Chapter Thirteen
There wasn't a 'border'. Saito had thought it strange that they had been walking for days to no end, but it was apparently common for borders to simply 'shift' around a bit.
"Sure, there are maps," Luise said when asked, "But it's not like there's enough money or will to build a very big and long wall around the nation now, is there? A border ends where the patrols finish, and starts again where they begin anew. That's why people living along the borders have it difficult and normally, there aren't many villages. Sometimes, they even have to pay double taxes."
"That's...kind of stupid?" Saito hazarded.
"Some years, they don't pay any taxes at all," Luise retorted with a small shrug of her shoulders. "It's like...look, there's a lot of land, and not that many people willing to count the steps before the border ends and the next country over starts. And even if you put up a stone wall or something, the country's big and you can just, you know, take a detour through the woods. Now, if you're a merchant that's another deal because you've got to take the main road or good luck getting your horses with your carriage to cross over the muddy fields, but if you're traveling light and by foot? Just pick a direction and go with it."
"So...why the adventurer tag?" Saito asked.
"Because 'being an adventurer' is better than 'being a nobody'. It gives you a bit of leeway with the border patrols if they decide to be cranky."
The sun was definitely warmer -if such a thing was possible- and the ground had stopped being a dull brown blotch, with sparse green blades of grass and patches of flowers blooming all around the dirt trail they were following.
They hadn't seen a living soul throughout the entire day.
"I miss the city," Saito said suddenly, after two more hours of absolute 'nature silence'.
"Why would you miss that noisy place?" Luise replied. "This is much better," she said with a snort. "Fresh air, nice breeze, and the sun over our heads. Sure, maybe for someone who never stepped out of his house it might feel daunting, but the lands of Tristain are quite beautiful, or so I was told."
"It's just-this silence feels kind of off," Saito said.
"Then let's talk," Luise huffed. "We can start with some religious psalms to pass the time-"
"Maybe something else?" Saito asked with a nervous chuckle.
"Heathen," Luise rolled her eyes. "Positively heathen."
Saito turned a thoughtful glance at the clouds rolling lazily by, and then spoke, "Well, once in Tristain, do we have any destination in mind?"
Luise nearly choked on her spit and coughed loudly, looking sideways. "O-Of course I do! We'll just the first church we find, and then go from there!"
"And where is the first church around these parts?" Saito asked.
Luise bristled. "We'll just ask at the first village."
"And where is the first village?" Saito asked once more, suddenly amused as his lips began to twitch upwards.
"Somewhere around these parts," Luise replied crossly.
"And where is 'around these'-"
"I have a wand and I am not afraid of using it," Luise said threateningly, wand raised. Saito chuckled lightly at that, and Luise joined in shortly after. "Fine, let's play a game," Luise mumbled. Her eyes flicked right and left for a brief moment. "I see with my eyes"
"The grass?" Saito replied, eliciting a pout from Luise as the girl crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Well, I see...something blue."
"The sky," Luise said with a deadpan tone. "Are you even trying, Saito?"
"It's not like there's much to describe around these parts!" Saito retorted. "Sky's blue, grass' green, there's a strange creature in the tall grass-"
"Define 'strange'," Luise said, blinking and narrowing her eyes against the sun's glare, trying to peer in the direction that Saito had pointed at.
"It's over there," Saito said with a lazy shrug. "Looks like a wolf to me, but it's got wings."
"If a wolf has wings then it's not a wolf," Luise hissed, dropping down and pulling Saito along with her. She caught her breath quickly, holding a hand to silence her dumb partner. Her eyes widened as the creature's head came up to reveal a gryphon with its massive eagle-like wings and powerful body. The creature had apparently decided to enjoy some fresh spring sun, and was rustling about the tall grass without a care in the world.
"How can you even think it's a wolf?" Luise hissed out curtly. "That's a Gryphon! A gryphon! They're one of the Holy Church of Brimir's most sacred animals and you just up and go call it a wolf! Your heresy is showing!"
"Excuse me," Saito hotly grumbled back, or he would have if Luise's hand hadn't been holding his mouth shut. As it was, he decided that a drastic measure was needed.
Luise's hair rose up in a spiky-like manner as she let go of Saito's mouth, choking down the shrill shriek of disgust as she hastily wiped her hand not-so delicately at all against Saito's back, much to the boy's chagrin. "You beast!" she hissed out, "You pervert-to lick a lady's hand like that!"
"I needed to breathe," Saito grumbled back. "So-what do we do now?"
"It didn't see us, that's for sure," Luise growled, delivering a threatening glare to Saito. "They eat meat, and devour sinners. I wouldn't be afraid of going near it, but with you by my side I fear for my purity as well as my life," she hurriedly hugged herself and shuddered. "But their feathers fetch a nice price."
"Wait, what?" Saito whispered, his head snapping in the direction of Luise's. "You can't be serious."
"Well, this is part of the plan, all right?" Luise said. "We just need a handful of feathers, even its dung is pretty costly-"
"And why would anyone pay for that thing's dung?!" Saito nearly choked in disgust as he asked the question, already dreading the answer.
"Because it's a holy beast, and it's good fertilizer."
Saito took a small amount of breath to steady himself, and then carefully peeked out from the tall grass Luise and him had hidden into to give one last look at the beast.
The creature's beak was an inch away from them, its large, eagle-like eyes staring deeply into Saito's own soul.
Luise's next words were not those of a refined nun-to-be, but those of an orphanage girl grown up among orphans.
Considering they were trying to steal the bird's shit...
It would have been ironic, if the creature's scream hadn't outright deafened Saito and took away his sense of humor together with his balance.