Foods done, nothing left but Work for me to do so I AM NOW SHUTTING DOWN THE APPLICATION PROCESS.
have a good day
Well, that will teach me for taking a break to eat dinner. : /
Whatever, I might as well post the stuff I wrote up anyway.
1. The Ghost Academy (de jure led by Director Kevin Bick; de facto...well, it's complicated.)
Location: classified
Flagship: N/A
Formerly known as the Confederate Ghost Academy, then as the Dominion Ghost Academy, and now simply as..."the Academy."
The Academy is a curious, secretive institution that played a cautious, cagey game with the Confederacy and the Dominion. Even after the takeover of Mengsk and the Sons of Korhal, the Academy managed to preserve its de facto independence via simply continuing to provide Ghosts to the new leadership and many layers of secrecy and deliberate misinformation. Now it intends to adapt and survive yet again.
The Academy has very few hard military assets compared to even a minor warlord, but what it does have is the ability to produce the psionic commando troopers known as Ghosts - only the Umojan Protectorate can boast to have similar capabilities. While the other warlords batter their heads against each other and compete for territory, the Academy aims to play its own game in the shadows.
2. Sigma Squadron (UED remnant, led by Commander Margaret Rowland)
Location: Braxis
Hercules-class battlecruiser
Rowland mutinied. Rowland fled. Rowland ran from the UED fleet while it desperately tried to make it back to Earth and was torn apart by Kerrigan's zerg forces.
And because of this, Rowland - and her forces - survived.
Now she simply has to deal with being trapped in an alien sector of the galaxy, surrounded by hostiles, unable to ever return home again. Not to mention the shell-shock among her subordinates from watching the UED expeditionary force go from successfully taking over most of the Koprulu Sector overnight, then running into a wall, then being torn to pieces just as quickly. The sheer bleakness of the ice world Braxis - a location chosen on the grounds that no one else would contest it - is not helping matters.
Commander Margaret Rowland and her forces have survived by the skin of their teeth. But she could really use a bottle of Earthborne wine that she will never again be able to have.
3. Moloch Mining Corporation (Leader & Location TBD)
Flagship: Leviathan-class battlecruiser
Supply-Demand Curve
For many people, the troubles plaguing the Koprulu Sector are mix of heartrending and terrifying. The complete collapse of central authority, the the Dominion-Confederacy turning inwards upon itself like rabid dogs, the constant fear of having warlords raid your planet and stealing the things you need to survive. Having to kow-tow to warlords, madmen, and two-bit thugs. All the while mysterious aliens and invasion forces alternately conquered, razed, devoured, and glassed entire worlds. For many this is hell, come to swallow them all.
For Kel-Morian aligned companies such as the Moloch Mining Corporation, it is nothing less than paradise. The complete freedom to do as they wish, the Dominion a shadow of its former self and no longer able to stand in their way. Just the corporation and all the space to carve out their will across the Koprulu Sector.
And profit. Lots and lots of profit.