The Urban Journey: An “Ex Novo” City-building Quest

Development Turn #1 - Results
Thank you all for your responses! Our historians have recently discovered this clay tablet in the Archives, dated to the early days of the city.

To: Aqdenqum 17th Head of the Etchers Guild
From: Galolnek, Journeyman Scribe

Dear Great Nerthad (chief),

I have questioned the fishermen to find out more about those "Raanel" you tasked me to investigate. Despite the fears of several of our Masters, these king-fishers are a simple people, few in number. The fishermen reported only a few interactions, all of them peaceful. They also revealed to me that several Raanel have moved in with the Exiles in the hills, butI have no reason to believe they will be any asset to them. They do not seem to have any strong allegiance to the Exiles and would not be useful to them in any instances of violence. They seem to be distantly related to the former residents of our ruins based on appearances. However, they have not mentioned having any strong connection to them.

I found the fishermen's rumors about the dreaded Flock of Qumol far more concerning. Not only have they managed to survive, but they have taken over a major city on the coast east of Cradle's Rest! Several merchants claim that they are buying as much lumber, rope, and canvas they can get their grubby hands on. Even old merchant ships and large fishing vessels are being bought for much more than their normal prices. More than one merchant in our harbor is seeking to hire guards to defend their ships from increases of pirate activity. No one knows if there are villains taking advantage of the Flock's bounty or if the Flock is involved in piracy. Our operations in the ruins may be harmed by the increase in rope and lumber prices.

Your humble servant,
Journeyman Galolnek

Here is our new map! Not much has changed, but we have a new card for the Flock of Qumol in the corner
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Development Turn #2 - Vote
626 - The Sky Falls
Something falls out of the sky. A comet, meteorite, or just a satellite? What does it crash into? What do people believe?
=> Add or remove something

Well, this one is an interesting result! Remember that our current technological level is around the early medieval and our understanding of the heavens is heavily tied to religious beliefs, so this will effect our ability to utilize certian resources or how we might react culturally to this event.

[ ] Some large strange device slammed onto the ground! While parts of it appear to be melted, large parts of it are intact and scattered in a field north of the city.
Resource added: Mineral field
-[ ] Our people don't know that this is an artificial satellite, spaceship, or space station made by a long-distant people. What was it originally used for? (This may influence the resources that can be harvested from it and future related story events.)

[ ] A fireball streaked from the heavens today. It devastated the ruins, pulverizing many of the remaining buildings into dust and flooding much of what remained with lakewater. However, the mouth of a cave has been exposed underneath the old city, made obvious by a new flow of water from the lake. No one has been able to explore these caves yet because of the heat and water, but crystals are visible from the surface.
Resource removed: Ruins; Landmark Added: Caves (This will unlock future resources, city district types, and story opportunities going forward!)

[ ] A comet that has regularly appeared in the sky has returned to earth! While no one has been harmed, a great cleft has been carved into the peninsula south of our city.
Landmark Added: Crater
-[ ] How did our people react to this event?

I do not think there is anything keeping our city from expanding, so I will add a new citizen to an empty district neighboring our current one, though where will depend on which event is picked. When you vote, please go ahead and add a 3d6 to your post! Right now we have rolls up to round 5, so we will need a bunch more!
[X] Some large strange device slammed onto the ground! While parts of it appear to be melted, large parts of it are intact and scattered in a field north of the city.
-[X] In reality this was a space probe, built to scan and return information to its home system, it has travelled great distances to reach our system, having traveled too far and/or too long to continue its mission from its home. It was caught in our atmosphere and crashed into our lands.
--[X] Our people look upon its wake with awe, scavenging it for metals and resources that only the gods have. We disagree exactly who sent this arrow, but most agree it is a gift to us, one that fills us with hope but reminds us to be wary of their wrath. Some have taken to calling the Mineral Field "Fletcher's Field" a belief that the arrowheads made of the god's arrow will make their weapons fly true, and pierce deeper than anything made by mortal hands.

Since we're so early I'm apprehensive of losing the Ruins, even if we get a cave system out of it, I feel we lose opportunities if we destroy it already. Leaving me with gaining a crater and a mineral field, since we're already on a crater, I lean towards the mineral field the only concerning bit to me is it being a space structure, I don't really want to push for alien interaction so a simple deep-space probe from a long-dead species seems reasonable enough to me. It makes a ton of sense to me that the people would think this belonged to the gods, that is was a message, and that some sort of ritual would begin associated with it. I feel them relating it to something they understand, arrows, makes sense, and creates a fun theming to build off of. Maybe something great will come of it or maybe it will die out when we use up all of this probe's resources but should be interesting regardless.
ComiTurtle threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Another Banked Event Total: 9
5 5 3 3 1 1
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this is basically what i would have come up with, so i'll second it

[X] Some large strange device slammed onto the ground! While parts of it appear to be melted, large parts of it are intact and scattered in a field north of the city.
-[X] In reality this was a space probe, built to scan and return information to its home system, it has travelled great distances to reach our system, having traveled too far and/or too long to continue its mission from its home. It was caught in our atmosphere and crashed into our lands.
--[X] Our people look upon its wake with awe, scavenging it for metals and resources that only the gods have. We disagree exactly who sent this arrow, but most agree it is a gift to us, one that fills us with hope but reminds us to be wary of their wrath. Some have taken to calling the Mineral Field "Fletcher's Field" a belief that the arrowheads made of the god's arrow will make their weapons fly true, and pierce deeper than anything made by mortal hands.
Solarstream threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: rollin Total: 16
6 6 4 4 6 6
[X] Some large strange device slammed onto the ground! While parts of it appear to be melted, large parts of it are intact and scattered in a field north of the city.
-[X] In reality this was a space probe, built to scan and return information to its home system, it has travelled great distances to reach our system, having traveled too far and/or too long to continue its mission from its home. It was caught in our atmosphere and crashed into our lands.
--[X] Our people look upon its wake with awe, scavenging it for metals and resources that only the gods have. We disagree exactly who sent this arrow, but most agree it is a gift to us, one that fills us with hope but reminds us to be wary of their wrath. Some have taken to calling the Mineral Field "Fletcher's Field" a belief that the arrowheads made of the god's arrow will make their weapons fly true, and pierce deeper than anything made by mortal hands.
ALanos threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Mpre Develppment Total: 9
4 4 2 2 3 3
This seems neat.

[X] Some large strange device slammed onto the ground! While parts of it appear to be melted, large parts of it are intact and scattered in a field north of the city.
-[X] Originally it was a automated spaceship utilized by some distant species wanting to explore the varied worlds within the galaxy. But always too late to truly see the worlds their explorers find. Cursed to never find and see what they most dearly wish to find and meet. Now their creators are gone, but the explorers keep to their adventures. Following the dreams of their creators to explore and see the worlds within the galaxy.

Couldn't think of what the people would consider it to be beyond possibly considering its core as a relic/treasure or something.
Tempest Warden threw 3 6-faced dice. Total: 12
2 2 5 5 5 5
[X] Some large strange device slammed onto the ground! While parts of it appear to be melted, large parts of it are intact and scattered in a field north of the city.
-[X] In reality this was a space probe, built to scan and return information to its home system, it has travelled great distances to reach our system, having traveled too far and/or too long to continue its mission from its home. It was caught in our atmosphere and crashed into our lands.
--[X] Our people look upon its wake with awe, scavenging it for metals and resources that only the gods have. We disagree exactly who sent this arrow, but most agree it is a gift to us, one that fills us with hope but reminds us to be wary of their wrath. Some have taken to calling the Mineral Field "Fletcher's Field" a belief that the arrowheads made of the god's arrow will make their weapons fly true, and pierce deeper than anything made
MurderChicken threw 3 6-faced dice. Total: 13
3 3 6 6 4 4
[X] Some large strange device slammed onto the ground! While parts of it appear to be melted, large parts of it are intact and scattered in a field north of the city.
-[X] In reality this was a space probe, built to scan and return information to its home system, it has travelled great distances to reach our system, having traveled too far and/or too long to continue its mission from its home. It was caught in our atmosphere and crashed into our lands.
--[X] Our people look upon its wake with awe, scavenging it for metals and resources that only the gods have. We disagree exactly who sent this arrow, but most agree it is a gift to us, one that fills us with hope but reminds us to be wary of their wrath. Some have taken to calling the Mineral Field "Fletcher's Field" a belief that the arrowheads made of the god's arrow will make their weapons fly true, and pierce deeper than anything made by mortal hands.
At the moment, I intend on these giant mushroom "trees" to be a potential food source for the Bolthad. On the map they are represented by the green, lumpy things since I have not decided on what they should look like. Any artists among the questers?

I decided to make a quick rough sketch of what these giant fungi might possibly look like if your willing to accept my small concept.
My day is officially ruined.

I'll try this again later, and just when I thought I finally cracked image inserting...

I am sorry! That is why I started using the "Insert media" option in the drop-down menu combined with Google Drive in order to post the maps. It is less than ideal, but easier than having to fight with the "Insert image" function.
[X] Some large strange device slammed onto the ground! While parts of it appear to be melted, large parts of it are intact and scattered in a field north of the city.
-[X] Originally it was a automated spaceship utilized by some distant species wanting to explore the varied worlds within the galaxy. But always too late to truly see the worlds their explorers find. Cursed to never find and see what they most dearly wish to find and meet. Now their creators are gone, but the explorers keep to their adventures. Following the dreams of their creators to explore and see the worlds within the galaxy.
Development Turn #2 - Results
Thanks all again for your input! This time we have an entry from the Annals of Olpan's Cradle.

(Please note: I have changed the transliteration of the name of the Raael to Ra'a-el to better fit its pronunciation. In their own language, they refer to themselves as Chashof. Also, I have used the pronoun "Xe/Xem" because the Ra'a-el do not use gendered pronouns and some Nerlekthad of our city have respected that by adopting a new non-gendered pronoun for them. Previously, the Nerlekthad used three pronouns for their own three traditional gender roles. [he/she/they])

3rd​ week of Molkak, year 4 of the 17th​ cycle of Qar.
Entries written by Acolyte Therrala

2nd​ day​
The light appeared shortly after dusk. A great flaming arrow streaked across the sky from the east. It hit the ground with a loud thundering and shaking of the earth. Great chaos followed, with all having their own plans on what to do. Still others prophesied the end of everything in their panic.​
Olpan's Chosen prevailed over the crowd. This was not a sign of eminent doom. None will be sent to investigate until light. Instead, the town will be secured against further shaking. A number have been injured by falling stone and small fires. They have been brought to the shrine for help.

3rd​ day​
Morning greeted by mourning. Three died in the night from their injuries. Two more were found by mid-day. They were crushed as their hut caved in on the edge of the town. Mar (parent) Seleta assures me that it could have been much worse.​
Smoke could be seen in the sky from where the arrow fell. The investigation party found quick-moving wildfires blocking their way. The dryness of the season has left the brush and grasses ripe for burning. The Council has organized teams to make firebreaks on the edge of our fields to keep the fire away from town.​
Kechfok of the Ra'a-el said xe had seen from high a series of craters and gouges and holes in the ground. The smoke was too intense for xem to move closer. The wildfires reach out in all directions for the moment.

5th​ day​
Smoke has spread wider in the sky, but the fire has spread distant from the town and site of the arrow's fall. An investigative party was able to approach. Mar of the Cult who saw the site spoke of a great gouge cut into the face of the earth. Hot metal pieces, the end of a greater whole, protruded from where the arrow had buried itself into the dirt. Around it was smaller pieces of various metals scattered throughout the meadow in their own holes.​
A small piece of the heaven-sent was brought back to our shrine. It looks like multiple metals fused together into one piece. Several impossibly thin pipes and wires protrude from one side of it. It is not rock, like other arrows mentioned in our records. Olpan's Chosen hopes that digging up the full arrow will explain what this messenger is.​

I am still working on the map, but Fletcher's Field will be added to it north of the current settlement. Figuring out how to use the resources and what all can be found there will take time, but it will still count as a resource on the map. When it is finished, I will add it to the next post I make for the Turn 3 vote. We have a snow day from school today, so having the munchkins around and bored will slow down my tempo for a bit. 🥶
Development Turn #3 - Vote
Apologies everyone! I am afraid I am still not done with fixing the map with the changes I wanted to make. One snow day turned into to two and now I have to get some things ready for the holidays. However, I did not want to leave you all waiting on me just because of the map, so let's go ahead and start the next turn.

Development Turn #3 - 634
New Land Created
A hill is flattened, mountains are terraced, or new lands are made. What does the city do with this new space?
=> Add or Remove a terrain feature

[ ] Volcanic activity has created a new island off the coast. Some are concerned that the Ra'a-el colony on the islands may have been affected by the activity further down the island chain. Will that make trouble for us?
Terrain added: Volcano on a New Island

[ ] The impact of the object on Fletcher's Field or potential volcanic activity nearby has triggered several small earthquakes. As a result, the old crater edge that holds back the lake has weakened. A second waterfall opened up, draining the southern third of the lake over the several years. While this means less fresh water for the city to use, it exposes a cave entrance. What world awaits under our feet?
Terrain changed: The Lake Gets Smaller ; Terrains added: Second Waterfall, Caves

[ ] The wildfires triggered by the impact of the Arrow at Fletcher's Field burned away much of the grasslands north of the city. In their place, a strange forest has begun to grow. This is not like the forests you are familiar with or the roqumpan that grow along the rocky fields to the south. What makes these forests so alien? How do our people respond to this unusual development?
Terrain added: Strange Forest

Each of these choices create unique future resources and story opportunities but can also be a future source of danger. Choose wisely. 😈

PS: Remember to add your 3d6 rolls! We have a list of rolls up to turn 10, so we need at least 15 more to make it to the oldest level of city the game is designed to make.
[X] The impact of the object on Fletcher's Field or potential volcanic activity nearby has triggered several small earthquakes. As a result, the old crater edge that holds back the lake has weakened. A second waterfall opened up, draining the southern third of the lake over the several years. While this means less fresh water for the city to use, it exposes a cave entrance. What world awaits under our feet?
Terrain changed: The Lake Gets Smaller ; Terrains added: Second Waterfall, Caves

It feels like the one that would cause the least amount of damage, a forest of what I presume to be alien flora could be later on considered to be an invasive and catastrophic factor, and volcanoes just doesn't equal good to me.
MurderChicken threw 3 6-faced dice. Total: 12
5 5 5 5 2 2
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[X] The impact of the object on Fletcher's Field or potential volcanic activity nearby has triggered several small earthquakes. As a result, the old crater edge that holds back the lake has weakened. A second waterfall opened up, draining the southern third of the lake over the several years. While this means less fresh water for the city to use, it exposes a cave entrance. What world awaits under our feet?
Terrain changed: The Lake Gets Smaller ; Terrains added: Second Waterfall, Caves
ALanos threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Development Total: 10
6 6 3 3 1 1
[X] The impact of the object on Fletcher's Field or potential volcanic activity nearby has triggered several small earthquakes. As a result, the old crater edge that holds back the lake has weakened. A second waterfall opened up, draining the southern third of the lake over the several years. While this means less fresh water for the city to use, it exposes a cave entrance. What world awaits under our feet?
Terrain changed: The Lake Gets Smaller ; Terrains added: Second Waterfall, Caves

perhaps there is already an extensive cave system filled with strange and wonderful animals that has been beneath our feet the whole time, and we will only now be able to access it due to sheer happenstance. presumably there will also be a wide variety of mineral and metal deposits, influencing technology, art, and myth.
Solarstream threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: rollin Total: 12
5 5 3 3 4 4
[X] The wildfires triggered by the impact of the Arrow at Fletcher's Field burned away much of the grasslands north of the city. In their place, a strange forest has begun to grow. This is not like the forests you are familiar with or the roqumpan that grow along the rocky fields to the south. What makes these forests so alien? How do our people respond to this unusual development?
Terrain added: Strange Forest
[X] The wildfires triggered by the impact of the Arrow at Fletcher's Field burned away much of the grasslands north of the city. In their place, a strange forest has begun to grow. This is not like the forests you are familiar with or the roqumpan that grow along the rocky fields to the south. What makes these forests so alien? How do our people respond to this unusual development?
Terrain added: Strange Forest
Twiggierjet threw 3 6-faced dice. Total: 9
4 4 1 1 4 4
[X] The wildfires triggered by the impact of the Arrow at Fletcher's Field burned away much of the grasslands north of the city. In their place, a strange forest has begun to grow. This is not like the forests you are familiar with or the roqumpan that grow along the rocky fields to the south. What makes these forests so alien? How do our people respond to this unusual development?

Not exactly sure what I think should be wrong with the forest but its the most interesting to me currently. Perhaps the trees hum? Perhaps the trees grow strangely, a sort of mangrove root system could be interesting, especially since its not on the water. Perhaps the tree's bare strange fruit? Perhaps they don't have bark a strange more rubber/leather substance coats the plants that spout here? I'm kinda partial to the mangrove roots idea, would grant a nice sort of symbolism on the map at least.

For the how do we respond not really sure there either... but that one I'm more... unable to really answer.
ComiTurtle threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Events Galore Total: 8
3 3 1 1 4 4
I'm unsure for this one though with the strange forst I ended up being reminded of something along the lines of combinging the mangrove tree and how their root system are along with a weeping cheery tree. Possibly also through in luminescence and possibility to produce sugar as well?
...Actually I think that settles it for me.

[X] The wildfires triggered by the impact of the Arrow at Fletcher's Field burned away much of the grasslands north of the city. In their place, a strange forest has begun to grow. This is not like the forests you are familiar with or the roqumpan that grow along the rocky fields to the south. What makes these forests so alien? How do our people respond to this unusual development?
-[X] The alien forest has its roots above ground in such a way that it could seem like a maze, towering far into the sky are the barks and finishing it off it seemed like they all drooped. Almost as if the entire forest was weeping. Though at night when the sky is clear the petals when their in bloom seem to emit a soft silver-blue glow. There have been a few people who have taken to refer to it as the Weeping Moon Grove. There have even been a few individuals who seem to believe there's some mystery hidden deep inside the forest.

Considered adding a few more attempting to harvest some sweet substence from the trees. But I think this might be enough. Already mentioned the trees its basically fused with with the possibility of throwing Maple into the mix as well.
Tempest Warden threw 3 6-faced dice. Total: 13
3 3 4 4 6 6
Hmm, I may have misinterpreted what the forest choice meant.

[X] The wildfires triggered by the impact of the Arrow at Fletcher's Field burned away much of the grasslands north of the city. In their place, a strange forest has begun to grow. This is not like the forests you are familiar with or the roqumpan that grow along the rocky fields to the south. What makes these forests so alien? How do our people respond to this unusual development?
MurderChicken threw 3 6-faced dice. Total: 13
2 2 5 5 6 6