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Man has always spoken of the distant past. Yet no man has noted properly the unifying truth of...
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Banned Forever
Man has always spoken of the distant past. Yet no man has noted properly the unifying truth of the history they speak of.

You have.

Technology wins so long as its users aren't complete and utter morons.

For example, the First Men conquered Westeros with bronze tools, and were conquered later by iron. Then there was the exploitation of dragons for the battlefield, which beat iron tools.

So you were decided. You would walk the path of the exploiter of nature's patterns and rules. You would walk the path of the technologist.

The road ahead will not be easy as a woman, but it was not by raw brawn that your race overcame the wilderness, but by enough brains to adequately apply what brawn you had. Take the bow and arrow for instance, the scorpion, the trebuchet, and so many other things. Man was often not so powerful as his tools, yet he climbed with the aid of them. There were so many things that men rarely thought of that could have lit their path to greater heights...

And on the subject of being powerful and showing one's power, oppressing the smallfolk, or even killing people, was nothing. It took few, minor things to kill a man, to destroy something, to make people or animals or the world in general miserable.

No, the real show of power was creation, for it was far, far harder, rarer, and therefore more worthy of showing off. That was something men had a much harder time understanding than you, a woman, though admittedly building imposing castles and palaces was one form of such splendor, it was but a pale shadow in the number of people made content, nary a dent in the number whose lives were improved. It was like fighting over one big cake, when instead they can put the effort into making their people able to make more cakes. Everyone had a price, where further conflict is no longer worthwhile, and when that price is reached, they will back down from the game.

The morons that forever hungered could be overrun with your deluge of "cakes"... as in economic and military power. There shouldn't be many. After all, Westeros hadn't ever gone on a large-scale campaign of conquest in Essos, which meant greed did have a limit, at least with the current understanding of the world and the amount that can be controlled. That understanding would take a generation or more to change, a time for you to get in on the action before anyone else.

You know full well this is creepily perceptive (despite being a little disjointed when going on a tangent of man's power and showing power) for a five-year-old girl, but children tend to be smarter than adults would like to believe, and if they use their skills properly, well...



We are doing single player, so no "ABSOLUTELY EVERY OPTION JOINED IN A HIVE MIND" or even just "this, this and this joined in hive mind" Co-op shenanigans. Just doing one region will be hard enough for me, as I'll be purely working via wiki and fanfic fanon reading.

Territories listed from north to south, many dates of birth estimated. Story begins when character is five years old, and each turn lasts three months. Only those characters whose families at the time hold enough land and power (e.g. a realm) for SCIENCE will be listed.

If I wasn't being completionist and seriously contemplating allowing Co-op CHOOSE THEM ALL shenanigans early on in getting moving with this quest, I would have listed only Lyanna Stark, Catelyn Tully and Elia Martell as options, as they are in my opinion the most interesting.

Personally, I overwhelmingly favour playing as Lyanna or Catelyn (I know Riverlands inserts are over-done, but it offers the best opportunities in my opinion), and strongly disfavour playing as ANY 5 Kings (5K) era character who isn't "Rei Martell" (Raenys Targaryen AUed to survive will be hard, but fun, to play) just because of butterfly proliferation hilarity.

The advantages and disadvantages of each region (with some changes depending on character chosen) have been hidden since it took far too long scrying over all the maps to decide what exactly should be listed for even just the North and the Riverlands, because my analysis is uncontrollably detail-obsessed if allowed to run wild I want to give every region a reasonably fair shake without giving away too many of the innovations I want to create (for example, ironclad multi-role assault transports).

Please list your first, second and third choices from among the following.

STARK, of the North
RR: Lyanna Stark, Born 262 AC est.
5K: Sansa Stark, Born 285 AC or Arya Stark, Born 287 AC

TULLY, of the Riverlands (RR only)
RR: Catelyn Tully, Born 263 AC est.

ARRYN, of the Vale (RR only)
RR: Alys Arryn, Born 252 AC est. (basically completely an OC, with a very roughly eyeballed age to at least try to prevent Lysa Tully's marriage into the Arryn family from being over 30 years in age gap... though I suspect it was so in canon)

LANNISTER, of the Westerlands
RR: Cersei Lannister, Born 262 AC (massive OOC required)
5K: Myrcella Baratheon (lol), Born 283 AC

I have no idea how I'd even write the Targaryens, because technological progress kind of requires capital and experimentation... though Daenerys might be able to surprise their benefactors into keeping her around to see what sort of madness she comes up with next.

The Ironborn are a group I also don't feel like writing, as making technical and cultural progress there as a woman (who isn't an outside conqueror offering the sword or the knee) is if anything likely harder than playing as Daenerys (who already rates between Masochistic, Obscene and Suicidal by GalCiv 2 settings). Writing that lady would probably require Jaime Lannister to have had a falling out with his father over the Targeryen kids and gone north, where she can be a ward like Theon and meet him. Then she could build something from that connection.

BARATHEON, of the Stormlands
5K: Shireen Baratheon, Born 287 AC

TYRELL, of the Reach (5K only)
5K: Margaery Tyrell, Born 276 AC

MARTELL, of Dorne
RR: Elia Martell, Born 257 AC est. (I have recently been informed that she was 16 in 273)
5K: Rei Martell, Born 274 AC est. (Formerly Raenys Targaryen, some AU here, EDITed birth date to reflect new info without making her vastly too short relative to mom at RR timeframe of 280-281 for the HBO image, or death date of 283 by books)


A/N: Too many ASoIaF/GoT quests on this site lie unfinished due to spreading out too much, too fast in terms of available options, I will list the limitations in the mechanics bookmark. Since apparently only about 1000 words per update are strictly required, and updates can be as sparse as weekly or bi-weekly... let's try this for fun.

I was VERY STRONGLY inspired by "Kermit Lord Quest".

Some things will absolutely NOT be made widespread on purpose here (though accidents can happen), namely piercings for earrings (A Connecticut Yankee in King Robert's Court makes my teeth grind even as a man over her insistence on developing piercings). It's just another way to make people (usually women) mutilate themselves or their daughters in the name of public acceptance or "attractiveness" (being an enlightened Chinese, I have a raging hate-boner for anything that even vaguely reminds me of the ideology behind foot-binding). Clip-ons are more than fine for earrings unless you want to go stupidly huge, thank you very much... though if people particularly want to poke holes (which can be torn out easily) in themselves for laughs, well... *shrugs at stupidity*
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Mechanics (subject to update)

First of all, most rolls are on 1d100, and each turn is three months. I am making the presumption that it takes at least 3 months to do anything worthwhile in a medieval society. I am also making the 12-month calendar actually make sense with unstable seasonality.

Most importantly, I'll ensure that GRRM's stupidity in making 10 year long winters magically not suffocate everyone under sheer snow cover doesn't impact this story, by handwaving it as "colder than average" (e.g. "it will snow in northern hemisphere summer)" versus "warmer than average" (e.g. "the Haunted Forest is so defrosted that the ground isn't even soggy due to thawing thoroughly enough").

Otherwise all the civilizations close to the arctic circle would have a) never developed or b) be nomadic and surge south whenever a particularly long winter is coming, because riding south with a massive host a la Genghis Khan is less trouble than storing supplies for a winter of UNKNOWN LENGTH (how do you even prepare for that? PFFT).
Expect axial tilt and fluctuating orbital eccentricity to be used. And I can still explain the maesters' knowing Winter is coming well enough.As an ecology and molecular biology double concentration, I will also make sure there is sane ecology in a world made by a guy who supposedly (according to a comment on a world-size-analysis post) spent more words on describing a Dornish princess's boobs than on defining the size of his world.

Though I'll accept Westeros being about 1000 leagues from the Wall southward, basically having the continent be from Greenland's latitude to Morocco, which makes the world make a lot better sense than "it's purely sparkly magical bullshit"

The stats are as per CK2 at first glance.
I'll go with the "10 is the average reasonably competent/educated person at this skill" metric for these five main stats (hence the -10 in the project calculations):

Diplomacy: How good you are at dealing with people, including your advisors.
Martial: How good you are at military affairs, and fighting personally.
Stewardship: Administration, bureaucracy, accounting, etc.
Intrigue: Interesting, manipulative, and other similar terms.
Learning: Helps develop things that let other techs succeed more easily.

And then there's a stat for general resilience to sickness and other issues: HEALTH


Enthusiasm lasts 1 turn, invoked by particular successes with full-time advisors, and gives 120% effect, rounded up.
Full-Time advisors give full effect
Part-Time gives 70% effect, rounded up
Spare-Time gives 40% effect, rounded up

You will not be able to hire full-time advisors without either significant age or high Parental Tolerance.


The most important stat by far for technological development, until you manage enough achievements that it becomes irrelevant, is this one:
This is how many turns your father, guardian, or husband will allow you to focus on a particular project for before dismissing the project as a failure, forbidding it from being taken again for the same number of turns as was originally spent on it. This will depend on your region's resources, expertise, experience, etc. It will also be negatively affected by large enough disasters in the projects

It is also why I REALLY don't recommend playing as Cersei Lannister, because Tywin is a short-sighted control freak you would probably need to shank before actually being able to do anything interesting whatsoever.

Projects have a chance to succeed with each turn in a project after a minimal number of turns required (for example, developing a better plough or horse collar has no minimum, while larger agricultural changes do). The minimum turns required depend on various factors such as season/climate, or the ease of implementation of a particular policy.

Your skill in a subject area is added to each project you pay personal attention to (as opposed to grinding your raw stats). If you have an advisor in that subject, their skill is added as well.

A dice roll + (skill contributions if any, - 10 per person for competence above/below average) + other effects + Base % > 100 will complete a project. Rolling 100 auto-completes it regardless of penalties.

Project success chance improvements will increase by 1% every 5 points over 59, so rolling plus skill contributions giving 75 to 79 gives +3% chance on succeeding next turn, while decreases occur for rolls under 40. Critical Failures will vary in effect depending on project. However, almost all result in injury. Thus projects should be carefully ordered among the categories, lest your planned personal attention isn't available.

The number of projects that can be pursued each turn across all fields is equal to (total stat points +1d10) divided by 10,I'll do this roll before asking you to choose how many to take. So you need total 9 points for 1 action guaranteed, 19 for 2 actions, 29 for 3, and so on.

Alternatively, you can add the extra project capacity to the base roll for one of your choices to pile up the progress in that field quickly. For example if you can do 2.2 projects at once, you can choose to only do 2, forfeiting the roll for gaining or progressing in a third project, but add 2 (up to 9 points at 2.9 projects) to the result for one of those two projects in hopes of faster completion or at least progress gain.

Any projects that are started occupy project slots to completion or failure. For example, if you start 3 projects this turn and none succeed right away, and it was from a roll that you got 3 projects, I'd ask which two should be listed as highest priority (and hash out the priority order from those votes).

You can't start any new projects if you are at or over capacity.

You will initially have three Active Options per category per turn with the exception of Learning. These will replenish themselves after a project is completed. I can come up with them sometimes, but almost every time, the audience will be invited to suggest and discuss replacements for done projects after the end of a turn.
You have 1 Reserved Option per category. Reserved Options are gained by special circumstances (e.g. capturing Ironborn longships) and can be researched at any time or filed away for later use. (This is like Stellaris).
You will have up to 2 Advisor Options per advisor, which are held onto until superceded or ordered into the archives (Forgotten Options).
Forgotten Options are Reserved Options that have been deemed less important than other possible Reserved Options. They are the files in the bottoms of your drawers. They are why Learning always has a fourth Active Option for rooting around in your old files to recover a Forgotten Option for a particular field at random.
Forbidden: Recent failures, cannot be retaken for the same number of turns as was originally spent on them. This is why major undertakings such as Explosives or the sequel tech of Blasting Powder should only be researched when parental tolerance is very high, with all efforts in that field focused on that subject.

MILITARY (because there will be war):

Military units will upgrade themselves (represented by a level number with decimals) over time with suitable innovations available for them, or can be upgraded faster via taking an Active Option to do so should your accumulated innovation be sufficient compared to the tech level of your forces. Studying the existing classifications and common doctrines are recommended before developing anything new.

The unit types (for now only on land) are:

RANGED INFANTRY: Skirmishers, Crossbows, Longbows
LINE INFANTRY: Light Melee Infantry, Heavy Melee Infantry, Pikemen
CAVALRY: Archer Cavalry, Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry
OTHER: Artillery, Special Operations
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This is who you are
Name: Lyanna Stark

Start Date (Turn 1): Fifth Name-day, 1st day, 4th month, 267 AC, spring-winter

Diplomacy: 1 + 1 + 3 = 5
Martial: 0 + 3 = 3
Stewardship: 1 + 3 + 3*1 = 7
Intrigue: 0 + 3 + 2*1 = 5
Learning: 2 + 3 + 1 = 6
Health: 5.00

Attractive (+1 DIP, +30 Attraction)
Quick (+3 all, can evolve to Genius or be lost)

Childhood Traits: (evolution conditions unknown at present, +/- show effects on rolls when trying to gain points, such as trying to gain Learning getting a +1 roll bonus from +LRN)
Idolizer (+1 LRN, +LRN/-MAR, will evolve to Erudite)
Curious (+1 STE, +DIP, will evolve to Shrewd)
Conscientious (+1 STE, +STE, will evolve to Diligent)
Willful (+1 INT, +MAR/-DIP, will evolve to Ambitious)
Brooding (+1 INT, +STE/-LRN, will evolve to Just)
Fussy (+1 STE, +INT/-DIP, will evolve to Patient)

Lyanna Stark was recognizable as a beauty in the making even as a small child. This is a passing thought which tends to disturb most of the men who notice it, since it insinuates they already find her attractive. However, beyond first sight comes the realization with even casual interaction that her mind is very sharp indeed. Fortunately for the Starks' diplomatic relations, she tends to prefer to hole up with Maester Luwin and learn things, instead of butchering others of her age at verbal or mind games. She is very curious about a wide variety of subjects, and is quite stubborn in learning things that proper ladies really shouldn't be too concerned about. She is also noted as being almost obsessed by the small-folk and the quality of their daily lives after reading of the famines of the longest winters. As a result of this obsession, she is noted for sometimes brooding over ideas to try to help the small-folk, the "foundation of our strength" as she describes it, and pays almost absurd amounts of attention to drawing up her plans, crude as they are to any adult's perspective.

Due to refusing to dismiss her arguments out of hand, Rickard and Lyarra have decided that she should be allowed to seek help from the various advisors and their families in trying out her ideas. For now though, only Rodrik Cassel and Maester Luwin have time to occasionally indulge her wilder projects. While Vayon Poole is still young and training in the art of the steward, he has been instructed by Rickard to help out part-time… in other words, as a babysitter.

Initial Advisor Roster:

DIP: None
MAR: Rodrik Cassel (Spare-Time, Effective Martial is 12 out of 28)
STE: Vayon Poole (Part-Time, Stewardship 14 out of 19)
INT: None
LRN: Maester Luwin (Spare-Time, Effective Learning is 12 out of 29)

Now, for the North at large…

Obvious Advantages:
  • Luwin - This Maester is far superior to the typical ones, thanks to his his loyalty to the Starks first above his guild. You will be able to learn all sorts of high-levelled things from him far easier and with vastly less chance of discovery than with any other Maester.
  • Northern Canal - There are two places where canals can be cut across Westeros that can pay back the cost. The North has one of the two, via the Fever River, passing just south of Moat Cailin. However, this would be too important to entrust to any one House's territory, so moving the capital south might be necessary, or assigning it to our own demesne to found a cadet line… not that we intend to stay as such.
Undiscovered Advantages: UNKNOWN (obviously), because it's not clear at first sight on a map, given the size of the North counts as a disadvantage… for now.

Obvious Disadvantages:
  • Winter Is Coming - Attempting to build up the population density of the North is curently unfeasible due to the harshness of the winters. Efforts to change food-related traditions will be much harder too due to the winters leaving little leeway for risky ventures unless they can be proven to work on a small scale, repeatedly.
  • The Winter Hungers - Essosi bullshit about the winters actually being up to 10 years of continuous snow buildup are absolutely stark (ahem) raving mad as we'd all suffocate in the snow. Given we're still alive, it should be damned obvious that "summer" and "winter" are terms used for phases of generally warm or generally cool weather, though winters are called that term the few parts of Essos to not be constantly be warm to hot use, which does exist well enough in Westeros because they are more or less defined as harder than usual to grow crops in. Only in the longest, worst winters will harvests fail completely and utterly for years in a row, but famines with large death tolls are common in those winters, since they are also the worst. Thus, rallying manpower to special projects that aren't part of your standing military will be hard due to the need for a safe agricultural margin, unless you can figure out a way around the climate fluctuations. By the way, the maesters can tell winter is coming when the days grow shorter, and since we don't know if it will grow longer to a sufficient degree to actually have a proper spring or summer next year, well... "Winter is Coming".
  • Size Matters - The North is just so large that maintaining any reasonable level of infrastructure connecting the main population centers (and security throughout said network) of the realm is a lot more expensive and gives lower rewards than similar investments in other realms. Only improving population density can mitigate this, and even then when winter comes it's basically useless. Large-volume resource exploitation s will also be shut down during the winter except along the coasts. And then there's how expanding to, say, the Iron Islands would be very much frowned upon due to how large the North already is on maps.
  • The Old Gods - The rest of Westeros mostly follows the Seven, which sometimes causes awkwardness, to put it politely.
  • The Night's Watch - A constant slow burn of manpower...
  • The Others - Sure, they're probably mythical, but who knows?
Undiscovered Disadvantages: Unknown
Guardian54 threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: 5 Total: 22
4 4 5 5 1 1 2 2 10 10
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[1] 5K: Myrcella Baratheon
[2] 5K:Sansa Stark
[3] 5K: Margaery Tyrel
*Edit* Dont know how but i forgot to put three down.
Also im doing 5K because thas what i know about.
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[1] Lyanna Stark
[2] Alys Arryn
[3] Catelyn Tully

Would prefer not starting with War of 5 King Era characters.

@Guardian54 I assume you want us to rank voting
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[1] 5K: Rei Martell, Born 270 AC est. (some AU here)
[2] RR: Cersei Lannister, Born 262 AC (massive OOC required)
[3] RR: Lyanna Stark, Born 262 AC est.
[1] 5K: Rei Martell, Born 270 AC est. (some AU here)
[2] RR: Cersei Lannister, Born 262 AC (massive OOC required)
[3] RR: Lyanna Stark, Born 262 AC est.
Early tally:
Vote Tally : The Wise Empress of Westeros | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.6

[1] Lyanna Stark
[2] Alys Arryn
[3] 5K: Myrcella Baratheon
[4] Catelyn Tully
[5] 5K: Rei Martell, Born 270 AC est. (some AU here)
[6] 5K:Sansa Stark
[7] RR: Cersei Lannister, Born 262 AC (massive OOC required)
[8] 5K: Margaery Tyrel

Total No. of Voters: 4

Also please try to format your votes in the same manner, it makes it a lot easier when running a ranking vote
I am a bit confused about listing 3 people do we get the 3 most voted charcters?
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[1] 5K: Shireen Baratheon
[2] RR: Alys Arryn
[3] 5K: Arya Stark

I'd really like to play Shireen. She got such a rough deal in canon, and the greyscale will make things interesting. (read: harder, but more rewarding.)
Okay everyone, Preliminary Mechanics are now up!

I am a bit confused about listing 3 do we get the 3 most voted charcters?

*looks utterly horrified*
I specifically stated that we are NOT playing Co-op (e.g. hive mind of several bodies, complete with existential crisis regarding whether or not she's hijacking bodies and evicting people's souls on their fifth birthday, and dread over how many more would be joining them)... at least, not THIS time. I'm going to be writing this by wiki (BTW that's why I favour the RR generation over 5K, less knowledge needed) so it's already hard enough in single player.

If I have a tie or very close match in the 1st place votes, I'll look at the number of votes those ppl got as 2nd place options, then 3rd. However, so far it looks like Lyanna Stark is winning pretty handily, with Rei Martell (formerly Rhaenys Targaryen) a distant second.
Not sure how otherwise AU this setting is but just in case wanted to bring up the likely canon ages of the playable characters:
  • Lyanna Stark (~266-267)
  • Sansa Stark (286)
  • Arya Stark (289)
  • Catelyn Tully (264)
  • Alys Arryn (unclear, but her eldest daughter had a young son with Denys Arryn by Robert's Rebellion so perhaps late 230s or early-mid 240s)
  • Cersei Lannister (266)
  • Myrcella Baratheon (290)
  • Shireen Baratheon (289)
  • Margaery Tyrell (283)
  • Elia Martell (257)
  • Rhaenys Targaryen (280) (I'd hope Rhaegar didn't have her at 11!)
[1] Cersei Lannister
[2] Shireen Baratheon
[3] Lyanna Stark

Best of luck moving forward.
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[1] 5K:Sansa Stark
Sansa is definitely one of my favourite characters in the books.
[2] 5K: Myrcella Baratheon
Her circumstances cry hard mode to me. Furthermore, she is one of the two Lannisters I like.
Not sure how otherwise AU this setting is but just in case wanted to bring up the likely canon ages of the playable characters:
  • Elia Martell (257)
  • Rhaenys Targaryen (280) (I'd hope Rhaegar didn't have her at 11!)

Thanks for the well wishes, but for date of birth for these two... Um... no.

"As a teenager, Elia accompanied her brother Oberyn on a visit to Casterly Rock. While there, Elia and Oberyn were eager to see the monster that had just been born." from gameofthrones.wikia

I assumed Elia was 13 in 266 AC, when Tyrion was born. This was the youngest I could feasibly make Elia without having her visit be significantly (a year or more) after Tyrion's birth, hardly "just been born", and given Tywin Lannister had high rank and good relations with the Targaryens at this time--the king only really started losing it in the 270s, a visit to send condolences for the loss of Lord Lannister's wife would not be unusual for House Martell... not to mention the kids could use some travelling outside Dorne.

And Rhaenys was clearly not 3 years old (by book continuity) when she got killed.
Rhaenys Targaryen (daughter of Rhaegar)
Look at that image with Elia and Aegon before Clegane. I can accept her brother as having been a toddler there, but she stands nearly as tall as her mother. I'd put her at around 11 years of age, so born in 270 is reasonable if we go by HBO TV continuity i.e. RR in 281.

On the wiki Alys Arryn had only sibilings, no offspring? So I put her and her younger siblings as a crop of late pregnancies compared to Jon Arryn to make her less in age gap from the others of the RR generation.

So far it looks like Lyanna Stark will be our player character, so I'll get to work on her baseline stats right away.
Thanks for the well wishes, but for date of birth for these two... Um... no.

"As a teenager, Elia accompanied her brother Oberyn on a visit to Casterly Rock. While there, Elia and Oberyn were eager to see the monster that had just been born." from gameofthrones.wikia

I assumed Elia was 13 in 266 AC, when Tyrion was born. This was the youngest I could feasibly make Elia without having her visit be significantly (a year or more) after Tyrion's birth, hardly "just been born", and given Tywin Lannister had high rank and good relations with the Targaryens at this time--the king only really started losing it in the 270s, a visit to send condolences for the loss of Lord Lannister's wife would not be unusual for House Martell... not to mention the kids could use some travelling outside Dorne.

And Rhaenys was clearly not 3 years old (by book continuity) when she got killed.
Rhaenys Targaryen (daughter of Rhaegar)
Look at that image with Elia and Aegon before Clegane. I can accept her brother as having been a toddler there, but she stands nearly as tall as her mother. I'd put her at around 11 years of age, so born in 270 is reasonable if we go by HBO TV continuity i.e. RR in 281.

On the wiki Alys Arryn had only sibilings, no offspring? So I put her and her younger siblings as a crop of late pregnancies compared to Jon Arryn to make her less in age gap from the others of the RR generation.

So far it looks like Lyanna Stark will be our player character, so I'll get to work on her baseline stats right away.

Years after Aegon's Conquest/Calculations Ages (Continued)
Rhaenys Targaryen (daughter of Rhaegar)
Tyrion Lannister

Book birth dates listed on the wiki with calculations explaining where they came from. I personally wouldn't use an image on the tv show's wiki over the birth dates listed in TWOIAF and elsewhere but again, personal preference. Tyrion Lannister was born in 273 AC so Elia born in 257 would have been sixteen years old at his birth. 266 is the birthdate of the Lannister twins not Tyrion.

Alys Arryn

This is Alys Arryn's page on the canon wiki. She had nine children. Of course it's fine to use the show as a primary source instead, it just would be good to make it clear you're working in that canon instead.
This is Alys Arryn's page on the canon wiki. She had nine children. Of course it's fine to use the show as a primary source instead, it just would be good to make it clear you're working in that canon instead.
What you're saying and what you're doing are contradictory. You're speaking as if you are arguing about book continuity, yet you are using show-based sources.

Thank you for your most helpful information.

I think I'll probably end up using the show for most purposes EXCEPT the dates of Robert's Rebellion (in medieval times a 14-year-old being depicted getting married was often a matter of course), since we aren't writing Alys Arryn as our player character unless somehow the tables flip.
The wonky climate of Planetos can be plausibly explained by the plane orbiting a complicated binary Star/black hole system. Such sytems tend to have really complicated and wierd orbits.

[1]Lyana Stark
[2]Myrcella Baratheon
[3]Elia Martell