Be china is easy. I am trying to get my gdp parabolic on the ottomans, and I am merely keeping up with the big three in front of me.
How do you get a billion gdp?

My four playthroughs I had good growth, but never enough to surpass the big 3 powers of any given game
Its called be the USA, you can kind of do it on racial segregation but its tough, but you don't need any more land than the Modern USA (though i forgot to get Hawaii until 1920s)
The Better Politics mod is adding a cabinet system and foreign policy law group:

It looks like you add characters as ministers to Institutions. There's also a short video on the Discord which I don't know how to link.

Justum Bellum Foreign Policy:

Armed Neutrality Foreign Policy:

There are a couple more examples (Ultramilitarism and Disarmed Nation) on the Discord.
Are they going to unfuck the military system? Especially the navy?
It's one of the major areas they intend to improve but 1.8 isn't going to focus on it. Per the dev diary 1.9 is going to be a much larger update so I wouldn't be surprised if the war system gets some love there. Though it's not explicitly confirmed so take my speculation with a grain of salt.

Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #127 - Bulk Nationalization and Companies Building Ownership

Hello Victorians, wake up, grab a brush and put on a little make-up - we’re talking about Bulk Nationalization today! Also, I will be bringing you more details on the next step in the evolution of the Companies feature: Ownership of building...

Paradox is adding bulk nationalization and companies directly owning buildings, these are some great changes. We're getting both more socialism and more capitalism, enlightened centrist Paradox 🙏
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Ah but will there br reformist mass movements like the progressive movement that reaches across social lines and professions to push reforms not just in government but in business and education or things like businesses pushing for national standards just to cut their own costs, so they don't have met hundreds of different state and local safety standards?
If I understand this correctly we now have both the cases where a culture that's already very accepted and seen as "normal" might not even want to assimilate very much into another while cultures that might want to, even if only via the natural process of neighbours adopting stuff from each other over time, might not be allowed to because they're *too different.*
Ahh, environmental disasters. I'm sure that's a new tool modders will have a field day with. Hopefully it will help make the Krakatoa event feel less arbitrary.

I recently had an MP game where I foolishly allowed a Qing player to force investment rights on me as Japan, after which I realized a sizeable fraction of my Aristocrats had a SoL of 1.0 because the Chinese private sector was buying a bunch of farms and reducing subsistence farm profit while also reducing the number of subsistence farms total (In fairness, this was also just after a revolution which replaced Serfdom with Homesteading, which probably also contributed to the severe profit loss for the shareholding classes). With the new hunger mechanics, I wonder if that would have created the insane situation of my aristocratic upper class all starving to death while the lower classes make merry with cheap grain and tasty opium from the Chinese market...
Ahh, environmental disasters. I'm sure that's a new tool modders will have a field day with. Hopefully it will help make the Krakatoa event feel less arbitrary.

I recently had an MP game where I foolishly allowed a Qing player to force investment rights on me as Japan, after which I realized a sizeable fraction of my Aristocrats had a SoL of 1.0 because the Chinese private sector was buying a bunch of farms and reducing subsistence farm profit while also reducing the number of subsistence farms total (In fairness, this was also just after a revolution which replaced Serfdom with Homesteading, which probably also contributed to the severe profit loss for the shareholding classes). With the new hunger mechanics, I wonder if that would have created the insane situation of my aristocratic upper class all starving to death while the lower classes make merry with cheap grain and tasty opium from the Chinese market...
Ahh, environmental disasters. I'm sure that's a new tool modders will have a field day with. Hopefully it will help make the Krakatoa event feel less arbitrary.

I recently had an MP game where I foolishly allowed a Qing player to force investment rights on me as Japan, after which I realized a sizeable fraction of my Aristocrats had a SoL of 1.0 because the Chinese private sector was buying a bunch of farms and reducing subsistence farm profit while also reducing the number of subsistence farms total (In fairness, this was also just after a revolution which replaced Serfdom with Homesteading, which probably also contributed to the severe profit loss for the shareholding classes). With the new hunger mechanics, I wonder if that would have created the insane situation of my aristocratic upper class all starving to death while the lower classes make merry with cheap grain and tasty opium from the Chinese market...
Solid maybe. If the aristocrats can't get any money then they obviously can't buy food, but if they have any money at all then the cheap grain will probably mean they won't starve outright. (Warning: As usual, I may be wrong.)
Solid maybe. If the aristocrats can't get any money then they obviously can't buy food, but if they have any money at all then the cheap grain will probably mean they won't starve outright. (Warning: As usual, I may be wrong.)
Also, keep in mind that aristocrats are going to be owning a chunk of all mines and logging camps early on. These will always provide at least SOME income later on, so they will generally be able to keep their standard of living up somewhat. And the moment your average wealth(not SoL, because only wealth determines pop good demand) hits 20? Aristrocrats actually start doing better because Fine Art Academies are almost only ever owned by Manor Houses.
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