The Voyage Within

It might take a couple adaptation cycles
And "adaptation" is not a magic word. A dead, or mostly dead, Cube is not going to have the massive database for on the fly changes to account for circumstances.
...I would not put it past the Borg to use the same quantum tunneling "healing" as the Necrons from 40k, though. Even if just on the most vital of systems.
24 New
Entering the shuttlebay, Dinah glanced back at me and then motioned me to the side.

I followed and she turned to me, her voice low,

"Zeph, I need you to be completely honest with me here," she said, "Can you do this?"

Taking a deep breath, I slowly let it out, "I hate them," I told her quietly, "If there was a button to kill every last one of them, I'd push it before you were done explaining what it was. But yes. I can do this."

Actually, maybe not. That would keep me from killing them all in person after all.

She frowned slightly, "Are you sure? I can't have you freezing up over there or start ripping the place up. I know how strongly the Borg affect you."

"I'm surprised they don't affect you the same way," I said quietly, "You lost people to them. As many or more than me."

"I hate them too," she admitted softly, "They terrify me. The thought of another cube or... more... returning for another assault at the Federation still has me waking up screaming at night at times. But this is something we need to do. It may find us a way home, a way to beat them. And I need you on this, Zeph, you're the best engineer I know and I served on the Enterprise. And you're almost as smart as you think you are."

I snorted at her, "What do you mean almost?" I answered, repeating the usual teasing interchange.

Dinah smiled briefly but her tone was completely serious, "But I can't have you with me on this if you're too afraid to think straight."

Her tone made me actually stop and think about it for a second. Could I? If I couldn't, then going would risk all their lives.

"I can," I told her equally as seriously, "Seeing that cube came at me cold. It all hit me at once. I am doing better now. And I'm not afraid. I'm furious. They are intruders. Interlopers. Invaders of my territory and they all deserve to burn."

Dinah frowned slightly before she nodded and raised a hand. I touched my snout to it.

"Alright, let's go," she said and headed for the large shuttle with everyone else waiting.

Everyone else was already gathered by the ramp of the shuttle, wearing environmental suits and carrying the gauss rifles. Well, not Harry Kim but Ensign Morales and Crewman Johnson were both holding one.

"Alright," Dinah said as she walked past them onto the shuttle, "Check your timers, we have one hour, forty three minutes before we have to be back onboard. This is going to be a smash and grab, no time for anything fancy. Harry, you're piloting, I'll show you where we can enter. Our goal is to get Zephyr to the interesting bits so he can pick what we can salvage."

"At any sign of life over there, we pull out," I continued as I followed her onto the shuttle's cargo area, "And leave the present behind. Harry, you're on present duty."

He nodded and patted the hexagonal cargo carrier he had hanging from a strap over one shoulder, "I got it, sir."

We all piled into the shuttle. Dinah and Harry moved into the small cockpit and I settled down on the deck before reaching up and taking the helmet from my harness, putting it on and activating the suit, feeling the strong nano fabric clamp down around my body. Then I turned my head to Morales, "So what do you think of the guns?"

He grinned and put his own helmet on before his voice came through the com channel, "Lot more fun to fire than a phaser, I'll give you that, sir. And anything on the other end is going to be mighty unhappy about it. Not as useful as a phaser, but it does its job very well."

"I prefer the phasers," Johanson said before sealing her own helmet, "More versatile, but it sure seems like it may be better against the Borg."

"That's the hope," I said, "And why Lieutenant Navari asked me to design a kinetic weapon, that hopefully it will be more difficult to adapt to. But like she said, any sign of life, any movement at all over there and we're pulling back and giving them a surprise on the way."

They both nodded and went to check over their weapons.

I brought up the sensors of the shuttle in my helmet, watching the massive black cube slowly grow in my view and I felt the fire within.

To burn them all.

"Does not look damaged," I instead mused, "Not sure they were in a battle."

"Any thoughts of what could have killed it?" Dinah asked over the com channel, "Harry, see that lower edge? There is an entry port there."

"Well..." I said slowly, using the distraction, "Not yet. But we are about two lightdays from the edge of a charged nebula. If it wandered in there and got zapped..."

"Ouch," Dinah answered, "Yeah, that'd likely do it. Those have discharges the size of Earth."

Nebula could pick up a charge, the same way as a thunderstorm on a planet. Lots of gasses moving about creating static friction. But without a planet or even star around to ground to, the charge could build a lot higher.

And if something happened to drift into it, for example a ship...

Dinah was right. I don't care how tough the Borg cubes are, you're not tanking that. Hell, if that's what happened, the fact that they're here at all means that they were either on the edge of a discharge or just got hit by a small one. The usual thing that happened was the ship unlucky enough to get zapped was to turn into its component subatomic particles.

"Circle around once first, Harry," I said, "Give us a full sensor reading of the cube. If there's any energy signatures, any heat at all, we're leaving."

"On it," he answered and the shuttle started to change course.

The massive three kilometer cube grew larger in my field of view than I ever saw in the past. Closer and in more detail.

I forced myself to relax, to not dig my claws through the deck. To pay attention, to watch. The surface was even more covered in gribbles than you could see. It's like it wasn't really a hull at all. More like the ship just stopped and the outer layer was just shaped according to whatever was beneath it.

"No energy readings, no heat signatures," Dinah said, "Alright, bring us inside."

I watched as the shuttle moved around and headed for a small opening in the cube. I'm not sure what it was. A way to bring onboard small ships maybe. A shuttlebay, a hangar, whatever it was it was empty and open to space.

Nothing to see. A metal box with an opening further in.

Dinah walked back into the cargo space, "Alright," she said and checked her weapon, "Morales, you're with me. Johnson, bring up the rear. Harry and Zephyr in the middle."

She motioned and Morales hit a button, cycling the atmosphere out with a dull roar before the ramp slowly started to lower.

The outside was pitch black. I switched my helmet to thermal.

Almost as dark then.

"I should go first," I protested with a growl, "If something comes at us, I may be in the way for you to get back."

"Tough," Dinah said and started down the ramp, lights kindling to light on the shoulders of her suit as she raised her weapon, "Let's go."
Wait, are they about to find Seven of Nine? Maybe they can pull some borg tech to use on voyager. Does anyone have an intrepid on their sto account they can throw on a set of Omega Adapted Borg Tech? I have one I run on my lexington and its pretty awesome looking. Thank you for the chapter!
Wait, are they about to find Seven of Nine? Maybe they can pull some borg tech to use on voyager. Does anyone have an intrepid on their sto account they can throw on a set of Omega Adapted Borg Tech? I have one I run on my lexington and its pretty awesome looking. Thank you for the chapter!
I highly doubt Seven's going to be here. This reminds me more of the borg children episode, but that comes AFTER Seven is on the ship.

Then again, Hiver made it clear this was going to be AU.
Wait, are they about to find Seven of Nine? Maybe they can pull some borg tech to use on voyager. Does anyone have an intrepid on their sto account they can throw on a set of Omega Adapted Borg Tech? I have one I run on my lexington and its pretty awesome looking. Thank you for the chapter!

I highly doubt Seven's going to be here. This reminds me more of the borg children episode, but that comes AFTER Seven is on the ship.

Then again, Hiver made it clear this was going to be AU.
This isn't the 7/9 or Borg children episode. It's the episode where a cube that was implied to have assimilated the bioweapon trap from Icheb's parents and got disabled. The Borg drones regained their memories and were released from the collective, then decided to colonize a planet in the Nebula. Chakotay crashes his shuttle on that planet. He helps make a new, more friendly, collective hive mind in the end.
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25 New
The cube was dead.

Not even gravity was online, so everyone moved along the corridor on mag boots. I didn't bother, I just floated along, occasionally reaching out to adjust my momentum or orientation as I scanned as far and as deeply as my tricorder helmet could.

There were energy signatures, but they were very faint. They read more like the last sparks of a dead battery than anything else.

"Movement," Morales said, a weapon aimed down the hallway, the light illuminating a pair of drifting Borg corpses.

Dinah squeezed the trigger of her weapon, its energy flashing on my tricorder twice as she put a pair of hypersonic darts into the heads of the dead Borg, their vacuum dried heads breaking into dust.

"Move on," she ordered and kept moving.

The cube was dead. The Borg on the cube were dead.

None of which reduced my burning fury for the audacity of their kind of continuing to exist and I couldn't stop an agreeing rumble as she made sure those two were dead.

As we continued on, I planted three legs onto the wall, activating the magnetic grapplers to steady myself. I reached out with my left forepaw to slam the closest dead Borg against the floor to stop its rotation as I peered at the remains.

There was scorching, even blackening where implants met meat.

Wonder how much energy would be required to- yes, thank you.

The number appeared in my mind like I always knew it. Apparently somewhere in my mind was all the numbers necessary to calculate at least somewhat accurately how big of a zap was required to crispy a Borg cube and the alien supercomputer spread through my brain meats happily crunched them.

The amount of energy necessary to do this to something as big as a Borg vessel was enormous.

I let the remains go and continued on.

Fury. Hatred.

But control.

I had made a conscious choice to not dig my claws into that disgusting thing. So I had not.


We moved into a larger chamber and Dinah stopped, sweeping it with her weapon before she turned to us, "This is as far as I know," she admitted, "It looks identical to the one that attacked Earth, but this is as far as I know where to go. We didn't have a lot of time, but Commander Data thought this may be part of their propulsion system. Figured we might as well start here. Ensign, set up the device as we secure the area. Lieutenant, see if there is anything here we need."

"Yes sir," Harry answered and floated across the chamber to the far wall where there was a flat spot for him to set it up.

I looked around, my eyes on the sensor readings before I flicked them into a corner to look at the... pillar like thing before me. It seemed made of pipes and tubes with round parts and what looked like the occasional screen.

Why would the Borg need screens?

Backup interface maybe.


Is that a plasma conduit? It seems to be. The scans confirm it, it's cold now, but it couldn't be anything but a plasma conduit. Which meant that thing had to be some sort of power distributor and if Commander Data was right, and I bet he was, that thing had to be some sort of plasma manifold. Which makes that... a warp coil? But it's not a coil, it's a rhombus.

Why a rhombus?

I scanned with my tricorder. It had very interesting insides, a kinda fractal pattern flow converter. But how would that affect-

Oh that's fascinating. The efficiency rating is amazing.

I'm stealing that one. As they did.


"Zephyr, you're growling," Dinah said over the com.

"I can growl and work," I answered and continued along the pillar, following the flow power.

"You might be able to, but it's distracting us, so cut it out."

Which was a fair enough point so I forced myself to stop.

This pillar was a nacelle. That was the only thing that made sense, it was a very compact and internal nacelle. How did they generate a warp field inside a ship and without empty space between the nacelles?

No clue.

How did they use more than three? With difficulty I could only assume, the field complexity when adding more point sources rose exponentially. Unless it was like a circular nacelle. But even those needed open space. And could be argued to be one nacelle anyway.

I glanced at the time. We had spent almost forty minutes so far.

We had to leave the ship in thirty if we were to meet the Captain's time limit.

"Voyager to away team. Report."

"Away Team here," Dinah answered, "No issues so far, Lieutenant Zephyr is examining some tech. It seems like the cube was struck by a discharge when passing the charged nebula."

"Agreed," I said, joining the conversation, "I'm seeing some damage to a lot of systems. Some components look outright melted. We'll salvage what we can."

"Understood, Voyager out."

Screw it, we don't have time for this. I moved to one end of the pillar, checked with the tricorder that nothing would blow up before using my phaser like a cutting torch to cut the entire thing off. Then I moved to the other side and did the same there."

"Zephyr?" Harry asked.

"No time to look at it piece by piece, we're bringing the entire thing," I told him, "Johansen, you and Kim get it back to the shuttle."

"I don't like the idea of splitting up," Dinah interjected.

"The place is dead," I told her, "And if we move as a group we won't have time to get anything else. Your operation Navari, which do we do?"

Dinah was quiet for a couple of seconds, "We stick together. I'm not taking a chance with the Borg involved."

I nodded, "Alright. Kim, get this thing ready for transport. We'll see what else we can find in the meanwhile."

"On it, Lieutenant," Harry said and I moved off the now free floating pillar to check some equipment sticking out of the wall.

I only gave that a quick once over. It seemed to be some sort of reactor so I started to claw it out of the wall.

No time for a careful examination.
"Loot everything that isn't nailed down. If you can pry it off the floor it's not nailed down anymore is it?"

I would expect more caution with potential Borg nanoprobes but I guess that's a problem that doesn't have many real solutions, if just looting stuff was a problem then beaming into the cube in the first place was a mistake.

edit: They don't beam in this continuity, so I guess 'boarding the cube' as opposed to beaming into the cube?
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Do we have any idea why the very particular time limit they were given exists? I haven't been able to figure that out.

Zephyr: bringing both the smash and the grab to this operation.
I hope they can make more than one extraction delve here - might as well if the first one doesn't kill everyone!
If this was a tabletop RPG, there would be one roll for the first delve, then additional rolls for every 20 minutes they spend futzing around or for additional delves. Each roll after the first would have a steadily increasing penalty.
kinda hope Zephyr gets borgified, only for him to find out that it Doesn't automatically make him evil.
Zephry brain interface tech is too fancy. If a borg tried to borgify him, the borg would probably end up Zephyred instead.
Waaaaaay too early for Seven of Nine. 2 hours is an arbitrary time limit the crew agreed on before getting out of dodge. Don't want to risk the Borg showing up looking for their missing cube. And remember Zephyr has a scary immune system, I imagine that's the first (and perhaps the only needed) line of defense against the Borg.
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I would expect more caution with potential Borg nanoprobes but I guess that's a problem that doesn't have many real solutions, if just looting stuff was a problem then beaming into the cube in the first place was a mistake.
Thankfully, at least in canon, the vector they always seem to use is injecting somebody with something. Which implies that they probably don't have a more convenient way to get the process going, and the away team will be okay so long as they don't get cut on any scraggly bits of metal.
It's a reasonable limit, who knows when the Borg will show up. Don't let anti-Janeway bias get in the way hear.
To be fair, as part of the command crew Zephyr should have been made aware of the reasoning so as to make judgements in the field.

That said, just because the cube is dead doesn't mean that no one has been here before and left something to sound an alarm should it or something else be active.
It's a reasonable limit, who knows when the Borg will show up. Don't let anti-Janeway bias get in the way hear.
I'm not part of the weird Janeway hate brigade, I just see a 2 hour time limit placed, and clearly impacting operations, with no motivation either stated or obvious to me.

There's nothing about 2 hours that makes sense in relation to the cube itself. I'm pretty sure no environmental hazard factors are in play. My best guess is it's a semi-arbitrary time on needing to keep running from the Vidiians.