seems to be a foundation for unlocking more opportunities.

I am thinking going into the intrigue category once we get a 4th action since Combo Reader lets us find out which actions combine well and Situation Reader gives us the success chance to better allow planning. Plus intrigue is a useful skill in the Game of Thrones.
[X] Plan Foundations
-[X] Brandon and Eddard: Spend more time with your older brothers. Improves relations with Brandon and Eddard in the long run. The earlier you do this activity, the better the effect in the long run.
-[X] Study General Subjects: Possible raises of personal base stats (unlike the other projects this turn, this doesn't have a very high base chance unless you have high Learning or Luwin is on board
-[X] Exercise: Improves general health, has a chance of acquiring "Brawny" trait (+1 DIP, +2 MIL, +5 attraction, +5 vassal, +5 tribal, +1 personal combat skill)
(Tutorial) Turn 1 Results
(TUTORIAL) Turn 1 Results:

Tutorial Tip: While practical projects tend to take longer and be more difficult than theoretical projects, particularly when young, they are balanced in risk-reward. You should be able to guess what this means.

EDIT: Another tip: Interludes are reserved for really interesting (good or bad) things. For example, if we had a Major or Overmatch success with Brandon and Eddard, evolved a childhood trait, gained a trait, lots of stat points, etc.
If it doesn't warrant an interlude, a short passage in the Turn Results is it.

[X] Plan Foundations, by Void Stalker

1. Brandon and Eddard: Spend time with your older brothers to improve long-term relations
Roll: 25 + 5 (Your DIP), Requirement Unknown, MINOR SUCCESS
For +1 DIP (without Major Success in general project): Roll 52 – 1 (childhood traits), need 71. FAILED
Trait Evolution Attempt (Curious to Shrewd) Due to Type Match: 71. Currently requires a roll of 100+ (e.g. only natural 100 will work). FAILED.

You spent some time playing together (read: running wild) with Brandon and Eddard, who both seem pleased that you have pulled your face out of your books for a while. You were less than pleased at Brandon's teasing, but tolerated it. Your relationship with your brothers has grown closer, but due to lack of sufficient verbal sparring or enough intentional verbal evasion you haven't really learnt anything you weren't already aware of in interpersonal relations. Then again they could have gotten upset and refused to play with you for a while.

Avoiding that sort of debacle was great, but it would also have been great if the time spent with your brothers was so greatly successful that not only would you gain diplomatic skill but your parents would notice. Perhaps they would be happy that you're bonding well with the family and be willing to indulge you in a project lasting more than half a year? After all, you weren't quite sure how long some of the projects you were thinking of would take…

2. Study General Subjects: Possible raises of each base stat, calculated independently first, then with a saving throw for merging non-overmatched/critical failures to overcome minor failures. Unlike more vague projects, this doesn't offer a roll for (or depending on magnitude of project a default) extra +1 Learning at the end, assuming you don't completely fail.
Trait Evolution Attempt (Idolizer to Erudite) Due to Type Match: 11. Currently requires a roll of 92. FAILED.

DIP: 11 – 4 (LRN) – 1 (childhood traits) + 2 (Luwin's spare time) = 18.
Need (Formula Unknown) 71. OVERMATCHED FAILURE (>2x and at least >40 gap)

MAR: 36 – 4 (LRN) + 2 (Luwin's spare time) + 2 (Rodrik's spare time) = 46.
Need (Formula Unknown) 70, MINOR FAILURE (5-25 short)

STE: 31 – 4 (LRN) + 2 (childhood traits) + 2 (Luwin's spare time) + 4 (Vayon's part-time) = 45.
Need (Formula Unknown) 71. MAJOR FAILURE (>25 short)

INT: 19 – 4 (LRN) + 1 (childhood traits) + 2 (Luwin's spare time) = 28
Need (Formula Unknown) 70. OVERMATCHED FAILURE (>2x)

LRN: 66 – 4 (LRN) + 2 (Luwin's spare time) = 64
Need: (Formula Unknown) 57. MINOR SUCCESS

MAR Saving Throw: 37 – 4 (LRN) + 2 (Luwin, spare) + 2 (Rodrik, spare) + 46 + 45 = 128
Need: (Formula Unknown) 130, CLOSE FAILURE

Ugh, your head hurts from trying too hard to understand the things that Maester Luwin tried to answer questions from you for in the small amount of spare time he had available between other duties and everyday lessons of various types. He was apologetic about his only being allowed to teach you whatever you wanted to learn in your spare time. However, you suspected it was because the things you really wanted to learn weren't necessarily all that ladylike and dear old Dad was worried about your brooding tendencies…

There were some vague ideas that harried the edges of your mind as you were instructed in some interesting stories about martial affairs, but even with a few question sessions on stewardship, nothing became clear for now. Perhaps you'll figure it out later.

You felt better at learning in general though, better able to phrase questions. Maybe you could do better the next time you approached Maester Luwin with a bunch of questions? Except in learning, because with every amount you learnt, the easier it was to learn, but at the same time harder to learn something new, so it should stay about linear there. With basic skill increases in every field (other than the bonuses certain general personality traits like being patient gave), ascending the next step should be a bit harder, but being good at learning and having good, very dedicated helpers should help with that. Also, you now knew that learning now was better than later to your mind, as you knew that young people learned things faster, and people under the age of 10 were especially better at learning to learn.

On the other hand, maybe it would be better to figure out a way to get Maester Luwin appointed to help you part-time, or even pretty much full-time! But you'd have to prove to your parents or Luwin himself that you were worth that first by making some discoveries or significant advances somehow…

GAINED +1 Learning (LRN) base stat point!

3. Exercise
: Improves general health, low chance of gaining +1 Martial, very small chance of becoming "Brawny"
Roll 27 + 2 (Rodrik, spare) + 3 (Previous Close Failure by 2 points) = 32
For +1 MAR: Roll 33 +3 (Previous Close Failure), Need (Formula Unknown) 70, MAJOR FAILURE
Roll for Brawny: 67, currently requires 100+, FAILED
Trait Evolution Attempt (Willful to Ambitious) Due to Type Match: 18. Currently requires a roll of 100+. FAILED.

After spending a lot of your free time in these three months exercising, you felt somewhat healthier than before. Fortunately, since this subject wasn't direct learning per se, your admittedly childlike learning skills did not negatively impact it. Those lessons that you didn't quite grasp earlier did help you exercise better, which was a plus, you supposed, even though you completely failed to figure out how the knowledge might be actually organized in your mind and applied martially.

GAINED Health! 5.00 + 0.064 = 5.064!

End Turn 1 with no sub-events on missions that require further decision, nor missions of such complexity as to require detailed narrative (and further rolls).

Total Changes:
  • Increased Relationship with Brandon and Eddard
  • +1 Learning (to base 3)
  • +0.064 Health*
*Before you say this is underwhelming, remember that being a renowned physician gives +0.5 Health, which will take us on average about 2.5 turns or 7.5 months of exercise.

Begin Turn 2 with:

Diplomacy: 1 + 1 + 3 = 5
Martial: 0 + 3 = 3
Stewardship: 1 + 3 + 3*1 = 7
Intrigue: 0 + 3 + 2*1 = 5
Learning: 3 + 3 + 1 = 7
Health: 5.064

Attractive (+1 DIP, +30 Attraction)
Quick (+3 all, can evolve to Genius—conditions unknown at present—or be lost)

Childhood Traits: (evolution conditions unknown at present, +/- show effects on rolls when trying to gain points, such as trying to gain Learning getting a +1 roll bonus from +LRN)
Idolizer (+1 LRN, +LRN/-MAR, will evolve to Erudite)
Curious (+1 STE, +DIP, will evolve to Shrewd)
Conscientious (+1 STE, +STE, will evolve to Diligent)
Willful (+1 INT, +MAR/-DIP, will evolve to Ambitious)
Brooding (+1 INT, +STE/-LRN, will evolve to Just)
Fussy (+1 STE, +INT/-DIP, will evolve to Patient)


(As of this edit, no longer open)

An example for a possible DIP write-in:
Mirror, Mirror: Play message-sending with your brothers using mirrors. Further research possible.


So what do you think of the mechanics revealed to us so far (the same formulas are used for learning thresholds in every case, but the formulas for determining roll scores differ)?

There are many things I would love to hint at, but that would damage the development of the story by you guys.
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*pokes head in* Hmm. Could be an interesting concept, though things feel a little weird with the GM suggestions honestly.

[X] Plan Off Script
-[X] Diplomacy - Brandon and Eddard: Spend more time with your older brothers. Improves relations with Brandon and Eddard in the long run. The earlier you do this activity, the better the effect in the long run.
-[X] Martial - Write-in: Weapon Maintenance: Ask for instruction in basic caretaking of weapons. Let this flow into how a given weapon is usually best used (vis a vis having to sharpen only the edges and not the point or only one edge and so on) and how it's made.
-[X] Learning - Write-in: Learning to Learn: Focus on and try to characterize how you best managed to understand things. Being lectured on basic facts? Reading books on your own? Being taught things through stories and allegories? Having books read to you and the reader explaining things as they went along? Taking part in question and answer sessions? Thinking about subjects on your own and coming back with questions?

suggest potential projects that you believe relate well to each category.
Evaluation of the above, s'il vous plait. :)
[X] Plan Off Script
-[X] Diplomacy - Brandon and Eddard: Spend more time with your older brothers. Improves relations with Brandon and Eddard in the long run. The earlier you do this activity, the better the effect in the long run.
-[X] Martial - Write-in: Weapon Maintenance: Ask for instruction in basic caretaking of weapons. Let this flow into how a given weapon is usually best used (vis a vis having to sharpen only the edges and not the point or only one edge and so on) and how it's made.
-[X] Learning - Write-in: Learning to Learn: Focus on and try to characterize how you best managed to understand things. Being lectured on basic facts? Reading books on your own? Being taught things through stories and allegories? Having books read to you and the reader explaining things as they went along? Taking part in question and answer sessions? Thinking about subjects on your own and coming back with questions?

I always vote for foxgirls.

E: Hmmm. Foxgirls hugs.
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Our impression of Maester Luwin's attitude is that he would be able to teach us more, except our interests don't appear ladylike enough to our parents. It sounds like long-term effectiveness will depend on us learning at least enough of the ways of ladyhood to get by.

[X] Plan Lady in Training
-[X] Diplomatic - Brandon and Eddard
-[X] Stewardship - Follow Mother
-[X] Learning - Study General Subjects
[X] Plan Off Script

So 14 rolls and only 4 rolled over 50... that was poor. Still that general learning if we can get Luwin to be a part time adviser we can get a much bigger boost and that can increase all of our stats. Also the penalty on it would be -3 instead of -4 now so there is that. But we can come back to that the following turn.
*pokes head in* Hmm. Could be an interesting concept, though things feel a little weird with the GM suggestions honestly.

Thank you for coming to participate! Hopefully you find your stay enjoyable! Given the guys here seem to be refusing to use the exploits I noted (btw it would have seemed like a bit of a trap with how long implementation of many projects takes later), it'll definitely be a lot of adventure (and it seems a lot of people don't like easy mode)...

Please bear in mind that other GMs would just replace options after use if they felt like it (assuming they don't end up bulking their options list out).

So keep the old DIP option set, replace sparring with the brothers with Weapons Maintenance as a project option, and ask Luwin to help you learn how to learn better is your vote (and given you're an early "Plan" contributor you will most likely get a bandwagon, plurality if not large majority...)
Given the guys here seem to be refusing to use the exploits I noted (btw it would have seemed like a bit of a trap with how long implementation of many projects takes later), it'll definitely be a lot of adventure (and it seems a lot of people don't like easy mode)...

Please bear in mind that other GMs would just replace options after use if they felt like it (assuming they don't end up bulking their options list out).
Well, yes, I'm trying to get a handle on what you're doing around here. I don't know how to interpret the "we's" everywhere and the suggested action plans and so on--it's generally more cooperative or guided than is typically seen. Without too much snark, do you just want players to blind vote your plan every turn? (Legitimately--should this really be a Quest?)

edit: Basically, a Quest that's conceived of where the 'easy mode' selection is just to vote whatever the GM tells you to is not a very well designed or interesting one. That starts to mean there's only One True Path to take favored above all else and removes agency from the players.

To wit--why is it guaranteed that the Targaryans will take interest in Lyanna? If the players manage to get her out of going to Harrenhal or do any number of other things differently, a lot of that chain of events should be short-circuited.
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Well, yes, I'm trying to get a handle on what you're doing around here. I don't know how to interpret the "we's" everywhere and the suggested action plans and so on--it's generally more cooperative or guided than is typically seen. Without too much snark, do you just want players to blind vote your plan every turn? (Legitimately--should this really be a Quest?)

edit: Basically, a Quest that's conceived of where the 'easy mode' selection is just to vote whatever the GM tells you to is not a very well designed or interesting one. That starts to mean there's only One True Path to take favored above all else and removes agency from the players.

To wit--why is it guaranteed that the Targaryans will take interest in Lyanna? If the players manage to get her out of going to Harrenhal or do any number of other things differently, a lot of that chain of events should be short-circuited.

I thank you for your advice! Hand-holding most likely (I'l put up a vote) stops after Turn 1 (originally I scheduled it to stop after Turn 4, with Age 5 being the Tutorial so to speak), unless it's an entirely new topic (for example, entering the Battle Interface). Please suppose Turn 1 is a turn and post-turn event summary tutorial.

If we ever play with Benjen, we as Lyanna will note that the more you point someone toward easy mode the less likely they are to take it, while discouraging people from it and making things balanced gets masses of speculation as to the best exploits. :D I was inspired in large part by "A Conneticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court", so I wanted to see what people in the situation can reasonably logic their way to. (Instead of high-tech future knowledge)

The Targaryens are the ruling dynasty. Hearing rumours about the Stark daughter dominating the North and major changes in agriculture, communications, military, etc. will inevitably draw their curiosity if not scrutiny, most likely by the time we're 19 or so (so about Turn 60). After that, well, who knows what might happen?
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TURN 1 was treated as a tutorial turn, with a rich number of hints both before and after the turn.

This turned out to be unpopular.

The question is, with the exception of new interfaces or mechanics (e.g. Battle Interface):
A) End Tutorial after Turn 1 (right the hell now)
B) End Tutorial after Turn 2
C) End Tutorial after Turn 4 (my original plan was to finish the hand-holding once we turn 6)
C, I think the biggest thing is put those as tutorial tips instead of exploits.

I was hoping someone could choose one of the options with a more complex potential story behind it so I could write "Turn 1 Interlude 1-1", "Turn 1 Interlude 1-2", etc. to demonstrate the Interlude System, which basically functions like short event chains within a turn's progress, with the chance to change the other options later in a turn depending on new information obtained.

Fortunately, if Plan Off Script actually ends up getting voted as the plan for Turn 2, I can easily write Interludes for studying weapons maintenance, or, if Major Success or better on trolling the town with the boys, even interludes for that.
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