The Thunder of Coins - [Warbirds-system OOC]

Dawson is untrained in Stealth too.

The main question I have about going in loud, as Vagabond pointed out, is if the baddies have a chance to detonate the explosives. That's a lot of boom, and my guess is they would realize staying in the hangar would be suicide. Are they be willing to do that? Plus the longer the Wing waits, the more likely the baddies will finish up and be able to escape before detonation.

I will add that Dawson's new rifle has the range if not the punch of a DOP battle rifle. That could help us take high-value targets at range.

Maybe have Al use the rifle? That could help her stay back a bit given that she is injured. Then again Al isn't the type to stay back! And that we may want to stick close to one another. A lot of hostiles out there.

The walkway riflemen are the ones that worry me. They have height and line-of-sight advantages. They will be taking pop shots from above the Wing's cover.

Wing 3 has this in the bag. ;)
Quick update after chatting with our illustrious GM:

We are peeking around the SE (lower back left) corner currently. The airstrip is on the north (upper) side and connects both hangars while running E-W.

The other hangar with the local scout planes is to the left of this hangar with an unknown number of rebels.

There is a MG nest further down (650 ft. / 200 m) the runway on one of the side trails. Bit of a run currently and very exposed, but might be useful later to potentially engage the scout planes (kill one in the hangar door, the others can't leave).

There are some vehicles around to move the warbirds, but I'm guessing that'd be rather noticeable if we hotwired them.

Current resources:
Mavis: Silenced Pistol (+2 Lead), Lever-Action Carbine (+3 Lead), Knife (+1 Lead), DOP Medic Bag
Dawson: x2 Pistols (+2 Lead), Antique Bolt Action Rifle (+2 Lead), Knife (+1 Lead)
Al: Pistol (+2 Lead), Shotgun (+2 Lead [Birdshot], +4 Lead [Slug, -1 Accuracy]), Knife (+1 Lead), Brass Knuckles (+1 Lead)

I'll toss some plans out when I get a chance.

Okay, took some time and I think this is our best option:

Al and Dawson stay at SE corner, take aim (+1 Accuracy) and optionally go prone (+1 Accuracy) and take the multiple action action for two shots (-2 accuracy)
Dawson Targets w/ pistols: walkway soldiers? leader?
Al Targets w/ shotgun: walkway soldiers? leader?

Mavis moves to the NE Corner, does the same, signals to Al & Dawson (using her lighter/penlight from med kit) to start shooting. Mavis delays to shoot after with her silenced pistol (hopefully hiding her kills)
Mavis would target #3 & #10 on the walkways w/ silenced pistol.

Of the targets, the catwalk riflemen and the rebel soldier are priority because the others trying to go after our planes have their hands full. We'll probably have to spend reserve to get through this without significant injury.

If we do succeed, we should probably beeline to the MG pit to disable the first scout plane out of the hangar (or the rebels who come looking after we start blasting).

I'll leave the plan for Al to give out, seeing as she's our fearless leader.
I second this plan.

#4 would be a prime target for Al. If the walkway is a grate, her shotgun may well blast right up through it.

That would leave #9 for Dawson. Neutralizing the leader and the walkway riflemen would greatly improve our odds.

I also agree with the MG pit. The scout planes and the other rebels will be a big problem otherwise.

But first things first.
Sorry about only writing this now, but could I have a Mind + Awareness roll from everyone?

Then an attack roll with a +2 if you rolled higher than 7 in the first roll - with your chosen target.

And then we need Initative ^^ to bundle up the entry of the Wonder Wing
🎶 turns on backing track🎶

All Sneaky Beaky like: d6 (6) + Mind (+0) + Awareness (+2) = 8

Pew Pew @ #3: 1d6 (3) + Body (+2) + Shooting (+2) + Prone Fire (+1) + Aimed (+1) - 2 Action Penalty (-2) + 1 (Reserve) = 8
• Using Luck Reroll & 1 Reserve​
Pew Pew @ #10: 1d6 (4) + Body (+2) + Shooting (+2) + Prone Fire (+1) + Aimed (+1) - 2 Action Penalty (-2) = 8
Silenced Pistol: Lead +2 Damage

THERE WAS A FIREFIGHT! (Initiative): d6 (5) + Mind (+0) + Awareness (+2) = 7
• Delaying to Act after Dawson & Al (or if they get spotted).​
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Moving into Position Total: 6
6 6
Semi-Autogyro threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Sneak Attack! Total: 5
2 2 3 3
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Sneak Attack! The Sequel! Total: 4
4 4
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Initiative, Ho! Total: 5
5 5
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Alrighty, first off, Mind + Awareness.

d6 (3) + Mind (+2) + Awareness (+3) = 8. Huzzah!

Target: Garrison Sergeant (#?)

Shot #1: 1d6 (2) + Body (+2) + Shooting (+2) + Prone Fire (+1) + Aimed (+1) + 2 Action Penalty (-2) + Reserve (+2) = 8.
Pistol: Lead +2 Damage

Target: Walkway Rifleman (#9)

Shot #2: 1d6 (6) + Body (+2) + Shooting (+2) + Prone Fire (+1) + Aimed (+1) + 2 Action Penalty (-2) = 10. Okay, okay.
Pistol: Lead +2 Damage

And initiative. I copied down my roll from Friday. Would you like me to reroll?

Opening a Six Pack (Initiative): d6 (4) + Mind (+2) + Awareness (+3) = 9. Ah yeah.

Health: Uninjured.
Reserve: 3/5
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Mind + Awareness Total: 3
3 3
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Shot #1 Total: 2
2 2
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Shot #2 Total: 6
6 6
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d6 (2) + Mind (+1) + Awareness (+2) + Reserve (2) = 7

Target: Catwalk Rifleman (#4)

Shot #1: 1d6 (3) + Body (+3) + Shooting (+3) + Prone Fire (+1) + Aimed (+1) + 2 Action Penalty (-2) = 9
Shotgun (Buckshot): Lead +2 Damage

Target: Walkway Rifleman (#9)

Shot #2: 1d6 (4) + Body (+3) + Shooting (+3) + Prone Fire (+1) + Aimed (+1) + 2 Action Penalty (-2) = 10
Shotgun (Buckshot): Lead +2 Damage

Initiative: d6 (3) + Mind (+1) + Awareness (+2) = 6
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Awareness Total: 2
2 2
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Shot #1 Total: 3
3 3
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Shot #2 Total: 4
4 4
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Initiative Total: 3
3 3
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Okay, looking at the map after confirming some things with Simpli:
  • The six remaining enemies are all hunkering down/returning fire from their positions and have not moved.
  • We all should have our characters keep an eye the hanger to the west (W) in the off chance they heard this ruckus and investigate. I'm hopeful it's so loud in there they didn't hear squat.
  • Mavis was not detected and has LOS from the northeast (NE) hangar corner.
  • Al & Dawson are taking fire and have LOS from the southeast (SE) hangar corner.
Now, some thoughts on the enemies:
  • #1 & #2 by the Shroud (Dawson's Warbird): #2 is on top of the Shroud and is probably wishing he had some cover. No issue target for any of the Unluckies, but probably the one in the best position to spot Mavis. #1 is the most occluded target in the hangar due to having partial cover from all our characters and should probably be saved for last.
  • #5 by the Knockout (Al's Warbird): Both Al & Dawson have clear shots on them, but Mavis does not (full cover).
  • #6 by the Miss Fortune (Mavis' Warbird): Has Partial cover from all of us, but going after her might break their morale due to her being the first one to rally and shoot back.
  • #7 & #8 by the Ordnance dump: These risky shots for Al & Dawson due to being a pile of bombs/explosives as a backstop and being in partial cover from the Miss Fortune. If you do shoot at them, I'd say don't try and double action shot's because missing would be...messy. Mavis does have flanking and clear line of sight to them, so they're a good choice for her to target.
Suggested actions:
  • Dawson: Single/Double attack on #2/#5.
  • Al: Either pick up the remaining spare above if Dawson elects to take the single shot OR charge in and single attack on #6 with a slug shot at point blank range.
  • Mavis: Double attack on #7 & #8
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Target: #5 (at Knockout)

Shot #1: 1d6 (4) + Body (+2) + Shooting (+2) + Prone Fire (+1) + 2 Action Penalty (-2) = 7. Yes, yes.
Pistol: Lead +2 Damage

Target: #2 (atop Shroud)

Shot #2: 1d6 (2) + Body (+2) + Shooting (+2) + Prone Fire (+1) + 2 Action Penalty (-2) = 5. Not bad!
Pistol: Lead +2 Damage
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Shot #1 Total: 4
4 4
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Shot #2 Total: 2
2 2
Huh, Must of been the wind...

Suppressed Shot #1 on #7: 1d6 (5) + Body (+2) + Shooting (+2) + Prone Fire (+1) + Tactical Advantage [Unseen/Unheard] (+1) - 2 Action Penalty (-2) = 9

Suppressed Shot #2 on #8: 1d6 (3) + Body (+2) + Shooting (+2) + Prone Fire (+1) + Tactical Advantage [Unseen/Unheard] (+1) - 2 Action Penalty (-2) = 7

Silenced Pistol: Lead +2 Damage
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Shot 1 Total: 5
5 5
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Shot 2 Total: 3
3 3
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Target: Baddie #6

Shot : 1d6 (5) + Body (+3) + Shooting (+3) + Prone Fire (+1) = 12 (bye bye)
Shotgun (Buckshot): Lead +2 Damage
Vagabond422 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Bang Bang Total: 5
5 5
Scouting the other hangar (Perception): d6 (1) + Mind (+2) + Awareness (+3) = 6. I can't see nothing, boss!

Yup, think this is a good time to volunteer for a Critical Failure. Assuming I missed the difficulty by a margin of three! :lol:
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Perception Total: 1
1 1
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Songbird making a stool pigeon cry: d6 (3) + Spirit (+3) + Interrogation (+1) + Advantage [They're all DEAD!] (+1) + Reserve (+1) = 9

"You must choose. But choose wisely." - Grail Knight, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Current Reserve Points: 4/6
Luck Re-Rolls: 0/1
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: CAKE OR DEATH?! Total: 3
3 3
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And I was waiting for you to reply, Simpli. :lol:

I understand being busy. Congratulations on nice things in the evening! Have to enjoy yourself when you can.

I will get to posting.
Thank you~ I thought it was clear but then thought maybe not...

Had the summer festival, visited a theatre play, todays the city festival and tomorrow a boardgame evening~
Welp, here's time for Semis' tactics corner again.

I'm not liking the exposure of trying to run out and either jump on the MG nest or re-use one of the mining charges in our hangers to take out the scout planes. Not with the numbers quoted by the rebel.

So, new plan! That should be fun for the sheer irony of using one of their guns against them.

Mavis: Stays and treats the wounded rebel.
Dawson: Uses the rifle they got from the road ambush to snipe the pilot on the runway. These are scout biplanes. Don't even have full cockpits. With prone and aimed, should have a good chance to hit.
Al: Aid's another on Dawson, giving him another +1 to his shot. Also keeps an eye out in case someone gets nosy, plus can add reserve to boost the chances even more if necessary.

With any luck, Dawson can eliminate the plane and block the runway from anybody else taking off. Other shots can follow.
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Best or Worst Aid?: d6 (3) + Mind (+0) + Medicine (+2) + Reserve (+1) = 6

Current Reserve Points: 3/6
Luck Re-Rolls: 0/1
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Gonna need a bigger bandaid Total: 3
3 3
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Turnabout is fair play (Shooting at biplane pilot): 1d6 (6) + Body (+2) + Shooting (+2) + Prone Fire (+1) + Al's Aid (+1) + Aiming (+1) = 13. Gggoooaaaaalllll!
Lead +2

Other modifiers could be Darkness (-2, if dark enough), and Surprise (+2, if Body + Stealth roll vs a Mind + Awareness roll).
Dariusprime threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Shooting Total: 6
6 6