Man has always spoken of the distant past. Yet no man has noted properly the unifying truth of the history they speak of.
You have.
Technology wins so long as its users aren't complete and utter morons.
For example, the First Men conquered Westeros with bronze tools, and were conquered later by iron. Then there was the exploitation of dragons for the battlefield, which beat iron tools.
So you were decided. You would walk the path of the exploiter of nature's patterns and rules. You would walk the path of the technologist.
The road ahead will not be easy as a woman, but it was not by raw brawn that your race overcame the wilderness, but by enough brains to adequately apply what brawn you had. Take the bow and arrow for instance, the scorpion, the trebuchet, and so many other things. Man was often not so powerful as his tools, yet he climbed with the aid of them. There were so many things that men rarely thought of that could have lit their path to greater heights...
And on the subject of being powerful and showing one's power, oppressing the smallfolk, or even killing people, was nothing. It took few, minor things to kill a man, to destroy something, to make people or animals or the world in general miserable.
No, the real show of power was creation, for it was far, far harder, rarer, and therefore more worthy of showing off. That was something men had a much harder time understanding than you, a woman, though admittedly building imposing castles and palaces was one form of such splendor, it was but a pale shadow in the number of people made content, nary a dent in the number whose lives were improved. It was like fighting over one big cake, when instead they can put the effort into making their people able to make more cakes. Everyone had a price, where further conflict is no longer worthwhile, and when that price is reached, they will back down from the game.
The morons that forever hungered could be overrun with your deluge of "cakes"... as in economic and military power. There shouldn't be many. After all, Westeros hadn't ever gone on a large-scale campaign of conquest in Essos, which meant greed did have a limit, at least with the current understanding of the world and the amount that can be controlled. That understanding would take a generation or more to change, a time for you to get in on the action before anyone else.
You know full well this is creepily perceptive (despite being a little disjointed when going on a tangent of man's power and showing power) for a five-year-old girl, but children tend to be smarter than adults would like to believe, and if they use their skills properly, well...
We are doing single player, so no "ABSOLUTELY EVERY OPTION JOINED IN A HIVE MIND" or even just "this, this and this joined in hive mind" Co-op shenanigans. Just doing one region will be hard enough for me, as I'll be purely working via wiki and fanfic fanon reading.
Territories listed from north to south, many dates of birth estimated. Story begins when character is five years old, and each turn lasts three months. Only those characters whose families at the time hold enough land and power (e.g. a realm) for SCIENCE will be listed.
If I wasn't being completionist and seriously contemplating allowing Co-op CHOOSE THEM ALL shenanigans early on in getting moving with this quest, I would have listed only Lyanna Stark, Catelyn Tully and Elia Martell as options, as they are in my opinion the most interesting.
Personally, I overwhelmingly favour playing as Lyanna or Catelyn (I know Riverlands inserts are over-done, but it offers the best opportunities in my opinion), and strongly disfavour playing as ANY 5 Kings (5K) era character who isn't "Rei Martell" (Raenys Targaryen AUed to survive will be hard, but fun, to play) just because of butterfly proliferation hilarity.
The advantages and disadvantages of each region (with some changes depending on character chosen) have been hidden since it took far too long scrying over all the maps to decide what exactly should be listed for even just the North and the Riverlands, because my analysis is uncontrollably detail-obsessed if allowed to run wild I want to give every region a reasonably fair shake without giving away too many of the innovations I want to create (for example, ironclad multi-role assault transports).
Please list your first, second and third choices from among the following.
STARK, of the North
RR: Lyanna Stark, Born 262 AC est.
5K: Sansa Stark, Born 285 AC or Arya Stark, Born 287 AC
TULLY, of the Riverlands (RR only)
RR: Catelyn Tully, Born 263 AC est.
ARRYN, of the Vale (RR only)
RR: Alys Arryn, Born 252 AC est. (basically completely an OC, with a very roughly eyeballed age to at least try to prevent Lysa Tully's marriage into the Arryn family from being over 30 years in age gap... though I suspect it was so in canon)
LANNISTER, of the Westerlands
RR: Cersei Lannister, Born 262 AC (massive OOC required)
5K: Myrcella Baratheon (lol), Born 283 AC
I have no idea how I'd even write the Targaryens, because technological progress kind of requires capital and experimentation... though Daenerys might be able to surprise their benefactors into keeping her around to see what sort of madness she comes up with next.
The Ironborn are a group I also don't feel like writing, as making technical and cultural progress there as a woman (who isn't an outside conqueror offering the sword or the knee) is if anything likely harder than playing as Daenerys (who already rates between Masochistic, Obscene and Suicidal by GalCiv 2 settings). Writing that lady would probably require Jaime Lannister to have had a falling out with his father over the Targeryen kids and gone north, where she can be a ward like Theon and meet him. Then she could build something from that connection.
BARATHEON, of the Stormlands
5K: Shireen Baratheon, Born 287 AC
TYRELL, of the Reach (5K only)
5K: Margaery Tyrell, Born 276 AC
MARTELL, of Dorne
RR: Elia Martell, Born 257 AC est. (I have recently been informed that she was 16 in 273)
5K: Rei Martell, Born 274 AC est. (Formerly Raenys Targaryen, some AU here, EDITed birth date to reflect new info without making her vastly too short relative to mom at RR timeframe of 280-281 for the HBO image, or death date of 283 by books)
A/N: Too many ASoIaF/GoT quests on this site lie unfinished due to spreading out too much, too fast in terms of available options, I will list the limitations in the mechanics bookmark. Since apparently only about 1000 words per update are strictly required, and updates can be as sparse as weekly or bi-weekly... let's try this for fun.
I was VERY STRONGLY inspired by "Kermit Lord Quest".
Some things will absolutely NOT be made widespread on purpose here (though accidents can happen), namely piercings for earrings (A Connecticut Yankee in King Robert's Court makes my teeth grind even as a man over her insistence on developing piercings). It's just another way to make people (usually women) mutilate themselves or their daughters in the name of public acceptance or "attractiveness" (being an enlightened Chinese, I have a raging hate-boner for anything that even vaguely reminds me of the ideology behind foot-binding). Clip-ons are more than fine for earrings unless you want to go stupidly huge, thank you very much... though if people particularly want to poke holes (which can be torn out easily) in themselves for laughs, well... *shrugs at stupidity*