The Urban Journey: An “Ex Novo” City-building Quest

Just to add a little clarity, any of these choices could create a source of resources or a source of danger depending on future rolled events. The trees of the forest could growing crystal fruits that could be really valuable or they could create chemicals that can mind-control people and/or animals. It all depends on the dice.
[X] The wildfires triggered by the impact of the Arrow at Fletcher's Field burned away much of the grasslands north of the city. In their place, a strange forest has begun to grow. This is not like the forests you are familiar with or the roqumpan that grow along the rocky fields to the south. What makes these forests so alien? How do our people respond to this unusual development?
minerva-n-memes threw 3 6-faced dice. Total: 13
5 5 3 3 5 5
Just to add a little clarity, any of these choices could create a source of resources or a source of danger depending on future rolled events. The trees of the forest could growing crystal fruits that could be really valuable or they could create chemicals that can mind-control people and/or animals. It all depends on the dice.

danger fruit, sounds yummy~!
Development Turn #3 - Results
Hello all! The winner this time was the strange forest. As a little change of pace, I decided to write a vignette. Hope you enjoy!


You wander north from Fletcher's Field. You are still an apprentice engraver for the next several weeks but have learned all you can from your master. His obligation to teach you done, he sent you off to help excavate one of the cast-offs from the Arrow. It puts your hands at risk of injury, but the grumpy old man has never given more care than the bare minimum to your future or safety.

Fortunately, your duty did not last long today. After several hours of careful digging, the priest that was monitoring the workers sent you all home. You never saw any artifacts, but you all must have been very close to whatever they were looking for. It's frustrating, the secrecy around the Arrow. With your friends help, you are now starting to understand why.

Your destination is a source of the priests' concern. The first signs of the forest that now flourished before you started growing when you were a baby. Many people thought it was a blessing from one of the gods or that a Ra'a-el had accidentally brought over some seeds from their island homes across the sea. Your friend Shapmek has a much different theory.

Speaking of xem… you can hear the young Ra'a-el's low whistle-trill echoing in the valley. Xe is not visible, but you nod with a hand to your side showing the sign you all agreed on. No one follows.


Your companions are waiting for you exactly where they had intended, a clearing around the blue glowing blossoms of a sapling under the cover of its forebears' twisted, stilt-like roots and corkscrew trunks. Okmat rises when you approach, smiling. You clasp hands. "I see you got your marks," she says, inspecting your face. "You wear them well!"

You smile, but soon regret it as the pulling skin stings the fresh adult tattoos that mark the skin along your cheek bones and below your eyes. She must have noticed. Her brow furrows in concern. She is a descendant from one of the Exiles and favors makeup for her marks, but she knows you wanted to honor your family's traditions. You come from a line of more liberal Etchers who have begun to use black tattooed lines combined with colorful makeups for your social marks. Another fact that you and your master have… strongly disagreed over.

Another friend, Panthal, comes down laughing from his perch on the roots of a nearby tree. "Of course, they do." You almost think he is about to thump you on the back like normal, but he seems to think better of it. Instead, he grips your shoulder gently and asks softly, "Are you sure you want to keep trying this?"

You look across this little artisanal workshop you all have set up here. Shapmek flits down from above. Xe drops a small bundle from xer talons down to your final companion, Keron. A small fire crackles in an earth-lined pit, natural wood carefully cleared of any traces of the bizarre plant life around you. You take a deep breath to steady yourself, the spicy smell of the papery, purple bark combined with the slightly sour smell of the sapling's blossoms.

"There is only one way to find the truth, now that Lekma's gone."


Your friends all surround Keron as he stirs the concoction of stewed bark one last time before picking up a metal ladle. He pauses, raising an eyebrow in your direction. You sign, {Would you rather do it, Keke?}

Keron snorts in amusement. He has already tried, but he is apparently immune to the mind-altering properties of the bark. Instead, he has become your apothecary.

Taking the ladle, he carefully skims the liquids, focusing on the oils. They are poured into a bowl where a paste had been waiting. The glowing blue mash of several blossoms seems to absorb the oils with an unnatural quickness and then just sits there.

Keron visibly droops, but the mash seems to release, instantly melting into an unnaturally rippling liquid in the bowl. The two of you share a surprised look, but you know this is what you needed. Everything is ready now.

You take the bowl off to the side of the clearing and sit cross-legged on the ground with one of the stilt-roots at your back. You know you should not drink the potion. Trial and error have shown the effects of the bark are based on absorbing the oils through the skin. You put your hand in the bowl. It is cool and feels strangely dry. You close your eyes and concentrate, but you only hear the vaguest of whispers. A hint that is not heard by the ears, but by the mind. Going on a hunch, you scoop some of the fluid in your hands and rub it on your face.

When you regain awareness, you are awkwardly sprawled on your side with your legs still crossed. Your eyes sting and are watering as you try to blink them clear. The space where you are is bright like the noonday sun coming in from all sides. A figure is visible, though your eyes cannot focus on them with the tears still streaming down your face.

"Who are you?" you choke out.

"Hello keol hem. I am Chwanmi. You have found the temeu opcheup." The mysterious person… Qshu-a-mi? They kneel down next to you and gingerly wipe your face. "Next time make sure not to get the ipe in your eyes."

You feel a moment of vertigo and jerk as it passes. The being, Chwanmi, catches your flailing hand hand, speaking quickly. "Listen to me carefully. You need to remember this. You need to be more careful." A sudden pressure fills your head that makes you gasp.


You start, not quite sure where you are. It is not bright anymore. You lay on the dirt where you sat before. Your friends are close by with Shapmek standing on your chest. Xe had been carefully dropping water into your eyes with the cup in xer hand. Xe hops down to the ground and twitters in concern. "You cry as blue flows. I wash it away."

You try to speak, but the crying has blocked your throat. He hands you the cup. Whistling what passes for a Ra'a-el 'thank you' you drain the remaining water. "Thanks, cha chata. (my friend)"

You look up at your human friends that surround you. You are struck by a sudden memory that is not yours. "I know how to make this work." You realize that you sound amazed, but also that your friends weren't really listening. Instead, they are staring at you.

A touch on your cheek draws your attention back to Shapmek. Xer wing talon is tracing your tattoo on your cheek. It should hurt, but it does not. You reach up and wipe aggressively at the other cheek, but it also feels normal. No puss, concoction, or blood comes on your hands. Only traces of the water xe had been using to clear your eyes.

Okmat kneels next to you and takes your hand, looking at it. She looks up at you with a wry expression. "Your marks. They've turned blue."

You close your eyes and sigh. "My master is really going to kill me this time."
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Map at End of Round 3
Almost forgot the new version of the map. Here is our map for end of round #3 / beginning of round #4.

PS: The trees don't have any names yet, so feel free to make any suggestions for the name of the forest or the trees themselves.
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Development Turn #4 - Vote
264 -A Revolution Succeeds
The system of power is upended. What was the espoused goal? Did parts of the old regime survive? What's the new structure of power?
=> Remove a faction. A faction gains power. Rename it.

The results for our next roll will be quite interesting!

Something to keep in mind is that this revolution does not have to be violent. It may have been a slow loss of power that is only realized through a catalyzing event showing their weakness. It might have been an overreach by one of the powerful factions that was upended by popular resistance like a coup & counter-coup situation. I will come up with the final scenario, but feel free to make recommendations in the vote.

I intend on the young people in the vignette from the last round to either play a role in the events or be POV characters to explore the consequences. If you have any questions about them or about who/what Chwanmi is to inform your recommendations, feel free to ask! Some time may have passed between those events and the revolution, so life may have changed them by the time of the final scenario.

There will be vote moratorium of ~24 hours to allow people to discuss things before voting starts. I will make a post at the end of the moratorium to indicate the start of voting.

The structure for the vote will be like this. The Factions you can choose from are The Etchers, the Cult of Olpan, or the Council of Exiles. The Flock of Qumol are not going to get involved in this event for story reasons.

[ ] _____ gains power.
--[ ] Suggestions for what their goal was or what started the revolution.
--[ ] What is their new name?

[ ] _____ is removed.
--[ ] Why did they resist the revolution?
--[ ] (If you chose the Cult of Olpan, does the gaining faction get their power token or do the two remaining factions share power?)
I've instigated a few ideas for the game so far, so I'll hold off for now, I'm quite interested in what other people think would be interesting though.
Honestly nothing that feels appropriate is coming to mind. This is early enough we haven't been able to explore the factions much, so it's hard to put my finger on what would cause this kind of shift for one of them, let alone two of them in this manner.
What is ipe and tenmu opcheup?
@hessan_yongdi What are temeu opcheup and ipe? For that matter, what do they do, as far as our group knows?
The POV character does not have any understanding of those concepts during the conversation with Chwanmi, so that is why I left the colored phrases and words are untranslated. I am afraid that I can't tell you any more about temeu opcheup because the group of friends don't know.

I left some context clues in the story on what ipe means, though I was probably too vague. Therefore, I will put what I can tell you about ipe in a spoiler tag. It is not critical for the story if you don't want to read what is inside.
Ipe refers to the blue substance that Keron made. When the POV character put it on their face, they weren't being careful enough and got some in their eyes. I imagine it probably stung like getting soap on your eye. That is why Chwanmi says what she does and Chapmek later adds "You cry as blue flows. I wash it away."

The natural tear response and Chapmek running the water in the POV's eyes bled into the other space. This left the POV feeling like they were crying uncontrollably for seemingly no reason when meeting Chwanmi. I cannot tell you anything about what exactly the ipe is doing or how it does it because the group has no idea.

Something I vaguely alluded to but originally meant to clearly say is that the friends' mutual friend Lekma was doing experiments in the forest before she vanished. Chapmek thinks the forest, her disappearance, the Arrow, and the secrecy of the Cult of Olpan are interconnected, so the group are trying to replicate some of her experiments. Whether they are right or not, we will have to see.
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Question on How to Move Forward
Hey all! The vote moratorium is technically over, but I can see that some are expressing frustration over not knowing much about the current situation with the factions. If you would like, I can provide some more information on how I see the current state of the city or I can craft some scenarios for us to choose from like I did in the previous two votes. What would be your preferences?
so, going back to the descriptions of the three factions...

Thank you everyone for your votes! The clear winners were "The Seed of Redemption" and "Left Behind." Based on these results and recommendations from you all, I think we should start with the following three factions:
  • The Council of Exiles - The rebels against the tyrant that retreated into the Cradle of the Moon came to be led by a council of important leaders in their militias. The current council members were key as they made the fighting retreat into the mountains in between their homelands and the Cradle of the Moon. In addition to being the most militant of the factions, they are also the most socially radical.

  • The Etchers - The Etchers were originally a professional guild for traditional body modification artists, but also expanded to other artistic professions like scribes and stone-carvers. It is traditional for adults among the Nerlekthad to use facial and body markings to indicate social standing, profession, or other indicators. While most today use makeup, face paints, and stains, the Etchers' subgroup of the culture that prefer tattoos and scaring. They have a more rigid social structure than most Nerelekthadi. With the rise of the Prophet among their people, the Etchers became a rally point for traditionalists wanted to preserve their culture from the drastic social changes the Prophet was encouraging among his followers. As such, the Etchers are socially rather conservative to the point of some of them being reactionary.

  • The Cult of Olpan - This small faction is lead by the priestly members of the cult to Olpan. There has been a shrine here near the ruins for as long as anyone can remember that is frequented by the downtrodden or those in great need and had developed a very small village around the edge of the ruins. They were in no way prepared for the refugee flow when the Etchers and Council of Exiles came, so the two groups have maintained a great deal of independence under the leadership that brought them here. They are the most culturally diverse faction with people from all over the region coming to this place before the recent refugee migrations.

...i am leaning towards the following:

[X] Etchers in Exile
-[X] The Council of Exiles gains power.
--[X] Those unsatisfied with the social conservatism of the Etchers grew dissatisfied over time, and eventually split from the Etchers
--[X] However, this group was not interested in joining the Cult of Olpan and losing their own identity
--[X] This faction then joined up with the Council of Exiles - this granted more legitimacy to the Council while giving this new faction access to their experience
--[X] Their new name is therefore the Council of Exiles and Etchers
-[X] The Etchers is removed.
--[X] While they still exist as group, their influence has waned significantly - along with their numbers
--[X] Their strict traditionalism does not allow for any compromise or concessions
[X] Etchers in Exile
-[X] The Council of Exiles gains power.
--[X] Those unsatisfied with the social conservatism of the Etchers grew dissatisfied over time, and eventually split from the Etchers
--[X] However, this group was not interested in joining the Cult of Olpan and losing their own identity
--[X] This faction then joined up with the Council of Exiles - this granted more legitimacy to the Council while giving this new faction access to their experience
--[X] Their new name is therefore the Council of Exiles and Etchers
-[X] The Etchers is removed.
--[X] While they still exist as group, their influence has waned significantly - along with their numbers
--[X] Their strict traditionalism does not allow for any compromise or concessions
[X] Infiltration and Idolization
-[X] The Council of Exiles gains power.
--[X] The Council of Exiles and the Etchers both looked upon the Cult of Olpan, as they mediated between their often conflicting interests. As time passed and the community grew, both pushed and supported their members as they entered into the Cult, with their support the Cult's unity waned becoming increasingly fractionalized.
--[X] The Council of Exiles now call themselves "The Knights of Olpan" to represent their "unity" with the church.
-[X] Cult of Olpan is removed.
--[X] Long has the Cult of Olpan outstretched their arms, embracing those that enter the Cradle. They were a long-standing but small community; with the introduction of the Council of Exiles and the Etchers the village grew, long a mediating force between the two factions, both the Etchers and the Council vied for something to promote their own ideals within the Cult. They began to send their own loyal members into the Cult's structures, ones that the Cult's doctrine would not refuse. These members had advantages that the pure-hearted Cult of Olpan members didn't, backing and quickly these representatives of the Etchers and the Council gained power, ultimately weakening the Cult of Olpan each corrupting it slightly, factionalizing its members slowly. The Cult of Olpan will never fall, but their unity greatly in disarray their influence lost outside of ritual and prayer. The saving grace for the Cult is over their years they have dulled the edges of both factions, but even a dulled axe can still fell trees.
--[X] Both factions undermined the unity of the Cult, leading to their old power to be shared among them. Neither faction able to fell the mediating structure on their own only together was it accomplished.
[X] Infiltration and Idolization
-[X] The Council of Exiles gains power.
--[X] The Council of Exiles and the Etchers both looked upon the Cult of Olpan, as they mediated between their often conflicting interests. As time passed and the community grew, both pushed and supported their members as they entered into the Cult, with their support the Cult's unity waned becoming increasingly fractionalized.
--[X] The Council of Exiles now call themselves "The Knights of Olpan" to represent their "unity" with the church.
-[X] Cult of Olpan is removed.
--[X] Long has the Cult of Olpan outstretched their arms, embracing those that enter the Cradle. They were a long-standing but small community; with the introduction of the Council of Exiles and the Etchers the village grew, long a mediating force between the two factions, both the Etchers and the Council vied for something to promote their own ideals within the Cult. They began to send their own loyal members into the Cult's structures, ones that the Cult's doctrine would not refuse. These members had advantages that the pure-hearted Cult of Olpan members didn't, backing and quickly these representatives of the Etchers and the Council gained power, ultimately weakening the Cult of Olpan each corrupting it slightly, factionalizing its members slowly. The Cult of Olpan will never fall, but their unity greatly in disarray their influence lost outside of ritual and prayer. The saving grace for the Cult is over their years they have dulled the edges of both factions, but even a dulled axe can still fell trees.
--[X] Both factions undermined the unity of the Cult, leading to their old power to be shared among them. Neither faction able to fell the mediating structure on their own only together was it accomplished.
[X] Infiltration and Idolization
-[X] The Council of Exiles gains power.
--[X] The Council of Exiles and the Etchers both looked upon the Cult of Olpan, as they mediated between their often conflicting interests. As time passed and the community grew, both pushed and supported their members as they entered into the Cult, with their support the Cult's unity waned becoming increasingly fractionalized.
--[X] The Council of Exiles now call themselves "The Knights of Olpan" to represent their "unity" with the church.
-[X] Cult of Olpan is removed.
--[X] Long has the Cult of Olpan outstretched their arms, embracing those that enter the Cradle. They were a long-standing but small community; with the introduction of the Council of Exiles and the Etchers the village grew, long a mediating force between the two factions, both the Etchers and the Council vied for something to promote their own ideals within the Cult. They began to send their own loyal members into the Cult's structures, ones that the Cult's doctrine would not refuse. These members had advantages that the pure-hearted Cult of Olpan members didn't, backing and quickly these representatives of the Etchers and the Council gained power, ultimately weakening the Cult of Olpan each corrupting it slightly, factionalizing its members slowly. The Cult of Olpan will never fall, but their unity greatly in disarray their influence lost outside of ritual and prayer. The saving grace for the Cult is over their years they have dulled the edges of both factions, but even a dulled axe can still fell trees.
--[X] Both factions undermined the unity of the Cult, leading to their old power to be shared among them. Neither faction able to fell the mediating structure on their own only together was it accomplished.
Hm, I kinda like both choices. Honestly tempting to make one that involves it being the Council to weaken just so we have that third option.

Anyways, possible tree names:
Chergrove: Literally combining cherry and Mangrove
Weeping Bloom
Some name alluding to a deity or more?
LiRieOh: Literly just typed randome keys that sounded good together.
Nigmagrove: Took enigma, removed the e and then stuck grove to the end.
Ysaz: Took two letters from "Mystic Maze" could've also gone with Myze.

Any of these coming out as a potential name for the trees?
Results of Round #4 Vote
This one was close, but the winner of the vote was "Infiltration and Idolization." "Etchers in Exile" was close to a scenario that I had been planning for proposal if no one had any suggestions, but "Infiltration and Idolization" is one I had not considered! I am going to make some small changes to the proposal to better fit some pieces I had moving behind the scenes, but I think many of you will enjoy it. I will hopefully have a full write-up for you all in the next 12-18 hours. 😊
Development Turn #4 - Results
As I said before, the winner of the vote was "Infiltration and Idolization." Here is a pair of excerpts from a "modern" history textbook published in the neighboring city-state of Qareqmon on these events. I tried to go into more detail on the inner workings of the city than previous updates, so I hope you enjoy!

Changes in the Social Order
The delicate balance of power from the beginning of Cradle's Rest was fated to not last for long with many important changes in the first years of the city. In fact, it was surprising that it lasted as long as it did as the refugee camp grew into a budding city-state. Two major factors would come to show the weaknesses of this structure.

The original power structure of Cradle's Rest was built around geographic and cultural origin. This requirement for political involvement left out many residents that did not come from the kingdoms to the North like the Exiles or had the cultural background of the Etchers from the western cities. The Cult of Olpan had originally strove to fill this vacuum and represent the interests of everyone else. However, they found themselves struggling to do this while also keeping the peace between the Etchers and Exiles. The tradition of patronage by Etcher and Exile elites increased the influence of those two powers on the Cult, harming their ability for the priests remain impartial and united.

One critical group underrepresented were the Ra'a-el who had come to live in the city. While small in stature, they had become critical participants in several of the city's industries and its security. Coming to the city in small groups or individually over the course of the previous decades instead of a typical full-clan migration, they had created a new clan of mutual support in the city. Ra'a-el traditionally named their clans after geographic marks in the area, so Cradle's Rest's Ra'a-el decided to call themselves the Flight of the Arrow due to the artifact's recent impact.

The second factor was major shifts in the religious practices of the city. Despite the preeminent importance of Olpan to the religious life of the city at this time, it would be incorrect to describe the people of Cradle's Rest as monotheistic. Many other deities like Olpan's parent Thekbol and deities representing other heavenly bodies were regularly worshiped in the city's shrines either by themselves or alongside the city's patron deity..

One of these was a minor deity named Qanme. Named for an asteroid that astrologers at the time believed orbited the moon of Olpan, she was seen as the protector of wanderers and hunters. She was strongly associated with Olpan because of their proximity in the sky and association in myth. As a result, she had a stone dedicated to her in the city's megalith at the Shrine of Olpan and was regularly honored by a small segment of the population like merchants.

It only seems natural that the "Arrow" that impacted in the Fletcher's Field would eventually become associated with Qanme. Her role with protecting wanderers also appealed to many newcomers to the city, Ra'a-el, and members of the Exiles who still strongly identified with their former home in the North. As a result, interest in this previously minor deity grew until her followers among laity and even priests in the Cult of Olpan came to be quite numerous.

Into this change came Lekma, a young acolyte of the Cult of Olpan who had disappeared from the community for several years. She claimed that during her disappearance she had been in direct contact with Qanme. Her supporters set her up as an Oracle for the deity. This was an ancient institution that used to exist at the Shrine of Olpan in the distant past but had been abandoned due to changes in local belief. The new group also encouraged a more personal relationship with the deities and private acts of spirituality. This is contrast to the performance of religious rituals in public spaces that had had the previous tradition. This personalization of the relationship with the deities is further reflected in Lekma's followers referring to themselves as companions rather than priests or acolytes and gave rise to the common reference to the group as the Companions of Qanme.

Records and public statements created by the leaders in the Cult of Olpan in this time period express fear and frustration. They call Lekma's assertions lies that flew in the face of centuries of tradition. Oracles and other forms of divination had been considered heretical outside of astrology or catoptromancy using bronze mirrors. They also expressed opposition to the Companions because they perceived them as disrupting the peace of the city. The Cult accused the Companions of favoritism due to the worshipers of Qanme being much more common among the Exiles than they were among the Etchers. Finally, their private records mention that the Companions' beliefs were undermining physical demonstrations of the Cult's importance to the social fabric of the city by reducing attendance to rituals and public religious spaces.

The Foundation of the Convocation of Union
It is rather ironic that the Cult of Olpan accused the Companions of bias considering subsequent events. The Etchers rallied behind the Cult, claiming that the Companions were a repeat of the Flock of Qumol due to the perceived disruption to the social structure. Some even claimed that Lekma was an agent of Qumol. This reactionary combination attempted to suppress the Companions, which forced the Companions to align with the Council of Exiles and the Flock of the Arrow. This alignment was made official in the Convocation of Union, which shortly became a major civic decision-making body for the city. The Etchers, as a major guild in the city, often had representatives in the Convocation. However, they never had enough direct influence to direct its decisions. Instead, they mainly influenced politics through outside actions like they had before.

As the uneasy peace settled in, both the Etchers and the Council gained in power. While the Council was part of this new union, they were frequently the most influential party within it. Meanwhile the Etchers strengthened their previously flagging influence but became more reactionary in their outlook. Less dedicated members had left to join the Convocation as a result of the Companions' influence, but the remainder had strengthening their convictions. The fragmented Cult of Olpan maintained the Shrine and worship of their main deity, but effectively lost its independence with many of their followers lost and the Etchers being their only financial and social backers within the city.

You will notice similarities between Chwanmi from the previous vignette and Qanme. This is no accident. Don't worry, I am still intending to maintain the low-fantasy elements of the world! Some of you may have suspicions already, but I hope we can explore more about Chwanmi in future side stories. If nothing else, Chwanmi will play a role in an event in... consults roll results list... the very near future.

To briefly explain the relationship between Qanme and Chwanmi, this is an example of syncretism. For an historical example of this, see Hermanubis or the cultural mish-mash that is Santa Claus. Qanme is pre-existing deity that was convenient to help explain Lekma and her friends' connection with Chwanmi and allow the circle of friends to influence the city where they live. It just went a lot better than they had expected! The friends know Chwanmi is not a god in the mythical sense, but they also don't know what she actually is.

I do not think they have told Chwanmi that the city thinks she is a god either. They will need to at some point if they want to keep up the ruse. I am sure that will be a fun conversation. "Hi Chwanmi, my friend. So I just though I would mention that everyone outside of this shared hallucination we have thinks that you are an archer deity that loves long walks and lives in the sky. Now, how has your day been?" 😅

PS: I have seen your suggestions @Tempest Warden , but I have been so focused on this that I have not had time to consider them yet. Thank you though!
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I do not think they have told Chwanmi that the city thinks she is a god either. They will need to at some point if they want to keep up the ruse. I am sure that will be a fun conversation. "Hi Chwanmi, my friend. So I just though I would mention that everyone outside of this shared hallucination we have thinks that you are an archer deity that loves long walks and lives in the sky. Now, how has your day been?" 😅
What's the difference between good friends and best friends.

A good friend would tell you up front, a best friend would decide 'nah she don't need to know.'
Development Turn #5 - Vote
156 - Gangs Claim Districts
A crime syndicate or a gang has managed to gain control of at least one district. What links them to this place? Why aren't they stopped?
=> Add a faction

Ohhhh, looks like someone started doing naughty things in the social chaos. I crafted three potential options, but also included a write-in option if anyone has any recommendations.

[ ] Some people have come to realize that the bark of the trees can be used as a mind-altering drug outside of the Companions' religious rituals. A group has organized to sell it to outside cities and the black market even though the export of the bark has been banned and sale to locals requires a license from the Convocation. The criminals are loosely supported by the Cult of Olpan because the criminals have been become a major funder for the Cult's ritual events.
=> Add a Smuggler faction; transform the Strange Forest from a landmark into a resource
-[ ] What would be the name of this faction?

[ ] A group of foreign artifact smugglers attempting to exploit the ruins have arisen. Their activities are criminal, but they have largely avoided retribution because the Convocation and the Etchers can't agree on who should be allowed to do anything about them. The Etchers claim that they have the historical right to protect the ruins. However, the Convocation feel that the Etchers don't have the right to enforce their punishments on non-guildmembers or people who live in the districts outside of their control.
=> Add an external Smuggler faction; future story developments may occur related to the ruins
-[ ] What would be the name of this faction?

[ ] The Etchers sponsored troublemakers to make life difficult for the Convocation in the initial days of the city's reorganization. They have since them organized themselves into a cabal of extortionists and thieves. While efforts have been made to uproot them, some among the Etchers still secretly support them to keep them out of Etchers districts.
=> Add a Mafia-style faction; future story developments may occur related to City government stability

[ ] Write In
-[ ] What would be the name of this faction?
[X] The Etchers sponsored troublemakers to make life difficult for the Convocation in the initial days of the city's reorganization. They have since them organized themselves into a cabal of extortionists and thieves. While efforts have been made to uproot them, some among the Etchers still secretly support them to keep them out of Etchers districts.
=> Add a Mafia-style faction; future story developments may occur related to City government stability
[X] Some people have come to realize that the bark of the trees can be used as a mind-altering drug outside of the Companions' religious rituals. A group has organized to sell it to outside cities and the black market even though the export of the bark has been banned and sale to locals requires a license from the Convocation. The criminals are loosely supported by the Cult of Olpan because the criminals have been become a major funder for the Cult's ritual events.
=> Add a Smuggler faction; transform the Strange Forest from a landmark into a resource
-[X] Star Dust Guild: A guild founded by the Cult to operate and control the supply of Star Dust trees. The barks of the trees shine like star dust hence the name and when burned multicolored sparks would be seen as visions from the divine. When made into a tea it turns silvery and was said to heal and relieve aiments of the sick. Though originally it was envisioned to only produce a small profit the chaos that happened forced the faction who prefer a stronger cult not ridden by factionalism so operations were made to sell it in foreign markets and their fellow people. But with the Convocation's obstruction the guild had to use alternate measures that would be turned on a blind eye when a priest of their faction is with them.
@hessan_yongdi are we still rolling? If so.
ALanos threw 3 6-faced dice. Total: 9
3 3 1 1 5 5